Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy, Ffordd Nebo, Llanrwst, Conwy, LL26 0SD.
GovernorsAnnual Report
Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy
FOR YOUR INFORMATION: You can click on the key word(s) in blue which
will direct you to the relevant page, or direct you to another document for
more information, or to directly access e-mail addresses or Twitter ac-
Details Page
Introduction 3
GovernorsVision and Foreword by the Chair 4
Looking Back on 2018/19 5 - 12
Pupils, Teachers and Ancillary Staff 5
GovernorsWork 6 - 7
Key indicators KS3 8
Key indicators KS4 9 - 10
Attendance Data 11
Activities 11
Year 13 College/University Placements and Courses 12
Final Account 2018-2019 13
School Development Plan—Priorities 2018-19 14
2019/2020 Academic Year 15 - 16
School Priorities and Post Inspection
Improvement Plan 2019-2020 15
Term and INSET Dates 16
The School Day 16
Information and Policies 17 - 23
Curriculum Policy 17 - 18
School Category and Language Policy 18
Equality Policy 19
Additional Learning Needs Policy 19
Lunchtime Arrangements 19
Facilities and Resources 20
What is the Schools Provision for Sport 20
School Uniform 21
Links with the Community 22
Whos Who? - List of Governors 23
Governing Bodies of maintained schools are required to produce an Annual Report to
Parents. The content of the report is statutory, although Governing Bodies may choose
to add information that may be useful.
The annual report is the main formal method by which the Governing Body can demon-
strate their accountability to Parents. It offers an opportunity not only to communicate
with Parents - whats been happening at the school during the previous year but also to
share the Governing Body's plans for promoting high standards of educational achieve-
ment and to actively gather Parents' views on the future.
The Regulations allow schools to provide a full report only to parents who request a
copy and publish a summary for all Parents.
A copy of the full Report can be found on the school website:
The previous requirement that a governing body hold an annual meeting for parents
has been superseded and under section 94 of the School Standards and Organization
(Wales) Act 2013, parents may request up to 3 meetings in a school year with the gov-
erning body their school.
No request was made to hold an annual meeting during 2018/19.
Information about Parent-Governor vacancies/upcoming elections:
By the end of August 2020 the term of service of four of our parent-governors will be
coming to an end and we will be inviting nominations.
If you are interested in becoming a Parent-Governor on the Governing Body, you will
need to complete a nomination form which you can obtain from the School via the
Clerk to the Governos: [email protected] 01492 642800
“Our goal is to develop every child to
ensure that all achieve their potential
in many areas and through a variety
of activities and opportunities.
Foreword by the Chair
Im pleased to present the GovernorsAnnual Report for 2018-2019.
This report reflects a busy year full of activities for our pupils at school. As a
Governing Body I must firstly thank the school staff for all their work and in
particular, thank you, parents and guardians, for your support throughout the year.
All the work was accomplished in a difficult year in terms of funding education, and dur-
ing recent years the school has experienced a financial squeeze. Thanks to the thorough
work of our managers and administrative staff we have been able to remain within
budget. Financial tensions are putting extra pressure on everyone and we as governors
have consistently pressed the County for more money to run the school.
Despite the financial squeeze we have maintained our standards and the schools Estyn
report helped us to recognize our strengths and also those areas of teaching that need
further fine tuning for our children. As governors we look closely at results and we con-
gratulate our pupils this year on the fruits of their work and wish them well for the fu-
Since the inspectorsvisit we have been discussing effective steps forward with Conwy
Education Department and the GWE advisory service, and are further developing meth-
ods of self-evaluation as well as looking at the teaching activities of our staff. Recent da-
ta analysis shows significant progress on each of the headline indicators from the previ-
ous year. Evidence also shows that we are on the right track in developing what is al-
ready established in the school and are confident that our results will show further pro-
gress in 2019-20.
The school's main aims are to ensure that pupils reach their potential and receive the
best education in the classroom. Pupil voice is increasingly important and the views and
feedback of pupils in forums and discussions are helpful to us. The views of pupil repre-
sentatives at Governing Body meetings are very valuable. We were pleased to find that
the inspectors' evidence showed that the schools strengths include wellbeing and care.
We assure you as parents and guardians that the governors will continue in every way
to ensure that your children receive an effective education within a supportive environ-
Thanks again to everyone for their work and support.
Huw Roberts
Chair of the Governing Body
By the middle of September 2018 there were 654 pupils and students registered at the
Years 7 11 520 pupils (248 girls + 272 boys)
Years 12 – 14 134 pupils (75 girls + 59 boys)
106 pupils (47 girls and 59 boys) transferred from primary schools, 47 Year 11
students returned for Year 12, and 6 arrived from Ysgol y Moelwyn.
A total of 46 teaching staff were employed—35 full time staff and 11 part time.
The school employed 4 Teaching Assistants, 2 Learning Mentors and 2 Supply Supervi-
sors, and 6 Teaching Assistants based at Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy were employed by the
Education Authority.
We received the very sad news at the end of May that Mrs Pauline Edwards, 6th Form
Learning Coach, had passed away suddenly following a heart attack. The Governors
sincere condolences were expressed to Mrs Pauline Edwards' family, friends and col-
leagues for their loss.
In September 2018 we said goodbye to the following staff:
Mrs Anne Lloyd Cooper, Head of Art
Mrs Bethan Rhian Evans, Administrative Assistant
Mrs Anwen Eleri Jones, Primary Cluster Business Manager
Mr Gareth Smith, ICT Technician.
Mr Kevin Thomas, HWB Rugby Officer
Mr Carwyn Meurig Williams, Head of Geography
And the following staff were employed:
Mrs Awen Teifi Johnson, Music Teacher
Mr Llion Dafydd Jones, HWB Rugby Officer
Mr Samuel David Jones, Music Teacher
Mrs Sian Owen, Primary Cluster Business Manager
Mrs Ffion Sabit, Technology Technician
Mr Alan Williams, Information Technology Systems Manager
Looking back on 2018-2019
Staff and ancillary staff
In discharging their duties the Governors held the following meetings of the Full Body
and its Sub-Committees during the year:
Full Governing Body - 02/10/18, 03/12/18, 11/12/18, 04/03/19,
Finance and Staffing Sub-committee - 04/02/19, 11/02/19, 18/02/19
Staffing Sub-committee - 22/10/18
Finance Sub-committee - 21/11/18
Headteachers Performance Management Panel - 03/12/18
Buildings Sub-committee - 12/02/19
Policies Sub-committee - 21/11/18
Appointment Panel - 10/09/18, 08/02/19, 20/05/19, 04/07/19,
09/07/19, 16/07/19.
Pre and Post Inspection Meetings
Members also represented the Body at various other activities during the year, such as
at Parents Evenings, Assemblies, Open Evenings, Awards Ceremonies, Concerts and
community activities including the National Eisteddfod. The Governors did not claim
any costs or subsistence during the year.
Here is an outline for parents of issues addressed by the Governing Body during the
Full Governing Body 02/10/18
Election of Officers
Co-opting Community Governors
Welcoming new Parent-Governors
Nominating a member to represent the school and act as chair/deputy chair in
meetings of the new Conwy Governors Association
Ratification of Instrument of Governnment - Constitution
Confirm committee structure, terms of reference and membership
Agree content of governing body statutory documentation
Headteachers Report
School Improvement Plan 2018/19
Submit minutes for approval
Annual report to parents
Staffing Sub-committee meeting 22/10/18
Election of Officers
Staffing situation update
Performance Management Process and Pay Policy
Mick Walters report including recommendations to the Education Minister for
changing teachersworking conditions
Staff attendance update
Finance Sub-committee meeting 21/11/18
Election of Officers
Report on Current Financial Position (2018/19 Budget)
Report on Initial Financial Position 2019/20
ALN Service Level Agreements
Policy Sub-committee meeting 21/11/18
Discussion and adoption of policies that have an October 2018 review date
Full Governing Body 03/12/18
2018 Results: KS4 Contextual Data, KS4 Data, KS5/6th Form Data.
School Improvement Plan and Priorities
Targets for 2019.
Any points arising from the 2018-2020 School Improvement/Development Plan
Full Governing Body 11/12/18
Chair Matters
Head Pupils’/Pupil GovernorsReport
ALN Presentation by Mrs Rhian Evans, ALNCO
Headteachers Report - Progress against the Improvement Plan
Finance and Staffing Sub-committee meeting 04/02/19
September 2019 Curriculum
Finance and Staffing Sub-committee meeting 11/02/19
Update on staffing situation
Voluntary applications from Staff for reduction of hours, redundancies and retire-
Current Financial Situation (2018/19 Budget)
2019/20 Financial Forecasts
Post 16 Budget
Service Level Agreements - Conwy/Cynnal (ICT Networks)/EAL
Buildings Sub-committee meeting 12/02/19
Buildings Survey
Health and Safety Policy
Annual Health and Safety Self-Assessment 2019
3G Update
Finance and Staffing Sub-committee meeting 18/02/19
Report from Conwy Secondary Headteachersmeeting - Financial Position
Current Budget 2018/19
Draft Budget 2019/20
Full Governing Body meeting 04/03/19
Update on the 2018/19 financial position
Update on the 2019/20 financial position and any further voluntary applications
Agree any further action
Full Governorsmeeting 25/03/19
Chair Matters
Head Pupils/Pupil GovernorsReport
Headteachers Report - to include: Estyn report and action to be taken,
School Uniform update
Present minutes of previous minutes for ratification and matters arising
Governor Training
Link Governor visits
School performance 2019 - KS3
As part of the ongoing changes towards Curriculum for Wales
2022, KS3 level and national test data are no longer published
at a local or national level.
For more information see:
Appendix 1 - Reports NDC (Key Stage 3) School Validation -
Appendix 2 - Reports NDC (Key Stage 3) School Validation
School performance 2019 - ks4
The schools performance in the main indicators is consistently higher than Conwy
and Wales averages. Comparative data for individual schools has not yet been pub-
lished on the Welsh Government My Local Schoolswebsite.
TL1 – Every learner succeeded in gaining at least 5A*-G grades in 2019.
TL2+ - 64% of pupils gained at least 5A*-C GCSE grades including language and nu-
meracy, an increase of 5.7% compared with 2018.
Cap 9 – The school improved performance in 2019 y 17 points compared with 2018
placing results similar to 2017.
For more information please see following appendices:
Appendix 3 – Summary of School Performance – SSSP 2019
Appendix 4 – Summary of School Performance – SSSP Additional Indicators
Dangosyddion Sgor Cyfartalog/Average Points Scores:
Sgor 9 wedi gapio / Capped 9 383.4 [Conwy: 349.1;
Cymru/Wales: 353.8]
Llythrennedd/Literacy : 43.7 [Conwy: 37.9; Cymru/Wales: 39]
Rhifedd/Numeracy: 40.7 [Conwy: 38.4; Cymru/Wales: 37.1]
Gwyddoniaeth/Science: 40.7 [Conwy: 38.7; Cymru/Wales: 38.8]
Her Sgiliau: 40.4 [Conwy: 35.7; Cymru/Wales: 36.4]
5A*/A: 18.8% [Conwy: 17.8%; Cymru: 18%]
Hen Ddangosyddion/Old Indicators:
- TL1 100% [Conwy: 92%; Cymru: 92.8%]
- TL2+ - 64% [66% ar y canlyniadau gorau/best results] [Conwy:
48.5%; Cymru: 49.9%]
- TL2+ yn cynnwys llenyddiaeth/inclusing literature: 65.8% [Conwy:
52.5%; Cymru/Wales: 53.8%]
A great variety of activities take place at Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy during lunchtime and af-
ter school. These are run in partnership with the leisure centre located on the school
site. Details of all the activities in which the school took part during 2018/2019 can be
found on our website:
Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy
Together with a summary on the schools Twitter accounts: @ysgdyffrynconwy /
and reports that have been sent to several local community newspapers. Some arti-
cles have also appeared in the Pioneer and Weekly News.
Attendance data
Year 13 college/university placements
Year 13 college/university courses
Final account 2018-2019
School development plan - priorities 2018/19
Priorities and POST INSPECTION IMPROVEMENT scheme 2019/20
2019-2020 academic year
The day is divided into 6 lessons (50 minutes) as follows:
08:55 - 09:15 - Registration, Assembly and Tutorial
09:15 - 10:05 - Lesson 1
10:05 - 10:55 - Lesson 2
11:10 - 12:00 - Lesson 3
12:00 - 12:50 - Lesson 4
1:45 - 2:40 - Registration and Lesson 5
2:40 - 3:30 - Lesson 6
Upcoming 2019-2020
Term and INSET dates
All pupils at Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum that:
"Promotes their spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and pre-
pares them for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
(Section 351, 1996 Education Act)
As a school we are very proud of our involvement over the last three years in the new
curriculum, Curriculum for Wales. As a school, we have been involved in designing an
area that is very important to us as a bilingual school, namely, Languages, Literacy
and Communication. As Headteacher I have been extremely proud to represent pupils
and our local communities on curriculum leadership forums ensuring a strong focus on
the Welsh language, bilingualism and the needs of rural areas.
You can follow our journey on the 'Curriculum for Wales' BLOG.
We are working closely with our primary schools to plan transition experiences and
learning experiences in preparation for the 2022 curriculum to ensure a successful
transition from our 13 catchment area primary schools. As we move towards the new
curriculum we are keen to develop natural links between subjects in order to transition
from our current subjects to the 6 new areas of learning and experience. We currently
offer the following subjects at KS3:
Core Subjects: Welsh (First Language and Second Language depending on pupilslin-
guistic progression), English, Mathematics and Science.
Non-core Subjects: History, Geography, Religious Education, French, Art, Design and
Technology, Music, Physical Education and Information Technology.
In future the subjects will be combined in 6 New Areas of Learning and Experience:
Health and Well Being
Languages, Literacy and Communication
Mathematics and Numeracy
Science and Technology
Expressive Arts
The curriculum will also focus on the development of citizens which fulfils the following
4 Purposes to develop:
Ambitious and able learners ...
Enterprising and creative
contributors ...
Healthy and confident individuals ...
Principled and informed citizens..
Information and policies
KS4 and KS5 Curriculum
We continue to offer the statutory core courses at KS4 along with the introduction of
the Welsh Baccalaureate, and offer up to 3 choice subjects. At KS4, the offer at KS3 is
complemented by new courses such as Business, Sociology, Food and Nutrition, and
Child Care as well as college courses in partnership with Conwy's 14-16 network and
Coleg Glynllifon for GCSE.
For A Level courses, courses in partnership are also offered through LINC Conwy.
For further details about our curriculum at KS4 (GCSE) and KS5 (A Level) see our web-
site brochures: ysgoldyffrynconwy.org
Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy is a naturally bilingual school located in Llanrwst town
centre. The school has been designated a Category 2B school with an increas-
ingly high number of pupils following Welsh First Language and the majority
of their curriculum through the medium of Welsh. The school aims to develop
pupils to be confidently bilingual, in order to enable them to be full members
of the bilingual society to which they belong.
Emphasis is placed on ensuring continuity between primary and secondary
with regard to teaching medium. There will be full consultation between the
primary and secondary schools in order to determine the most appropriate
language pattern for each child's education. However, it is expected that the
majority of pupils who achieve a good level in Welsh at the end of KS2 will
transger to Welsh medium in year 7.
Research has shown that bilingualism contributes to the following:
¨ Academic Success
¨ Fostering of confidence and pride
¨ Development of creative and flexible thinking
¨ Strengthening of cognitive abilities
¨ Development of tolerance towards other cultures
¨ Creation of a lively mind and open attitude
¨ Experience of a rich community life
Information and policies
School category and language policy
Equal opportunity policy
The school aims to ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their potential.
The foundation of this will be to ensure that all children are treated equally, and that
Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy provides the best education for all pupils without exception. There
will be no discrimination on the grounds of gender, disability, background, race or ped-
igree. Should any question arise about equal opportunities please contact the
Headteacher or Chair of the Governing Body.
My child has learning difficulties; will he/she be given help?
There are many types of support available to pupils depending on their needs. Some
pupils are supported in their classes by teaching assistants, who support individuals or
small groups of pupils. Support is also provided by teachers who specialize in specific
difficulties such as dyslexia, or speech and language.
The school has a special unit for pupils with moderate difficulties. Places within the unit
are designated by the Local Authority. As we move as a School and Cluster towards
implementing planned changes in Additional Learning Needs, we will update infor-
mation on our website.
Additional Learning Needs Policy
Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy aims to ensure equal curricular and social opportunities for pupils
with additional learning needs. The school works closely with parents to ensure an ef-
fective partnership to help the pupil. Emphasis is placed on the view of the pupil and
the aim is to secure a whole school response to help him/her.
This is done by ensuring that there is a system in place at the school for the early
identification of pupils by linking with the primary schools. After completing an assess-
ment of the pupil's needs, we will formulate an individual educational plan that will
meet his or her learning needs by providing the necessary support.
A hot lunch and snacks are prepared by Sodexo every day. The school has a dedicated
canteen and café as well as provision for pupils who prefer their own packed lunch.
Some pupils are entitled to free school meals. If you think you fall into this category,
please contact the school for forms. Further information can also be found on the
Conwy Authority website.
Sodexo operates a biometric capture or card payment system. This is supported by the
Parent Pay online payment system. More information about this can by found in our
transition booklet 'Camu 'Mlaen'. Copies of the relevant information in our transition
packs and on our website.
See the school website: Prydau Ysgol for further information.
Information and policies
Equality and Additional learning needs policies
What are the lunchtime arrangements?
As a PFI School, the resources and school site are maintained by the international
company Sodexo, so every class is equipped with the latest technology. In addition we
have high quality scientific and information technology laboratories. Pupils can also
specialize in our Technology and cookery classes as well as making full use of the
sports centre. Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy has an Sound Recording Studio as well as a be-
spoke drama studio.
The site houses a dedicated leisure centre which is available for school use during
school hours and until 4.15 pm during term time. There is a playing field and other
purpose-built areas on site to encourage pupils to spend time outside. This is rein-
forced by a range of varied lunchtime and after school activities through different part-
nerships and older pupils at the school who run sessions for younger pupils.
Digital Resources:
There is an interactive whiteboard and data projector in every classroom.
We have five computer rooms, laptop trollies and computers, available for every Ar-
ea of Learning and Experience
A virtual learning environment (moodle/HWB) is maintained which enables pupils to
access their work and learning resources anywhere and anytime, thereby making them
more independent.
The school plays matches against other educational establishments in football, rugby,
netball, hockey, golf, athletics, cricket, dancing, swimming and some individuals repre-
sent the school in other activities. Full details can be found on the schools Website and
the Physical Education Departments Twitter account @PEDyffrynConwy.
Rugby and skiing trips abroad are regularly organised. The school works closely with
local sports clubs and open air centres, and the Leisure Centres resources are used
Projects such as Community School Sports Linkare exploited and as many children as
possible from the primary sector are encouraged to join secondary pupils in training
activities after school.
The PE Department, in partnership with the School Rugby Officer and Young Ambassa-
dors, organises extracurricular activities at lunchtime and after school.
Pupils are consulted through the Sports Council and Young Ambassadors who often run
many of these activities.
Information and policies
Facilities and resources
School provision for sports
At Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy we are very proud of our new school uniform which has now
been fully adopted by all pupils. We expect pupils to follow the instructions below re-
garding their uniform and appearance. We ask that parents/carers take responsibility
for ensuring that their child arrives at school in the correct uniform every day. Please
contact the school office if there is a specific problem.
Year 7 11 pupils
Traditional Burgundy and Gold Tie
Burgundy Jumper with Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy Logo in Gold
6th Form pupils
Traditional Black and Gold Tie
Black School Jumper with Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy Logo in Gold
Traditional White Shirt with traditional collar, buttoned to the neck
Black Trousers or pleated Black Skirt
Flat Black shoes or ankle boots
White or Black socks with trousers; black Tights with skirt
Jewellery: For safety reasons, jewellery
such as bracelets, chains and studs in the
nose/face ornaments are not permitted.
Only one earring is allowed in each ear.
Hair Colour: Only natural hair colours
are allowed. No unusual/unnatural col-
ours. No false nails.
Information and policies
School uniform
Constant efforts are made to engage with the local community to promote
participation and justify the schools reputation as a 'community school'.
During 2018/19 the pupils were involved in community activities such as
Local Agricultural Shows, Llanrwst Eisteddfod and other local Eisteddfods.
Members of the community were also involved in school activities such as the
Awards Ceremony, Year 11 Interview Day, WBAC Voluntary and Enterprise
Activities, and in year assemblies and PSE tutorial activities.
Links with the police include weekly visits by the Police Liaison Officer,
educational visits, lessons for years 7-12, personal and social education
lessons, offering advice, restorative justice with pupils and parents, dealing
with any problems when the need arises and contact with a Road Safety
The school is working in partnership with Nant Conwy Rugby Club and the
WRU to employ a Rugby Development Officer.
As part of a scheme funded by the Welsh Government's 'Small and Rural
Schools' grant up to April 2020, Dyffryn Conwy Catchment Primary schools
along with small and rural schools in the wider community have been working
together on a pilot scheme to employ three Business Managers for the
cluster. The Business Managers are based at Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy and work in
partnership with Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy Business Manager and the network of
Primary Headteachers. The scheme has already proved successful, releasing
the Heads of the cluster to focus primarily on learning and teaching.
Pupils and staff had a unique opportunity this year to be involved in all the
activities, competitions and hustle and bustle of the National Eisteddfod in
Llanrwst. The school had a stand on the field together with the primary
schools. An extremely successful week was had, during which a variety of
photographs, school work, videos and documentation was on display and
an entertaining programme of daily activities was held. Many visitors from the
community, Wales and the rest of the world received a welcome at the stand
during the week.
The Governors also worked closely with Eisteddfod officials to facilitate the
use of the school site for parking and Shuttle Bus arrangements.
Information and policies
Community links
Name Category Start Date End Date Responsibility
Cllr. Wyn Jones LEA 01/09/2017 31/08/2020 Vice-Chair
Cllr. Ian Jenkins LEA 01/09/2017 31/08/2020
Cllr. Aaron Wynne LEA 01/09/2017 31/08/2020
Cllr. Austin Roberts LEA 01/09/2017 31/08/2020
Miss Elen Edwards LEA 01/11/2017 31/08/2020
Mr Gwyndaf Williams Parent 01/09/2018 31/08/2022
Mrs Iona Williams Parent 01/09/2016 31/08/2020
Mr Iwan Glyn Williams Parent 01/09/2018 31/08/2022
Mr Trefor Jones Parent 01/09/2016 31/08/2020
Mr Jon Evans Parent 01/09/2016 31/08/2020
Mr Guto Jones Parent 01/09/2016 31/08/2020
Mr Ieuan Edwards Community 01/09/2016 31/08/2020
Mr Huw Roberts Community 01/09/2016 31/08/2020 Chair
Mr Eryl Owain Community 01/09/2016 31/08/2020
Mrs Ffuon Williams Community 01/09/2018 31/08/2022 Child Protection
Mr Richard How Community 01/09/2016 31/08/2020 Health and Safety
Mrs Glesni Jones Teacher 01/09/2016 31/08/2020
Miss Hannah Jones Teacher 01/09/2016 31/08/2020
Mrs Delyth Algieri Ancillary Staff 01/09/2016 31/08/2020
Miss Elan Davies Headteacher 01/10/2014
Mr Jake Grove Pupil 01/09/2018 31/08/2019
Miss Efa Celyn Davies Pupil 01/09/2018 31/08/2019
Miss Aliya Abbasi Pupil 01/09/2019 31/08/2020
Mr Gruff Edwards Pupil 01/09/2019 31/08/2020
Mr John Ll. Roberts, Deputy Headteacher
Miss Llio Japheth and Mr Roger Beech, Assistant Headteachers
Clerk to the Governors:
Mrs Delyth Williams, Business Manager
Address and Contact Details:
Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy, Ffordd Nebo, Llanrwst
01492 642800
Governors - WHOS WHO?