Teaching Resources
How to Get the Most Out of Studying
Stephen L. Chew
Samford University
The resources include:
1) Purpose of the Videos
2) Video Guide
3) How to Use These Videos
4) Outlines of the Videos
5) For Further Reading
6) Sample Concept Map of Levels of Processing
Purpose of the Videos
The purpose of these videos is to teach students the basic cognitive principles they need to understand
in order to become effective learners. The lack of adequate preparation of high school graduates for
college level work is of tremendous concern. In 2011, only 25% of high school seniors met all four ACT
College Readiness Benchmarks in math, science, English, and reading. That means a large percentage of
high school graduates are capable of college level work, but ill equipped to handle it. The success of
these students depends on their ability to transform themselves into effective college learners. The
video series is intended to help students accomplish that. The videos present a comprehensive,
empirically validated framework of principles on how people learn that enables students to develop
their own learning strategies and skills. There is really no other resource like it. The videos translate
cognitive theory and research into simple, accessible, and practical practices that students can use in
their study. The videos are broken down into brief modules, so that students can choose the ones that
are most relevant to their needs, and each module is designed to be clear and engaging.
Video Guide: How to Study Long and Hard and Still Fail…or How to Get the Most Out of Studying
The overall theme of the videos is if students use ineffective or inefficient ways of studying, they can
study long and hard and still fail; but if they use effective strategies, they will get the most learning out
of your study time and be more likely to succeed. Each video lasts 7-8 minutes.
Video 1: Beliefs That Make You Fail…Or Succeed
The first video examines common mistaken beliefs students often possess that undermine their
learning. The video tries to correct those misconceptions with accurate beliefs about learning.
Video 1:
Video 2: What Students Should Understand About How People Learn
The second video introduces a simple but powerful theory of memory, Levels of Processing, that can
help students improve their study.
Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O7y7XEC66M&feature=related
Video 3: Cognitive Principles for Optimizing Learning
The third video operationalizes the concept of level of processing into four principles that students can
use to develop effective study strategies.
Video 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xeHh5DnCIw&feature=related
Video 4: Putting the Principles for Optimizing Learning into Practice
The fourth video applies the principles of deep processing to common study situations, including note
taking and highlighting while reading.
Video 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9GrOxhYZdQ&feature=related
Video 5: I Blew the Exam, Now What?
This video addresses what students should and should not do when they earn a bad grade on an exam.
Video 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QVRiMkdRsU&feature=related
A playlist for the series of videos is found here:
A description of the presentation to freshmen upon which videos 1-4 is based can be found here:
How to Use these Videos
The videos were designed to be used in multiple ways and for multiple purposes. They are geared
toward the transition to college and they have been used in many freshman orientation programs and
introductory level courses where there is heavy freshman enrollment. They have also been used,
however, in high schools, especially for AP level courses, and for more advanced college students to help
them continue to improve their learning skills. Although the examples in the videos are drawn from
psychology, the videos have been used in a wide variety of disciplines, including English, physics,
geography, economics, and geography. Finally, a number of Teaching and Learning Centers are using
them to train faculty to develop effective teaching practices that takes advantage of how people learn.
The most common use of the videos is for students to view them on their own. Faculty typically have
placed the link on their syllabus or course management software. Students have also discovered them
on their own or been sent the link. Although this was certainly one of my intended uses of the videos, I
worry that the videos may be a bit densely packed with information for students to take in the key
information in one viewing. Ideally, students would view them all, and then review the relevant
individual videos when they face particular challenges or when they need reminding of certain concepts
and practices. My hope is that students can get more and different information out of the videos as they
view them for different classes and as they grow as learners. I’m a bit concerned that the viewing
pattern thus far. The first video is by far the most viewed and the number of viewers declines with each
successive video. I worry that students may be viewing one or two videos and assuming they have
already gotten all they need without viewing the whole series.
Teachers tell me that they have shown some or all of the videos in class for discussion. I think this is an
excellent way of using the videos. Teachers can help the students understand the information in the
videos and explain how it relates to their particular classes. I have also seen a webpage that students
can complete that has one of the videos and then a form to answer questions about the video and
reflect on it. I think this an excellent use of the videos. It can be done online or using paper and pencil,
and can be done as a class assignment, for extra credit, or just as an optional assignment.
I intended for the videos to be a resource for faculty when working with students, especially struggling
students. The teacher may recommend that a student view one or all of the videos. I think an even more
effective use of the videos would be if the instructor would suggest the student view the videos with a
goal of paying particular attention to certain concepts, and then having the student return to discuss
how the concepts can be used to help the student.
One other observation is relevant here. I’ve been surprised at how few questions I’ve gotten from
students (or faculty) about the information in the videos. There is a lot of important information about
learning that I had to leave out of the videos due to time constraints. I expected the videos to generate
questions, but thus far I’ve had only a handful e-mailed to me or posted on the comments. Perhaps the
video format inhibits questions or students are content with the information and suggestions in the
videos. I hope that when faculty discuss the videos with their students, good questions arise. If I can be
of help in answering any questions that come up, feel free to contact me ([email protected]
These are just my thoughts about how to use the videos. If you have other ideas or have feedback about
your experience with the videos, I welcome your comments.
Video Outlines: How to Get the Most Out of Studying
Video 1: Beliefs That Make You Fail…Or Succeed
I. We made these videos to help students to make the transition, but the information will be
helpful to people in most any learning situation.
a. I’m not peddling any quick fixes or magic products that will make you an “A” student
overnight and with little effort. Such things don’t exist
b. The bottom line is this: there are many ineffective and inefficient ways of studying. If
you use these kinds of strategies, you can study long and hard and still fail. But, if you
use effective strategies, you will get the most learning out of your study time and you
will be more likely to succeed.
II. In this first video, we examine your beliefs to see how accurate an understanding you have
about how people learn.
a. All students base their study behavior on their beliefs about how they best learn. Do I
need to go to class? Do I need to read the textbook? How much do I have to study
material before I’ve mastered it?
b. The more accurate your beliefs, the more effectively you will learn (and make better
grades). The more flawed your beliefs, the less effective your study (and the worse your
grades). Your beliefs can make you fail, or succeed.
III. Common misconceptions about learning that I call, “Beliefs That Make You Stupid”. These
beliefs undermine your learning.
a. Learning is fast
i. Most first year college students grossly underestimate the time required to
complete assignments or study materially effectively.
ii. Always plan in extra time for assignments and plan to finish reading material
enough in advance to allow for review
b. Knowledge is composed of isolated facts
i. Students often write out the definitions on note cards and memorize them as
isolated facts.
ii. The problem is that good teachers test for comprehension, the meaningful
relationships between the concept and other concepts.
c. Being good at a subject is a matter of inborn talent rather than hard work
i. Many students believe that people naturally good or bad at a subject, such as
writing, or math, or science, and there is nothing that can be done to change
ii. But, academic success is much more a matter of hard work than inborn talent
d. I’m really good at multi-tasking, especially during class or studying
i. The research evidence is overwhelming that we are bad at multi-tasking,
especially if one of the tasks takes a lot of effort and concentration, like
ii. If you want to be successful, reduce or eliminate distractions while studying.
IV. Metacognition refers to your awareness of how well you truly understand a concept.
a. Weaker students are grossly overconfident in how well they understand the material.
As a result, they don’t study as much as they really need to, they take the exam and they
believe they have done really well, and then they are stunned when they find out
they’ve done poorly.
b. The problem for college freshmen is that they spent years honing their sense of
metacognition for high school. Now they come to college and their metacognitive sense
is all wrong.
c. Having bad metacognition may indicate that you have poor study skills, and if that is the
case, then just studying more won’t help.
d. A key aspect of poor study skills is they increase confidence without increasing actual
understanding. They make you overconfident
Video 2: What Students Should Understand About How People Learn
(or, as the video title says, “Sudents”)
I. How accurate is your understanding is of how people learn? Pick the one that represents the
most important factor in successful learning. Only one is correct. Keep in mind that if you picked
wrong, chances are your study strategies and behaviors are less than optimal, ineffective, or
maybe even self-defeating.
1. The intention and desire to learn
2. Paying close attention to the material as you study
3. Learning in a way that matches your personal Learning Style
4. The time you spend studying
5. What you think about while studying
II. In order to find out the correct one, I want you to imagine you are in a classic psychology
experiment by Thomas Hyde and James Jenkins from 1969.
a. Hyde and Jenkins looked at the impact of two variables on learning. The first one is
whether or not you knew you are going have to recall the words after all of them were
presented. If you were in one of the two groups in the Intentional condition, you were
forewarned that you would have to recall the words after they were all presented. If you
were in one of the two groups in the Incidental condition, you weren’t forewarned
about the recall test
b. The other variable Hyde and Jenkins looked at was how participants rehearsed or
encoded words, what became known as level of processing. Two groups had to listen to
the words and check whether or not it had the letter “e” in the spelling. The other two
groups had to rate whether they found the word pleasant or not.
i. If you are checking for “E”s, then you are focusing on the spelling of the word,
which is called shallow level of processing.
ii. If you are rating its pleasantness, you are thinking about the meaning of the
words related to your own experience. That is called deep level processing.
iii. The two variables combine to give you four different groups. There was
a fifth group just told to memorize the words as best they could. So participants
were presented with 24 words, and each group carried out its instructions. Then
they were all asked to recall as many of the words from the list as possible.
c. Results
i. First, did the intent to learn matter? It did not. Knowing about the recall test
had no effect at all.
ii. You see the deep processing groups recalled a lot more than the shallow
processing groups.
1. Deep processing led to better recall whether a person intended to learn
or not. People who wanted to learn but used a shallow strategy, didn’t
2. People who processed words at a deep level, even if they weren’t trying
to learn, remembered them just as well as the control group who were
doing their best to learn. So, you can have every intention to learn, but
if you use a shallow strategy, you won’t learn.
III. Levels of processing says that memory is composed of a continuum of levels from shallow to
a. Shallow levels involve studying meaningless, superficial properties of what you are
trying to learn, like mindless re-reading or memorization.
b. The deepest levels of processing involve thinking about material meaningfully,
interpreting the information and relating it to your prior knowledge or experience, or
creating a mental image of the information.
c. Deeper processing leads to better recall.
d. Orienting tasks make people process information at a certain depth. In this case,
checking for E’s is a shallow orienting task, making people process words at a shallow
level. Rating a word’s pleasantness is a deep orienting task, causing people to process
deeply and thus learn the words.
IV. Now let’s return to the question of the single most important factor in successful learning.
a. We can rule out number 1, because we just saw that intention and desire to learn are
not important.
b. Number 2 is also not correct. In the study, both groups paid close attention to the words
to do their orienting task.
c. You hear a lot about learning styles. There is simply no good research evidence that
supports the validity of learning styles, so forget about them. Besides, if you plan to be
successful, you should become good at learning in multiple ways.
d. I did make a big deal about committing enough time to be successful. But time alone is
not sufficient for successful learning.
e. Number 5 is correct because it relates to depth of processing.
i. If you read a text without comprehension, or if you memorize definitions
without really understanding them, you are using shallow processing and you
will not learn.
ii. If you think about meaningful connections, you are using deep processing, and
you will learn whether you intend to or not.
V. Let’s summarize what we have learned in the first two videos.
a. Here are the factors that don’t help or hurt your academic success:
Motivation to learn
Amount of time studied with shallow processing
Memorization of isolated facts
Learning styles
Now I’m not saying that desire to learn, attention, or engagement are bad things, but deep processing is
the critical element.
b. Here are the factors that do contribute to your academic success:
Minimizing distractions; Maximizing focus
Developing accurate metacognition
Deep, appropriate processing of critical concepts
Video 3: Cognitive Principles for Optimizing Learning
I. Review
a. Effective studying is more than just a matter of having a desire to learn and devoting
sufficient time and effort. Students have to use effective learning strategies.
b. If they use ineffective strategies, they can study long and hard and still fail.
c. Developing effective study skills is not easy.
II. In this video, I explain the basic principles of how people learn best, and how you can apply
these principles to your study.
a. Levels of Processing framework, which views memory as a series of levels that vary in
i. At shallow levels, information is processed superficially, without meaning or
ii. At deep levels, information is represented by its meaning or by visual imagery.
iii. The deeper you process information; the better you will recall it.
b. Basic principles of achieving deep processing, and questions you can use to satisfy each
principle as you study.
i. Elaboration: How does this concept relate to other concepts? Elaboration
means making meaningful associations between the concept you are studying
and related concepts.
ii. Distinctiveness: How is this concept different from other concepts?
Distinctiveness means that you have to make clear contrasts between the
concept you are studying and other concepts.
iii. Personal: How can I relate this concept to my own personal experience?
Relating concepts to your personal experience helps increase meaningfulness,
elaboration and distinctiveness.
iv. Appropriate Retrieval and Application: How am I expected to use or apply this
concept? Practice recalling the information and using the information in the way
that your teacher expects you to be able to do.
1. Many textbooks have review questions in each chapter.
2. Textbook websites that offer review tests.
c. Effective study hits some or all of these elements.
i. Good students have multiple ways of studying depending on the teacher and
the subject, but all their study strategies are based on these elements.
ii. Effective and ineffective study strategies can look superficially similar, but lead
to very different results. If you just re-copy your notes to make them neater
without thinking about them, that is shallow processing and it is not an effective
strategy. If, however, you reorganize your notes to help you see connections
and relationships among concepts, then that is deep processing and it is an
effective strategy.
III. Automaticity
a. An automatic process is one that is so highly practiced that you can do it without any
conscious thought or effort.
b. Any task that is practiced enough can become automatic, including study skills.
c. When you get to college, your old study habits are automatic, which makes them very
hard to change.
i. Successful learning isn’t just a matter of developing more effective study skills; it
involves overcoming ineffective or counterproductive skills that are highly
practiced and automatic.
ii. Overcoming these bad study skills is an effortful, conscious process that usually
takes weeks if not months and it involves some experimentation, trial and error,
and some setbacks along the way.
d. Once you develop good study habits, they will become automatic and should serve you
well in any learning situation.
IV. Overlearning
a. when you study a subject beyond the point where you can recall it successfully; you
study it until you can recall it quickly and easily.
b. Overlearning information helps prevent forgetting and it makes recall fast and easy.
Video 4: Putting the Principles for Optimizing Learning into Practice
I. Some learning strategies that are based on these cognitive principles.
a. Think of study strategies as orienting tasks that make you to process information at a
certain level of processing.
i. Good study strategy makes you process information deeply.
ii. Bad study strategies make you process information at a shallow level.
II. Three research based strategies for achieving deep processing while reading.
a. Question generation. After you have read a chapter or reviewed a section of notes,
generate some questions over the material.
i. Try to make the questions as meaningful as possible. Here are some questions
you might generate based on the videos up to now.
ii. Some example questions based on these videos:
1. What is metacognition?
2. In the video, how did the teacher test for metacognition?
3. How does poor metacognition hurt academic success?
4. Why would metacognition that was good in high school be bad in college?
5. What are the critical differences between deep and shallow processing?
6. Name a task you already do where you automatically use deep processing.
iii. At first, generating questions will seem a bit awkward, especially the deeper
questions, but like anything, it will become more automatic with practice.
b. The second method is creating a concept map of the ideas you are studying. (A sample
concept map is included in the Teaching Resources)
i. A concept map is a diagram of nodes and links.
ii. The nodes are concepts or facts that are linked together.
iii. AT the end of this document is a concept map I constructed for levels of
processing, I drew this out by hand first, but you can do them by directly on a
iv. Concept maps take time and effort to do, but they don’t have to be neat and
perfect and the very act of creating them helps you process information deeply.
c. The third method is to practice retrieving and using the information in ways your
teacher expects you to be able to do.
i. Practice recalling the critical information without referring to your notes or
ii. Practice using the information in ways that the teacher is going to test you.
iii. After you have practiced recalling, you can check yourself to see how accurate
your recall was. This will allow you to identify the weaknesses in your
III. Note taking
a. Three functions.
i. First, it provides a summary of key points from the lecture that you will need to
understand and recall later.
ii. Second, you are creating a set of reminders for the information that you didn’t
iii. The third function is that note taking is an orienting task.
b. Taking notes engages you in the class, and how you take notes determines if you
process the information in a deep, meaningful way or in a superficial way.
i. if you think of note taking as simply recording as much of the lecture as possible
without thinking about meaning, then you are processing the lecture at a
shallow level and undermining your learning.
ii. It is tempting to look at note taking as simply writing down what the teachers
says without thinking about it, and that is especially true if you take notes on a
iii. The real danger of using a computer to take notes is the temptation to check e-
mail or browse the internet during class.
c. A few of other things
i. If you missed information during the lecture, get the information right away
from the teacher or classmates.
ii. Taking good notes is very effortful and usually requires your full concentration.
If you have trouble writing fast enough, then consider asking the professor if
you can record the lecture.
iii. Borrowing notes from another student is a poor substitute for missing a class.
iv. Notes are most helpful if you actively organize them, review them, and think
about them.
IV. Using deep processing when reading a textbook.
a. Highlighting can be seen as an orienting task.
i. Highlighting in a shallow way can actually hurt your learning.
ii. Highlighting for meaning can help your learning
Consider the following paragraph, which was modified from an old psychology textbook. How would you
highlight it? It is tempting to go right to the bolded terms and highlight them, as shown below. You’ve
skimmed over important information and you’ve set yourself up to memorize isolated facts, a terrible
study strategy.
Freud found that his patients were often unable to remember the disturbing events he believed
must have occurred; he therefore concluded that their memory for those events must be hidden
from their conscious awareness. Freud therefore developed the picture of the mind [as an
iceberg]. [T]he conscious contents of the mindwhat we are readily aware of are symbolized by
the tip of an iceberg jutting out of the water. Hidden “below” consciousness are the unconscious
contents of the mindwhat we are not aware of at any given momentsymbolized by the bulk of
the iceberg, submerged below water. The unconscious is further divided into the preconscious,
containing material that we can easily retrieve from our memory, and the unconscious, containing
material that is locked away and therefore not easy to retrieve.
To highlight for deep processing, read all the text, then be selective about what you highlight based on
its importance and how it relates to other information.
1. Highlight connections, key distinctions, and applications.
2. Don’t highlight complete passages;
3. Good highlighting requires multiple readings of the text and meaningful decisions.
4. It is slow and effortful and, to be effective, you must review your highlighting later.
Here is how I would highlight the Freud passage.
Freud found that his patients were often unable to remember the disturbing events he believed
must have occurred; he therefore concluded that their memory for those events must be hidden
from their conscious awareness. Freud therefore developed the picture of the mind [as an
iceberg]. [T]he conscious contents of the mindwhat we are readily aware ofare symbolized by
the tip of an iceberg jutting out of the water. Hidden “below” consciousness are the unconscious
contents of the mindwhat we are not aware of at any given momentsymbolized by the bulk of
the iceberg, submerged below water. The unconscious is further divided into the preconscious,
containing material that we can easily retrieve from our memory, and the unconscious, containing
material that is locked away and therefore not easy to retrieve. ...Freud believed that the greater
part of the mindincluding most of the powerful forces that determine behavior and therefore
personalityis beyond consciousness.
The first line of highlighting contains the main theme of Freud’s theory. I highlighted the key parts of the
definitions of conscious and unconscious, and the breakdown of the unconscious into preconscious and
unconscious. I have the definitions and the distinction between them. Finally, I have another theme of
Freud’s theory. Different students will highlight a passage different because they have different
perspectives. The important thing is that however you highlight should follow the principles of deep
processing for you.
V. Studying in Groups.
a. Studying in a group can be effective, but it is also one of the easiest ways of fooling
yourself into believing you are prepared when you really aren’t.
i. If the group norm is that everyone studies hard and uses good study strategies,
then the group will succeed.
ii. If the norm is that group uses bad study strategies and has many distractions,
then you won’t learn.
b. Guidelines for effective group study.
i. Group study is a business meeting. There should be a goal for the meeting and
an agenda.
ii. Everyone should come prepared and ready to contribute.
1. Set conditions for participation. For example, everyone should have
read the chapter and have three questions ready to ask about it.
2. If you aren’t prepared and can’t contribute, then don’t come.
iii. Everyone keeps the ultimate goal of learning in mind.
iv. Everyone has a chance to ask and answer questions from other group
v. Any member can express the understanding of the whole group.
Video 5: I Blew the Exam, Now What?
I. You want to do things that will help you improve and avoid doing things that will make the
situation worse. Here are things to avoid:
a. The two worst things you can do is panic or go into denial.
b. Students who panic stop coming to class or procrastinate on making changes.
i. Stay calm and take positive steps right away.
c. Denial is not one of those positive steps. I have students who fail three exams before
coming to see me and asking what they can do to raise their grade. By then, there are
few if any options.
II. Positive steps to take
a. Identify what went wrong with your preparation on the exam.
i. First, be honest with yourself.
1. How thorough was your preparation?
2. Did you commit sufficient time for both study and adequate review?
3. Did you go to class and pay attention?
4. Did you do all the assigned work? If you haven’t done a big part of the
assigned work, a poor grade may have been the best you could have
hoped for. There are courses where you don’t have to all the work to
pass the course, but you are far better off over-preparing for the first
exam and then streamlining your study than you are blowing an exam
and starting out in a hole.
ii. Review your exam to see what you missed.
1. Diagnose what went wrong and how to change for the next exam
2. If your mistakes were spread out, it means you need to make
comprehensive changes to your study strategies. If they are focused on
particular topics, you need to figure out why that topic gave you
3. See if you misinterpreted a question or you didn’t follow instructions.
4. See if you had recorded the information needed to answer the question
correctly. If you did not have the key information in your notes, then
you need to improve your note taking. If you didn’t have the
information highlighted in your text, you need to improve your reading.
5. The key point is that you have to read, take notes, and study at the
depth of detail and analysis your teacher expects. If your level of
understanding is too shallow, you will fail no matter how much you
6. Discuss how you prepared and what you discovered from reviewing
your exam with your teacher.
a. Most faculty want to see their students learn and succeed, and
faculty are most willing to help students who are taking steps to
help themselves
b. It’s the struggling students who don’t come to see us who are
most likely to fail the course.
b. Examine your study strategies to see if they are effective or not.
i. Poor study strategies are often appealing because they are easy and mindless to
do, like re-reading your notes without really thinking about them, skimming text
without really trying to understand it, highlighting only bolded terms, or
studying in groups where you aren’t really studying.
ii. Bad study habits can also be hard to do, but they don’t require deep thinking,
like memorizing definitions or re-reading notes without thinking about them.
iii. Bad study habits allow for a lot of distractions.
iv. Good study habits are effortful and force you into deep processing. Think about
what your study strategies are making you do and use the principles of deep
processing to see if they are effective.
v. Effective and ineffective study habits can look similar on the surface. Mindlessly
recopying notes is not effective but re-organizing notes to be more coherent is
effective. Mindless highlighting is ineffective but highlighting key meanings is.
Scanning over notes or text is ineffective but reading while generating questions
is effective
c. Finally, come up with a plan for better preparation and study to improve your scores.
III. Some basic strategies you can use to help raise your grade.
a. Commit the time and effort required to develop and use effective study strategies
b. Minimize distractions; maximize focus on studying
c. Attend class, read all assigned materials thoroughly and plan to finish with plenty of
time for review
d. Set realistic study goals. Space out study time; avoid cramming; and maximize review
e. Don’t start letting some classes or assignments slide to try to catch up with others. You
can easily end up in trouble in both classes. Figure out a way to do the best you can in all
your classes.
f. Don’t give away points. A lot of times I will see struggling students give away points by
failing to follow directions or skipping certain assignments because they are only worth
a few points. Giving away easy points makes it that much harder to make a good grade.
IV. A list of things NOT to do.
a. Don’t be the student that
i. Keeps studying the same way and hoping for improvement
ii. Waits until the end of the semester to seek help
iii. Starts skipping some classes or assignments to focus on other classes or
iv. Falls farther and farther behind waiting to find time to catch up
v. Crams at the last minute to read the material
vi. Doesn’t do assignments because they are late or only worth a few points.
vii. Panics and gives up.
V. Diagnose your problems, develop a workable plan for improvement, and set realistic goals.
a. Put yourself in the best position to improve and do better.
b. If you have poor study habits, it will take a sustained effort to improve them because
you have to both overcome entrenched, overlearned bad study habits and develop new,
more effective ones.
c. You may have to try multiple different study strategies before you find the ones that
work best for you. There will be setbacks, and success probably won’t happen as quickly
as you like,
d. Once those good study habits are established and automatic, they will give you an edge
in any learning situation.
For Further Reading
If you would like to read more about the cognitive basis of effective instruction, especially with regard to
student beliefs and behavior, I recommend the books and articles below. Much of the information in the
videos is covered and elaborated upon in these readings. I have included links to some of the articles,
which were working when I wrote this. The other articles can easily be obtained through an internet
search. I did not include the links because they were on personal websites.
Ambrose, S. A. et al. (2010). How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching.
San Francisco, CA:
Chew, S. L. (2010). Improving classroom performance by challenging student misconceptions about
learning. Observer, 23(4), 51-54. http://psychologicalscience.org/observer/getArticle.cfm?id=2666
Cox, R. D. (2009). The College Fear Factor: How Students and Professors Misunderstand One Another.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Gurung, R. A. R., & McCann, L. I. (2011). How should students study? Tips, advice, and pitfalls. Observer,
24(4), 33-35.
Karpicke, J. D., & Roediger, H. L. (2008). The critical importance of retrieval for learning. Science, 319,
966-968. doi:10.1126/science.1152408
Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2009). Learning styles: Concepts and evidence.
Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9, 105-119.
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Sample Concept Map of Levels of Processing from Video 4.