EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Author: Hendrik Mildebrath
Members' Research Service
PE 739.266 December 2022
Unpacking 'commercial surveillance':
The state of tracking
Data is central to the EU's digital transformation. In combination with next generation connectivity
and emerging technologies, the free flow of data should increase productivity and competitiveness,
improve health and wellbeing, and make services more convenient. However, stakeholders are
increasingly concerned that EU data protection rules limit innovation and are therefore jeo pardising
potential data-driven prosperity. They are calling for targeted weakening of the rules.
As the debate between data protection advocates and critics becomes more polarised, it is more
important than ever to establish a baseline for discussions by taking stock of current tr a ck ing
practices. This briefing illustrates how leading internet companies track users across devices and
services. It reviews the latest research and answers questions such as: Do companies track my
browsing behaviour? Do mobile phones and apps share data in idle mode? Is my phone listening?
Are recent anti-tracking features effective? The briefing is thematically related to the e-privacy
regulation, artificial intelligence act and European digital identity (e-ID) framework proposals.
After describing how companies use collected data, the briefing reviews the data processing and
tracking practices of the incumbent advertising duopoly Google and Facebook, and also their
strongest rival, Amazon. It examines each of these companies' general data processing practices as
described in their privacy policies, and at least two specific tracking mechanisms they employ.
Pointing to the fact that these three tech giants are nearly ubiquitous on devices, apps and websites,
the briefing also shows that companies have started deploying ambient tracking technologies in
the physical world as part of their vision of a digitalised future. A separate section looks at t racking
on mobile apps, which is closely linked to mobile advertising the biggest generator of digital
advertising revenues. The two final sections underscore possible competition harms associated with
Google's and Apple's recent privacy-minded initiatives and draw attention to the ongoing rule-
making initiative of the US Federal Trade Commission on 'commercial surveillance and data
1. Introduction
2. Data processing and tracking practices
a. Google
b. Facebook
c. Amazon
d. Tracking on mobile apps
4. A privacy-minded paradigm shift?
5. FTC deep dive into 'commercial
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1. Introduction
To achieve economic objectives and enhance user experience, many companies personalise
products, processes and advertisement by approximating and predicting customer attributes and
behaviours through profiling
and data analysis. Companies collect the necessary input data for
these operations through various methods. In addition to requesting information or observing
offline behaviour, they collect data by logging and
tracking user activities; by scraping, sharing, and
trading data; as well as by merging or acquiring companies. Researchers have identified m u ltiple
fields of application that rely on tracking and profiling; these include marketing, customer analytics,
credit scoring and personal finance, fraud prevention and risk management, employee monitoring,
hiring and workforce analytics, insurance, healthcare, and e-learning. Many researchers
agree that
the key driver, if not the raison d'être behind tracking and profiling, is advertising, which funds the
'free' web. Companies and industry associations often herald big data analytics, frequently implying
profiling, as the key to a new era of business intelligence and personalised services. It would help
businesses improve operational efficiency and gain/maintain competitiveness. Users too could
benefit from tracking and profiling, notably from enhanced functionality and convenience, such as
better web searches, relevant online advertising, pertinent product recommendations, effective
health services, and expedient fraud prevention. However, 'a single moment of engagement'
bundles 'interlocking and contradictory [processing] purposes' into the same package.
2. Data processing and tracking practices
Illustrating the extent of tracking across services, this section presents the data practices of global
digital advertising leaders Google, Meta (formerly Facebook), and Amazon. In 2021, Google
's ad
revenues totalled US$209.49 billion worldwide, followed by Meta at US$114.93 billion and Amazon
at US$31.16 billion. According to IAB Europe, already in 2016 behavioural targeting accounted for
66 % of all digital advertising and contributed to 90 % of growth in digital advertising. Studies claim
that the click-through rate of targeted ads is
5.3 times higher on average than standard run-of-
network advertising, and that in 2009 advertisers were willing to pay on average 2.68 times more
for targeted ads compared with standard ones. A literature review by G. Johnson found that use of
cookie technology increased advertising prices. Recently, researchers have begun questioning the
effectiveness of personalised advertising and its advantages over contextual advertising.
a. Google
According to Statista, Google is forecast to earn US$244 billion from digital advertising in 2022,
almost double the estimated earnings of its closest competitor, Facebook (US$136 billion). In its
privacy policy, Google explains that it collects and combines information as individuals use its
services, apps, websites, devices and other products embedded in third-party apps and sites. Google
uses various technologies to collect information, including cookies, pixel tags, local storage,
databases and server logs. When users are signed into their Google account, Google stores the
collected information (including from third-party sites and apps) with the user's Google account.
Google also 'collects' information on users from publicly accessible sources and from sources such
as directory services, marketing partners and security partners. It also receives information from
advertising partners to provide advertising and research services on their behalf.
Google stores data provided by users such as phone numbers or payment information (account
and contact data) and 'collects' content users create, upload or receive from others (content
data). Additionally, it collects certain platform data and platform-usage data, activity data, and
location data. Platform data and platform-usage data include unique identifiers
, device
information and configuration settings, mobile network information (including carrier name and
phone numbers), and IP addresses. Certain devices running on Google's Android operating system
periodically contact Google servers to provide information about the device and connection to
services. Additionally, Google collects activity data including search terms, videos watched,
Unpacking 'commercial surveillance': The state of tracking
purchase activities, voice and audio information, people with whom users communicate or share
content, and activity on third-party sites and apps that use Google services. Google 'may' also
measure interactions, such as how a us er moves his/her mouse over an ad or if he/she interacts with
the page on which the ad appears. Where users place and receive calls or send and receive messages
Google services, Google 'may' collect the user's phone number, the calling-party number, the
receiving-party number and many other details. Google derives location data from GPS and sensor
data (e.g. an accelerometer), IP addresses, user searches and place labels, and access point data.
Google uses the information it 'collect[s]
from all [its] services' to provide,
maintain, improve, and develop its
services; to provide pers ona lised
services, including content and ads; to
measures performance, not least to
'help' advertisers understand the
performance of their ad campaigns; and
to communicate with the user. Google
also uses data collected through third-
party sites and apps with Google
services embedded in them for these
. It uses automated systems to
analyse content provided by the user
and algorithms to recognise patterns in
data. It shares
non-per s o n ally
identifiable information publicly and
with partners such as publishers and
advertisers,. Google also allows
cer t a in
partners to collect information from
user browsers or devices for advertising
and measurement purposes.
Google social login
Social integrations (for instance, the
social login) are examples of embedded website components that facilitate tracking. The term
social login refers
to offering users the option to log into websites using their social network
accounts such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter and LinkedIn. Independent websites ('r elying
parties') often outsource user identification to social identity providers (Facebook, Google, Twitter,
etc.). As part of the sign-in process, the relying parties can request access to additional personal user
data stored with the identity provider. A
study from late 2021 analysed the privacy practices of
websites that were listed in (the now 'retired') Alexa's Top 500 ranking and used the OAuth
authorisation protocol. The researchers analysed login procedures used in Australia, Canada,
Germany, India and the United States. They found that many websites allowed users to choose from
multiple social login options, of which Google and Facebook were the most popular. The m ajo rity
of relying parties requested one or more 'basic attributes' such as name and profile picture (96-99 %,
depending on the country); in Germany in particular, relying parties requested identity data such as
birthday and gender (16 %). Relatively similar patterns emerged across all five countries. Without
further analysing functional necessity or usability benefits, the researchers found that relying parties
often requested access to different categories of data, depending on the identity providers. In most
cases, the first login option requested more data than other login options did, and design choices
made a comparison of the options cumbersome. According to the researchers, their results suggest
the presence of interface designs akin to dark patterns, that is, interfaces and user experiences that
lead users into making unintended, unwilling and potentially harmful decisions.
Scrutiny of data processing practices
In a 2018 study on Google Data Collection, D. C. Schmidt catalogues
how much data Google collects about users and their most personal
habits. A Google spokesperson
said 'This report is commissioned by
a professional DC lobbyist group, and written by a witness for Oracle
in their ongoing copyright litigation with Google. So, it's no surprise
that it contains wildly misleading information'.
Following consumer groups' complaints based on the findings of a
report by the Norwegian Consumer Council, the Irish Data
Protection Commission (DPC ) announced that it would launch an
investigation on how Google tracks its users. According to the DPC's
2021 annual report, 'The Inquiry set out to establish whether Google
has a valid legal basis for processing the location data of its users
and whether it meets its obligations as a data controller with regard
to transparency. The DPC's preliminary draft decision was provided
to Google in December 2021 for its submissions. In a similar vein, 10
consumer groups coordinated by the
European Consumer
Organisation (BEUC), filed data protection complaints against
Google for 'unfairly steering consumers towards its surveillance
system when they create a Google account'; see also the
entitled 'Fast track to surveillance'. The complaint references a US
class action by
Calhoun et al., alleging that Google tracked Chrome
users, contrary to its policy statements. Court documents drew
attention to little-known identifiers and revealed that Amazon was
internally aware that their processing descriptors were worded in a
way that confused users.
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While these practices allow independent websites to offload work to social sites and afford users
convenience, the question about how they benefit identity providers is worth exploring. A lr ea dy in
2011 F. Corella and K. P. Lewison determined
that 'The social site is informed of every social login
performed by the user, and may even be informed of the activities of the user in the Web site or
application to which the user has logged in'. Facebook has
indicated that such data transmission
occurs towards the European Parliament. Conversely, Google emphasises in relation to its new
identity services for the web that 'Data from Sign In With Google is not used for ads or other non-
security purposes'without specifying the scope of 'data from Sign In With Google' or explaining its
prior practices. Essentially, login services are more reliable than other tracking mechanisms, since
they request users to confirm their online identity and their providers enforce real-name po licies.
Reportedly, Janrain, the company that pioneered customer identity and access management (CIAM)
and coined the term social login, recommended allaying customers privacy concerns by only
requesting access to basic information and by 'build[ing] a supplemental strategy to collect
everything else'. Additionally, social logins raise
competition and various cybersecurity concerns.
Google Analytics
Many developers employ third-party integrations to understand how users engage with their
websites and apps and to improve their services. Google Analytics (GA) is the most popular website
analytics platform and, according to BuiltWith
, over 35 million websites, including almost 50 % of
their top 1 million domains, currently use GA. Not only can GA customers analyse visitor behaviour
on a single site but also link information about on-site or in-app user activity with activity from other
sites or apps. Google Analytics uses a combination of JavaScript, first-party cookies and pixel GIF
images to send data about user activity to the Analytics server. The data is then processed further
and reported to the website operator's instance of the Google Analytics tool. Google
indicates that
where a website uses its 'advertising services like AdSense, including analytics tools like Google
Analytics, ... your web browser automatically sends certain information to Google'. The competing
analytics providers
PIWIK pro and Matomo indicate that Google Analytics, by default, uses data for
own purposes. Apparently, the Google Analytics customer can disable data sharing with Google via
data sharing settings, but will then lose functionalities. Google clarifies that if customers enable
the data sharing option for 'Google products & services' (and accept Google's Controller-Contr oller
terms), Google 'can', for example, use the shared data to improve its advertising system.
Recently, the Austrian Data Protection Authority (Austrian SA) has looked into two cases relating to
Google Analytics. In both instances, a website visitor (complainant) lodged a complaint against the
website operators who had embedded Google Analytics into their website (first respondent) as well
as Google LLC itself (second respondent), for transferring data to the US as part of Go ogle A naly tics'
data processing operations. While the procedures mainly concerned the illegality of EU-US data
transfers, the Austrian SA addressed possible further processing by Google. In neither case had the
data subject (complainant) given Google permission to track and save activities across third-party
websites using Google services (GA). Nevertheless, in the decision on the second
case, the Austrian
SA held that 'In exchange for allowing website operators to use the free version of Google Analytics,
the second respondent [Google LLC] receives technical possibilities to collect data and further
enrich the profiles of Google account holders. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that Google A nalytics
is a mere web analytics service for website operators'. Already in its decision on the first case, the
Austrian SA (the decision-making body) emphasised that it had the right to perform an official
review and carry out data protection audits as regards further processing by Google.
Pixel phone and Android operating system
While the preceding sections mainly dealt with app- and web tracking, this one focuses on the fact
that Google also tracks users on Android operating systems and smart devices such as its Pixel
phones. In a March 2021 study
, D. J. Leith analysed the data Android sends from Google phones
(Google Pixel) and compared it to data iOS sends from Apple iPhones. The study revealed t hat when
in idle mode, a Pixel handset sends roughly 1 MB of data to Google every 12 hours while an iPhone
Unpacking 'commercial surveillance': The state of tracking
sends 52 KB to Apple, i.e. Google collects around 20 times more handset data than Apple does. The
shared data includes persistent identifiers such as hardware serial number, SIM serial number,
phone number and device ID. Even if the user explicitly opts out, iOS and Android transmit telemetry
data. While Google warns in its settings that this may occur in support of essential services and
system updates, Leith argues that 'the ''essential'' data collection is extensive, and likely at odds with
reasonable user expectations'. Leith also highlights the presence of a number of pre-installed apps
and services that make network connections, despite never having been opened or used. The
collection of so much data (through different channels and at times containing common identifiers)
Leith observes raises concerns about the linkage of collected data with other data sources.
Additionally, the disclosure of IP addresses on average every 4.5 minutes enables Apple and Google
to track the device's location over time. Google initially criticised
the methods Leith used to obtain
his findings, but later conceded that the majority of the research is accurate. Leith perceived
Google's criticism as 'positively misleading'.
In a report from October 2021, D. J. Leith et al. analysed the Android-based operating systems by
Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Realme, Lineage OS and /e/OS. They found that except for the priv acy-
focused operating system /e/OS, 'even when minimally configured and the handset is idle these
vendor-customized Android variants transmit substantial amounts of information to the OS
developer and also to third-parties ... that have pre-installed apps'. They claimed that there is no way
to opt out of this data collection, and that even if users reset resettable identifiers, the new identifiers
can potentially be relinked to the same physical device or even user, notably when long-lived
identifiers are sent in parallel through the same connection as resettable identifiers. Similarly, the
researchers noted that there is potential for companies to link their separate data.
Google is increasingly offering smart devices and operating systems, perceived as providing further
opportunities for ubiquitous tracking. Google has become a major provider of smart home
solutions, wearables and services related to the automotive sector. Smart home solutions and
wearables include Google Nest devices, the smart TV operating system Android TV
(which has
significant success on the market), the smart watch Pixel Watch, and the smartwatch operating
system Wear OS. As regards the automotive sector, Google offers, for instance, the platform
integration for automotive displays, Android Auto, as well as the autonomous driving technologies
and services Waymo Driver (driving technology), Waymo One (ride-hailing service) and Waymo Via
(trucking solution). For illustrations of IoT tracking, see the subsections on Amazon's Alexa and Ring.
b. Facebook
Facebook is forecast to generate the second-largest digital advertising revenue 123.6 billion
(US$136 billion) in 2022. This subsection will give an overview of Meta's data processing practices
as described by its privacy policy, and present two tracking mechanisms.
Meta's privacy policy is applicable to Meta products, including Facebook, Messenger, Instagram,
Marketplace, Meta Platforms Technologies Products, such as virtual reality products and worlds, and
Meta Business Tools such as analytics tools and social plugins embedded in third-party websites.
Meta collects information provided by users and logs certain activity, platform, and network data it
observes. It
uses cookies, device identifiers, Meta-specific IDs (e.g. Family Device IDs), and software
such as social plugins and the Meta Pixel to collect data. Additionally, it receives information from
partners (e.g. advertisers, independent websites and app developers), measurement
vendors and third parties (e.g. publicly available sources, industry peers and government
authorities) about user activities within its products and across third-party websites and apps. It
collects information both
directly and indirectly, irrespective of whether a user is logged in or even
has a Meta account. By design, social media platforms facilitate the (re)sharing of information. Users
report abusive content. However, information can also be shared off-platform. Facebook maps
users' social ties in a 'social graph', a term that CEO Mark Zuckerberg introduced in 2007 to des cr ibe
a graph that maps entities (user, page, place, photo, post, etc.) and their relationships (friendships,
check-ins, tags, relationships, ownership, attributes, etc.). This facilitates
searches on Facebook and
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enables independent developers to build
applications based on Facebook's data. Meta
updates the technology. Meta
also collects data relating to non-Facebook
users and their devices and apps each time they
visit publicly accessible Meta services, from
business partners (information sharing) and
from Facebook users (contact uploading).
Meta collects information provided by the
users, including their account, contact and
content data. It logs user activities, including
content views, interactions, purchases,
hashtags used, use of social plugins
Facebook login, as well as the time, frequency
and duration of activities on Meta products
(activity data). As part of activity data, it also
logs what users see through Instagram's
camera feature, background sound from voice-
enabled features, and communication-related
data (
subject to the e-privacy rules).
Additionally, it records and infers information
from and about friends, followers and other
connections. It also collects device, network,
app, and browser information, including
whether Meta's app is in the foreground or if
the users' mouse is moving (platform,
platform usage and network data). When
users activate Meta's location services fu n ction,
Meta collects location data from the GPS and,
depending on the operating system, other
device signals such as nearby Bluetooth or Wi-
Fi connections. Even if locations services is
turned off, Meta
receives and uses location-
related information from IP addresses, check-
ins, events,
metadata from photos and
information about internet connections. From
partners, measurement vendors and third
parties, Meta obtains information about user
activities within its products and across third-
party websites and apps (third party data).
This includes information from the websites
users visit, the way they use partner products, their purchases and transactions data, as well as
information on their interactions with ads. Other information partners share with Meta includes
users' email addresses and device IDs (for the purposes of targeted advertising).
Amongst other things, Meta uses the information it collects to personalise products and ads; provide
and improve products; derive business insights (business intelligence); provide measurement,
analytics and other business services; as well as to communicate with users. Product
personalisation includes personalising features, content and recommendations, such as one's
Facebook feed, Instagram feed, Stories and ads. To show ads and other sponsored or commercial
content, Meta processes
information, including users' profile information, their activity while they
are on and off products, inferred user interests, and information about other connections. Its
systems automatically process the information collected to assess and understand users' interests
Scrutiny of data processing practices
At the request of the Belgian Data Protection Authority's
predecessor, B. Van Alsenoy et al. drafted a report
Facebook's policies and terms and conditions. Referring to
the report and with the
backing of several EU SAs, the
Belgian SA published two recommendations and in 2015
also filed a lawsuit against Facebook. The lawsuit is pending
with the Brussels Court of Appeals after the CJEU confirmed
in a preliminary ruling that the Belgian supervisory
authority was competent to engage in legal proceedings,
despite failing to qualify as lead supervisory authority.
Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, US Se nate and
House Committees held hearings with Mark Zuckerberg
about Facebook'
s data use. CEO Mark Zuckerberg
acknowledged the collection of data on internet users
without a Facebook account (ambiguously termed
'shadow profiles'). Following up, Facebook did not clarify
how many data points it held for the average non-
Facebook user. While Facebook
stated it 'does not create
profiles or track website visits for people without a
Facebook account', it
acknowledged that it 'receive[s] some
information from devices and browsers that may be used
by non-users', as well as 'browser and app logs'.
Considering how the above statement is phrased, it is likely
that this information is recorded in logs. Similarly, the EP
LIBE Committee held
hearings and received two written
post-hearing clarifications. Facebook specified that it uses
information associated with non-Facebook users to
provide services, show ads about Facebook, protect
security, and improve products.
After the scandal,
'Facebook made changes to certain terms and policies and
restrictions on ... data access and sharing'. A
recently unsealed transcript of a 2022 discovery hearing,
which was part of a lawsuit relating to the Cambridge
Analytica scandal,
revealed opaque and scattere d storage
of user data as well as liberal re-use prompting the judicially
appointed independent arbiter to wonder about the
methods Facebook uses to comply with the GDPR.
In early 2022, Mozilla announced that it is collaborating
with the non-profit newsroom The Markup to analyse
Facebook's Pixel tracking network and understand the
kinds of information it collects on sites across the web. The
results revealed that Facebook is receiving sensitive
medical information from hospital websites.
Unpacking 'commercial surveillance': The state of tracking
and preferences (personalise products), and the policy explicitly mentions profiling with the aim of
improving products. In its privacy and data-use business hub
, Meta clarifies that certain solutions
'pool events at a person level to build richer understandings of what ads are relevant for people'.
Meta's measurement and analytics services help partners understand things such as: what types
of people interact with their content or use their services and how people interact with their content,
websites, apps and services. Meta uses data obtained from partners, measurement vendors and
third parties for most of the purposes mentioned in its privacy policy.
Meta shares information with partners, measurement and marketing vendors, service providers and
third parties such as external researchers. To facilitate transactions on its products, Meta shares
information with businesses offering goods or services. When users interact with third-party
products or services that are integrated with Meta (e.g. products accessible through Facebook login
or products embedded in Meta products), these third parties (integrated partners)
information about users' activity when they interact with the service, as well as information from
and about the device they are using. Sometimes these integrated partners ask users for per mission
to access certain additional information from their accounts. Unless users give permission, Meta
does not share data with publishers and advertisers that 'by itself' can be used to contact and
identify the user. Instead, Meta shares aggregate data, such as
reports and data, to facilitate the sale
and purchase of advertisement space (e.g. the users' advertising device IDs). Similarly, Meta provides
analytics customers, who use Meta's analytics services to understand more about how people are
using their content and features, with aggregate reports. The reports include the
demographics and interests of the people who interacted with the content. Meta outsources the
aggregation of data to measurement vendors who then use this aggregated data to produce
measurement and analytics reports. Meta shares information about users with
companies that help
market its company and products, measure the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns, and
perform advertising research (advertising vendors). Meta explicitly states that it also shares
information with other Meta companies, such as those providing
WhatsApp, Novi and others. Meta
also processes information that it receives about users from other Meta companies. Meta apparently
also supports '
privacy-safe research' with user data.
The 'Like' button
The Facebook Like button has received considerable attention from researchers, including as
regards its legal aspects. In 2019, it became the subject of legal proceedings before the CJEU (Case
C-40/17, Fashion ID, 20 July 2019). In this context Facebook explained that when an internet user
visits a website with the Like button or another embedded social plugin, the browser sends
Facebook more or less comprehensive information, depending on whether the user is logged into
Facebook or not. Even if the user is logged out of Facebook or if a visitor does not have a Facebook
account, the browser sends Facebook information about the visited web page, the date and time,
as well as other browser-related information. Ultimately, Facebook not only collects information
about the liked content but also information from across web pages, which may feed into
comprehensive user profiles and 'shadow profiles' (see box above). Facebook's social plugins also
include the share buttons, as well as embedded posts and comment boxes. Facebook has
recently announced changes to its social plugins in the European region, meaning that visitors
would only see Like or Comment buttons, if they are both 1) logged into their Facebook account;
and 2) have provided their consent to the 'App and Website Cookies' control.
Meta Pixel
Like Google, Meta offers an analytics solution enabling website operators to track visitors. O nly
preceded by Google's analytics technologies, Meta Pixel is the most widely distributed
(5 %)
analytics technology among BuiltWith's top 1 million sites and is live on nearly 6.5 million websites.
Meta Pixel is a small piece of code (JavaScript) that website operators can integrate into their
website. It
enables customers to use Meta's advertising products to better reach people similar to
their existing audience or website visitors (targeting), to optimise customers' ads to reach the
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
people most likely to take action (delivery) and to learn more about website visitors and the
conversions that result from ads (measurement). When a user visits a website with Meta Pixel
embedded in it, pre-defined actions
trigger the reporting of events and cookie IDs to Meta, enabling
Meta to track activities, which it may share with the Pixel business customer. Meta Pixel collects five
types of data, including HTTP headers (including e.g. IP addresses), Pixel-specific data, such as pixel
ID and the cookie, button click data, field names, and other optional data about events determined
by developers and marketers. As noted in Meta's terms, Facebook also uses information obtained
from websites that install Pixels for its own purposes, i.e. to personalise the features and content
(including internet-based ads and recommendations) that it shows on and off its products. P. Bekos
et al.
demonstrate that seemingly ephemeral Pixel cookie tracking is often persistent (refresh of
expiration date upon revisit) and that Meta can theoretically match the activity data collected with
Facebook user profiles and account owners (real-name policy) if users access the third-party website
containing Pixel by clicking on a link displayed on the Facebook platform (new tagging mechanism).
c. Amazon
Considering the possibilities offered by Amazon's 'data machine', A. Lipsman from eMarketer
believes that Amazon will overtake Meta in total advertising revenue, possibly within five years. The
privacy policy of Amazon's German website (the only European country website currently offering
a non-binding English translation), describes how Amazon collects and processes personal
information through its websites, devices, products, services, online and physical stores, and other
applications (collectively referred to as Amazon Services). Amazon stores user-provided information
in relation to Amazon Services. It automatically logs certain types of information about usage of
Amazon Services and about the web browser or device used to access these services or content
served by or on behalf of Amazon on other websites. It uses device identifiers, operational and
cookies, and other technologies to collect browsing, usage or other technical
information to enhance the shopping experience, provide services, understand customer act ivity,
display ads, and prevent fraud. Approved third parties also use these tools in connection with
Amazon's display of ads to collect information about users. Third parties
include search engines,
providers of measurement and analytics services, social media networks and advertising companies.
Amazon may also receive information from subsidiaries and third-party sources.
Amazon collects information provided by the user such as: the name and phone number submitted
as part of the account information, downloaded or otherwise used content, voice recordings when
users speak to Alexa, images and videos collected or stored in connection with Amazon Services,
credit history information, and device log files and configurations. Information Amazon
automatically collects and analyses includes IP addresses; computer, device and connection
information; information about user interactions with content; location of users' devices or
computers; device metrics including application usage and connectivity data; Amazon Services
metrics; purchase and content use history; as well as the URL clickstream
to, through, and from
Amazon's website (certain activity, platform, platform usage, and connection data). As part of
information from third-party sources, Amazon receives delivery and address information from
e.g. carriers; page view information from certain merchants; and credit history information from
credit bureaus. Amazon
works with third parties, such as publishers, social media networks, search
engines and advertising companies, to improve the relevance of the ads it serves. Some third parties
provide Amazon with (allegedly) non-personally identifiable information about users from offline
and online sources, which it 'may' use to provide users with more relevant and useful advertising.
Amazon processes personal information to operate, provide, and improve Amazon Services. This
includes identifying preferences to personalise features, products, services and recommendations
processing personal information to provide and improve Amazon Services; and using personal
information such as activity data to display
interest-based advertisements. According to Amazon
Germany's help page, Amazon does not use information that personally identifies users nor do es it
personally identifiable information to serve interest-based ads.
Unpacking 'commercial surveillance': The state of tracking
Amazon Europe shares customers' personal information
with, Inc. and certain subsidiaries.
Additionally, Amazon Europe shares data with third parties
such as sellers and third-party applications providers
(transaction parties and supporting services) that offer
services, products, applications or skills for use on or
through Amazon Services. Additionally, it shares personal
information with companies and individuals that perform
functions on Amazon's behalf such as analysing data,
providing marketing assistance, providing search results
and links, and assessing and managing credit risk (third-
party service providers). These service providers may use
the shared information for no other purposes than to
perform their functions. Amazon provides ad companies
with information that allows them to offer their users more
useful and relevant Amazon ads and to measure their
effectiveness. In this context, Amazon does not share users'
names or other information that 'directly' identifies them.
Instead, Amazon uses an advertising identifier such as a
cookie, a device identifier or a code derived from applying irreversible cryptography. Like many
other internet companies, Amazon's privacy policy is worded
in a way that allows them to collect,
combine, analyse and share data extensively. It is worth noting that this does not guarantee the
GDPR-compliance of their policies and practices.
Instead of focusing on Amazon's web and app tracking capabilities, journalists and researchers draw
particular attention to the ambient tracking capabilities of Amazon's connected devices and its tech-
driven company acquisitions. Specifically, they have repeatedly criticised voice assistant Alexa
Ring smart home systems. These devices tie in with Amazon's vision of augmenting the future with
ambient intelligence. Alexa's chief scientist Rohit Prasad explains that in 'this paradigm, our
environment responds to our requests and anticipates our needs, provides information or suggests
actions, and then recedes into the background'. Ambient intelligence focuses on integrating sensors
and microprocessors with everyday objects and making them responsive. Already in 2006 K. de Vries
predicted that ambient intelligent technologies are 'likely to make the development of successful
profiling and personalization algorithms, like the ones currently used by internet companies such as
Amazon, even more important than it is today'. Additionally, P. Ahonen et al. see an enhanced
of companies and governments linking digital and social identities (neighbour, employee, student,
etc.) for their own purposes. It is worth noting that like Amazon, Google and Meta are
their core businesses and are respectively working towards ambient computing and the metaverse.
Through innovation and technology-driven acquisitions (Yap, Evi and IVONA), Amazon was able to
'leapfrog' Apple and Google in the race for building a speech-enabled virtual assistant. Reportedly,
by 2019 Amazon had already sold more than 100 million Alexa-enabled devices. As a key technology
for '
making ... life easier', which is often deeply enmeshed with users' private lives, voice assistants
are exceptionally polarising. Anecdotal evidence from US data access requests demonstrate
Amazon's ability to compile intimate portraits of individual users. One reporter's dossier revealed
that Amazon had collected more than 90 000 Alexa recordings of family members over 3.5 years
averaging about 70 daily. The recordings revealed that Alexa sometimes recorded longer
conversations rather than stopping when the user command ended.
In a 2022 study, U. Iqbal et al. found evidence that Amazon personalises ads based on user
interactions with Amazon Echo. The results 'indicate that (i) Amazon Echo user interactions are
tracked by both Amazon and third-parties, (ii) Amazon used Amazon Echo interactions for ad
targeting on-platform (e.g., audio ads) and off-platform (e.g., web ads), and (iii) Amazon computed
Scrutiny of data processing practices
Amazon confirmed in its US Securities and
Exchange Commission filing
that the
Luxembourg National Data Protection
Commission (CNPD) issued a decision against
Amazon Europe Core S.r.l. claiming that
Amazon's processing of personal data violated
the EU GDPR. On these grounds, the CNPD
imposed a record fine of
€746 million on
Amazon regarding its targeted advertising
system. Amazon appealed the decision and
the Administrative Court responsible
suspended the part of the decision
threatening to add daily fines of 0.1 %
(€746 000) if Amazon did not make changes to
its data processes by 15 January 2022. The
Administrative Court did not address the
€746 million
fine, either from a legal
standpoint or in terms of the amount charged.
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
user interests from voice data in a way that was inconsistent
with their public statements'. The researchers also noted
inconsistencies in Amazon's responses to their data access
requests. While Amazonin line with what it states
not literally be using the 'recordings', but rather transcripts
thereof, results suggest that Amazon is 'processing voice
recordings, inferring interests, and using those to target
ads'. The distinction between voice recordings and
transcribed recordings may not be meaningful to many
users. It remains uncertain to what
extent Amazon applies
voice and speech analysis. A spokesperson from Amazon
challenged the researchers' methodology but confirmed
that Amazon uses voice data from Alexa interactions to
inform ads. In response, the researchers
pointed out that
Amazon did not directly address their findings. In a 2021
cross-country large-scale
study analysing 90 192 unique
Alexa apps ('Skills'), C. Lentzsch et al. found that only 24.2 %
of all Skills provided privacy policies and that 23.3 % of
Skills' privacy policies did not fully disclose the data types
associated with the permissions requested.
Strategy Analytics estimated that Ring Doorbell was the
most sold doorbell in 2021 globally, with 1.7 million units sold. A 2020 BBC data subject access
request (DSAR) revealed
that Ring stores detailed records of user activity, including camera events
and app interactions. According to tests by Consumer Reports, some of Ring's doorbell cameras can
record audio from about 20 feet away. The doorbells' cameras can perform a combination of face
and body-shape analysis, to spot the differences between humans and other living things (camera-
based motion detection).
Ring lists 14 ways Amazon can use collected data. This includes improving the service, protecting
against fraud, personalising the user experience, identifying and authenticating the user,
conducting consumer research and complying with 'relevant industry standards and policies'.
Additionally, Ring uses information about users' online activities to provide them with personalised
advertising. It explicitly states that Ring 'may use these automated technologies to collect
information about your equipment, browsing actions, and usage patterns'. Ring anonymises some
of the collected information and uses it to perform analytics (if not for other purposes). R in g also
uses third-party services, such as Google Analytics, to analyse and understand individuals' web and
app usage. It is not clear from Ring's policy whether Ring configured these services in a way that
allows their providers to use the data for their own purposes. In early 2020, the Electronic Frontier
discovered that the Ring doorbell app under investigation sent personally identifiable
information to four analytics and marketing companies, including Facebook. It is worth noting that
Ring reserves the right to store, alter and use audio, video, images and other content that a user
posts to Ring's
Neighbour app, but stipulates that the user must warrant that the posting and use
of the content does not violate the privacy and other rights of any person. Reportedly, Ring used
doorbell videos posted to its app for ads in 2019.
In its privacy policy, Ring clarifies that the user is 'solely' responsible for ensuring their compliance
with the applicable law when using Ring's products or services (e.g. display a notice
). These may
create up to two rectangular privacy zones, with a minimum size of approximately 15 % of the
screen. Ring will not display or record what is happening in these zones. This feature is not available
in Ring's first generation doorbell. Additionally, users can switch off audio streaming and recording.
Nevertheless, the graphics in the
positioning guides depict the field views of Ring's do o rbells
capturing footage of events occurring on public property. Researchers take issue with the fact that
Scrutiny of voice assistants
Various voice assistants were found to record
and transcript snipp
ets outside of any
activation. Transcripts were shared with
external subcontractors for corrections.
Ireland's Data Protection Commission (DPC)
is the lead supervisory authority for Apple
and Google, while the
CNPD is the one for
Amazon. As per their remit, these supervisory
authorities engaged
with the three
companies concerned in 2019 and 2020.
, they did not open official
investigations or impose meaningful fines. In
2020, a whistle blower
encouraged 'proper
investigation and action', as well as 'further
sanctions including fines and bans of
processing to prevent these big companies
from initiating any similar programmes in the
. Meanwhile, the EDPB published
on virtual voice assistants.
Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsoft
to making changes to their
grading programmes.
Unpacking 'commercial surveillance': The state of tracking
Ring shifts the compliance onus to users. In a recent case,
the Oxford country court held
that two Ring devices
invaded the neighbour's privacy.
While Amazon's tech acquisitions continue to raise pr ivacy
concerns, it is worth noting that Amazon too offers a range
of technologies that may enable it to track users across
third-party sites and apps. These include '
Login with
Amazon', 'Alexa for Video Publishers', 'Amazon Simple
Email Service (SES)', and 'Amazon Attribution'. The terms
of use of Amazon's Sizmek Ad Suite explicitly state that it
may use digital advertising technologies in relation to
websites or applications of customers, their respective
(downstream) customers, and other online presence.
d. Tracking on mobile apps
This final sub-section reviews tracking and profiling
practices of native mobile apps available in the iOS and
Android app stores. Many companies have developed
dedicated apps for services they previously exclusively
offered over the internet, not least because it allows them to leverage functionalities and resources
of mobile platforms and frees them from the limitations posed by web and browser-related
standards. As reported by IAB, mobile ad revenues now account for the majority of internet ad
revenues plateauing at around 70 % of the internet-based ad market. Between December 2019 and
February 2020, K. Kollnig et al.
analysed 12 000 free apps from each of the iOS and Android
platforms. They discovered that Android apps contained on average 3.8 tracking libraries, whereas
iOS apps contained on average 3.1 tracking libraries. They discovered that 81.44 % of the Android
apps and 68.46 % of iOS apps share data with tracking companies before any user interaction, which
'suggests potentially widespread violations of applicable data protection law'. The overwhelming
majority of apps share data with tracking companies owned by Alphabet, Google's parent company.
Conversely, Apple can collect tracking data from more than two thirds of iOS apps. The next in line
in this regard is Facebook, with a similar presence on both iOS and Android platforms. IOS apps
such as Bluetooth, Calendar and Cameraconsistently requested more opt-in permissions when
comparing the permissions that exist on both platforms. 'Once a permission is granted, an app can
usually access sensitive data anytime without the user's knowledge'. It is worth noting that s ince the
2019-2020 analysis, Apple has taken privacy measures as described in the next section and K. Kollnig
et al. published a follow-up
study that took these developments into account. The researchers
concluded that Apple's changes 'make tracking individual users more difficult, they motivate a
countermovement [by ostracized actors], and reinforce exiting market power of gatekeeper
companies with access to large troves of first-party data'. '[T]racking companies, especially larger
ones with access to large troves of first-party data, can still track users behind the scenes'.
4. A privacy-minded paradigm shift?
Recently, Google and Apple have announced and implemented restrictions on web- and app-
tracking, sparking widespread criticism. Apple began blocking third-party cookies in its Safari
browser through its Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP
) initiative in September 2017. Google
announced a similar initiative, known as Privacy Sandbox for its Chrome browser (CPS), but
postponed its implementation to the end of 2023 after considerable pushback from the industry.
Both Apple and Google have been criticised for self-preferencing, introducing double standards,
and causing harm to competition. On 11 February 2022, the UK's Competition and Markets Authority
accepted legally binding commitments from Google to address the CMA's compet ition
concerns and support a competitive ad-funded web. The CMA suggested that Apple too should
The US debate on Ring doorbells
In the US, digital rights groups, journalists and
researchers have raised concerns reaching
beyond commercial tracking, such as:
controversial cooperation with law
enforcement that Ring itself had submitted
to an external
the audio and video
streaming and
recording of protected third parties, e.g.
moving on public property;
the dissemination and sharing of recorded
content on platforms;
a possible reality show based on footage
from Ring devices;
improper access to captured content by
Ring employees;
cybersecurity vulnerabilities that allow third
parties to access stored and streamed data;
possible augmentation of Ring products
with biometric surveillance capabilities.
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
consider using privacy-preserving technologies that
mitigate potential competition harms. However,
'[u]nlike Google, Apple does not have a significant
position in online search and display advertising
which could be advantaged by these privacy
changes'. Similarly, Apple introduced App Tracking
Transparency (ATT
), restricting third-party tracking
options on its mobile devices, while Google
launched its
Privacy Sandbox for Android (APS).
Again, industry players criticised them for self-
preferencing and for applying double standards.
Based on preliminary information, the UK CMA
considers that both APS and ATT could similarly harm
competition, but that self-preferencing could be
more acute for APS than for ATT. Google has
indicated that it intends to apply to its proposed APS
the principles of the commitments made to the CMA
regarding the CPS. Google's initial solutions were
criticised by privacy advocates. It is hard to predict
what the reactions of the advertising industry and the
long-term implications will be. In terms of pr iva cy,
these initiatives may present a turning point, a
bargaining phase, or window dressing for self-preferencing leading to more market
shares and data.
5. FTC deep dive into 'commercial surveillance'
In a joint statement accompanying an order for information on privacy practices addressed t o s ocial
media and video streaming providers three US Federal Trade Commissioners (FTC) stated that:
Despite their central role in our daily lives, the decisions that prominent online platforms make regarding
consumers and consumer data remain shrouded in secrecy. Critical questions about business models,
algorithms, and data collection and use have gone unanswered. ... It is alarming that we still know so little
about companies that know so much about us. ... Never before has there been an industry capable of
surveilling and monetizing so much of our personal lives. ... This constant access allows these firms to monitor
where users go, the people with whom they interact, and what they are doing. But to what end? Is this
surveillance used to build psychological profiles of users? Predict their behavior? Manipulate experiences to
generate ad sales? Promote content to capture attention or shape discourse? ...
Two years on, the FTC is considering regulatory action on commercial surveillance and data security.
It received over 11 000 comments and over 1 000 posts in response to its public consultation.
This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as
background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of
the document is the sole
responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official
position of the Parliament.
Reproduction and translation for non
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© European Union, 202
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James Thew / Adobe Stock. (contact)
Is my phone listening? Maybe.
Facebook (under oath) and Google denied using
microphones to inform ads or (certain) other
functions without consent. Computer scientists such
J.L. Kröger and P. Raschke, S. Abhishek Anand et
al., and S. Bayerl demonstrated that it is possible to
program apps that collect motion sensor data and
reconstruct spoken words or phrases, as well as
disseminate the apps via app stores. Back in 2016,
cybersecurity expert
D. Lodge built an app that
surreptitiously collected audio recordings from the
microphone of an Android smartphone. Co-author
J.L. Kröger
tweeted 'At the bottom line, whether
sensitive information is extracted from private
conversations or collected from other sources does
not make much difference to the possibilities of data
exploitation and the entailing consequences for the
data subject. ... Therefore, whether justified or not,
the suspicions examined ... lead to a very
fundamental question: What degree of surveillance
should be considered acceptable for commercial
purposes like targeted advertising'.