Verses: Acts 2
Story: God’s Wonderful Gift—Youversion Bible App for Kids
Main Points:
What do I want my kids to know? God gives us power
What do I want my kids to do? Rely on God’s power
What do I want my kids to feel? Excited
Verse: “…He has given me the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:19
Introduction question: Have you ever not been able to do something on your own? What
was it? How did you feel?
Introduction Activity:
Use a lamp or anything else that needs to be plugged into an outlet. Show the
kids what happens if the object is plugged in or if it is unplugged. Talk about how
we want to rely on God for our power! Relying on God is like being “plugged in”
like the lamp.
Flame headband
Print out the template attached below.
Cut out all the pieces
Use the flame pieces as templates to trace them
onto red, yellow and orange construction paper.
Alternative: Use white paper and then color the
flame pieces.
Cut out the flame pieces and glue the pieces together.
Grab the rectangle templates and trace the larger pieces onto the color of your
kids choice and the smaller piece onto red construction paper. You will need three
of each.
Glue the smaller pieces to the larger pieces. Then glue the assembled parts
together creating one long band.
Place the band in front of your child and then glue the flame to the center of the
Wrap the band around your child’s head. Once you have the desired length use a
couple of paper clips or a piece of tape to hold the shape. Then add glue to set it
in place.
ACTIVITIES AND GAMES (Pick one, two, or all!)
Like the Wind
Activities to explore the movement of air and wind.
Use a fan (either electric or handmade) Explain that you are going to talk about
the air and how it moves. Say that air is the stuff around us that we breathe and
that, even though we can’t see it, we can usually feel it when it moves. Ask the
children some of the following questions:
Can you whistle? (Wait to see if they can whistle.)
Can you blow air, like you are going to blow out candles on a birthday
Can you sing? (La, la, la, la, la…)
All of these things, as well as talking, are done by you moving air.
Take a deep breath, and hold it. Now, let it out. That’s air coming out of your
lungs! How else can we move air? (Wave our hands/feet, run, walk, hop up and
down.) Turn on the fan. Can you feel the air moving?
When the air outside moves around us we call it the wind.
Talk about different languages. You can even look up examples of different types
or find music with examples. Show a map of the world and talk about all the
different places and languages. This site has some examples (
Lock and Key
Supplies: a large lock with its key
Close the lock, and keep the key where it is not seen. Show the children the closed
lock. Let them examine it. Let them try and open it, or pull it open. They cannot.
It is too hard. It is too big of a job. Show them that even you cannot open it.
Hold the lock. Discuss how when Jesus gave His disciples “The Great
Commission” He was giving them a really big job. It was a job that was too big
and too hard for anyone (or any one group of persons) to do. He wanted them to
go out into the world, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them (in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit) and teaching them to
obey everything He had commanded them. Wow! That is a really big job! How
were they supposed to do all of that?
(Now, produce the key!) Say, “They needed a key!” Unlock the lock with the key.
How simple and easy! Just like the key opens the lock, Jesus gave us the key for
doing this really big job. He sent His Holy Spirit to live in us and to help us do
this big work... Without the Holy Spirit it would be impossible. (In addition Jesus
is always with us; and He has all authority in heaven and on earth!) Now we can
do this big job, because we have the key.
Open and close the lock a few times. Allow the children to open and close the
lock with the key.
Feelings and Powers Charades
Ask: How do you feel knowing you have someone with unlimited power to help
you live for Jesus each day?
Act out the different feelings. Mad, angry, sad, happy, confused, excited, nervous,
Act out the different powers: laser eyes, super strength, invisibility, comfort,
bravery, patience, kindness
Blanket Parachute
Use a blanket to make a parachute and have everyone hold onto a corner. Talk
about how the blanket can make “wind.”
Red Hots
You could get red hots or another “spicy” candy. Talk about how God’s power is
1. What did Jesus tell his disciples to do? Wait for the power of the Holy Spirit
2. What did the Holy Spirit sound like? Wind
3. What did it look like on top of their heads? Like tongues of fire
4. What were they able to do? Speak in different languages
5. Who can have the power of the Holy Spirit? Anyone who believes in Jesus—this is a free gift
God wants to give His followers
6. What will the Holy Spirit help you with? To follow Jesus and to live out the fruit of the Spirit
—the Holy Spirit gives us power to fulfill what God has for us to do
7. Why do you need the Holy Spirit?
Fire Headband Template