© Copyright 2023 HHAeXchange | 130 West 42nd Street, 2nd Floor | New York, NY 10036
Mobile App Process Guide
for Caregivers
Caregiver Setup and Use
The Provider Portal
© Copyright 2023 HHAeXchange | 130 West 42nd Street, 2nd Floor | New York, NY 10036
Document Revision History (Last 2 Years)
Date Description of Revision
Added: Mobile App Nevvon Integration
Update: Mobile App Accessibility Updates
05/14/2021 Update: GPS EVV Method to Reduce OOR Exceptions
Accessibility standards applied
Remove: Care Pathways
08/11/2021 Update: Mobile App Password Reset (Self-directed)
9/30/2021 Added Patient Address Pin on GPS Map Confirmation.
10/20/2021 Replaced screen shots to show accessibility
11/1/2021 Added two new language options and Archiving messages
11/22/2021 Updated Accessibility statement.
Added Mobile Biometric Two-Factor Authentication, Community Visit, Log-In Page
Language Selector.
Added Privacy & Confidentiality Acknowledgement, Scheduled/Unscheduled Visit
Option, Community Visit allowed at Clock In or Clock Out.
Added Unscheduled Community Visit, Offline Unscheduled Visit, and Service Code
for Unscheduled Visit.
4/4/2022 Added three new language options.
5/2/2022 Added 15-Minute Timeout information.
7/11/2022 Added Mobile Biometric Login and POC Tasks Displayed for Unscheduled Visits.
8/1/2022 Added Log Duties Throughout the Shift.
2/13/2023 Updated: Mobile App Integration Services (formerly Nevvon Integration)
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© Copyright 2023 HHAeXchange | 130 West 42nd Street, 2nd Floor | New York, NY 10036
Table of Contents
Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Accessibility ........................................................................................................................................... 1
HHAX System Key Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................. 1
Caregiver Mobile App ............................................................................................................................... 2
Downloading the App ........................................................................................................................... 2
Signing Up and Registering ................................................................................................................... 4
Sign Up .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Register ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Mobile Biometric Login ......................................................................................................................... 7
Mobile Biometric Two-Factor Authentication ...................................................................................... 8
Facial Recognition ............................................................................................................................. 8
Fingerprint Recognition .................................................................................................................. 10
Biometric Authentication Not Configured/Supported ................................................................... 11
Privacy & Confidentiality Acknowledgment ....................................................................................... 12
Using the Mobile App ............................................................................................................................. 13
The Main Screen ................................................................................................................................. 13
Top Panel ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Today’s Schedule ................................................................................................................................ 14
Unscheduled Visits .............................................................................................................................. 14
Visits ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Patients ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Messages ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Open Shifts ...................................................................................................................................... 23
My Availability ................................................................................................................................. 26
Clock In and Out .............................................................................................................................. 27
Visit Notes ....................................................................................................................................... 31
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Directions Map ................................................................................................................................ 32
Community Visit .............................................................................................................................. 33
Consecutive Shifts ........................................................................................................................... 34
Log Duties Throughout the Shift ..................................................................................................... 34
Additional Features ............................................................................................................................. 35
Settings and User Agreement ......................................................................................................... 35
User Guide ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Patient Search ................................................................................................................................. 37
Language Options ........................................................................................................................... 38
Log-In Page Language Selector ....................................................................................................... 41
Timeout ........................................................................................................................................... 41
Patient Phone Number Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 42
Mobile App Offline Mode ....................................................................................................................... 43
Cautions .............................................................................................................................................. 45
Offline Authentication ........................................................................................................................ 45
Mobile App Password Reset ................................................................................................................... 46
Forgot Password? ................................................................................................................................ 46
Account Locked ................................................................................................................................... 47
Mobile App Caregiver Time Edit Corrections .......................................................................................... 48
Automatic Time Setting Option .............................................................................................................. 49
Mobile App Caregiver Compliance Alerts ............................................................................................... 50
Mobile App Compliance Page ............................................................................................................. 50
Caregiver Awake/Alert Confirmation ...................................................................................................... 52
GPS EVV Method to Reduce OOR Exceptions ..................................................................................... 52
Patient Address PIN on GPS Map Confirmation ..................................................................................... 55
Mobile App Integration ........................................................................................................................... 57
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Mobile App Process Guide for Caregivers Page | 1 Caregiver Setup and Use
Overview Proprietary & Confidential
The HHAX Caregiver Mobile App is a tool used to place Electronic Visit Verifications (EVVs), review
Patient and Visit information, manage Availability, and express interest in open shifts. The Caregiver
Mobile App is available for both iPhone and Android users. This process guide covers the Caregiver
Mobile App functionality and setup on the Caregiver’s device.
Please direct any questions regarding the content of this document to HHAeXchange Client Support.
Refer to the Help section in the Caregiver Mobile App for immediate questions or click the link to
contact support for further assistance.
Some Caregiver Mobile App features are activated by HHAX System Administration. Please contact
HHAX Client Support for details, setup, and guidance.
The HHAX Mobile App adheres to W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) enabling
physically challenged users to use the Mobile App. The Mobile App screens include color contrasts,
button color changes, and icons or markings to achieve this.
HHAX System Key Terms and Definitions
The following provides basic definition of HHAX System key terms applicable throughout the document.
Term Definition
Refers to the Member, Consumer, or Recipient. The Patient is the person receiving
Refers to the Aide, Homecare Aide, Homecare Worker, or Worker. The Caregiver is the
person providing services.
Refers to the Agency or organization coordinating services.
Refers to the Managed Care Organization (MCO), Contract, or HHS. The Payer is the
organization placing Patients with Providers.
Acronym for HHAeXchange
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Caregiver Mobile App Proprietary & Confidential
Caregiver Mobile App
Downloading the App
The HHAeXchange Caregiver Mobile App is available for download through the App Store or Google Play
for either iPhone or Android devices. To locate and download the App, enter the keyword HHA
Exchange in the search bar of the App Store or Google Play (as shown).
Caregivers are responsible for downloading and installing the application on their personal mobile
device. After registering, Caregivers must provide credentials and ID numbers to the Agency for further
setup and linking to the HHAX platform.
HHAeXchange Mobile App
When the Caregiver Mobile App is first installed, the user is prompted to select a preferred language.
The language selected for the signup process is also the language in which guidance and emails are
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Caregiver Mobile App Proprietary & Confidential
Select Language (Spanish)
Creating Credentials (Spanish)
Registration (Spanish)
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Caregiver Mobile App Proprietary & Confidential
Signing Up and Registering
Creating an account for the Caregiver Mobile App is a two-step process, as follows:
Sign up by creating login credentials.
Register by entering additional demographic information.
Sign Up
After the App has downloaded, press Sign Up on the bottom left of the main screen. The App prompts
for the following:
An Email Address
A Password (minimum of 8 letters, 1 capital, and 1 numeric value)
When credentials are completed and confirmed, select Sign Up to log in to the App.
Sign Up Screen
Upon successfully creating an account, the system issues a verification email, as seen below.
Successful Sign Up Email
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Caregiver Mobile App Proprietary & Confidential
Follow the steps outlined below to register on the HHAX Caregiver Mobile App.
Step Action
1 Log in to the App after receiving the verification email.
2 Review the Terms of User Agreement and tap Agree.
The Main Screen opens. Click the three-dot icon (at top right) as prompted by the message.
From the menu options, tap Update Profile.
Complete all the fields on the Create Profile page. Tap Create to create the Profile.
Note: Values must match the information on record with HHAX. The Mobile App does not link correctly if
any of these values do not match.
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Step Action
Once all the information is correctly entered, a message appears containing the Mobile ID.
HHAX sends a second email after successful registration containing the Mobile ID and instructions on
how to log in and use the Caregiver Mobile App.
Successful Registration Email
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Caregiver Mobile App Proprietary & Confidential
Mobile Biometric Login
A user can log in with Fingerprint Authentication or Facial Recognition (when the capability is available
on the mobile device). The Biometric Login option becomes available after logging in to the Agency using
the Email and Password and then logging out at least one time. When the Biometric Login option is
available, the fingerprint icon at the right of the Password field is displayed as enabled.
Biometric Login Available
Note: If the Agency requires Two Factor Authentication, then a Password must also be provided on the Login page
before tapping the fingerprint icon.
Enter the Email address and tap the fingerprint icon to access the device’s fingerprint authentication or
facial recognition biometric page. After providing a matching fingerprint or facial scan, the Caregiver
Mobile App opens.
Sample biometric page
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Note: If a password is changed via the Forgot Password? function, the Biometric Login option is reset. The user
must log in to the Agency using Email and Password and log out at least one time before the Biometric Login
option becomes available again.
Mobile Biometric Two-Factor Authentication
Mobile App Biometric Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) allows Agencies to add another layer of security
to the login process on the Mobile App. On the Mobile App, Caregivers are prompted to authenticate
their login via the biometric measures configured by the Agency. The Biometric options currently
supported are facial and fingerprint recognition (if available on the mobile device).
Facial Recognition
The following image illustrates the Biometric Authentication screen on the Mobil App when facial
recognition is required for authentication.
Facial Recognition Required
Once confirmed, the app alerts of a successful facial recognition and logs the user in.
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Success: Face ID
If facial recognition is not successful, then the app prompts the user to retry, as seen in the image
Face Not Recognized
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Fingerprint Recognition
The following images illustrate a sequence of screens (from top to bottom) when fingerprint recognition
is required for authentication. The initial screen prompts the user to press on the Use your Fingerprint
box to authenticate.
Fingerprint Recognition Required
The following screen prompts for the user to perform the Touch ID for HHAeXchange, using the
applicable device feature.
Use Touch ID to Authenticate
If the authentication cannot be verified, then the device prompts the user to retry the fingerprint
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Retry Authentication
Biometric Authentication Not Configured/Supported
If the device is either not configured or does not support fingerprint or facial recognition, then the
screen indicates steps to take, as seen in the image below. Tap on the Settings button to configure the
feature or tap on the Exit button and contact the Agency for further instructions.
Device Not Configured/Supported
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Privacy & Confidentiality Acknowledgment
This setting is enabled and managed by HHAX System Administration.
Please contact HHAX Client Support for assistance.
Some mobile users may be required to acknowledge a Privacy and Confidentiality statement before
accessing the system. If a Privacy and Confidentiality Notice is displayed when logging in, tap Continue
to acknowledge it and access the system.
Sample of a Privacy & Confidentiality Notice
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Using the Mobile App Proprietary & Confidential
Using the Mobile App
The Main Screen
Using the Mobile App, Caregivers keep track of their schedule, receive and respond to messages from
their Office/Agency, and Clock In and Out of a visit. The following sections provide descriptions and
guidance on the Main Screen options.
The Main Screen
Top Panel
Tap the icon on the top panel to switch between Agencies/Offices the Caregiver is connected to. The
Caregiver must provide every Agency/Office the Mobile ID for proper syncing/linking with the system.
Switch Offices
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Today’s Schedule
Today’s Schedule is used to review and Clock In and Out of scheduled visits for the present day.
Today’s Schedule
Unscheduled Visits
Unscheduled Visits allows Caregivers to submit EVV for unscheduled visits. Caregivers create an
unscheduled visit for any Patient to whom they have access by selecting the Patient Profile.
If asked to provide service for a Patient the Caregiver has never worked with before, the Caregiver
selects Patient not in the list to create a new visit. EVV for an Unscheduled Visit generated via the
Patient not in the list selection is automatically sent to Call Maintenance with the status Unscheduled
Patient not Selected. EVV cannot be linked because EVV is meant to provide proof to the Agency/Office
that Caregivers were with the Patient.
Create Unscheduled Visits
Note: Placing EVV and logging POCs for Unscheduled Visits follows the same process as Scheduled Visits.
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Warning for Inadvertent Unscheduled Visits
When attempting to create an Unscheduled Visit that matches a visit already on Today’s Schedule, the
Caregiver is given the option to resume an active visit for the Patient in Today’s Schedule or to continue
to create a new Unscheduled Visit.
If the Caregiver taps RESUME, then Today’s Schedule is displayed to use an active visit for the
selected Patient.
If the Caregiver taps CONTINUE, then Visit Detail is displayed to create a new Unscheduled Visit.
Scheduled Visit/Unscheduled Visit Option
Patient Signature Requirements for Unscheduled Visit
If any active contract for a Patient requires Patient Signature at Clock-In or Clock-Out (as configured),
the Patient Signature screens are presented on the Mobile App (to include Unscheduled Visits). If
applicable, the Skip button appears on the screen (if configured). The following images illustrate the
sequence of screens (from top to bottom).
Clock IN/OUT
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Patient Signature
Skip Reason (if Skipped)
Confirmation Times
Select Service Code for an Unscheduled Visit
When the Office has enabled the Enable Unscheduled Visit Service Code Selection option, if an
Unscheduled Visit is conducted and multiple Service Codes are available in the Member’s Active
Authorizations, the Caregiver is prompted to select the visit’s Service Code on Clock In.
From the Visit Detail screen, select the applicable Service Code.
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Select a Service Code for an Unscheduled Visit
If only one Service Code is available in the Member’s Active Authorizations, then that Service Code is
automatically selected and displayed at Clock In.
Only One Service Code Available
At Clock Out, the Caregiver can change the visit’s Service Code if another Code is available.
Change Service Code at Clock Out
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Plan of Care Tasks Displayed for Unscheduled Visits
Plan of Care Tasks are displayed when an Unscheduled Visit is created for a Patient who has one active
Authorization with POC Tasks.
POC Tasks Displayed for Unscheduled Visit
If no Plan of Care Tasks exist for the Patient, or if more than one active Authorization with POC Tasks
exists for the Patient, the Plan of Care Tasks section indicates that no POC Tasks are associated with the
Unscheduled Visit.
No POC Tasks for Unscheduled Visit
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Select Visits to review all scheduled visits up to two weeks in advance.
Completed and Scheduled Visits
Select Patients to view a list of all Patients the Caregiver can access. Select a Patient to view Patient Info
and visits. If authorized, Caregivers can also access the Patient’s Clinical info and Medications.
Patient Details: Medications
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Patient Details: Info
Multiple Addresses appear on the Patient Info tab (as shown) if entered in the Patient Profile page.
Patient Multi-Address
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Select Messages to review and respond to any messages sent from the Agency/Office. Follow the steps
below to create, send, and filter messages on the Mobile App.
Step Action
Tap the notepad icon (as shown) to enter a new message or respond to an existing one.
The New Message window opens. In the To field, tap the plus icon to select a recipient. In the
Priority field, tap the plus icon to select the priority, if/as needed. Compose the message in the
text area. Tap Send to send the message.
To sort existing messages, tap the filter icon as shown in the Sort Messages image.
Archiving messages
Messages can be archived, retained in history, but hidden from the user’s view. To archive a message,
press and hold the message until the app prompts to confirm archiving the message, as seen in the
image below. Tap Yes to archive and hide the message from view.
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Archive prompt
To review archived messages, change the Messages filter to include Archived Messages or Both
Messages and Archived Messages.
Messages Filter
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Open Shifts
Select Open Shifts to review and request open shifts as broadcast by the Agency/Office. Follow the
steps below to view and express interest in Open Shifts.
Step Action
The Open Shifts screen appears displaying all broadcast shifts on the NEW tab. Shifts are labeled
as Single or Permanent. Tap on a shift to view basic information.
The basic shift information opens under the DETAILS tab for the selected shift. Evaluate the shift.
Tap the MAP tab to access the Google Map visual. Refer to the
Open Shifts Map Scaled to Patient Address section below.
Tap Interested to express interest in working the shift or Not Interested to reject and remove
from the list after evaluating the shift.
Note: As per HIPAA regulations, only the City, State, and Zip Code can be provided at the time of broadcast.
When assigned, the Caregiver can view the complete Patient address.
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Step Action
Requested shifts move to the PENDING tab, pending assignment from the Agency’s Coordinator.
When a shift is assigned to the Caregiver, the shift moves from the PENDING tab to the
Caregiver’s Visits section. The Caregiver is alerted of the assignment.
If the Agency rejects the request, then the shift is removed from the PENDING tab, and a message
is sent to the Caregiver with the rejection reason (such as “Shift no longer available”).
Indicating interest does not mean that a Caregiver is automatically given a shift. Shifts must be assigned by the
Agency’s Coordinator. Only then does a Caregiver receive an alert, and the shift appears as a scheduled visit on
their Mobile App.
The Caregiver must be logged in to the Mobile App to review Case Broadcasts in the Open Shifts screen.
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Open Shifts Map Scaled to Patient Address
In the Open Shifts Map view, the blue highlighted area around the Patient Address represents
approximately a one-mile-wide range with a default view of approximately 10 square miles, as seen in
the following image.
Pinch-in to zoom out or pinch-out to zoom in to assess the shift and tap Interested to express interest or
Not Interested to bypass.
Open Shift: Scaled Map View
Note: To protect PHI (Protected Health Information), the actual Patient address is not pinned on the map.
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My Availability
The My Availability function allows Caregivers to review and adjust their availability preferences,
provided that the Office/Agency has enabled this feature. To edit Availability, select the day to edit or
tap Clear This Week. Select the Special Availability tab at the top of the page to set an alternate
availability schedule.
My Availability
Edit Regular Availability
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Clock In and Out
This section provides the steps involved to Clock In and Out of a visit, as well as entering POC Duties and
Patient Signatures.
Clock In
Step Action
Select Today’s Schedule from the Main Screen. Select the appropriate visit. In this example, Greg
The Clock-In/Out tab opens. Tap on Clock In.
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Step Action
Select either GPS or Security Token to submit an EVV.
Note: The term Security Token refers to the FOB Device.
A successful EVV displays in green under Clock In (now disabled), as shown.
Note: Unsuccessful EVV placement times display in red instead of green.
From the Visit Detail page, Caregivers can also access the following tabs:
Directions: Syncs to the mobile device’s GPS to provide directions to the visit location. Refer
to the Directions Map section below for further details.
Patient Info: Displays the Patient’s name, any phone numbers connected to the profile, their
address, and emergency contacts.
Care Plan: Contains the Patient’s Plan of Care (POC), listing each duty in detail, describing
how often it is required, and including additional instructions.
Notes: Maintains a record of notes the Caregiver or Agency makes for the visit.
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Clock Out
Step Action
When the visit is completed, tap Clock Out on the Clock In/Out page. If the visit includes a Plan of
Care (POC), the Caregiver is prompted to select the duties performed.
Select the checkmark for duties performed or the X for duties refused.
In addition, select the Refused Duty Reason (if the Agency requires it) when a duty is marked
Note: When servicing Mutual Patients, the Caregiver must enter separate POC duties for each Patient.
If the Contract authorizing the visit requires a Patient Signature, the Caregiver must obtain the
signature on the device to process the visit, as seen in the following two images.
Note: The Patient Signature may be required at Clock In and/or Clock Out depending on the Contract
authorizing the visit. This feature is configured by the Agency.
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Step Action
If the Agency allows the Patient Signature to be skipped, then a Skip button appears. Tap Skip and
select the reason why the Patient cannot sign (required). The Save button is unavailable until a
reason is selected.
Skip Signature Enabled Alert
Select/Save Skip Reason
Tap Save when the required screens are completed to return to the Visit Details page with a
confirmation message (as shown). Tap OK to return to the home screen.
For standard Clock IN and OUT of Linked and Mutual Patient Visits, refer to the
Mobile App Clock IN/OUT of Linked and Mutual Visits Job Aid.
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Visit Notes
Visit Notes can be entered during or after a visit. Follow the steps outlined below to enter a Visit Note.
Step Action
From the Visit Details screen, tap the Add Note icon (the circled plus sign), as shown.
Select the Note Type: Visit Text Note, Visit Voice Note, or Visit Image Note.
Notes can be reviewed on the Notes tab on the Visit Detail screen. A Note cannot be edited or
deleted once saved. Any Note created on the Caregiver Mobile App can be reviewed by your
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Directions Map
The Directions map (Visit Details > Directions) displays a 5-mile-wide view with a blue dot marking the
exact Patient Address. Pinch-in to zoom out or pinch-out to zoom in. The map also displays
transportation routes and nearby buildings.
Directions Map: Zoom Out
Transportation Routes: Zoom In
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Community Visit
Agencies can enable an option to allow a Member visit (whether Scheduled or Unscheduled) to be
designated as a Community Visit. When enabled, a Caregiver can mark a visit as a Community Visit by
clicking the icon at the bottom-left of the screen to display the Community Visit checkbox.
Community Visit Option
Select the Community Visit checkbox and tap Confirm to set the visit as a Community Visit and bypass
the requirement for proximity to the Member’s care location.
Community Visit Selected
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Consecutive Shifts
The Consecutive Shifts feature allows Caregivers to perform a single Clock-IN and Clock-OUT for
consecutive shifts for the same Patient or for two Linked Patients (Internal Contract), such as a husband
and wife receiving back-to-back services at the same address. Refer to the
Mobile App Consecutive Shifts Job Aid for instructions.
Log Duties Throughout the Shift
When the Allow Caregiver to Log Duties after Clock-In option is enabled by the Agency, the Duties tab
displays when the Caregiver Clocks In. From the Duties tab, the Caregiver can log tasks performed
throughout the visit. On Clock Out, the Caregiver can add and modify tasks performed throughout the
Duties tab
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Additional Features
Settings and User Agreement
On the Main screen, select the Settings icon (3-dots) to access additional features such as change
password and review User Agreement Terms.
Settings Icon on the Main Screen
Settings Menu
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User Guide
Tap the Help icon (question mark) to access the Mobile App user guide.
Help Icon on the Main Screen
Help Guide
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Patient Search
Caregivers can search for Patients they have access to or have previously provided service for. On the
Patients screen, click the Search icon (magnifying glass) to open the search bar, prompting the entry of
either a Patient’s Name or Address.
Search Icon on the Patient Page
Patient Search
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Language Options
The Mobile App offers language options designed to accommodate Caregivers with their preferred
language when using their mobile device. Instructions on how to change language settings are provided
in the following table.
Step Action
Tap the Settings icon on the top-right, as shown.
Select Change Language from the menu.
Change Language
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Step Action
From the list of available languages (listed below), thumb-scroll to select the desired language.
When selected, tap Apply (at the bottom of the screen) to save the language of choice. Once
applied, the screens (headers, instructions, etc.) are translated into the selected language.
Available languages include:
English (North America)
Spanish (Latin America)
French (European)
Chinese (Traditional)
Haitian Creole
Karen (Burmese)
Note: Other languages may be added in future releases.
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Step Action
After selecting the preferred language, all menu items appear in the chosen language. In this
example, Spanish is the selected language.
Language Applied
Note: To see Map functionality displayed in the selected language, users must first change the language,
then restart the application.
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Log-In Page Language Selector
When logging in, if the Mobile App Log In page is displayed in an unfamiliar language, the user can click
the Language Selector icon at the bottom center of the Log In page to select a different language.
Language Selector icon on Log In page
To better secure access to sensitive Patient data, the Caregiver Mobile Application times out and logs
the user out of the application after 15 minutes of inactivity. All data is saved when the application times
out and closes. If the application has timed out, the user must log in again to continue using the
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Patient Phone Number Descriptions Proprietary & Confidential
Patient Phone Number Descriptions
Patient phone number labels appear on the Caregiver Mobile app corresponding to the descriptions
entered in the Phone 2 and Phone 3 fields in the Patient Profile in the HHAX platform, as shown.
Phone Number Description Labels
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Mobile App Offline Mode Proprietary & Confidential
Mobile App Offline Mode
This feature must be enabled by the Agency/Office to be available for Caregivers.
The Offline Mode feature allows Caregivers to use the Mobile App when there is no internet
connectivity; later to synchronize when connectivity is restored. With this feature enabled, Caregivers
can Clock IN/OUT successfully while offline. Once the internet connectivity is restored, the Mobile App
synchronizes with the HHAX system and new and modified visit information is exchanged between the
HHAX System and the Caregiver Mobile App according to the Agency-defined sync period.
Synchronization occurs for the Caregiver on the Mobile App when any of the following actions take
place online:
Logging In
Switching Agencies
Changing Languages
During synchronization, the Mobile App downloads the next visits for the synchronization period as
defined by the Agency at the Office Level. This value can range from 24 hours to 120 hours with 24
hours as the default.
The only indicator that the Caregiver has when in Offline mode is the Offline Mode Active message alert
that appears at the bottom of the Home screen (as seen in the image). When in Offline Mode, the
Caregiver can access visits via the Today’s Schedule screen and perform the following:
Signature with Skip, and
Enter Duties
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Mobile App Offline Mode Active
Outside of the actions listed above, all other Mobile App functions are unavailable in Offline Mode.
Selecting any other function results in the Network Notice screen (as seen in the image).
Mobile App Network Notice
Not Supported in Offline Mode:
My Availability
Open shift
Sign up
Forgot Password
Change Password
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Mobile App Offline Mode Proprietary & Confidential
Change Language
Change Agencies
Care Insights
Time Edit Requests
Note the following cautions regarding the behavior of the Mobile App while in Offline Mode:
1. When online, visits created on the same day by the Agency are almost immediately available to
the Mobile App when the Caregiver goes to Today’s Schedule. In Offline Mode, this behavior
changes and new and modified visit data is not available until synchronization occurs (i.e., when
the user logs in, switches agencies, switches languages, or clicks on Unscheduled Visit, Visits, or
2. If the Caregiver is in Today’s Schedule when online and then goes offline, then the Caregiver is
redirected back to the home page where the Offline Mode Active message appears. Note that
once offline, the Caregiver may start a visit which is then altered by the Agency. In this case, any
reconciliation of that visit must be performed manually by the Agency after the Caregiver goes
back online and synchronization takes place.
3. When offline, the Confirmed Time of a completed visit is calculated using the device’s local time
and reconciled with the HHAX system once Internet connectivity is restored.
Offline Authentication
Because credentials cannot be authenticated with the HHAX system when offline, the Mobile app
securely stores the last known credentials on the mobile device for the Caregiver to log in when in
Offline Mode. The user is allowed up to three attempts to login before they are prompted to wait three
minutes to retry.
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Mobile App Password Reset Proprietary & Confidential
Mobile App Password Reset
Forgot Password?
A Caregiver can reset their own password directly from the Login screen as instructed in the following
Step Action
Click on the Forgot Password? link.
Enter the Email or Phone Number associated with the account, where a temporary password is
sent. Click Reset Password.
The app prompts the Caregiver to enter the Current Password (enter the temporary password
received), a New Password, and Re-Enter New Password (to confirm). Click Confirm to log in to
the app.
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Account Locked
The Mobile App issues a temporary password (via the last used delivery method, such as text or email) if
a Caregiver is locked out after 3 failed login attempts (as seen in the images below).
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Mobile App Caregiver Time Edit Corrections Proprietary & Confidential
Mobile App Caregiver Time Edit Corrections
The HHAX Mobile App currently captures real-time Caregiver EVV via FOB, GPS, and Beacon methods. If
EVV confirmations are missed, or do not accurately reflect the Start/End times of services, then Agencies
can now allow Caregivers to submit a request using the Mobile App to update Start and/or End times for
In the request, the Caregiver must provide the reason for their manual time correction, with any
additional notes. A Patient signature is also captured at the time of the correction. These requests are
received in the system where an authorized Office User approves or rejects the request.
If approved, then the visit is updated with the requested times and the visit reason, and the new
Confirmed Time is approved.
If rejected, then the Caregiver receives a note on the Mobile App, and the Confirmed Time
remains unchanged.
Refer to the Caregiver Time Edit Request Job Aid for details and instructions on the Mobile App.
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Automatic Time Setting Option Proprietary & Confidential
Automatic Time Setting Option
The Mobile App provides a pop-up warning suggesting for users to set their device to the Automatic
Time setting which automatically synchronizes with the central server clock (to include Daylight Savings
Time (DST) updates).
A warning alert is displayed (as seen in the image below) if the time on the user’s Mobile App is not in
sync with the server. This occurs when the device time setting is NOT using the Automatic Time setting.
As suggested, this alert instructs the user to change their settings to ensure proper operation of the
Automatic Time Setting Alert
Note: HHAX does not change the setting; Users must change their own settings on their device. In addition,
retaining the Manual Time setting does not prevent a user from using the Mobile App.
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Mobile App Caregiver Compliance Alerts Proprietary & Confidential
Mobile App Caregiver Compliance Alerts
The Mobile App Caregiver Compliance Alerts feature displays a Caregiver’s Compliance status (based on
Discipline) directly on their Mobile App; informing them of completed as well as upcoming medical and
evaluation due dates (to assist with remaining compliant).
Mobile App Compliance Page
The informational Compliance screen on the Mobile App is accessed from the main screen, as seen on
the image to the left. The encircled number in red in the main page indicates the number of items
needing attention. Select the Compliance option to view high-level information (such as Type, Due Date,
and Completed Status) for all the Caregiver’s Compliance items, as seen in the following image.
Compliance Alert Option
On the Compliance screen, Overdue items have bolded titles under the Name/Type column. Under the
Completed column, Overdue items are clearly categorized as Overdue and marked with a red dot.
Compliance Screen
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Click on the filter icon (on the top-right) to open a search selection to view specific information. Select
the available information such as Compliance Type, Date Range, or select the Only Display Past Due
radio button to display only the due items.
Compliance Screen
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Caregiver Awake/Alert Confirmation Proprietary & Confidential
Caregiver Awake/Alert Confirmation
The Caregiver Awake Alert Confirmation feature applies to Caregivers who work overnight shifts. When
this feature is enabled by an Agency, a Caregiver is presented with an I'm Awake button at Clock-IN. This
function serves as proof to the Agency that the Caregiver is awake and monitoring the Patient. The
Caregiver can periodically check in via the I’m Awake button throughout the visit.
Once the feature is enabled, the Caregiver is presented with an I'm Awake button after Clock-In (as seen
in the image below) as proof that they are awake and servicing the Patient.
Mobile App: I’m Awake Button
When clicking on the I’m Awake button, the Confirmed time is captured, and a timer begins to clock
Check In status. The Check In status is displayed under the button (indicating the duration since the last
Check In, as seen in the image below).
Last Check In
Note: The Caregiver can periodically check in via the I’m Awake button throughout the visit.
GPS EVV Method to Reduce OOR Exceptions
To reduce the number of Out Of Range (OOR) calls on the Call Dashboard, the Mobile App provides
guidance to a Caregiver using the GPS EVV method. A Caregiver is presented with their real-time
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Caregiver Awake/Alert Confirmation Proprietary & Confidential
location on a map relative to the Patient before committing to the Clock-In and Clock-Out. The
application can provide guidance to move closer to the Patient to be within the established tolerance
range defined by the Agency.
Once the feature is enabled by the Agency, a Caregiver using the GPS EVV method, is presented with a
real-time map location relative to the Patient address. This helps them evaluate and approximate to an
“In Range” coordinate before confirming a Clock-In or Clock Out.
The Patient is represented by the blue dot in the middle, and the Caregiver is represented by a blue dot
and arrow (serving as a directional compass as the Caregiver moves). The light blue circle represents the
Tolerance Range in feet (as defined by the Agency; capped at 1,000 feet). Guidance is provided below
the map assisting with proximity. The following image indicates that the Caregiver is likely Out of Range.
Mobile App: Out of Range
The image below indicates illustrates the Caregiver closer to the Patient and In Range. Once In Range,
the Caregiver can click on the Confirm button to capture the EVV.
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Caregiver Awake/Alert Confirmation Proprietary & Confidential
Mobile App: In Range
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Patient Address PIN on GPS Map Confirmation Proprietary & Confidential
Patient Address PIN on GPS Map Confirmation
A PIN denotes the Patient Address in the GPS Map View at Clock In and Clock Out when the Patient
Address is not GPS-enabled. If there are coordinates available (latitude and longitude), then the PIN for
the Patient Address is displayed as a blue dot surrounded by a light blue circle indicating the tolerance
range (as seen in the image below).
Patient Address with Coordinates
When the Caregiver clicks on the Confirm button, a message alerts that there may an issue with the
Patient Address. It is recommended to contact the Agency to report (as seen in the image below).
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Patient Address PIN on GPS Map Confirmation Proprietary & Confidential
Alert: Issues with Patient Address
In cases where the Patient Address is not GPS-enabled without available coordinates, the screen
displays only the Caregiver location, as denoted by the blue dot and arrow. The Patient Address is listed
at the bottom of the screen (highlighted in the image). When the Caregiver clicks on the Confirm button,
the same alert (as seen in the image above) appears.
Patient Address without Coordinates
Note: To prevent issues with a Patient Address, it is recommended that the GPS is enabled in the system.
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Mobile App Integration Proprietary & Confidential
Mobile App Integration
HHAeXchange works with many integration partners. The following image illustrates the banner that
appears on the HHAX Mobile App Home screen once an Agency purchases one or more integration
services. Click on the Go button to open the integration partners’ websites.
Mobile App: Integration Services Banner