Valuation Manual
Jan. 1, 2024 Edition
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners i
NAIC Adoptions through August 16, 2023
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) initially adopted the Valuation Manual on
Dec. 2, 2012, with subsequent adoptions of amendments on June 18, 2015; Nov. 22, 2015; April 6, 2016;
Aug. 29, 2016; Aug. 9, 2017; Aug. 7, 2018; Sept. 10, 2018; Aug. 6, 2019; Aug. 14, 2020; Aug. 17, 2021;
Aug. 13, 2022, and Aug. 16, 2023.
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners ii
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Table of Contents
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners iii
I. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
Authority and Applicability .............................................................................................................. 1
Background ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Description of the Valuation Manual ............................................................................................... 2
Operative Date of the Valuation Manual ......................................................................................... 2
PBR Review and Updating Process ................................................................................................. 2
Process for Updating the Valuation Manual .................................................................................... 2
Overview of Reserve Concepts ........................................................................................................ 5
Corporate Governance Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves ............................................... 6
II. Reserve Requirements ................................................................................................................... 7
Life Insurance Products .................................................................................................................... 7
Annuity Products .............................................................................................................................. 8
Deposit-Type Contracts .................................................................................................................... 9
Health Insurance Products ................................................................................................................ 9
Credit Life and Disability Products .................................................................................................. 9
Riders and Supplemental Benefits.................................................................................................. 10
Claim Reserves ............................................................................................................................... 10
III. Actuarial Opinion and Report Requirements ........................................................................... 11
IV. Experience Reporting Requirements .......................................................................................... 11
V. Valuation Manual Minimum Standards ..................................................................................... 11
VM-01: Definitions for Terms in Requirements
......................................................................... 01-1
VM-02: Minimum Nonforfeiture Mortality and Interest ............................................................ 02-1
VM-20: Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Life Products ..................................... 20-1
VM-21: Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Variable Annuities ............................ 21-1
VM-22: Statutory Maximum Valuation Interest Rates for Income Annuities ........................... 22-1
VM-25: Health Insurance Reserves Minimum Reserve Requirements ...................................... 25-1
VM-26: Credit Life and Disability Reserve Requirements ......................................................... 26-1
VM-30: Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements .................................................... 30-1
VM-31: PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based
Valuation ....................................................................................................................... 31-1
VM-50: Experience Reporting Requirements ............................................................................. 50-1
VM-51: Experience Reporting Formats ...................................................................................... 51-1
VM-A: Appendix A – Requirements ......................................................................................... A-1
VM-C: Appendix C – Actuarial Guidelines ................................................................................ C-1
VM-G: Appendix G – Corporate Governance Guidance for Principle-Based Reserves ............ G-1
VM-M: Appendix M – Mortality Tables ..................................................................................... M-1
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 1
I. Introduction
Authority and Applicability
The Valuation Manual (VM) sets forth the minimum reserve and related requirements for jurisdictions
where the Standard Valuation Law (#820), as amended by the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC) in 2009, or legislation including substantially similar terms and provisions has been
enacted by jurisdictions, and this Valuation Manual is operative. The reserve requirements in the Valuation
Manual satisfy the minimum valuation requirements of Model #820.
Requirements in the Valuation Manual are applicable to life insurance, accident and health (A&H)
insurance, and deposit-type contracts as provided in the Valuation Manual. These contracts include the
definition provided by Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles (SSAP) No. 50Classifications of
Insurance or Managed Care Contracts as found in the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual
(AP&P Manual). Annuity contracts are, therefore, included within the terminology life insurance
contracts” unless specifically indicated otherwise in this Valuation Manual.
Minimum reserve requirements are provided in this Valuation Manual for contracts issued on or after the
Valuation Manual operative date of Jan. 1, 2017. Other requirements are applicable as provided pursuant
to the Model #820 and this Valuation Manual.
As insurance products have increased in their complexity, and as companies have developed new and
innovative product designs that change their risk profile, the need to develop new valuation methodologies
or revisions to existing requirements to address these changes has led to the development of the Valuation
Manual. In addition, the Valuation Manual addresses the need to develop a valuation standard that enhances
uniformity among the principle-based valuation requirements across states and insurance departments.
Finally, the Valuation Manual defines a process to facilitate future changes in valuation requirements on a
more uniform, timely and efficient basis.
The goals of the NAIC in developing the Valuation Manual are:
1. To consolidate into one document the minimum reserve requirements for life insurance,
A&H insurance and deposit-type contracts pursuant to Model #820, including those
products subject to principle-based valuation requirements and those not subject to
principle-based valuation requirements.
2. To promote uniformity among states’ valuation requirements.
3. To provide for an efficient, consistent and timely process to update valuation requirements
as the need arises.
4. To mandate and facilitate the specific reporting requirements of experience data.
5. To enhance industry compliance with the 2009 Model #820 and subsequent revisions, as
adopted in various states.
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 2
Description of the Valuation Manual
The Valuation Manual contains five sections that provide requirements covered in Authority and
Applicability above, and that discuss principles and concepts underlying these requirements.
1. Section I is an introductory section that includes the general concepts underlying the
reserve requirements in the Valuation Manual.
2. Section II summarizes the minimum reserve requirements that apply to a product or type
of product, including which products or categories of products are subject to principle-
based valuation requirements and documentation. As minimum reserve requirements are
developed for various products or categories of products, those requirements will be
incorporated into this section. The applicability of the minimum reserve requirements to
particular products will be clarified in the appropriate subsection. For example, the
minimum reserve requirements that apply to a life insurance product will be identified in
the subsection addressing life insurance reserve requirements.
3. Section III sets forth the requirements for the actuarial opinion and memorandum and the
principle-based report.
4. Section IV sets forth the experience reporting requirements.
5. Section V contains Valuation Manual minimum standards. These standards contain the
specific requirements that are referenced in Sections IIIV.
Operative Date of the Valuation Manual
The requirements in the Valuation Manual become operative pursuant to Section 11 of Model #820.
PBR Review and Updating Process
A well-conceived and designed principle-based reserve (PBR) review and updating process is needed to
ensure ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the PBR methodology, including prescribed assumptions
defined in this Valuation Manual. This process will involve and provide ongoing feedback to state insurance
regulators and interested parties for the purpose of updating, improving, enhancing and modifying the PBR
requirements. These changes are necessary due to, for example, making adjustments as appropriate to
margins for conservatism, future improvements in cash-flow modeling techniques, future development of
new policy benefits and guarantees, future changes in assumptions due to emerging experience, improved
methods to assess risk, etc.
A key element of the PBR review and updating process is to provide support for state insurance regulators
regarding the necessary expertise, resources, data and tools to effectively review PBR models and reporting
required in the Valuation Manual for products subject to PBR requirements.
Goals for the PBR review and updating process include achieving consistency in regulatory requirements
among states, as well as assessing and making changes as appropriate.
Process for Updating the Valuation Manual
A. Task Force Procedures
The NAIC is responsible for the process of updating the Valuation Manual. The Life Actuarial (A)
Task Force is primarily charged with maintenance of the Valuation Manual for adoption by the
NAIC Plenary. The Life Actuarial (A) Task Force will coordinate with the Health Actuarial (B)
Task Force, the Statutory Accounting Principles (E) Working Group and other NAIC groups as
necessary when considering changes. The Health Actuarial (B) Task Force will be charged
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 3
primarily with developing and maintaining the health insurance sections of the Valuation Manual,
with approval by the Health Insurance and Managed Care (B) Committee. However, all changes to
the Valuation Manual, including changes with respect to health insurance, must also be reviewed
by the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force as gatekeeper under this process. As provided under Section
11C of Model #820, any change to the Valuation Manual ultimately requires adoption by the NAIC
by an affirmative vote representing: 1) at least three-fourths of the members of the NAIC voting,
but not less than a majority of the total membership; and 2) members of the NAIC representing
jurisdictions totaling more than 75% of the relevant direct premiums written.
Guidance Note: To maximize the efficiency of the NAIC process and to promote consistency
among amendments to the Valuation Manual, it was determined a single gatekeeper would work
best. The Life Actuarial (A) Task Force was chosen as it was most directly involved in the
Valuation Manual’s development. The Life Actuarial (A) Task Force’s review of the Health
Actuarial (B) Task Force’s amendments shall not focus on health-related content.
Information and issues with respect to amendment of the Valuation Manual can be presented to the
Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health Actuarial (B) Task Force in a variety of ways. Issues can be
recommended or forwarded from other NAIC working groups or task forces, or from interested
parties. In order for an issue or proposed change to the Valuation Manual to be placed on a Pending
List, the recommending party shall submit an amendment proposal form. An amendment form
should be submitted 20 days prior to the next scheduled Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health
Actuarial (B) Task Force meeting to be placed on the agenda for that meeting.
The Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health Actuarial (B) Task Force can move an item on the
Pending List to either the Rejected List or to the Active List. Any disposition of items will occur
in an open meeting. Items moved to the Active List will be categorized as substantive, non-
substantive or an update to a table.
1. Substantive Items
Substantive changes to the Valuation Manual are proposed amendments to the Valuation
Manual that would change or alter the meaning, application or interpretation of a provision.
All changes to the Valuation Manual (or to templates prescribed for use by the Valuation
Manual) will be considered substantive, unless specifically identified as either a non-
substantive item or an update to a table by simple majority vote of the Life Actuarial (A)
Task Force/Health Actuarial (B) Task Force. Any item placed on the Active List as
substantive will be exposed by the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health Actuarial (B) Task
Force for a public comment period commensurate with the length of the draft and the
complexities of the issue, but for no less than 21 days. The comment period will be deemed
to have begun when the draft has been placed on the appropriate public NAIC web page.
The Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health Actuarial (B) Task Force will hold at least one
open meeting (in person or via conference call) to consider comments before holding a
final vote on any substantive items. Subsequent exposures of substantive items will be for
a minimum of seven days. Meeting notices for Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health
Actuarial (B) Task Force meetings will indicate if a vote is anticipated on any substantive
items. Adoption of all changes at the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health Actuarial (B)
Task Force will be by simple majority.
2. Non-substantive Items
Non-substantive changes to the Valuation Manual are changes that primarily pertain to
technical revisions, such as changes to titles, words, definitions, procedures, grammar
corrections, reference errors, making individual sections of the Valuation Manual
consistent with each other, etc., that are necessary in order to clarify an intent that has
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 4
already been thoroughly documented either in the NAIC Proceedings, the Valuation
Manual or other NAIC guidance. The Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health Actuarial (B)
Task Force must adopt the change with an affirmative vote of a simple majority of the Life
Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health Actuarial (B) Task Force membership voting. Meeting
notices for Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health Actuarial (B) Task Force meetings will
indicate if a vote is anticipated on any non-substantive items. Non-substantive items will
be exposed for public comment with a period of time commensurate with the complexity
of the change.
3. Updates to Designated Tables
Certain designated tables related to asset spreads, default costs and valuation interest rates
contained in the Valuation Manual are intended to be updated routinely, as they provide
current reference data integral to calculations. These tables have a prescribed process
involving limited judgment for routine updates. Updates to these tables in accordance with
this process are not considered to be an amendment of the Valuation Manual itself, and
they are not subject to the requirements of Section 11C of Model #820 for the amendment
of the Valuation Manual. These routine updates will not require exposure or adoption by
the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health Actuarial (B) Task Force. Public notification of
the updated tables will be distributed to Task Force members, interested state insurance
regulators and interested parties by NAIC staff immediately following completion of the
Any changes to the process for updating these tables will be considered a substantive
change and will be subject to the typical procedure for Valuation Manual amendments.
4. Waiver of Task Force Procedure
If the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force/Health Actuarial (B) Task Force determines that a
waiver of the above procedures is necessary to expeditiously consider modification of the
Valuation Manual in order to advance a valid regulatory purpose, it may, upon a three-
fourths majority vote of its members present and voting, modify the above procedures.
However, in no event will substantive items be considered for adoption without a 14-day
public comment period.
5. Coordination with the Statutory Accounting Principles (E) Working Group
Proposed changes to the Valuation Manual must be consistent with existing model laws,
including Model #820, and, to the extent determinable, with models in development. To
the extent that proposed changes to the Valuation Manual could have an impact on
accounting and reporting guidance and other requirements as referenced by the
AP&P Manual, proposed changes must be reviewed by the Statutory Accounting Principles
(E) Working Group for consistency with the AP&P Manual, including as to
implementation dates. The Life Actuarial (A) Task Force or its support staff will prepare a
summary recommendation that will include as appropriate an analysis of the impact of
proposed changes.
If the Statutory Accounting Principles (E) Working Group reaches the conclusion that the
proposed changes to the Valuation Manual are inconsistent with the authoritative guidance
in the AP&P Manual, the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force will work with the Statutory
Accounting Principles (E) Working Group to resolve such inconsistencies.
B. Committee Procedures
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 5
The Life Insurance and Annuities (A) Committee or the Health Insurance and Managed Care (B)
Committee will consider any Valuation Manual amendments (whether substantive or non-
substantive) as a separate agenda item at any regularly scheduled meeting. Amendments to the life
and annuity sections of the Valuation Manual must first be approved by Life Actuarial (A) Task
Force, which, as gatekeeper under this process, shall then review and prepare for consideration by
the Life Insurance and Annuities (A) Committee any changes to the life and annuity sections of the
Valuation Manual. Amendments to the health insurance sections of the Valuation Manual must
first be approved by the Health Actuarial (B) Task Force and Life Actuarial (A) Task Force, which,
as gatekeeper under this process, shall then review and prepare for the Health Insurance and
Managed Care (B) Committee’s consideration any changes to the health insurance sections of the
Valuation Manual. No additional exposure period is required for review by the Life Actuarial (A)
Task Force. Updates to tables will be reported to the appropriate committee but will not require a
separate vote. In order to allow for additional input, the Life Insurance and Annuities (A)
Committee and the Health Insurance and Managed Care (B) Committee generally will not vote on
adoption of any substantive items unless 14 days have elapsed since adoption by the Life Actuarial
(A) Task Force. Adoption of all changes by the Life Insurance and Annuities (A) Committee and
the Health Insurance and Managed Care (B) Committee will be by simple majority.
C. Executive (EX) Committee and Plenary Procedures
The NAIC Executive (EX) Committee and Plenary generally will consider Valuation Manual
amendments at the national meeting following adoption by the appropriate committee. To allow
sufficient time to implement substantive items, final action by the Executive (EX) Committee and
Plenary on substantive items will generally be taken at the Summer National Meeting. The voting
requirements for adoption at the Executive (EX) Committee and Plenary are as set out in Section
11C of Model #820. Unless otherwise specified, all Valuation Manual amendments shall be
effective Jan. 1 following adoption by the NAIC.
Overview of Reserve Concepts
Reserve requirements prescribed in the Valuation Manual are intended to support a statutory objective of
conservative valuation to provide protection to policyholders and promote solvency of companies against
adverse fluctuations in financial condition or operating results pursuant to requirements of Model #820.
A principle-based valuation is a reserve valuation that uses one or more methods, or one or more
assumptions, determined by the insurer pursuant to requirements of Model #820 and the Valuation Manual.
This is in contrast to valuation approaches that use only prescribed assumptions and methods. Although a
reserve valuation may involve a method or assumption determined by the insurer, such valuation is a
principle-based valuation only as specified in the Valuation Manual for a product or category of products.
A principle-based valuation must reflect risks that are:
1. Associated with the policies or contracts being valued, or their supporting assets.
2. Determined to be capable of materially affecting the reserve.
Risks not to be included in reserves are those of a general business nature, those that are not associated with
the policies or contracts being valued, or those that are best viewed from the company perspective as
opposed to the policy or contract perspective. These risks may involve the need for a liability separate from
the reserve or may be provided for in capital and surplus.
Because no list can be comprehensive and applicable to all types of products, this section of the Valuation
Manual provides examples of the general approach to the determination of the meaning of “associated with
the policies or contracts” while recognizing that each relevant section of the Valuation Manual will deal
with this issue from the perspective of the products subject to that section. Examples of risks to be included
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 6
in a principle-based valuation include risks associated with policyholder behavior, such as lapse and
utilization risk; mortality risk; interest rate risk; asset default risk; separate account fund performance; and
the risk related to the performance of indices for contractual guarantees.
Corporate Governance Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves
The requirements found in VM Appendix G Corporate Governance Guidance for Principle-Based
Reserves (VM-G) provide corporate governance requirements applicable to policies or contracts subject to
a principle-based valuation as specified in this Valuation Manual.
Reserve Requirements
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 7
II. Reserve Requirements
This section provides the minimum reserve requirements by type of product, as set forth in the
seven subsections below, as follows:
(1) Life Insurance Products
(2) Annuity Products
(3) Deposit-Type Contracts
(4) Health Insurance Products
(5) Credit Life and Disability Products
(6) Riders and Supplemental Benefits
(7) Claim Reserves
All reserve requirements provided by this section relate to business issued on or after the operative date of
the Valuation Manual. All reserves must be developed in a manner consistent with the requirements and
concepts stated in the Overview of Reserve Concepts in Section I of the Valuation Manual.
Guidance Note: The terms “policies” and “contractsare used interchangeably.
Subsection 1: Life Insurance Products
A. This subsection establishes reserve requirements for all contracts issued on and after the operative
date of the Valuation Manual that are classified as life contracts as defined in SSAP No. 50 in the
AP&P Manual, with the exception of annuity contracts and credit life contracts. Minimum reserve
requirements for annuity contracts and credit life contracts are provided below in Subsection 2 and
Subsection 5, respectively.
B. Minimum reserve requirements for variable and nonvariable individual life contracts—excluding
guaranteed issue life contracts, preneed life contracts, industrial life contracts, and policies of
companies exempt pursuant to the life PBR exemption in Subsection 1.G are provided by VM-20,
Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Life Products, except for election of the transition
period in Subsection 1.F.2 below. For this purpose, joint life policies are considered individual life.
C. Minimum reserve requirements of VM-20 are considered principle-based valuation requirements
for purposes of the Valuation Manual.
D. Minimum reserve requirements for individual certificates under group life contracts (regardless of
the issue date of the master group life contract) that meet all the requirements in VM-20 Section
1.B are provided by VM-20, except for election of the transition period in Subsection 1.F.1 below.
E. Minimum reserve requirements for life contracts not subject to VM-20 are those pursuant to
applicable requirements in VM-A and VM-C. For guaranteed issue life contracts issued after Dec.
31, 2018, mortality tables are defined in VM Appendix M – Mortality Tables (VM-M), and the
same table shall be used for reserve requirements as is used for minimum nonforfeiture
requirements as defined in VM-02, Minimum Nonforfeiture Mortality and Interest.
F. A company may elect to establish minimum reserves pursuant to applicable requirements in
VM-A and VM-C for:
1. Business described in Subsection 1.D above and issued on or after the operative date of the
Valuation Manual and prior to Jan. 1, 2024.
2. Business not described in Subsection 1.D otherwise subject to VM-20 requirements and issued
during the first three years following the operative date of the Valuation Manual.
Reserve Requirements
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 8
A company electing to establish reserves using the requirements of VM-A and VM-C may elect to
use the 2017 Commissioners’ Standard Ordinary (CSO) Tables as the mortality standard following
the conditions outlined in VM-20 Section 3. If a company elects to apply VM-20 to a block of such
business, then a company must continue to apply the requirements of VM-20 for future issues of
this business.
G. Life PBR Exemption
1. A company meeting at least one of the conditions in Subsection 1.G.2 below may file a
statement of exemption for individual life insurance policies or certificates, except for
policies or certificates in Subsection 1.G.3 below, issued directly or assumed during the
current calendar year, that would otherwise be subject to VM-20. If a company has no
business issued directly or assumed during the current calendar year that would otherwise
be subject to VM-20, a statement of exemption is not required. For a filed statement of
exemption, the statement must be filed with the domiciliary commissioner prior to July 1
of that year certifying that at least one of the two conditions in Subsection 1.G.2 was met,
and the statement of exemption must also be included with the NAIC filing for the second
quarter of that year.
The domiciliary commissioner may reject such statement prior to Sept. 1 and require the
company to follow the requirements of VM-20 for the ordinary life policies or certificates
covered by the statement.
If a filed statement of exemption is not rejected by the domiciliary commissioner, the filing
of subsequent statements of exemption is not required as long as the company continues to
qualify for the exemption; rather, ongoing statements of exemption for each new calendar
year will be deemed to not be rejected, unless: 1) the company does not meet either
condition in Subsection 1.G.2 below; 2) the policies contain those in Subsection 1.G.3
below; or 3) the domiciliary commissioner contacts the company prior to Sept. 1 and
notifies them that the statement of exemption is rejected. If any of these three events occur,
then the statement of exemption for the current calendar year is rejected, and a new
statement of exemption must be filed and not rejected in order for the company to exempt
additional policies or certificates. In the case of an ongoing statement of exemption, rather
than include a statement of exemption with the NAIC filing for the second quarter of that
year, the company should enter “SEE EXPLANATION” in response to the Life PBR
Exemption supplemental interrogatory and provide as an explanation that the company is
utilizing an ongoing statement of exemption.
2. Condition for Exemption:
a. The company has less than $300 million of exemption premiums, and if the
company is a member of an NAIC group that includes other life insurance
companies, the group has combined exemption premiums
of less than $600
million: or
b. The only new policies or certificates that would otherwise be subject to VM-20
being issued or assumed by the company are due to election of policy benefits or
features from existing policies or certificates valued under VM-A and VM-C and
the company was exempted from, or otherwise not subject to, the requirements of
VM-20 in the prior year.
Exemption premium is determined as follows:
Reserve Requirements
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 9
a. The amount reported in the prior calendar year life/health annual
statement, Exhibit 1, Part 1, Column 3 (“Ordinary Life Insurance”), line 20.1; plus
b. The portion of the amount in the prior calendar year life/health annual
statement, Exhibit 1, Part 1, Column 3 (“Ordinary Life Insurance”), line 20.2
assumed from unaffiliated companies; minus
c. Amounts included in either (a) or (b) that are associated with guaranteed issue
insurance policies and/or preneed life insurance policies; minus
d. Amounts included in either (a) or (b) that represent transfers of reserves in
force as of the effective date of a reinsurance assumed transaction; plus
e. Amounts of premium for individual life certificates issued under a group life
certificate that meet the conditions defined in VM-20, Section 1.B, and that are not
included in either (a) or (b).
Guidance Note:
(i) Definitions of preneed and guaranteed issue insurance policy are in VM-01.
(ii) For statements of exemption filed for calendar year 2022 and beyond, the amount in
Subsection 2.e was reported in the prior calendar year life/health annual statement,
VM-20 Reserve Supplement, Part 2, if applicable.
3. Policies and Certificates Excluded from the Life PBR Exemption:
a. Universal life with secondary guarantee (ULSG) policies or certificates, or policies
or certificatesother than ULSGthat contain a rider with a secondary guarantee,
in which the secondary guarantee does not meet the VM-01 definition of a non-
material secondary guarantee.
4. Each exemption, or lack of an exemption, outlined in Subsection 1.G.1 – Subsection 1.G.3
above applies only to policies or certificates issued or assumed in the current year, and it
applies to all future valuation dates for those policies or certificates. However, if policies
or certificates did not qualify for the Life PBR Exemption during the year of issue but
would have qualified for the Life PBR Exemption if the current Valuation Manual
requirements had been in effect during the year of issue, then the domiciliary commissioner
may allow an exemption for such policies or certificates. The minimum reserve
requirements for the ordinary life policies, including individual certificates under group
life contracts that meet all the requirements in VM-20 Section 1.B, subject to the exemption
are those pursuant to applicable methods required in VM-A and VM-C using the mortality
as defined in VM-20 Section 3.C.1 and VM-M Section 1.H.
Subsection 2: Annuity Products
A. This subsection establishes reserve requirements for all contracts classified as annuity contracts as
defined in SSAP No. 50 in the AP&P Manual.
B. Minimum reserve requirements for variable annuity (VA) contracts and similar business, specified
in VM-21, Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Variable Annuities, shall be those
provided by VM-21. The minimum reserve requirements of VM-21 are considered PBR
requirements for purposes of the Valuation Manual.
C. Minimum reserve requirements for fixed annuity contracts are those requirements as found in VM-
Reserve Requirements
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 10
A and VM-C as applicable, with the exception of the minimum requirements for the valuation
interest rate for single premium immediate annuity contracts, and other similar contracts, issued
after Dec. 31, 2017, including those fixed payout annuities emanating from host contracts issued
on or after Jan. 1, 2017, and on or before Dec. 31, 2017. The maximum valuation interest rate
requirements for those contracts and fixed payout annuities are defined in VM-22, Maximum
Valuation Interest Rates for Income Annuities.
Subsection 3: Deposit-Type Contracts
A. This subsection establishes reserve requirements for all contracts classified as deposit-type
contracts defined in SSAP No. 50 in the AP&P Manual.
B. Minimum reserve requirements for deposit-type contracts are those requirements as found in
VM-A, VM-C and VM-22, as applicable.
Subsection 4: Health Insurance Products
A. This subsection establishes reserve requirements for all contracts classified as health contracts
defined in SSAP No. 50 in the AP&P Manual.
B. Minimum reserve requirements for A&H insurance contracts, other than credit disability, are those
requirements provided by VM-25, Health Insurance Reserves Minimum Reserve Requirements,
and VM-A and VM-C requirements, as applicable.
Subsection 5: Credit Life and Disability Products
A. This subsection establishes reserve requirements for all credit life products, credit disability
products and other credit-related products defined as follows:
B. “Credit life insurance” means insurance on a debtor or debtors, pursuant to or in connection with a
specific loan or other credit transaction, to provide for satisfaction of a debt, in whole or in part,
upon the death of an insured debtor.
Credit life insurance does NOT include:
1. Insurance written in connection with a credit transaction that is:
a. Secured by a first mortgage or deed of trust.
b. Made to finance the purchase of real property or the construction of a dwelling
thereon, or to refinance a prior credit transaction made for such a purpose.
2. Insurance sold as an isolated transaction on the part of the insurer and not related to an
agreement or a plan for insuring debtors of the creditor.
3. Insurance on accounts receivable.
C. “Credit disability insurance” means insurance on a debtor or debtors to or in connection with a
specific loan or other credit transaction, to provide for lump sum or periodic payments on a specific
loan or other credit transaction due to the disability of the insured debtor.
D. “Other credit-related insurance” means insurance on a debtor or debtors, pursuant to or in
connection with a specific loan or other credit transaction, including a real estate secured loan, to
provide for satisfaction of a debt, in whole or in part, upon the death or disability of an insured
Reserve Requirements
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 11
1. Other credit-related insurance includes insurance written in connection with a credit
transaction that is:
a. Secured by a first mortgage or deed of trust written as credit insurance, debtor
group insurance or group mortgage insurance.
b. Made to finance the purchase of real property or the construction of a dwelling
thereon, or to refinance a prior credit transaction made for such a purpose.
2. Other credit-related insurance DOES NOT include:
a. Insurance sold as an isolated transaction on the part of the insurer and not related
to an agreement or a plan for insuring debtors of the creditor.
b. Insurance on accounts receivable.
E. Minimum reserve requirements for credit life, credit disability contracts and other credit-related
insurance issued on or after the operative date of the Valuation Manual are provided in VM-26,
Credit Life and Disability Reserve Requirements. For purposes of reserves for “other credit-related
insurance” within VM-26, the terms “credit life insurance” and “credit disability insurance” shall
include benefits provided under contracts defined herein as “other credit-related insurance.”
Subsection 6: Riders and Supplemental Benefits
Guidance Note: Policy designs, which are created to simply disguise riders subject to VM-20
Section 3.A.1 or exploit a perceived loophole, must be reserved in a manner similar to more typical
designs with similar riders.
A. If a rider or supplemental benefit is attached to a health insurance product, annuity product, deposit-
type contract, or credit life or disability product, it may be valued with the base contract unless it
is required to be separated by regulation or other requirements.
B. For supplemental benefits, including Guaranteed Insurability, Accidental Death or Disability
Benefits, Convertibility, or Disability Waiver of Premium Benefits, the supplemental benefit may
be included with the base policy and follow the reserve requirements for the base policy under VM-
20, VM-A and/or VM-C, as applicable.
C. ULSG and other secondary guarantee riders shall be valued with the base policy and follow the
reserve requirements for ULSG policies under VM-20, VM-A and/or VM-C, as applicable.
D. If a rider or supplemental benefit to a life insurance policy that is not addressed in Paragraphs B or
C above possesses any of the following attributes, the rider or supplemental benefit shall be
included with the base policy and follow the reserve requirements for the base policy under VM-
20, VM-A and/or VM-C, as applicable.
1. The rider or supplemental benefit does not have a separately identified premium or charge.
2. The rider or supplemental benefit premium, charge, value or benefits are determined by
referencing the base policy features or performance.
3. The base policy value or benefits are determined by referencing the rider or supplemental
benefit features or performance. The deduction of rider or benefit premium or charge from
the contract value is not sufficient for a determination by reference.
Reserve Requirements
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E. If a term life insurance rider on the named insured[s] on the base life insurance policy does not
meet the conditions of Paragraph D above, and either (1) guarantees level or near level premiums
until a specified duration followed by a material premium increase; or (2) for a rider for which level
or near level premiums are expected for a period followed by a material premium increase, the rider
is separated from the base policy and follows the reserve requirements for term policies under VM-
20, VM-A and/or VM-C, as applicable.
F. For all other riders or supplemental benefits on life insurance policies not addressed in Paragraphs
B through E above, the riders or supplemental benefits may be included with the base policy and
follow the reserve requirements for the base policy under VM-20, VM-A and/or VM-C, as
applicable. For a given rider, the election to include riders or supplemental benefits with the base
policy shall be determined at the policy form level, not on a policy-by-policy basis.
Subsection 7: Claim Reserves
Regardless of the requirement for use of the PBR approach to policy reserves, the claim reserves, including
waiver of premium claims, are not subject to PBR requirements of the Valuation Manual.
Actuarial Opinion and Report Requirements
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III. Actuarial Opinion and Report Requirements
Requirements regarding the annual actuarial opinion and memorandum pursuant to Section 3 of Model
#820 are provided in VM-30, Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements. The requirements in
VM-30 are applicable to all annual statements with a year-ending date on or after the operative date of the
Valuation Manual. Existing actuarial opinion and memorandum requirements continue to apply to all
annual statements with a year-ending date before the operative date of the Valuation Manual.
PBR Actuarial Report requirements applicable to products or types of products subject to PBR as specified
in the Valuation Manual are provided in VM-31.
IV. Experience Reporting Requirements
Experience reporting requirements are provided in VM-50, Experience Reporting Requirements. The
associated experience reporting formats and additional instructions are provided in VM-51, Experience
Reporting Formats.
V. Valuation Manual Minimum Standards
This section provides the specific minimum reserve standards as referenced by the preceding sections.
Actuarial Opinion and Report Requirements
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Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
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VM-01: Definitions for Terms in Requirements
VM-01 provides definitions for terms used in the Valuation Manual. The definitions in VM-01 do not apply
to documents outside the Valuation Manual even if referenced or used by the Valuation Manual, such as
the AP&P Manual. Some terms in the Valuation Manual may be defined in specific sections of the
Valuation Manual instead of being defined in VM-01.
Guidance Note: Any terms defined in Model #820 are noted.
The term “accident and health insurance” means contracts that incorporate morbidity risk and
provide protection against economic loss resulting from accident, sickness or medical conditions
and as may be specified in the Valuation Manual. (Model #820 definition.)
The term “accumulated deficiency” means an amount measured as of the end of a projection year,
and it equals the negative of the projected statement value of general account and separate account
assets, as of the end of the projection year. Accumulated deficiencies may be positive or negative.
A positive accumulated deficiency means that there is a cumulative asset shortfall. A negative
accumulated deficiency means that there is a cumulative asset surplus.
The term “Actuarial Standards Board” (ASB) means the board established by the American
Academy of Actuaries (Academy) to develop and promulgate Actuarial Standards of Practice
The term “annual statement” means the statutory financial statements a company must file using
the annual blank with a state insurance commissioner as required under state insurance law.
The term “anticipated experience assumption” means an expectation of future experience for a risk
factor given available, relevant information pertaining to the assumption being estimated.
Guidance Note:
A universally accepted definition of relevant information is not to be found in actuarial literature,
but certainly relevant experience is a part of what constitutes relevant information. Actuarial
judgment is required in selecting and applying relevant information. In the case of relevant
experience, the actuary is given guidance in ASOP No. 52, Principle-Based Reserves for Life
Products, and ASOP No. 25, Credibility Procedures, defining relevant experience and discussing
the selection of relevant experience.
An appointed actuary means a qualified actuary who:
o Is appointed by the board of directors, or its equivalent, or by a committee of the
board, by Dec. 31 of the calendar year for which the opinion is rendered.
o Is a member of the Academy.
o Is familiar with the valuation requirements applicable to life and health insurance.
o Has not been found by the insurance commissioner (or if so found has subsequently
been reinstated as a qualified actuary) following appropriate notice and hearing to
Violated any provision of, or any obligation imposed by, the insurance law
or other law in the course of his or her dealings as a qualified actuary.
Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
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Been found guilty of fraudulent or dishonest practices.
Demonstrated incompetency, lack of cooperation or untrustworthiness to
act as a qualified actuary.
Submitted to the insurance commissioner during the past five years,
pursuant to these AOM requirements, an actuarial opinion or
memorandum that the insurance commissioner rejected because it did not
meet the provisions of this regulation, including standards set by the ASB.
Resigned or been removed as an actuary within the past five years as a
result of acts or omissions indicated in any adverse report on examination
or as a result of failure to adhere to generally acceptable actuarial
o Has not failed to notify the insurance commissioner of any action taken by any
insurance commissioner of any other state similar to that under the paragraph
The term “asset adequacy analysis” means an analysis of the adequacy of reserves and other
liabilities being tested, in light of the assets supporting such reserves and other liabilities, as
specified in the actuarial opinion.
The term “asset-associated derivative” means a derivative program whose derivative instrument
cash flows are combined with asset cash flows in performing the reserve calculations.
The term “cash flow” means any receipt, disbursement, or transfer of cash or asset equivalents.
The term “cash-flow model” means a model designed to simulate asset and liability cash flows.
The term “cash surrender value” means, for purposes of these requirements, the amount available
to the contract holder upon surrender of the contract, prior to any outstanding contract indebtedness
and net of any applicable surrender charges and stated in the contract.
The term “claim reserve” means a liability established with respect to any incurred contractual
benefits not yet paid as of the valuation date.
Guidance Note: The Valuation Manual definition of “claim reserve” is different from the term as
used in the AP&P Manual. The claim reserve as defined in the Valuation Manual should be
interpreted as the sum of two values required by the AP&P Manual: 1) the AP&P claim liability,”
which is the liability for claims unpaid for services or periods prior to the valuation date; plus
2) the AP&P claim reserve,” which is the liability for claims incurred prior to the valuation date
for services or periods after the valuation date. Note that all of these values may include an incurred
but not reported component.
The term “clearly defined hedging strategy” (CDHS) means a future hedging strategy for which
the following attributes are clearly documented:
a. The specific risks being hedged (e.g., cash flow, fee income, policy interest credits, delta, rho,
vega, etc.).
b. The hedging objectives.
Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
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c. The material risks that are not hedged (e.g., variation from expected mortality, withdrawal, and
other utilization or decrement rates assumed in the hedging strategy, etc.).
d. The financial instruments used to hedge the risks.
e. The hedging strategy’s trading rules, including the permitted tolerances from hedging
f. The metrics, criteria, and frequency for measuring hedging effectiveness.
g. The conditions under which hedging will not take place and for how long the lack of hedging
can persist.
h. The group or area, including whether internal or external, responsible for implementing the
hedging strategy.
i. Areas where basis, gap, or assumption risk related to the hedging strategy have been identified.
j. The circumstances under which the hedging strategy will not be effective in hedging the risks.
Guidance Note: For the purposes of the CDHS documented attributes, “effectiveness” need not be
measured in a manner as defined in SSAP No. 86—Derivatives in the AP&P Manual.
The term “commissioner” means the chief insurance regulator of a state, district or territory of the
The term “company” means an entity that: a) has written, issued or reinsured life insurance
contracts, A&H insurance contracts, or deposit-type contracts in this state and has at least one such
policy in force or on claim; or b) has written, issued or reinsured life insurance contracts, A&H
insurance contracts or deposit-type contracts in any state and is required to hold a certificate of
authority to write life insurance, A&H insurance or deposit-type contracts in this state. (Model #820
The term “conditional tail expectation” (CTE) means a risk measure that is calculated as the average
of all modeled outcomes (ranked from lowest to highest) above a prescribed percentile. For
example, CTE 70 is the average of the highest 30% modeled outcomes.
The term “contract reserve” means a liability established for health and credit insurance with
respect to in force contracts equal to the excess of the present value of claims expected to be
incurred after a valuation date over the present value of future valuation net premiums.
The term “deposit-type contract” means contracts that do not incorporate mortality or morbidity
risks and as may be specified in the Valuation Manual. (Model #820 definition.)
The term “derivative instrument” means an agreement, option, instrument or a series or
combination thereof:
o To make or take delivery of, or assume or relinquish, a specified amount of one or more
underlying interests, or to make a cash settlement in lieu thereof; or
o That has a price, performance, value or cash flow based primarily upon the actual or
expected price, level, performance, value or cash flow of one or more underlying interests.
(Source: AP&P Manual.)
Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
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This includes, but is not limited to, an option, warrant, cap, floor, collar, swap, forward or future,
or any other agreement or instrument substantially similar thereto or any series or combination
thereof. Each derivative instrument shall be viewed as part of a specific derivative program.
The term “derivative program” means a program to buy or sell one or more derivative instruments
or open or close hedging positions to achieve a specific objective. Both hedging and non-hedging
programs (e.g., for replication or income generation objectives) are included in this definition.
The term “deterministic reserve(DR) means a reserve amount calculated under a single defined
scenario, using a combination of prescribed and company-specific assumptions derived as provided
in the Valuation Manual.
The term “discount rates” means the path of rates used to derive the present value.
The term “domiciliary commissioner” means the chief insurance regulatory official of the state of
domicile of the company.
The term “elimination period” means a specified number of days, weeks or months starting at the
beginning of each period of loss, during which no benefits are payable.
The term “fraternal benefits” means payments made for charitable purposes by a fraternal life
insurance company that are consistent with and/or support the fraternal purposes of the company.
The term “future hedging strategy” is a derivative program undertaken by a company to manage
risks through one or more future hedging transactions, including the future purchase or sale of
hedging instruments and the opening and closing of hedging positions.
A future hedging strategy may be dynamic, static, or a combination thereof. A strategy involving
the offsetting of the risks associated with products falling under the scope of different requirements
within the Valuation Manual (e.g., VM-20, VM-21, or VM-22) does not qualify as a future hedging
The term “guaranteed issue (GI) life insurance policymeans a life insurance policy or certificate
where the applicant must be accepted for coverage if the applicant is eligible. Additionally, the
following must hold:
o Eligibility requirements may include being within a specified age range and/or being an
active member in an eligible group (e.g., group solicitation in direct marketing).
o Inclusion of any of the following characteristics or product types disqualifies the policy as
Actively at work requirement.
Employer groups.
Acceptance based on any health-related questions or information.
Waiving of underwriting requirements based on minimum participation thresholds,
such as for worksite marketing.
Corporate-owned life insurance (COLI) or bank-owned life insurance (BOLI).
Credit life contracts.
Juvenile-only products (e.g., under age 15).
Preneed life contracts.
Policies and certificates issued as a result of exercising a provision (e.g., conversion or
guaranteed insurability option riders) from a policy, rider or certificate that do not
qualify as GI life insurance.
Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
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The term “Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit (GMAB) means a guaranteed benefit
providing, or resulting in the provision, that an amount payable on the contractually determined
maturity date of the benefit will be increased and/or will be at least a minimum amount. Only such
guarantees having the potential to produce a contractual total amount payable on benefit maturity
that exceeds the account value, or in the case of an annuity providing income payments, an amount
payable on benefit maturity other than continuation of any guaranteed income payments, are
included in this definition.
The term “guaranteed minimum income benefit(GMIB) means an option under which the contract
holder has the right to apply a specified minimum amount that could be greater than the amount
that would otherwise be available in the absence of such benefit to provide periodic income using
a specified purchase basis.
i. The term “hybrid GMIB” means a GMIB design that (i) provides guaranteed
growth in the benefit basisi.e., benefit growth that does not depend on the
performance of the account value; and (ii) adjusts the benefit for partial
withdrawals by the same dollar amount as the partial withdrawal amount for partial
withdrawal amounts not in excess of a stated maximum amount.
ii. The term “traditional GMIB” means a GMIB design that is not a hybrid GMIB.
The term “guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit (GMWB) means a design providing, or
resulting in, the provision that the amount withdrawable by the contract holder each year will at
least be a minimum amount until the benefit amount depletes or until a contractually specified event
occurs, provided that the contract holder does not exceed a maximum withdrawal amount.
i. The term “lifetime GMWB” means a GMWB design providing, or resulting in, the
provision that the amount withdrawable by the contract holder each year will at
least be a minimum amount until the applicable death defined in the contract,
provided that the contract holder does not exceed a maximum withdrawal amount.
ii. The term “non-lifetime GMWB” means a GMWB design providing, or resulting
in, the provision that the amount withdrawable by the contract holder each year
will at least be a minimum amount until, and only until, the benefit amount
depletes, even if such depletion occurs before the applicable death defined in the
contract, provided that the contract holder does not exceed a maximum withdrawal
The term “guaranteed payout annuity floor(GPAF) means a provision in an immediate annuity
contract that guarantees that one or more of a series of periodic payments under the annuity will
not be less than a specified minimum amount that could be greater than the amount that would
otherwise be available in the absence of such benefit.
The term “hedging transaction” means a derivative(s) transaction that is entered into and
maintained to reduce:
a. The risk of a change in the fair value; the value on a statutory, GAAP, or other basis; or cash
flow of assets and liabilities, which the company has acquired or incurred, has a firm
commitment to acquire or incur, or for which the company has a forecasted acquisition or
b. The currency exchange rate risk or the degree of foreign currency exposure in assets and
liabilities, which the company has acquired or incurred, has a firm commitment to acquire or
incur, or for which the company has forecasted acquisition or incurrence.
Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 01-6
The term “index credit” means any interest credit, multiplier, factor, bonus, charge reduction, or
other enhancement to policy or contract values that is directly linked to one or more indices.
Amounts credited to the policy or contract resulting from a floor on an index account are included.
An index credit may be positive or negative.
The term “index credit hedge margin” means a margin capturing the risk of inefficiencies in the
company’s hedging program supporting index credits. This includes basis risk, persistency risk,
and the risk associated with modeling decisions and simplifications. It also includes any uncertainty
of costs associated with managing the hedging program and changes due to investment and
management decisions.
The term ‘index crediting strategies” means the strategies defined in a contract to determine index
credits for a contract. For example, this may refer to underlying index, index parameters, date,
timing, performance triggers, and other elements of the crediting method.
The term “indexed universal life (IUL) insurance policy” means any universal life (UL) insurance
policy where the interest credits are linked to an external reference.
The term “industrial life insurance” means the form of life insurance written under policies under
which premiums are payable monthly or more often, bearing the words “industrial policy” or
“weekly premium policy” or words of similar import imprinted upon the policies as part of the
descriptive matter, and issued by an insurer that, as to such industrial life insurance, is operating
under a system of collecting a debit by its agent.
The term “industry basic table” means an NAIC-approved industry experience mortality table
(without the valuation margins).
The term “insurance department” means the regulatory agency which by law is charged with the
principal responsibility of supervising the business of insurance within a state, territory or insular
possession of the U.S.
The term “life insurance” means contracts that incorporate mortality risk, including annuity and
pure endowment contracts, and as may be specified in the Valuation Manual. (Model #820
The term “margin” means an amount included in the assumptions used to determine the modeled
reserve that incorporates conservatism in the calculated value consistent with the requirements of
the various sections of the Valuation Manual. It is intended to provide for estimation error and
adverse deviation.
The term “modeled company investment strategy” means the investment strategy used in the model
that is intended to be a representation of the actual investment strategy of the company. It is before
the comparison is made to the alternative investment strategy. It does not refer to the alternative
investment strategy when the alternative investment strategy is constraining.
The term “modeled reserve” means the DR on the policies determined under VM-20 Section
2.A.1.a, 2.A.2.a, and 2.A.3.b, plus the greater of the DR and the stochastic reserve (SR) on the
policies determined under Section 2.A.1.b, 2.A.2.b, and 2.A.3.c.
The term “model segment” means a group of policies and associated assets that are modeled
together to determine the path of net asset earned rates.
Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
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The term “mortality segment” means a subset of policies for which a separate mortality table
representing the prudent estimate assumption will be determined.
The term “NAIC” means the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. (Model #820
The term “net asset earned rates” (NAER) means the path of earned rates reflecting the net general
account portfolio rate in each projection interval (net of appropriate default costs and investment
The term “net premium refund liability” means the amount of money the insurance company owes
to an insured when the insured cancels his/her loan or insurance prior to its scheduled termination
date, net of amounts that the insurer will recover from other parties.
The term “net premium reserve” (NPR) means the amount determined in Section 3 of VM-20.
The term “non-guaranteed elements” (NGE) means either: a) dividends under participating policies
or contracts; or b) other elements affecting life insurance or annuity policyholder/contract holder
costs or values that are both established and subject to change at the discretion of the insurer.
The term “non-material secondary guarantee” means a secondary guarantee (SG) that meets the
following parameters at time of issue:
o The policy has only one SG, and that SG is in the form of a required premium (specified
annual or cumulative premium).
o The duration of the SG for each policy is no longer than 20 years from issue through
issue age 60, grading down by 2/3-year for each higher issue age to age 82, thereafter
five years.
o The present value of the required premium under the SG must be at least as great as
the present value of net premiums resulting from the appropriate Valuation Basic Table
(VBT) over the maximum SG duration allowable under the contract (in aggregate and
subject to above duration limit).
Present values use minimum allowable VBT rates (preferred tables are subject to
existing qualification requirements) and the maximum valuation interest rate as
defined in VM-20 Section 3.C.2.
The minimum premium consists of the annual required premium over the
maximum SG duration.
Guidance Note: The unloaded version of the applicable CSO table is available on the Society of
Actuaries (SOA) website.
The term “ordinary life insurance” means any individual life insurance policy that does not meet
the definition of industrial life insurance or credit life insurance.
The term “path” means a time-indexed sequence of a set of values.
The term “policyholder behavior” or “contract holder behavior” means any action a policyholder,
contract holder or any other person with the right to elect options, such as a certificate holder, may
take under a policy or contract subject to Model #820 including, but not limited to, lapse,
withdrawal, transfer, deposit, premium payment, loan, annuitization, or benefit elections prescribed
Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
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by the policy or contract but excluding events of mortality or morbidity that result in benefits
prescribed in their essential aspects by the terms of the policy or contract. (Model #820 definition.)
The term “policyholder efficiency” or “contract holder efficiencymeans the phenomenon that
policyholders or contract holders will act in their best interest with regard to the value of their
policy or contract. A policyholder or contract holder acting with high policyholder efficiency or
contract holder efficiency would take actions permitted in his/her policy or contract that would
provide the greatest relative value. Such actions include, but are not limited to, not lapsing a low
value or no value contract, persisting, surrendering, applying additional premium, and exercising
loan and partial surrender provisions.
The term “preneed” means any life insurance policy or certificate that is issued in combination
with, in support of, an assignment to or as a guarantee for a prearrangement agreement for goods
and services to be provided at the time of and immediately following the death of the insured.
Goods and services may include, but are not limited to, embalming, cremation, body preparation,
viewing or visitation, coffin or urn, memorial stone, and transportation of the deceased. The status
of the policy or contract as preneed insurance is determined at the time of issue in accordance with
the policy form filing. (Note: Preceding definition taken from the Preneed Life Insurance Minimum
Standards for Determining Reserve Liabilities and Nonforfeiture Values Model Regulation [#817].)
The definition of preneed shall be subject to that definition of preneed in a particular state of issue
if such definition is different in that state.
The term “pretax interest maintenance reserve(PIMR) means the statutory interest maintenance
reserve liability at the projection start date, adjusted to a pretax basis.
The term “Principle-Based Reserve Actuarial Report” (PBR Actuarial Report) means the
supporting information prepared by the company, as required by VM-31.
The term “principle-based valuation” means a reserve valuation that uses one or more methods, or
one or more assumptions determined by the insurer and is required to comply with Section 12 of
Model #820 as specified in the Valuation Manual. (Model #820 definition.)
The term “projection interval” means the time interval used in the cash-flow model to project the
cash-flow amounts (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually).
The term “projection period” means the period over which the cash-flow model is run. (This
definition applies to life and annuity products only.)
The term “projection start date” means the date on which the projection period begins.
The term “projection year” means a 12-month period starting on the projection start date or an
anniversary of the projection start date.
The term “prudent estimate assumption” means a risk factor assumption developed by applying a
margin to the anticipated experience assumption for that risk factor.
The term “qualified actuary” means an individual who is qualified to sign the applicable statement
of actuarial opinion in accordance with the Academy qualification standards for actuaries signing
such statements and who meets the requirements specified in the Valuation Manual. (Model #820
The term “reinsurance cash flows” means the amount paid under a reinsurance agreement between
a ceding company and an assuming company. Positive reinsurance cash flows shall represent
Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 01-9
amounts payable from the assuming company to the ceding company; negative reinsurance cash
flows shall represent amounts payable from the ceding company to the assuming company.
The term “revenue sharing” means any arrangement or understanding by which an entity
responsible for providing investment or other types of services makes payments to the company or
to one of its affiliates. Such payments are typically in exchange for administrative services provided
by the company or its affiliate, such as marketing, distribution and recordkeeping. Only payments
that are attributable to charges or fees from the underlying variable funds or mutual funds
supporting the policies or contracts that fall under the scope of the given standard shall be included
in the definition of “revenue sharing.”
The term “risk factor” means an aspect of future experience that is not fully predictable on the
valuation date.
The term “scenario” means a projected sequence of events or risk factors used in the cash flow
model, such as future interest rates, equity performance or mortality.
The term “scenario greatest present value” means the sum, for a given scenario, of:
o The greatest of the present values, as of the projection start date, of the accumulated
deficiencies for the scenario.
o The starting asset amount.
The term “scenario reserve” means the amount determined on an aggregated basis for a given
scenario that is used as a step in the calculation of the SR.
The term “secondary guarantee” means a conditional guarantee that a policy will remain in force,
even if its fund value is exhausted, for either:
o More than five years (the secondary guarantee period), or
o Five years or less (the secondary guarantee period) if the specified premium for the
secondary guarantee period is less than the net level reserve premium for the secondary
guarantee period based on the CSO valuation tables defined in VM-20 Section 3.C and
VM-M and the valuation interest rates defined in this section, or if the initial surrender
charge is less than 100% of the first year annualized specified premium for the
secondary guarantee period.
The term “shadow account” means a notional account, typically consisting of premium and interest
credits and cost of insurance and expense charges, that is associated with certain types of UL
policies and is used in conjunction with a secondary guarantee.
The term “starting asset amount” means an amount equal to the statement value of assets at the
cash-flow projection start date.
The term “stochastic exclusion test” (SET) means a test to determine whether a group of policies
is required to comply with stochastic modeling requirements.
The term “stochastic reserve” (SR) means the reserve amount determined by applying a measure
(e.g., a prescribed CTE level) to the distribution of scenario reserves over a broad range of
stochastically generated scenarios and using a combination of prescribed and company-specific
assumptions derived as provided in the Valuation Manual.
Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
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The term “tail risk” means a risk that occurs either where the frequency of low probability events
is higher than expected under a normal probability distribution or where there are observed events
of very significant size or magnitude. (Model #820 definition.)
The term “unearned premium reserve” means that portion of the premium paid or due to the
company that is applicable to the period of coverage extending beyond the valuation date.
The term “universal life insurance policy” means a life insurance policy where separately identified
interest credits (other than in connection with dividend accumulations, premium deposit funds or
other supplementary accounts) and mortality and expense charges are made to the policy. A
universal life insurance policy may provide for other credits and charges, such as charges for cost
of benefits provided by rider.
The term “valuation date” means the date when the reserve is to be valued as required by Model
The term “Valuation Manual” means the manual of valuation instructions adopted by the NAIC as
specified in Model #820 or as subsequently amended. (Model #820 definition.)
The term “variable annuity guaranteed living benefit (VAGLB) means a guaranteed benefit
providing, or resulting in the provision that, one or more guaranteed benefit amounts payable or
accruing to a living contract holder or living annuitant, under contractually specified conditions
(e.g., at the end of a specified waiting period, upon annuitization or upon withdrawal of premium
over a period of time), will increase contractual benefits should the contract value referenced by
the guarantee (e.g., account value) fall below a given level or fail to achieve certain performance
levels. Only such guarantees having the potential to provide benefits with a present value as of the
benefit commencement date that exceeds the contract value referenced by the guarantee are
included in this definition. Payout annuities without minimum payout or performance guarantees
are neither considered to contain nor to be VAGLBs.
The term “variable life insurance policy” means a policy that provides for life insurance, the amount
or duration of which varies according to the investment experience of any separate account or
accounts established and maintained by the insurer as to the policy.
The term “VM-20 reserving category” means one of the following three terms, as applicable:
(a) “Term reserving category” shall consist of:
i. Term life insurance policies, whether directly written or assumed.
ii. Term life insurance riders, whether directly written or assumed, that are attached to a
base policy of any kind, that is valued under VM-20, but are valued separately from
such a base policy.
iii. Riders and supplemental benefits, whether directly written or assumed, that are
attached to and valued with a term life insurance policy, whether directly written or
iv. Life insurance coverage of any kind that the company has assumed on a yearly
renewable term (YRT) basis and would be valued under VM-20 had the company—
i.e., reinsurerwritten it on a direct basis.
(b) “ULSG reserving category” shall consist of:
i. ULSG policies directly written, including any policies that are beyond the end of
their contractual secondary guarantee period, but excluding any policies in an
extended term insurance status or reduced paid-up status.
ii. Riders and supplemental benefits, whether directly written or assumed, that are
Definitions for Terms in Requirements VM-01
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attached to and valued with a ULSG policy.
iii. ULSG coverage that the company has assumed on other than a YRT basis, and which
would be valued under VM-20 had the company written it on a direct basis, including
any beyond the end of the contractual secondary guarantee period.
(c) “All Other VM-20 reserving category” shall consist of:
i. All other life insurance coverage valued under VM-20 that does not belong in (a) or
(b) above.
ii. Life insurance policies valued under VM-20 that are in an extended term
insurance status or reduced paid-up status, even if they had belonged in (a) or (b)
above when originally issued.
iii. Riders and supplemental benefits that do not belong in (a) or (b) above but which are
attached to life insurance policies that are valued under VM-20.
Guidance Note: See Section II. Riders and Supplemental Benefits for the requirements specifying
when a rider or supplemental benefit is to be valued with the base policy or may be valued
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 02-1
VM-02: Minimum Nonforfeiture Mortality and Interest
Table of Contents
Section 1: Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 02-1
Section 2: Applicability .................................................................................................................. 02-1
Section 3: Interest ........................................................................................................................... 02-1
Section 4: Mortality ........................................................................................................................ 02-1
Section 1: Purpose
A. The purpose of VM-02 is to assign the appropriate CSO mortality table and interest rate for use in
determining the minimum nonforfeiture standard for life insurance policies issued on and after the
operative date of this Valuation Manual as authorized by applicable state requirements.
Section 2: Applicability
A. Any state requirements shall supersede requirements of this VM-02 if conflicted.
B. Requirements in this VM-02 apply to life insurance policies issued on and after the operative date
of this Valuation Manual.
Section 3: Interest
A. The nonforfeiture interest rate for any life insurance policy issued in a particular calendar year
beginning on and after the operative date of the Valuation Manual shall be equal to 125% of the
calendar year statutory valuation interest rate defined for the NPR in the Valuation Manual for a
life insurance policy with nonforfeiture values, whether or not such sections apply to such policy
for valuation purposes, rounded to the nearer one-quarter of 1%, provided, however, that the
nonforfeiture interest rate shall not be less than the Applicable Accumulation Test Minimum Rate
in the Cash Value Accumulation Test under Section 7702 (Life Insurance Contract Defined) of the
U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
Guidance Note: For flexible premium universal life insurance policies as defined in Section 3.D
of the Universal Life Insurance Model Regulation (#585), this is not intended to prevent an interest
rate guarantee less than the nonforfeiture interest rate.
Section 4: Mortality
Guidance Note: As any new CSO mortality tables are adopted in the future, language or
paragraphs will need to be added here to define what business is to use which tables. This will need
to be coordinated with the valuation requirements contained in other sections of the Valuation
Manual. Because of the various implications to systems, form filings and related issues (such as
product tax issues), lead time is needed to implement new requirements without market disruption.
Thus, it is recommended that the transition period referenced in the guidance note in VM-20
Section 3.C.1.e be adoptedthat is, that there be a transition period of about 4.5 years, that the
table be adopted by July 1 of a given year, that it be permitted to be used starting Jan. 1 of the
second following calendar year, and that it be optional until Jan. 1 of the fifth following calendar
year, and thereafter mandatory.
A. Ordinary Life Insurance Policies
1. For ordinary life insurance policies issued on or after Jan. 1, 2017, and prior to Jan. 1, 2020,
except as provided below in Section 4.A.2 and Section 4.B or in Section 4.E below, the
Minimum Nonforfeiture Mortality and Interest VM-02
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minimum nonforfeiture standard shall be determined using the 2001 CSO Mortality Table
as defined in VM-M of this manual and subject to the requirements defined in VM-A-814
in VM-A of this manual for using this mortality table and subject to minimum standards.
The 2001 CSO Preferred Class Structure Tables shall not be used to determine the
minimum nonforfeiture standard.
2. Except as provided in Section 4.B and Section 4.E, and subject to the requirements stated
in a. and b. below, the 2017 CSO Mortality Table as defined in VM-M Section 1.H:
a. May, at the election of the company, be used for one or more specified plans of
insurance issued on or after Jan. 1, 2017, to which Section 5cH(6) of the Standard
Nonforfeiture Law for Life Insurance (#808) is applicable, and to determine
minimum nonforfeiture standards according to the Model #808 or the state’s
equivalent statute. The 2017 CSO Preferred Structure Tables shall not be used to
determine the minimum nonforfeiture standard.
b. Shall, for policies issued on or after Jan. 1, 2020, to which Section 5cH(6) of Model
#808 is applicable, be used to determine minimum nonforfeiture standards
according to Model #808 or the state’s equivalent statute. The 2017 CSO Preferred
Structure Tables shall not be used to determine the minimum nonforfeiture
3. The following requirements shall apply with respect to the use of the 2017 CSO Mortality
a. For each plan of insurance with separate rates for smokers and nonsmokers, an
insurer may use:
i. Composite mortality tables to determine minimum cash surrender values
and amounts of paid-up nonforfeiture benefits; or
ii. Smoker and nonsmoker mortality to determine minimum cash surrender
values and amounts of paid-up nonforfeiture benefits.
b. For plans of insurance without separate rates for smokers and nonsmokers, the
composite mortality tables shall be used.
c. For the purpose of determining minimum cash surrender values and amounts of
paid-up nonforfeiture benefits, the 2017 CSO Mortality Table may, at the option
of the company for each plan of insurance, be used in its ultimate or select and
ultimate form.
d. Gender-blended tables shall apply in the following circumstances:
For any ordinary life insurance policy delivered or issued for delivery that uses the
same premium rates and charges for male and female lives or is issued in
circumstances where applicable law does not permit distinctions on the basis of
gender, a mortality table that is a blend of the 2017 CSO Mortality Table (M) and
the 2017 CSO Mortality Table (F) may, at the option of the company for each plan
of insurance, be used in determining minimum cash surrender values and amounts
of paid-up nonforfeiture benefits.
B. Preneed Life Insurance Policies
Minimum Nonforfeiture Mortality and Interest VM-02
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Preneed life insurance policies issued on or after the operative date of this Valuation Manual shall
have the minimum nonforfeiture standard computed based on the 1980 CSO Mortality Tables as
defined in Appendix M.
C. Same Minimum Nonforfeiture Standard for Men and Women
For any ordinary life insurance policy that uses the same premium rates and charges for male and
female lives or is issued in circumstances where applicable law does not permit distinctions on the
basis of gender, the minimum nonforfeiture standard shall use the gender-blended mortality derived
from the mortality table assigned in VM-02 for use in determining the minimum nonforfeiture
standard. Weights used to determine the gender-blended table shall follow those provided in the
NAIC Procedure for Permitting Same Minimum Nonforfeiture Standards for Men and Women
Insured Under 1980 CSO and 1980 CET Mortality Tables (#811). The company may choose from
among the blended tables, as appropriate, developed by the Academy CSO Task Force and adopted
by the NAIC in December 2002 (preceding sentence taken from the Recognition of the 2001 CSO
Mortality Table for Use in Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities and Nonforfeiture Benefits
Model Regulation [#814], Section 7.B). These tables are defined in Appendix M under Gender
Blended Tables.
D. Industrial Life Insurance
The minimum nonforfeiture standard values for industrial life insurance policies shall be
determined using the 1961 Commissioners Standard Industrial Mortality Tables as defined in
E. Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance
The minimum nonforfeiture standard values for GI life insurance policies issued before Jan. 1,
2020, shall be determined using the ultimate form of the 2001 CSO Table. The company may elect
to use the 2017 CSO Table in place of the 2001 CSO ultimate table for policies issued Jan. 1, 2017,
through Dec. 31, 2019.
The minimum nonforfeiture standard values for GI life insurance policies issued after Dec. 31,
2019, shall be determined using the
ultimate form of the 2001 CSO Table. The company may elect
to use the 2017 Commissioners Standard Guaranteed Issue Mortality Tables (2017 CSGI) defined
in VM-M in place of the 2001 CSO ultimate tables for policies issued during calendar year 2019.
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 20-1
VM-20: Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Life Products
Table of Contents
Section 1: Purpose ..........................................................................................................................
Section 2: Minimum Reserve ......................................................................................................... 20-1
Section 3: Net Premium Reserve .................................................................................................... 20-5
Section 4: Deterministic Reserve ................................................................................................. 20-17
Section 5: Stochastic Reserve ....................................................................................................... 20-18
Section 6: Stochastic and Deterministic Exclusion Tests ............................................................. 20-19
Section 7: Cash-Flow Models ...................................................................................................... 20-25
Section 8: Reinsurance ................................................................................................................. 20-40
Section 9: Assumptions ................................................................................................................ 20-45
Appendix 1: Additional Description of Economic Scenarios .......................................................... 20-80
Appendix 2: Tables for Calculating Asset Default Costs and Asset Spreads, Including Basis
of Tables ...................................................................................................................... 20-84
Section 1: Purpose
A. These requirements establish the minimum reserve valuation standard for individual life insurance
policies issued on or after the operative date of the Valuation Manual and subject to a principle-
based valuation with an NPR floor under Model #820. These requirements constitute the
Commissioners Reserve Valuation Method (CRVM) for policies of individual life insurance.
B. Individual life certificates under a group life contract shall be subject to the requirements of VM-
20 if all of the following are met. These requirements constitute the CRVM for such certificates.
1. An individual risk selection process, defined as follows, is used to obtain group life
insurance coverage;
An individual risk selection process is one that is based on characteristics of the insured(s)
beyond sex, gender, age, tobacco usage, and membership in a particular group. This may
include, but is not limited to: completion of an application (beyond acknowledgement of
membership to the group, sex, gender, and age); questionnaire(s); online health history or
tele-interview to obtain non-medical and medical or health history information;
prescription history information; avocations; usage of tobacco; family history; or
submission of fluids such as blood, Home Office Specimens (HOS), or oral fluid. The
resulting risk classification is determined based on the characteristics of the individual
insured(s) rather than the group, if any, of which it is a member (e.g., employer, affinity,
etc.). The individual certificate holder is charged a premium rate based solely on the
individual risk selection process and not on membership in a specific group.
Guidance Note:
The use of evidence of insurability does not by itself constitute an individual risk selection process.
Use of information obtained from a census or question(s) regarding gender, occupation, age,
income, and/or tobacco usage solely for purposes of determining a rate classification does not by
itself qualify a group as having used an individual risk selection process. Group insurance where
the underwriting based on the characteristics of the group and census data but where some
individuals are subjected to individual risk selection as a result of compensation level, age, an
existing medical condition or impairment, late entry into the group, failure of the group to meet
minimum participation requirements, or voluntary buy-up of increased coverage does not meet the
definition of an individual risk selection process.
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2. The individual certificates utilize premiums or cost of insurance schedules and charges
based on the individual applicant’s issue age, duration from underwriting, coverage
amount, and risk classification, and there is a stated or implied schedule of maximum gross
premiums or net cash surrender value required in order to continue coverage in force for a
period in excess of one year;
Guidance Note:
Coverage amount does not imply a requirement for banding of premiums or charges but rather rates
or charges that are multiplied by number of units of coverage of face amount (or net amount at risk)
per $1,000 to obtain the actual premium or charge.
3. The group master contract is designed, priced, solicited, and managed similar to individual
ordinary life insurance policies rather than specific to the group as a whole;
4. The individual certificates have similar acquisition approaches, provisions, certificate-
holder rights, pricing, and risk classification to individual ordinary life insurance contracts.
5. The individual certificates are issued on or after the operative date of the Valuation Manual
except election of the transition period in Section II, Subsection 1.F.1.
Section 2: Minimum Reserve
A. All policies subject to these requirements shall be included in one of the VM-20 reserving
categories, as specified in Section 2.A.1, Section 2.A.2 and Section 2.A.3 below.
Guidance Note:
Since group insurance subject to an individual risk selection process and meeting all the
requirements in Section 1.B is subject to VM-20 requirements, Section 2.A shall applymeaning
that any such contracts will be included in one of the VM-20 reserving categories defined by
Section 2.A.1, Section 2.A.2, and Section 2.A.3. All requirements in VM-31 that apply to a VM-
20 reserving category shall apply to any group insurance subject to individual risk selection that
has been included in that VM-20 reserving category.
The company may elect to exclude one or more groups of policies from the SR calculation and/or
the DR calculation. When excluding a group of policies from a reserve calculation, the company
must document that the applicable exclusion test defined in Section 6 is passed for that group of
policies. The minimum reserve for each VM-20 reserving category is defined by Section 2.A.1,
Section 2.A.2 and Section 2.A.3, and the total minimum reserve equals the sum of the Section
2.A.1, Section 2.A.2 and Section 2.A.3 results below, defined as:
1. Term reserving category All policies and riders belonging in the Term reserving
category are to be included in Section 2.A.1.b unless the company has elected to exclude a
group of them from the SR calculation and has applied the stochastic exclusion test (SET)
defined in Section 6, passed the test and documented the results.
a. For the group of policies and riders for which the company did not compute the
SR: the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those policies plus the excess, if any,
of the DR for those policies determined pursuant to Section 4 over the quantity
(AB), where A = the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those policies, and B
= any due and deferred premium asset held on account of those policies.
b. For the group of policies and riders for which the company computes all three
Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Life Products VM-20
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reserve calculations: the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those policies
plus the excess, if any, of the greater of the DR for those
policies determined pursuant to Section 4 and the SR for
those policies determined pursuant to Section 5 over the quantity (A–B), where A
= the sum of the policy minimum NPR’s for those policies, and
B = any due and deferred premium asset held on account of those policies.
c. The due and deferred premium asset, if any, shall be based on the valuation net
premiums computed in accordance with Section 3.B.4.a, for the base policy,
determined without regard to any NPR floor amount from Section 3.D.1. The
valuation net premium is zero in the first policy year for policies in the Term
product group. Since the due and deferred premium asset and unearned premium
reserve are based on the valuation net premium, it follows that these are also zero
in the first policy year.
Guidance Note: This may not be the case for riders that use a different reserving method.
2. ULSG reserving category All policies and riders belonging to the ULSG reserving
category are to be included in Section 2.A.2.c unless the company has elected to exclude a
group of them from the SR calculation or both the DR and SR calculations and has applied
the applicable exclusion test(s) defined in Section 6, passed the test(s) and documented
the results.
a. For the group of policies and riders for which the company did not compute the
DR nor the SR: the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those policies.
Guidance Note: This may be applicable for a group of ULSG policies that meet the definition of a “non-
material secondary guarantee” and passes both the DET and the SET.
b. For the group of policies and riders for which the company did not compute the
SR: the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those policies plus the excess, if any,
of the DR for those policies determined pursuant to Section 4 over the quantity
(AB), where A = the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those policies, and B
= any due and deferred premium asset held on account of those policies.
c. For the group of policies and riders for which the company computes all three
reserve calculations: the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those policies plus
the excess, if any, of the greater of the DR for those policies determined pursuant
to Section 4 and the SR for those policies determined pursuant to Section 5 over
the quantity (AB), where A = the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those
policies, and B = any due and deferred premium asset held on account of those
d. The due and deferred premium asset, if any, shall be based on the valuation net
premiums computed in accordance with Section 3.B.5.d, for the base policy,
determined without regard to any NPR floor amount from Section 3.D.2.
3. All Other VM-20 reserving categoryAll policies and riders belonging to the All Other
VM-20 reserving category are to be included in Section 2.A.3.c unless the company has
elected to exclude a group of them from the SR calculation or both the deterministic and
SR calculations and has applied the applicable exclusion test defined in Section 6, passed
the test and documented the results.
a. For the group of policies and riders for which the company did not compute the
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DR nor the SR: the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those policies.
b. For the group of policies and riders for which the company did not compute the
SR but did compute the DR: the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those
policies plus the excess, if any, of the DR for those policies determined pursuant
to Section 4 over the quantity (AB), where A = the sum of the policy minimum
NPRs for those policies, and B = any due and deferred premium asset held on
account of those policies.
c. For the group of policies and riders for which the company computes all three
reserve calculations: the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those policies plus
the excess, if any, of the greater of the DR for those policies determined pursuant
to Section 4 and the SR for those policies determined pursuant to Section 5 over
the quantity (AB), where A = the sum of the policy minimum NPRs for those
policies, and B = any due and deferred premium asset held on account of those
B. Section 3 defines the requirements for the policy NPR. Section 4 defines the requirements for the
DR, and Section 4.C defines how that reserve is attributed to a VM-20 reserving category. Section
5 defines the requirements for the SR, and Section 5.G defines how that reserve is determined for
each VM-20 reserving category.
C. The reserve for each VM-20 reserving category as determined in Section 2.A.1, Section 2.A.2 or
Section 2.A.3 shall be allocated to each policy within that VM-20 reserving category in the same
proportion as the minimum NPR for that policy to the minimum NPR for the VM-20 reserving
category with the exception to make best efforts to minimize allocating the deterministic or SR in
excess of the net premium reserve, with any adjustment for due and deferred premiums, to policies
which did not produce this excess. A clear example is to use the NPR per policy in Section 2.A.3.a
as the allocated reserve per policy, given that no deterministic or SR is used in Section 2.A.3.a.
D. The reserves for supplemental benefits and riders shall be calculated consistent with the
requirements for “Riders and Supplemental Benefits” in Section II, Reserve Requirements.
E. The company may calculate the DR and the SR as of a date no earlier than three months before the
valuation date, using relevant company data, provided an appropriate method is used to adjust those
reserves to the valuation date. Company data used for experience studies to determine prudent
estimate assumptions are not subject to this three-month limitation.
F. If a company has separate account business, the company shall allocate the minimum reserve
between the general and separate accounts subject to the following:
1. The amount allocated to the general account shall not be less than zero and shall include
any liability related to contractual guarantees provided by the general account.
2. The amount allocated to the separate account shall not be less than the sum of the cash
surrender values and not be greater than the sum of the account values attributable to the
separate account portion of all such contracts.
G. A company may use simplifications, approximations and modeling efficiency techniques to
calculate the NPR, the DR and/or the SR required by this section if the company can demonstrate
that the use of such techniques does not understate the reserve by a material amount, and the
expected value of the reserve calculated using simplifications, approximations and modeling
efficiency techniques is not less than the expected value of the reserve calculated that does not use
them. The preceding demonstration requirements of Section 2.G do not apply to the use of model
segmentation for purposes of determining the net asset earned rates.
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Guidance Note:
Examples of modeling efficiency techniques include, but are not limited to:
1. Choosing a reduced set of scenarios from a larger set consistent with prescribed models and
2. Generating a smaller liability or asset model to represent the full seriatim model using grouping
compression techniques or other similar simplifications.
There are multiple ways of providing the demonstration required by Section 2.G. The complexity
of the demonstration depends upon the simplifications, approximations or modeling efficiency
techniques used. Examples include, but are not limited to:
1. Rounding at a transactional level in a direction that is clearly and consistently conservative or is
clearly and consistently unbiased with an obviously immaterial impact on the resulting reserve
(e.g., rounding to the nearest dollar) would satisfy 2.G without needing a demonstration.
However, rounding to too few significant digits relative to the quantity being rounded, even in
an unbiased way, may be material and in that event, the company may need to provide a
demonstration that the rounding would not produce a material understatement in the reserve.
2. A brute force demonstration involves calculating the minimum reserve both with and without
the simplification, approximation or modeling efficiency technique, and making a direct
comparison between the resulting reserves. Regardless of the specific simplification,
approximation or modeling efficiency technique used, brute force demonstrations always satisfy
the requirements of Section 2.G.
3. Choosing a reduced set of scenarios from a larger set consistent with prescribed models and
parameters and providing a detailed demonstration of why it did not understate the reserve by a
material amount and the expected value of the reserve would not be less than the expected value
of the reserve that would otherwise be calculated. This demonstration may be a theoretical,
statistical or mathematical argument establishing, to the satisfaction of the insurance
commissioner, general bounds on the potential deviation in the reserve estimate rather than a
brute force demonstration.
4. Selecting a margin for lapse rates where the directionality of the margin changes at a certain
duration may require a detailed, calculation-based demonstration. Rather than a brute force
demonstration, a company may be able to use representative cells to establish a materiality range
supporting the use of a simplified lapse margin using, for example, the average duration that the
directionality of the margin changes.
H. The company shall establish, for the DR and SR, a standard containing the criteria for determining
whether an assumption, risk factor or other element of the principle-based valuation has a material
impact on the size of the reserve. This standard shall be applied when identifying material risks
under VM-20 Section 9.B.1. Such a standard shall also apply to the NPR with respect to VM-20
Section 2.G.
Guidance Note:
For example, the standard may be expressed as an impact of more than X dollars or Y% of the
reserve, whichever is greater, where X and Y are chosen in a manner that is meant to stand the test
of time and not need periodic revision.
The standard is based on the impact relative to the size of the NPR, DR and SR as opposed to the
Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Life Products VM-20
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 20-6
impact relative to the overall financial statement (e.g., total company reserves or surplus).
Reviewing items that may lead to a material misstatement of the financial statement in the current
year is appropriate in its own context, but it is not appropriate for identifying material risks for
PBR, which itself is an emerging risk.
Note that the criteria apply to the NPR, DR and SR, and not just the final reported reserve. For
example, if the DR is less than the NPR, the criteria still apply to the DR.
The standard also applies to exclusion tests, as they are an element of the principle-based valuation.
I. Section 2.G and Section 2.H provide companies some flexibility in assumption setting and
modeling methodologies, but they do not allow for skipping mandated steps without providing a
valid approximation, simplification, or modeling technique under Section 2.G that neither
materially understates nor downwardly biases the reserve.
Examples of omissions that would not satisfy VM-20 Section 2.G include: not computing even a
simplified NPR; not computing even a simplified DR or SR without having passed the relevant
exclusion test(s); omitting prescribed mortality margins; not establishing any lapse margins; not
building even a simplified asset model for the DR; using the alternative investment strategy without
first determining that it produces a higher reserve than the company investment strategy; and
ignoring post-level term losses.
Guidance Note:
The issue here is not the use of approximations; it is about skipping mandated VM-20 requirements.
Thus, for example, this does not rule out the use of a relatively simple asset model that is acceptable
pursuant to VM-20 Section 7.E.1.a, nor the judicious use of the previous year’s assumption
development work to save time and effort.
Section 3: Net Premium Reserve
A. Applicability
1. The NPR for each policy must be determined on a seriatim basis pursuant to Section 3.
2. When valuing term riders pursuant to Paragraph E in Riders and Supplemental Benefits
Requirementsin Section II, the reserve requirements for term policies are applicable.
B. NPR Calculation
1. For the purposes of Section 3, the following terms apply:
a. A policy with “multiple secondary guarantees” is one that: i) simultaneously has
more than one shadow account; ii) simultaneously has more than one cumulative
premium type of guarantee; or iii) simultaneously has at least one of each. A single
shadow account with a variety of possible end dates to the secondary guarantee,
depending on the policyholder’s choice of funding level, constitutes a singlenot
multiplesecondary guarantee.
Guidance Note:
Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Life Products VM-20
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 20-7
Policy designs that are created simply to disguise guarantees or exploit a perceived loophole must
be treated in a manner similar to more typical product designs with similar guarantees. If a policy
contains multiple secondary guarantees, such that a subset of those secondary guarantees in
combination represent an implicit guarantee that would produce a higher NPR if that implicit
guarantee were treated as an explicit secondary guarantee of the policy, then the policy should be
treated as if that implicit guarantee were an explicit guarantee. For example, if there were a policy
with a “sequential secondary guarantee” where only one secondary guarantee applied at any given
point in time but with a series of secondary guarantees strung together with one period ending when
the next one began, the combined terms of the secondary guarantees would be regarded as a single
secondary guarantee.
b. The “fully funded secondary guarantee” at any time is:
i. For a shadow account secondary guarantee, the minimum shadow account
fund value necessary to fully fund the secondary guarantee for the policy
at that time.
For any policy for which the secondary guarantee
contractually cannot be fully funded in advance, this shall be the present
value of the contractually permitted premium stream that would fully fund
the guarantee at the earliest possible date (using the valuation interest rate
and mortality standard specified in Section 3.C).
ii. For a cumulative premium secondary guarantee, the amount of cumulative
premiums required to have been paid to that time that would result in no
future premium requirements to fully fund the guarantee, accumulated
with any interest or accumulation factors per the contract provisions for
the secondary guarantee. For any policy for which the secondary guarantee
contractually cannot be fully funded in advance, this shall be the present
value of the contractually permitted premium stream that would fully fund
the guarantee at the earliest possible date (using the valuation interest rate
and mortality standard specified in Section 3.C).
c. The “actual secondary guarantee” at any time is:
i. For a shadow account secondary guarantee, the actual shadow account
fund value at that time.
ii. For a cumulative premium secondary guarantee, the actual premiums paid
to that point in time, accumulated with any interest or accumulation factors
per the contract provisions for the secondary guarantee.
The “level secondary guarantee” at any time is:
i. For a shadow account secondary guarantee, the shadow account fund value
that would have existed at that time assuming payment of the level gross
premium determined according to Section 3.B.5.c.i.1.
ii. For a cumulative premium secondary guarantee, the amount of cumulative
level gross premiums determined according to Section 3.B.5.c.i.1,
accumulated with any interest or accumulation factors per the contract
provisions for the secondary guarantee.
2. Section 3.B.4 and Section 3.B.5 provide the calculation of a terminal NPR under the
assumption of an annual mode gross premium. In Section 3.B.4 and Section 3.B.5, the
gross premium referenced is the gross premium for the policy assuming an annual premium
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3. Since terminal NPRs are computed as of the end of a policy year and not the reporting date,
the terminal NPR as of policy anniversaries immediately prior and subsequent to the
reporting date are adjusted to reflect that portion of the net premium that is unearned at the
reporting date. This is generally accomplished using either the mean reserve method or the
mid-terminal method as discussed in SSAP No. 51RLife Contracts. Other appropriate
methods, including an exact reserve valuation, may also be used.
4. For all policies and riders within the Term reserving category, other than those addressed
in Section 3.B.8 below, the NPR on any valuation date shall be equal to the actuarial present
value of future benefits less the actuarial present value of future annual valuation net
premiums as follows:
a. The annual valuation net premiums shall be a uniform percent of the respective
adjusted gross premiums, described in Section 3.B.4.b, such that at issue the
actuarial present value of future valuation net premiums shall equal the actuarial
present value of future benefits plus an amount equal to $2.50 per $1,000 of
insurance for the first policy year only.
Guidance Note: When calculating the present values under Section 3.B.4.a.i and Section 3.B.4.a.ii,
benefits and premiums during the years following the end of the level term period should be
projected assuming that the policies subject to the shock lapse in each year do not pay the higher
premium in that year.
A shock lapse is deemed to have occurred in any year for which the prescribed
lapse rate is greater than or equal to 25%. Valuation net premiums for policy years
after a shock lapse shall be limited and may result in two uniform percentages, one
applicable to policy years prior to that shock lapse and one applicable to policy
years following that shock lapse. However, for policies with more than one shock
lapse, only one shock lapse shall be subject to such treatment, namely the one that
would produce the largest ratio ii/i as computed below before any such percentages
are applied. For these policies, these percentages shall be determined as follows:
i. Compute the actuarial present value of benefits for policy years following
the shock lapse.
ii. Compute the actuarial present value of valuation net premiums for policy
years following the shock lapse.
iii. If ii/i is greater than 135%, reduce the net valuation premiums in ii
uniformly to produce a ratio of ii/i of 135%.
iv. If the application of iii produces an adjustment to the net valuation
premiums following the shock lapse, increase the net valuation premiums
for policy years prior to the shock lapse by a uniform percentage such that
at issue the actuarial present value of future valuation net premiums equals
the actuarial present value of future benefits plus $2.50 per $1,000 of
insurance for the first policy year only.
b. Adjusted gross premiums shall be determined as follows:
i. The adjusted gross premium for the first policy year shall be set at zero.
ii. The adjusted gross premium for any year from the second through fifth
policy year shall be set at 90% of the corresponding gross premium for
that policy year.
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iii. The adjusted gross premium for any year after the fifth policy year shall
be set equal to the corresponding gross premium for that policy year.
c. The gross premium in any policy year is the maximum guaranteed gross premium
for that policy year, inclusive of any applicable policy fee.
d. Actuarial present values are calculated using the interest, mortality and lapse
assumptions prescribed in Section 3.C.
5. For all policies and riders within the ULSG reserving category, other than indexed
universal life policies for which the company did not compute the DR nor the SR, the NPR
shall be determined as follows:
a. If the policy duration on the valuation date is prior to the point when all secondary
guarantee periods have expired, the NPR shall be the greater of the reserve amount
determined in Section 3.B.5.c and the reserve amount determined in Section
3.B.5.d, subject to the floors specified in Section 3.D.2.
b. If the policy duration on the valuation date is after the expiration of all secondary
guarantee periods, the NPR shall be the reserve amount determined according to
Section 3.B.5.d only, subject to the floors specified in 3.D.2.
c. A reserve amount for the policy shall be calculated assuming the secondary
guarantee is in effect as described below. If the policy has multiple secondary
guarantees, the NPR shall be calculated as below for the secondary guarantee that
the greatest NPR as of the valuation date. For the purposes of this
subsection, let n be the longest number of years the policy can remain in force
under the provisions of the secondary guarantee. However, if a shorter period
produces a materially greater NPR, then n shall be that shorter number of years.
i. As of the policy issue date:
1) Determine the level gross premium at issue, assuming payments
are made each year for which premiums are permitted to be paid,
such period defined as v years in this subsection, that would keep
the policy in force to the end of year n, based on policy provisions,
including the secondary guarantee provisions, such as mortality,
interest and expenses. In no event shall v be greater than n for
purposes of the NPR calculated in this subsection.
2) Determine the annual valuation net premiums at issue as that
uniform percentage (the valuation net premium ratio) of the
respective gross premiums such that at issue the actuarial present
value of future valuation net premiums over the n-year period
shall equal the actuarial present value of future benefits over the
n-year period. The valuation net premium ratio determined shall
not change for the policy.
3) Using the level gross premium from Section 3.B.5c.i.1 above,
determine the value of the expense allowance components for the
policy at issue as x
, y
and z
defined below.
= a first-year expense equal to the level gross premium at issue
= an expense equal to 10% of the level gross premium and
applied in each year from the second through fifth policy year
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= a first-year expense of $2.50 per $1,000 of insurance issued
The expense allowance shall be amortized over the span of years
in the secondary guarantee period during which premiums are
permitted to be paid. E
, the expense allowance balance as of the
end of the policy year t, shall be computed as follows:
= 
for t < v
= 0 for t ≥ v
t = 1,2,.. (number of completed years since issue)
VNPR = Valuation Net Premium Ratio from 3.B.5.c.i.2 above
= 0 when t = 1
) when 2≤ t ≤5
when t>5
ii. After the policy issue date, on each future valuation date, the NPR shall be
determined as follows:
1) As of the valuation date for the policy being valued, determine the
actual secondary guarantee, denoted ASG
, as outlined in
Section 3.B.1.c and the fully funded secondary guarantee, denoted
, as outlined in Section 3.B.1.b.
2) Divide ASG
, with the resulting ratio capped at 1.
The ratio is intended to measure the level of prefunding for a
secondary guarantee, which is used to establish reserves.
Assumptions within the numerator and denominator of the ratio,
therefore, must be consistent in order to appropriately reflect the
level of prefunding. As used here, “assumptions” include any
factor or value, whether assumed or known, which is used to
calculate the numerator or denominator of the ratio.
3) Compute the net single premium (NSP
) on the valuation date
for the coverage provided by the secondary guarantee for the
period of time ending at attained age x+n, using the interest, lapse
and mortality assumptions prescribed in Section 3.C below. The
net single premium (NSP) shall include consideration for death
benefits only.
4) The NPR for an insured age x at issue at time t shall be according
to the formula below:
, 1
Guidance Note: For a non-integer value of t,
is obtained by taking the present value at
duration t of
, where T is the next higher integer; i.e., entails discounting by valuation interest,
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mortality, and lapse for the fractional year between the valuation date and next anniversary (T t).
iii. Actuarial present values referenced in this Section 3.B.5.c are calculated
using the interest, mortality and lapse assumptions prescribed in Section
3.C below.
d. A reserve amount for the policy shall be calculated assuming the secondary
guarantee is not in effect. The reserve amount shall be determined by the policy
features and guarantees of the policy without considering any secondary guarantee
provisions as follows:
i. Determine the level gross premium at issue, assuming payments are made
each year for which premiums are permitted to be paid, such period
defined as “s” in this subsection, that would keep the policy in force for
the entire period coverage is to be provided based on the policy guarantees
of mortality, interest and expenses.
ii. Determine the annual valuation net premiums as that uniform percentage
(the valuation net premium ratio) of the respective gross premiums, such
that at issue the actuarial present value of future valuation net premiums
shall equal the actuarial present value of future benefits.
iii. Using the level gross premium from Section 3.B.5.d.i, determine the value
of the expense allowance components for the policy at issue as x
, y
defined below.
= a first-year expense equal to the level gross premium at issue
= an expense equal to 10% of the level gross premium and applied in each
year from the second through fifth policy year
= a first-year expense of $2.50 per $1,000 of insurance issued
The expense allowance shall be amortized over the period during which
premiums are permitted to be paid. E
, the expense allowance balance, as of
the end of policy year t, shall be calculated as follows:
= 
for t < s
= 0 for t ≥ s
= 1,2,.. (number of completed years since issue)
. . 5. .
= 0 when t = 1
) when 2 ≤ t ≤ 5
when t > 5
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iv. For a policy issued at age x, at any duration t, the net premium reserve
shall equal:
= the actuarial present value of future benefits less the
actuarial present value of future valuation net premiums and less
the unamortized expense allowance for the policy,
Guidance Note: For a non-integer value of t,
is obtained by taking the present value at
duration t of
, where T is the next higher integer; i.e., entails discounting by valuation
interest and survivorship for the fractional year between the valuation date and the next
anniversary (T t).
2) Let:
x + t
= max (the actual policy fund value on the valuation date, 0)
x + t
= the policy fund value on the valuation date is that amount which,
together with the payment of the future level gross premiums determined
in Section 3.B.5.d.i above, keeps the policy in force for the entire period
coverage is to be provided, based on the policy guarantees of mortality,
interest and expenses.
Then set r
equal to:
1, if
< 0
], 1), otherwise
v. The future benefits used in determining the value of m
shall be
based on the greater of e
and f
together with the future
payment of the level gross premiums determined in Section
3.B.5.d.i above, and assuming the policy guarantees of mortality,
interest and expenses.
vi. The values of ä are determined using the NPR interest, mortality
and lapse assumptions applicable on the valuation date.
vii. Actuarial present values referenced in this Section 3.B.5.d are
calculated using the interest, mortality and lapse assumptions
prescribed in Section 3.C.
6. For all policies and riders within the All Other VM-20 reserving category, as well as
indexed universal life policies for which the company did not compute the DR nor the SR
, the NPR shall be determined pursuant to applicable methods in VM-A and VM-C for the
basic reserve. The mortality tables to be used are those defined in Section 3.C.1 and in VM-
M Section 1.H.
7. The actuarial present value of future benefits equals the present value of future benefits
including, but not limited to, death, endowment (including endowments intermediate to the
term of coverage) and cash surrender benefits. Future benefits are before reinsurance and
before netting the repayment of any policy loans.
8. For life insurance coverage that the company has assumed on a YRT basis, the reinsurer’s
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net premium reserve shall be one half year’s cost of insurance for the reinsured net amount
at risk.
C. Net Premium Reserve Assumptions
1. Mortality Rates
a. Except as indicated in Section 3.C.1.b, and subject to the conditions outlined for
reserves in VM-A-814 and A-815 in Appendix A of this manual, the mortality
standard used in determining the present values described in Section B of this
section shall be the 2001 CSO Mortality Table as defined in VM-M Section 1.G
of this manual.
b. Subject to the conditions defined in Section 3.C.1.c, the 2017 CSO Mortality
Tables as defined in VM-M Section 1.H are required as the valuation standard for
ordinary life policies issued on or after Jan. 1, 2020, and subject to this section. A
company may elect to apply this table to determine minimum reserve standards to
one or more plans of insurance for policies issued on or after
Jan. 1, 2017. The 2017 CSO Mortality Tables shall be used for the Actuarial
Method, as defined in the Term and Universal Life Insurance Reserve Financing
Model Regulation (#787), for all policy issue dates.
c. Conditions for application of the 2017 CSO:
i. For each plan of insurance with separate rates for smokers and nonsmokers,
an insurer may use:
C. Composite mortality tables to determine minimum reserve
liabilities; or
D. Smoker and nonsmoker mortality to determine minimum reserve
liabilities if nonforfeiture values are also determined using smoker
and nonsmoker mortality.
ii. For plans of insurance without separate rates for smokers and nonsmokers, the
composite mortality tables shall be used.
iii. For the purpose of determining minimum reserve values and amounts of paid-
up nonforfeiture benefits, the 2017 CSO Mortality Table may, at the option of
the company for each plan of insurance, be used in its ultimate or select and
ultimate form.
d. At the election of the company, for any one or more specified plans of insurance
and subject to satisfying the conditions stated in Section 3.C.1.e, the 2017 CSO
Preferred Class Structure Mortality Table may be substituted in place of the 2017
CSO Smoker or Nonsmoker Mortality Table as the minimum valuation standard
for policies issued on or after Jan. 1, 2017, or for any policies valued using the
Actuarial Method, as defined in Model #787.
e. Conditions for preferred structure tables:
i. For each plan of insurance with separate rates for preferred and standard
nonsmoker lives, an insurer may use the super preferred nonsmoker,
preferred nonsmoker and residual standard nonsmoker tables to substitute
for the nonsmoker mortality table found in the 2017 CSO Mortality Table
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to determine minimum reserves. At the time of election and annually
thereafter, except for business valued under the residual standard
nonsmoker table, the appointed actuary shall certify that:
a) The present value of death benefits over the next 10 years after the
valuation date, using the anticipated mortality experience without
recognition of mortality improvement beyond the valuation date
for each class, is less than the present value of death benefits using
the VBT corresponding to the valuation table being used for that
b) The present value of death benefits over the future life of the
contracts, using anticipated mortality experience without
recognition of mortality improvement beyond the valuation date
for each class, is less than the present value of death benefits using
the VBT corresponding to the valuation table being used for that
ii. For each plan of insurance with separate rates for preferred and standard
smoker lives, an insurer may use the preferred smoker and residual
standard smoker tables to substitute for the smoker mortality table found
in the 2017 CSO Mortality Table to determine minimum reserves. At the
time of election and annually thereafter, for business valued under the
preferred smoker table, the appointed actuary shall certify that:
a) The present value of death benefits over the next 10 years after the
valuation date, using the anticipated mortality experience without
recognition of mortality improvement beyond the valuation date
for each class, is less than the present value of death benefits using
the preferred smoker VBT corresponding to the valuation table
being used for that class.
b) The present value of death benefits over the future life of the
contracts, using anticipated mortality experience without
recognition of mortality improvement beyond the valuation date
for each class, is less than the present value of death benefits using
the preferred smoker VBT.
iii. Selection of the proper set of mortality rates when a company chooses to
use a permitted preferred class structure mortality table shall be subject to
Actuarial Guideline XLIIThe Application of the Model Regulation
Permitting the Recognition of Preferred Mortality Tables for Use in
Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities (AG 42).
Guidance Note: The Valuation Manual can be updated by the NAIC to define a new valuation
table. Because of the various implications to systems, form filings and related issues (such as
product tax issues), lead time is needed to implement new requirements without market disruption.
It is recommended that this transition be for a period of about 4.5 yearsthat is, that the table be
adopted by July 1 of a given year, that it be permitted to be used starting Jan. 1 of the second
following calendar year, that it be optional until Jan. 1 of the fifth following calendar year, and
thereafter mandatory. It is further intended that the adoption of such tables would apply to all
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business issued since the adoption of this Valuation Manual. The details of how to implement any
unlocking of mortality tables will need to be addressed in the future.
f. For policies issued on a substandard basis, the company shall increase the CSO
mortality rates in a manner commensurate with the substandard rating, subject to
a cap that ensures that mortality rates do not exceed 1,000 per 1,000. Alternatively,
a company may choose to reserve for the substandard extra mortality separately in
Exhibit 5, for groups of policies for which the NPR dominates the DR and SR.
g. For a group of policies where the anticipated mortality experience exceeds the
prescribed CSO mortality rates determined in Section 3.C.1.a through 3.C.1.f
above, the company shall adjust the CSO mortality rates as follows:
i. For policies that pass the Life PBR Exemption, the CSO mortality rates
used to determine the basic reserve for each policy shall be adjusted in a
manner commensurate with the anticipated mortality experience for the
policies. The methodology used to test whether adjustments are needed
can be performed on an aggregate basis for the group of policies using a
reasonable method to compare the respective mortality rates, such as
comparing the present value of future death claims discounted at the
valuation interest rate used for VM-A and VM-C. However, for the
purposes of this comparison, a company may not group together policies
with significantly different risk profiles. If an adjustment is needed, the
determination of the adjustment factors should use a reasonable
methodology, subject to a cap that ensures that mortality rates do not
exceed 1,000 per 1,000.
ii. For policies where the Life PBR Exemption is not utilized, the CSO
mortality rates used in the NPR calculation shall be adjusted in a manner
commensurate with the anticipated mortality experience for the policies.
a) When the company elects to use the DET in Section 6.B for a
group of policies, the methodology used to test whether
adjustments are needed should be consistent with the
methodology used in Section 6.B.5.d (that is, using a comparison
of the PV of future death claims discounted at the valuation rate
used for the NPR). For the purposes of this comparison, a
company may not group together policies with significantly
different risk profiles. The determination of the adjustment
factors should use a reasonably consistent methodology to the one
used in Section 6.B.5.d, subject to a cap that ensures that the
mortality rates do not exceed 1,000 per 1,000.
b) For the group of policies where the DET is not used, the company
should use a reasonably consistent approach to the one described
in paragraph a) above to test whether adjustments are needed and
to determine the adjustment factors. The resulting adjustment
factors are not required to be identical to the adjustment factors
determined in paragraph a) above.
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The resulting NPR must not be lower than the NPR calculated without
adjustments to the CSO mortality rates.
Guidance Note: It is anticipated that the 3.C.1.g adjustments are generally applicable but not
limited to policies with limited underwriting, such as simplified issue or final expense. The intent
of Section 3.C.1.g is not to test every possible group of policies (e.g., attaine
d age blocks,
individual underwriting classes with lower credibility, etc.) to determine if its mortality
experience is higher than the CSO table even though more aggregate mortality experience is
lower than the CSO table. However, if a large, credible block or group of policies (e.g., a block
of business assumed from another company that has significantly different mortality experience
than the rest of the assuming company’s business, or a large block of business from an era when
the company had significantly more permissive underwriting, etc.) is expected to have worse
experience than the CSO table, then the adjustments in 3.C.1.g should be made.
2. Interest Rates
Guidance Note: This section describing the determination of the “calendar year net premium
reserve interest rate” is intended to communicate that, unlike the “unlocking” of the NPR mortality
and lapse assumptions, the interest rate used in the NPR calculation for a block of policies issued
in a particular calendar year does not change for the duration of each of the policies in that issue
year block.
a. For NPR amounts calculated according to Section 3.B.5.d:
The calendar year NPR interest rate I shall be determined according to Section
3.C.2.a and the results rounded to the nearest one-quarter of 1%. This rate shall be
used in determining the present values described in Section 3.B.5 for all policies
issued in the calendar year next following its determination.
i. I = .03 + W (R
- .03) + (W/2) (R
- .09)
Where: R
is the lesser of R and .09
is the greater of R and .09
R is the reference interest rate defined in Section 2.a.ii below
W is the weighting factor for a policy, as defined in Section 2.a.iii below
However, if the calendar year NPR interest rate I in any calendar year
determined without reference to this sentence differs from the
corresponding actual rate for the immediately preceding calendar year by
less than one-half of 1%, the calendar year NPR interest rate shall be set
equal to the corresponding actual rate for the immediately preceding
calendar year.
ii. The reference interest rate R for a calendar year shall equal the lesser of
the average over a period of 36 months and the average over a period of
12 months, ending on June 30 of the calendar year preceding the year of
issue, of the monthly average of the composite yield on seasoned corporate
bonds, as published by Moody’s Investors Service (MIS).
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iii. The weighting factor W for a policy shall be determined from the table
Guarantee Duration (Years) Weighting Factor
10 or less 0.50
More than 10 but not more than 20 0.45
More than 20 0.35
The guarantee duration for the coverage guarantee is the maximum
number of years the life insurance can remain in force on the basis
guaranteed in the policy or under options to convert to plans of life
insurance with premium rates or nonforfeiture values or both, which are
guaranteed in the original policy.
b. For NPR amounts calculated according to Section 3.B.4 or Section 3.B.5.c:
The calendar year NPR interest rate shall be calculated by increasing the rate
determined according to Section 3.C.2.a above by 1.5%, but in no event greater
than 125% of the rate determined according to Section 3.C.2.a above rounded to
the nearest one-quarter of 1%.
Guidance Note: If a policy contains multiple coverage guarantees and each coverage guarantee stream
is valued separately, it may be important to define which reserve interest rate(s) should be used for
reporting and analysis purposes.
3. Lapse Rates
a. For NPR amounts calculated according to Section 3.B.5.d, the lapse rates used
shall be 0% per year during the premium paying period and 0% per year thereafter.
b. For NPR amounts calculated according to Section 3.B.4, the annual lapse rates
used shall vary by level premium period as stated below:
i. 10% per year during any level premium period of less than five years,
except as noted in iii, v and vi.
ii. 6% per year during any level premium period of five or more years, except
as noted in iii, iv, v and vi.
iii. For any policy that provides an endowment benefit at the end of an initial
level premium period that is materially less than the policy face amount,
such as a return of premium benefit, the annual lapse rate is 6% for the
first half of the initial level premium period and 0% for the remainder of
the initial level premium period except the final year thereof.
Guidance Note: Therefore, the first 0% lapse rate would, for example, be at the end of year 11
for a 20-year level plan and at the end of year 8 for a 15-year level plan.
iv. 10% per year during any premium paying period after an initial level
premium period of less than five years, except as noted in v and vi.
v. 0% per year for any policy whose final premium has by then been payable.
vi. The lapse rate for the final year of a level premium period, applied after
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any benefits assumed payable in the final year, and prior to the payment
of the increased premium rate, shall be determined based on the length of
the level premium periods before and after the increase, as well as the
percent increase in the gross premium (including policy fee) per $1,000 of
the face amount as shown in the table below instead of what would
otherwise apply from i through v above.
Length of Level
Premium Period Prior
to Increase
Length of Level
Premium Period After
Percent Increase in
Gross Premium per
Lapse Rate for the Final
Year of the Level
Premium Period (Shock
< 400%
< 400%
10<PP 5<PP Any 50%
c. For NPR amounts calculated according to Section 3.B.5.c, the lapse rate, L
, for
an insured age x at issue for all durations subsequent to the valuation date shall be
determined as follows:
i. Determine the ratio
] but not > 1 and
not <0
= the fully funded secondary guarantee on the valuation date for
the insured age x at issue
= the actual secondary guarantee on the valuation date for the
insured age x at issue
= the level secondary guarantee on the valuation date for the
insured age x at issue
Guidance Note: The FFSG
, and LSG
are based on the secondary guarantee values as
of the valuation date and will remain constant throughout the cash flow projection. This will result
in a constant lapse assumption, calculated as of the valuation date, that does not vary by duration
throughout the cash flow projection for the NPR calculation.
ii. As of the valuation date, which is t years after issue, the annual lapse rate
for the policy shall be assumed to be level for all future years and
denoted as L
, which shall be set equal to:
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= R
0.01 + (1 R
) • 0.005 r
Where r
is the ratio determined in Section 3.B.5.d.iv.2.
Guidance Note: By similar logic, it follows (from ASG
being 0 when t=0) that the level annual
lapse rate to be used in the calculations in Section 3.B.5.c.i.2 and 3.B.5.c.i.3 is 1%. On the other
hand, when performing the calculations in Section 3.B.5.d.ii.3, L
though level, is not generally
equal to what it was for the same policy on the previous valuation date.
4. The NPR shall reflect continuous deaths and the immediate payment of death claims,
including death claims on any riders or supplemental benefits for which the NPR is being
D. NPR Calculation and Cash Surrender Value Floor
1. For policies other than universal life policies, the NPR shall not be less than the greater of:
a. The cost of insurance to the next paid to date. The cost of insurance for this purpose
shall be based on the policy year in which the valuation date falls, using the
mortality tables for the policy prescribed in Section 3.C.
b. The policy cash surrender value calculated as of the valuation date and in a manner
that is consistent with that used in calculating the NPR on the valuation date.
2. For a universal life policy, the NPR shall not be less than the greater of:
a. The amount needed to cover the cost of insurance to the next processing date on
which cost of insurance charges are deducted with respect to the policy. The cost
of insurance for this purpose shall be based on the policy year in which the
valuation date falls, using the mortality tables for the policy prescribed in Section
3.C, and it shall be based upon the net amount at risk. “Cost of insurance,” as used
here, refers to the valuation mortality rate, not the UL policy’s contractual cost of
insurance or expense charges.
b. The policy cash surrender value calculated as of the valuation date and in a manner
that is consistent with that used in calculating the NPR on the valuation date.
E. The policy minimum NPR is defined to be the policy NPR determined in Section 3.A through
Section 3.D, less a credit for reinsurance ceded as defined in Section 8.
Section 4: Deterministic Reserve
For a group of one or more policies for which a DR is to be calculated, the company shall calculate the DR
for the group using the method described in either Section 4.A or Section 4.B below.
A. Calculate the DR equal to the actuarial present value of benefits, expenses and related amounts less
the actuarial present value of premiums and related amounts, less the positive or negative PIMR
balance at the valuation date allocated to the group of one or more policies being modeled under
Section 7.D.7, plus the balance of separate account assets on the valuation date, and plus the policy
loan balance at the valuation date with appropriate reflection of any relevant due, accrued or
unearned loan interest (if policy loans are explicitly modeled under Section 7.F.3.b), where:
1. Cash flows are projected in compliance with the applicable requirements in Section 7,
Section 8 and Section 9 over economic scenario 12 described in Section 7.G.1, and further
described in Appendix 1.E.
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2. Present values are calculated using the path of discount rates for the corresponding model
segment determined in compliance with Section 7.H.3.
3. The actuarial present value of benefits, expenses and related amount equals the sum of:
a. Present value of future benefits, but before netting the repayment of any policy
Guidance Note: Future benefits include, but are not limited to, death and cash surrender benefits.
b. Present value of future expenses excluding federal income taxes and expenses paid
to provide fraternal benefits in lieu of federal income taxes.
4. The actuarial present value of premiums and related amounts equals the sum of the present
values of:
a. Future gross premium payments and/or other applicable revenue.
b. Future cash flows to the general account from the separate account, less cash flows
from the general account to the separate account.
c. Future net policy loan cash flows, if policy loans are explicitly modeled under
Section 7.F.3.b.
Guidance Note: Future net policy loan cash flows include: policy loan interest paid in cash plus
repayments of policy loan principal, including repayments occurring at death or surrender (note
that the future benefits in Section 4.A.3.a are before consideration of policy loans), less additional
policy loan principal (but excluding policy loan interest that is added to the policy loan principal
d. Future net reinsurance cash flows determined in compliance with Section 8.
e. The future derivative liability program net cash flows (i.e., cash received minus
cash paid) that are allocated to this group of policies.
5. If a group of policies is excluded from the SR requirements, the company may not include
future transactions associated with non-hedging derivative programs in determining the
DR for those policies.
B. Calculate the DR as a b, where
a = the aggregate annual statement value of those starting assets which, when projected along with
all premium and investment income, result in the liquidation of all projected future benefits and
expenses by the end of the projection horizon. Under this alternative, the following considerations
1. Cash flows are projected in compliance with the applicable requirements in Section
7, Section 8 and Section 9 over economic scenario 12 described in Section 7.G.1
and found in Appendix 1.
2. The requirements for future benefits and premiums in Section 4.A apply as well to
the calculation of the DR under this subsection.
3. The balance of policy loans on the valuation date (if explicitly modeled under
Section 7.F.3.b) and the balance of separate account assets on the valuation date
are modeled each period in compliance with the applicable changes in these asset
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balances as defined in Section 7.
b = that portion of the PIMR amount allocated under Section 7.D.
C. If a group of policies for which a DR is calculated includes policies from more than one VM-20
reserving category, where VM-20 reserving category is as defined in VM-01, a DR shall be
determined for each subgroup of the group of policies consisting of only those policies from each
individual VM-20 reserving category by following the process of Section 4.A and Section 4.B
above. The NAER used for discounting each such subgroup may be the NAER for the group of
policies. If the sum of the DR for these subgroups does not equal the total DR calculated for the
group of policies as a whole, the DR for the group of policies shall be allocated to each such
subgroup proportionally.
Section 5: Stochastic Reserve
For a group of one or more policies for which a SR is to be calculated, the company shall calculate the SR
as follows:
A. Project cash flows in compliance with the applicable requirements in Section 7, Section 8 and
Section 9 using the stochastically generated scenarios described in Section 7.G.2., and further
described in Appendix 1. In determining the SR, the company shall determine the number and
composition of subgroups for aggregation purposes in a manner that is consistent with how the
company manages risks across products with significantly different risk profiles, and that reflects
the likelihood of any change in risk offsets that could arise from distributional shifts between
product types due to, for example, differing policyholder behavior. If a company is managing the
risks of two or more products with significantly different risk profiles as part of an integrated risk
management process, then the products may be combined into the same subgroup for aggregation
purposes. If policies from more than one VM-20 reserving category are included in such a
subgroup, the reserve for each VM-20 reserving category shall also be determined, as described in
Section 5.G.
Guidance Note: Aggregation refers to the number and composition of subgroups of policies that
are used to combine cash flows. Aggregating policies into a common subgroup allows the cash
flows arising from the policies for a given stochastic scenario to be netted against each other (i.e.,
allows risk offsets between policies to be recognized). Note Section 5.G regarding the calculation
of the SR on a stand-alone basis for each VM-20 reserving category.
B. Calculate the scenario reserve for each stochastically generated scenario as follows:
1. For each model segment at the model start date and end of each projection year, calculate
the discounted value of the negative of the projected statement value of general account
and separate account assets using the path of discount rates for the model segment
determined in compliance with Section 7.H.4 from the projection start date to the end of
the respective projection year.
The balance of policy loans on the valuation date (if
explicitly modeled under Section 7.F.3.b) and the balance of separate account assets on the
valuation date are modeled each period in compliance with the applicable changes in these
asset balances as defined in Section 7.
Guidance Note: The projected statement value of general account and separate account assets for
a model segment may be negative or positive.
2. Sum the amounts calculated in Subparagraph 1 above across all model segments at the
model start date and end of each projection year.
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Guidance Note: The amount in Subparagraph 2 above may be negative or positive.
3. Set the scenario reserve equal to the sum of the statement value of the starting assets across
all model segments and the maximum of the amounts calculated in Subparagraph 2 above.
C. Rank the scenario reserves from lowest to highest.
D. Calculate CTE 70.
E. Determine any additional amount needed to capture any material risk included in the scope of these
requirements but not already reflected in the cash-flow models using an appropriate and supportable
method and supporting rationale.
F. Add the CTE amount (D) plus any additional amount (E) less the positive or negative PIMR balance
allocated to the group of one or more policies being modeled under Section 7.D.7.
G. The SR equals the amount determined in Section 5.F. If the company includes policies from two
or more VM-20 reserving category in a subgroup for aggregation purposes as described in Section
5.A, the company shall calculate the SR for policies from each VM-20 reserving category on a
stand-alone basis by following the process of A through F above.
Section 6: Stochastic and Deterministic Exclusion Tests
A. Stochastic Exclusion Test (SET)
1. Requirements to pass the SET:
a. Groups of policies pass the SET if one of the following is met:
i. Stochastic Exclusion Ratio Test (SERT) - Annually and within 12 months
before the valuation date the company demonstrates that the groups of
policies pass the SERT defined in Section 6.A.2.
ii. Stochastic Exclusion Demonstration Test - In the first year and at least
once every three calendar years thereafter, the company provides a
demonstration in the PBR Actuarial Report as specified in Section 6.A.3.
iii. SET Certification Method - For groups of policies other than variable life
or ULSG, in the first year and at least every third calendar year thereafter,
the company provides a certification by a qualified actuary that the group
of policies is not subject to material interest rate risk or asset return
volatility risk (i.e., the risk on non-fixed-income investments having
substantial volatility of returns, such as common stocks and real estate
investments). The company shall provide the certification and
documentation supporting the certification to the commissioner upon
Guidance Note: The qualified actuary should develop documentation to support the actuarial
certification that presents his or her analysis clearly and in detail sufficient for another actuary to
understand the analysis and reasons for the actuary’s conclusion that the group of policies is not
subject to material interest rate risk or asset return volatility risk. Examples of methods a qualified
actuary could use to support the actuarial certification include, but are not limited to:
a) A demonstration that NPRs for the group of policies calculated according to Section 3 are
at least as great as the assets required to support the group of policies using the company’s
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cash-flow testing model under each of the 16 scenarios identified in Section 6 or
alternatively each of the New York seven scenarios.
b) A demonstration that the group of policies passed the SERT within 36 months prior to the
valuation date and the company has not had a material change in its interest rate risk.
c) A qualitative risk assessment of the group of policies that concludes that the group of
policies does not have material interest rate risk or asset return volatility. Such assessment
would include an analysis of product guarantees, the company’s non-guaranteed elements
(NGEs) policy, assets backing the group of policies and the company’s investment strategy.
b. A company may not exclude a group of policies for which there is one or more
future hedging strategy supporting the policies from SR requirements, except in
the case where all future hedging strategies supporting the policies are solely
associated with product features that are determined to not be material under VM-
20 Section 7.B.1 due to low utilization.
2. Stochastic Exclusion Ratio Test
a. In order to exclude a group of policies from the SR requirements using the method
allowed under Section 6.A.1.a, a company shall demonstrate that the ratio of (b
a)/c is less than 6% where:
i. a = the adjusted DR described in Section 6.A.2.b.i using economic
scenario 9, the baseline economic scenario, as described in Appendix 1.E.
ii. b = the largest adjusted DR described in Section 6.A.2.b.i under any of the
other 15 economic scenarios described in Appendix 1.E.
iii. c = an amount calculated from the baseline economic scenario described
in Appendix 1.E that represents the present value of benefits for the
policies, adjusted for reinsurance by subtracting ceded benefits. For
clarity, premium, ceded premium, expense, reinsurance expense
allowance, modified coinsurance reserve adjustment and reinsurance
experience refund cash flows shall not be considered “benefits,” but items
such as death benefits, surrender or withdrawal benefits and policyholder
dividends shall be. For this purpose, the company shall use the benefits
cash flows from the calculation of quantity “a” and calculate the present
value of those cash flows using the same path of discount rates as used
for “a.”
Guidance Note: Note that the numerator should be the largest adjusted DR for scenarios other than
the baseline economic scenario, minus the adjusted DR for the baseline economic scenario. This is
not necessarily the same as the biggest difference from the adjusted DR for the baseline economic
scenario, or the absolute value of the biggest difference from the adjusted DR for the baseline
economic scenario, both of which could lead to an incorrect test result.
b. In calculating the ratio in Section 6.A.2.a above:
i. The company shall calculate an adjusted DR for the group of policies for
each of the 16 scenarios that is equal to either (a) or (b) below:
a) The DR defined in Section 4.A, but with the following
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1) Using anticipated experience assumptions with no
2) Using the interest rates and equity return assumptions
specific to each scenario.
3) Using NAER and discount rates defined in Section 7.H
specific to each scenario to discount the cash flows.
b) The gross premium reserve developed from the cash flows from
the company’s asset adequacy analysis models, using the
experience assumptions of the company’s cash-flow analysis, but
with the following differences:
1) Using the interest rates and equity return assumptions
specific to each scenario.
2) Using the methodology to determine NAER and discount
rates defined in Section 7.H specific to each scenario to
discount the cash flows, but using the company’s cash-
flow testing assumptions for default costs and
reinvestment earnings.
ii. The company shall use the most current available baseline economic
scenario and the 15 other
economic scenarios
published by the NAIC. The
methodology for creating these
scenarios can be found in Appendix 1 of
iii. The company shall use assumptions within each scenario that are
dynamically adjusted as appropriate for consistency with each tested
iv. The company may not group together contract types with significantly
different risk profiles for purposes of calculating this ratio.
v. Anticipated mortality improvement beyond the projection start date shall
be reflected in the mortality assumption for the purpose of calculating the
stochastic exclusion ratio. The future mortality improvement factors shall
be no greater than the unloaded factors determined by the SOA, adopted
by the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force, and published on the SOA website,
(Individual Life Insurance Mortality Improvement Scale for Use with
AG38/VM20 – 20XX).
Guidance Note: M
ortality improvement may be positive or negative (i.e., deterioration). The
anticipated mortality improvement may be lower than the rates published by the SOAfor
example, if the company’s best estimate for mortality improvement for a particular block, such as
simplified issue, is lower.
To allow time for companies to reflect the updated mortality improvement
rates, the rates that are to be used in the year-end YYYY valuation should
be adopted by the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force and published on the SOA
website by September of YYYY. If this timeline is not met, then at the
company’s option they may use the mortality improvement rates for the
prior year (year YYYY-1).
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c. If the ratio calculated in Section 6.A.2.a above is less than 6% pre-YRT
reinsurance, but is greater than 6% post-YRT reinsurance, the group of policies
will still pass the SERT if the company can demonstrate that the sensitivity of the
adjusted DR to economic scenarios is comparable pre- and post-YRT reinsurance.
i. An example of an acceptable demonstration:
a) For convenience in notation • SERT = the ratio (b–a)/c defined in
(a) above
1) The pre-YRT reinsurance results are gross of YRT,
with a subscript “gy,” so denoted SERT
2) The post-YRT results are net of YRT,with subscript
“ny,” so denoted SERT
b) If a block of business being tested is subject to one or more YRT
reinsurance cessions as well as other forms of reinsurance, such
as coinsurance, take gross of YRTto mean net of all non-YRT
reinsurance but ignoring the YRT contract(s), and net of YRT
to mean net of all reinsurance contracts. That is, treat YRT
reinsurance as the last reinsurance in, and compute certain values
below with and without that last component.
c) So, if SERT
0.060 but SERT
> 0.060, then compute the
largest percent increase in reserve (LPIR) = (ba)/a, both gross
of YRT” and “net of YRT.
= (b
– a
= (b
– a
Note that the scenario underlying b
could be different from the
scenario underlying b
< 0.060, then the block of policies
passes the SERT.
ii. Another more qualitative approach is to calculate the adjusted DR for the
16 scenarios both gross and net of reinsurance to demonstrate that there is
a similar pattern of sensitivity by scenario.
d. The SERT may not be used for a group of polices if, using the current year’s data,
(i) the stochastic exclusion demonstration test had already been attempted using
the method of Section 6.A.3.b.i or Section 6.A.3.b.ii and did not pass; or (ii) the
qualified actuary had actively undertaken to perform the certification method of
Section 6.A.1.a.iii and concluded that such certification could not legitimately be
3. Stochastic Exclusion Demonstration Test
a. In order to exclude a group of policies from the SR requirements using the method
as allowed under Section 6.A.1.a.ii above, the company must provide a
demonstration in the PBR Actuarial Report in the first year and at least once every
three calendar years thereafter that complies with the following:
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i. The demonstration shall provide a reasonable assurance that if the SR was
calculated on a stand-alone basis for the group of policies subject to the
SR exclusion, the minimum reserve for those groups of policies would not
increase. The demonstration shall take into account whether changing
conditions over the current and two subsequent calendar years would be
likely to change the conclusion to exclude the group of policies from the
SR requirements.
ii. If, as of the end of any calendar year, the company determines the
minimum reserve for the group of policies no longer adequately provides
for all material risks, the exclusion shall be discontinued, and the company
fails the SERT for those policies.
iii. The demonstration may be based on analysis from a date that precedes the
valuation date for the initial year to which it applies if the demonstration
includes an explanation of why the use of such a date will not produce a
material change in the outcome, as compared to results based on an
analysis as of the valuation date.
iv. The demonstration shall provide an effective evaluation of the residual risk
exposure remaining after risk mitigation techniques, such as derivative
programs and reinsurance.
b. The company may use one of the following or another method acceptable to the
insurance commissioner to demonstrate compliance with Section 6.A.3.a:
i. Demonstrate that the greater of [the quantity A and the quantity B] is
greater than the SR calculated on a stand-alone basis, where:
A = the DR, and
B = the NPR less any associated due and deferred premium asset.
ii. Demonstrate that the greater of [the quantity A and the quantity B] is
greater than the scenario reserve that results from each of a sufficient
number of adverse deterministic scenarios, where:
A = the DR, and
B = the NPR less any associated due and deferred premium asset.
iii. Demonstrate that the greater of [the quantity A and the quantity B] is
greater than the SR calculated on a stand-alone basis, but using a
representative sample of policies in the SR calculations, where:
A = the DR, and
B = the NPR less any associated due and deferred premium asset.
iv. Demonstrate that any risk characteristics that would otherwise cause the
SR calculated on a stand-alone basis to exceed greater of the DR and the
NPR, less any associated due and deferred premium asset, are not present
or have been substantially eliminated through actions such as hedging,
investment strategy, reinsurance or passing the risk on to the policyholder
by contract provision.
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B. Deterministic Exclusion Test (DET)
1. Scope of Products
a. A group of ULSG policies that does not meet the definition of a “non-material
secondary guarantee or a group of policies that is not excluded from the SR
requirement is deemed to not pass the DET, and the DR must be computed for this
group of policies.
b. The DET may not be used for term insurance policies, or term riders pursuant to
Paragraph E in the Riders and Supplemental Benefits Requirements in Section II,
and these policies may not be excluded from the DR requirements of Section 4.
2. Except as provided in Section 6.B.1, a group of policies passes the DET if
one of the
following is met:
a. Deterministic Net Premium Test - The company demonstrates that the sum of
the valuation net premiums for all future years for the group of policies, determined
according to Section 6.B.5 below, is less than or equal to the sum of the
corresponding guaranteed gross premiums for such policies. The test shall be
performed on a direct or assumed basis.
b. DET Certification Method - For a group of policies where all policyholders have
elected to convert to a product other than term life, variable life, indexed life, or
ULSG with a material secondary guarantee, in the first year and at least every third
calendar year thereafter the company shall provide a certification by a qualified
actuary that, for each policy in the group of policies, the total reserve for the policy
(including either the NPR adjusted for excess conversion mortality or the NPR plus
an additional reserve for excess reserve mortality) includes a prudent provision for
the additional mortality associated with the conversion and reasonably exceeds the
value of a DR, which otherwise would have been calculated for this group of
Guidance Note: An example of a method that a qualified actuary could use to support the
actuarial certification includes, but is not limited to, holding a net single premium as an additional
reserve for a converted policy.
3. A company may not group together policies of different contract types with significantly
different risk profiles for purposes of the calculation in Section 6.B.2.
4. If a group of policies being tested is no longer adding new issues, and the test has been
passed for three consecutive years, the group passes until determined otherwise. For this
group, the test must be computed at least once every five years going forward.
5. For purposes of determining the valuation net premiums used in the demonstration in
Section 6.B.2:
a. If pursuant to Section 2, the NPR for the group of policies is the minimum reserve
required under VM-A and VM-C, then the valuation net premiums are determined
according to those minimum reserve requirements.
b. If the NPR is determined according to Section 3.B.4 or Section 3.B.5, then the
lapse rates assumed for all durations shall for the purposes of the DET be set to
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Guidance Note: The DET no longer applies to term insurance, but in the event that companies or
state insurance regulators wish to see DET results for term for some academic purpose, the step b
instruction above and the step c instruction below have been retained.
c. For policies with guaranteed gross premium patterns that subject the policy to
shock lapses, as defined in Section, the valuation net premiums
comparison to the guaranteed gross premiums indicated in paragraph 2 shall be
performed considering only the initial premium period;
d. If the anticipated mortality for the group of policies exceeds the prescribed CSO
mortality rates for the NPR determined in Section 3.C.1.a through 3.C.1.g, then the
company shall use the anticipated mortality to determine the valuation net
premium. For this purpose, mortality shall be measured as the present value of
future death claims as of the valuation date discounted at the valuation interest rate
used for the NPR.
6. For purposes of determining the guaranteed gross premiums used in the demonstration in
Section 6.B.2:
a. For universal life policies, the guaranteed gross premium shall be the premium
specified in the contract, inclusive of any applicable policy fee, or if no premium
is specified, then the level annual gross premium at issue that would keep the
policy in force for the entire period coverage is to be provided based on the policy
guarantees of mortality, interest and expenses; and
b. For policies other than universal life policies, the guaranteed gross premium shall
be the guaranteed premium specified in the contract, inclusive of any applicable
policy fee.
Section 7: Cash-Flow Models
A. Model Structure
1. The company shall design and use a cash-flow model that:
a. Complies with applicable ASOPs in developing cash-flow models and projecting
cash flows.
b. Uses model segments consistent with the company’s asset segmentation plan,
investment strategies or approach used to allocate investment income for statutory
purposes. Assets of segments that cover policies both subject to and not subject to
these requirements may be allocated as defined in Section 7.D.2.
c. Assigns each policy subject to these requirements to only one model segment and
shall use a separate cash-flow model for each model segment.
d. Projects cash flows for a period that extends far enough into the future so that no
obligations remain.
2. The company may use simplifications or modeling efficiency techniques to develop cash
flows, if the approach is consistent with Section 2.G.
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Guidance Note: For example, it may be reasonable to assume 100% deaths or 100% surrenders
after some appropriate period of time.
B. General Description of Cash-Flow Projections
1. For the DR and for each scenario for the SR, the company shall project cash flows ignoring
federal income taxes and reflecting the dynamics of the expected cash flows for the entire
model segment. The company shall reflect the effect of all material product features, both
guaranteed and non-guaranteed. The company shall project cash flows including the
a. Revenues received by the company including gross premiums received from the
policyholder (including any due premiums as of the projected start date).
Guidance Note: To be consistent with quantity B defined in Section 2.A.2 and Section 2.A.3, and
quantity B defined in Section 6.A.3.b, all due premiums as of the projection start date are assumed
to be collected after the projection start date, but the company needs to determine an assumption as
to the timing of when the due premiums will be received.
Guidance Note: Because the projection of cash flows reflects premium mode directly, deferred
premiums are zero under this approach.
b. All material benefits projected to be paid to policyholders—including, but not
limited to, death claims, surrender benefits and withdrawal benefitsreflecting the
impact of all material guarantees and adjusted to take account of amounts projected
to be charged to account values on general account business. For ULSG products
with multiple secondary guarantees, all secondary guarantees should, therefore, be
taken into account.
Guidance Note: Amounts charged to account values on general account business are not revenue;
examples include cost of insurance and expense charges.
c. NGE cash flows as described in Section 7.C.
d. Net cash flows between the general account and separate account for variable
Guidance Note: Cash flows going out from the general account to the separate account increase
the reserve, and cash flows coming in to the general account from the separate account decrease
the reserve. Examples include allocation of net premiums to the separate account, policyholder-
initiated transfers between fixed and variable investment options, transfers of separate account
values to pay death or withdrawal benefits, and amounts charged to separate account values for
cost of insurance, expense, etc.
e. Insurance company expenses (including overhead expenses), commissions, fund
expenses, contractual fees and charges, and taxes (excluding federal income taxes
and expenses paid to provide fraternal benefits in lieu of federal income taxes), as
described in Section 9.E.
f. Revenue-sharing income received by the company (net of applicable expenses)
and other applicable revenue and fees associated with the policies and adjusting
the revenue to reflect the uncertainty of revenue-sharing income that is not
guaranteed, as described in Section 9.G.
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g. Net cash flows associated with any reinsurance as described in Section 8.C.
h. Cash flows from derivative liability and derivative asset programs, as described in
Section 7.K.
i. Cash receipts or disbursements associated with invested assets (other than policy
loans) as described in Section 7.F, including investment income, realized capital
gains and losses, principal repayments, asset default costs, investment expenses,
asset prepayments, and asset sales.
j. If modeled explicitly, cash flows related to policy loans as described in Section
7.F.3.b, including interest income, new loan payments and principal repayments.
2. In determining the DR and SR, the company may perform the cash-flow projections for
each policy in force on the date of valuation or by grouping policies using modeling
efficiency techniques. If such techniques are used, the company shall develop the groups
in a manner consistent with Section 2.G.
C. NGE Cash Flows
1. Except as noted in Section 7.C.5, the company shall include NGE in the models to project
future cash flows beyond the time the company has authorized their payment or crediting.
2. The projected NGE shall reflect factors that include, but are not limited to, the following
(not all of these factors will necessarily be present in all situations):
a. The nature of contractual guarantees.
b. The company’s past NGE practices and established NGE policies.
c. The timing of any change in NGE relative to the date of recognition of a change in
d. The benefits and risks to the company of continuing to authorize NGE.
3. Projected NGE shall be established based on projected experience consistent with how
actual NGE are determined.
4. Projected levels of NGE in the cash-flow model must be consistent with the experience
assumptions used in each scenario. Policyholder behavior assumptions in the model must
be consistent with the NGE assumed in the model.
5. The company may exclude any portion of an NGE that:
a. Is not based on some aspect of the policy’s or contract’s experience.
b. Is authorized by the board of directors and documented in the board minutes, where
the documentation includes the amount of the NGE that arises from other sources.
However, if the board has guaranteed a portion of the NGE into the future, the
company must model that amount (unless excluded by Section 7.C.6). In other
words, the company cannot exclude from its model any NGE that the board has
guaranteed for future years, even if it could have otherwise excluded them, based
on this subsection.
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6. The liability for policyholder dividends declared but not yet paid that has been established
according to statutory accounting principles as of the valuation date is reported separately
from the statutory reserve. The policyholder dividends that give rise to this dividend
liability as of the valuation date may or may not be included in the cash-flow model at the
company’s option.
a. If the policyholder dividends that give rise to the dividend liability are not included
in the cash-flow model, then no adjustment is needed to the resulting aggregate
modeled (whether deterministic or stochastic) reserve.
b. If the policyholder dividends that give rise to the dividend liability are included in
the cash-flow model, then the resulting aggregate modeled (whether stochastic or
deterministic) reserve should be reduced by the amount of the dividend liability.
D. Starting Assets
1. For each model segment, the company shall select starting assets based on an iterative
Guidance Note:
A reasonable initial set of starting assets for the iteration might be such that the aggregate annual
statement value of the assets at the projection start date equals (a) the estimated value of the
modeled reserve plus the associated PIMR balance on the projection start date; (b) the NPR for the
same set of policies net of any corresponding due and deferred premium asset; or (c) an amount
between (a) and (b).
Iteration may continue until the asset collar of Section 7.D.3 is satisfied or the company may stop
iteration before the asset collar is satisfied and provide the required documentation in Section 7.D.3
that the modeled reserve is not thereby materially understated.
2. For an asset portfolio that supports both policies that are subject and not subject to these
requirements, the company shall determine an equitable method to apportion the total
amount of starting assets between the subject and non-subject policies.
3. If for all model segments combined, the aggregate annual statement value of the final
starting assets, less the corresponding PIMR balance, is
(a) less than:
(i) 98% of the modeled reserve if modeled reserve is positive;
(ii) 102% of the modeled reserve if modeled reserve is negative; or
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(b) greater than the largest of:
(i) 102% of the modeled reserve;
(ii) the NPR for the same set of policies, net of due and deferred premiums
(iii) zero,
then the company shall provide documentation in the PBR Actuarial Report that provides
reasonable assurance that the modeled reserve is not materially understated as a result of
the estimate of the amount of starting assets.
4. The company shall select starting assets for each model segment that consists of the
a. All separate account assets supporting the policies.
b. All policy loans supporting the policies that are explicitly modeled under Section
c. The relevant balance of any due, accrued or unearned investment income.
d. All derivative instruments held at the projection start date that are part of a
derivative program and can be appropriately allocated to the model segment.
e. An amount of other general account assets such that the aggregate value of starting
assets meets the requirements in Section 7.D.1. These assets shall generally be
selected on a consistent basis from one reserve valuation to the next. Any material
change in the selection methodology shall be documented in the PBR Actuarial
5. The aggregate value of general account starting assets is the sum of the amounts in Section
7.D.4.b through Section 7.D.4.e above.
Guidance Note: The aggregate value of general account assets in Section 7.D.5 may be negative.
This may occur, for example, for model segments in which a substantial portion of policyholder
funds are allocated to separate accounts. The assets in Section 7.D.4.e above may include negative
assets or short-term borrowing, resulting in a projected interest expense.
6. The company shall calculate the projected values of starting assets in a manner consistent
with their values at the start of the projection.
7. Under Section 7.D.1, any PIMR balance allocated to the group of one or more policies
being modeled at the projection start date is included when determining the amount of
starting assets and is then subtracted out, under Section 4 and Section 5, as the final step in
calculating the modeled reserves. The determination of the PIMR allocation is subject to
the following:
a. The amount of PIMR allocable to each model segment is the approximate statutory
interest maintenance reserve liability that would have developed for the model
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segment, assuming applicable capital gains taxes are excluded. The allocable
PIMR may be either positive or negative.
b. In performing the allocation to each model segment, the company shall use a
reasonable approach to allocate any portion of the total company balance that is
disallowable under statutory accounting procedures (i.e., when the total company
balance is an asset rather than a liability). The company shall use a reasonable
approach to allocate the total company balance between PBR and non-PBR
business and then allocate the PBR portion among model segments in an equitable
c. The company may use a simplified approach to allocate the PIMR, if the impact
of the PIMR on the minimum reserve is minimal.
E. Reinvestment Assets and Disinvestment
1. At the valuation date and each projection interval as appropriate, model the purchase of
general account reinvestment assets with available cash and net asset and liability cash
flows in a manner that is representative of and consistent with the company’s investment
policy for each model segment, subject to the following requirements:
a. The modeled company investment strategy may incorporate a representation of the
actual investment policy that ranges from relatively complex to relatively simple.
In any case, the PBR Actuarial Report shall include documentation supporting the
appropriateness of the representation relative to actual investment policy.
Guidance Note: A complex model representation may include, for example, illiquid or callable
assets whereas a simple model representation may involve mapping of more complex assets to
combinations of, for example, public non-callable corporate bonds, U.S. Treasuries and cash.
b. The final maturities and cash-flow structures of assets purchased in the model, such
as the patterns of gross investment income and principal repayments or a fixed or
floating rate interest basis, shall be determined by the company as part of the model
c. The combination of price and structure for fixed income investments and
derivative instruments associated with fixed income investments shall
appropriately reflect the then-current U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury
Department) curve along the relevant scenario and the requirements for gross asset
spread assumptions stated below.
d. For purchases of public non-callable corporate bonds, use the gross asset spreads
over Treasuries prescribed in Section 9.F.8.a through Section 9.F.8.c. (For
purposes of this subsection, “public” incorporates both registered and 144a
securities.) The prescribed spreads reflect current market conditions as of the
model start date and grade to long-term conditions based on historical data at the
start of projection year four.
e. For transactions of derivative instruments associated with fixed income
investments, reflect the prescribed assumptions in Section 9.F.8.d for interest rate
swap spreads.
f. For purchases of other fixed income investments, if included in the modeled
company investment strategy, set assumed gross asset spreads over Treasuries in
a manner that is consistent with, and results in reasonable relationships to, the
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prescribed spreads for public non-callable corporate bonds and interest rate swaps
as defined in Section 9.F.8.
g. Notwithstanding the above requirements, the modeled reserve shall be the higher
of that produced by the modeled company investment strategy and that produced
by substituting an alternative investment strategy in which the fixed income
reinvestment assets have the same weighted average life (WAL) as the
reinvestment assets in the modeled company investment strategy and are all public
non-callable corporate bonds with gross asset spreads, asset default costs and
investment expenses by projection year that are consistent with a credit quality
blend of 50% PBR credit rating 6 (A2/A) and 50% PBR credit rating 3 (Aa2/AA).
Policy loans, equities and derivative instruments associated with the execution of
future hedging strategies supporting the policies are not affected by this
Guidance Note: VM-31 r
equires a demonstration of compliance with VM-20 Section 7.E.1.g. In
many cases, particularly if the modeled company investment strategy does not involve callable
assets, it is expected that the demonstration of compliance will not require running the reserve
calculation twice. For example, an analysis of the weighted average net reinvestment spread on
new purchases by projection year (gross spread minus prescribed default costs minus investment
expenses) of the modeled company investment strategy compared to the weighted average net
reinvestment spreads by projection year of the alternative strategy may suffice. The assumed mix
of asset types, asset credit quality or the levels of non-prescribed spreads for other fixed income
investments may need to be adjusted to achieve compliance. Or, the company may be able to rely
on a previous year’s determination as to which strategy produces a higher reserve, if the assets and
strategy have not changed very substantially since then.
2. Model at each projection interval any disinvestment in a manner that is consistent with the
company’s investment policy and that reflects the company’s cost of borrowing where
applicable, provided that the assumed cost of borrowing is not lower than the rate at which
positive cash flows are reinvested in the same time period, taking into account duration,
ratings, and other attributes of the borrowing mechanism. Gross asset spreads used in
computing market values of assets sold in the model shall be consistent with, but not
necessarily the same as, the gross asset spreads in Section 7.E.1.d and Section 7.E.1.f
above, recognizing that starting assets may have different characteristics than modeled
reinvestment assets.
Guidance Note: The simple language above "provided that the assumed cost of borrowing is not
lower than the rate at which positive cash flows are reinvested in the same time period" is intended
to prevent excessively optimistic borrowing assumptions. If in any case, the assumed cost of
borrowing restriction cannot
be fully applied or followed precisely, then as with all other
simplifications/approximations, the company shall not allow borrowing assumptions to materially
reduce the reserve.
3. Determine the values of reinvestment assets at the valuation date and each projection
interval in a manner consistent with the values of starting assets that have similar
investment characteristics.
F. Cash Flows from Invested Assets
The company shall determine cash flows from invested assets, including starting and reinvestment
assets, as follows:
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1. Determine cash flows for each projection interval for general account fixed income assets,
including derivative asset programs associated with these assets, as follows:
a. Model gross investment income and principal repayments in accordance with the
contractual provisions of each asset and in a manner consistent with each scenario.
Grouping of assets is allowed if the company can demonstrate that grouping does
not materially understate the modeled reserve that would have been obtained using
a seriatim approach.
b. Reflect asset default costs as prescribed in Section 9.F and anticipated investment
expenses through deductions to the gross investment income.
c. Model the proceeds arising from modeled asset sales and determine the portion
representing any realized capital gains and losses.
Guidance Note: Examples of general account fixed income assets include public bonds,
convertible bonds, preferred stocks, private placements, asset backed securities, commercial
mortgage loans, residential mortgage loans, mortgage-backed securities and collateralized
mortgage obligations.
d. Reflect any uncertainty in the timing and amounts of asset cash flows related to
the paths of interest rates, equity returns or other economic values directly in the
projection of asset cash flows. Asset defaults are not subject to this requirement
since asset default assumptions must be determined by the prescribed method in
Section 9.F.
2. Determine cash flows for each projection interval for general account equity assets (i.e.,
non-fixed income investments having substantial volatility of returns, such as common
stocks and real estate investments), including derivative programs associated with these
assets, as follows:
a. Determine the grouping for equity asset categories (e.g., large cap stocks,
international stocks, owned real estate, etc.) and the allocation of specific assets to
each category as described in Section 7.I.
b. Project the gross investment return including realized and unrealized capital gains
for each investment category in a manner that is consistent with the prescribed
general account equity return described in Section 7.G.
c. Model the timing of an asset sale in a manner that is consistent with the investment
policy of the company for that type of asset. Reflect expenses through a deduction
to the gross investment return using prudent estimate assumptions.
3. Determine cash flows for each projection interval for policy loan assets by modeling
existing loan balances either explicitly or by substituting assets that are a proxy for policy
loans (e.g., bonds, cash, etc.) subject to the following:
a. If the company substitutes assets that are a proxy for policy loans, the company
must demonstrate that such substitution:
i. Produces reserves that are no less than those that would be produced by
modeling existing loan balances explicitly.
ii. Complies with the policyholder behavior requirements stated in
Section 9.D.
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b. If the company models policy loans explicitly, the company shall:
i. Treat policy loan activity as an aspect of policyholder behavior and subject
to the requirements of Section 9.D.
ii. For both the DR and the SR, assign loan balances either to exactly match
each policy’s utilization or to reflect average utilization over a model
segment or sub-segments.
iii. Model policy loan interest in a manner consistent with policy provisions
and with the scenario. In calculating the DR and SR, include interest paid
in cash as a positive policy loan cash flow in that projection interval, per
Section 4.A.4, but do not include interest added to the loan balance as a
policy loan cash flow. (The increased balance will require increased
repayment cash flows in future projection intervals.)
iv. Model policy loan principal repayments, including those that occur
automatically upon death or surrender. In calculating the DR and the SR,
include policy loan principal repayments as a positive policy loan cash
flow, per Section 4.A.4.
v. Model additional policy loan principal. In calculating the deterministic and
SR, include additional policy loan principal as a negative policy loan cash
flow, per Section 4.A.4
(but do not include interest added to the loan
balance as a negative policy loan cash flow).
vi. Model any investment expenses allocated to policy loans and include them
either with policy loan cash flows or insurance expense cash flows.
4. Determine cash flows for each projection interval for assets used in the hedging of credited
amounts for indexed accounts within life insurance products (including indexed life
products and indexed accounts within other types of life insurance products) as follows:
a. In lieu of the economic scenario 12 equity returns, as described in Section
7.G.1.a.ii for the DR, use X% of the amount spent on options, accumulated to the
end of the option settlement period, where X is equal to 100% in projection years
1–20 and 108% in projection years 21+. The one-year Treasury Department rate
from scenario 12 applicable to the projection year will be used for accumulation.
b. For the scenarios described in Section 7.G.2 for the SR, use scenario equity returns
applicable to the underlying basis for credited interest, along with mechanics of
the underlying options that reflect caps, floors and participation rates.
5. Determine cash flows for each projection interval for all other general account assets by
modeling asset cash flows on other assets that are not described in Section 7.F.1 through
Section 7.F.4 using methods consistent with the methods described in Section 7.F.1 and
Section 7.F.2. This includes assets that are a hybrid of fixed income and equity investments.
6. Determine cash flows or total investment returns as appropriate for each projection interval
for all separate account assets as follows:
a. Determine the grouping for each variable fund and subaccount (e.g., bonds funds,
large cap stocks, international stocks, owned real estate, etc.) as described in
Section 7.J.
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b. Project the total investment return for each variable fund and subaccount in a
manner that is consistent with the prescribed returns described in Section 7.G.
G. Economic Scenarios
1. Deterministic Economic Scenarios
a. For purposes of calculating the DR under Section 4, the company shall use:
i. Treasury interest rate curves following Scenario 12 from the set of
prescribed scenarios used in the SERT defined in Section 6.A.2; and
ii. Total investment return paths for general account equity assets (excluding
assets used in the hedging of credited amounts for indexed accounts as
described in Section 7.F.4) and separate account fund performance
consistent with the total investment returns for corresponding investment
categories contained in Scenario 12 from the set of prescribed scenarios
used in the SERT defined in Section 6.A.2.
b. The company shall map each of the proxy funds defined in Section 7.I and Section
7.J to the prescribed fund returns defined in Section 7.G.1.a following the mapping
process described in Section 7.G.2.b.
c. The Scenario 12 interest rate yield curves and total investment returns are based
on approximately a one standard deviation shock to the economic conditions as of
the projection start date, where the shock is spread uniformly over the first 20 years
of the projection. The values in Scenario 12 are based on the same generator that
is used for the stochastic scenarios, as described in Appendix 1.
2. Stochastic Economic Scenarios
a. For purposes of calculating the SR under Section 5, the company shall use:
i. Treasury interest rate curves following the prescribed economic scenario
generator with prescribed parameters, as described in Appendix 1; and
ii. Total investment return paths for general account equity assets and
separate account fund performance generated from a prescribed economic
scenario generator with prescribed parameters, as described in Appendix
Guidance Note: It is expected that the prescribed generator will produce prescribed returns for
several different investment categories (similar to the 19 categories provided by Academy for
C3P2): Treasuries at different tenors, money market/short-term investments, U.S. Intermediate
Term Government Bonds, U.S. Long-Term Corporate Bonds, Diversified Fixed Income,
Diversified Balanced Allocation, Diversified Large Capitalized U.S. Equity, Diversified
International Equity, Intermediate Risk Equity and Aggressive or Exotic Equity).
b. The company shall map each of the proxy funds defined in Section 7.I and Section
7.J to the prescribed fund returns defined in Section 7.G.2.a. This mapping process
may involve blending the accumulation factors from two or more of the prescribed
fixed income and/or equity returns to create the projected returns for each proxy
fund. If a proxy fund cannot be appropriately mapped to some combination of the
prescribed returns, the company shall determine an appropriate return and disclose
the rationale for determining such return.
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Guidance Note: Mapping of the returns on the proxy funds to the prescribed funds returns is left
to the judgment of the qualified actuary to whom responsibility for this group of policies is
assigned, but the returns so generated must be consistent with the prescribed returns. This does not
imply a strict functional relationship between the model parameters for various markets/funds, but
it would generally be inappropriate to assume that a market or fund consistently “outperforms
(lower risk, higher expected return relative to the efficient frontier) over the long term.
When parameters are fit to historic data without consideration of the economic setting in which the
historic data emerged, the market price of risk may not be consistent with a reasonable long-term
model of market equilibrium. One possibility for establishing “consistent” parameters (or
scenarios) across all funds would be to assume that the market price of risk is constant (or nearly
constant) and governed by some functional (e.g., linear) relationship. That is, higher expected
returns can be garnered only by assuming greater risk. (For example, the standard deviation of log
returns is often used as a measure of risk.)
Specifically, two return distributions X and Y would satisfy the following relationship:
Market Price of Risk =
] and σ are, respectively, the (unconditional) expected returns and volatilities, and r is
expected risk-free rate over a suitably long holding period commensurate with the projection
horizon. One approach to establish consistent scenarios would set the model parameters to maintain
a near-constant market price of risk.
A closely related method would assume some form of “mean-variance” efficiency to establish
consistent model parameters. Using the historic data, the mean-variance (alternatively, “drift-
volatility) frontier could be constructed from a plot of (mean, variance) pairs from a collection of
world market indices. The frontier could be assumed to follow some functional form (quadratic
polynomials and logarithmic functions tend to work well) with the coefficients determined by
standard curve fitting or regression techniques. Recognizing the uncertainty in the data, a “corridor
could be established for the frontier. Model parameters then would be adjusted to move the proxy
market (fund) inside the corridor.
Clearly, there are many other techniques that could be used to establish consistency between the
return on the proxy funds and the prescribed returns. While appealing, the above approaches do
have drawbacks, and the actuary should not be overly optimistic in determining the fund returns.
c. Use of fewer scenarios rather than a higher number of scenarios is permissible as
a model efficiency technique provided that:
i. The smaller set of scenarios is generated using the scenario picker tool
provided within the prescribed scenario generator, and
ii. The use of the technique is consistent with Section 2.G.
d. The number of scenarios required to comply with Section 2.G will depend on the
specific nature of the company’s assets and liabilities and may change from time
to time. Compliance with Section 2.G would ordinarily be tested by comparing
scenario reserves of a simpler model or a representative subset of policies, run
using the reduced scenario set, with the scenario reserves of the same subset or
simpler model run using the larger scenario set.
e. Companies also shall perform a periodic analysis of the impact of using a different
number of scenarios on the SR, noting the difference in results as the number of
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scenarios is increased. Again, an appropriate subset of the entire in-force block can
be used for this analysis.
H. Determination of NAER and Discount Rates
1. In calculating the DR, under Section 4.A, the company shall determine a path of NAER for
each model segment that reflects the net general account portfolio rate in each projection
interval (i.e., monthly, quarterly, annually) in compliance with Section 7, which will
depend primarily on:
a. Projected net investment earnings from the portfolio of starting assets.
b. Pattern of projected asset cash flows from the starting assets and subsequent
reinvestment assets.
c. Pattern of net liability cash flows.
d. Projected net investment earnings from reinvestment assets.
2. The company shall calculate the NAER as the ratio of net investment earnings divided by
invested assets subject to the requirements in a through e below. All items reflected in the
ratio are consistent with statutory asset valuation and accrual accounting, including
reflection of due, accrued or unearned investment income where appropriate.
a. The impact of separate accounts and policy loans is excluded.
b. The NAER for each projection interval is calculated in a manner that is consistent
with the timing of cash flows and length of the projection interval of the related
cash-flow model.
c. Net investment earnings include:
i. Gross investment income plus capital gains and losses, minus prescribed
default costs as defined in Section 9.F, and minus investment expenses.
ii. Income from derivative asset programs.
d. Invested assets are determined in a manner that is consistent with the timing of
cash flows within the cash-flow model and the length of the projection interval of
the cash-flow model.
e. The annual statement value of derivative instruments or a reasonable
approximation thereof is in invested assets.
All items reflected in the ratio are consistent with statutory asset valuation and
accrual accounting, including reflection of due, accrued or unearned investment
income where appropriate.
Guidance Note: Section 7.A.2 permits the use of modeling efficiency techniques to calculate the
DR and SR. This availability for simplification includes ways to determine appropriate NAER.
Small to intermediate size companies, or any size company with smaller blocks of business, have
options to create NAER with modeling efficiency techniques if the results are consistent with
Section 2.G.
3. The company shall use the path of NAER as the discount rates for each model segment in
the DR calculations in Section 4.A.
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4. The company shall use the path of one-year Treasury interest rates in effect at the beginning
of each projection year multiplied by 1.05 for each model segment within each scenario as
the discount rates in the SR calculations in Section 5.
Guidance Note: The use of different discount rate paths for the deterministic and scenario reserves
is driven by differences in methodology. The DR is based on a present value of all liability cash
flows, with the discount rates reflecting the investment returns of the assets backing the liabilities.
The scenario reserve is based on a starting estimate of the reserve and assets that support that
estimate, plus the greatest present value of accumulated deficiencies. Here, the discount rates are a
standard estimate of the investment returns of only the marginal assets needed to eliminate either a
positive or negative deficiency.
I. Grouping of Equity Investments in the General Account
1. The company may group the portion of the general account starting assets that are equity
investments (e.g., common stocks, real estate investments) for modeling using an approach
that establishes various equity investment categories with each investment category
defined to reflect the different types of equity investments in the portfolio.
2. The company shall design a proxy for each equity investment category in order to develop
the investment return paths and map each investment category to an appropriately crafted
proxy investment category normally expressed as a linear combination of recognized
market indices (or sub-indices). The company shall include an analysis in the proxy
construction process that establishes a firm relationship between the investment return on
the proxy and the specific equity investment category.
J. Grouping of Variable Funds and Subaccounts for Separate Accounts
1. Similar to the approach used for general account equity investments, the company may
group the portion of the starting asset amount held in the separate account represented by
the variable funds and the corresponding account values for modeling using an approach
that recognizes the investment guidelines and objectives of the funds.
2. Similar to the approach used for general account equity investments, the company shall
design an appropriate proxy for each variable subaccount in order to develop the
investment return paths and map each variable account to an appropriately crafted proxy
fund normally expressed as a linear combination of recognized market indices (or sub-
indices). The company shall include an analysis in the proxy construction process that
establishes a firm relationship between the investment return on the proxy and the specific
variable funds.
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K. Modeling of Derivative Programs
1. When determining the DR and the SR, the company shall include in the projections the
appropriate costs and benefits of derivative instruments that are currently held by the
company in support of the policies subject to these requirements. The company shall also
include the appropriate costs and benefits of anticipated future derivative instrument
transactions associated with the execution of future hedging strategies supporting the
policies, as well as the appropriate costs and benefits of anticipated future derivative
instrument transactions associated with non-hedging derivative programs (e.g., replication,
income generation) undertaken as part of the investment strategy supporting the policies,
provided they are normally modeled as part of the company’s risk assessment and
evaluation processes.
2. F
or each derivative program that is modeled, the company shall reflect the company’s
established investment policy and procedures for that program; project expected program
performance along each scenario; and recognize all benefits, residual risks and associated
frictional costs. The residual risks include, but are not limited to: basis, gap, price,
parameter estimation and variation in assumptions (mortality, persistency, withdrawal,
etc.). Frictional costs include, but are not limited to: transaction, margin (opportunity costs
associated with margin requirements) and administration. For future hedging strategies
supporting the policies, the company may not assume that residual risks and frictional costs
have a value of zero, unless the company demonstrates in the PBR Actuarial Report that
“zero” is an appropriate expectation. VM-21, Section 1.B, Principle 5 applies as a general
principle for the modeling of future hedging strategies.
3. In circumstances where one or more material risk factors related to a derivative program
are not fully captured within the cash-flow model used to calculate CTE 70, the company
shall reflect the approximation, simplification or model limitations in the modeling of such
risk factors by increasing the SR as described in Section 5.E. The company shall also be
able to justify that the method appropriately reflects the potential error using historical
experience, e.g., analysis of historical performance or backtesting.
Guidance Note: The previous two paragraphs address a variety of possible situations. Some
hedging programs may truly have zero or minimal residual risk exposure, such as when the hedge
program exactly replicates the liability being hedged. With dynamic hedging strategies, residual
risks are typically expected; however, in some cases, the cash-flow model supporting the CTE
calculation may be able to adequately reflect such risks through margins in program assumptions,
adjustments to costs and benefits, etc. In other cases, reference to additional external models or
analyses may be necessary where such results cannot be readily expressed in a format directly
amenable to a CTE calculation. In such cases, the company will need to combine the results of such
models by some method that is consistent with the objectives of these requirements. Emerging
actuarial practice will be relied on to provide approaches for a range of situations that may be
4. In circumstances where documentation outlining the future hedging strategies is
incomplete, the company shall reflect the future hedging strategies not being clearly
defined by increasing the SR as described in Section 5.E. To support no increase to the SR,
there should be very robust documentation outlining each future hedging strategy. In
particular, if the documentation is materially incomplete for any of the individual CDHS
attributes (a) through (j), as listed in VM-01, the SR shall be at least as great as the SR that
would result if a future hedging strategy were not reflected in the SR.
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Any increases required to the SR to reflect that documentation is not available to support
that the future hedging strategies are clearly defined shall be in addition to increases to the
SR pursuant to Section 7.K.3 above.
Guidance Note: Section 5.E requires that the company “Determine any additional amount needed
to capture any material risk included in the scope of these requirements but not already reflected in
the cash-flow models using an appropriate and supportable method and supporting rationale. In
the case of a derivative program that is a future hedging strategy, Section 7.K.3 requires such an
increase for disconnects between the hedge modeling and the future hedging strategy, while Section
7.K.4 requires such an increase for disconnects between the loosely defined future hedging strategy
and what may actually take place.
Guidance Note: Statutes, laws or regulations of any state or jurisdiction related to the use of
derivative instruments for hedging purposes supersede these provisions. Therefore, these
provisions should not be used to determine whether a company is permitted to use such instruments
in any state or jurisdiction.
Section 8: Reinsurance
A. General Considerations
1. In this section, reinsurance includes retrocession, and assuming company includes
Guidance Note: In determining reserves, one party to a reinsurance transaction may make use of
reserve calculations of the other party. In this situation, if the company chooses assumptions that
differ from those used by the other party, the company must either rerun the reserve calculation or
be prepared to demonstrate that appropriate adjustments to the other party’s calculations have been
2. The company shall assume that the laws and regulations in place as of the valuation date
regarding credit for reinsurance remain in effect throughout the projection period.
3. A company shall include a reinsurance agreement or amendment in calculating the
minimum reserve if, under the terms of the AP&P Manual, the agreement or amendment
qualifies for credit for reinsurance.
4. If a reinsurance agreement or amendment does not qualify for credit for reinsurance but
treating the reinsurance agreement or amendment as if it did so qualify would result in a
reduction to the company’s surplus, then the company shall increase the minimum reserve
by the absolute value of such reductions in surplus.
Guidance Note: Section 8.A.3 provides that, in general, if a treaty does not meet the requirements
for credit for reinsurance, it should not be allowed to reduce the reserve. Thus, it should not be
allowed a reinsurance credit to the NPR, and its cash flows should not be included in the cash-flow
models used to calculate the DR or SR. Section 8.A.4 introduces the exception that if allowing a
net premium credit and including the treaty cash flows in the cash-flow models would produce a
more conservative result, then that more conservative result should prevail.
B. Determination of a Credit to the NPR to Reflect Reinsurance Ceded
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1. Determination of the credit to the NPR to reflect reinsurance shall be done in accordance
with SSAP No. 61RLife, Deposit-Type and Accident and Health Reinsurance in the
AP&P Manual.
Guidance Note: The credit taken under a coinsurance arrangement shall be calculated using the
same methodology and assumptions used in determining its NPR, but only for the percentage of
the risk that was reinsured. If the reinsurance is on a YRT basis, the credit shall be calculated using
the assumptions used in determining the NPR, but for the net amount at risk.
2. If a company cedes a portion of a policy under more than one reinsurance agreement, then
the company shall calculate a credit separately for each such agreement. The credit for
reinsurance ceded for the policy shall be the sum of the credits for all such agreements.
3. The credit for reinsurance ceded applied to a group of policies shall be the sum of the credit
for reinsurance ceded for each of the policies of the group.
C. Reflection of Reinsurance Cash Flows in the DR or SR
For non-guaranteed YRT reinsurance ceded or assumed, the cash-flow modeling requirements in
Sections 8.C.1 through 8.C.14 below do not apply since non-guaranteed YRT reinsurance ceded or
assumed does not need to be modeled; see Section 8.C.18 below. YRT shall include other
reinsurance arrangements that are similar in effect to YRT.
For policies issued on or after Jan. 1, 2017, and before Jan. 1, 2020, the company may elect, with
domiciliary commissioner approval, a phase-in of the current methodology for non-guaranteed
YRT reinsurance with allowance for future mortality improvement from the methodology in the
2021 Valuation Manual for non-guaranteed YRT reinsurance without allowance for future
mortality improvement, provided that the company uses a weighted average of the results from the
two methodologies, with the weight for the prior methodology being no more than (20XX-
YYYY)/(20XX-2021), where YYYY is the current valuation year, and 20XX is the final year of
the phase-in. A company may elect to phase in these requirements over a 3-year period beginning
Jan. 1, 2022, and ending Dec. 31, 2024. A company may elect a longer phase-in period of up to
seven years beginning Jan. 1, 2022, and ending Dec. 31, 2028, with approval of the domiciliary
In calculations of the DR or SR pursuant to Section 4 and
Section 5:
1. The company shall use assumptions and margins that are appropriate for each company
pursuant to a reinsurance agreement. In such instance, the ceding and assuming companies
are not required to use the same assumptions and margins for the reinsured policies.
2. To the extent that a single deterministic valuation assumption for risk factors associated
with certain provisions of reinsurance agreements will not adequately capture the risk, the
company shall do one of the following:
a. Stochastically model the risk factors directly in the cash-flow model when
calculating the SR.
b. Perform a separate stochastic analysis outside the cash-flow model to quantify the
impact on reinsurance cash flows to and from the company. The company shall
use the results of this analysis to adjust prudent estimate assumptions or to
determine an amount to adjust the SR to adequately make provision for the risks
of the reinsurance features.
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Guidance Note: An example of reinsurance provisions where a single deterministic valuation
assumption will not adequately capture the risk is stop-loss reinsurance.
3. The company shall determine cash flows for reinsurance ceded subject to the following:
a. The company shall include the effect of projected cash flows received from or paid
to assuming companies under the terms of ceded reinsurance agreements in the
cash flows used in calculating the DR in Section 4 and SR in Section 5.
b. If cash flows received from or paid to assuming companies under the terms of any
reinsurance agreement are dependent upon cash flows received from or paid to
assuming companies under other reinsurance agreements, the company shall first
determine reinsurance cash flows for reinsurance agreements with no such
dependency and then use the reinsurance cash flows from these independent
agreements to determine reinsurance cash flows for the remaining dependent
c. The company shall use assumptions to project cash flows to and from assuming
companies that are consistent with other assumptions used by the company in
calculating the DR or SR for the reinsured policies and that reflect the terms of the
reinsurance agreements.
4. The company shall determine cash flows for reinsurance assumed subject to the following:
a. The company shall include the effect of cash flows projected to be received from
and paid to ceding companies under the terms of assumed reinsurance agreements
in the cash flows used in calculating the DR in Section 4 and the SR in Section 5.
b. If cash flows received from or paid to ceding companies under the terms of any
reinsurance agreement are dependent upon cash flows received from or paid to
ceding companies under other reinsurance agreements, the company shall first
determine reinsurance cash flows for reinsurance agreements with no such
dependency and then use the reinsurance cash flows from these independent
agreements to determine reinsurance cash flows for the remaining dependent
5. If a company assumes a policy under more than one reinsurance agreement, then the
company may treat each agreement separately for the purposes of calculating the reserve.
6. An assuming company shall use assumptions to project cash flows to and from ceding
companies that reflect the assuming company’s experience for the business segment to
which the reinsured policies belong and reflect the terms of the reinsurance agreement.
7. The company shall assume that the counterparties to a reinsurance agreement are
knowledgeable about the contingencies involved in the agreement and likely to exercise
the terms of the agreement to their respective advantage, taking into account the context
of the agreement in the entire economic relationship between the parties. In setting
assumptions for the NGE in reinsurance cash flows, the company shall include, but not be
limited to, the following:
a. The usual and customary practices associated with such agreements.
b. Past practices by the parties concerning the changing of terms, in an economic
environment similar to that projected.
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c. Any limits placed upon either party’s ability to exercise contractual options in the
reinsurance agreement.
d. The ability of the direct-writing company to modify the terms of its policies in
response to changes in reinsurance terms.
e. Actions that might be taken by a party if the counterparty is in financial difficulty.
8. The company shall account for any actions that the ceding company and, if different, the
direct-writing company have taken or are likely to take that could affect the expected cash
flows of the reinsured business in determining assumptions for the modeled reserve.
Guidance Note: Examples of actions the direct-writing company could take include:
1) instituting internal replacement programs or special underwriting programs, both of which could
change expected mortality rates; or 2) changing NGE in the reinsured policies, which could affect
mortality, policyholder behavior, and possibly expense and investment assumptions. Examples of
actions the ceding company could take include: 1) the exercise of contractual options in a
reinsurance agreement to influence the setting of NGEs in the reinsured policies; or 2) the ability
to participate in claim decisions.
9. For actions taken by the ceding company and, if different, the direct-writing company, set
assumptions in a manner consistent with Section 9.D. Note that these assumptions are in
addition to, rather than in lieu of, assumptions as to the behavior of the underlying
10. The company shall use assumptions in determining the modeled reserve that account for
any actions that the assuming company has taken or is likely to take that could affect the
expected cash flows of the reinsured business.
Guidance Note: Examples of such actions include, but are not limited to, changes to the current
scale of reinsurance premiums and changes to expense allowances.
11. The company shall consider all elements of a reinsurance agreement that the assuming
company can change, and assumptions for those elements are subject to the requirements
in Section 7.C. Appropriate assumptions for these elements may depend on the scenario
being tested. The company shall take into account all likely consequences of the assuming
company changing an element of the reinsurance agreement, including any potential
impact on the probability of recapture by the ceding company.
Guidance Note: The ability of an assuming company to change elements of a reinsurance
agreement, such as reinsurance premiums or expense allowances, may be thought of as comparable
to the ability of a direct-writing company to change NGE on policies.
12. The company shall set assumptions in a manner consistent with Section 8.C.8, taking into
account any ceding company option to recapture reinsured business. Appropriate
assumptions may depend on the scenario being tested (analogous to interest-sensitive
Guidance Note: The right of a ceding company to recapture is comparable to policyholder
surrender options for a direct-writing company. Cash flows associated with recapture include
recapture fees or other termination settlements.
13. The company shall set assumptions in a manner consistent with Section 8.C.10, taking into
account an assuming company’s right to terminate in-force reinsurance business. In the
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case in which the assuming company’s right to terminate is limited to cases of non-payment
of amounts due by the ceding company or other specific, limited circumstances, the
company may assume that the termination option would be expected to have insignificant
value to either party and, therefore, may exclude recognition of this right to terminate in
the cash-flow projections. However, if a reinsurance agreement contains other termination
provisions with material impact, the company shall set appropriate assumptions for these
provisions consistent with the particular scenario being tested.
14. If, under the terms of the reinsurance agreement, some of the assets supporting the reserve
are held by the counterparty or by another party, the company shall:
a. Consider the following in order to determine whether to model such assets for
purposes of projecting cash flows:
i. The degree of linkage between the portfolio performance and the
calculation of the reinsurance cash flows.
ii. The sensitivity of the valuation result to the asset portfolio performance.
b. If the company concludes that modeling is unnecessary, document the testing and
logic leading to that conclusion.
c. If the company determines that modeling is necessary, comply with the
requirements in Section 7.E and Section 9.F, taking into account:
i. The investment strategy of the company holding the assets, as codified in
the reinsurance agreement or otherwise based on current documentation
provided by that company.
ii. Actions that may be taken by either party that would affect the net
reinsurance cash flows (e.g., a conscious decision to alter the investment
strategy within the guidelines).
Guidance Note: In some situations, it may not be necessary to model the assets held by the other
party. An example would be modeling by an assuming company of a reinsurance agreement
containing provisions, such as experience refund provisions, under which the cash flows and
effective investment return to the assuming company are the same under all scenarios.
Guidance Note: Special considerations for modified coinsurance: Although the modified
coinsurance (ModCo) reserve is called a reserve, it is substantively different from other reserves.
It is a fixed liability from the ceding company to the assuming company in an exact amount, rather
than an estimate of a future obligation. The ModCo reserve is analogous to a deposit. This concept
is clearer in the economically identical situation of funds withheld. Therefore, the value of the
modified coinsurance reserve generally will not have to be determined by modeling. However, the
projected ModCo interest may have to be modeled. In many cases, the ModCo interest is
determined by the investment earnings of an underlying asset portfolio, which, in some cases, will
be a segregated asset portfolio or in others the ceding company’s general account. Some agreements
may use a rate not tied to a specific portfolio.
15. If a ceding company has knowledge that an assuming company is financially impaired, the
ceding company shall establish a margin for the risk of default by the assuming company.
In the absence of knowledge that the assuming company is financially impaired, the ceding
company is not required to establish a margin for the risk of default by the assuming
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16. If an assuming company has knowledge that a ceding company is financially impaired, the
assuming company shall establish a margin for the risk of default by the ceding company.
Such margin may be reduced or eliminated if the assuming company has a right to
terminate the reinsurance upon non-payment by the ceding company. In the absence of
knowledge that a ceding company is financially impaired, the assuming company is not
required to establish a margin for the risk of default by the ceding company.
17. In setting any margins required by Section 8.C.15 and Section 8.C.16 to reflect potential
uncertainty regarding the receipt of cash flows from a counterparty, the company shall take
into account the ratings, RBC ratio or other available information related to the probability
of the risk of default by the counterparty, as well as any security or other factor limiting
the impact on cash flows.
18. When the reinsurance ceded or assumed is on a non-guaranteed YRT or similar basis, the
corresponding reinsurance cash flows do not need to be modeled. This includes
retrocession arrangements covering non-guaranteed YRT reinsurance and similar
agreements. Rather, for a ceding company, the post-reinsurance-ceded DR or SR shall be
the pre-reinsurance-ceded DR or SR pursuant to Section 8.D.2, plus any applicable
provision pursuant to Section 8.C.15 and Section 8.C.17, minus the NPR reinsurance credit
from Section 8.B. For an assuming company, the DR or SR for the business assumed on a
non-guaranteed YRT or similar basis shall be set equal to the NPR from Section 3.B.8, plus
any applicable provision pursuant to Section 8.C.16 and Section 8.C.17. In the case where
there are also other reinsurance arrangements that are not on a non-guaranteed YRT or
similar basis, the reinsurance credit shall include the modeled reinsurance credit reflecting
those other reinsurance arrangements. In particular, where there are also other reinsurance
arrangements that are dependent on the non-guaranteed YRT or similar arrangements,
actuarial judgment shall be used to project cash flows consistent with the above outlined
treatment for non-guaranteed YRT or similar arrangements.
For policies issued on or after Jan. 1, 2017, and before Jan. 1, 2020, the company may elect,
with domiciliary commissioner approval, a phase-in of the current methodology for non-
guaranteed YRT reinsurance with allowance for future mortality improvement from the
methodology in the 2021 Valuation Manual for non-guaranteed YRT reinsurance without
allowance for future mortality improvement, provided that the company uses a weighted
average of the results from the two methodologies, with the weight for the prior
methodology being no more than (20XX-YYYY)/(20XX-2021), where YYYY is the
current valuation year and 20XX is the final year of the phase-in. A company may elect to
phase in these requirements over a 3-year period beginning Jan. 1, 2022, and ending
Dec. 31, 2024. A company may elect a longer phase-in period of up to seven years
beginning Jan. 1, 2022, and ending Dec. 31, 2028, with approval of the domiciliary
D. Determination of a Pre-Reinsurance-Ceded Minimum Reserve
1. The minimum reserve pursuant to Section 2 is a post-reinsurance-ceded minimum reserve.
The company also shall calculate a pre-reinsurance-ceded reserve as specified in Section
8.D.2 below, for financial statement purposes where such a pre-reinsurance-ceded amount
is required. Similarly, where a reserve credit for reinsurance may be required, the credit for
reinsurance ceded shall be the pre-reinsurance-ceded minimum reserve, minus the
minimum reserve (post-reinsurance-ceded). This credit may be negative. Note that due
allowance for reasonable approximations may be used where appropriate.
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2. The pre-reinsurance-ceded minimum reserve shall be calculated pursuant to the
requirements of VM-20, using methods and assumptions consistent with those used in
calculating the minimum reserve, but excluding the effect of ceded reinsurance.
a. If, on a pre-reinsurance-ceded basis, a group of policies is not able to pass the
exclusion tests pursuant to Section 6, then the required DR or SR shall be
calculated in determining the pre-reinsurance-ceded minimum reserve, even if not
required for the minimum reserve.
b. The company shall use assumptions that represent company experience in the
absence of reinsurance—for example, assuming that the business was managed in
a manner consistent with the manner that retained business is managedwhen
computing such exclusion tests and reserves.
c. The requirement in Section 7.D.3 regarding the 98% to 102% collar does apply
when determining the amount of starting assets excluding the effect of ceded
Section 9: Assumptions
A. General Assumption Requirements
1. The company shall use prudent estimate assumptions in compliance with this section for
each risk factor that is not stochastically modeled by applying a margin to the anticipated
experience assumption for the risk factor if such a risk factor has been categorized as a
material risk.
2. The company shall establish the prudent estimate assumption for each risk factor in
compliance with the requirements in Section 12 of Model #820 and must periodically
review and update the assumptions as appropriate in accordance with these requirements.
3. The company shall model the following risk factors stochastically unless the company
elects the stochastic modeling exclusion defined in Section 6:
a. Interest rate movements (i.e., Treasury interest rate curves).
b. Equity performance (e.g., Standard & Poor’s 500 index [S&P 500] returns and
returns of other equity investments).
4. If the company elects to stochastically model risk factors in addition to those listed in
Section 9.A.3 above, the requirements in this section for determining prudent estimate
assumptions for these risk factors do not apply.
It is expected that companies will not stochastically model risk factors other than the
economic scenarios, such as policyholder behavior or mortality, until VM-20 has more
specific guidance and requirements available. Companies shall discuss with domiciliary
regulators if they wish to stochastically model other risk factors.
5. In determining the SR, the company shall use prudent estimate assumptions that are
consistent with those prudent estimate assumptions used for determining the DR, modified
as appropriate to reflect the effects of each scenario.
6. The company shall use its own experience, if relevant and credible, to establish an
anticipated experience assumption for any risk factor. To the extent that company
experience is not available or credible, the company may use industry experience or other
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data to establish the anticipated experience assumption, making modifications as needed
to reflect the circumstances of the company.
a. For risk factors (such as mortality) to which statistical credibility theory may be
appropriately applied, the company shall establish anticipated experience
assumptions for the risk factor by combining relevant company experience with
industry experience data, tables or other applicable data in a manner that is
consistent with credibility theory and accepted actuarial practice.
b. For risk factors (such as premium patterns on flexible premium contracts) that do
not lend themselves to the use of statistical credibility theory, and for risk factors
(such as the current situation with some lapse assumptions) to which statistical
credibility theory can be appropriately applied but cannot currently be applied due
to lack of industry data, the company shall establish anticipated experience
assumptions in a manner that is consistent with accepted actuarial practice and that
reflects any available relevant company experience, any available relevant industry
experience, or any other experience data that are available and relevant. Such
techniques include:
i. Adopting standard assumptions published by professional, industry or
regulatory organizations to the extent they reflect any available relevant
company experience or reasonable expectations.
ii. Applying factors to relevant industry experience tables or other relevant
data to reflect any available relevant company experience and differences
in expected experience from that underlying the base tables or data due to
differences between the risk characteristics of the company experience and
the risk characteristics of the experience underlying the base tables or data.
iii. Blending any available relevant company experience with any available
relevant industry experience and/or other applicable data using weightings
established in a manner that is consistent with accepted actuarial practice
and that reflects the risk characteristics of the underlying policies and/or
company practices.
c. For risk factors that have limited or no experience or other applicable data to draw
upon, the assumptions shall be established using sound actuarial judgment and the
most relevant data available, if such data exists.
d. For any assumption that is set in accordance with the requirements of Section
9.A.6.c, the qualified actuary to whom responsibility for this group of policies is
assigned shall use sensitivity testing and disclose the analysis performed to ensure
that the assumption is set at the conservative end of the plausible range.
The qualified actuary, to whom responsibility for this group of policies is assigned,
shall annually review relevant emerging experience for the purpose of assessing
the appropriateness of the anticipated experience assumption. If the results of
statistical or other testing indicate that previously anticipated experience for a
given factor is inadequate, then the qualified actuary shall set a new, adequate,
anticipated experience assumption for the factor.
7. The company shall sensitivity test risk factors that are not stochastically modeled and
examine the impact on the modeled reserve. The company shall update the sensitivity tests
periodically as appropriate. The company may update the tests less frequently when the
tests show less sensitivity of the modeled reserve to changes in the assumptions being
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tested or the experience is not changing rapidly. Providing there is no material impact on
the results of the sensitivity testing, the company may perform sensitivity testing:
a. Using samples of the policies in force rather than performing the entire valuation
for each alternative assumption set.
b. Using data from prior periods.
Guidance Note: Sensitivity testing every risk factor on an annual basis is not required.
For some risk factors, it may be reasonable, in lieu of sensitivity testing, to employ statistical
measures for margins, such as adding one or more standard deviations to the anticipated
experience assumption.
8. The company shall vary the prudent estimate assumptions from scenario to scenario within
the SR calculation in an appropriate manner to reflect the scenario-dependent risks.
B. Assumption Margins
The company shall include margins to provide for adverse deviations and estimation error in the
prudent estimate assumption for each risk factor that is not stochastically modeled or prescribed,
subject to the following:
1. The company shall determine an explicit set of initial margins for each material risk
independently (that is, without regard to any margins in other risk factors and ignoring any
correlation among risk factors). Next, if applicable, the level of a particular initial margin
may be adjusted to take into account the fact that risk factors are not normally 100%
correlated. However, in recognition that risk factors may become more heavily correlated
as circumstances become more adverse, the initially determined margin may only be
reduced to the extent the company can demonstrate that the method used to justify such a
reduction is reasonable, considering the range of scenarios contributing to the CTE
calculation or considering the scenario used to calculate the DR as applicable or
considering appropriate adverse circumstances for risk factors not stochastically modeled.
It is not permissible to adjust the initial margin to recognize, in whole or in part, implicit
or prescribed margins that are present, or are believed to be present, in other risk factors.
Risks that are stochastically modeled (e.g., interest rates, equity returns) or have prescribed
margins (e.g., mortality, revenue sharing) shall be considered material risks. Other risks
generally considered to be material include, but are not limited to, lapses/premium
persistency, YRT premiums, maintenance expenses and inflation. In some cases, the list of
material risks may also include morbidity, acquisition expenses, partial withdrawals, policy
loans, term conversions, NGEs, and/or option elections that contain an element of anti-
2. The greater the uncertainty in the anticipated experience assumption, the larger the required
margin, with the margin added or subtracted as needed to produce a larger modeled reserve
than would otherwise result. For example, the company shall use a larger margin when:
a. The experience data have less relevance or lower credibility.
b. The experience data are of lower quality, such as incomplete, internally
inconsistent or not current.
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c. There is doubt about the reliability of the anticipated experience assumption, such
as, but not limited to, recent changes in circumstances or changes in company
d. There are constraints in the modeling that limit an effective reflection of the risk
3. In complying with the sensitivity testing requirements in Section 9.A.7 above, greater
analysis and more detailed justification are needed to determine the level of uncertainty
when establishing margins for risk factors that produce greater sensitivity on the modeled
4. A margin is permitted but not required for assumptions that do not represent material risks.
5. A margin should reflect the magnitude of fluctuations in historical experience of the
company for the risk factor, as appropriate.
6. The company shall apply the method used to determine the margin consistently on each
valuation date but is permitted to change the method from the prior year if the rationale for
the change and the impact on the modeled reserve is disclosed.
C. Mortality Assumptions
1. Procedure for Setting Prudent Estimate Mortality Assumptions
a. The company shall determine mortality segments for the purpose of determining
separate prudent estimate mortality assumptions for groups of policies that the
company expects will have different mortality experience than other groups of
policies (such as male vs. female, smoker vs. non-smoker, preferred vs. super-
preferred vs. residual, etc.).
b. For each mortality segment, the company shall establish prudent estimate mortality
assumptions using the following procedure:
i. Determine the company experience mortality rates as provided in Section
9.C.2. If company experience data is limited or not available, the company
can use an applicable industry basic table in lieu of company experience
as provided in Section
ii. Use the procedure described in Section 9.C.3 to determine the applicable
industry table for each mortality segment.
iii. Determine the anticipated experience assumptions as provided in Section
iv. Determine the level of credibility of the underlying company experience
as provided in Section 9.C.5.
v. Determine the prescribed mortality margins as provided in Section 9.C.6.
Separate mortality margins are determined for company experience
mortality rates and for the applicable industry basic tables.
vi. Use the procedure described in Section 9.C.7 to determine the prudent
estimate mortality assumptions.
2. Determination of Company Experience Mortality Rates
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a. For each mortality segment, the company shall determine company experience
mortality rates derived from company experience data. If company experience data
is not available or is limited, the company can choose to use an applicable industry
basic table in lieu of its own company experience, as provided in Section 9.C.3.
b. Company experience data shall be based on experience from the following sources:
i. Actual company experience for books of business within the mortality
ii. Experience from other books of business within the company with similar
iii. Experience data from other sources, if available and appropriate, such as
actual experience data of one or more mortality pools in which the policies
participate under the term of a reinsurance agreement. Data from other
sources is appropriate if the source has underwriting and expected
mortality experience characteristics that are similar to policies in the
mortality segment.
c. The company experience mortality rates shall not be lower than the mortality rates
the company expects to emerge, which the company can justify, and which are
disclosed in the PBR Actuarial Report.
d. The company may base mortality on the aggregate company experience for a group
of mortality segments when determining the company experience mortality rates
for each of the individual mortality segments in the group if the mortality segments
were subject to the same or similar underwriting processes.
i. For directly written policies, “underwriting processes” means the
processes by which the direct-writing company determines which risks to
accept and to which risk class each policy is assigned, including any
impacts on these determinations due to distribution systems and target
ii. For assumed policies, “underwriting processes” means the processes by
which the assuming company determines which risks to accept and to
which risk class each policy is assigned, when such processes are separate
and distinct from the underwriting processes used by the direct-writing
company. For an assuming company that depends upon the direct-writing
company’s underwriting processes, “underwriting processes” means the
direct-writing company’s underwriting processes.
iii. An underwriting process that is expected to produce similar mortality to
that of a previously established underwriting process, or for which the
expected mortality differs from that of a previously established
underwriting process only as the result of one or more specific, identifiable
modifications to the established underwriting process for which the
expected difference in mortality may be reasonably estimated, may be
treated as similar to the previously established underwriting process if
these expectations regarding mortality are supported by relevant, pursuant
to Section 9.A.6, third-party proprietary experience studies (such as those
of reinsurers or consulting firms) or published medical, clinical, actuarial
or industry studies.
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iv. An underwriting process that has been shown to produce similar mortality
to that of a previously established underwriting process based on a
retrospective demonstration using statistical analyses, predictive model
back-testing, or other modeling methods, or for which the expected
difference in mortality due to one or more specific, identifiable
modifications to a previously established underwriting process has been
estimated, based on a retrospective demonstration using statistical
analyses, predictive model back-testing, or other modeling methods, may
be treated as similar to the previously established underwriting process.
Such a retrospective demonstration shall be carried out and repeated at
least once every three years, until such a time as the estimated change in
expected mortality has been shown to be stable and unlikely to change
based on further review. Notwithstanding the above, a retrospective
demonstration is not required if the difference between the modified
underwriting process and the established underwriting process is minor,
such as a change in the thresholds associated with a risk characteristic, and
it is clearly and reasonably expected to result in mortality experience that
is not materially worse.
v. To the extent that, when treating an underwriting process as similar, the
judgment of the similarity of expected mortality or the estimate of the
expected difference in mortality increases uncertainty in the mortality
assumption, the margin applicable to the mortality assumption should be
increased pursuant to Section 9.C.6.d.
vi. If the company uses the aggregate company experience for a group of
mortality segments when determining the company experience mortality
rates for each of the individual mortality segments in the group, the
company shall use one of the following methods:
a. Use techniques to further subdivide the aggregate experience into
the various mortality segments (e.g., start with aggregate non-
smoker and then use the conservation of total deaths principle,
normalization or other approach to divide the aggregate mortality
into super preferred, preferred and residual standard non-smoker
class assumptions).
b. Use techniques to adjust the experience of each mortality segment
in the group to reflect the aggregate company experience for the
group (e.g., by credibility weighting the individual mortality
segment experience with the aggregate company experience for
the group).
c. Use a two-step sequential method, which
1) forms subgroups that are groups of mortality segments
and are subsets of the aggregate class of mortality
segments being aggregated,
2) uses techniques as in (b) to adjust the experience of each
subgroup from (1) to reflect the aggregate company
experience for the group and conserve deaths, and
3) finally, uses techniques as in (a) to further subdivide the
subgroups’ adjusted experience from (2) into the various
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mortality segments while conserving each subgroup’s
deaths determined in step (2)’s conservation of deaths.
For example, if mortality segments vary by sex, risk class, and
face bands, then
1) segments that differ by face band are aggregated to
form subgroups that vary just by sex and risk class,
2) the subgroups mortality experience is credibility
weighted with the aggregate company experience for the
group and normalized, and
3) the subgroups’ adjusted mortality experience are then
subdivided into the various mortality segments based on
credible, external face band relativities, and conservation
of deaths is applied to each subgroup’s normalized deaths
determined in (2).
In doing so, the company must ensure that when the mortality segments
are weighted together, the total amount of expected claims is not less than
the aggregate company experience data for the group.
Guidance Note: There are several examples of the two mortality aggregation methods outlined in
VM-20 Section and VM-20 Section in a Mortality Aggregation Excel
Spreadsheet, along with a Mortality Aggregation Presentation from the 2019 Summer Meeting,
located on the NAIC website ( These may be useful
reference documents when using aggregate company experience for a group of mortality segments
in determining the company experience mortality rates.
e. The company shall review, and update as needed, the company experience data
described in Section 9.C.2.b, based on either an updated company mortality study
or updated mortality study data from other sources, at least every three years. If
updated experience becomes available prior to the end of three years since the last
review or update, which alters the companys expected mortality for the mortality
segments in a significant manner and such impact is expected to continue into the
future, the company shall reflect the changes implied by the updated data in the
current year.
i. The company experience data for each mortality segment shall include the
most recent experience study and shall include the in-force and claim data
pertaining to the study period for all policies currently in the mortality
segment or that would have been in the mortality segment at any time
during the period over which experience is being evaluated.
ii. The period of time used for the experience study should be at least three
exposure years and should not exceed 10 exposure years.
f. The company may remove from the company experience data any policies for
which the experience is reflected through adjustments to the prudent estimate
assumptions as provided under Section 9.C.7.e below, including policies insuring
impaired lives and those for which there is a reasonable expectation, due to
conditions such as changes in premiums or other policy provisions, that
policyholder behavior will lead to mortality results that vary significantly from
those that would otherwise be expected.
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The company may adjust the company experience rates for each mortality segment
to reflect the expected incremental change due to the adoption of risk selection and
underwriting practices different from those underlying the company experience
data identified above, provided that:
i. The adjustments are supported by published medical or clinical studies or
other published studies that correlate a specific risk selection criterion to
mortality or longevity experience (for example, criterion and correlations
determined through predictive analytics).
ii. The rationale and support for the use of the study and for the adjustments
are disclosed in the PBR Actuarial Report.
Guidance Note: It is anticipated that the adjustment described in Section 9.C.2.f to experience will
rarely be made. Since these adjustments are expected to be rare, and since it is difficult to anticipate
the nature of these adjustments, the insurance commissioner may wish to determine the level of
documentation or analysis that is required to allow such adjustments. The NAIC may want to
consider whether approval by a centralized examination office would be an acceptable alternative
to approval by the insurance commissioner.
g. Company experience mortality rates shall be based on amount of insurance, not
number of policies. The amounts of insurance used in the numerators of the
mortality rates shall be computed consistently with how the amounts in the
denominators are calculated. A ceiling on the amount of insurance for a given
policy is not permitted. Smoothing and graduation may generally be used in
developing company experience mortality rates if it is done in a manner that does
not result in a material change in total expected claims. However, in the case of
catastrophic, non-recurring events, this does not preclude actuarially appropriate
adjustments to company experience mortality rates, even if such adjustments result
in a material change in total expected claims.
h. Mortality improvement shall not be incorporated beyond the valuation date in the
company experience mortality rates. However, historical mortality improvement
from the central point of the underlying company experience data to the valuation
date may be incorporated.
Guidance Note: Future mortality improvement is not applied to the company experience mortality
rates since it would be duplicative of the future mortality improvement that is applied to the prudent
estimate assumptions for mortality in Section 9.C.7.f.
3. Determination of Applicable Industry Basic Tables
a. The industry basic table shall be based on the most recent VBT listed in VM-M
Section 2, including the Primary, Limited Underwriting and Relative Risk (RR)
Table forms, if available. The industry basic table used should be based on the
table form that most appropriately reflects the risk characteristics of the respective
mortality segment.
b. A modified industry basic table is permitted in a limited number of situations
where an industry basic table does not appropriately reflect the expected mortality
experience, such as joint life mortality, simplified underwriting, or substandard or
rated lives. In cases other than modification of the table to reflect joint life
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mortality, the modification must not result in mortality rates lower than those in
the industry basic table without approval by the insurance commissioner.
c. The company may apply the Relative Risk Tool described in Subsection 9.C.3.d
below to determine:
i. The industry basic table that can serve as the industry experience rates
when company experience data is limited or not available.
ii. The applicable industry basic table for grading company experience
mortality to industry experience mortality using the grading method
described in Section 9.C.7.b.
d. The Relative Risk Tool was adopted by the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force and
contains an algorithm that scores every risk class in a preferred risk class structure
based on the specific underwriting criteria used by a company. The Relative Risk
Tool can be found by clicking on the Relative Risk Tool link on the SOA web
i. In using the Relative Risk Tool to determine the appropriate industry basic
table for a particular mortality segment, the company shall take into
account factors that are not recognized in the Relative Risk Tool but are
applicable to policies issued in that mortality segment.
Guidance Note: Examples of such factors include the number of underwriting exceptions that are
made, the quality and experience level of the underwriters, and characteristics of the distribution
system. For example, if a company deviates from its preferred criteria on a regular basis, then it
needs to take that into consideration since the Relative Risk Tool is not designed to quantify that
ii. In using the Relative Risk Tool to determine the appropriate industry basic
table for policies that are issued subject to simplified underwriting and
policies that are issued without underwriting, the company shall take into
account factors not recognized in the Relative Risk Tool but are applicable
to such policies.
iii. In taking into account factors that are not recognized in the Relative Risk
Tool, a company may, to the extent it can justify, adjust the industry basic
tables up or down two Relative Risk Tables from that determined by
application of the Relative Risk Tool. Further adjustments to reflect risk
characteristics not captured within the Relative Risk Tool may be allowed
upon approval by the insurance commissioner.
e. As an alternative to the Relative Risk Tool, the company may use other actuarially
sound methods to determine the applicable basic tables related to subdivisions of
mortality segments. The company shall document the analysis performed to
demonstrate the applicability of the chosen method and resulting choice in tables
and reasons why the results using the Relative Risk Tool may not be suitable.
Guidance Note: For example, the company may determine a more all-inclusive basic table as a
table appropriate for the whole mortality segment (appropriately modified by the removal of
classified lives, term conversions or any other legitimately excludable class) and then subdivide
that segment using actuarially sound methods including, but not limited to, the Relative Risk Tool.
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f. If no industry basic table appropriately reflects the risk characteristics of the
mortality segment, the company may use any well-established industry table that
is based on the experience of policies having the appropriate risk characteristics in
lieu of an industry basic table.
Guidance Note: Section 9.C.3.f above is intended to provide flexibility needed to handle products
based on group-type mortality, etc., for which there might not be an industry basic table.
g. Mortality improvement shall not be incorporated beyond the valuation date in the
industry basic table. However, historical mortality improvement from the date of
the industry basic table (e.g., Jan. 1, 2008, for the 2008 VBT and July 1, 2015, for
the 2015 VBT) to the valuation date shall be incorporated using the improvement
factors for the applicable industry basic table as determined by the SOA, adopted
by the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force and published on the SOA website,
(Individual Life
Insurance Mortality Improvement Scale – for Use with AG38/VM20 – 20XX).
Guidance Note: F
uture mortality improvement is not applied to the industry basic table since it
would be duplicative of the future mortality improvement that is applied to the prudent estimate
assumptions for mortality in Section 9.C.7.f.
To allow time for companies to reflect the updated mortality improvement rates,
the rates that are to be used in the year-end YYYY valuation should be adopted by
the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force and published on the SOA website by September
of YYYY. If this timeline is not met, then at the company’s option, they may use
the most recent set of prior mortality improvement rates adopted by the Life
Actuarial (A) Task Force and published on the SOA website.
Guidance Note: The improvement factors for the industry basic table will be determined by the
SOA. YYYY is the calendar year of valuation.
Guidance Note: The start date for the improvement factors to be applied to the industry basic tables
differs from that used for determining company experience mortality rates as described in Section
9.C.2.h, as the industry basic tables have already been improved from the mid-point of the exposure
period of the data underlying the table to the year of the table; e.g., the 2015 VBT has already been
improved from the mid-point of the underlying data supporting the table to 2015.
h. For any mortality segment, if the quantity (A B) is positive, then the industry
basic table for the mortality segment shall be adjusted upward by the number of
tables necessary, or the industry basic table rates shall be multiplied by an
appropriate scalari.e., a single factor applied to all rates in the table, subject to a
cap that ensures that mortality rates do not exceed 1,000 per 1,000—such that the
quantity (A – C) is negative, where:
A = the present value of projected expected claims at the duration where grading
to the industry table begins, calculated using the company experience mortality
B = the present value of projected expected claims at the duration where grading
to the industry table begins, calculated using mortality rates from the industry basic
table determined as per Sections 9.C.3.d, 9.C.3.e or 9.C.3.f .
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C = the present value of projected expected claims at the duration where grading
to the industry table begins, calculated using the mortality rates from the basic
industry table that has been adjusted as described at the beginning of this
The expected claims are not to reflect mortality improvement beyond the valuation
4. Anticipated Experience Assumptions
a. If the company uses an applicable industry basic table in lieu of its own company
experience, as described in Section 9.C.2.a, then the anticipated experience
assumptions shall be the applicable industry basic table.
b. If the company uses company experience as described in Section 9.C.2.a, then the
anticipated experience assumptions shall equal the company experience mortality
rates described in Section 9.C.
c. The mortality rates from the resulting anticipated experience assumptions must be
no lower than the mortality rates that are actually expected to emerge and that the
company can justify.
d. In satisfying Section 9.C.4.c, the company must ensure that any excess mortality
is appropriately reflected in the anticipated experience mortality rates. This
includes but is not limited to excess mortality associated with policies issued via
conversion from term policies or from group life contracts.
5. Credibility of Company Experience
a. For valuations in which the industry basic mortality table is the 2008 VBT,
determine an aggregate level of credibility over the entire exposure period using a
methodology to determine the level of credibility that follows common actuarial
practice as published in actuarial literature (for example, but not limited to, the
Limited Fluctuation Method or Bühlmann Empirical Bayesian Method).
For valuations in which the industry basic mortality table is the 2015 VBT,
determine an aggregate level of credibility following either the Limited Fluctuation
Method by amount, such that the minimum probability is at least 95% with an error
margin of no more than 5% or Bühlmann Empirical Bayesian Method by amount.
Not all blocks of a company’s business subject to VM-20 necessarily need to use
the same credibility method. However, a company seeking to change the
credibility method for a given block of business must request and subsequently
receive the approval of the insurance commissioner. The request must include the
justification for the change and a demonstration of the rationale supporting the
The formula to determine the credibility level by amount under the Limited
Fluctuation Method is as follows:
Limited Fluctuation Z = min{1, rm/zσ}
r = error margin ≤ 5%
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z = normal distribution quantile ≥ 95%
m = mortality ratio—i.e., actual to expected (A/E) ratio by amount
σ = standard deviation of the mortality ratio
The following formula can be used in conjunction with the 2015 VBT industry
table to directly approximate the credibility based on the Bühlmann Empirical
Bayesian Method:
Bühlmann Z =
A +
109% * B
. %
. 
A = Sum of expected deaths by amount = Σ (amount insured) x (exposure) x
B = Σ(amount insured)
x (exposure) x (mortality)
C = Σ(amount insured)
x (exposure)
x (mortality)
For both the Limited Fluctuation Method and the Bühlmann Empirical Bayesian
Method, the credibility percentage shall be based on amounts of insurance,
b. Credibility may be determined at either the mortality segment level or at a more
aggregate level if the mortality for the individual mortality segments was
determined using an aggregate level of mortality experience pursuant to Section
A single level of credibility shall be determined over the entire exposure period,
rather than for each duration, within the exposure period. This overall level of
credibility will be used to:
i. Determine the prescribed margin for company experience mortality rates.
ii. Determine the grading period (based on the credibility percentage shown
in the first column in the Grading Table in Section 9.C.7.b.i) for grading
company experience mortality rates into the applicable industry basic
6. Prescribed Mortality Margins
a. Separate prescribed margins will be added to company experience mortality rates
and to the applicable industry basic tables. The mortality margin shall be in the
form of a prescribed percentage increase applied to each mortality rate.
b. The prescribed margin percentages for the company experience mortality rates will
vary by attained age (att age), by the level of credibility of the underlying company
experience, based on the level of credibility and the method used to determine the
credibility in Section 9.C.5. The percentages are given in the following tables. To
determine the margin percentage for each table, round the credibility level amount
to the nearest whole integer.
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i. For valuations in which the industry mortality table is the 2008 VBT
limited underwriting table:
Credibility Level
Att Age 20%39% 40%59% 60%79% 80%100%
<46 13.7% 8.4% 6.3% 5.3%
4647 13.0% 8.0% 6.0% 5.0%
4849 12.4% 7.6% 5.7% 4.8%
5051 11.7% 7.2% 5.4% 4.5%
5253 11.1% 6.8% 5.1% 4.3%
5455 10.4% 6.4% 4.8% 4.0%
5657 9.8% 6.0% 4.5% 3.8%
5859 9.1% 5.6% 4.2% 3.5%
6061 8.5% 5.2% 3.9% 3.3%
6263 7.8% 4.8% 3.6% 3.0%
6468 7.2% 4.4% 3.3% 2.8%
6976 6.5% 4.0% 3.0% 2.5%
77+ 5.9% 3.6% 2.7% 2.3%
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ii. For valuations in which the industry mortality table is the 2015 VBT and
where the credibility is determined using the Bühlmann Empirical
Bayesian Method by amount method:
hlmann Margins
Credibility Level
Att Age
<46 20.4% 20.0% 19.3% 18.6% 17.9% 17.1% 16.3% 15.5% 14.6%
4647 20.2% 20.0% 19.3% 18.6% 17.9% 17.1% 16.3% 15.5% 14.6%
4849 20.0% 19.7% 19.1% 18.4% 17.6% 16.9% 16.1% 15.3% 14.4%
5051 19.8% 19.4% 18.8% 18.1% 17.4% 16.7% 15.9% 15.1% 14.2%
5253 19.6% 19.1% 18.5% 17.8% 17.1% 16.4% 15.6% 14.8% 14.0%
5455 19.2% 18.8% 18.2% 17.5% 16.8% 16.1% 15.4% 14.6% 13.7%
5657 18.9% 18.5% 17.9% 17.2% 16.5% 15.8% 15.1% 14.3% 13.5%
5859 18.5% 18.1% 17.5% 16.9% 16.2% 15.5% 14.8% 14.1% 13.2%
6061 18.2% 17.8% 17.2% 16.5% 15.9% 15.2% 14.5% 13.8% 13.0%
6263 17.8% 17.4% 16.8% 16.2% 15.6% 14.9% 14.2% 13.5% 12.7%
6465 17.4% 17.0% 16.4% 15.8% 15.2% 14.6% 13.9% 13.2% 12.4%
6667 16.9% 16.6% 16.0% 15.4% 14.8% 14.2% 13.5% 12.8% 12.1%
6869 16.5% 16.2% 15.6% 15.0% 14.5% 13.8% 13.2% 12.5% 11.8%
7071 16.1% 15.7% 15.2% 14.6% 14.1% 13.5% 12.8% 12.2% 11.5%
7273 15.6% 15.3% 14.7% 14.2% 13.7% 13.1% 12.5% 11.8% 11.1%
7475 15.1% 14.8% 14.3% 13.8% 13.2% 12.7% 12.1% 11.5% 10.8%
7677 14.6% 14.3% 13.8% 13.3% 12.8% 12.2% 11.7% 11.1% 10.4%
7879 14.1% 13.8% 13.3% 12.8% 12.3% 11.8% 11.3% 10.7% 10.1%
8081 13.6% 13.3% 12.8% 12.4% 11.9% 11.4% 10.8% 10.3% 9.7%
8283 13.0% 12.7% 12.3% 11.9% 11.4% 10.9% 10.4% 9.9% 9.3%
8485 12.5% 12.2% 11.8% 11.4% 10.9% 10.4% 10.0% 9.4% 8.9%
8687 11.9% 11.6% 11.2% 10.8% 10.4% 10.0% 9.5% 9.0% 8.5%
8889 11.3% 11.1% 10.7% 10.3% 9.9% 9.5% 9.0% 8.6% 8.1%
9091 10.7% 10.5% 10.1% 9.7% 9.4% 9.0% 8.5% 8.1% 7.6%
9293 10.1% 9.8% 9.5% 9.2% 8.8% 8.4% 8.0% 7.6% 7.2%
9495 9.4% 9.2% 8.9% 8.6% 8.3% 7.9% 7.5% 7.1% 6.7%
9697 8.8% 8.6% 8.3% 8.0% 7.7% 7.4% 7.0% 6.6% 6.3%
9899 8.1% 7.9% 7.7% 7.4% 7.1% 6.8% 6.5% 6.1% 5.8%
100101 7.4% 7.3% 7.0% 6.8% 6.5% 6.2% 5.9% 5.6% 5.3%
102103 6.7% 6.6% 6.3% 6.1% 5.9% 5.6% 5.4% 5.1% 4.8%
104105 6.0% 5.9% 5.7% 5.5% 5.2% 5.0% 4.8% 4.5% 4.3%
>105 5.3% 5.1% 5.0% 4.8% 4.6% 4.4% 4.2% 4.0% 3.8%
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hlmann Margins
Credibility Level
Att Age
98% 99%+
<46 13.7% 12.7% 11.6% 10.3% 8.9% 8.0% 7.3% 6.5% 5.7% 4.6% 3.3% 2.3%
4647 13.7% 12.7% 11.6% 10.3% 8.9% 8.0% 7.3% 6.5% 5.7% 4.6% 3.3% 2.3%
4849 13.5% 12.5% 11.4% 10.2% 8.8% 7.9% 7.2% 6.4% 5.6% 4.6% 3.2% 2.3%
5051 13.3% 12.3% 11.2% 10.0% 8.7% 7.8% 7.1% 6.4% 5.5% 4.5% 3.2% 2.2%
5253 13.1% 12.1% 11.1% 9.9% 8.6% 7.7% 7.0% 6.3% 5.4% 4.4% 3.1% 2.2%
5455 12.9% 11.9% 10.9% 9.7% 8.4% 7.5% 6.9% 6.1% 5.3% 4.3% 3.1% 2.2%
5657 12.6% 11.7% 10.7% 9.5% 8.3% 7.4% 6.8% 6.0% 5.2% 4.3% 3.0% 2.1%
5859 12.4% 11.5% 10.5% 9.4% 8.1% 7.3% 6.6% 5.9% 5.1% 4.2% 3.0% 2.1%
6061 12.1% 11.2% 10.3% 9.2% 7.9% 7.1% 6.5% 5.8% 5.0% 4.1% 2.9% 2.1%
6263 11.9% 11.0% 10.0% 9.0% 7.8% 7.0% 6.4% 5.7% 4.9% 4.0% 2.8% 2.0%
6465 11.6% 10.8% 9.8% 8.8% 7.6% 6.8% 6.2% 5.6% 4.8% 3.9% 2.8% 2.0%
6667 11.3% 10.5% 9.6% 8.6% 7.4% 6.6% 6.1% 5.4% 4.7% 3.8% 2.7% 1.9%
6869 11.0% 10.2% 9.3% 8.3% 7.2% 6.5% 5.9% 5.3% 4.6% 3.7% 2.6% 1.9%
7071 10.7% 9.9% 9.1% 8.1% 7.0% 6.3% 5.7% 5.1% 4.4% 3.6% 2.6% 1.8%
7273 10.4% 9.7% 8.8% 7.9% 6.8% 6.1% 5.6% 5.0% 4.3% 3.5% 2.5% 1.8%
7475 10.1% 9.4% 8.5% 7.6% 6.6% 5.9% 5.4% 4.8% 4.2% 3.4% 2.4% 1.7%
7677 9.8% 9.0% 8.3% 7.4% 6.4% 5.7% 5.2% 4.7% 4.0% 3.3% 2.3% 1.7%
7879 9.4% 8.7% 8.0% 7.1% 6.2% 5.5% 5.0% 4.5% 3.9% 3.2% 2.3% 1.6%
8081 9.1% 8.4% 7.7% 6.9% 5.9% 5.3% 4.9% 4.3% 3.8% 3.1% 2.2% 1.5%
8283 8.7% 8.1% 7.4% 6.6% 5.7% 5.1% 4.7% 4.2% 3.6% 2.9% 2.1% 1.5%
8485 8.3% 7.7% 7.0% 6.3% 5.5% 4.9% 4.5% 4.0% 3.5% 2.8% 2.0% 1.4%
8687 7.9% 7.4% 6.7% 6.0% 5.2% 4.7% 4.2% 3.8% 3.3% 2.7% 1.9% 1.3%
8889 7.6% 7.0% 6.4% 5.7% 4.9% 4.4% 4.0% 3.6% 3.1% 2.6% 1.8% 1.3%
9091 7.1% 6.6% 6.0% 5.4% 4.7% 4.2% 3.8% 3.4% 3.0% 2.4% 1.7% 1.2%
9293 6.7% 6.2% 5.7% 5.1% 4.4% 3.9% 3.6% 3.2% 2.8% 2.3% 1.6% 1.1%
9495 6.3% 5.8% 5.3% 4.8% 4.1% 3.7% 3.4% 3.0% 2.6% 2.1% 1.5% 1.1%
9697 5.9% 5.4% 5.0% 4.4% 3.8% 3.4% 3.1% 2.8% 2.4% 2.0% 1.4% 1.0%
9899 5.4% 5.0% 4.6% 4.1% 3.5% 3.2% 2.9% 2.6% 2.2% 1.8% 1.3% 0.9%
100101 5.0% 4.6% 4.2% 3.7% 3.2% 2.9% 2.6% 2.4% 2.1% 1.7% 1.2% 0.8%
102103 4.5% 4.2% 3.8% 3.4% 2.9% 2.6% 2.4% 2.1% 1.9% 1.5% 1.1% 0.8%
104105 4.0% 3.7% 3.4% 3.0% 2.6% 2.3% 2.1% 1.9% 1.7% 1.4% 1.0% 0.7%
>105 3.5% 3.3% 3.0% 2.7% 2.3% 2.1% 1.9% 1.7% 1.5% 1.2% 0.8% 0.6%
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iii. For valuations in which the industry mortality table is the 2015 VBT and
where the credibility is determined using the Limited Fluctuation Method:
Limited Fluctuation Margins
Credibility Level
Att Age
<46 15.9% 14.5% 13.2% 12.1% 11.0% 10.0% 9.1%
4647 15.9% 14.5% 13.2% 12.1% 11.0% 10.0% 9.1%
4849 15.7% 14.3% 13.0% 11.9% 10.8% 9.9% 9.0%
5051 15.5% 14.1% 12.9% 11.7% 10.7% 9.7% 8.9%
5253 15.2% 13.9% 12.7% 11.5% 10.5% 9.6% 8.7%
5455 15.0% 13.6% 12.4% 11.3% 10.3% 9.4% 8.6%
5657 14.7% 13.4% 12.2% 11.1% 10.2% 9.3% 8.5%
5859 14.4% 13.1% 12.0% 10.9% 10.0% 9.1% 8.3%
6061 14.1% 12.9% 11.7% 10.7% 9.8% 8.9% 8.1%
6263 13.8% 12.6% 11.5% 10.5% 9.6% 8.7% 8.0%
6465 13.5% 12.3% 11.2% 10.2% 9.3% 8.5% 7.8%
6667 13.2% 12.0% 11.0% 10.0% 9.1% 8.3% 7.6%
6869 12.8% 11.7% 10.7% 9.7% 8.9% 8.1% 7.4%
7071 12.5% 11.4% 10.4% 9.5% 8.6% 7.9% 7.2%
7273 12.1% 11.1% 10.1% 9.2% 8.4% 7.7% 7.0%
7475 11.8% 10.7% 9.8% 8.9% 8.1% 7.4% 6.8%
7677 11.4% 10.4% 9.5% 8.6% 7.9% 7.2% 6.5%
7879 11.0% 10.0% 9.1% 8.3% 7.6% 6.9% 6.3%
8081 10.6% 9.6% 8.8% 8.0% 7.3% 6.7% 6.1%
8283 10.1% 9.2% 8.4% 7.7% 7.0% 6.4% 5.8%
8485 9.7% 8.8% 8.1% 7.4% 6.7% 6.1% 5.6%
8687 9.2% 8.4% 7.7% 7.0% 6.4% 5.8% 5.3%
8889 8.8% 8.0% 7.3% 6.7% 6.1% 5.5% 5.1%
9091 8.3% 7.6% 6.9% 6.3% 5.7% 5.2% 4.8%
9293 7.8% 7.1% 6.5% 5.9% 5.4% 4.9% 4.5%
9495 7.3% 6.7% 6.1% 5.6% 5.1% 4.6% 4.2%
9697 6.8% 6.2% 5.7% 5.2% 4.7% 4.3% 3.9%
9899 6.3% 5.7% 5.2% 4.8% 4.4% 4.0% 3.6%
100101 5.8% 5.3% 4.8% 4.4% 4.0% 3.6% 3.3%
102103 5.2% 4.8% 4.3% 4.0% 3.6% 3.3% 3.0%
104105 4.7% 4.3% 3.9% 3.5% 3.2% 2.9% 2.7%
>105 4.1% 3.7% 3.4% 3.1% 2.8% 2.6% 2.4%
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Limited Fluctuation Margins
Credibility Level
Att Age
<46 8.3% 7.6% 6.9% 6.3% 5.8% 5.3% 4.8% 4.4% 4.0%
4647 8.3% 7.6% 6.9% 6.3% 5.8% 5.3% 4.8% 4.4% 4.0%
4849 8.2% 7.5% 6.8% 6.2% 5.7% 5.2% 4.7% 4.3% 3.9%
5051 8.1% 7.4% 6.7% 6.1% 5.6% 5.1% 4.7% 4.2% 3.9%
5253 8.0% 7.3% 6.6% 6.0% 5.5% 5.0% 4.6% 4.2% 3.8%
5455 7.8% 7.2% 6.5% 5.9% 5.4% 4.9% 4.5% 4.1% 3.8%
5657 7.7% 7.0% 6.4% 5.8% 5.3% 4.9% 4.4% 4.0% 3.7%
5859 7.6% 6.9% 6.3% 5.7% 5.2% 4.8% 4.3% 4.0% 3.6%
6061 7.4% 6.8% 6.2% 5.6% 5.1% 4.7% 4.3% 3.9% 3.5%
6263 7.2% 6.6% 6.0% 5.5% 5.0% 4.6% 4.2% 3.8% 3.5%
6465 7.1% 6.5% 5.9% 5.4% 4.9% 4.5% 4.1% 3.7% 3.4%
6667 6.9% 6.3% 5.7% 5.2% 4.8% 4.4% 4.0% 3.6% 3.3%
6869 6.7% 6.1% 5.6% 5.1% 4.7% 4.2% 3.9% 3.5% 3.2%
7071 6.6% 6.0% 5.4% 5.0% 4.5% 4.1% 3.8% 3.4% 3.1%
7273 6.4% 5.8% 5.3% 4.8% 4.4% 4.0% 3.7% 3.3% 3.0%
7475 6.2% 5.6% 5.1% 4.7% 4.3% 3.9% 3.5% 3.2% 2.9%
7677 6.0% 5.4% 5.0% 4.5% 4.1% 3.8% 3.4% 3.1% 2.9%
7879 5.8% 5.2% 4.8% 4.4% 4.0% 3.6% 3.3% 3.0% 2.8%
8081 5.5% 5.0% 4.6% 4.2% 3.8% 3.5% 3.2% 2.9% 2.6%
8283 5.3% 4.8% 4.4% 4.0% 3.7% 3.4% 3.1% 2.8% 2.5%
8485 5.1% 4.6% 4.2% 3.9% 3.5% 3.2% 2.9% 2.7% 2.4%
8687 4.8% 4.4% 4.0% 3.7% 3.4% 3.1% 2.8% 2.5% 2.3%
8889 4.6% 4.2% 3.8% 3.5% 3.2% 2.9% 2.6% 2.4% 2.2%
9091 4.4% 4.0% 3.6% 3.3% 3.0% 2.7% 2.5% 2.3% 2.1%
9293 4.1% 3.7% 3.4% 3.1% 2.8% 2.6% 2.4% 2.2% 2.0%
9495 3.8% 3.5% 3.2% 2.9% 2.7% 2.4% 2.2% 2.0% 1.8%
9697 3.6% 3.3% 3.0% 2.7% 2.5% 2.3% 2.1% 1.9% 1.7%
9899 3.3% 3.0% 2.7% 2.5% 2.3% 2.1% 1.9% 1.7% 1.6%
100101 3.0% 2.8% 2.5% 2.3% 2.1% 1.9% 1.7% 1.6% 1.4%
102103 2.7% 2.5% 2.3% 2.1% 1.9% 1.7% 1.6% 1.4% 1.3%
104105 2.4% 2.2% 2.0% 1.9% 1.7% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.2%
>105 2.1% 2.0% 1.8% 1.6% 1.5% 1.4% 1.2% 1.1% 1.0%
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c. The prescribed margin percentages for the applicable industry basic tables will
vary by attained age and are as follows:
i. For valuations in
which the industry mortality table is the 2008 VBT
limited underwriting table:
Mortality Margin Table
< 40
ii. For valuations in which the industry table is the 2015 VBT:
Mortality Margin (Loading) for Industry Table
Attained Age Load Attained Age Load
106 and over
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d. The prescribed margin percentages shall be increased, as appropriate, to reflect the
level of uncertainty related to situations, including, but not limited to, the
i. The reliability of the company’s experience studies is low due to imprecise
methodology, length of time since the data was updated or other reasons.
ii. The length of time since the experience data was updated.
iii. The underwriting or risk selection risk criteria associated with the
mortality segment have changed since the experience on which the
company experience mortality rates are based was collected.
iv. The data underlying the company experience mortality rates lack
v. Unfavorable environmental or health developments are unfolding and are
expected to have a material and sustained impact on the insured
vi. Changes to the company’s marketing or administrative practices or market
forces expose the policies to the risk of anti-selection.
Guidance Note: For example, the secondary market for life insurance policies.
vii. Underwriting is less effective than expected.
e.   In the event that the prescribed mortality margins set forth above do not produce a
reserve increase of adequate magnitude, and in particular when the prescribed
margins produce a decrease in the reserve, the company shall derive and use
margins that produce an appropriately conservative result.
Guidance Note: This can occur, for example, when a rider, such as a long-term care (LTC)
rider, is being valued together with the base policy, pursuant to Section II, Subsection 6 of
the Valuation Manual. Reductions to mortality rates, rather than additions, would
potentially be needed in such cases. Such a product/rider combination would likely need
to be in its own separate mortality segment.
7. Process to Determine Prudent Estimate Assumptions
a. If applicable industry basic tables are used in lieu of company experience as the
anticipated experience assumptions, or if the level of credibility of the data as
provided in Section 9.C.5 is less than 20%, the prudent estimate assumptions for
each mortality segment shall equal the respective mortality rates in the applicable
industry basic tables as provided in Section 9.C.3, adjusted as necessary pursuant
to Section 9.C.7.e and for any applicable improvement pursuant to Section 9.C.3.g,
plus the prescribed margin as provided in Section 9.C.6.c, and further adjusted by
any applicable margin changes pursuant to Section 9.C.6.d.v, Section,
and/or Section 9.C.6.e. Future mortality improvement, pursuant to Section 9.C.7.f,
shall be applied to the prudent estimate assumption for mortality.
b. If the company uses company experience mortality rates as the anticipated
experience assumptions, the following process shall be used to develop prudent
estimate assumptions:
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i. Determine the values of A, B and C from the Grading Table below, based
on the level of credibility of the data as provided in Section 9.C.5.
Grading Table
Credibility of company data
(as defined in Section 9.C.5
above) rounded to nearest %
20% - 30%
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ii. Determine the value of D, which represents the last policy duration that has a
substantial volume of claims, using the chosen data source(s) as specified in
Section 9.C.2.b. D is defined as the last policy duration at which there are 50 or
more claims (not the first policy duration in which there are fewer than 50 claims),
not counting riders. This may be determined at either the mortality segment level
or at a more aggregate level if the mortality for the individual mortality segments
was determined using an aggregate level of mortality experience pursuant to
Section 9.C.2.d.
Guidance Note: T
he same level of aggregation is used in Section 9.C.2.d for determining company
experience mortality rates, Section 9.C.5.b for determining credibility, and Section 9.C.7.b.ii for
determining the value of D. Thus, when determining the value of D, all claims being aggregated
will have used the same credibility method in Section 9.C.5.
iii. Establish the sufficient data period S, as follows:
S = min{A, D}
iv. For each issue age x, determine the values of M, E, Z and G, where:
M = min{(S + B), 100 x} = the maximum number of policy durations for which
the company is permitted to use 100% of the company experience mortality rates.
E = the last policy duration at which the company chooses to use 100% of the
company experience mortality rates, equal to any policy duration chosen by the
company that is less than or equal to M.
Z = min{(S + C), 100 x} = the last policy duration at which the company is
permitted to use less than 100% of the industry mortality rate.
G = the last policy duration at which the company chooses to use less than 100%
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of the industry mortality rate, which must be greater than or equal to E and less
than or equal to Z.
v. For each policy in a given mortality segment, from the start of the projection
through policy duration E, the prudent estimate mortality assumptions are the
company experience mortality rates (as defined in Section 9.C.2), plus the
prescribed margin pursuant to Section 9.C.6.b, and further adjusted by any
applicable margin changes pursuant to Section 9.C.6.d or Section 9.C.6.e.
vi. Beginning in the first policy duration after policy duration E, the prudent estimate
mortality assumptions for each policy in a given mortality segment are determined
as a weighted average of the company experience mortality rates with margins and
the applicable industry basic table with margins, in which the weights on the
company rates grade linearly from 100% down to 0%. This grading must be
completedi.e., must reach 100% of industry tableno later than the beginning
of the first policy duration after policy duration Z (the determination of the
applicable industry basic table is described in Section 9.C.3). Thus, the prudent
estimate mortality rate, prior to any adjustments pursuant to Sections 9.C.7.c,
9.C.7.d, 9.C.7.e, and 9.C.7.f below, is:
) + (1-W
= 1 for 1<t<E
= [G+1-t] /[G+1-E] for E<tG
= 0 for t>G
is the company experience mortality rate, including
any applicable improvement pursuant to Section 9.C.2.h, with margin for policy
year t.
is the industry table mortality rate, including any applicable improvement
pursuant to Section 9.C.3.g, plus margin for policy year t.
vii. For each policy within a given mortality segment, the sufficient data period,
grading period and policy durations are measured from the issue date of the policy,
not from the valuation date. The projection for a policy commences at the valuation
date, using the prudent estimate mortality rate for whatever duration the policy is
in at that point.
Guidance Note: The following examples for a policy issued at age 35 on Jan. 1, 2021, illustrate
how grading is to be performed.
Example 1
Suppose the valuation date is Dec. 31, 2025. Assume a credibility score of 96%. Based on the
Grading Table:
A = 50
B = 10
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C = 25
Assume the last policy duration that has 50 or more claims is 30, so D = 30.
S = min{A,D} = min{50, 30} = 30 = sufficient data period
M = min{(S + B), 100 x} = min{(30 + 10), 65} = 40
E = 40
Z = min{(S + C), 100x} = min{(30 + 25), 65} = 55
G = 55
In this example, the company would set the prudent estimate mortality assumption at 100% of
company experience mortality, plus the prescribed margin, plus any additional margin, for policy
durations 140. However, policy durations 15 are already in the past and would not come into
play. For this particular policy, only the first 35 years of the projection (policy durations 6–40)
would use prudent mortality rates that are 100% company experience. Starting in policy duration
41, the company would linearly grade from the company experience mortality rates with margins
to 100% of the applicable industry basic table with margins. The company must be using 100% of
the applicable industry basic table with margins no later than the beginning of policy duration 56.
Thus, for policy duration 47, for instance, the prudent estimate mortality rate would be:
) + (7/16)(
At a valuation date two years later at Dec. 31, 2027, if a new mortality study had not been run and
S was still 30, only the first 33 years of the projection (policy durations 840) would be using
prudent mortality rates that are 100% company experience.
More newly issued policies with issue age 35 would be using more years of 100% company
experience than the policy in this example.
Example 2
Suppose that for the same case the company elected to begin grading five years earlier than
required, but not end the grading any sooner than required. In this case, grading must be completed
no later than the beginning of policy duration 56, just as in the example above. Electing to begin
grading early does not change the policy duration by which grading to 100% of the applicable
industry basic table with margins must be completed. The policy duration 47 prudent mortality rate
would be:
) + (12/21)(
Example 3
Same as Example 1, but the company elected to end grading seven years earlier than required. The
company would therefore reach 100% of industry rates at the start of policy duration 49 instead of
the start of policy duration 56. In this case, the company would set the prudent estimate mortality
assumption at 100% of company experience mortality, plus the prescribed margin, plus any
additional margin, for policy durations 1–40. The policy duration 47 prudent rate would be:
) + (7/9)(
c. Smoothing may be used within each mortality segment to ensure that an
appropriate relationship exists by attained age within each mortality segment. Such
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smoothing must be done in a manner that does not result in a material change in
total expected claims for the mortality segment.
d. The company may adjust the resulting mortality rates within each mortality
segment to ensure the resulting prudent estimate produces a reasonable
relationship with assumptions in other mortality segments that reflects the
underwriting class or risk class of each mortality segment. Such adjustments must
be done in a manner that does not result in a material change in total expected
claims for all mortality segments in the aggregate.
e. Adjust the prudent estimate mortality assumptions to reflect differences associated
with impaired lives and differences due to policyholder behavior if there is a
reasonable expectation that due to conditions such as changes in premiums or other
policy provisions, policyholder behavior will lead to mortality results that vary
from the mortality results that would otherwise be expected.
i. The adjustment for impaired lives shall follow established actuarial
practice, including the use of mortality adjustments determined from
clinical and other data.
ii. The adjustment for policyholder behavior shall follow common actuarial
practice, including the use of dynamic adjustments to base mortality.
f. Twenty years of future mortality improvement that the company anticipates
beyond the valuation date shall be applied to the prudent estimate assumptions for
mortality, using prudent future mortality improvement factors no greater than the
loaded factors determined by the SOA, adopted by the Life Actuarial (A) Task
Force, and published on the SOA website, at
, (Individual Life
Insurance Mortality Improvement Scale – for Use with AG38/VM20 – 20XX).
Guidance Note: M
ortality improvement may be positive or negative (i.e., deterioration). The
anticipated mortality improvement may be lower than the rates published by the SOA, even zero,
for example, if the company’s best estimate for mortality improvement for a particular block, such
as simplified issue, is lower.
To allow time for companies to reflect the updated mortality improvement rates,
the rates that are to be used in the year-end YYYY valuation should be adopted by
the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force and published on the SOA website by September
of YYYY. If this timeline is not met, then at the company’s option it may use the
mortality improvement rates for the prior year (year YYYY-1).
D. Policyholder Behavior Assumptions
1. General Prudent Estimate Policyholder Behavior Assumption Requirements
The company shall determine prudent estimate policyholder behavior assumptions such
that the assumptions:
a. Reflect expectations regarding variations in anticipated policyholder behavior
relative to characteristics that have a material impact on the modeled reserve,
which may include gender, attained age, issue age, policy duration, time to
maturity, tax status, level of account and cash surrender value, surrender charges,
transaction fees or other policy charges, distribution channel, product features, and
whether the policyholder and insured are the same person.
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b. Are appropriate for the block of business being valued, giving due consideration
to other assumptions used in conjunction with the cash-flow model and to the
scenarios whose results are likely to contribute to the modeled reserve.
c. Are based on actual experience data directly applicable to the block of business
being valued (i.e., direct data) when available. In the absence of directly applicable
data, the company should next use available data from any other block of business
that is similar to the block of business being valued, whether or not that block of
business is directly written by the company. If data from a similar block of business
are used, the company shall adjust the anticipated experience assumption to reflect
material differences between the business being valued and the similar block of
d. Reflect the outcomes and events exhibited by historical experience only to the
extent such experience is relevant to the risk being modeled.
e. Reflect the likelihood that policyholder behavior will be affected by any significant
increase in the value of a product option, such as term conversion privileges or
policy loans.
f. Are assigned to policies in a manner that provides an appropriate level of
Guidance Note: Anticipated experience policyholder behavior assumptions for policyholder
behavior risk factors include, but are not limited to, assumptions for premium payment patterns,
premium persistency, surrenders, withdrawals, allocations between available investment and
crediting options, benefit utilization, and other option elections that could contain an element of
anti-selection. For fixed premium products, many of the premium payment patterns, premium
persistency and partial withdrawal behavior assumptions may not apply and do not need to be
2. Dynamic Modeling
a. The company shall use a dynamic model or other scenario-dependent formulation
to determine anticipated policyholder behavior unless the behavior can be
appropriately represented by static assumptions.
b. For risk factors that are modeled dynamically, the company shall use a reasonable
range of future expected behavior that is consistent with the economic scenarios
and other variables in the model.
c. The company is not required to model extreme or “catastrophic” forms of behavior
in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
3. Margins for Prudent Estimate Policyholder Behavior Assumptions
The company shall establish margins for policyholder behavior assumptions in compliance
with Section 9.B subject to the following:
a. To the extent that there is an absence of relevant and fully credible data, the
company shall determine the margin such that the policyholder behavior
assumption is shifted toward the conservative end of the plausible range of
behavior, which is the end of the range that serves to increase the modeled reserve.
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b. The company must assume that policyholdersefficiency will increase over time
unless the company has relevant and credible experience or clear evidence to the
c. The company must reflect the data uncertainty associated with using data from a
similar but not identical block of business to determine the anticipated experience
d. The company shall establish a higher margin for partial withdrawal and surrender
assumptions in the case where the company’s marketing or administrative
practices encourage anti-selection.
e. The company shall perform testing to determine whether the modeled reserve is
materially affected by variations in the size and direction of the margin, and it shall
do so using a methodology that recognizes that the appropriate size and/or
direction of a margin in the early durations may be quite different from that in later
durations. If the impact on the modeled reserve is material, the company shall
establish margins accordingly.
Guidance Note: For example, the lapse rate margins on a level term plan may increase lapses in
the first few years but decrease lapses for the remainder of the level term period.
4. Additional Sensitivity Testing for Policyholder Behavior Assumptions
The company shall examine the sensitivity of assumptions on the modeled reserve as
required under Section 9.A.7 and shall at a minimum sensitivity test:
a. Premium payment patterns, premium persistency, surrenders, partial withdrawals,
allocations between available investment and crediting options, benefit utilization,
and other option elections if relevant to the risks in the product.
b. For policies that give policyholders flexibility in the timing and amount of
premium payments:
i. Minimum premium scenario.
ii. No further premium payment scenario.
iii. Pre-payment of premiums Single premium scenario.
iv. Pre-payment of premiums – Level premium scenario.
5. For a universal life policy that guarantees coverage to remain in force as long as the
secondary guarantee requirement is met and during projection periods in which the cash
surrender value is zero or minimal, industry experience, for purposes of complying with
Section 9.A.6, shall be the Lapse Experience Under Term-to-100 Insurance Policies
published by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries in September 2015. During projection
periods in which the cash surrender value of such policy is zero or minimal, the assumption
shall grade from credible company experience to the rates in the Lapse Experience Under
Term-to-100 Insurance Policies published by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries in
September 2015 in five projection years from the last duration where substantially credible
experience is available.
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Guidance Note: The term “minimal cash surrender value” means that the cash surrender value is
of such small value that its presence would not significantly affect a policyholder’s decision to
lapse the policy in comparison to a situation with zero cash surrender value.
6. Post-Level Term Period
a. For the calculation of the DR, for a term life policy issued Jan. 1, 2017, and later
in which level or near level premiums are guaranteed or expected for a specified
duration, followed by a substantial premium increase, for the period following that
substantial premium increase, the company shall compare the present value of cash
inflows to the present value of cash outflows. If the present value of cash inflows
exceeds the present value of cash outflows for the policy, then the company shall
assume a 100% lapse rate at the end of the level term period so that no post-level
term profits are reflected in the DR calculation. If the present value of cash inflows
is less than the present value of cash outflows for the policy, the post-level term
losses shall be reflected in the DR calculation.
b. For the calculation of the SR for a term life policy subject to Section 9.D.6.a and
for the calculation of the DR and the SR for a term policy issued before Jan. 1,
2017, in which level or near level premiums are guaranteed or expected for a
specified duration, followed by a substantial premium increase, for the period
following that substantial premium increase, the lapse and mortality assumptions
shall be adjusted, or margins added, such that the policy’s present value of cash
inflows in excess of cash outflows assumed shall be limited to reflect the relevance
and credibility of the experience, approaching zero for periods where the
underlying data have low or no credibility or relevance.
Guidance Note: A seriatim comparison of the present value of post-level term cash inflows and
outflows must be performed. For policies subject to Section 9.D.6.a, the 100% lapse rate
assumption at the end of the level term period applies only to those policies with post-level term
profits. Similarly, for policies subject to Section 9.D.6.b, adjustments to limit post-level term profits
must be made at a seriatim level, and post-level term losses must be reflected in the reserve
This does not preclude a company from using a simplified approach consistent with VM-20 Section
2.G. For example, testing on a representative number of key cells could be performed to verify that
no post-level term profits are reflected in the DR calculation.
Guidance Note: Section 9.D.6.b applies to a term policy issued before Jan. 1, 2017, that is valued
using Actuarial Guideline XLVIIIActuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements for the
Reinsurance of Policies Required to be Valued under Sections 6 and 7 of the NAIC Valuation of
Life Insurance Policies Model Regulation (Model 830) (AG 48) or Model #787.
E. Expense Assumptions
1. General Prudent Estimate Expense Assumption Requirements
In determining prudent estimate expense assumptions, the company:
a. Shall use expense assumptions for the deterministic and stochastic scenarios that
are the same except for differences arising from application of inflation rates.
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b. May spread certain information technology (IT) development costs and other
capital expenditures over a reasonable number of years in accordance with
accepted statutory accounting principles as defined in the SSAPs.
Guidance Note: Care should be taken with regard to the potential interaction with the inflation
assumption above.
c. Shall assume that the company is a going concern.
d. Shall choose an appropriate expense basis that properly aligns the actual expense
to the assumption. If values are not significant, they may be aggregated into a
different base assumption.
Guidance Note: For example, death benefit expenses should be modeled with an expense
assumption that is per death incurred.
e. Shall reflect the impact of inflation.
f. Shall not assume future expense improvements.
g. Shall not include assumptions for federal income taxes (and expenses paid to
provide fraternal benefits in lieu of federal income taxes) and foreign income taxes.
h. Shall use assumptions that are consistent with other related assumptions.
i. Shall use fully allocated expenses.
Guidance Note: Expense assumptions should reflect the direct costs associated with the block of
policies being modeled, as well as indirect costs and overhead costs that have been allocated to the
modeled policies.
j. Shall allocate expenses using an allocation method that is consistent across
company lines of business. Such allocation must be determined in a manner that is
within the range of actuarial practice and methodology and consistent with
applicable ASOPs. Allocations may not be done for the purpose of decreasing the
modeled reserve.
k. Shall reflect expense efficiencies that are derived and realized from the
combination of blocks of business due to a business acquisition or merger in the
expense assumption only when any future costs associated with achieving the
efficiencies are also recognized.
Guidance Note: For example, the combining of two similar blocks of business on the same
administrative system may yield some expense savings on a per unit basis, but any future cost of
the system conversion should also be considered in the final assumption. If all costs for the
conversion are in the past, then there would be no future expenses to reflect in the valuation.
l. Shall reflect the direct costs associated with the policies being modeled, as well as
an appropriate portion of indirect costs and overhead (i.e., expense assumptions
representing fully allocated expenses should be used), including expenses
categorized in the annual statement as “taxes, licenses and fees” (Exhibit 3 of the
annual statement) in the expense assumption.
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m. Shall include acquisition expenses associated with business in force as of the
valuation date and significant non-recurring expenses expected to be incurred after
the valuation date in the expense assumption.
n. For policies sold under a new policy form or due to entry into a new product line,
the company shall use expense factors that are consistent with the expense factors
used to determine anticipated experience assumptions for policies from an existing
block of mature policies taking into account:
i. Any differences in the expected long-term expense levels between the
block of new policies and the block of mature policies.
ii. That all expenses must be fully allocated as required under Section 9.E.1.i
2. Margins for Prudent Estimate Expense Assumptions
The company shall determine margins for expense assumptions according to the
requirements given in Section 9.B.
F. Asset Assumptions
Guidance Note: This subsection includes requirements for prescribed asset default costs, certain
prescribed asset spreads, and handling of uncertainty of timing and amounts of cash flows due to
embedded options in the assets.
1. Procedure for Setting Annual Default Cost Factors by Projection Year for Starting Fixed
Income Assets with an NAIC Designation
The company shall determine a set of total annual default cost factors, by projection year,
for each starting fixed income asset that has an NAIC designation, expressed as percentages
of the statement value in each projection year. In making such determination for each asset,
the company shall use certain inputs from company records according to Section 9.F.2,
assign a PBR credit rating according to the procedure in Section 9.F.3, and use prescribed
tables or other sources as indicated in this subsection and contained or referenced in
Appendix 2. The total annual default cost factor in each year shall be the sum of three
prescribed components (a) + (b) + (c) as follows:
a. The “baseline annual default cost factor” in all projection years shall be taken from
the most current available baseline default cost table published by the NAIC using
the PBR credit rating and weighted average life (WAL) of the asset on the
valuation date. The methodology for creating this table can be found in Appendix
2 of VM-20.
b. The “spread related factor” shall grade linearly in yearly steps from the prescribed
amount in year one to zero in years four and after. The prescribed amount in year
one may be positive or negative and shall be calculated as follows:
i. Multiply 25% by the result of (ii) minus (iii).
ii. The current market benchmark spread published by the NAIC consistent
with the PBR credit rating and WAL of the asset on the valuation date.
iii. The most current available long-term benchmark spread published by the
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iv. The resulting amount shall not be less than the negative of the baseline
annual default cost in year one and shall not be greater than two times the
baseline annual default cost in year one.
c. The “maximum net spread adjustment factor” shall be the same amount for each
starting fixed income asset within a model segment and shall grade linearly in
yearly steps from the prescribed amount in year one to zero in years four and after.
The prescribed amount in year one shall be calculated as follows:
i. For each asset included in the model segment and subject to this Section
9.F.1, calculate a preliminary year one net spread equal to the option
adjusted spread of the asset on the valuation date less the sum of the
amounts from Section 9.F.1.a and Section 9.F.1.b for the asset and less the
investment expense for the asset.
ii. Calculate a weighted average preliminary year one net spread for the
model segment using a weight applied to the amount in Section 9.F.1.c.i
for each asset equal to that asset’s statement value on the valuation date
multiplied by the lesser of three years and the asset’s WAL on the
valuation date.
iii. Calculate the amount in Section 9.F.1.c.i for a hypothetical asset with the
following assumed characteristics (the regulatory threshold asset):
a) A PBR credit rating of 9.
b) A WAL equal to the average WAL on the valuation date for the
assets in the model segment and subject to Section 9.F.1.
c) An option adjusted spread equal to the current market benchmark
spread published by the NAIC for the assumed PBR credit rating
and WAL. The methodology for determining this published
spread can be found in Appendix 2.
d) Investment expense of 0.10%.
iv. The prescribed amount in year one is the excess, if any, of the result in
Section 9.F.1.c.ii over the result in Section 9.F.1.c.iii.
Guidance Note: A broader explanation for this factor: For each model segment, a comparison is
to be made of two spread amounts, both being net of the default costs calculated thus far and net of
investment expenses. In each case, the gross option adjusted spread is based on current market
prices at the valuation date. The first result represents the weighted average net spread for all the
assets in the model segment (and subject to this subparagraph), as if all the assets were purchased
at their current market spreads. The second result represents the net spread for a portfolio of index
Baa bonds (NAIC 2, PBR credit rating of 9) as if the index Baa portfolio were purchased at the
current average market spread. If the first result is higher than the second, additional default costs
must be added to each asset until the two results are equal for the first projection year. This
additional amount of default cost on each asset then grades off linearly in the model until it reaches
zero in year four and after. This process is repeated each actual valuation date. A company that
invests in an asset mix earning an average gross spread greater than Baa bonds initially or an asset
mix whose average market spread could widen significantly relative to market spreads for Baa
bonds are examples of situations likely to trigger additional assumed default costs either initially
or in the future.
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2. Company-Determined Inputs for Each Asset
The company shall determine certain items for each asset that are necessary to calculate
the total annual default cost factors:
a. “Investment expense” for each asset shall mean the company’s anticipated
experience assumption for assets of the same type, expressed as an annual
percentage of statement value.
b. “Option adjusted spread (OAS)” for each asset shall mean the average spread over
zero coupon Treasury bonds that equates a bond’s market price as of the valuation
date with its modeled cash flows across an arbitrage free set of stochastic interest
rate scenarios. For floating rate bonds, the OAS shall be calculated as the
equivalent spread over Treasuries if the bonds were swapped to a fixed rate.
Market conventions and other approximations are acceptable for the purposes of
this subsection.
c. “Weighted average life (WAL)” for each asset means, for any fixed-income
security that has either a maturity date or a redemption date, the weighted average
number of years from the valuation date until 100% of the outstanding principal is
expected to be repaid. Market conventions and other approximations are
In selecting the Benchmark Spread from Table F, Table G, Table H or Table I, identify the
appropriate term from the “WAL” column as follows:
(i) For a bond that has a maturity date, or a preferred stock issue that has a
redemption date, use the WAL, rounded to the nearest term available in
the “WAL” column, but not exceeding 30; and
(ii) For a bond that does not have a maturity date, or a preferred stock issue that
does not have a redemption date, use 30.
Then select the spread corresponding to that term and the bond’s PBR credit rating.
For a swap, refer to the nearest Term to Maturity shown in Table J.
Guidance Note: OAS is a metric used for callable corporate bonds and other bonds with
optionality, such as residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS). Any excess of the nominal
spread of an asset over its OAS represents additional return for taking on the risk of embedded
options. This additional return is not considered when using OAS to make adjustments to annual
default cost factors because the additional return is assumed to be related to the cost of embedded
options that must be modeled directly by the company along each scenario in the cash-flow model.
(See Section 9.F.8.) OAS is dependent on market prices, which may be gathered by companies in
a variety of ways for financial reporting purposes. For instance, prices and OAS may be developed
internally for assets with less relative liquidity, such as private placements. The general sources of
market prices used to determine OAS, as well as the method or source for the OAS calculation,
should be documented in the PBR Actuarial Report. In some cases, OAS may not be available due
to unavailability of market prices. When such is the case, the asset may be excluded from the
particular calculation.
3. Determination of PBR Credit Rating
a. Table K, referenced in Appendix 2 Section H, converts the ratings of NAIC
approved ratings organizations (AROs) and NAIC designations to a numeric rating
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system from 1 through 20 that is to be used in the steps below. A rating of 21
applies for any ratings of lower quality than those shown in the table.
b. For an asset with an NAIC designation that is derived solely by reference to
underlying ARO ratings without adjustment, the company shall determine the PBR
credit rating as the average of the numeric ratings corresponding to each available
ARO rating, rounded to the nearest whole number.
c. For an asset that is not a commercial mortgage and that has an NAIC designation
that is not derived solely by reference to underlying ARO ratings without
adjustment, the company shall determine the PBR credit rating as the second least
favorable numeric rating associated with that NAIC designation.
d. For a commercial or agricultural mortgage loan, the company shall determine the
PBR credit rating as the Table K lookup of the numeric rating corresponding to the
loan’s NAIC commercial mortgages (CM) category, where the latter is assigned
by the company in accordance with NAIC life RBC instructions.
Guidance Note: The 1 through 21 PBR credit rating system attempts to provide a more granular
assessment of credit risk than has been used for establishing NAIC designations for RBC and asset
valuation reserve (AVR) purposes. The reason is that unlike for RBC and AVR, the VM-20 reserve
cash-flow models start with the gross yield of each asset and make deductions for asset default
costs. The portion of the yield represented by the purchase spread over Treasuries is often
commensurate with the more granular rating assigned, such as A+ or A-. Thus, use of the PBR
credit rating system may provide a better match of risk and return for an overall portfolio in the
calculation of VM-20 reserves. However, for assets that have an NAIC designation that does not
rely directly on ARO ratings, a more granular assessment consistent with the designation approach
is not currently available.
Guidance Note: The Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC Investment Analysis Office
(P&P Manual), which establishes the rules for setting NAIC designations, underwent significant
change during 20092010, particularly in the area of assessing the credit risk of structured
securities. The NAIC Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force implemented an interim solution in
2009 to set designations for non-agency RMBS based on modeling by a third-party firm. The Task
Force is developing a long-term solution for these and other structured securities, such as
commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), that may involve a combination of modeling and
other methods, such as “notching up” or “notching down” the result derived by reference to ARO
ratings. In all such cases where the ARO rating basis is either not used at all or is adjusted in some
way, the intent is that paragraph (c) be used to determine the PBR credit rating. Another common
example where (c) is to be used would be securities that are not Securities Valuations Office (SVO)
filing exempt (FE), such as many private placement bonds. For example, a private placement that
was not FE and was rated by the SVO as NAIC 1 would be assigned a PBR credit rating of 6
(second least favorable), equivalent to A2.
4. Special Situations
For an asset handled under Section 9.F.3.c and for which the NAIC designation varies
depending on the company’s carrying value of the asset, the company must avoid
overstatement of the net return of the asset when projecting future payments of principal
and interest together with the prescribed annual default costs.
Guidance Note: For example, if a non-agency RMBS is rated NAIC 2 if held at a particular
company’s carrying value but NAIC 4 if held at par, and that company’s cash-flow model first
projects the full recovery of scheduled principal and interest, it would be more appropriate to then
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deduct annual default costs consistent with NAIC 4 rather than NAIC 2. If the company’s cash-
flow model has already incorporated a reduced return of principal and interest consistent with the
company’s carrying value, then it would be more appropriate to deduct annual default costs
consistent with NAIC 2. Modeling of assets with impairments is an emerging topic, and methods
for handling in vendor and company projection models vary.
5. Annual Default Cost Factors for Starting Fixed Income Assets without an NAIC
For starting assets that do not have an NAIC designation, the default assumption shall be
established such that the net yield shall be capped at 104% of the applicable corresponding
historical Treasury yield rate most closely coinciding with the dates of purchase and
maturity structure of supporting assets plus 25 basis points (bps).
6. Annual Default Cost Factors for Reinvestment Fixed Income Assets
The sets of annual default cost factors for reinvestment fixed income assets are determined
following the same process as for starting fixed income assets except that Section 9.F.1.c
does not apply to reinvestment assets.
7. Amount of Assumed Default Costs
The assumed default costs in the cash-flow model for a projection interval shall be the sum
over all fixed income assets of the result of the total annual default cost factor for each
asset, adjusted appropriately for the length of the projection interval, multiplied by the
appropriate credit exposure for each asset.
8. Procedure for Setting Prescribed Gross Asset Spreads by Projection Year for Certain Asset
Transactions and Operations in the Cash-Flow Model
a. Gross asset spreads over Treasuries for public non-callable corporate bonds
purchased in projection year one shall be the current market benchmark spreads
published by the NAIC consistent with the PBR credit rating and WAL of assets
b. Gross asset spreads over Treasuries for public non-callable corporate bonds
purchased in projection years four and after shall be the most current available
long-term benchmark spreads published by the NAIC consistent with the PBR
credit rating and WAL of assets purchased.
c. The prescribed gross asset spreads for these asset types shall grade linearly
between year one and year four in yearly steps.
d. Interest rate swap spreads over Treasuries shall be prescribed by the NAIC for use
throughout the cash-flow model wherever appropriate for transactions and
operations including, but not limited to, purchase, sale, settlement, cash flows of
derivative positions and reset of floating rate investments. A current and long-term
swap spread curve shall be prescribed for year one and years four and after,
respectively, with yearly grading in between.
i. The current prescribed swap spread curve shall be the Secured Overnight
Financing Rate (SOFR) swap curve.
ii. The long-term SOFR swap spread curve, given that the SOFR swap
market did not emerge before late 2021 and the SOFR is an index for
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which there is no official data before April 2, 2018, shall be calculated
based on 15 year moving averages of prescribed estimates of historical
SOFR swap spreads for valuation dates prior to June 30, 2037.
Guidance Note: Actuarial judgment may be required in the use of prescribed swap
spreads (e.g., in the case where the company has a financial instrument with
floating rate payments based on an index that is not prescribed by the NAIC [e.g.,
one-month SOFR or three-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)]).
9. Basis of NAIC Long-Term Benchmark Spreads
The prescribed long-term benchmark spread table established by the NAIC shall to the
extent practicable:
a. Reflect recent historical market data based on actual daily trading activity.
b. Reflect an expanding observation period that uses the most recent reported data,
with a minimum observation period of seven years expanding to a maximum
observation period of 15 years.
c. Be based on an “85% conditional mean” of the periodic market data. This measure
is defined as the mean obtained after excluding from the observation period the
trading days involving the 7.5% highest and 7.5% lowest observed spreads for “A”
rated 7- to 10-year maturities or other most similar asset category available from
the source data. For other asset categories, the mean shall be obtained after
excluding the same trading days that were excluded for the primary asset category.
d. Provide a table of bond spreads by PBR credit rating and WAL and swap spreads
by maturity. If needed, interpolation and/or smoothing techniques should be
applied to the source data to provide sufficient granularity and logical relationships
by credit quality.
Guidance Note: Long-term prescribed spreads are targeted at the historical mean because any
biased measure could either add or subtract conservatism depending on whether assets are
predominantly being purchased or being sold in the cash-flow model. The conditional mean
concept is intended to limit the volatility of the long-term prescribed spreads from one valuation
date to the next by excluding a limited number of observations in both tails within the averaging
period. Empirical analysis during the 20002009 time period showed little change in volatility or
the level of prescribed spreads from excluding more than the highest and lowest 7.5% observations.
10. Modeling of Embedded Options in Assets
Reflect any uncertainty in the timing and amounts of asset cash flows related to the paths
of interest rates, equity returns, or other economic values contained in the various scenarios
directly in the projection of asset cash flows under the various scenarios within the SR
calculation model and under the deterministic scenario within the DR calculation model.
Guidance Note: For example, model the impact on cash flows of embedded prepayment, extension
and call, and put options in a manner consistent with current asset adequacy analysis practice.
G. Revenue-Sharing Assumptions
1. The company may include income from projected future revenue sharing (as defined in
these requirements equals gross revenue-sharing income (GRSI)) net of applicable
projected expenses (net revenue-sharing income) in cash-flow projections, if:
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a. The GRSI is received by the company.
b. A signed contractual agreement or agreements are in place as of the valuation date
and support the current payment of the GRSI.
c. The GRSI is not already accounted for directly or indirectly as a company asset.
2. For purposes of this section, GRSI is considered to be received by the company if it is paid
directly to the company through a contractual agreement with either the entity providing
the GRSI or an affiliated company that receives the GRSI. The GRSI also would be
considered to be received if it is paid to a subsidiary that is owned by the company and if
100% of the statutory income from that subsidiary is reported as statutory income of the
company. In this case, the company shall assess the likelihood that future GRSI is reduced
due to the reported statutory income of the subsidiary being less than future GRSI received.
3. If the requirements in Section 9.G.1 are not met, and the GRSI is not included in cash-flow
projections, applicable projected expenses also are not included.
4. In determining the anticipated experience assumption for the GRSI, the company shall
reflect factors that include, but are not limited to, the following (not all of these factors will
necessarily be present in all situations):
a. The terms and limitations of the agreement(s), including anticipated revenue,
associated expenses and any contingent payments incurred or made by either the
company or the entity providing the GRSI as part of the agreement(s).
b. The relationship between the company and the entity providing the GRSI that
might affect the likelihood of payment and the level of expenses.
c. The benefits and risks to both the company and the entity paying the GRSI of
continuing the arrangement.
d. The likelihood that the company will collect the GRSI during the term(s) of the
agreement(s) and the likelihood of continuing to receive future revenue after the
agreement(s) has ended.
e. The ability of the company to replace the services provided to it by the entity
providing the GRSI or to provide the services itself, along with the likelihood that
the replaced or provided services will cost more to provide.
f. The ability of the entity providing the GRSI to replace the services provided to it
by the company or to provide the services itself, along with the likelihood that the
replaced or provided services will cost more to provide.
5. The company shall include all expenses required or assumed to be incurred by the company
in conjunction with the arrangement providing the GRSI, as well as any assumed expenses
incurred by the company in conjunction with the assumed replacement of the services
provided to it in the projections as a company expense. In addition, the company shall
include expenses incurred by either the entity providing the net revenue-sharing income or
an affiliate of the company in the applicable expenses that reduce the GRSI.
6. In determining the prudent estimate of projected GRSI, the company shall reflect a margin
(which decreases the assumed GRSI) related to the uncertainty of the revenue. Such
uncertainty is driven by many factors, including, but not limited to, the potential for
changes in industry trends. Contractually guaranteed GRSI shall not reflect a margin,
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although company expenses related to contractually guaranteed GRSI shall reflect a
7. The company is responsible for reviewing the revenue-sharing agreements that apply to
that group of policies and verifying compliance with these requirements.
8. The amount of net revenue-sharing income assumed in a given scenario shall be applied
with a margin to reflect any uncertainty but shall not exceed the sum of (a) and (b), where:
a. Is the contractually guaranteed GRSI, net of applicable expenses, projected under
the scenario.
b. Is the company’s estimate of non-contractually guaranteed net revenue-sharing
income before reflecting any margins for uncertainty multiplied by
the following
i. 1.0 in the first projection year.
ii. 0.95 in the second projection year.
iii. 0.90 in the third projection year.
iv. 0.85 in the fourth projection year.
v. 0.80 in the fifth and all subsequent projection years.
Guidance Note: Provisions such as one that gives the entity paying the GRSI the option to stop or
change the level of income paid would prevent the income from being guaranteed. However, if
such an option becomes available only at a future point in time, and the revenue up to that time is
guaranteed, the income is considered guaranteed up to the time the option first becomes available.
Guidance Note: If the agreement allows the company to unilaterally take control of the underlying
fund fees that ultimately result in the GRSI, then the revenue is considered guaranteed up until the
time at which the company can take such control. Since it is unknown whether the company can
perform the services associated with the revenue-sharing arrangement at the same expense level, it
is presumed that expenses will be higher in this situation. Therefore, the revenue-sharing income
shall be reduced to account for any actual or assumed additional expenses.
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Appendix 1: Additional Description of Economic Scenarios
The prescribed economic scenario generator can be found on the SOA’s website at
A. Generating Interest Rates
The prescribed economic scenario generator uses three random numbers per period. These are:
1. A random shock to the 20-year Treasury rate.
2. A random shock to the spread between 1-year and 20-year Treasury rates.
3. A random shock to the volatility.
In generating the scenarios for the SERT, zero shocks to volatility are used.
When generating scenarios for the SERT, upward shocks to the 20-year Treasury are associated
with downward shocks to the spread, making the yield curve less steep (or potentially inverted).
The prescribed mean reversion parameter described in Section D shall be used in calculating the
arios based on the prescribed scenario generator.
The prescribed economic scenario generator can be found on the SOA’s website at
B. Generating Equity Returns
The equity returns scenarios can be generated using the prescribed economic scenario generator,
located on the SOA’s website at
C. Source of U.S. Treasury Interest Rates
Treasury interest rates can be found at the website:
D. Prescribed Mean Reversion Parameter
The mean reversion point for the 20-year Treasury bond rate is dynamic, based on historical interest
rates as they emerge.
The formula for the dynamic mean reversion point is:
20% of the median 20-year Treasury bond rate over the last 600 months.
+ 30% of the average 20-year Treasury bond rate over the last 120 months.
+ 50% of the average 20-year Treasury bond rate over the last 36 months.
The result is then rounded to the nearest 0.25%.
The mean reversion point for use in the generator changes once per year, in January, and is based
on historical rates through the end of the prior year. While the mean reversion point is dynamic
depending on the date from which a scenario starts, it remains constant (rather than dynamic) across
all time periods after the scenario start date, for purposes of generating the scenario.
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The historical 20-year Treasury bond rate for each month is the rate reported for the last business
day of the month.
E. This section describes the set of 16 scenarios for the SERT in VM-20. Starting with the yield
curve on the valuation date, the scenarios are created using the Academy’s stochastic scenario
generator using predefined sets of random numbers, where each random number is a sample from
a normal distribution with mean zero and variance 1.
The rationale for this approach is twofold. First, the scenarios should be realistic in that they
could be produced by the generator. Second, in some way the likelihood of any scenario occurring
can be measured.
e way to measure the likelihood of a scenario occurring is to measure the likelihood of its series
of random shocks—that
s, the random numbers used in the generator. Given any sequence of
random numbers, their sum can be compared with a mean of zero and a standard error equal to the
square root of the number of deviates in the sequence. With the mean and standard error, we can
determine, in a crude way, where the sum of deviates in our sequence lies in
e distribution of
the sum of all such sequences.
r example, if we want a sequence that is always one standard error above average, we start with
a value of 1.0 as the first deviate. The value of the n
deviate is the excess of the square root of
n over the square root of n-1. So, the second value is 1.414 1 = 0.414, and the third value is
1.732 – 1.414 = 0.318.
Scenario 1 – Pop up, high equity
Interest rate shocks are selected to maintain the cumulative shock at the 90% level (1.282 standard
errors). Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 90% level.
Scenario 2 – Pop up, low equity
Interest rate shocks are selected to maintain the cumulative shock at the 90% level (1.282 standard
errors). Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 10% level.
Scenario 3 – Pop down, high equity
Interest rate shocks are selected to maintain the cumulative shock at the 10% level (1.282 standard
errors). Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 90% level.
Scenario 4 – Pop down, low equity
Interest rate shocks are selected to maintain the cumulative shock at the 10% level (1.282 standard
errors). Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 10% level.
Scenario 5 – Up/down, high equity
Interest rate shocks are selected that, for each five-year period, are consistently in the same
direction. The cumulative shock for each five-year period is at the 90% level during “up” periods
and at the 10% level during “down” periods.
Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 90% level.
Scenario 6 – Up/down, low equity
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Interest rate shocks are selected that, for each five-year period, are consistently in the same
direction. The cumulative shock for each five-year period is at the 90% level during “up” periods
and at the 10% level during “down” periods.
Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 10% level.
Scenario 7 – Down/up, high equity
Interest rate shocks are selected that, for each five-year period, are consistently in the same
direction. The cumulative shock for each five-year period is at the 90% level during “up” periods
and at the 10% level during “down” periods.
Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 90% level.
Scenario 8 – Down/up, low equity
Interest rate shocks are selected that, for each five-year period, are consistently in the same
direction. The cumulative shock for each five-year period is at the 90% level during “up” periods
and at the 10% level during “down” periods.
Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 10% level.
Scenario 9 Baseline scenario
All shocks are zero.
Scenario 10 – Inverted yield curves
There are no shocks to long-term rates and equities.
There are shocks to the spread between short and long rates that are consistently in the same
direction for each three-year period. The shocks for the first three-year period are in the direction
of reducing the spread (usually causing an inverted yield curve). Shocks for each subsequent three-
year period alternate in direction.
Scenario 11 Volatile equity returns
There are no shocks to interest rates. There are shocks to equity returns that are consistently in the
same direction for each two-year period and then switch directions.
Scenario 12 Deterministic scenario for valuation
There are uniform downward shocks each month for 20 years, sufficient to get down to the one
standard deviation point (84%) on the distribution of 20-year shocks. After 20 years, shocks are
Scenario 13 – Delayed pop up, high equity
There are interest rate shocks that are zero for the first 10 years, followed by 10 years of shocks—
each 1.414 (square root of 2) times those in the first 10 years of Scenario 1. This gives the same
20-year cumulative shock as scenario 1, but all the shock is concentrated in the second 10 years.
After 20 years, the shock is the same as scenario 1.
Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 90% level.
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Scenario 14 – Delayed pop up, low equity
There are interest rate shocks that are zero for the first 10 years, followed by 10 years of shocks—
each 1.414 (square root of 2) times those in the first 10 years of Scenario 2. This gives the same
20-year cumulative shock as scenario 2, but all the shock is concentrated in the second 10 years.
After 20 years, the shock is the same as scenario 1.
Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 10% level.
Scenario 15 – Delayed pop down, high equity
There are interest rate shocks that are zero for the first 10 years, followed by 10 years of shocks—
each 1.414 (square root of 2) times those in the first 10 years of Scenario 3. This gives the same
20-year cumulative shock as scenario 3, but all the shock is concentrated in the second 10 years.
After 20 years, the shock is the same as scenario 3.
Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 90% level.
Scenario 16 – Delayed pop down, low equity
There are interest rate shocks that are zero for the first 10 years, followed by 10 years of shocks—
each 1.414 (square root of 2) times those in the first 10 years of Scenario 4. This gives the same
20-year cumulative shock as scenario 4, but all the shock is concentrated in the second 10 years.
After 20 years, the shock is the same as scenario 4.
Equity returns are selected to maintain the cumulative equity return at the 10% level.
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Appendix 2: Tables for Calculating Asset Default Costs and Asset Spreads, Including Basis of
This appendix describes the basis for certain prescribed asset default cost and asset spread tables to be
updated and published by the NAIC. Asset default cost tables will be updated on an annual basis. The data
source used to update the asset default cost tables is Moody’s. The current market benchmark spreads and
the current benchmark swap spreads will be updated on a monthly basis. The long-term benchmark spreads
and the long-term benchmark swap spreads will be updated on a quarterly basis. The data sources used to
update the spread tables are JP Morgan and Bank of America. The NAIC will provide access to the
published tables via links that may be found on the NAIC website home page (
) under the
Industry tab. These tables are needed for insurers to comply with the requirements of Section 9.F for asset
default costs and asset spreads in VM-20. In some cases, as specified in Section 9.F, tables published in
this appendix will serve as the NAIC published table until a different table is published. The development
of the various tables is described in Section A through Section G of this appendix. Certain tables were
developed based on various source material referenced herein. Other tables are simply compilations or
presentations of data from such sources.
It is important to note up front that the development of prescribed default costs is based entirely on analysis
of corporate bonds. Default costs for other fixed income securities and commercial and agricultural
mortgages are assumed to follow those of corporate bonds with similar NAIC designations through a
mapping tool called “PBR credit rating.” Examples of other fixed income securities are structured
securities, private placements and preferred stocks. Discussions at the NAIC during
2009–2010, particularly at the Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force, focused on the observation that
similarly rated assets of different types may have similar likelihood of default or loss of principal but may
have a significantly different distribution of the severity of that loss. Discussions have particularly focused
on the different drivers of severity between structured securities and corporate bonds. As a result, the
Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force has been developing updated methods to assign NAIC designations
for C-1 RBC purposes for structured securities in order to better take into account these differences. The
VM-20 procedure to assign a PBR credit rating has been structured so that in the cases where the Task
Force decides to go away from directly using the ratings of approved ratings organizations, the PBR credit
rating will be based on the NAIC designation rather than underlying ratings. Where the Task Force
continues to authorize use of underlying ratings, the PBR credit rating also will be based on those ratings.
However, VM-20 uses the underlying ratings to assign the PBR credit rating in a somewhat different
Section 9.F.3 describes the process the company must follow to assign a PBR credit rating for any fixed
income asset with an NAIC designation.
A. Baseline Annual Default Cost Factors
The general process followed to determine the baseline annual default cost factors shown in Table
A (see Section H) was as follows:
1. Determine from historical corporate bond data a matrix of cumulative default rates, for
maturities of one to 10 years and for 20 ratings classes (Aaa, Aa1, Aa2, Aa3 … Caa2, Caa3,
2. Determine also from historical corporate bond data a set of recovery rates that varies only
by rating class.
3. Determine a matrix of baseline annual default cost factors (in bps), where for a given rating,
the baseline annual default cost factor for a bond with maturity or weighted average life of
t = 10,000* (1- Recovery Rate) * (1-[1-Cumulative Default Rate (t)]^[1/t]).
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4. Item 1 and Item 2 above were determined from Moody’s reports that were published in
February 2008. In February 2009 and February 2010, Moody’s published updated versions
of these reports, but there is no commitment from Moody’s to continue updating these
reports in the future. It was not explored whether another source for one or both elements
might be preferable. If the NAIC decides to use Moody’s as the source going forward, then
the matrix of baseline annual default cost factors could be updated after Moody’s publishes
any updated research.
Details of step 1 and step 2 above are contained in Section B and Section C below.
Essentially, step 1 involved gathering from Moody’s historical data the cumulative default
rates for key maturities over many cohort years, ranking those rates and applying a CTE
70 metric. For example, for the period 19702007, representing 37 years, there were 37
one-year cohorts, 33 five-year cohorts and 28 10-year cohorts. A CTE 70 for
10-year maturities involved averaging the eight cohorts with the highest 10-year
cumulative default rates. Step 2 involved gathering from Moody’s historical data the annual
recovery rates for various bond categories from 19822007, ranking those rates, and
calculating sample mean and CTE 70 statistics. The final recovery rate table uses the mean
for higher quality investment grade rating classes and uses the CTE 70 for lower quality
below investment grade rating classes and grades in between.
Among tables published on the NAIC website (See Section H):
a. Table A shows baseline default costs using Moody’s data.
b. Table B shows the baseline default cost margin (Table A rates minus the historical
mean rates).
B. Cumulative Default Rates Used in Baseline Annual Default Cost Factors
The current process to determine cumulative default rates is as follows:
1. Obtain the most recent Moody’s report on default rates (e.g., Moody's 2008-02-11 Special
Comment – Corporate Default & Recovery Rates 1920–2007).
2. Extract one-year, five-year and 10-year average cumulative default rate data by whole letter
rating (e.g., Aaa, Aa, CCC) from the report (e.g., Exhibit 27 Average Cumulative
Issuer-Weighted Global Default Rates, 1970–2007).
3. Extract one-year, five-year and 10-year cumulative default rate cohort data by whole letter
rating from the report (e.g., Exhibit 36 Cumulative Issuer-Weighted Default Rates by
Annual Cohort, 19702007). Calculate the mean of these one-year, five-year and
10-year cumulative default rates, which should be close to the result in item 2 for each
whole letter rating.
4. Sort the data in item 3 to calculate preliminary CTE 70 one-year, five-year and 10-year
cumulative default rates at each whole letter rating.
5. Adjust the result in item 4 to reflect any differences between the result in item 2 and the
result in item 3:
(i.e., the result in item 5 = the result in item 4 + (the result in item 2 – the result in item 3).
6. Use linear interpolation to determine cumulative default rates for maturities two to four
years and six to nine years.
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7. Transform the data into a matrix that varies by ratings category (e.g., Aaa, Aa1, Aa2, Aa3,
A1 … Caa2, Caa3, Ca) using a smoothing algorithm to ensure that in the matrix, the rows
are monotonic by maturity, the columns are monotonic by rating, and to the extent possible
the matrix has a shape comparable to another Moody’s cumulative default rate table that
varies by notch (e.g., Moody’s Idealized Cumulative Default Rates).
8. For maturities greater than 10 years, define baseline annual default cost factors as equal to
those for 10-year maturities.
Among tables published on the NAIC website (See Section H):
a. Table C shows empirical CTE 70 default rates from Moody’s.
b. Table D shows prescribed cumulative default rates derived from Moody’s data.
C. Recovery Rate Used in Baseline Annual Default Cost Factors
The current process to determine the recovery rate is as follows:
1. Obtain the most recent Moody’s report on recovery rates (e.g., Moody's 2008-02-11
Special Comment – Corporate Default & Recovery Rates 1920–2007).
2. Extract historical annual data on recovery rates (e.g., the All Bonds column from Exhibit
22 – Annual Average Defaulted Bond and Loan Recovery Rates, 1982–2007).
3. Determine the mean and CTE 70 of the annual sample observations for each of the different
lien position categories, as well as for the All Bonds category.
Among tables published on the NAIC website (See Section H):
a. Table E1 shows a sorted version of “Exhibit 22 Annual Average Defaulted Bond
and Loan Recovery Rates, 19822007,” and develops the CTE 70 recovery rates
and the implied margin.
Table E1 develops mean and CTE 70 recovery rates for all bonds, as well as for
senior bank loans and five bond lien position categories that make up the All Bonds
statistics. Implementation will be facilitated if VM-20 uses one recovery rate based
on All Bonds rather than using all six lien position categories. Using the more
detailed data would require either companies or the SVO to assign each asset to
one of the categories.
Table E1 also illustrates that bonds that are more senior in the issuers capital
structure tend to have higher recovery rates than bonds that are subordinated.
b. Table E2 shows the final recovery rates that vary by PBR credit rating. This table
was determined by assuming CTE 70 applies for Ba3/BB- and below, mean applies
for Baa1/BBB+ and above, and interpolated recovery rates apply for ratings that
are between Ba3/BB- and Baa1/BBB+. This approach recognizes that investment-
grade bonds are more likely to be senior in the issuer’s capital structure, and below-
investment-grade bonds are more likely to be subordinated. Differentiating by
actual seniority position of each bond was not considered practical. In addition,
because recovery rates and default rates are not 100% correlated and the
cumulative default rates were set at CTE 70, use of the mean recovery rate, at least
for the higher-quality bonds, helps to avoid overly conservative prescribed default
costs for those bonds.
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D. Current Market Benchmark Spreads
Current market benchmark spreads published by the NAIC are intended to represent average market
spreads at the valuation date for public non-callable corporate bonds and interest rate swaps. They
are used to establish the initial spread environment in the cash-flow model for purposes of modeling
reinvestment assets and disinvestment and for modeling prescribed default costs. Section 9.F calls
for both spreads and default costs to grade from initial to long-term conditions by the start of
projection year four. The current process to determine current market benchmark spreads is as
1. Extract the Investment Grade bond index spread data determined as of the last business
day of the month by ratings category and maturity bucket from JP Morgan and Bank of
America. Adjust the Bank of America Investment Grade spread data for the maturity
buckets 1015 years and 15+ years to a single maturity bucket of 10+ years (using a
weighting process) to align with the JP Morgan maturity bucket of 10+ years. Average the
JP Morgan and Bank of America Investment Grade bond spreads as of the last business
day of the month by ratings category and maturity bucket.
2. Extract the Below Investment Grade bond index spread data determined as of the last
business day of the month by ratings category and assume that the Below Investment Grade
spread curve is flat across maturities. Average the JP Morgan and Bank of America Below
Investment Grade bond spreads as of the last business day of the month by ratings category.
3. Transform the averaged spread data into a matrix that varies by ratings category (e.g., Aaa,
Aa1, Aa2, Aa3, A1 …, Caa2, Caa3, Ca) and maturity (1, 2 , 30) using a smoothing
algorithm to ensure that in the matrix: (a) the rows are monotonic by rating category; (b)
the investment grade columns are monotonic by maturity; and (c) the columns on the
borderline between investment grade and below investment grade (Baa3/BBB-) is
interpolated between Baa2/BBB and Ba1/BB+.
4. Publish the resulting Investment Grade and Below Investment Grade current market
benchmark spreads in separate tables.
Among tables published on the NAIC website (See Subsection H):
a. Table F shows Current Market Benchmark Spreads for Investment Grade bonds.
b. Table G shows Current Market Benchmark Spreads for Below Investment Grade
E. Long-Term Benchmark Spreads
Long-term benchmark spreads published by the NAIC are the assumed long-term average spreads
for non-callable public bonds and interest rate swaps. They are used to establish the long-term
spread environment in the cash-flow model for purposes of modeling reinvestment assets and
disinvestment. They are also used as the normative spreads when calculating the spread related
factor in the asset default cost methodology. The current process to determine the long-term
benchmark spreads is as follows:
1. Extract the daily Investment Grade bond index spread data for the prescribed observation
period (rolling 15-year period) ending on the last business day of the quarter by ratings
category and maturity bucket from JP Morgan and Bank of America. Adjust the Bank of
America Investment Grade spread data for the maturity buckets 1015 years and the 15+
years to a single maturity bucket of 10+ years (using a weighting process) to align with the
JP Morgan maturity bucket of 10+ years. Average the JP Morgan and Bank of America
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daily Investment Grade Bond spreads over the observation period by ratings category and
maturity bucket.
2. Extract the daily Below Investment Grade bond index spread data for the prescribed
observation period (rolling 15year period) ending on the last business day of the quarter
by ratings category and assume that the Below Investment Grade spread curve is flat across
Average the JP Morgan and Bank of America daily Below Investment Grade
bond spreads over the observation period by ratings category.
3. For the primary asset rating category (whole letter “A” rated 7- to 10-year maturity bucket),
calculate the “85% conditional mean” by excluding the 7.5% highest and 7.5% lowest daily
observations over the prescribed observation period and then computing the mean of the
remaining business trading day observations.
4. Calculate the “85% conditional mean” for each of the other ratings categories and maturity
buckets over the prescribed observation period after excluding the observations from the
same business trading days excluded in step 3.
5. Transform the averaged spread data into a matrix that varies by rating category (e.g., Aaa,
Aa1, Aa2, Aa3, A1…,Caa2, Caa3, Ca) and maturity (1, 2 … 30) using a smoothing
algorithm to ensure that in the matrix: (a) the rows are monotonic by rating category;
(b) the investment grade columns are monotonic by maturity; and (c) the columns on the
borderline between investment grade and below investment grade (Baa3/BBB-) are
interpolated between Baa2/BBB and Ba1/BB+.
6. Publish the resulting Investment Grade and Below Investment Grade long-term benchmark
spreads in separate tables.
Among tables published on the NAIC website (See Subsection H):
a. Table H shows Long-Term Mean Benchmark Spreads for Investment Grade bonds.
b. Table I shows Long-Term Mean Benchmark Spreads for Below Investment Grade
F. Current Benchmark Swap Spreads
1. For tenors of three months, six months, and one year through 30 years, extract swap spread
data determined as of the last business day of the month by maturity from at least two
nationally recognized providers of this data. If the data source provides swap rates rather
than swap spreads, convert the swap rate for each maturity to a swap spread by subtracting
the corresponding maturity Treasury yield from the swap rate.
2. Average the swap spreads from the data sources by maturity determined as of the last
business day of the month.
3. Publish the Current Benchmark Swap Spreads by maturity in a table.
Guidance Note: Three-month and six-month SOFR swap rates are defined herein as the fixed rate
one party pays at the end of three months or six months in exchange for receiving at such time
three-month SOFR or six-month SOFR, calculated on a compounded in arrears basis.
G. Long-Term Benchmark Swap Spreads
1. Extract daily swap spread data over the prescribed observation period (rolling 15-year
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period) ending on the last business day of the quarter from at least two nationally
recognized providers of this data. If the data source provides swap rates rather than swap
spreads, convert the daily swap rate for each maturity to a swap spread by subtracting the
corresponding maturity Treasury yield from the swap rate.
2. F
or a valuation date during or after 2023 and before 2037, calculate SOFR swap spreads
as follows for each business day on or after the effective date of the adoption by the Life
Actuarial (A) Task Force of SOFR swap spreads as the replacement for swap spreads
previously prescribed:
a. For each maturity, “m” = 0.25, 0.5, 1 … 30 years, and business day “u”:
SOFR swap spread (m,u) = SOFR swap rate (m,u) - Treasury yield (m,u).
3. For a valuation date during or after 2023 and before 2037, for each business day before the
effective date of the adoption by the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force of SOFR swap spreads
as the replacement for swap spreads previously prescribed, utilize Bloomberg’s 2021-03-
05 published USD Spread Adjustments as follows:
a. For each maturity, “m” = 3 or 6 months, and business day “u”:
i. SOFR swap spread (3 months,u) = LIBOR swap spread (3 months,u) -
0.26161% (the USD 3-month Spread Adjustment)
ii. SOFR swap spread (6 months,u) = LIBOR swap spread (6 months,u) -
0.42826% (the USD 6-month Spread Adjustment)
b. For each maturity, “m” = 1 … 30 years, and business day “u”:
SOFR swap spread (m,u) = LIBOR swap spread (m,u) - 0.26161% (the USD 3-month
Spread Adjustment)
4. For a valuation date during or after 2037, calculate SOFR swap spreads as follows for each
business day:
a. For each maturity, “m” = 0.25, 0.5, 1 … 30 years, and business day “u”:
SOFR swap spread (m,u) = SOFR swap rate (m,u) - Treasury yield (m,u).
5. Average the swap spread data from the data sources by maturity over the prescribed
observation (rolling 15-year period).
6. Calculate the Long-Term Benchmark Swap Spreads as the 85% conditional mean for each
of the 32 maturity categories (three-month, six-month, one-year, two-year, … 30-year)
using the same business trading days as were used in the 85% conditional mean for long-
term bonds spreads.
7. Publish the Long-Term Benchmark Swap Spreads in a table.
Among tables published on the NAIC website (See Subsection H). Table J shows Long-
Term Benchmark Swap Spreads.
H. Tables
Current and historical versions of Tables A through K used for calculating asset default costs and
asset spreads are available on the NAIC website home page (
) under the Industry tab
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of the website.
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 21-1
VM-21: Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Variable Annuities
Table of Contents
Section 1: Background ...................................................................................................................
Section 2: Scope and Effective Date .............................................................................................. 21-6
Section 3: Reserve Methodology.................................................................................................... 21-8
Section 4: Determination of the SR ................................................................................................ 21-9
Section 5: Reinsurance Ceded ...................................................................................................... 21-19
Section 6: Requirements for the Additional Standard Projection Amount................................... 21-20
Section 7: Alternative Methodology ............................................................................................ 21-40
Section 8: Scenario Generation .................................................................................................... 21-56
Section 9: Modeling of Hedges Under a CDHS ........................................................................... 21-60
Section 10: Contract Holder Behavior Assumptions ..................................................................... .21-66
Section 11: Guidance and Requirements for Setting Prudent Estimate Mortality Assumptions....21-70
Section 12: Other Guidance and Requirements for Assumptions .................................................. 21-75
Section 13: Allocation of the Aggregate Reserves to the Contract Level………………...............21-75
Section 1: Background
A. Purpose
These requirements establish the minimum reserve valuation standard for VA contracts, and certain
other policies and contracts (“contracts”) as defined in Section 2.A, issued on or after the operative
date of the Valuation Manual as required by Model #820. These requirements constitute the
Commissioners Annuity Reserve Valuation Method (CARVM) for all contracts encompassed by
Section 2.A.
The contracts subject to these requirements may be aggregated with the contracts subject to
Actuarial Guideline XLIIICARVM for Variable Annuities (AG 43), published in Appendix C of
the AP&P Manual, for purposes of performing and documenting the reserve calculations.
Guidance Note:
Effectively, through reference in AG 43, the reserve requirements in VM-21 also apply to those
contracts issued prior to Jan. 1, 2017, that would not otherwise be encompassed by the scope of
VM-21. Reserves for contracts subject to VM-21 or AG 43 may be computed as a single group. If
a company chooses to aggregate business subject to AG 43 with business subject to VM-21 in
calculating the reserve, then the provisions in VM-G apply to this aggregate principle-based
Guidance Note:
Relationship to RBC Requirements
These requirements anticipate that the projections described herein are used for the determination
of RBC for all of the contracts falling within the scope of these requirements. These requirements
and the RBC requirements for the topics covered within Sections 4.A through 4.E are identical.
However, while the projections described in these requirements are performed on a basis that
ignores federal income tax, a company may elect to conduct the projections for calculating the RBC
requirements by including projected federal income tax in the cash flows and reducing the discount
interest rates used to reflect the effect of federal income tax as described in the RBC requirements.
Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Variable Annuities VM-21
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A company that has elected to calculate RBC requirements in this manner may not switch back to
using a calculation that ignores the effect of federal income tax without approval from the
domiciliary commissioner.
B. Principles
The projection methodology used to calculate the SR, as well as the approach used to develop the
Alternative Methodology, is based on the following set of principles. These principles should be
followed when interpreting and applying the methodology in these requirements and analyzing the
resulting reserves.
Guidance Note: The principles should be considered in their entirety, and it is required that
companies meet these principles with respect to those contracts that fall within the scope of these
requirements and are in force as of the valuation date to which these requirements are applied.
Principle 1: The objective of the approach used to determine the SR is to quantify the amount of
statutory reserves needed by the company to be able to meet contractual obligations in light of the
risks to which the company is exposed.
Principle 2: The calculation of the SR is based on the results derived from an analysis of asset and
liability cash flows produced by the application of a stochastic cash-flow model to equity return
and interest rate scenarios. For each scenario, the greatest present value of accumulated deficiency
is calculated. The analysis reflects prudent estimate assumptions for deterministic variables and is
performed in aggregate (subject to limitations related to contractual provisions) to allow the natural
offset of risks within a given scenario. The methodology uses a projected total cash flow analysis
by including all projected income, benefit and expense items related to the business in the model
and sets the SR at a degree of confidence using the CTE measure applied to the set of scenario
specific greatest present values of accumulated deficiencies that is deemed to be reasonably
conservative over the span of economic cycles.
Guidance Note: Examples where full aggregation between contracts may not be possible include
experience rated group contracts and the operation of reinsurance treaties.
Principle 3: The implementation of a model involves decisions about the experience assumptions
and the modeling techniques to be used in measuring the risks to which the company is exposed.
Generally, assumptions are to be based on the conservative end of the confidence interval. The
choice of a conservative estimate for each assumption may result in a distorted measure of the total
risk. Conceptually, the choice of assumptions and the modeling decisions should be made so that
the final result approximates what would be obtained for the SR at the required CTE level if it were
possible to calculate results over the joint distribution of all future outcomes. In applying this
concept to the actual calculation of the SR, the company should be guided by evolving practice and
expanding knowledge base in the measurement and management of risk.
Guidance Note: The intent of Principle 3 is to describe the conceptual framework for setting
assumptions. Section 10 provides the requirements and guidance for setting contract holder
behavior assumptions and includes alternatives to this framework if the company is unable to fully
apply this principle. More guidance and requirements for setting assumptions in general are
provided in Section 12.
Principle 4: While a stochastic cash-flow model attempts to include all real-world risks relevant
to the objective of the stochastic cash-flow model and relationships among the risks, it will still
contain limitations because it is only a model. The calculation of the SR is based on the results
derived from the application of the stochastic cash-flow model to scenarios, while the actual
statutory reserve needs of the company arise from the risks to which the company is (or will be)
Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Variable Annuities VM-21
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 21-3
exposed in reality. Any disconnect between the model and reality should be reflected in setting
prudent estimate assumptions to the extent not addressed by other means.
Principle 5: Neither a cash-flow scenario model nor a method based on factors calibrated to the
results of a cash-flow scenario model can completely quantify a companys exposure to risk. A
model attempts to represent reality but will always remain an approximation thereto and, hence,
uncertainty in future experience is an important consideration when determining the SR. Therefore,
the use of assumptions, methods, models, risk management strategies (e.g., hedging), derivative
instruments, structured investments or any other risk transfer arrangements (such as reinsurance)
that serve solely to reduce the calculated SR without also reducing risk on scenarios similar to those
used in the actual cash-flow modeling are inconsistent with these principles. The use of assumptions
and risk management strategies should be appropriate to the business and not merely constructed
to exploit “foreknowledge” of the components of the required methodology.
C. Risks Reflected and Risks Not Reflected
1. The risks reflected in the calculation of reserves under these requirements arise from actual
or potential events or activities that are both:
a. Directly related to the contracts falling under the scope of these requirements or
their supporting assets; and
b. Capable of materially affecting the reserve.
2. Categories and examples of risks reflected in the reserve calculations include, but are not
necessarily limited to:
a. Asset risks
i. Separate account fund performance.
ii. Credit risks (e.g., default or rating downgrades).
iii. Commercial mortgage loan roll-over rates (roll-over of bullet loans).
iv. Uncertainty in the timing or duration of asset cash flows (e.g., shortening
(prepayment risk) and lengthening (extension risk)).
v. Performance of equities, real estate and Schedule BA assets.
vi. Call risk on callable assets.
vii. Risk associated with hedge instrument (includes basis, gap, price,
parameter estimation risks and variation in assumptions).
viii. Currency risk.
b. Liability risks
i. Reinsurer default, impairment or rating downgrade known to have
occurred before or on the valuation date.
ii. Mortality/longevity, persistency/lapse, partial withdrawal and premium
payment risks.
iii. Utilization risk associated with guaranteed living benefits.
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iv. Anticipated mortality trends based on observed patterns of mortality
improvement or deterioration, where permitted.
v. Annuitization risks.
vi. Additional premium dump-ins (high interest rate guarantees in low interest
rate environments).
vii. Applicable expense risks, including fluctuation in maintenance expenses
directly attributable to the business, future commission expenses, and
expense inflation/growth.
c. Combination risks
i. Risks modeled in the company’s risk assessment processes that are related
to the contracts, as described above.
ii. Disintermediation risk (including such risk related to payment of surrender
or partial withdrawal benefits).
iii. Risks associated with revenue-sharing income.
3. The risks not necessarily reflected in the calculation of reserves under these requirements
a. Those not reflected in the determination of RBC.
b. Those reflected in the determination of RBC but arising from obligations of the
company not directly related to the contracts falling under the scope of these
requirements, or their supporting assets, as described above.
4. Categories and examples of risks not reflected in the reserve calculations include, but are
not necessarily limited to:
a. Asset risks
i. Liquidity risks associated with a “run on the bank.”
b. Liability risks
i. Reinsurer default, impairment or rating downgrade occurring after the
valuation date.
ii. Catastrophic events (e.g., epidemics or terrorist events).
iii. Major breakthroughs in life extension technology that have not yet
fundamentally altered recently observed mortality experience.
iv. Significant future reserve increases as an unfavorable scenario is realized.
c. General business risks
i. Deterioration of reputation.
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ii. Future changes in anticipated experience (reparameterization in the case
of stochastic processes), which would be triggered if and when adverse
modeled outcomes were to actually occur.
iii. Poor management performance.
iv. The expense risks associated with fluctuating amounts of new business.
v. Risks associated with future economic viability of the company.
vi. Moral hazards.
vii. Fraud and theft.
D. Definitions
1. The term “cash surrender value” means, for the purposes of these requirements, the amount
available to the contract holder upon surrender of the contract. Generally, it is equal to the
account value less any applicable surrender charges, where the surrender charge reflects
the availability of any free partial surrender options. However, for contracts where all or a
portion of the amount available to the contract holder upon surrender is subject to a market
value adjustment, the cash surrender value shall reflect the market value adjustment
consistent with the required treatment of the underlying assets. That is, the cash surrender
value shall reflect any market value adjustments where the underlying assets are reported
at market value, but it shall not reflect any market value adjustments where the underlying
assets are reported at book value.
2. The term “guaranteed minimum death benefit” (GMDB) means a provision (or provisions)
for a guaranteed benefit payable on the death of a contract holder, annuitant, participant or
insured where the amount payable is either (i) a minimum amount; or (ii) exceeds the
minimum amount and is:
is increased by an amount that may be either specified by or computed from other policy
or contract values; and
has the potential to produce a contractual total amount payable on such death that
exceeds the account value, or
in the case of an annuity providing income payments, guarantees payment upon
such death of an amount payable on death in addition to the continuation of any
guaranteed income payments.
Guidance Note: The definition of GMDB includes benefits that are based on a portion of the excess
of the account value over the net of premiums paid less partial withdrawals made (e.g., an earnings
enhanced death benefit).
3. The term “total asset requirement” (TAR) means the sum of the reserve determined from
the VM-21 requirements prior to any adjustment for the elective phase-in pursuant to
Section 2.B plus the C3 RBC amount from LR027 step (paragraph D) prior to any
adjustment for phase-in or smoothing.
E. Materiality
Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Variable Annuities VM-21
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The company shall establish a standard containing the criteria for determining whether an
assumption, risk factor, or other element of the principle-based valuation has a material impact on
the size of the reserve or TAR. This standard shall be applied when identifying material risks.
Section 2: Scope and Effective Date
A. Scope
1. The following categories of annuities or product features, issued on or after the operative
date of the Valuation Manual directly written or assumed through reinsurance, are subject
to the requirements of VM-21:
a. Variable deferred annuity contracts, whether or not such contracts contain GMDBs
or VAGLBs.
b. Variable immediate annuity contracts, whether or not such contracts contain
c. Any group annuity contract containing guarantees similar in nature to GMDBs,
VAGLBs or any combination thereof.
Guidance Note: The term “similar in nature” as used in Section 2.A.1.c and Section 2.A.1.d is
intended to capture current products and benefits, as well as product and benefit designs that may
emerge in the future. Examples of the currently known designs are listed in the Guidance below
following Section 2.A.3. Any product or benefit design that does not clearly fit the scope should be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration factors that include, but are not limited
to, the nature of the guarantees, the definitions of GMDB in VM-21 and VAGLB inVM-01, and
whether the contractual amounts paid in the absence of the guarantee are based on the investment
performance of a market-value fund or market-value index (whether or not part of the company’s
separate account).
d. Any other policy or contract which contains guarantees similar in nature to
GMDBs or VAGLBs, even if the insurer does not offer the mutual funds, variable
funds, or other supporting investments to which these guarantees relate, where
there is no other explicit reserve requirement. If such a benefit is offered as part of
a contract that has an explicit reserve requirement and that benefit does not
currently have an explicit reserve requirement:
i. These requirements shall be applied to the benefit on a stand-alone basis
(i.e., for purposes of the reserve calculation, the benefit shall be treated as
a separate contract).
ii. The reserve for the underlying contract, excluding any benefits valued
under (i) above, is determined according to the explicit reserve
iii. The reserve held for the contract shall be the sum of (i) and (ii).
Guidance Note: For example, a group life contract that wraps a GMDB around a mutual fund
generally would fall under the scope of these requirements since there is not an explicit reserve
requirement for this type of group life contract. However, for an individual variable life contract
with a GMDB and a benefit similar in nature to a VAGLB, the requirements generally would apply
only to the VAGLB-type benefit, since there is an explicit reserve requirement that applies to the
variable life contract and the GMDB.
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2. These requirements do not apply to contracts falling under the scope of VM-A-255:
Modified Guaranteed Annuities; however, they do apply to contracts listed above that
include one or more subaccounts containing features similar in nature to those contained
in modified guaranteed annuities (MGAs) (e.g., market value adjustments).
3. Separate account contracts that guarantee an index and do not offer GMDBs or VAGLBs
are excluded from the scope of these requirements.
Guidance Note: Current VAGLBs include GMABs, hybrid and traditional GMIBs, lifetime and
non-lifetime GMWBs, and GPAFs. These requirements will be applied to future variations on these
designs and to new guarantee designs.
B. Effective Date and Phase-In
These requirements apply for valuation dates on or after Jan. 1, 2020. A company may elect to
phase in these requirements over a 36-month period beginning Jan. 1, 2020. A company may elect
a longer phase-in period, up to seven years, with approval of the domiciliary commissioner. The
election of whether to phase in and the period of phase-in must be made prior to the Dec. 31, 2020,
valuation. At the company’s option, a phase-in may be terminated prior to the originally elected
end of the phase-in period; the reserve would then be equal to the unadjusted reserve calculated
according to the requirements of VM-21 applicable for valuation dates on or after Jan. 1, 2020. If
there is a material decrease in the book of business by sale or reinsurance ceded, the company shall
adjust the amount of the phase-in provision. The phase-in amount (C = R1 R2, as described
below) must be scaled down in proportion to the reduction in the excess reserve, measured on the
effective transaction date as the reserve amount in excess of cash surrender value before and after
the impact of the transaction. The company must obtain approval for any other modification of the
remaining phase-in amount. The method to be used for the phase-in calculation is as follows:
1. Compute R1 = the reserve as of Jan. 1, 2020, following the VM-21 requirements
applicable in the 2020 NAIC Valuation Manual for all business in-force on the
valuation date. The in-force used should include any reinsurance that is expected
to be recaptured during 2020.
2. Separately, compute R2 = the reserve as of Jan. 1, 2020, following the VM-21
requirements applicable in the 2019 NAIC Valuation Manual for the same in-force
contracts used to compute R1.
3. Compute the reported reserve on the valuation date as follows:
Reserve = D (BA) * C /B, where
A is the number of months that have elapsed since Dec. 31, 2019. For example,
for the March 31, 2020. valuation, A = 3.
B = 36 unless the company has obtained approval for a longer phase-in, in
which case B = number of months of approved phase-in.
C = R1 R2
D is the reserve on the valuation date determined according to these
requirements, prior to the phase-in adjustment.
A company may elect to apply the VM-21 requirements applicable to the 2020 NAIC Valuation
Manual as the requirements for the valuation on Dec.31, 2019. For such election, the phase-in
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provision of Section 2.B may not be elected. Any company electing early adoption of VM-21 shall
1. Apply the provisions of AG 43 as amended for 2020 to the Dec. 31, 2019, valuation of
contracts within the scope of that guideline.
2. Apply the Life RBC instructions for 2020 in the calculation of C-3 RBC in LR027 for
3. Follow the documentation and certification requirements of VM-31 from the 2020
Valuation Manual for the VA Business. In the VA Summary, clearly indicate the use of
the new requirements in the section on change in methods from prior year.
4. Notify the Commissioner of the state of domicile of such elections.
Section 3: Reserve Methodology
A. Aggregate Reserve
The aggregate reserve for contracts falling within the scope of these requirements shall equal the
SR (following the requirements of Section 4) plus the additional standard projection amount
(following the requirements of Section 6) less any applicable PIMR for all contracts not valued
under the Alternative Methodology (Section 7), plus the reserve for any contracts determined using
the Alternative Methodology (following the requirements of Section 7).
B. Impact of Reinsurance Ceded
Where reinsurance is ceded for all or a portion of the contracts, all components in the aggregate
reserve shall be determined post-reinsurance ceded, that is net of any reinsurance treaties that meet
the statutory requirements that would allow the treaty to be accounted for as reinsurance, and pre-
reinsurance ceded, that is ignoring such costs and benefits.
C. The Additional Standard Projection Amount
The additional standard projection amount is determined by applying one of the two standard
projection methods defined in Section 6. The same method must be used for all contracts within a
group of contracts that are aggregated together to determine the reserve, and the additional standard
projection amount excluding any contracts whose reserve is determined using the Alternative
Methodology. The company shall elect which method they will use to determine the additional
standard projection amount. The company may not change that election for a future valuation
without the approval of the domiciliary commissioner.
D. The SR
The SR shall be determined based on asset and liability projections for the contracts falling within
the scope of these requirements, excluding those contracts valued using the Alternative
Methodology, over a broad range of stochastically generated projection scenarios described in
Section 8 and using prudent estimate assumptions as required herein.
The SR may be determined in aggregate for all contracts falling within the scope
of these
requirementsi.e., a single model segmentor, at the option of the company, it may be
determined by
subgrouping contracts into model segments, in which case the SR shall equal the
sum of the amounts computed for each model segment.
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The SR for any group of contracts shall be determined as CTE70 of the scenario reserves following
the requirements of Section 4.
E. Alternative Methodology
For a group of variable deferred annuity contracts that contain either no guaranteed benefits or only
GMDBsi.e., no VAGLBsthe reserve may be determined using the Alternative Methodology
described in Section 7 rather than using the approach described in Section 3.C and Section 3.D.
However, in the event that the approach described in Section 3.C and Section 3.D has been used in
prior valuations for that group of contracts, the Alternative Methodology may not be used without
approval from the domiciliary commissioner.
The reserve for the group of contracts to which the Alternative Methodology is applied shall not be
less than the aggregate cash surrender value of those contracts.
Groups of contracts to which the Alternative Methodology is applied are only subject to the
applicable requirements for the Alternative Methodology in VM-21. Groups of contracts to which
the Alternative Methodology is applied are subject to the applicable sub-report requirements
outlined in VM-31 Sections 3.E and 3.F. Groups of contracts to which the Alternative Methodology
is applied are not subject to the requirements of VM-G Sections 2 and 3.
F. Allocation of the Aggregate Reserve to Contracts
The aggregate reserve shall be allocated to the contracts falling within the scope of these
requirements using the method outlined in Section 12.
G. Reserve to Be Held in the General Account
The portion of the aggregate reserve held in the general account shall not be less than the excess of
the aggregate reserve over the aggregate cash surrender value held in the separate account and
attributable to the separate account portion of all such contracts. For contracts for which a cash
surrender value is not defined, the company shall substitute for cash surrender value held in the
separate account the implicit amount for which the contract holder is entitled to receive income
based on the performance of the separate account. For example, for a variable payout annuity for
which a specific number of units is payable, the implicit amount could be the present value of that
number of units, discounted at the assumed investment return and defined mortality, times the unit
value as of the valuation date.
Guidance Note: This approach is equivalent to assuming that the separate account performance is
equal to the assumed investment return.
H. A company may use simplifications, approximations, and modeling efficiency techniques to
calculate the
SR and/or the additional standard projection amount required by this section if the
company can demonstrate that the use of such techniques does not understate TAR by a material
amount, and the expected value of TAR calculated using simplifications, approximations, and
modeling efficiency techniques is not less than the expected value of TAR calculated that does not
use them.
I. The company may calculate the SR and the additional standard projection amount as of a date no
earlier than three months before the valuation date, using relevant company data, provided an
appropriate method is used to adjust those amounts to the valuation date. Company data used for
experience studies to determine prudent estimate assumptions are not subject to this three-month
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Section 4: Determination of the
A. Projection of Accumulated Deficiencies
1. General Description of Projection
Guidance Note:
Examples of modeling efficiency techniques include, but are not limited to:
1. Choosing a reduced set of scenarios from a larger set consistent with prescribed models and parameters.
2. Generating a smaller liability or asset model to represent the full seriatim model using grouping compression
techniques or other similar simplifications.
There are multiple ways of providing the demonstration required by Section 3.H. The complexity of the
demonstration depends upon the simplifications, approximations, or modeling efficiency techniques used.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
1. Rounding at a transactional level in a direction that is clearly and consistently conservative or is clearly
and consistently unbiased with an obviously immaterial impact on the result (e.g., rounding to the
nearest dollar) would satisfy 3.H without needing a demonstration. However, rounding to too few
significant digits relative to the quantity being rounded, even in an unbiased way, may be material and
in that event, the company may need to provide a demonstration that the rounding would not produce
a material understatement of TAR.
2. A brute force demonstration involves calculating the minimum reserve both with and without the
simplification, approximation, or modeling efficiency technique, and making a direct comparison
between the resulting TAR. Regardless of the specific simplification, approximation, or modeling
efficiency technique used, brute force demonstrations always satisfy the requirements of Section 3.H.
3. Choosing a reduced set of scenarios from a larger set consistent with prescribed models and parameters
and providing a detailed demonstration of why it did not understate TAR by a material amount and the
expected value of TAR would not be less than the expected value of TAR that would otherwise be
calculated. This demonstration may be a theoretical, statistical, or mathematical argument establishing,
to the satisfaction of the insurance commissioner, general bounds on the potential deviation in the TAR
estimate rather than a brute force demonstration.
4. Justify the use of randomly sampling withdrawal ages for each contract instead of following the exact
prescribed WDCM method by demonstrating that the random sampling method is materially equivalent
to the exact prescribed approach, and the simplification does not materially reduce the Additional
Standard Projection Amount and the final reported TAR. In particular, the company should
demonstrate that the statistical variability of the results based on the random sampling approach is
immaterial by testing different random sets
(e.g., if randomly selecting a withdrawal age for each
contract, the probability distribution of the withdrawal age should be stable and not vary significantly
when using different random number sets).
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The projection of accumulated deficiencies shall be made ignoring federal income tax in
both cash flows and discount rates, and it shall reflect the dynamics of the expected cash
flows for the entire group of contracts, reflecting all product features, including any
guarantees provided under the contracts. Insurance company expenses (including overhead
and investment expense), fund expenses, contractual fees and charges, revenue-sharing
income received by the company (net of applicable expenses), and cash flows associated
with any reinsurance or hedging instruments are to be reflected on a basis consistent with
the requirements herein. Cash flows from any fixed account options also shall be included.
Any market value adjustment assessed on projected withdrawals or surrenders also shall
be included (whether or not the cash surrender value reflects market value adjustments).
Throughout the projection, all assumptions shall be determined based on the requirements
herein. Accumulated deficiencies shall be determined at the end of each projection year as
the sum of the accumulated deficiencies for all contracts within each model segment.
Guidance Note: Section 4.A.1 requires market value adjustments (MVAs) on liability cash flows
to be reflected because in a cash flow model, assets are assumed to be liquidated at market value to
cover the cash outflow of the cash surrender; therefore, inclusion of the market value adjustment
aligns the asset and liability cash flows. This may differ from the treatment of MVAs in the
definition of cash surrender value (Section 1.D), which defines the statutory reserve floor for which
the values must be aligned with the annual statement value of the assets.
2. Grouping of Variable Funds and Subaccounts
The portion of the starting asset amount held in the separate account represented by the
variable funds and the corresponding account values may be grouped for modeling using
an approach that recognizes the investment guidelines and objectives of the funds. In
assigning each variable fund and the variable subaccounts to a grouping for projection
purposes, the fundamental characteristics of the fund shall be reflected, and the parameters
shall have the appropriate relationship to the stochastically generated projection scenarios
described in Section 8. The grouping shall reflect characteristics of the efficient frontier
(i.e., returns generally cannot be increased without assuming additional risk).
An appropriate proxy fund for each variable subaccount shall be designed in order to
develop the investment return paths. The development of the scenarios for the proxy funds
is a fundamental step in the modeling and can have a significant impact on results. As such,
the company must map each variable account to an appropriately crafted proxy fund
normally expressed as a linear combination of recognized market indices, sub-indices or
3. Model Cells
Projections may be performed for each contract in force on the date of valuation or by
assigning contracts into representative cells of model plans using all characteristics and
criteria having a material impact on the size of the reserve. Assigning contracts to model
cells may not be done in a manner that intentionally understates the resulting reserve.
4. Modeling of Hedges
a. For a company that does not have a future hedging strategy supporting the
i. The company shall not consider the cash flows from any future hedge
purchases or any rebalancing of existing hedge assets in its modeling, since
they are not included in the company’s investment strategy supporting the
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ii. Existing hedging instruments that are currently held by the company in
support of the contracts falling under the scope of these requirements shall
be included in the starting assets.
b. For a company with one or more future hedging strategies supporting the contracts:
i. For a future hedging strategy with hedge payoffs that solely offset index
credits associated with index crediting strategies (index credits):
a) In modeling cash flows, the company shall include the cash flows from
future hedge purchases or any rebalancing of existing hedge assets that
are intended solely to offset index credits to contract holders.
b) Existing hedging instruments that are currently held by the company
for offsetting the index credits in support of the contracts falling under
the scope of these requirements shall be included in the starting assets.
c) An index credit hedge margin for these hedge instruments shall be
reflected in both the “best efforts” and the “adjusted” runs, as
applicable, by reducing index credit hedge payoffs by a margin
multiple that shall be justified by sufficient and credible company
experience and account for model error. It shall be no less than 1.5%
multiplicatively of the portion of the index credit that is hedged. In the
absence of sufficient and credible company experience, a margin of at
least 20% shall be assumed. There is no cap on the index credit hedge
margin if company experience indicates actual error is greater than
these minimums.
ii. For a company with one or more future hedging strategies supporting the
contracts that do not solely offset indexed interest credits, the detailed
requirements for the modeling of hedges are defined in Section 9. The
following paragraphs are a high-level summary and do not supersede the
detailed requirements.
a) The appropriate costs and benefits of hedging instruments that are
currently held by the company in support of the contracts falling under
the scope of these requirements shall be included in the projections
used in the determination of the SR.
b) The projections shall take into account the appropriate costs and
benefits of hedge positions expected to be held in the future through
the execution of the future hedging strategies supporting the contracts.
Because models do not always accurately portray the results of hedge
programs, the company shall, through back-testing and other means,
assess the accuracy of the hedge modeling. The company shall
determine a SR as the weighted average of two CTE values; first, a
CTE70 (“best efforts”) representing the company’s projection of all of
the hedge cash flows, including future hedge purchases, and a second
CTE70 (“adjusted”) which shall use only hedge assets held by the
company on the valuation date and only future hedge purchases
associated solely with index credits. These are discussed in greater
detail in Section 9. The SR shall be the weighted average of the two
CTE70 values, where the weights reflect the error factor E determined
following the guidance of Section 9.C.4.
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c) The company is responsible for verifying compliance with all
requirements in Section 9 for all hedging instruments included in the
d) The use of products not falling under the scope of these requirements
(e.g., equity-indexed annuities) as a hedge shall not be recognized in
the determination of accumulated deficiencies.
iii. If a company has a more comprehensive hedge strategy combining index
credits with guaranteed benefit and/or other risks (e.g., full fair value or
economic hedging), no portion of this hedge strategy is eligible for the
treatment described in section 4.A.4.b.i.
Guidance Note:
The requirements of Section 4.A.4 govern the determination of reserves for annuity contracts and
do not supersede any statutes, laws or regulations of any state or jurisdiction related to the use of
derivative instruments for hedging purposes and should not be used in determining whether a
company is permitted to use such instruments in any state or jurisdiction.
5. Revenue Sharing
a. Projections of accumulated deficiencies may include income from projected future
revenue-sharing, net of applicable projected expenses (net revenue-sharing
income) if each of the following requirements are met:
i. The net revenue-sharing income is received by the company.
Guidance Note: For purposes of this section, net revenue-sharing income is considered to be
received by the company if it is paid directly to the company through a contractual agreement with
either the entity providing the net revenue-sharing income or an affiliated company that receives
the net revenue-sharing income. Net revenue-sharing income also would be considered to be
received if it is paid to a subsidiary that is owned by the company and if 100% of the statutory
income from that subsidiary is reported as statutory income of the company. In this case, the
company needs to assess the likelihood that future net revenue-sharing income is reduced due to
the reported statutory income of the subsidiary being less than future net revenue-sharing income
ii. Signed contractual agreement(s) are in place as of the valuation date and
support the current payment of the net revenue-sharing income.
iii. The net revenue-sharing income is not already accounted for directly or
indirectly as a company asset.
b. The amount of net revenue-sharing income to be used shall reflect the company’s
assessment of factors that include, but are not limited to, the following (not all of
these factors will necessarily be present in all situations):
i. The terms and limitations of the agreement(s), including anticipated
revenue, associated expenses and any contingent payments incurred or
made by either the company or the entity providing the net revenue-
sharing as part of the agreement(s).
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ii. The relationship between the company and the entity providing the net
revenue-sharing income that might affect the likelihood of payment and
the level of expenses.
iii. The benefits and risks to both the company and the entity paying the net
revenue-sharing income of continuing the arrangement.
iv. The likelihood that the company will collect the net revenue-sharing
income during the term(s) of the agreement(s) and the likelihood of
continuing to receive future revenue after the agreement(s) has ended.
v. The ability of the company to replace the services provided to it by the
entity providing the net revenue-sharing income or to provide the services
itself, along with the likelihood that the replaced or provided services will
cost more to provide.
vi. The ability of the entity providing the net revenue-sharing income to
replace the services provided to it by the company or to provide the
services itself, along with the likelihood that the replaced or provided
services will cost more to provide.
c. The amount of projected net revenue-sharing income shall reflect a margin (which
decreases the assumed net revenue-sharing income) directly related to the
uncertainty of the revenue. The greater the uncertainty, the larger the margin. Such
uncertainty is driven by many factors, including the potential for changes in the
securities laws and regulations, mutual fund board responsibilities and actions, and
industry trends. Since it is prudent to assume that uncertainty increases over time,
a larger margin shall be applied as time that has elapsed in the projection increases.
d. All expenses required or assumed to be incurred by the company in conjunction
with the arrangement providing the net revenue-sharing income, as well as any
expenses assumed to be incurred by the company in conjunction with the assumed
replacement of the services provided to it (as discussed in Section 4.A.5.b.v), shall
be included in the projections as a company expense under the requirements of
Section 4.A.1. In addition, expenses incurred by either the entity providing the net
revenue-sharing income or an affiliate of the company shall be included in the
applicable expenses discussed in Section 4.A.1 and Section 4.A.5.a that reduce the
net revenue-sharing income.
e. The company is responsible for reviewing the revenue-sharing agreements and
verifying compliance with these requirements.
f. The amount of net revenue-sharing income assumed in a given scenario shall be
applied with a margin to reflect any uncertainty but shall not exceed the sum of (i)
and (ii), where:
(i) Is the contractually guaranteed net revenue-sharing income
projected under the scenario; and
(ii) Is the company’s estimate of non-contractually guaranteed net
revenue-sharing income before reflecting any margins for
uncertainty multiplied by the following factors:
a) 1.00 in the first projection year.
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b) 0.95 in the second projection year.
c) 0.90 in the third projection year.
d) 0.85 in the fourth projection year.
e) 0.80 in the fifth and all subsequent projection years.
Guidance Note: Provisions such as one that gives the entity paying the revenue-sharing
income the option to stop or change the level of income paid would prevent the income
from being guaranteed. However, if such an option becomes available only at a future point
in time, and the revenue up to that time is guaranteed, the income is considered guaranteed
up to the time the option first becomes available.
Guidance Note: If the agreement allows the company to unilaterally take control of the
underlying fund fees that ultimately result in the revenue sharing, then the revenue is
considered guaranteed up until the time at which the company can take such control. Since
it is unknown whether the company can perform the services associated with the revenue-
sharing agreement at the same expense level, it is presumed that expenses will be higher
in this situation. Therefore, the revenue-sharing income shall be reduced to account for any
actual or assumed additional expenses.
6. Length of Projections
Projections of accumulated deficiencies shall be run for as many future years as needed so
that no materially greater reserve value would result from longer projection periods.
7. Interest Maintenance Reserve (IMR)
The IMR shall be handled consistently with the treatment in the company’s cash-flow
testing, and the amounts should be adjusted to a pre-tax basis.
B. Determination of Scenario Reserve
1. General
For a given scenario, the scenario reserve is the sum of:
a. The greatest present value, as of the projection start date, of the projected
accumulated deficiencies; and
b. The starting asset amount.
When using the direct Iteration method, the scenario reserve will equal the final starting
asset amount determined according to Section 4.B.4.
The scenario reserve for any given scenario shall not be less than the cash surrender value
in aggregate on the valuation date for the group of contracts modeled in the projection.
2. Discount Rates
In determining the scenario reserve, accumulated deficiencies shall be discounted at the
NAER on additional assets, as defined in Section 4.B.3.
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Determination of NAER on Additional Invested Asset Portfolio
a. The additional invested asset portfolio for a scenario is a portfolio of general
account assets as of the valuation date, outside of the starting asset portfolio, that
is required in that projection scenario so that the projection would not have a
positive accumulated deficiency at the end of any projection year. This portfolio
may include only (i) general account assets available to the company on the
valuation date that do not constitute part of the starting asset portfolio; and (ii) cash
Guidance Note:
Additional invested assets should be selected in a manner such that if the starting asset portfolio
were revised to include the additional invested assets, the projection would not be expected to
experience any positive accumulated deficiencies at the end of any projection year.
It is assumed that the accumulated deficiencies for this scenario projection are known.
b. To determine the NAER on additional invested assets for a given scenario:
i. Project the additional invested asset portfolio as of the valuation date to
the end of the projection period,
a) Investing any cash in the portfolio and reinvesting all investment
proceeds using the company’s investment policy.
b) Excluding any liability cash flows.
c) Incorporating the appropriate returns, defaults and investment
expenses for the given scenario.
ii. If the value of the projected additional invested asset portfolio does not
equal or exceed the accumulated deficiencies at the end of each projection
year for the scenario, increase the size of the initial additional invested
asset portfolio as of the valuation date, and repeat the preceding step.
iii Determine a vector of annual earned rates that replicates the growth in the
additional invested asset portfolio from the valuation date to the end of the
projection period for the scenario. This vector will be the NAER for the
given scenario.
Guidance Note: There are multiple ways to select the additional invested asset portfolio at the
valuation date. Similarly, there are multiple ways to determine the earned rate vector. The
company shall be consistent in its choice of methods, from one valuation to the next.
4. Direct Iteration
In lieu of the method described in Section 4.B.2 and Section 4.B.3 above, the company
may solve for the amount of starting assets which, when projected along with all contract
cash flows, result in the defeasement of all projected future benefits and expenses at the
end of the projection horizon with no accumulated deficiencies at the end of any projection
year during the projection period.
C. Projection Scenarios
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1. Number of Scenarios
The number of scenarios for which the scenario reserve shall be computed shall be the
responsibility of the company, and it shall be considered to be sufficient if any resulting
understatement in the SR, as compared with that resulting from running additional
scenarios, is not material.
2. Economic Scenario Generation
Treasury Department interest rate curves, as well as investment return paths for general
account equity assets and separate account fund performance shall be determined on a
stochastic basis using the methodology described in Section 8. If the company uses a
proprietary generator to develop scenarios, the company shall demonstrate that the
resulting scenarios meet the requirements described in Section 8.
D. Projection of Assets
1. Starting Asset Amount
a. For the projections of accumulated deficiencies, the value of assets at the start of
the projection shall be set equal to the approximate value of statutory reserves at
the start of the projection plus the allocated amount of PIMR attributable to the
assets selected. Assets shall be valued consistently with their annual statement
values. The amount of such asset values shall equal the sum of the following items,
all as of the start of the projection:
i. All of the separate account assets supporting the contracts;
ii. Any hedge instruments held in support of the contracts being valued; and
iii. An amount of assets held in the general account equal to the approximate
value of statutory reserves as of the start of the projections plus the
allocated amount of PIMR attributable to the assets selected less the
amount in (i) and (ii).
Guidance Note: Deferred hedge gains/losses developed under SSAP No. 108—Derivatives
Hedging Variable Annuity Guarantees are not included in the starting assets
b. If the amount of initial general account assets is negative, the model should
reflect a projected interest expense. General account assets chosen for use
as described above shall be selected on a consistent basis from one reserve
valuation hereunder to the next.
c. To the extent that the sum of the value of hedge assets, or cash, or other
general account assets in an amount equal to the aggregate market value
of such hedge assets, and the value of separate account assets supporting
the contracts is greater than the approximate value of statutory reserves as
of the start of the projections, then the company shall include enough
negative general account assets or cash such that the starting asset amount
equals the approximate value of statutory reserves as of the start of the
2. Valuation of Projected Assets
For purposes of determining the projected accumulated deficiencies, the value of projected
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assets shall be determined in a manner consistent with their value at the start of the
projection. For assets assumed to be purchased during a projection, the value shall be
determined in a manner consistent with the value of assets at the start of the projection that
have similar investment characteristics. However, for derivative instruments that are used
in hedging and are not assumed to be sold during a particular projection interval, the
company may account for them at an amortized cost in an appropriate manner elected by
the company.
3. Separate Account Assets
For purposes of determining the starting asset amounts in Section 4.D.1 and the valuation
of projected assets in Section 4.D.2, assets held in a separate account shall be summarized
into asset categories determined by the company as discussed in Section 4.A.2.
4. General Account Assets
a. General account assets shall be projected, net of projected defaults, using assumed
investment returns consistent with their book value and expected to be realized in
future periods as of the date of valuation. Initial assets that mature during the
projection and positive cash flows projected for future periods shall be invested in
a manner that is representative of and consistent with the company’s investment
policy, subject to the following requirements:
i. The final maturities and cash flow structures of assets purchased in the
model, such as the patterns of gross investment income and principal
repayments or a fixed or floating rate interest basis, shall be determined
by the company as part of the model representation;
ii. The combination of price and structure for fixed income investments and
derivative instruments associated with fixed income investments shall
appropriately reflect the projected Treasury Department curve along the
relevant scenario and the requirements for gross asset spread assumptions
stated below;
iii. For purchases of public non-callable corporate bonds, use the gross asset
spreads over Treasuries prescribed in VM-20 Section 9.F.8.a through
Section 9.F.8.c. (For the purposes of this subsection, “public” incorporates
both registered and 144a securities). The prescribed spreads reflect current
market conditions as of the model start date and grade to long-term
conditions based on historical data at the start of projection year four;
iv. For transactions of derivative instruments associated with fixed income
investments, reflect the prescribed assumptions in VM-20 Section 9.F.8.d
for interest rate swap spreads;
v. For purchases of other fixed income investments, if included in the
modeled company investment strategy, set assumed gross asset spreads
over U.S. Treasuries in a manner that is consistent with, and results in
reasonable relationships to, the prescribed spreads for public non-callable
corporate bonds and interest rate swaps.
b. Notwithstanding the above requirements, the SR shall be the higher of that
produced by the modeled company investment strategy and that produced by
substituting an alternative investment strategy in which the fixed income
reinvestment assets have the same weighted average life (WAL) as the
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reinvestment assets in the modeled company investment strategy and are all public
non-callable corporate bonds with gross asset spreads, asset default costs, and
investment expenses by projection year that are consistent with a credit quality
blend of 50% PBR credit rating 6 (A2/A) and 50% PBR credit rating 3 (Aa2/AA).
Policy loans, equities and derivative instruments associated with the execution of
future hedging strategies supporting the contracts are not affected by this
Drafting Note: This limitation is being referred to Life Actuarial (A) Task Force for review.
c. Any disinvestment shall be modeled in a manner that is consistent with the
company’s investment policy and that reflects the company’s cost of borrowing
where applicable, provided that the assumed cost of borrowing is not lower than
the rate at which positive cash flows are reinvested in the same time period, taking
into account duration, ratings, and other attributes of the borrowing mechanism.
Gross asset spreads used in computing market values of assets sold in the model
shall be consistent with, but not necessarily the same as, the gross asset spreads in
Section 4.D.4.a.iii and Section 4.D.4.a.v, recognizing that initial assets that mature
during the projection may have different characteristics than modeled reinvestment
Guidance Note: The simple language above “provided that the assumed cost of borrowing is not
lower than the rate at which positive cash flows are reinvested in the same time periodis intended
to prevent excessively optimistic borrowing assumptions. If in any case, the assumed cost of
borrowing restriction cannot be fully applied or followed precisely, then as with all other
simplifications/approximations, the company shall not allow borrowing assumptions to materially
reduce the reserve.
5. Cash Flows from Invested Assets
a. Cash flows from general account fixed income assets and derivative asset
programs associated with these assets, including starting and reinvestment assets,
shall be reflected in the projection as follows:
i. M
odel gross investment income and principal repayments in accordance
with the contractual provisions of each asset and in a manner consistent
with each scenario. Grouping of assets is allowed if the company can
demonstrate that grouping does not materially understate the modeled
reserve that would have been obtained using a seriatim approach.
ii. Reflect asset default costs as prescribed in VM-20 Section 9.F and
anticipated investment expenses through deductions to the gross
investment income.
iii. Model the proceeds arising from modeled asset sales and determine the
portion representing any realized capital gains and losses.
iv. Reflect any uncertainty in the timing and amounts of asset cash flows
related to the paths of interest rates, equity returns or other economic
values directly in the projection of asset cash flows. Asset defaults are not
subject to this requirement, since asset default assumptions must be
determined by the prescribed method in VM-20 Section 9.F.
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b. Cash flows from general account equity assetsi.e., non-fixed income assets
having substantial volatility of returns, such as common stocks and real estate
and derivative asset programs associated with these assets, including starting and
reinvestment assets, shall be reflected in the projection as follows:
i. Determine the grouping for asset categories and the allocation of specific
assets to each category in a manner that is consistent with that used for
separate account assets, as discussed in Section 4.A.2.
ii. Project the gross investment return including realized and unrealized
capital gains in a manner that is consistent with the stochastically
generated scenarios.
iii. Model the timing of an asset sale in a manner that is consistent with the
investment policy of the company for that type of asset. Reflect expenses
through a deduction to the gross investment return using prudent estimate
c. Determine cash flows for each projection interval for all other general account
assets by modeling asset cash flows on other assets that are not described in Section
4.D.5.a and Section 4.D.5.b using methods consistent with the methods described
in Section 4.D.5.a and Section 4.D.5.b. This includes assets that are a hybrid of
fixed income and equity investments.
d. Determine cash flows or total investment returns, as appropriate, for each
projection interval for all separate account assets as follows:
i. Determine the grouping for each variable fund and sub-account
(e.g., bonds funds, large cap stocks, international stocks, owned
real estate, etc.) as described in Section 4.A.2.
ii. Project the total investment return for each variable fund and sub-
account in a manner that is consistent with the prescribed returns
described in Section 4.A.2 and Section 8.C.3.
E. Projection of Annuitization Benefits (Including GMIBs and GMWBs)
1. Assumed Annuitization Purchase Rates at Election
For purposes of projecting annuitization benefits (including annuitizations stemming from
the election of a GMIB) and withdrawal amounts from GMWBs, the projected
annuitization purchase rates shall be determined assuming that market interest rates
available at the time of election are the interest rates used to project general account assets,
as determined in Section 4.D.4.
2. Projected Election of GMIBs, GMWBs and Other Annuitization Options
a. For contracts projected to elect annuitization options (including annuitizations
stemming from the election of a GMIB) or for projections of GMWB benefits once
the account value has been depleted, the projections may assume one of the
following at the company’s option:
i. The contract is treated as if surrendered at an amount equal to the statutory
reserve that would be required at such time for a fixed payout annuity
benefit equivalent to the guaranteed benefit amount (e.g., GMIB or
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GMWB benefit payments).
ii. The contract is assumed to stay in force and the projected periodic
payments are paid.
b. If the projected payout annuity is a variable payout annuity containing a floor
guarantee (such as a GPAF) under a specified contractual option, only option (ii)
under Section 4.E.2.a above shall be used.
c. Where mortality improvement is used to project future annuitization purchase
rates, as discussed in Section 4.E.1 above, mortality improvement also shall be
reflected on a consistent basis in either the determination of the reserve in Section
4.E.2.a.i above or the projection of the periodic payments in Section 4.E.2.a.ii.
3. Projected Statutory Reserve for Payout Annuity Benefits
If the statutory reserve for payout annuity benefits referenced above in Section 4.E.2.a
requires a parameter that is not determined in a formulaic fashion, the company must make
a reasonable and supportable assumption regarding this parameter.
F. Frequency of Projection and Time Horizon
1. Use of an annual cash-flow frequency (“timestep”) is generally acceptable for
benefits/features that are not sensitive to projection frequency. The lack of sensitivity to
projection frequency should be validated by testing wherein the company should determine
that the use of a more frequenti.e., shortertime step does not materially increase
reserves. A more frequent time increment should always be used when the product features
are sensitive to projection period frequency.
2. Care must be taken in simulating fee income and expenses when using an annual time step.
For example, recognizing fee income at the end of each period after market movements,
but prior to persistency decrements, would normally be an inappropriate assumption. It is
also important that the frequency of the investment return model be linked appropriately to
the projection horizon in the liability model. In particular, the horizon should be sufficiently
long so as to capture the vast majority of costs (on a present value basis) from the scenarios.
Guidance Note: As a general guide, the forecast horizon should not be less than 20 years.
G. Compliance with ASOPs
When determining a SR, the analysis shall conform to the ASOPs as promulgated from time to time
by the ASB.
Under these requirements, an actuary will make various determinations, verifications and
certifications. The company shall provide the actuary with the necessary information sufficient to
permit the actuary to fulfill the responsibilities set forth in these requirements and responsibilities
arising from each applicable ASOPs.
Section 5: Reinsurance Ceded
A. Treatment of Reinsurance Ceded in the Aggregate Reserve
1. Aggregate Reserve Pre- and Post- Reinsurance Ceded
As noted in Section 3.B, the aggregate reserve is determined both pre-reinsurance ceded
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and post-reinsurance ceded. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the components needed
to determine the aggregate reservei.e., the additional standard projection amount, the SR
determined using projections, and/or reserve amount determined using the Alternative
Methodology, as applicableon both bases. Sections 5.A.2 through 5.A.4 discuss
adjustments to inputs necessary to determine these components on both a post-reinsurance
ceded and a pre-reinsurance ceded basis. Note that due allowance for reasonable
approximations may be used where appropriate.
2. SR
In order to determine the aggregate reserve post-reinsurance ceded, accumulated
deficiencies, scenario reserves, and the resulting SR shall be determined reflecting the
effects of reinsurance treaties that meet the statutory requirements that would allow the
treaty to be accounted for as reinsurance within statutory accounting. This involves
including, where appropriate, all anticipated reinsurance premiums or other costs and all
reinsurance recoveries, where both premiums and recoveries are determined by
recognizing any limitations in the reinsurance treaties, such as caps on recoveries or floors
on premiums.
In order to determine the SR pre-reinsurance ceded, accumulated deficiencies, scenario
reserves, and the resulting SR shall be determined ignoring the effects of reinsurance ceded
within the projections. One acceptable approach involves a projection based on the same
starting asset amount as for the aggregate reserve post-reinsurance ceded and by ignoring,
where appropriate, all anticipated reinsurance premiums or other costs and all reinsurance
recoveries in the projections.
3. Reserve Determined using the Alternative Methodology
If a company chooses to use the Alternative Methodology, as allowed in Section 3.E, it is
important to note that the methodology produces reserves on a pre-reinsurance ceded basis.
Therefore, where reinsurance is ceded, the Alternative Methodology must be modified to
reflect the reinsurance costs and reinsurance recoveries under the reinsurance treaties in
the determination of the aggregate reserve post-reinsurance ceded. In addition, the
Alternative Methodology, unadjusted for reinsurance, shall be applied to the contracts
falling under the scope of these requirements to determine the aggregate reserve prior to
4. Additional Standard Projection Amount
Where reinsurance is ceded, the additional standard projection amount shall be calculated
as described in Section 6 to reflect the reinsurance costs and reinsurance recoveries under
the reinsurance treaties. The additional standard projection amount shall also be calculated
pre-reinsurance ceded using the methods described in Section 6 but ignoring the effects of
the reinsurance ceded.
Section 6: Requirements for the Additional Standard Projection Amount
A. Overview
1. Determining the Additional Standard Projection Amount
a. For valuation dates before January 1, 2025, the additional standard projection
amount shall be the larger of zero and an amount determined in aggregate for all
contracts falling under the scope of these requirements, excluding those contracts
to which the Alternative Methodology is applied, by calculating the Prescribed
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Projections Amount by one of two methods, the Company-Specific Market Path
(CSMP) method or the CTE with Prescribed Assumptions (CTEPA) method. The
company shall assess the impact of aggregation on the additional standard
projection amount.
b. For valuation dates on or after January 1, 2025, the additional standard projection
amount shall be the larger of zero and an amount determined in aggregate for all
contracts falling under the scope of these requirements, excluding those contracts
to which the Alternative Methodology is applied, by calculating the Prescribed
Projections Amount by the CTEPA method. The company shall assess the impact
of aggregation on the additional standard projection amount.
Guidance Note: The following outlines one method that may be used to assess the impact of
aggregation. If a company plans to use a different method, they should discuss that method with
their domiciliary commissioner.
If a company uses the CSMP method, the benefit of aggregation is determined using the following
steps, based on Path A, and using prescribed assumptions and discount rates used to calculate
prescribed amount A:
1. Calculate the present value of each contract’s accumulated deficiency up through
the duration of the aggregate GPVAD. When determining the contract
accumulated deficiency: (a) contract starting assets equal CSV; (b) contract level
starting assets include both separate account and general account assets, and
exclude any hedge assets; (c) discount rate for the PVAD is the NAER; and (d) for
a contract that terminates prior to the duration of the GPVAD, there will no longer
be liability cash flows, but assets (positive or negative) continue to accumulate.
2. The impact of aggregation is the sum of the absolute value of the negative amounts
from step 1 above.
If a company uses the CTEPA method, it should apply steps 1 and 2 above to each model point,
using the same scenario used for the cumulative decrement analysis, and using that scenario’s
NAER as the discount rates for discounting the accumulated deficiency from the time of the
GPVAD. For GMWBs and hybrid GMIBs that use the Withdrawal Delay Cohort Method as
specified in VM-21 Section 6.C.5, cash flows for each contract or for each model point shall be
determined as the aggregate across all of the constituent cohorts of the contract or model point.
c. The additional standard projection amount shall be calculated based on the
scenario reserves, as discussed in Section 4.B, with certain prescribed assumptions
replacing the company prudent estimate assumptions. As is the case in the
projection of a scenario in the calculation of the SR, the scenario reserves used to
calculate the additional standard projection amount are based on an analysis of
asset and liability cash flows produced along certain equity and interest rate
scenario paths.
B. Additional Standard Projection Amount
1. General
Where not inconsistent with the guidance given here, the process and methods used to
determine the additional standard projection amount under either the CSMP method or the
CTEPA method shall be the same as required in the calculation of the SR as described in
Section 3.D of these requirements. Any additional assumptions needed to determine the
additional standard projection amount shall be explicitly documented.
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2. The company shall determine the Prescribed Projections Amount by following either the
CSMP Method or the CTEPA Method below. A company may not change the method used
from one valuation to the next without the approval of the domiciliary commissioner.
3. Calculation Methodology
a. CSMP Method:
i. Calculate the scenario reserve, as defined in VM-01 and discussed further
in Section 4.B, for each of the prescribed market paths outlined in Section
6.B.6 using the same method and assumptions as those that the company
uses to calculate scenario reserves for the purposes of determining the
CTE70 (adjusted),
as outlined in Section 9.C. These scenario reserves
shall collectively be referred to as a Company Standard Projection Set.
ii. Identify the market path from the Company Standard Projection Set such
that the scenario reserve is closest to the CTE70 (adjusted), designated as
Path A. This scenario reserve shall be referred to as Company Amount A.
iii. Identify the following four market paths:
Two paths with the same starting interest rate as Path A, but equity
shocks +/– 5% from that of Path A.
Two paths with the same equity fund returns as Path A, but the next
higher and next lower interest rate shocks.
From the four paths, identify Path B whose reserve value is:
If Company Amount A is lower than CTE70 (adjusted), the smallest
reserve value that is greater than CTE70 (adjusted).
If Company Amount A is greater than CTE70 (adjusted), the greatest
reserve value that is less than CTE70 (adjusted).
If none of the four paths satisfy the stated condition, discard the identified
Path A, and redo steps (ii) and (iii) using the next closest scenario to
CTE70 (adjusted) to be the new Path A in step (ii).
For the path designated as Path B, the scenario reserve shall be referred to
as Company Amount B.
iv. Recalculate the scenario reserves for Path A and Path B using the same
method as outlined in step (i) above, but substitute the assumptions
prescribed in Section 6.C and use a seriatim in force. These scenario
reserves shall be referred to as Prescribed Amount A and Prescribed
Amount B, respectively.
Throughout this Section 6, references to CTE70 (adjusted) shall also mean the SR for a
company that does not have a future hedging strategy supporting the contracts that does
not solely offset index credits as discussed in Section 4.A.4.
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v. Calculate the Prescribed Projections Amount as:
Prescribed Projections Amount
=Prescribed Amount A + (CTE70 (adjusted) − Company Amount A)
   
   
b. CTEPA Method:
i. If the company used a model office to calculate the CTE Amount, then the
company may continue to use the same model office, or one that is no less
granular than the model office that was used to determine the CTE
Amount, provided that the company shall maintain consistency in the
grouping method used from one valuation to the next.
ii. Calculate the Prescribed Projections Amount as the CTE70 (adjusted)
using the same method as that outlined in Section 9.C (which is the same
as the SR following Section 4.A.4.a for a company that does not have a
future hedging strategy supporting the contracts) but substituting the
assumptions prescribed by Section 6.C. The calculation of this Prescribed
Projections Amount also requires that the scenario reserve for any given
scenario be equal to or in excess of the cash surrender value in aggregate
on the valuation date for the group of contracts modeled in the projection.
c. Once the Prescribed Projections Amount is determined by one of the two
methodologies above, then the company shall reduce the Prescribed Projections
Amount by the CTE70 (adjusted). The difference shall be referred to as the
Unbuffered Additional Standard Projection Amount.
d. Reduce the Unbuffered Additional Standard Projection Amount by an amount
equal to the difference between (i) and (ii), where (i) and (ii) are calculated in the
following manner:
i. Calculate the Unfloored CTE70 (adjusted), using the same procedure as
CTE70 (adjusted) but without requiring that the scenario reserve for any
scenario be no less than the cash surrender value in aggregate on the
valuation date.
ii. Calculate the Unfloored CTE65 (adjusted), which is calculated in the same
way as Unfloored CTE70 (adjusted) but averaging the 35% (instead of
30%) largest values.
e. The additional standard projection amount shall subsequently be the larger of the
quantity calculated in Section 6.B.3.d and zero.
4. Modeled Reinsurance
Cash flows associated with reinsurance shall be projected in the same manner as that used in
the calculation of the SR as described in Section 3.
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5. Modeled Hedges
Cash flows associated with hedging shall be projected in the same manner as that used in
the calculation of the CTE70 (adjusted) as discussed in Section 9.C or Section 4.A.4.a for
a company without a future hedging strategy supporting the contracts.
6. Market Paths for CSMP Method
If the company elects the CSMP method described in Section 6.B.3.a, the additional
standard projection amount shall be determined from the scenario reserves calculated for
the prescribed market paths defined below. Each prescribed market path shall be defined
by an initial equity fund stress and an initial interest rate stress, after which equity fund
returns steadily recover and interest rates revert to the same long-term mean.
All combinations of prescribed equity fund return scenarios and interest rate scenarios shall
be considered prescribed Standard Projection market paths. Accordingly, each company
shall calculate scenario reserves for a minimum of 40 market paths.
a. Equity Fund Returns
Eight equity fund return market paths shall be used. These market paths differ only
in the prescribed gross return in the first projection year.
The eight prescribed gross returns for equity funds in the first projection year shall
be negative 25% to positive 10%, at 5% intervals. These gross returns shall be
projected to occur linearly over the full projection year. After the first projection
year, all prescribed equity fund return market paths shall assume total gross returns
of 3% per annum.
If the eight prescribed equity fund market paths are insufficient for a company to
calculate the additional standard projection amount via steps (i) through (v)
outlined in Section 6.B.3.a, then the company shall include additional equity fund
market paths that increase or decrease the prescribed gross returns in the first
projection year by 5% increments at a time.
b. Interest Rates
Five interest rate market paths shall be used.
The five prescribed interest rate market paths shall differ in the starting Treasury
Department rates used to generate the mean interest rate path. Specifically, the
following five sets of starting Treasury Department rates shall be used:
i. The actual Treasury Department rates as of the valuation date.
ii. The actual Treasury Department rates as of the valuation date, reduced at
each point on the term structure by 25% of the difference between the
Treasury Department rate as of the valuation date and 0.01%.
iii. The actual Treasury Department rates as of the valuation date, reduced at
each point on the term structure by 50% of the difference between the
Treasury Department rate as of the valuation date and 0.01%.
iv. The actual Treasury Department rates as of the valuation date, reduced at
each point on the term structure by 75% of the difference between the
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Treasury Department rate as of the valuation date and 0.01%.
v. The actual Treasury Department rates as of the valuation date, increased
at each point on the term structure by 25% of the difference between the
Treasury Department rate as of the valuation date and 0.01%.
For each of these five sets of starting Treasury Department rates, the prescribed
interest rate market path is defined as the interest rate path generated by the
prescribed interest rate scenario generator (described in Section 8.B) when the
applicable set of starting rates is the initial yield curve for the generator and all
random variables in the generator are set to zero across all time periods. The
starting Treasury Department rates should not change any prescribed parameters
in the generator, including the mean reversion parameter. After creating each
vector of rates, the time 0 (valuation date) values should be set back to actual
Treasury Department rates as of the valuation date so that the model will validate
to current market values.
If the five prescribed interest rate market paths are insufficient for a company to
calculate the Additional Standard Projection Amount via steps (i) through (v)
outlined in Section 6.B.3.a, then the company shall include additional interest rate
market paths that increase or decrease the prescribed starting Treasury Department
rates at each point on the term structure by increments equal to 25% of the
difference between the Treasury Department rate as of the valuation date and
0.01%. The lowest interest rate to be used in this analysis is 0.01%.
For projecting swap rates along the prescribed interest rate market paths,
companies shall assume that the swap-to-Treasury spread term structure in effect
as of the valuation date persists throughout each market path. The lowest swap rate
to be used in this analysis is 0.01%.
c. Indices and Returns That Are Not Scenario-Specific
The following market indicators and fund returns are constructed in a consistent
manner across all prescribed market paths:
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Table 6.1: Returns and Indicators
Returns &
All projection years
Bond fund returns
Equal to the five-year trailing average of the five-year Treasury
Department rate, plus an earned spread of 100 bps per annum.
In the first projection year, adjust the projected return by an amount
equal to 20% of the prescribed gross equity fund return—with the
same directionality, reflected in a linear fashion over the full
projection year.
Money market
fund returns
Follow the three-month Treasury Department rate projected in the
prescribed scenario.
Balanced fund
Reflect the equity and bond allocations as of the valuation date and
any expected asset rebalancing in the projection consistent with
fund operations.
General account
reinvestment rate
Consistent with the manner in which general account assets
including starting assets, reinvestment assets, and additional
invested assets as defined in Section 4.B.3are reflected via the
method outlined in Section 4.D.4 and Section 4.D.5, including the
requirement in Section 4.D.5.a for fixed income assets.
Fixed account
At the option of the company, either (i) follow the company’s
documented crediting practices; or (ii) equal to the larger of the
contract’s minimum guaranteed crediting rate and the general
account earned rate less 200 bps.
For reinsurers that do not have visibility into the ceding company’s
general account earned rate, the company shall project the ceding
company’s general account earned rate as the five-year trailing
average of the five-year Treasury Department rate, plus an earned
spread of 100 bps per annum.
Implied and
realized volatility
Follow the forward volatilities implied by the implied volatility
term structure in effect as of the valuation date.
Foreign exchange
Follow the exchange rates implied by spot exchange rates as of the
valuation date and the relevant interest rate term structures.
C. Prescribed Assumptions
1. Assignment of Guaranteed Benefit Type
a. Assumptions shall be set for each contract in accordance with the contract’s
guaranteed benefit type, where a number of common benefit types is specifically
defined in VM-01 (e.g., GMDB, GMIB, GMWB, etc.). In addition, a simple 403(b)
VA contract shall be defined as a variable annuity contract that:
i. Is issued within a 403(b) retirement savings plan.
ii. Does not have a VAGLB.
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b. Certain VAGLB products have features that can be described by multiple types of
guaranteed benefits. If the VAGLB can be described by more than one of the
definitions in VM-01 for the purpose of determining the additional standard
projection amount, the company shall select the guaranteed benefit type that it
deems best applicable and shall be consistent in its selection from one valuation to
the next. For instance, if a VAGLB has both lifetime GMWB and non-lifetime
GMWB features and the company determines that the lifetime GMWB is the most
prominent component; assumptions for all contracts with such a VAGLB shall be
set as if the VAGLB were only a lifetime GMWB and did not contain any of the
non-lifetime GMWB features. If the company determines that the non-lifetime
GMWB is the most prominent component; assumptions for all contracts with such
a VAGLB shall be set as if the VAGLB were only a non-lifetime GMWB and did
not contain any of the lifetime GMWB features.
c. If a contract cannot be classified into any categories within a given assumption,
the company shall determine the defined benefit type with the most similar benefits
and risk profile as the company’s benefit and utilize the assumption prescribed for
this benefit.
2. Maintenance Expenses
Maintenance expense assumptions shall be determined as the sum of (a) plus (b) if the
company is responsible for the administration or (c) if the company is not responsible for
the administration of the contract:
a. Each contract for which the company is responsible for administration incurs an
annual expense equal to $100 in the first projection year, increased by an assumed
annual inflation rate of 2% for subsequent projection years.
b. Seven basis points of the projected account value for each year in the projection.
c. Each contract for which the company is not responsible for administration (e.g., if
the contract were assumed by the company in a reinsurance transaction in which
only the risks associated with a guaranteed benefit rider were transferred) incurs
an annual expense equal to $35 in the first projection year, increased by an assumed
annual inflation rate of 2% for subsequent projection years.
Guidance Note: The framework adopted by the Variable Annuities Issues (E) Working Group
includes the review and possible update of these assumptions every three to five years.
3. Guarantee Actuarial Present Value
The Guarantee Actuarial Present Value (GAPV) is used in the determination of the
Withdrawal Delay Cohort Method (Section 6.C.5), full surrender rates (Section
6.C.6), annuitization rates (Section 6.C.7), and other voluntary contract
terminations (Section 6.C.11). The GAPV represents the actuarial present value of
the lump sum or income payments associated with a guaranteed benefit. For the
purpose of calculating the GAPV, such payments shall include the portion that is
paid out of the contract holder’s Account Value.
The GAPV shall be calculated in the following manner:
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a. If a guaranteed benefit is exercisable immediately, then the GAPV shall
be determined assuming immediate or continued exercise of that benefit
unless otherwise specified in a subsequent subsection of Section 6.C.3.
b. If a guaranteed benefit is not exercisable immediately (e.g., because of
minimum age or contract year requirements), then the GAPV shall be
determined assuming exercise of the guaranteed benefit at the earliest
possible time unless otherwise specified in a subsequent subsection of
Section 6.C.3.
c. Determination of the GAPV of a guaranteed benefit that is exercisable or
payable at a future projection interval shall take account of any guaranteed
growth in the basis for the guarantee (e.g., where the basis grows according
to an index or an interest rate), as well as survival to the date of exercise
using the mortality table specified in Section 6.C.3.h.
d. Once a GMWB is exercised, the contract holder shall be assumed to
withdraw in each subsequent contract year an amount equal to 100% of
the GMWB’s guaranteed maximum annual withdrawal amount in that
contract year.
e. If account value growth is required to determine projected benefits or
product features, then the account value growth shall be assumed to be 0%
net of all fees chargeable to the account value.
f. If a market index is required to determine projected benefits or product
features, then the required index shall be assumed to remain constant at its
value during the projection interval.
g. The GAPV for a GMDB that terminates at a certain age or in a certain
contract year shall be calculated as if the GMDB does not terminate.
Benefit features such as guaranteed growth in the GMDB benefit basis
may be calculated so that no additional benefit basis growth occurs after
the GMDB termination age or date defined in the contract.
h. The mortality assumption used shall follow the 2012 IAM Basic Mortality
Table, improved to Dec. 31, 2017, using Projection Scale G2 but not
applying any additional mortality improvement in the projection.
Guidance Note: Projecting mortality to a specific date rather than the valuation date in the above
step is a practical expedient to streamline calculations. This date should be considered an
experience assumption to be periodically reviewed and updated as the Life Actuarial (A) Task
Force reviews and updates the assumptions used in the Standard Projection.
i. The discount rate used shall be the 10-year Treasury Department bond rate
on the valuation date unless otherwise specified in a subsequent subsection
of Section 6.C.3.
j. For hybrid GMIBs, two types of GAPVs shall be calculated: the
Annuitization GAPV and the Withdrawal GAPV. The Annuitization
GAPV is determined as if the hybrid GMIB were a traditional GMIB such
that the only benefit payments used in the GAPV calculation are from
annuitization. The Withdrawal GAPV is determined as if the hybrid GMIB
were a lifetime GMWB with the same guaranteed benefit growth features
and, at each contract holder age, a guaranteed maximum withdrawal
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amount equal to the partial withdrawal amount below which partial
withdrawals reduce the benefit by the same dollar amount as the partial
withdrawal amount and above which partial withdrawals reduce the
benefit by the same proportion that the withdrawal reduces the account
4. Partial Withdrawals
Partial withdrawals required contractually or previously elected (e.g., a contract
operating under an automatic withdrawal provision, or that has voluntarily enrolled
in an automatic withdrawal program, on the valuation date) are to be deducted from
the Account Value in each projection interval consistent with the projection
frequency used, as described in Section 4.F, and according to the terms of the
contract. However, if a GMWB or hybrid GMIB contract’s automatic withdrawals
results in partial withdrawal amounts in excess of the GMWB’s guaranteed
maximum annual withdrawal amount or the maximum amount above which
withdrawals reduce the GMIB basis by the same dollar amount as the withdrawal
amount (the “dollar-for-dollar maximum withdrawal amount”), such automatic
withdrawals shall be revised such that they equal the GMWB’s guaranteed
maximum annual withdrawal amount or the GMIB’s dollar-for-dollar maximum
withdrawal amount. However, for tax qualified contracts with ages greater than or
equal to the federal required minimum distribution (RMD) age, if the prescribed
withdrawal amount is below the RMD amount, the withdrawal amount may be
reset to the RMD amount.
Guidance Note: Companies are expected to model withdrawal amounts consistent
with the RMD amount where applicable and where practically feasible; however,
it is understood that this level of modeling sophistication may not be available for
all companies.
For any contract not on an automatic withdrawal provision as described in the
preceding paragraph, depending on the guaranteed benefit type, other partial
withdrawals shall be projected as follows but shall not exceed the free partial
withdrawal amount above which surrender charges are incurred and may be
floored at the RMD amount for tax qualified contracts with ages greater than or
equal to the federal RMD age:
a. For simple 403(b) VA contracts, the partial withdrawal amount each year
shall equal the following percentages, based on the contract holder’s
attained age:
Table 6.2: Partial Withdrawals, 403(b)
Attained Age
Percent of account value
59 and under
60 69
70 74
75 and over
b. For contracts that do not have VAGLBs but that have GMDBs that offer
guaranteed growthi.e., benefit growth that does not depend on the
performance of the Account Valuein the benefit basis, the partial
withdrawal amount each year shall equal 2% of the Account Value.
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c. For contracts that do not have VAGLBs but that have GMDBs that do not
offer guaranteed growth in the benefit basis, the partial withdrawal amount
each year shall equal 3.5% of the Account Value.
d. For contracts with (1) traditional GMIBs that do not offer guaranteed
growth in the benefit basis; or (2) GMABs, the partial withdrawal amount
each year shall equal to 2.0% of the Account Value.
e. For contracts with traditional GMIBs that offer guaranteed growth in the
benefit basis, the partial withdrawal amount each year shall equal 1.5% of
the Account Value.
f. For contracts with GMWBs and Account Values of zero, the partial
withdrawal amount shall be the guaranteed maximum annual withdrawal
g. For contracts with Lifetime GMWBs or hybrid GMIBs that, in the contract
year immediately preceding that during the valuation date, withdrew a
non-zero amount not in excess of the GMWB’s guaranteed annual
withdrawal amount or the GMIB’s dollar-for-dollar maximum withdrawal
amount, the partial withdrawal amount shall be 90% of the guaranteed
annual withdrawal amount or the GMIB’s dollar-for-dollar maximum
withdrawal amount each year until the contract Account Value reaches
h. For other contracts with Lifetime GMWBs or hybrid GMIBs, no partial
withdrawals shall be projected until the projection interval (the “initial
withdrawal period”) determined using the “withdrawal delay cohort
method” as described in Section 6.C.5. During the initial withdrawal
period and thereafter, the partial withdrawal amount shall be 90% of the
GMWB’s guaranteed annual withdrawal amount or the GMIBs dollar-
for-dollar maximum withdrawal amount each year until the contract
Account Value reaches zero.
i. For contracts with Non-lifetime GMWBs that, in the contract year
immediately preceding that during the valuation date, withdrew a non-zero
amount not in excess of the GMWB’s guaranteed annual withdrawal
amount, the partial withdrawal amount shall be 70% of the GMWB’s
guaranteed annual withdrawal amount each year until the contract Account
Value reaches zero.
j. For other contracts with Non-lifetime GMWBs, no partial withdrawals
shall be projected until the projection interval (the “initial withdrawal
period”) determined using the “withdrawal delay cohort method” as
described in Section 6.C.5. During the initial withdrawal period and
thereafter, the partial withdrawal amount shall be 70% of the guaranteed
annual withdrawal amount each year until the contract Account Value
reaches zero.
k. For contracts with no minimum guaranteed benefits, the partial withdrawal
amount each year shall equal 3.5% of the Account Value.
l. There may be instances where the company has certain data limitations,
(e.g., with respect to policies that are not enrolled in an automatic
withdrawal program but have exercised a non-excess withdrawal in the
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contract year immediately preceding the valuation date [Section 6.C.4.g
and Section 6.C.4.i]). The company may employ an appropriate proxy
method if it does not result in a material understatement of the reserve.
5. Withdrawal Delay Cohort Method
To model the initial withdrawal for certain GMWBs and hybrid GMIBs as
discussed in Section 6.C.4.h and Section 6.C.4.j, the actuary shall adopt a modeling
approach whereby a contract is split into several copies (referred to as “cohorts”),
each of which is subsequently modeled as a separate contract with a different initial
withdrawal period. The contract Account Value, bases for guaranteed benefits, and
other applicable characteristics shall be allocated across the cohorts based on
different weights that are determined using the method discussed below in this
For example, assume that the method discussed below results in the creation of
two cohorts: the first, weighted 70%, has an initial withdrawal period of two years
after the valuation date; and the second, weighted 30%, has an initial withdrawal
period of ten years after the valuation date. The contract shall therefore be split
into two copies; the first copy shall have Account Value and guaranteed benefit
bases equal to 70% of those of the original contract, and the second copy shall have
Account Value and guaranteed benefit bases equal to 30% of those of the original
contract. The first copy shall be projected to begin withdrawing in two years, while
the second shall be projected to begin withdrawing in 10 years. The cash flows
from both copies shall thereafter be aggregated to yield the final cash flows of the
overall contract.
The following steps shall be used to construct the cohorts and determine the
weights attributed to each cohort. These steps shall be conducted for each issue
age for each GMWB and hybrid GMIB product that the company possesses in the
modeled in force.
a. Calculate the GMWB GAPV or the Withdrawal GAPV (for hybrid
GMIBs) for each potential age of initiating withdrawals (“initial
withdrawal age”) until the end of the projection period or the contract
holder reaches age 120 if sooner. In each of these GAPV calculations:
i. The calculation shall ignore the instructions of Section 6.C.3.d and
instead assume that the contract holder takes no partial
withdrawals until the initial withdrawal age.
ii. The calculation shall ignore the instructions of Section 6.C.3.i and
instead use a discount rate assuming a 10-year Treasury
Department bond rate of 3.0%.
iii. The GAPV for each initial withdrawal age shall be expressed in
present value terms taking into account survival from issue to the
initial withdrawal age, as well as time value of money during that
period. For instance, if the issue age is 55, then the GAPV for an
initial withdrawal age of 60 shall take into account survival of the
annuitant or owner to age 60 using the mortality table specified in
Section 6.C.3.h as well as the time value of money from age 55 to
age 60.
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b. Raise each of the GAPV to the second power and multiply all of the
resultant GAPV
values corresponding to initial withdrawal ages below 60
by 50%.
c. For tax qualified GMWB contracts, scale each of the adjusted GAPV
values by a single multiplier such that the sum of the scaled GAPV
equals 0.95.
d. For non-qualified GMWB contracts, scale each of the adjusted GAPV
values by a single multiplier such that the sum of the scaled GAPV
equals 0.80.
e. For tax-qualified hybrid GMIB contracts, scale each of the adjusted
values by a single multiplier such that the sum of the scaled
values equals 0.85.
f. For non-qualified hybrid GMIB contracts, scale each of the adjusted
values by a single multiplier such that the sum of the scaled
values equals 0.60.
g. For contracts that offer guaranteed growth in the benefit basis or one-time
bonuses to the benefit basis, add the following to the adjusted and scaled
values corresponding to the initial withdrawal age that occurs
immediately after the termination of the guaranteed growth or the one-time
bonus. If there is more than one such initial withdrawal age, the addition
shall be made to the initial withdrawal age with the higher GAPV.
0.35 ×
0.95 GAPV
  
 
, if contract is a tax qualified GMWB
0.80 GAPV
  
 
, if contract is a non qualified GMWB
0.85 GAPV
  
 
, if contract is a tax qualified hybrid GMIB
0.60 GAPV
  
 
, if contract is a non qualified hybrid GMIB
h. Scale the adjusted and scaled GAPV
values at all future initial withdrawal
ages—i.e., all ages greater than the initial withdrawal age that occurs
immediately after the termination of the guaranteed growth or the one-time
bonus with the greatest GAPV, as identified in the preceding stepsuch
that the sum of the revised GAPV
values equals 0.95 for tax-qualified
GMWB contracts, 0.80 for non-qualified GMWB contracts, 0.85 for tax-
qualified hybrid GMIB contracts, and 0.60 for non-qualified hybrid GMIB
i. For tax-qualified contracts, add the following to the revised GAPV
corresponding to an initial withdrawal age of the federal RMD age.
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0.50 ×
0.95 GAPV
 
, if contract is a tax qualified GMWB
0.85 GAPV
 
, if contract is a tax qualified hybrid GMIB
j. Scale the revised GAPV
values at all future initial withdrawal ages—i.e.,
all ages greater than the federal RMD age, as identified in the preceding
step—such that the sum of the revised GAPV
values equals 0.95 for tax-
qualified GMWB contracts and 0.85 for tax-qualified hybrid GMIB
contracts again.
k. For ease of calculation, the company may discard certain withdrawal ages
and use others as representative. For example, for odd-numbered issue
ages, discard the initial withdrawal ages that are odd-numbered; and for
even-numbered issue ages, discard initial withdrawal ages that are even-
numbered. One cohort shall subsequently be constructed for each of the
remaining initial withdrawal ages.
Guidance Note: The instructions in Section 6.C.5 are meant to improve computational tractability
for companies that have large in force portfolios; accordingly, companies may also elect not to
discard any initial withdrawal ages in constructing the withdrawal cohorts. Additionally, if
necessary to avoid unmanageable computational intensity, companies may discard more initial
withdrawal ages in constructing withdrawal cohorts or assign only a small number of withdrawal
cohorts to each contract via random sampling.
l. The weight assigned to each of the cohorts constructed in Section 6.C.5
shall equal the revised GAPV
value of the corresponding initial
withdrawal age less the revised GAPV
value of the initial withdrawal age
in the preceding cohort; i.e., two years smaller for the example given in
Section 6.C.5.k.
m. Construct a final cohort that is modeled not to take a partial withdrawal in
the contract lifetime. This final cohort (“never withdraw cohort”) shall be
assigned a weight of 0.05 for tax-qualified GMWB contracts and 0.20 for
non-qualified GMWB contracts, 0.15 for tax-qualified hybrid GMIB
contracts, and 0.40 for non-qualified hybrid GMIB contracts.
n. The cohorts and their associated weights as determined in Section 6.C.5.a
through Section 6.C.5.k are for a contract with attained age equal to its
issue age. Because the discount rate used in this determination is fixed,
generally these calculations only need to be performed once for a given set
of contracts with a certain issue age, guaranteed benefit product, and tax
Guidance Note: Cohorts and their associated weights may need to be revised if prescribed
assumptions are updated.
o. For a contract with a contract holder attained age exceeding its issue age
and that must still follow the Withdrawal Delay Cohort Method, cohorts
with initial withdrawal ages less than the attained age on the valuation date
shall be discarded. The remaining cohorts shall be scaled such that the sum
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of their re-scaled weights equals 1. For example, for a sample contract with
issue age 58 and attained age 64 on the valuation date, the cohorts with
initial withdrawal ages less than 64 should be discarded, and the weights
of all remaining cohorts shall be re-scaled by dividing by the difference
between 1 and the weight of the original cohort with initial withdrawal age
of 64.
6. Full Surrenders
The full surrender rate for all contracts shall be calculated based on the Standard
Table for Full Surrenders as detailed below in Table 6.3, except for simple 403(b)
VA contracts. The Standard Table for Full Surrender prescribes different full
surrender rates depending on the contract year and the in-the-moneyness (“ITM”)
of the contract’s guaranteed benefit.
The ITM of a contract’s guaranteed benefit shall be calculated based on the ratio
of the guaranteed benefit’s GAPV to the contract’s account value. Depending on
the guaranteed benefit type, the ratio shall be adjusted via the following
a. For GMDBs, the ITM shall be calculated as 75% of the ratio between the
GMDB GAPV and the contract account value.
b. For GMABs, the ITM shall be calculated as 150% of the ratio between the
GMAB GAPV and the contract account value.
c. For traditional GMIBs and all GMWBs, the ITM shall be calculated as
100% of the ratio between the GMIB or GMWB GAPV, calculated as
described in Section 6.C.3, and the contract account value.
d. For hybrid GMIBs, the ITM shall be calculated as 100% of the ratio
i. The larger of its Annuitization GAPV and its Withdrawal GAPV,
calculated as described in Section 6.C.3 and Section 6.C.5, and
ii. The contract account value.
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Table 6.3 – Standard Table for Full Surrenders
In surrender charge period,
or in policy years 13 for
contracts without surrender
First year after the
surrender charge period
Subsequent years, or
in policy years 4
and onwards for
contracts without
surrender charges
Under 50% 4.0% 25.0% 15.0%
5075% 3.0% 18.0% 10.0%
75100% 2.5% 12.0% 7.0%
100125% 2.5% 8.0% 4.5%
125150% 2.5% 6.0% 3.0%
150175% 2.5% 5.0% 2.5%
175200% 2.5% 4.5% 2.0%
Over 200% 2.5% 4.0% 2.0%
For contracts that have both a VAGLB and a GMDB, the full surrender rate
projected shall be the lower of the full surrender rate obtained from the Standard
Table for Full Surrender using the GMDB’s ITM and that using the VAGLB’s
For GMAB contracts, the full surrender rate of the remaining contract shall be
modeled in accordance with that prescribed for any remaining benefits in the
contract, except that for a contract with no other living benefits, the projected full
surrender rate shall be 50% in the contract year immediately following the maturity
of the guaranteed benefit.
For GMWB or hybrid GMIB contracts, for all contract years in which a withdrawal
is projected, the full surrender rate obtained from the Standard Table for Full
Surrender shall be multiplied by 60%.
For contracts with no minimum guaranteed benefits, ITM is 0%; and the row in
the table for ITM < 50% would apply.
Notwithstanding all of the instructions above, the full surrender rate for a GMWB
contract shall be 0% if the account value is zero.
e. For simple 403(b) VA contracts, the full surrender rate projected shall be
the lower of:
i. The full surrender rate obtained from the Standard Table for Full
Surrender based on the ITM of the contract’s GMDB, and
ii. The applicable full surrender rate from the following table:
Table 6.4: Full Surrender Incidence Rates, 403(b)
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Full Surrender for simple 403(b) VA contracts
Attained Age
In surrender
charge period
First policy year
after the surrender
charge period
policy years, or
without a
charge period
59 and under
60 – 69
70 – 74
75 and over
7. Annuitizations
a. The annuitization rate for contracts that do not have a GMIB shall be 0%
at all projection intervals. For GMIB contracts, the annuitization rate shall
be synonymous with the benefit exercise rate. As such, the annuitization
rate is 0% in projection intervals during which the GMIB is not
b. The annual annuitization rate for a traditional GMIB contract that is
immediately exercisable in the projection interval and that has an account
value greater than zero, shall follow the Standard Table for Traditional
GMIB Annuitization as detailed below in Table 6.5. The Standard Table
for Annuitization prescribes different annuitization rates depending on
whether the contract is in the first contract year in which the GMIB is
exercisable or in a subsequent contract year.
Table 6.5: Standard Table for Traditional GMIB Annuitization
Annuitization GAPV
First year of exercisability
Subsequent years
0–100% of Account Value
100–125% of Account Value
125–150% of Account Value
150–175% of Account Value
175–200% of Account Value
200%+ of Account Value
c. The annual annuitization rate for a hybrid GMIB contract that is
immediately exercisable in the projection interval and that has an Account
Value greater than zero shall be determined via the following steps:
i. If the GMIB’s Withdrawal GAPV exceeds its Annuitization
GAPV, the GMIB’s Annuitization GAPV exceeds the
contract’s account value, and the contract is not in the last
three years in which the GMIB is exercisable, then the annual
annuitization rate shall be 0.25%.
ii. If the GMIB’s Annuitization GAPV exceeds or equals its
Withdrawal GAPV, and the contract is not in the last three
years in which the GMIB is exercisable, then the annual
annuitization rate shall follow the Standard Table A for
Hybrid GMIB Annuitization as detailed below in Table 6.6.
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iii. If the contract is in the last three years in which the GMIB is
exercisable, then the annual annuitization rate shall follow the
Standard Table B for Hybrid GMIB Annuitization as detailed
below in Table 6.7.
iv. Otherwise, the annual annuitization rate shall be zero.
Table 6.6: Standard Table A for Hybrid
GMIB Annuitization
Annuitization GAPV
Annual annuitization rate
0–100% of Account Value
100–125% of Account Value
125–150% of Account Value
150–175% of Account Value
175–200% of Account Value
200%+ of Account Value
Table 6.7: Standard Table B for Hybrid
GMIB Annuitization
Annuitization GAPV
Annual annuitization rate
0–100% of Account Value
100–125% of Account Value
125–150% of Account Value
150–175% of Account Value
175–200% of Account Value
200–225% of Account Value
225–250% of Account Value
250%+ of Account Value
d. If during any projection interval, the GAPV of another guarantee on the
contract (e.g., a GMDB) exceeds the Annuitization GAPV, the annual
annuitization rate in that projection interval shall be further adjusted to
equal 50% of the annual annuitization rate determined via the calculations
detailed above, but not to exceed 12.5%. For these calculations, the
Annuitization GAPV and Withdrawal GAPV shall follow the definition
described in Section 6.C.3.
e. The annuitization rate for all GMIB contracts shall be 100% immediately after
the Account Value reaches zero. As discussed in Section 6.C.10, contractual
features that terminate the GMIB upon account value depletion shall be voided
such that the account value depletion event does not terminate the GMIB.
8. Account Transfers and Future Deposits
a. No transfers between funds shall be assumed in the projection unless
required by the contract (e.g., transfers from a dollar cost averaging fund
or contractual rights given to the insurer to implement a contractually
specified portfolio insurance management strategy or a contract operating
under an automatic re-balancing option). When transfers must be modeled,
to the extent not inconsistent with contract language, the allocation of
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transfers to funds must be in proportion to the contract’s current allocation
to funds.
b. Except for simple 403(b) VA contracts, no future deposits to account value
shall be assumed unless required by the terms of the contract to prevent
contract or guaranteed benefit lapse, in which case they must be modeled.
When future deposits must be modeled, to the extent not inconsistent with
contract language, the allocation of the deposit to funds must be in
proportion to the contract’s current allocation to such funds.
c. For simple 403(b) VA contracts, total deposits to account value in any
projected future policy year shall be modeled as a percentage of the total
deposits from the immediately preceding policy year. The percentage shall
be determined based on the following table:
Table 6.48: Deposit Rates, 403(b)
Attained Age
Percent of prior year’s deposits
54 and under
55 through 69
70 and over
9. Mortality
The mortality rate for a contract holder with age x in year (2012 + n) shall be
calculated using the following formula, where q
denotes mortality from the 2012
IAM Basic Mortality Table multiplied by the appropriate factor (F
) from Table
6.9 and G2
denotes mortality improvement from Projection Scale G2:
(1 2
Table 6.9
Attained Age (x)
for VA with GLB
for All Other
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10. Account Value Depletions
The following assumptions shall be used when a contract’s Account Value reaches
a. If the contract has a GMWB, the contract shall take partial withdrawals
that are equal in amount each year to the guaranteed maximum annual
withdrawal amount.
b. If the contract has a GMIB, the contract shall annuitize immediately. If the
GMIB contractually terminates upon account value depletion, such
termination provision is assumed to be voided in order to approximate the
contract holder’s election to annuitize immediately before the depletion of
the account value.
c. If the contract has any other guaranteed benefits, including a GMDB, the
contract shall remain in-force. If the guaranteed benefits contractually
terminate upon account value depletion, such termination provisions are
assumed to be voided in order to approximate the contract holder’s
retaining adequate Account Value to maintain the guaranteed benefits in-
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force. At the option of the company, fees associated with the contract and
guaranteed benefits may continue to be charged and modeled as collected
even if the account value has reached zero. While the contract must remain
in-force, benefit features may still be terminated according to contractual
terms other than account value depletion provisions.
d. If the contract has no minimum guaranteed benefits, the contract should
be terminated according to contractual terms.
11. Other Voluntary Contract Terminations
For contracts that have other elective provisions that allow a contract holder to
terminate the contract voluntarily, the termination rate shall be calculated based on
the Standard Table for Full Surrenders as detailed above in Table 6.3 with the
following adjustments:
a. If the contract holder is not yet eligible to terminate the contract under the
elective provisions, the termination rate shall be zero.
b. After the contract holder becomes eligible to terminate the contract under
the elective provisions, the termination rate shall be determined using the
“Subsequent years” column of Table 6.3.
c. In using Table 6.3, the ITM of a contract’s guaranteed benefit shall be
calculated based on the ratio of the guaranteed benefit’s GAPV to the
termination value of the contract. The termination value of the contract
shall be calculated as the GAPV of the payment stream that the contract
holder is entitled to receive upon termination of the contract; if the contract
holder has multiple options for the payment stream, the termination value
shall be the highest GAPV of these options.
d. For GMWB or hybrid GMIB contracts, for all contract years in which a
withdrawal is projected, the termination rate obtained from Table 6.3 shall
be additionally multiplied by 60%.
For calculating the ITM of a hybrid GMIB, the guaranteed benefit’s
GAPV shall be the larger of the Annuitization GAPV or the Withdrawal
e. For contracts with no minimum guaranteed benefits, the ITM is 0%; for
all contract years in which a withdrawal is projected, the termination rate
obtained from Table 6.3 shall be the row in the table for ITM < 50% using
the “Subsequent years” column of Table 6.3.
Section 7: Alternative Methodology
A. General Methodology
1. General Methodology Description
a. For variable deferred annuity contracts that either contain no guaranteed benefits
or only GMDBs, including “earnings enhanced death benefits,” (i.e., no
VAGLBs), the reserve may be determined by using the method outlined below
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rather than by using the approach described in Section 3.C and Section 3.D—i.e.,
based on projectionsprovided the approach described in Section 3.D has not
been used in prior valuations or else approval has been obtained from the
domiciliary commissioner.
b. The reserve determined using the Alternative Methodology for a group of contracts
with GMDBs shall be determined as the sum of amounts obtained by applying
factors to each contract in force as of a valuation date and adding this to the
contract’s cash surrender value.
c. The amount that is added to an individual contract’s cash surrender value may be
negative, zero or positive, thus resulting in a reserve for a given contract that could
be less than, equal to or greater than the cash surrender value. The resulting reserve
in aggregate shall not be less than the greater of the cash surrender value or the
reserve determined by applying Actuarial Guideline XXXIIIDetermining
CARVM Reserves for Annuity Contracts with Elective Benefits (AG 33) in VM-C,
each in aggregate for the group of contracts to which the Alternative Methodology
is applied.
d. The reserve determined using the Alternative Methodology for a group of contracts
that contain no guaranteed benefits shall be determined using an application of AG
33 in VM-C, as described below.
Guidance Note: The term “contracts that contain no guaranteed benefits” means that there are no
guaranteed benefits at any time during the life of the contract (past, present or future).
e. For purposes of performing the Alternative Methodology, materially similar
contracts within the group may be combined together into subgroups to facilitate
application of the factors. Specifically, all contracts comprising a “subgroup” must
display substantially similar characteristics for those attributes expected to affect
reserves (e.g., definition of guaranteed benefits, attained age, contract duration,
years-to-maturity, market-to-guaranteed value, asset mix, etc.). Grouping shall be
the responsibility of the actuary but may not be done in a manner that intentionally
understates the resulting reserve.
f. The Alternative Methodology, as described in this section, produces a pre-
reinsurance-ceded reserve. The post-reinsurance-ceded reserve is discussed in
Section 5.3.
g. Instructions and factors for the Alternative Method can be found on the website of
the Academy at:
2. Definitions of Terms Used in This Section
a. Annualized Account Charge Differential: This term is the charge as percentage
account value (revenue for the company) minus the expense as percentage of
account value.
b. Asset Exposure: Asset exposure refers to the greatest possible loss to the insurance
company from the value of assets underlying general or separate account contracts
falling to zero.
c. Benchmark: Benchmarks have similar risk characteristics to the entity (e.g., asset
class, index or fund) to be modeled.
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d. Deterministic Calculations: In a deterministic calculation, a given event (e.g., asset
returns going up by 7% and then down by 5%) is assumed to occur with certainty.
In a stochastic calculation, events are assigned probabilities.
e. Foreign Securities: These are securities issued by entities outside the U.S.
f. Grouped Fund Holdings: Grouped fund holdings relate to guarantees that apply
across multiple deposits or for an entire contract instead of on a deposit-by-deposit
g. Guaranteed Value: The guaranteed value is the benefit base or a substitute for the
account value (if greater than the account value) in the calculation of living benefits
or death benefits. The methodology for setting the guaranteed value is defined in
the variable annuity contract.
h. High-Yield Bonds: High-yield bonds are below investment grade, with NAIC
ratings (if assigned) of 3, 4, 5 or 6. Compared to investment grade bonds, these
bonds have higher risk of loss due to credit events. Funds predominately containing
securities that are not NAIC rated as 1 or 2 (or similar agency ratings) are
considered to be high-yield.
i. Investment Grade Fixed Income Securities: Securities with NAIC ratings of 1 or 2
are investment grade. Funds containing securities predominately with NAIC
ratings of 1 or 2 or with similar agency ratings are considered to be investment
j. Liquid Securities: These securities can be sold and converted into cash at a price
close to its true value in a short period of time.
k. Margin Offset: Margin offset is the portion of charges plus any revenue-sharing
allowed under Section 4.A.5 available to fund claims and amortization of the
unamortized surrender charges allowance.
l. Multi-Point Linear Interpolation: This methodology is documented in
mathematical literature and calculates factors based on multiple attributes
categorized with discrete values where the attributes’ actual values may be
between the discrete values.
m. Model Office: A model office converts many contracts with similar features into
one contract with specific features for modeling purposes.
n. Quota-Share Reinsurance: In this type of reinsurance treaty, the same proportion
is ceded on all cessions. The reinsurer assumes a set percentage of risk for the same
percentage of the premium, minus an allowance for the ceding company’s
o. Resets: A reset benefit results in a future minimum guaranteed benefit being set
equal to the contract’s account value at previous set date(s) after contract inception.
p. Risk Mitigation Strategy: A risk mitigation strategy is a device to reduce the
probability and/or impact of a risk below an acceptable threshold.
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q. Risk Profile: Risk profile in these requirements relates to the prescribed asset class
categorized by the volatility of returns associated with that class.
r. Risk Transfer Arrangements: A risk transfer arrangement shifts risk exposures
(e.g., the responsibility to pay at least a portion of future contingent claims) away
from the original insurer.
s. Roll-Up: A roll-up benefit results in the guaranteed value associated with a
minimum contractual guarantee increasing at a contractually defined interest rate.
t. Volatility: Volatility refers to the annualized standard deviation of asset returns.
3. Contract-by-Contract Application for Contracts That Contain No Guaranteed Living or
Death Benefits
The Alternative Methodology reserve for each contract that contains no guaranteed living
or death benefits shall be determined by applying AG 33 in VM-C. The application shall
assume a return on separate account assets equal to the valuation interest rate for a non-
variable annuity with similar features issued during the first calendar quarter of the same
calendar year less appropriate asset-based charges. It also shall assume a return for any
fixed separate account and general account options equal to the rates guaranteed under the
4. Contract-by-Contract Application for Contracts That Contain GMDBs Only
For each contract, factors are used to determine a dollar amount, equal to
(as described below), that is to be added to that contract’s cash
surrender value as of the valuation date. The dollar amount to be added for any given
contract may be negative, zero or positive. The factors that are applied to each contract
shall reflect the following attributes as of the valuation date.
a. The contractual features of the variable annuity product.
b. The actual issue age, period since issue, attained age, years-to-maturity and gender
applicable to the contract.
c. The account value and composition by type of underlying variable or fixed fund.
d. Any surrender charges.
e. The GMDB and the type of adjustment made to the GMDB for partial withdrawals
(e.g., proportional or dollar-for-dollar adjustment).
f. Expenses to be incurred and revenues to be received by the company as estimated
on a prudent estimate basis and complying with the requirements for revenue
sharing as described in Section 4.A.5.
5. Factor Components
Factors shall be applied to determine each of the following components.
CA = Provision for amortization of the unamortized surrender charges calculated by the
insurer based on each contract’s surrender charge schedule, using prescribed
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assumptions, except that lapse rates shall be based on the insurer’s prudent
estimate, but with no provision for federal income taxes or mortality.
FE = Provision for fixed dollar expenses less fixed dollar revenue calculated using
prescribed assumptions, the contract’s actual expense charges, the insurer’s
anticipated actual expenses and lapse rates, both estimated on a prudent estimate
basis, and with no provision for federal income taxes or mortality.
GC = Provision for the costs of providing the GMDB less net available spread-based
charges determined by the formula
, where GV and AV are as
defined in Section 7.C.1.
R = A scaling factor that is a linear function of the ratio of the margin offset to total
account charges (W) and takes the form
× . The intercept
and slope factors for this linear function may vary according to:
Product type.
Pro-rata or dollar-for-dollar reductions in guaranteed value following
partial withdrawals.
Fund class.
Attained age.
Contract duration.
Asset-based charges.
90% of the ratio of account value to guaranteed value, determined in the
aggregate for all contracts sharing the same product characteristics.
Tables of factors for F, G, β
and β
values reflecting a 65% confidence interval and
ignoring federal income tax are available from the NAIC. In calculating
directly from the linear function provided above, the margin ratio W must be
constrained to values greater than or equal to 0.2 and less than or equal to 0.6.
Interpolated values of F, G and R (calculated using the linear function described above) for
all contracts having the same product characteristics and asset class shall be derived from
the pre-calculated values using multi-point linear interpolation over the following four
contract-level attributes:
a. Attained age.
b. Contract duration.
c. Ratio of account value to GMDB.
d. The total of all asset-based charges, including any fund management fees or
allowances based on the underlying variable annuity funds received by the insurer.
The gross asset-based charges for a product shall equal the sum of all contractual
asset-based charges plus fund management fees or allowances based on the
underlying variable annuity funds received by the insurer determined on a prudent
estimate basis and revenue sharing described in Section 4.A.5. Net asset-based
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charges equal gross asset-based charges less any company expenses assumed to be
incurred expressed as a percentage of account value. All expenses that would be
assumed if a SR was being computed as described in Section 4.A.1 should be
reflected either in the calculation of the net asset-based charges or in the expenses
reflected in the calculation of the amount FE.
No adjustment is made for federal income taxes in any of the components listed
For purposes of determining the reserve using the Alternative Methodology, any
interpretation and application of the requirements of these requirements shall
follow the principles discussed in Section 1.B.
B. Calculation of CA and FE
1. General Description
Components CA and FE shall be calculated for each contract, thus reflecting the actual
account value and GMDB, as of the valuation date, which is unique to each contract.
Components CA and FE are defined by deterministic “single-scenario” calculations that
account for asset growth, interest and inflation at prescribed rates. Mortality is ignored for
these two components. Lapse rates shall be determined on a prudent estimate basis. Lapse
rates shall be adjusted by the formula shown below (the dynamic lapse multiplier), which
bases the relationship of the GMDB (denoted as GV in the formula) to the account value
(denoted as AV in the formula) on the valuation date. Thus, projected lapse rates are
smaller when the GMDB is greater than the account value and larger when the GMDB is
less than the account value.
= , , 1 ×
, where U=1, L=0.5, M=1.25, and D=1.1.
Present values shall be computed over the period from the valuation date to contract
maturity at a discount rate of 5.75%.
Projected fund performance underlying the account values is as shown in the table below.
Unlike the GC component, which requires the entire account value to be mapped, using the
fund categorization rules set forth in Section 7.D, to a single “equivalent” asset class (as
described in Section 7.D.3), the CA and FE calculation separately projects each variable
subaccount (as mapped to the eight prescribed categories shown in Section 7.D using the
net asset returns shown in the following table). If surrender charges are based wholly on
deposits or premiums as opposed to account value, use of this table may not be necessary.
Table 7.1: Guaranteed Rates by Asset Class
Asset Class/Fund
Net Annualized Return
Fixed Account Guaranteed Rate
Money Market 0%
Fixed Income (Bond) 0%
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Balanced -1%
Diversified Equity -2%
Diversified International Equity -3%
Intermediate Risk Equity -5%
Aggressive or Exotic Equity -8%
2. Component CA
Component CA is computed as the present value of the projected change in surrender
charges plus the present value of an implied borrowing cost of 25 bps at the beginning of
each future period applied to the surrender charge at such time.
This component can be interpreted as the “amount needed to amortize the unamortized
surrender charge allowance for the persisting policies plus the implied borrowing cost.”
By definition, the amortization for non-persisting lives in each time period is exactly offset
by the collected surrender charge revenue (ignoring timing differences and any waiver
upon death). The unamortized balance must be projected to the end of the surrender charge
period using the net asset returns and Dynamic Lapse Multiplier, both as described above,
and the year-by-year amortization discounted also as described above. For simplicity,
mortality is ignored in the calculations. Surrender charges and free partial withdrawal
provisions are as specified in the contract. Lapse and withdrawal rates are determined on a
prudent estimate basis and may vary according to the attributes of the business being valued
including, but not limited to, attained age, contract duration, etc.
3. Component FE
Component FE establishes a provision for fixed dollar expenses (e.g., allocated costs,
including overhead expressed as “per contract” and those expenses defined on a “per
contract” basis) less any fixed dollar revenue (e.g., annual administrative charges or
contract fees) through the earlier of contract maturity or 30 years. FE is computed as the
present value of the company’s assumed fixed expenses projected at an assumed annual
rate of inflation starting in the second projection year. This rate grades uniformly from the
current inflation rate (CIR) into an ultimate inflation rate of 3% per annum in the 8th year
after the valuation date. The CIR is the greater of 3% and the inflation rate assumed for
expenses in the company’s most recent asset adequacy analysis for similar business.
C. Calculation of the GC Component
1. GC Factors
GC is calculated as F×GV-G×AV×R, where GV is the amount of the GMDB and AV is the
contract account value, both as of the valuation date. F, G and the slope and intercept for
the linear function used to determine R (identified symbolically as
and β
) are pre-
calculated factors available from the NAIC and known herein as the “pre-calculated
factors.” The factors shall be interpolated as described in Section 7.C.6 and modified as
necessary as described in Section 7.C.7 and Section 7.C.8.
2. Five Steps
There are five major steps in determining the GC component for a given contract:
a. Classifying the asset exposure, as specified in Section 7.C.3.
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b. Determining the risk attributes, as specified in Section 7.C.4 and Section 7.C.5.
c. Retrieving the appropriate nodal factors from the factor grid, as described in
Section 7.C.5.
d. Interpolating the nodal factors, where applicable (optional), as described in Section
e. Applying the factors to the contract values.
3. Classifying Asset Exposure
For purposes of calculating GC (unlike what is done for components CA and FE), the entire
account value for each contract must be assigned to one of the eight prescribed fund classes
shown in Section 7.D, using the fund categorization rules in Section 7.D.
4. Product Designs
Factors F, G and
are available with the pre-calculated factors for the following
GMDB product designs:
a. Return of premium (ROP).
b. Premiums less withdrawals accumulated at 3% per annum, capped at 2.5 times
premiums less withdrawals, with no further increase beyond age 80 (ROLL3).
c. Premiums less withdrawals accumulated at 5% per annum, capped at 2.5 times
premiums less withdrawals, with no further increase beyond age 80 (ROLL5).
d. An annual ratchet design (maximum anniversary value), for which the guaranteed
benefit never decreases and is increased to equal the previous contract anniversary
account value, if larger, with no further increases beyond age 80 (MAV).
e. A design having a guaranteed benefit equal to the larger of the benefits in designs
c and d, above (HIGH).
f. An enhanced death benefit (EDB) equal to 40% of the net earnings on the account
(i.e., 40% of account value less total premiums paid plus withdrawals made), with
this latter benefit capped at 40% of premiums less withdrawals.
5. Other Attributes
Factors F, G and
are available within the pre-calculated factors for the following
set of attributes:
a. Two partial withdrawal rulesone for contracts having a pro-rata reduction in the
GMDB and another for contracts having a dollar-for-dollar reduction.
b. The eight asset classes described in Section 7.D.2.
c. Eight attained ages, with a five-year age setback for females.
d. Five contract durations.
e. Seven values of GV/AV.
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f. Three levels of asset-based income.
6. Interpolation of F, G and
a. Apply to a contract having the product characteristics listed in Section 7.E.1 and
shall be determined by selecting values for the appropriate partial withdrawal rule
and asset class and then using multipoint linear interpolation among published
values for the last four attributes shown in Section 7.C.5.
b. Interpolation over all four dimensions is not required, but if not performed over
one or more dimensions, the factor used must result in a conservative (higher)
value of GC. However, simple linear interpolation using the AV÷GV ratio is
mandatory. In this case, the company must choose nodes for the other three
dimensions according to the following rules: next highest attained age, nearest
duration and nearest annualized account charge differential, as listed in Section
7.E.3 (i.e., capped at +100 and floored at –100 bps).
c. For
, the interpolation should be performed on the scaling factors R
calculated using β
, β
, using the ratio of margin offset to total asset charges (W),
not on the factors β
and β
d. The instructions referenced in Section 7.A.1.f above include guidance on
determining the correct values and performing the multipoint linear interpolation.
Alternatively, published documentation can be referenced on performing
multipoint linear interpolation and the required 16 values determined using a key
that is documented in the table Components of Key Used for GC Factor Look-Up
located in Table 7.6.
7. Adjustments to GC for Product Variations and Risk Mitigation/Transfer
In some cases, it may be necessary to make adjustments to the published factors due to:
a. A variation in product form wherein the definition of the guaranteed benefit is
materially different from those for which factors are available. (See Section 7.C.8.)
b. A risk mitigation or other management strategy, other than a hedging strategy, that
cannot be accommodated through a straightforward and direct adjustment to the
published values.
Adjustments may not be made to GC for hedging strategies.
Any adjustments to the published factors must be fully documented and supported
through stochastic analysis. Such analysis may require stochastic simulations but
would not ordinarily be based on full in-force projections. Instead, a representative
“model office” should be sufficient. Use of these adjusted factors must be
supported by a periodic review of the appropriateness of the assumptions and
methods used to perform the adjustments, with changes made to the adjustments
when deemed necessary by such review.
Note that minor variations in product design do not necessarily require additional
effort. In some cases, it may be reasonable to use the factors/formulas for a
different product form (e.g., for a roll-up GMDB near or beyond the maximum
reset age or amount, the ROP GMDB factors/formulas shall be used, possibly
adjusting the guaranteed value to reflect further resets, if any). In other cases, the
reserves may be based on two different guarantee definitions and the results
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interpolated to obtain an appropriate value for the given contract/cell. Likewise, it
may be possible to adjust the Alternative Methodology results for certain risk
transfer arrangements without significant additional work (e.g., quota-share
reinsurance without caps, floors or sliding scales would normally be reflected by a
simple pro-rata adjustment to the “gross” GC results).
However, if the contract design is sufficiently different from those provided and/or
the risk mitigation strategy is nonlinear in its impact on the reserve, and there is no
practical or obvious way to obtain a good result from the prescribed
factors/formulas, any adjustments or approximations must be supported using
stochastic modeling. Notably this modeling need not be performed on the whole
portfolio, but can be undertaken on an appropriate set of representative policies.
8. Adjusting F and G for Product Design Variations
This subsection describes the typical process for adjusting F and G factors due to a
variation in product design. Note that R (as determined by the slope and intercept terms in
the factor table) would not be adjusted.
a. Select a contract design among those described in Section 7.C.4 that is similar to the
product being valued. Execute cash-flow projections using the documented
assumptions (see table of Liability Modeling Assumptions & Product
Characteristics in Section 7.E.1 and table of Asset-Based Fund Charges in Section
7.E.2) and the scenarios from the prescribed generator for a set of representative cells
(combinations of attained age, contract duration, asset class, AV/GMDB ratio and
asset-based charges). These cells should correspond to nodes in the table of
precalculated factors. Rank (order) the sample distribution of results for the present
value of net cost. Determine those scenarios that comprise CTE (65).
Guidance Note: Present value of net cost = PV [guaranteed benefit claims in excess of account
value] PV [margin offset]. The discounting includes cash flows in all future years (i.e., to the
earlier of contract maturity and the end of the horizon).
b. Using the results from step 1, average the present value of cost for the CTE (65)
scenarios and divide by the current guaranteed value. For the J
cell, denote this
value by F
. Similarly, average the present value of the margin offset revenue for
the same subset of scenarios and divide by account value. For the J
cell, denote
this value by G
c. Extract the corresponding precalculated factors. For each cell, calibrate to the
published tables by defining a “model adjustment factor” (denoted by asterisk)
separately for the “cost” and “margin offset” components:
d. Execute “product specific” cash-flow projections using the documented
assumptions and scenarios from the prescribed generator for the same set of
representative cells. Here, the company should model the actual product design.
Rank (order) the sample distribution of results for the present value of net cost.
Determine those scenarios that comprise CTE (65).
e. Using the results from step d, average the present value of cost for the CTE (65)
scenarios and divide by the current guaranteed value. For the J
cell, denote this
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value by
. Similarly, average the present value of margin offset revenue for the
same subset of scenarios and divide by account value. For the J
cell, denote this
value by
f. To calculate the reserve for the specific product in question, the company should
implement the Alternative Methodology as documented, but use
in place
of F and
instead of G. The same R factors as appropriate for the product
evaluated in step 1 shall be used for this step (i.e., the product used to calibrate the
cash-flow model).
9. Adjusting GC for Mortality Experience
The factors that have been developed for use in determining GC assume male mortality at
100% of the 1994 Variable Annuity MGDB ALB Mortality Table. Females use a five-year
age setback. Companies electing to use the Alternative Methodology that have not
conducted an evaluation of their mortality experience shall use these factors, or they shall
adjust the factors using the methodology below to apply the mortality defined in Section
11.C. for products without VAGLB. Other companies should use the procedure described
below to adjust for the actuary’s prudent estimate of mortality. The development of prudent
estimate mortality shall follow the requirements and guidance of Section 11. Once a
company uses the modified method for a block of business, the option to use the unadjusted
factors is no longer available for that part of its business. In applying the factors to actual
in-force business, a five-year age setback should be used for female annuitants.
a. Develop a set of mortality assumptions based on prudent estimate assumptions. In
setting these assumptions, the actuary shall be guided by the definition of prudent
estimate and the principles discussed in Sections 10 and 11. (This step only applies
to companies which have conducted an evaluation of their mortality experience).
b. Calculate two sets of NSPs at each attained age:
i. One using 100% of the 1994 Variable Annuity MGDB Age Last Birthday
(ALB) Mortality Table (with the aforementioned five-year age setback for
females); and
ii. A second using either:
(a) The prudent estimate mortality if that has been established by the
(b) For companies that have not established a prudent estimate mortality
assumption, the appropriate percentage of the 2012 IAM Basic Table
with Projection Scale G2 ALB (as described in Section 12.B.3).
These calculations shall assume an interest rate of 3.75% and a lapse rate of 7%
per year.
c. The GC factor is multiplied by the ratio, for the specific attained age being valued,
of the NSP calculated using the prudent estimate mortality for blocks with those
assumptions or the NSP calculated using the adjusted 2012 IAM Basic Table for
blocks without a prudent estimate assumption to the NSP calculated using the 1994
Variable Annuity MGDB ALB Mortality Table. The base factors for females use
the values (with the aforementioned five-year age setback).
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D. Fund Categorization
1. Criteria
The following criteria should be used to select the appropriate factors, parameters and
formulas for the exposure represented by a specified guaranteed benefit. When available,
the volatility of the long-term annualized total return for the fund(s)or an appropriate
benchmark—should conform to the limits presented. For this purpose, “long-term” is
defined as twice the average projection period that would be applied to test the product in
a stochastic model (generally, at least 30 years).
Where data for the fund or benchmark are too sparse or unreliable, the fund exposure
should be moved to the next higher volatility class than otherwise indicated. In reviewing
the asset classifications, care should be taken to reflect any additional volatility of returns
added by the presence of currency risk, liquidity (bid ask) effects, short selling and
speculative positions.
2. Asset Classes
Variable subaccounts must be categorized into one of the following eight asset classes. For
purposes of calculating CA or FE, each contract will have one or more of the following
asset classes represented, whereas for component GC, all subaccounts will be mapped into
a single asset class.
a. Fixed account: This class is credited interest at guaranteed rates for a specified
term or according to a “portfolio rate” or “benchmark” index. This class offers a
minimum positive guaranteed rate that is periodically adjusted according to
company policy and market conditions.
b. Money market/short-term: This class is invested in money market instruments with
an average remaining term-to-maturity of less than 365 days.
c. Fixed income: This class is invested primarily in investment grade fixed income
securities. Up to 25% of the funds within this class may be invested in diversified
equities or high-yield bonds. The expected volatility of the returns for this class
will be lower than the balanced fund class.
d. Balanced: This class is a combination of fixed income securities with a larger
equity component. The fixed income component should exceed 25% of the
portfolio. Additionally, any aggressive or “exotic” equity component should not
exceed one-third (33.3%) of the total equities held. Should the fund violate either
of these constraints, it should be categorized as an equity fund. This class usually
has a long-term volatility in the range of 8%–13%.
e. Diversified equity: This class is invested in a broad-based mix of U.S. and foreign
equities. The foreign equity component (maximum 25% of total holdings) must be
comprised of liquid securities in well-developed markets. Funds in this class would
exhibit long-term volatility comparable to that of the S&P 500. These funds should
usually have a long-term volatility in the range of 13%–18%.
f. Diversified international equity: This class is similar to the diversified equity class,
except that the majority of fund holdings are in foreign securities. This class should
usually have a long-term volatility in the range of 14%–19%.
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g. Intermediate risk equity: This class has a mix of characteristics from both the
diversified and aggressive equity classes. This class has a long-term volatility in
the range of 19%–25%.
h. Aggressive or exotic equity: This class comprises more volatile funds where risk
can arise from: underdeveloped markets, uncertain markets, high volatility of
returns, narrow focus (e.g., specific market sector), etc. This class (or market
benchmark) either does not have sufficient history to allow for the calculation of a
long-term expected volatility, or the volatility is very high. This class would be
used whenever the long-term expected annualized volatility is indeterminable or
exceeds 25%.
3. Selecting Appropriate Investment Classes
The selection of an appropriate investment type should be done at the level for which the
guarantee applies. For guarantees applying on a deposit-by-deposit basis, the fund selection
is straightforward. However, where the guarantee applies across deposits or for an entire
contract, the approach can be more complicated. In such instances, the approach is to
identify for each contract where the “grouped holdings” fit within the categories listed and
to classify the associated assets on this basis.
A seriatim process is used to identify the “grouped” fund holdings, to assess the risk profile
of the current fund holdings (possibly calculating the expected long-term volatility of the
funds held with reference to the indicated market proxies) and to classify the entire “asset
exposure” into one of the specified choices. Here, “asset exposure” refers to the underlying
assets (separate and/or general account investment options) on which the guarantee will be
determined. For example, if the guarantee applies separately for each deposit year within
the contract, then the classification process would be applied separately for the exposure
of each deposit year.
In summary, mapping the benefit exposure (i.e., the asset exposure that applies to the
calculation of the guaranteed minimum death benefits) to one of the prescribed asset classes
is a multistep process:
a. Map each separate and/or general account investment option to one of the
prescribed asset classes. For some funds, this mapping will be obvious, but for
others, it will involve a review of the fund’s investment policy, performance
benchmarks, composition and expected long-term volatility.
b. Combine the mapped exposure to determine the expected long-term “volatility of
current fund holdings.” This will require a calculation based on the expected long-
term volatility for each fund and the correlations between the prescribed asset
classes as given in the table “Correlation Matrix for Prescribed Asset Classes” in
Section 6.D.4.
c. Evaluate the asset composition and expected volatility (as calculated in step b) of
current holdings to determine the single asset class that best represents the
exposure, with due consideration to the constraints and guidelines presented earlier
in this section.
d. In step a, the company should use the fund’s actual experience (i.e., historical
performance, inclusive of reinvestment) only as a guide in determining the
expected long-term volatility. Due to limited data and changes in investment
objectives, style and/or management (e.g., fund mergers, revised investment
policy, different fund managers, etc.), the company may need to give more weight
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to the expected long-term volatility of the fund’s benchmarks. In general, the
company should exercise caution and not be overly optimistic in assuming that
future returns will consistently be less volatile than the underlying markets.
e. In step b, the company should calculate the “volatility of current fund holdings”
(for the exposure being
categorized) by the following formula:
Using the volatilities and correlations in the following table, where
is the relative value of fund i expressed as a proportion of total contract value,
is the correlation
between asset classes i and j, and
is the volatility of asset class i. An example is provided after
Table 7.3.
Correlation Matrix for Prescribed Asset Classes
Table 7.2: Correlation Matrix for Prescribed Asset Classes
Intl Equity
Intl Equity
5. Fund Categorization Example
As an example, suppose three funds (fixed income, diversified U.S. equity and aggressive
equity) are offered to clients on a product with a contract level guarantee (i.e., across all
funds held within the contract). The current fund holdings (in dollars) for five sample
contracts are shown in the following table:
Table 7.3: Fund Categorization Example
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MV Fund X (Fixed Income)
MV Fund Y (Diversified Equity)
MV Fund Z (Aggressive Equity)
Total Market Value
Total Equity Market Value
Fixed Income % (A)
Fixed Income Test (A > 75%)
Aggressive % of Equity (B)
Balanced Test (A > 25% &
B < 33.3%)
Volatility of Current Fund Holdings
Fund Classification
Fixed Income
As an example, the “volatility of current fund holdings” for contract #1 is calculated as
+ where:
( )
( ) ( )
A = 0.0092 and B = 0.0026: So, the volatility for contract #1 =
0.0092 + 0.0026 = 0.109 or 10.9%
Although the volatility suggests “balanced fund,” the balanced fund criteria were not met. Therefore, this
“exposure” is moved “up” to diversified equity. For those funds classified as diversified equity, additional analysis
would be required to assess whether they should be instead designated as “diversified international equity.”
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E. Tables
1. Liability Modeling Assumptions and Product Characteristics used for GC Factors
Table 7.4: Liability Modeling Assumptions and Product Characteristics Used for GC Factors
Asset Based Charges
Vary by fund class. See Section 7.E.2.
Base Margin Offset 100 bps per annum.
GMDB Description
1. ROP = return of premium.
2. ROLL3 = 3% roll-up, capped at 2.5×premium, frozen at age 80.
3. ROLL5 = 5% roll-up, capped at 2.5×premium, frozen at age 80.
4. MAV = annual ratchet (maximum anniversary value), frozen at age 80.
5. HIGH = higher of 5% roll-up and annual ratchet.
EDB = 40% enhanced death benefit (capped at 40% of deposit). Note that the pre-
calculated factors were originally calculated with a combined ROP benefit, but they
have been adjusted to remove the effect of the ROP. Thus, the factors for this
benefit five are solely for the EDB.
Adjustment to GMDB
Upon Partial Withdrawal
Separate factors for “pro-rata by market value” and “dollar-for-dollar.”
Surrender Charges Ignored (i.e., zero). Included in the CA component.
Single Premium/Deposit $100,000. No future deposits; no intra-contract fund rebalancing.
Base Contract Lapse Rate
(Total Surrenders)
Pro-rata by MV: 10% p.a. at all contact durations (before dynamics).
Dollar-for-dollar: 2% p.a. at all contract durations (no dynamics).
Partial Withdrawals
Pro-rata by MV: None (i.e., zero).
Flat 8% p.a. at all contract durations (as a % of AV).
No dynamics or anti-selective behavior.
100% of the 1994 Variable Annuity MGDB Mortality Table (MGDB 94 ALB). For
reference, 1000q
rates at ages 65 and 70 for 100% of MGDB 94 ALB Male are
18.191 and 29.363, respectively. Note: Section 7.
C.9 allows modification to this
Gender/Age Distribution
100% male. Methodology accommodates different attained ages. A five-
year age
setback will be used for female annuitants.
Max. Annuitization Age All policies terminate at age 95.
Fixed Expenses Ignored (i.e., zero). Included in the FE component.
Annual Fee and Waiver Ignored (i.e., zero). Included in the FE component.
Discount Rate 5.75% pre-tax.
Dynamic Lapse Multiplier
(Applies only to policies
where GMDB is adjusted
rata by MV” upon
= , , 1 ×
U = 1, L = 0.5, M = 1.25, D = 1.1
Applied to the “Base Contract Lapse Rate.”
Does not apply to partial withdrawals.
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2. Asset-Based Fund Charges (bps per annum)
Table 7.5: Asset-Based Fund Charges (bps per annum)
Asset Class/Fund
Account Value Charge
Fixed Account
Money Market
Fixed Income (Bond)
Diversified Equity
Diversified International Equity
Intermediate Risk Equity
Aggressive or Exotic Equity
3. Components of Key Used for GC Factor Look-Up
Table 7.6: Components of Key Used for GC Factor Look-Up
(First Digit always “1”)
Contract Attribute
Key: Possible Values and Description
Product Definition, P
0 : 0 Return-of-premium.
1 : 1 Roll-up (3% per annum).
2 : 2 Roll-up (5% per annum).
3 : 3 Maximum anniversary value (MAV).
4 : 4 High of MAV and 5% roll-up.
5 : 5 Enhanced death benefit
(excludes the ROP GMDB,
which would have to be added separately if the contract
in question has an ROP).
GV Adjustment Upon Partial
Withdrawal, A
0 : 0 Pro-rata by market value.
1 : 1 Dollar-for-dollar.
Fund Class, F
0 : 0 Fixed Account.
1 : 1 Money Market.
2 : 2 Fixed Income (Bond).
3 : 3 Balanced Asset Allocation.
4 : 4 Diversified Equity.
5 : 5 International Equity.
6 : 6 Intermediate Risk Equity.
7 : 7 Aggressive/Exotic Equity.
Attained Age (Last Birthday), X
0 : 35 4 : 65
1 : 45 5 : 70
2 : 55 6 : 75
3 : 60 7 : 80
Contract Duration (years-since-issue),
0 : 0.5 3 : 9.5
1 : 3.5 4 : 12.5
2 : 6.5
Account Value-to-Guaranteed Value
Ratio, φ
0 : 0.25 4 : 1.25
1 : 0.50 5 : 1.50
2 : 0.75 6 : 2.00
3 : 1.00
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Annualized Account Charge
Differential from Section 7.E.2
0 : 100 bps
1 : +0
2 : +100
Section 8: Scenario Generation
A. General
1. This section outlines the requirements for the stochastic cash-flow models used to simulate
interest rates, fund returns, and implied volatility to be used in the modeled projections.
Specifically, it prescribes scenario generators and the associated parameters for interest
rates, as well as investment returns for general account equity assets and separate account
fund returns. In addition, this section sets certain standards that must be satisfied by fund
returns, implied volatility scenarios, and non-prescribed scenario generators. It also
discusses general modeling considerations, such as the number of scenarios and projection
Guidance Note: For more details on the development of these scenario generators, see the
Academy recommendations on the development of the Equity Generator (Recommended Approach
for Setting Regulator Risk-Based Capital Requirements for Variable Annuities and Similar
Products presented to NAIC Capital Adequacy Task Force in June 2005) and the Interest Rate
Generator (Report from the American Academy of Actuaries’ Economic Scenario Work Group to
the NAIC Life Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group and Life and Health Actuarial (B) Task
Force December 2008).
2. The scenarios discussed in this section are applicable to gross investment returns (before
the deduction of any fees or charges). To determine the net returns appropriate for the
projections required by these requirements, the company shall reflect applicable fees and
contract holder charges in the development of projected account values. The projections
also shall include the costs of managing the investments and converting the assets into cash
when necessary.
3. As a general rule, funds with higher expected returns should have higher expected
volatilities, and in the absence of well-documented mitigating factors (e.g., a highly reliable
and favorable correlation to other fund returns), they should lead to higher total asset
Guidance Note: While the model need not strictly adhere to “mean-variance efficiency,” prudence
dictates some form of consistent risk/return relationship between the proxy investment funds. In
general, it would be inappropriate to assume consistently “superior” expected returns (i.e.,
risk/return point above the frontier).
4. For non-prescribed generators, the interest rate, equity, and implied volatility scenarios
used to determine reserves must be available in an electronic spreadsheet to facilitate any
regulatory review.
B. Prescribed Interest Rate Scenario Generator
1. Treasury Department interest rate curves shall be determined on a stochastic basis using
the prescribed interest rate scenario generator with prescribed parameters, or a non-
prescribed generator that meets the requirements described in Section 8.E.
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2. The prescribed interest rate scenario generator can be found on the SOA’s website address, The prescribed parameters for the
prescribed interest rate scenario generator shall be those included in the prescribed interest
rate scenario generator, and they shall use the mean reversion point for the 20-year
Treasury Department bond rate based on the following formula, with the result rounded to
the nearest 0.25%:
20% of the median 20-year Treasury Department bond rate over the last 600 months.
+ 30% of the average 20-year Treasury Department bond rate over the last 120 months.
+ 50% of the average 20-year Treasury Department bond rate over the last 36 months.
The mean reversion point for use in the generator changes once per calendar year in
January, and it is based on historical rates through the end of the prior calendar year. While
the mean reversion point is dynamic depending on the start date of a scenario, it remains
constant (rather than dynamic) across all time periods after the scenario start date for the
purposes of generating the scenario.
3. For this formula, the historical 20-year Treasury Department bond rate for each month shall
be the rate reported for the last business day of the month. Treasury Department interest
rates can be found at the website:
C. Prescribed Total Investment Return Scenario Generator for Equity Assets and Separate Account
1. Total investment return paths for general account equity assets and separate account fund
returns shall be determined on a stochastic basis using the prescribed economic scenario
generator with prescribed parameters.
Guidance Note: In lieu of the prescribed economic generators, the company may substitute
scenarios from a non-prescribed economic generator that meets the requirements described in
Section 8.E.
2. The prescribed economic scenario generator can be found on the SOAs website address, The prescribed parameters for the
prescribed economic scenario generator shall be those included in the prescribed economic
scenario generator. A more complete description of the generator and development of
assumptions is contained in the Academy report referenced in the Guidance Note following
Section 8.A.1 above.
3. The company shall map each of the proxy funds defined in Section 4.A.2 to the fund returns
projected by the prescribed economic scenario generator. This mapping process may
involve blending the accumulation factors from two or more of the prescribed fund returns
to create the projected returns for each proxy fund. If a proxy fund cannot be appropriately
mapped to some combination of the prescribed returns, the company shall determine an
appropriate return using a non-prescribed scenario generator and disclose the methodology
underlying the non-prescribed scenario generator.
4. In using non-prescribed scenario generators to determine the return for proxy funds that
cannot be mapped to the prescribed economic generator, the scenarios so generated must
be consistent with the general relationships between risk and return observed in the fund
returns from the prescribed scenario generator. This does not imply a strict functional
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relationship between the model parameters for various markets/funds, but it would
generally be inappropriate to assume that a market or fund consistently “outperforms”
(lower risk, higher expected return relative to the efficient frontier) over the long term.
5. When parameters are fit to historic data without consideration of the economic setting in
which the historic data emerged, the market price of risk may not be consistent with a
reasonable long-term model of market equilibrium. One possibility for establishing
“consistent” parameters (or scenarios) across all funds would be to assume that the market
price of risk is constant (or nearly constant) and governed by some functional (e.g., linear)
relationship. That is, higher expected returns can only be garnered by assuming greater
Guidance Note: As an example, the standard deviation of log returns often is used as a measure of
risk. Specifically, two return distributions Rx and Ry would satisfy the following relationship:
E r][r-]
Risk of Price
nd σ are respectively the (unconditional) expected returns and volatilities, and r is
the expected risk-free rate over a suitably long holding period commensurate with the projection
horizon. One approach to establish consistent scenarios would set the model parameters to maintain
a near-constant market price of risk.
6. A closely related method would assume some form of “mean-variance” efficiency to
establish consistent model parameters. Using the historic data, the mean-variance
(alternatively, “drift-volatility”) frontier could be constructed from a plot of (mean,
variance) pairs from a collection of world market indices. The frontier could be assumed
to follow some functional form, with the coefficients determined by standard curve fitting
or regression techniques. Recognizing the uncertainty in the data, a “corridor” could be
established for the frontier. Model parameters would then be adjusted to move the proxy
market (fund) inside the corridor.
Guidance Note: The function forms quadratic polynomials, and logarithmic functions tend to work
7. Clearly, there are many other techniques that could be used to establishing consistency
between the scenarios. While appealing, the above approaches do have drawbacks, and the
company should not be overly optimistic in constructing the model parameters or the
Guidance Note: For example, mean-variance measures ignore the asymmetric and fat-tailed
profile of most equity market returns.
8. For each proxy fund not within the scope of the prescribed economic generator, the
company must consider the following:
a. The Market Price of Risk, as defined in the Guidance Note found in Section 8.C.5,
implied in the projected fund returns when compared against the Market Price of
Risk for all funds generated by the prescribed scenario generator should produce
reasonable relationships. In calculating the Market Price of Risk, the company
shall use an expected risk-free rate consistent with the long-term risk-free rate used
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in determining the Market Price of Risk or equivalent quantities in the calibration
of the prescribed scenario generator.
b. The average correlations, across all scenarios and all time periods, of the projected
fund returns with the fund returns generated by the prescribed scenario generator
should be in a reasonable range.
The company may also consider any other information that provides assurance that the
returns for proxy funds not generated using a prescribed scenario generator do not
consistently outperform over the long term if the company believes that the Market Price
of Risk and correlations described above are misleading or not relevant.
9. It is not necessary to assume that all markets are perfectly positively correlated, but an
assumption of independence (zero correlation) between the equity markets would
inappropriately exaggerate the benefits of diversification. An examination of the historic
data suggests that correlations are not stationary and that they tend to increase during times
of high volatility or negative returns. As such, the company should take care not to
underestimate the correlations in those scenarios used for the reserve calculations.
D. Implied Volatility Scenarios
The projection of implied volatility scenarios for interest rates, equities, or other asset classes is left
to the judgment of the company, but the scenarios so generated must satisfy the following
1. At each projection time step, all projected implied volatility surfaces must be arbitrage free
after considering appropriate transaction costs.
2. Relationships between the projected implied volatility scenarios, the scenarios for the
underlying asset investment returns, and the realized volatility of the scenarios for the
underlying asset returns should be consistent with relationships observed in historical data.
For instance, projected implied volatility should generally exhibit positive correlation with
the realized volatility of the scenarios for the underlying asset returns over the same time
period. In addition, it would also be appropriate to assume that projected implied volatility
generally exhibits negative correlation with the short-term performance of the underlying
asset over the same time period.
3. For a company not using the safe harbor described in Section 9.B.5,
any implied volatility
scenarios generated using a non-prescribed scenario generator shall not result in a TAR
less than that obtained by assuming that the implied volatility level at all ITM levels at
a given time step in a given scenario is equal to the realized volatility of the underlying
asset scenario over the same time period. In other words, the TAR shall not be reduced by
assumptions of any realizable spread between implied volatility and realized volatility. For
the purposes of demonstrating compliance with this standard, a company may rely on only
the values from the stochastic calculations and exclude impacts from the additional
standard projection and the alternative methodology.
E. Use of Non-Prescribed Scenario Generators
At the option of the company, interest rates and total investment return scenarios for equity assets
and separate account fund returns may be generated in part or in full using non-prescribed scenario
generators in lieu of the prescribed economic generators, provided that the scenarios thus generated
do not result in a TAR that is materially lower than the TAR resulting from the use of the scenarios
from the prescribed economic generators as defined in B. and C. above. For purposes of
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demonstrating compliance with this standard, a company may rely on only the values from the
stochastic calculations and exclude impacts from the additional standard projection and the
alternative methodology
F. Number of Scenarios and Efficiency in Estimation
1. For straight Monte Carlo simulation (with equally probable “paths” of fund returns), the
number of scenarios should typically equal or exceed 1000. The appropriate number will
depend on how the scenarios will be used and the materiality of the results. The company
should use a number of scenarios that will provide an acceptable level of precision.
2. Fewer than 1,000 scenarios may be used provided that the company has determined through
prior testing (perhaps on a subset of the portfolio) that the CTE values so obtained materially
reproduce the results from running a larger scenario set.
3. Variance reduction and other sampling techniques are intended to improve the accuracy of
an estimate more efficiently than simply increasing the number of simulations. Such
methods can be used provided the company can demonstrate that they do not lead to a
material understatement of results. Many of the techniques are specifically designed for
estimating means, not tail measures, and could in fact reduce accuracy (and efficiency)
relative to straight Monte Carlo simulation.
Guidance Note: With careful implementation, many variance reduction techniques can work well
for CTE estimators. For example, see Manistre, B.J., and Hancock, G. (2003), “Variance of the
CTE Estimator,” 2003 Stochastic Modeling Symposium, Toronto, September 2003.
4. The above requirements and warnings are not meant to preclude or discourage the use of
valid and appropriate sampling methods, such as Quasi Random Monte Carlo (QRMC),
importance sampling or other techniques designed to improve the efficiency of the
simulations (relative to pseudo-random Monte Carlo methods).
Section 9: Modeling of Hedges under a Future Non-Index Credit Hedging Strategy
A. Initial Considerations
1. This section applies to modeling of hedges other than situations where the company only
hedges index credits.
2. Subject to Section 9.C.2, the appropriate costs and benefits of hedging instruments that are
currently held by the company in support of the contracts falling under the scope of these
requirements shall be included in the calculation of the SR, determined in accordance with
Section3.D and Section 4.D.
3. If the company is following one or more future hedging strategies supporting the contracts,
in accordance with an investment policy adopted by the board of directors, or a committee
of board members, the company shall take into account the costs and benefits of hedge
positions expected to be held by the company in the future along each scenario based on
the execution of the hedging strategy, and it is eligible to reduce the amount of the SR using
projections otherwise calculated. The investment policy must clearly articulate the
company’s hedging objectives, including the metrics that drive rebalancing/trading. This
specification could include maximum tolerable values for investment losses, earnings,
volatility, exposure, etc. in either absolute or relative terms over one or more investment
horizons vis-à-vis the chance of occurrence. Company management is responsible for
developing, documenting, executing and evaluating the investment strategy, including the
hedging strategy, used to implement the investment policy.
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4. For this purpose, the investment assets refer to all the assets, including derivatives
supporting covered products and guarantees. This also is referred to as the investment
portfolio. The investment strategy is the set of all asset holdings at all points in time in all
scenarios. The hedging portfolio, which also is referred to as the hedging assets, is a subset
of the investment assets. The hedging strategy is the hedging asset holdings at all points in
time in all scenarios. There is no attempt to distinguish what is the hedging portfolio and
what is the investment portfolio in this section. Nor is the distinction between investment
strategy and hedging strategy formally made here. Where necessary to give effect to the
intent of this section, the requirements applicable to the hedging portfolio or the hedging
strategy are to apply to the overall investment portfolio and investment strategy.
5. This particularly applies to restrictions on the reasonableness or acceptability of the models
that make up the stochastic cash-flow model used to perform the projections, since these
restrictions are inherently restrictions on the joint modeling of the hedging and non-
hedging portfolio. To give effect to these requirements, they must apply to the overall
investment strategy and investment portfolio.
B. Modeling Approaches
1. The analysis of the impact of the hedging strategy on cash flows is typically performed
using either one of two types of methods as described below. Although a hedging strategy
normally would be expected to reduce risk provisions, the nature of the hedging strategy
and the costs to implement the strategy may result in an increase in the amount of the SR
otherwise calculated. Particular attention should be given to VM-21, Section 1.B, Principle
5 for the modeling of future hedging strategies.
2. The fundamental characteristic of the first type of method, referred to as the “explicit
method,” is that hedging positions and their resulting cash flows are included in the
stochastic cash-flow model used to determine the scenario reserve, as discussed in Section
3.D, for each scenario.
3. The fundamental characteristic of the second type of method, referred to as the “implicit
method,” is that the effectiveness of the current hedging strategy on future cash flows is
evaluated, in part or in whole, outside of the stochastic cash-flow model. There are multiple
ways that this type of modeling can be implemented. In this case, the reduction to the SR
otherwise calculated should be commensurate with the degree of effectiveness of the
hedging strategy in reducing accumulated deficiencies otherwise calculated.
4. Regardless of the methodology used by the company, the ultimate effect of the current
hedging strategy (including currently held hedge positions) on the SR needs to recognize
all risks, associated costs, imperfections in the hedges and hedging mismatch tolerances
associated with the hedging strategy. The risks include, but are not limited to: basis, gap,
price, parameter estimation and variation in assumptions (mortality, persistency,
withdrawal, annuitization, etc.). Costs include, but are not limited to: transaction, margin
(opportunity costs associated with margin requirements) and administration. In addition,
the reduction to the SR attributable to the hedging strategy may need to be limited due to
the uncertainty associated with the company’s ability to implement the hedging strategy in
a timely and effective manner. The level of operational uncertainty varies indirectly with
the amount of time that the new or revised strategy has been in effect or mock tested.
Guidance Note: No hedging strategy is perfect. A given hedging strategy may eliminate or reduce
some but not all risks, transform some risks into others, introduce new risks, or have other
imperfections. For example, a delta-only hedging strategy does not adequately hedge the risks
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measured by the “Greeks” other than delta. Another example is that financial indices underlying
typical hedging instruments typically do not perform exactly like the separate account funds, and
hence the use of hedging instruments has the potential for introducing basis risk
5. A safe harbor approach is permitted for the reflection of future hedging strategies
supporting the contracts for those companies whose modeled hedge assets comprise only
linear instruments not sensitive to implied volatility. For companies with option-based
hedge strategies, electing this approach would require representing the option-based
portion of the strategy as a delta-rho two-Greek hedge program. The normally modeled
option portfolio would be replaced with a set of linear instruments that have the same first-
order Greeks as the original option portfolio.
C. Calculation of SR (Reported)
1. The company shall calculate CTE70 (best efforts)the results obtained when the CTE70
is based on incorporating the future hedging strategies supporting the contracts (including
both currently held and future hedge positions) into the stochastic cash-flow model on a
best efforts basis, including all of the factors and assumptions needed to execute the future
hedging strategies supporting the contracts (e.g., stochastic implied volatility). The
determination of CTE70 (best efforts) may utilize either explicit or implicit modeling
2. The company shall calculate a CTE70 (adjusted) by recalculating the CTE70 assuming the
company has no future hedging strategies supporting the contracts except hedge purchases
solely related to strategies to hedge index credits, therefore following the requirements of
Section 4.A.4.a and 4.A.4.b.i.
However, for a company with a future hedging strategy supporting the contracts, existing
hedging instruments
, except hedging instruments solely related to strategies to hedge index
credits, that are currently held by the company in support of the contracts falling under the
scope of these requirements may be considered in one of two ways for the CTE70
a) Include the asset cash flows from any contractual payments and maturity values in the
projection model.
b) No hedge positions, in which case, the hedge positions held on the valuation date are
replaced with cash and/or other general account assets in an amount equal to the
aggregate market value of these hedge positions.
Guidance Note: If the hedge positions held on the valuation date are replaced with cash, then as
with any other cash, such amounts may then be invested following the company’s investment
A company may switch from method a) to method b) at any time, but it may only change from b)
to a) with the approval of the domiciliary commissioner.
3. Because most models will include at least some approximations or idealistic assumptions,
CTE70 (best efforts) may overstate the impact of the hedging strategy. To compensate for
potential overstatement of the impact of the hedging strategy, the value for the SR is given
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SR = CTE70 (best efforts) + E × max[0, CTE70 (adjusted) – CTE70 (best efforts)]
4. The company shall specify a value for E (the “error factor”) in the range from 5% to 100%
to reflect the company’s view of the potential error resulting from the level of
sophistication of the stochastic cash-flow model and its ability to properly reflect the
parameters of the hedging strategy (i.e., the Greeks being covered by the strategy), as well
as the associated costs, risks and benefits. The greater the ability of the stochastic model to
capture all risks and uncertainties, the lower the value of E. The value of E may be as low
as 5% only if the model used to determine the CTE70 (best efforts) effectively reflects all
of the parameters used in the hedging strategy. If certain economic risks are not hedged,
yet the model does not generate scenarios that sufficiently capture those risks, E must be
in the higher end of the range, reflecting the greater likelihood of error. Likewise, simplistic
hedge cash-flow models shall assume a higher likelihood of error.
5. The company shall conduct a formal back-test, based on an analysis of at least the most
recent 12 months, to assess how well the model is able to replicate the hedging strategy in
a way that supports the determination of the value used for E.
6. Such a back-test shall involve one of the following analyses:
a. For companies that model hedge cash flows directly (“explicit method”), replace
the stochastic scenarios used in calculating the CTE70 (best efforts) with a single
scenario that represents the market path that actually manifested over the selected
back-testing period and compare the projected hedge asset gains and losses against
the actual hedge asset gains and losses
both realized and unrealized observed
over the same time period. For this calculation, the model assumptions may be
replaced with parameters that reflect actual experience during the back-testing
period. In order to isolate the comparison between the modeled hedge strategy and
actual hedge results for this calculation, the projected liabilities should accurately
reflect the actual liabilities throughout the back-testing period; therefore,
adjustments that facilitate this accuracy (e.g., reflecting actual experience instead
of model assumptions, including new business, etc.) are permissible.
To support the choice of a low value of E, the company should ascertain that the
projected hedge asset gains and losses are within close range of 100% (e.g., 80
125%) of the actual hedge asset gains and losses. The company may also support
the choice of a low value of E by achieving a high R-squared (e.g., 0.80 or higher)
when using a regression analysis technique.
b. For companies that model hedge cash flows implicitly by quantifying the cost and
benefit of hedging using the fair value of the hedged item (an “implicit method” or
“cost of reinsurance method”), calculate the delta, rho and vega coverage ratios in
each month over the selected back-testing period in the following manner:
i. Determine the hedge asset gains and lossesboth realized and
unrealizedincurred over the month attributable to equity, interest rate,
and implied volatility movements.
ii. Determine the change in the fair value of the hedged item over the month
attributable to equity, interest rate, and implied volatility movements. The
hedged item should be defined in a manner that reflects the proportion of
risks hedged (e.g., if a company elects to hedge 50% of a contract’s market
risks, it should quantify the fair value of the hedged item as 50% of the
fair value of the contract).
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iii. Calculate the delta coverage ratio as the ratio between (i) and (ii)
attributable to equity movements.
iv. Calculate the rho coverage ratio as the ratio between (i) and (ii) attributable
to interest rate movements.
v. Calculate the vega coverage ratio as the ratio between (i) and (ii)
attributable to implied volatility movements.
vi. To support the company’s choice of a low value of E, the company should
be able to demonstrate that the delta and rho coverage ratios are both
within close range of 100 % (e.g., 80125%) consistently across the back-
testing period.
vii. In addition, the company should be able to demonstrate that the vega
coverage ratio is within close range of 100 % in order to use the prevailing
implied volatility levels as of the valuation date in quantifying the fair
value of the hedged item for the purpose of calculating CTE70 (best
efforts). Otherwise, the company shall quantify the fair value of the hedged
item for the purpose of calculating CTE70 (best efforts) in a manner
consistent with the realized volatility of the scenarios captured in the CTE
(best efforts).
c. Companies that do not model hedge cash flows explicitly, but that also do not use
the implicit method as outlined in Section 9.C.6.b above, shall conduct the formal
back-test in a manner that allows the company to clearly illustrate the
appropriateness of the selected method for reflecting the cost and benefit of
hedging, as well as the value used for E.
7. A company that does not have 12 months of experience to date shall set E to a value that
reflects the amount of experience available, and the degree and nature of any change to the
hedge program. For a material change in strategy, with less than 12 months of experience
and without robust mock testing, E should be 1.0. For a material change in strategy, with
less than three months of history, E should be 1.0. However, when a material change in
hedging strategy with less than three months of history is the introduction of hedging for a
newly introduced product or newly acquired block of business and is supplemented by
robust mock testing, E should instead be at least 0.3. Moreover, with prior approval from
the domestic regulator, material changes in hedge strategy with less than three months of
history but with robust mock testing may have error factors less than 1.0, though still
subject to the minimum error factor specified in Section 9.C.4 and with an appropriate
prudent estimate to account for additional uncertainty in anticipated hedging experience
beyond that of a robust hedging program already in existence. E may also be lower than
1.0 if the change in strategy is a minor refinement rather than a material change in strategy,
though still subject to the minimum error factor specified in Section 9.C.4 and with an
appropriate prudent estimate to account for any additional uncertainty associated with the
The following examples are provided as guidance for determining the E factor when there
has been a change to the hedge program. These examples are not intended to be exhaustive,
and a company must support the determination of whether a hedge methodology change
is material based on a review of the company’s specific change in methodology.
The error factor should be temporarily 100% for material changes in hedge
methodology (e.g., moving from a fair-value based strategy to a stop-loss strategy)
without robust mock testing.
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An increase in the error factor may not always be needed for minor refinements
to the hedge strategy (e.g., moving from swaps to Treasury futures).
8. The company shall set the value of E reflecting the extent to which the hedging program is
clearly defined. To support a value of E below 1.0, there should be very robust
documentation outlining all future hedging strategies. To the extent that documentation
outlining any of the future hedging strategies is incomplete, the value of E shall be
increased. In particular, the value of E shall be 1.0 if documentation is materially
incomplete for any of the individual CDHS attributes (a) through (j), as listed in VM-01.
Any increases required to the value of E to reflect that documentation is not available to
support that the future hedging strategies are clearly defined shall be in addition to
increases to the value of E to reflect a lack of historical experience or to reflect the back-
testing results, subject to an overall ceiling of 1.0 for E.
Guidance Note: Companies must use judgment both in determining an E factor and in
applying this requirement in the case where there are multiple future hedging strategies,
particularly where some may be CDHS and some may not be CDHS. In this case, the SR
should be ensured to be no less than the CTE70, reflecting the future hedging strategies
that are CDHS and not reflecting those that are not CDHS. Companies with multiple future
hedging strategies with very different levels of effectiveness or with multiple future
hedging strategies that include both CDHS and non-CDHS should discuss with their
domestic regulator.
D. Additional Considerations for CTE70 (best efforts)
If the company is following one or more future hedging strategies supporting the contracts, the fair
value of the portfolio of contracts falling within the scope of these requirements shall be computed
and compared to the CTE70 (best efforts) and CTE70 (adjusted). If the CTE70 (best efforts) is
below both the fair value and CTE70 (adjusted), the company should be prepared to explain why
that result is reasonable.
For the purposes of this analysis, the SR and fair value calculations shall be done without requiring
the scenario reserve for any given scenario to be equal to or in excess of the cash surrender value
in aggregate for the group of contracts modeled in the projection.
E. Specific Considerations and Requirements
1. As part of the process of choosing a methodology and assumptions for estimating the future
effectiveness of the current hedging strategy (including currently held hedge positions) for
purposes of reducing the SR, the company should review actual historical hedging
effectiveness. The company shall evaluate the appropriateness of the assumptions on future
trading, transaction costs, other elements of the model, the strategy, the mix of business
and other items that are likely to result in materially adverse results. This includes an
analysis of model assumptions that, when combined with the reliance on the hedging
strategy, are likely to result in adverse results relative to those modeled. The parameters
and assumptions shall be adjusted (based on testing contingent on the strategy used and
other assumptions) to levels that fully reflect the risk based on historical ranges and
foreseeable future ranges of the assumptions and parameters. If this is not possible by
parameter adjustment, the model shall be modified to reflect them at either anticipated
experience or adverse estimates of the parameters.
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2. A discontinuous hedging strategy is a hedging strategy where the relationships between the
sensitivities to equity markets and interest rates (commonly referred to as the Greeks)
associated with the guaranteed contract holder options embedded in the variable annuities
and other in-scope products and these same sensitivities associated with the hedging assets
are subject to material discontinuities. This includes, but is not limited to, a hedging
strategy where material hedging assets will be obtained when the variable annuity account
balances reach a predetermined level in relationship to the guarantees. Any hedging
strategy, including a delta hedging strategy, can be a discontinuous hedging strategy if
implementation of the strategy permits material discontinuities between the sensitivities to
equity markets and interest rates associated with the guaranteed contract holder options
embedded in the variable annuities and other in-scope products and these same sensitivities
associated with the hedging assets. There may be scenarios that are particularly costly to
discontinuous hedging strategies, especially where those result in large discontinuous
changes in sensitivities (Greeks) associated with the hedging assets. Where discontinuous
hedging strategies contribute materially to a reduction in the SR, the company must
evaluate the interaction of future trigger definitions and the discontinuous hedging strategy,
in addition to the items mentioned in the previous paragraph. This includes an analysis of
model assumptions that, when combined with the reliance on the discontinuous hedging
strategy, may result in adverse results relative to those modeled.
3. A strategy that has a strong dependence on acquiring hedging assets at specific times that
depend on specific values of an index or other market indicators may not be implemented
as precisely as planned.
4. The combination of elements of the stochastic cash-flow modelincluding the initial
actual market asset prices, prices for trading at future dates, transaction costs and other
assumptionsshould be analyzed by the company as to whether the stochastic cash-flow
model permits hedging strategies that make money in some scenarios without losing a
reasonable amount in some other scenarios. This includes, but is not limited to:
a. Hedging strategies with no initial investment that never lose money in any scenario
and in some scenarios make money.
b. Hedging strategies that, with a given amount of initial money, never make less than
accumulation at the one-period risk-free rates in any scenario but make more than
this in one or more scenarios.
5. If the stochastic cash-flow model allows for such situations, the company should be
satisfied that the results do not materially rely directly or indirectly on the use of such
strategies. If the results do materially rely directly or indirectly on the use of such strategies,
the strategies may not be used to reduce the SR otherwise calculated.
6. In addition to the above, the method used to determine prices of financial instruments for
trading in scenarios should be compared to actual initial market prices. In addition to
comparisons to initial market prices, there should be testing of the pricing models that are
used to determine subsequent prices when scenarios involve trading financial instruments.
This testing should consider historical relationships. For example, if a method is used
where recent volatility in the scenario is one of the determinants of prices for trading in
that scenario, then that model should approximate actual historic prices in similar
circumstances in history.
7. The company may also consider historical experience for similar current or past hedging
programs on similar products to support the error factor or index credit hedge margin
determined for the projection.
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Section 10: Contract Holder Behavior Assumptions
A. General
Contract holder behavior assumptions encompass actions such as lapses, withdrawals, transfers,
recurring deposits, benefit utilization, option election, etc. Contract holder behavior is difficult to
predict accurately, and variance in behavior assumptions can significantly affect the results. In the
absence of relevant and fully credible empirical data, the company should set behavior assumptions
as guided by Principle 3 in Section 1.B and Section 12.
In setting behavior assumptions, the company should examine, but not be limited by, the following
1. Behavior can vary by product, market, distribution channel, fund performance,
time/product duration, etc.
2. Options embedded in the product may affect behavior.
3. Utilization of options may be elective or non-elective in nature. Living benefits often are
elective, and death benefit options are generally non-elective.
4. Elective contract holder options may be more driven by economic conditions than non-
elective options.
5. As the value of a product option increases, there is an increased likelihood that contract
holders will behave in a manner that maximizes their financial interest (e.g., lower lapses,
higher benefit utilization, etc.).
6. Behavior formulas may have both rational and irrational components (irrational behavior
is defined as situations where some contract holders may not always act in their best
financial interest). The rational component should be dynamic, but the concept of
rationality need not be interpreted in strict financial terms and might change over time in
response to observed trends in contract holder behavior based on increased or decreased
financial efficiency in exercising their contractual options.
7. Options that are ancillary to the primary product features may not be significant drivers of
behavior. Whether an option is ancillary to the primary product features depends on many
things, such as:
a. For what purpose was the product purchased?
b. Is the option elective or non-elective?
c. Is the value of the option well-known?
8. External influences may affect behavior.
B. Aggregate vs. Individual Margins
1. Prudent estimate assumptions are developed by applying a margin for uncertainty to the
anticipated experience assumption. The issue of whether the level of the margin applied to
the anticipated experience assumption is determined in aggregate or independently for each
and every behavior assumption is discussed in Principle 3 in Section 1.B.
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2. Although this principle discusses the concept of determining the level of margins in
aggregate, it notes that the application of this concept shall be guided by evolving practice
and expanding knowledge. From a practical standpoint, it may not always be possible to
completely apply this concept to determine the level of margins in aggregate for all
behavior assumptions.
3. Therefore, the company shall determine prudent estimate assumptions independently for
each behavior (e.g., mortality lapses and benefit utilization), using the requirements and
guidance in this section and throughout these requirements, unless the company can
demonstrate that an appropriate method was used to determine the level of margin in
aggregate for two or more behaviors.
C. Sensitivity Testing
The impact of behavior can vary by product, time period, etc. Sensitivity testing of assumptions is
required and shall be more complex than, for example, base lapse assumption minus 1% across all
contracts. A more appropriate sensitivity test in this example might be to devise parameters in a
dynamic lapse formula to reflect more out-of-the-money contracts lapsing and/or more holders of
in-the-money contracts persisting and eventually using the guarantee. The company should apply
more caution in setting assumptions for behaviors where testing suggests that stochastic modeling
results are sensitive to small changes in such assumptions. For such sensitive behaviors, the
company shall use higher margins when the underlying experience is less than fully relevant and
D. Specific Considerations and Requirements
1. Within materiality considerations, the company should consider all relevant forms of
contract holder behavior and persistency, including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Mortality (additional guidance and requirements regarding mortality is contained
in Section 11).
b. Surrenders.
c. Partial withdrawals (systematic and elective).
d. Fund transfers (switching/exchanges).
e. Resets/ratchets of the guaranteed amounts (automatic and elective).
f. Future deposits.
2. It may be acceptable to ignore certain items that might otherwise be explicitly modeled in
an ideal world, particularly if the inclusion of such items reduces the calculated provisions.
For example:
a. The impact of fund transfers (intra-contract fund “switching”) might be ignored,
unless required under the terms of the contract (e.g., automatic asset re-
allocation/rebalancing, dollar cost averaging accounts, etc.).
b. Future deposits might be excluded from the model, unless required by the terms of
the contracts under consideration and then only in such cases where future
premiums can reasonably be anticipated (e.g., with respect to timing and amount).
3. However, the company should exercise caution in assuming that current behavior will be
indefinitely maintained. For example, it might be appropriate to test the impact of a shifting
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asset mix and/or consider future deposits to the extent they can reasonably be anticipated
and increase the calculated amounts.
4. Normally, the underlying model assumptions would differ according to the attributes of the
contract being valued. This would typically mean that contract holder behavior and
persistency may be expected to vary according to such characteristics as (this is not an
exhaustive list):
a. Gender.
b. Attained age.
c. Issue age.
d. Contract duration.
e. Time to maturity.
f. Tax status.
g. Fund value.
h. Investment option.
i. Guaranteed benefit amounts.
j. Surrender charges, transaction fees or other contract charges.
k. Distribution channel.
5. Unless there is clear evidence to the contrary, behavior assumptions should be no less
conservative than past experience. Margins for contract holder behavior assumptions shall
assume, without relevant and credible experience or clear evidence to the contrary, that
contract holders’ efficiency will increase over time.
6. In determining contract holder behavior assumptions, the company shall use actual
experience data directly applicable to the business segment (i.e., direct data) if it is
available. In the absence of direct data, the company should then look to use data from a
segment that is similar to the business segment (i.e., other than direct experience), whether
or not the segment is directly written by the company. If data from a similar business
segment are used, the assumption shall be adjusted to reflect differences between the two
segments. Margins shall reflect the data uncertainty associated with using data from a
similar but not identical business segment.
7. Where relevant and fully credible empirical data do not exist for a given contract holder
behavior assumption, the company shall set the contract holder behavior assumption to
reflect the increased uncertainty such that the contract holder behavior assumption is
shifted towards the conservative end of the plausible range of expected experience that
serves to increase the SR. If there are no relevant data, the company shall set the contract
holder behavior assumption to reflect the increased uncertainty such that the contract
holder behavior assumption is at the conservative end of the range. Such adjustments shall
be consistent with the definition of prudent estimate, with the principles described in
Section 1.B, and with the guidance and requirements in this section.
8. Ideally, contract holder behavior would be modeled dynamically according to the
simulated economic environment and/or other conditions. It is important to note, however,
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that contract holder behavior should neither assume that all contract holders act with 100%
efficiency in a financially rational manner nor assume that contract holders will always act
irrationally. These extreme assumptions may be used for modeling efficiency if the result
is more conservative.
E. Dynamic Assumptions
1. Consistent with the concept of prudent estimate assumptions described earlier, the liability
model should incorporate margins for uncertainty for all risk factors that are not dynamic
(i.e., the non-scenario tested assumptions) and are assumed not to vary according to the
financial interest of the contract holder.
2. The company should exercise care in using static assumptions when it would be more
natural and reasonable to use a dynamic model or other scenario-dependent formulation
for behavior. With due regard to considerations of materiality and practicality, the use of
dynamic models is encouraged, but not mandatory. Risk factors that are not scenario tested
but could reasonably be expected to vary according to a stochastic process, or future states
of the world (especially in response to economic drivers) may require higher margins
and/or signal a need for higher margins for certain other assumptions.
3. Risk factors that are modeled dynamically should encompass the plausible range of
behavior consistent with the economic scenarios and other variables in the model, including
the non-scenario tested assumptions. The company shall test the sensitivity of results to
understand the materiality of making alternate assumptions and follow the guidance
discussed above on setting assumptions for sensitive behaviors.
F. Consistency with the CTE Level
1. All behaviors (i.e., dynamic, formulaic and non-scenario tested) should be consistent with
the scenarios used in the CTE calculations (generally, the top 30% of the loss distribution).
To maintain such consistency, it is not necessary to iterate (i.e., successive runs of the
model) in order to determine exactly which scenario results are included in the CTE
measure. Rather, in light of the products being valued, the company should be mindful of
the general characteristics of those scenarios likely to represent the tail of the loss
distribution and consequently use prudent estimate assumptions for behavior that are
reasonable and appropriate in such scenarios. For variable annuities, these “valuation”
scenarios would typically display one or more of the following attributes:
a. Declining and/or volatile separate account asset values.
b. Market index volatility, price gaps and/or liquidity constraints.
c. Rapidly changing interest rates.
2. The behavior assumptions should be logical and consistent both individually and in
aggregate, especially in the scenarios that govern the results. In other words, the company
should not set behavior assumptions in isolation, but give due consideration to other
elements of the model. The interdependence of assumptions (particularly those governing
customer behaviors) makes this task difficult and by definition requires professional
judgment, but it is important that the model risk factors and assumptions:
a. Remain logically and internally consistent across the scenarios tested.
b. Represent plausible outcomes.
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c. Lead to appropriate, but not excessive, asset requirements.
4. The company should remember that the continuum of “plausibility” should not be confined
or constrained to the outcomes and events exhibited by historic experience.
5. Companies should attempt to track experience for all assumptions that materially affect
their risk profiles by collecting and maintaining the data required to conduct credible and
meaningful studies of contract holder behavior.
G. Additional Considerations and Requirements for Assumptions Applicable to Guaranteed
Living Benefits
Experience for contracts without guaranteed living benefits may be of limited use in setting a lapse
assumption for contracts with in-the-money or at-the-money guaranteed living benefits. Such
experience may only be used if it is appropriate (e.g., lapse experience on contracts without a living
benefit may have relevance to the early durations of contracts with living benefits) and relevant to
the business.
Section 11: Guidance and Requirements for Setting Prudent Estimate Mortality Assumptions
A. Overview
1. Intent
The guidance and requirements in this section apply to setting prudent estimate mortality
assumptions when determining either the SR or the reserve for any contracts determined
using the Alternative Methodology. The intent is for prudent estimate mortality
assumptions to be based on facts, circumstances and appropriate actuarial practice, with
only a limited role for unsupported actuarial judgment. (Where more than one approach to
appropriate actuarial practice exists, the company should select the practice that the
company deems most appropriate under the circumstances.)
2. Description
Prudent estimate mortality assumptions shall be determined by first developing expected
mortality curves based on either available experience or published tables. Where necessary,
margins shall be applied to the experience to reflect data uncertainty. The expected
mortality curves shall then be adjusted based on the credibility of the experience used to
determine the expected mortality curve. Section 11.B addresses guidance and requirements
for determining expected mortality curves, and Section 11.C addresses guidance and
requirements for adjusting the expected mortality curves to determine prudent estimate
Finally, the credibility-adjusted tables shall be adjusted for mortality improvement (where
such adjustment is permitted or required) using the guidance and requirements in Section
3. Business Segments
For purposes of setting prudent estimate mortality assumptions, the products falling under
the scope of these requirements shall be grouped into business segments with different
mortality assumptions. The grouping, at a minimum, should differentiate whether the
contracts contain VAGLBs, where the no-VAGLB segments would include both contracts
with no guaranteed benefits and contracts with only GMDBs. The grouping should also
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generally follow the pricing, marketing, management and/or reinsurance programs of the
4. Margin for Data Uncertainty
The expected mortality curves that are determined in Section 11.B may need to include a
margin for data uncertainty. The margin could be in the form of an increase or a decrease in
mortality, depending on the business segment under consideration. The margin shall be
applied in a direction (i.e., increase or decrease in mortality) that results in a higher reserve.
A sensitivity test may be needed to determine the appropriate direction of the provision for
uncertainty to mortality. The test could be a prior year mortality sensitivity analysis of the
business segment or an examination of current representative cells of the segment.
For purposes of this section, if mortality must be increased (decreased) to provide for
uncertainty, the business segment is referred to as a plus (minus) segment.
It may be necessary, because of a change in the mortality risk profile of the segment, to
reclassify a business segment from a plus (minus) segment to a minus (plus) segment to
the extent compliance with this section requires such a reclassification.
B. Determination of Expected Mortality Curves
1. Experience Data
In determining expected mortality curves, the company shall use actual experience data
directly applicable to the business segment (i.e., direct data) if it is available. In the absence
of direct data, the company should then look to use data from a segment that is similar to
the business segment (i.e., other than direct experience). See Section 11.B.2. for additional
considerations. Finally, if there is no data, the company shall use the applicable table, as
required in Section 11.B.3.
2. Data Other Than Direct Experience
Adjustments shall be applied to the data to reflect differences between the business
segments, and margins shall be applied to the adjusted expected mortality curves to reflect
the data uncertainty associated with using data from a similar but not identical business
To the extent the mortality of a business segment is reinsured, any mortality charges that
are consistent with the company’s own pricing and applicable to a substantial portion of
the mortality risk also may be a reasonable starting point for the determination of the
company’s expected mortality curves.
3. No Data Requirements
When little or no experience or information is available on a business segment, the
company shall use expected mortality curves that would produce expected deaths no less
than the appropriate percentage (F
) from Table 1 of the 2012 IAM Basic Table with
Projection Scale G2 for contracts with no VAGLBs and expected deaths no greater than
the appropriate percentage (F
) from Table 1 of the 2012 IAM Basic Mortality Table with
Projection Scale G2 for contracts with VAGLBs. If mortality experience on the business
segment is expected to be atypical (e.g., demographics of target markets are known to have
higher [lower] mortality than typical), these “no data” mortality requirements may not be
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(1 2
Table 11.1
Attained Age (x)
for VA with GLB
for All Other
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4. Additional Considerations Involving Data
The following considerations shall apply to mortality data specific to the business segment
for which assumptions are being determined (i.e., direct data discussed in Section 11.B.1
or other than direct data discussed in Section 11.B.2).
a. Underreporting of Deaths
Mortality data shall be examined for possible underreporting of deaths.
Adjustments shall be made to the data if there is any evidence of underreporting.
Alternatively, exposure by lives or amounts on contracts for which death benefits
were in the money may be used to determine expected mortality curves.
Underreporting on such exposures should be minimal; however, this reduced
subset of data will have less credibility.
b. Experience by Contract Duration
Experience of a plus segment shall be examined to determine if mortality by
contract duration increases materially due to selection at issue. In the absence of
information, the company shall assume that expected mortality will increase by
contract duration for an appropriate select period. As an alternative, if the company
determines that mortality is affected by selection, the company could apply
margins to the expected mortality in such a way that the actual mortality modeled
does not depend on contract duration.
c. Modification and Relevance of Data
Even for a large company, the quantity of life exposures and deaths are such that
a significant amount of smoothing may be required to determine expected
mortality curves from mortality experience. Expected mortality curves, when
applied to the recent historic exposures (e.g., three to seven years), should not
result in an estimate of aggregate number of deaths less (greater) than the actual
number deaths during the exposure period for plus (minus) segments.
In determining expected mortality curves (and the credibility of the underlying
data), older data may no longer be relevant. The “age” of the experience data used
to determine expected mortality curves should be documented.
d. Other Considerations
In determining expected mortality curves, consideration should be given to factors
that include, but are not limited to, trends in mortality experience, trends in
exposure, volatility in year-to-year A/E mortality ratios, mortality by lives relative
to mortality by amounts, changes in the mix of business and product features that
could lead to mortality selection.
C. Adjustment for Credibility to Determine Prudent Estimate Mortality
1. Adjustment for Credibility
The expected mortality curves determined in Section 11.B shall be adjusted based on the
credibility of the experience used to determine the curves in order to arrive at prudent
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estimate mortality. The adjustment for credibility shall result in blending the expected
mortality curves with a mortality table consistent with a statutory valuation mortality table.
For contracts with no VAGLBs, the table shall be consistent with the appropriate
percentage (F
) from Table 1 of the 2012 IAM Basic Table with Projection Scale G2; and
for contracts with VAGLBs, the table shall be consistent with the appropriate percentage
) from Table 1 of the 2012 IAM Basic Mortality Table with Projection Scale G2. The
approach used to adjust the curves shall suitably account for credibility.
Guidance Note: For example, when credibility is zero, an appropriate approach should result in a
mortality assumption consistent with 100% of the statutory valuation mortality table used in the
2. Adjustment of Statutory Valuation Mortality for Improvement
For purposes of the adjustment for credibility, the statutory valuation mortality table for a
plus segment may be and the statutory valuation mortality table for a minus segment must
be adjusted for mortality improvement. Such adjustment shall reflect Projection Scale G2
from the effective date of the respective statutory valuation mortality table to the
experience weighted average date underlying the data used to develop the expected
mortality curves (discussed in Section 11.B).
3. Credibility Procedure
The credibility procedure used shall:
a. Produce results that are reasonable.
b. Not tend to bias the results in any material way.
c. Be practical to implement.
d. Give consideration to the need to balance responsiveness and stability.
e. Take into account not only the level of aggregate claims but the shape of the
mortality curve.
f. Contain criteria for full credibility and partial credibility that have a sound
statistical basis and be appropriately applied.
4. Further Adjustment of the Credibility-Adjusted Table for Mortality Improvement
The credibility-adjusted table used for plus segments may be and the credibility adjusted
table used for minus segments must be adjusted for mortality improvement using
Projection Scale G2 from the experience weighted average date underlying the company
experience used in the credibility process to the valuation date.
Any adjustment for mortality improvement beyond the valuation date is discussed in
Section 11.D.
D. Future Mortality Improvement
The mortality assumption resulting from the requirements of Section 11.C shall be adjusted for
mortality improvements beyond the valuation date if such an adjustment would serve to increase
the resulting SR. If such an adjustment would reduce the SR, such assumptions are permitted, but
not required. In either case, the assumption must be based on current relevant data with a margin
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for uncertainty (increasing assumed rates of improvement if that results in a higher reserve or
reducing them otherwise).
Section 12: Other Guidance and Requirements for Assumptions
A. Overview
This section provides guidance and requirements in general for setting prudent estimate
assumptions when determining either the SR or the reserve for any contracts determined using the
Alternative Methodology. It also provides specific guidance and requirements for expense
B. General Assumption Requirements
1. The company shall use prudent estimate assumptions for risk factors that are not stochastically
modeled by applying margins to the anticipated experience assumptions if such risk factors
have been categorized as material risks by following Section 1.B, Principle 3 and requirements
in Section 12.C.
2. The company shall establish the prudent estimate assumptions for risk factors in compliance
with the requirements in Section 12 of Model #820 and must periodically review and update
the assumptions, as appropriate, in accordance with these requirements.
3. The company shall model the following risk factors stochastically unless the company elects
the Alternative Methodology defined in Section 7:
a. Interest rate movements; i.e., Treasury interest rate curves.
b. Equity performance (e.g., Standard & Poor’s 500 index [S&P 500] returns and returns of
other equity investments).
4. If the company elects to stochastically model risk factors in addition to the economic scenarios,
the requirements in this section for determining prudent estimate assumptions for these risk
factors do not apply.
It is expected that companies will not stochastically model risk factors other than the economic
scenarios, such as contract holder behavior or mortality, until VM-21 has more specific
guidance and requirements available. Companies shall discuss with domiciliary regulators if
they wish to stochastically model other risk factors.
5. The company shall use its own experience, if relevant and credible, to establish an anticipated
experience assumption for any risk factor. To the extent that company experience is not
available or credible, the company may use industry experience or other data to establish the
anticipated experience assumption, making modifications, as needed, to reflect the
circumstances of the company.
a. For risk factors, such as mortality, to which statistical credibility theory may be
appropriately applied, the company shall establish anticipated experience assumptions for
the risk factor by combining relevant company experience with industry experience data,
tables, or other applicable data in a manner that is consistent with credibility theory and
accepted actuarial practice.
b. For risk factors, such as utilization of guaranteed living benefits, that do not lend
themselves to the use of statistical credibility theory, and for risk factors, such as some of
the lapse assumptions, to which statistical credibility theory can be appropriately applied
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but cannot currently be applied due to lack of industry data, the company shall establish
anticipated experience assumptions in a manner that is consistent with accepted actuarial
practice and reflects any available relevant company experience, any available relevant
industry experience, or any other experience data that are available and relevant. Such
techniques include:
i. Adopting standard assumptions published by professional, industry, or regulatory
organizations to the extent that they reflect any available relevant company
experience or reasonable expectations.
ii. Applying factors to relevant industry experience tables or other relevant data to
reflect any available relevant company experience and differences in expected
experience from that underlying the base tables or data due to differences between
the risk characteristics of the company experience and the risk characteristics of
the experience underlying the base tables or data.
iii. Blending any available relevant company experience with any available relevant
industry experience and/or other applicable data using weightings established in a
manner that is consistent with accepted actuarial practice and that reflects the risk
characteristics of the underlying contracts and/or company practices.
c. For risk factors that have limited or no experience or other applicable data to draw upon,
the assumptions shall be established using sound actuarial judgment and the most relevant
data available, if such data exists.
d. For any assumption that is set in accordance with the requirements of Section 12.B.5.c, the
qualified actuary to whom responsibility for this group of contracts is assigned shall use
sensitivity testing and disclose the analysis performed to ensure that the assumption is set
at the conservative end of the plausible range.
e. The qualified actuary, to whom responsibility for this group of contracts is assigned, shall
annually review relevant emerging experience for the purpose of assessing the
appropriateness of the anticipated experience assumption. If the results of statistical or
other testing indicate that previously anticipated experience for a given factor is inadequate,
then the qualified actuary shall set a new, adequate, anticipated experience assumptions for
the factor.
6. The company shall sensitivity test material risk factors that are not stochastically modeled and
examine the impact on the SR. The company shall update the sensitivity tests periodically, as
appropriate. The company may update the tests less frequently, but no less than every three
years, when the tests show less sensitivity of the SR to changes in the assumptions being tested
or the experience is not changing rapidly. Providing that there is no material impact on the
results of the sensitivity testing, the company may perform sensitivity testing:
a. Using samples of the contracts in force rather than performing the entire valuation for each
alternative assumption set.
b. Using data from prior periods.
Guidance Note: Sensitivity testing every risk factor on an annual basis is not required. For some
risk factors, it may be reasonable, in lieu of testing, to employ statistical measures for margins, such
as adding one or more standard deviations to the anticipated experience assumptions.
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7. The company shall vary the prudent estimate assumptions from scenario to scenario within the
SR calculation in an appropriate manner to reflect the scenario-dependent risks.
C. Assumption Margins
The company shall include margins to provide for adverse deviations and estimation error in the
prudent estimate assumptions for all risk factors that are not stochastically modeled or prescribed,
subject to the following:
1. The level of margin applied to the anticipated experience assumptions may be determined in
aggregate or independently as discussed in Section 1.B, Principle 3. It is not permissible to set
a margin less toward the conservative end of the spectrum to recognize, in whole or in part,
implicit or prescribed margins that are present, or are believed to be present, in other risk
Risks that are stochastically modeled (e.g., interest rates, equity returns) or have prescribed
margins or guardrails (e.g., assets, revenue sharing) shall be considered material risks. Other
risks generally considered to be material include, but are not limited to, mortality, contract
holder behavior, maintenance and overhead expenses, inflation and implied volatility. In some
cases, the list of material risks may also include acquisition expenses, partial withdrawals,
policy loans, annuitizations, account transfers and deposits, and/or option elections that contain
an element of anti-selection.
2. The greater the uncertainty in the anticipated experience assumption, the larger the required
margin, with the margin added or subtracted as needed to produce a larger modeled TAR than
would otherwise result. For example, the company shall use a larger margin when:
a. The experience data have less relevance or lower credibility.
b. The experience data are of lower quality, such as incomplete, internally inconsistent, or not
c. There is doubt about the reliability of the anticipated experience assumption, such as, but
not limited to, recent changes in circumstances or changes in company policies.
d. There are constraints in the modeling that limit an effective reflection of the risk factor.
3. In complying with the sensitivity testing requirements in Section 12.B.6 above, greater analysis
and more detailed justification are needed to determine the level of uncertainty when
establishing margins for risk factors that produce greater sensitivity on the SR.
4. A margin is permitted, but not required, for assumptions that do not represent material risks.
5. A margin should reflect the magnitude of fluctuations in historical experience of the company
for the risk factor, as appropriate.
6. The company shall apply the method used to determine the margin consistently on each
valuation date, but it is permitted to change the method from the prior year if the rationale for
the change and the impact on the SR is disclosed.
D. Expense Assumptions
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1. General Prudent Estimate Expense Assumption Requirements
In determining prudent estimate expense assumptions, the company:
a. May spread certain IT development costs and other capital expenditures over a reasonable
number of years in accordance with accepted statutory accounting principles, as defined in
the SSAPs.
Guidance Note: Care should be taken regarding the potential interaction with the inflation
assumption below.
b. Shall assume that the company is a going concern.
c. Shall choose an appropriate expense basis that properly aligns the actual expense to the
assumption. If values are not significant, they may be aggregated into a different base
Guidance Note: For example, death benefit expenses should be modeled with an expense
assumption that is per death incurred.
d. Shall reflect the impact of inflation.
e. Shall not assume future expense improvements.
f. Shall not include assumptions for federal income taxes (and expenses paid to provide
fraternal benefits in lieu of federal income taxes) and foreign income taxes.
g. Shall use assumptions that are consistent with other related assumptions.
h. Shall use fully allocated expenses.
Guidance Note: Expense assumptions should reflect the direct costs associated with the block of
contracts being modeled, as well as indirect costs and overhead costs that have been allocated to
the modeled contracts.
i. Shall allocate expenses using an allocation method that is consistent across company lines
of business. Such allocation must be determined in a manner that is within the range of
actuarial practice and methodology and consistent with applicable ASOPs. Allocations
may not be done for the purpose of decreasing the SR.
j. Shall reflect expense efficiencies that are derived and realized from the combination of
blocks of business due to a business acquisition or merger in the expense assumption only
when any future costs associated with achieving the efficiencies are also recognized.
Guidance Note: For example, combining two similar blocks of business on the same
administrative system may yield some expense savings on a per unit basis, but any future cost of
the system conversion should be considered in the final assumption. If all costs for the conversion
are in the past, then there would be no future expenses to reflect in the valuation.
k. Shall reflect the direct costs associated with the contracts being modeled, as well as an
appropriate portion of indirect costs and overhead (i.e., expense assumptions representing
fully allocated expenses should be used), including expenses categorized in the annual
statement as “taxes, licenses and fees” (Exhibit 3 of the annual statement) in the expense
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l. Shall include acquisition expenses associated with business in force as of the valuation date
and significant non-recurring expenses expected to be incurred after the valuation date in
the expense assumption.
m. For contracts sold under a new policy form or due to entry into a new product line, the
company shall use expense factors that are consistent with the expense factors used to
determine anticipated experience assumptions for contracts from an existing block of
mature contracts taking into account:
i. Any differences in the expected long-term expense levels between the block of new
contacts and the block of mature contracts.
ii. That all expenses must be fully allocated, as required under Section 12.D.1.h above.
2. Margins for Prudent Estimate Expense Assumptions
The company shall determine margins for expense assumptions following Section 12.C.
Section 13: Allocation of the Aggregate Reserve to the Contract Level
Section 2.F states that the aggregate reserve shall be allocated to the contracts falling within the scope of
these requirements. That allocation should be done for both the pre- and post-reinsurance ceded reserves.
The contract-level reserve for each contract shall be the sum of the following:
A. The contract’s cash surrender value.
B. An allocated portion of the excess of the aggregate reserve over the aggregate cash
surrender value.
1. For a variable payout annuity or other contracts without a defined cash surrender
value, the “cash surrender value” to use in this calculation shall be the amount
defined in Section 3.G. which is used to determine the minimum general account
2. The excess of the aggregate reserve over the aggregate cash surrender value shall
be allocated to each contract based on a measure of the risk of that product relative
to its cash surrender value in the context of the company’s in force contracts. The
measure of risk should consider the impact of risk mitigation programs, including
hedge programs and reinsurance, that would affect the risk of the product. The
specific method of assessing that risk and how it contributes to the company’s
aggregate reserve shall be defined by the company. The method should provide for
an equitable allocation based on risk analysis. For contracts valued under the
alternative methodology, the alternative methodology calculations provide a
contract level calculation that may be a reasonable basis for allocation.
3. As an example, consider a company with the results of the following three
Table 12.1: Sample Allocation of Aggregate Reserve
Contract (i) 1 2 3 Total
Cash Surrender Value, C 28 40 52 120
Risk adjusted measure, R 38 52 50
Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Variable Annuities VM-21
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In this example, the Aggregate Reserve exceeds the aggregate Cash Surrender Value by 20. The 20
is allocated proportionally across the three contracts based on the allocation basis of the larger of
(i) zero; and (ii) a risk adjusted measure based on reserve principles. Therefore, contracts 1 and 2
receive 45% (9/22) and 55% (11/22), respectively, of the excess Aggregate Reserve. As Contract
3 presents no risk in excess of its cash surrender value, it does not receive an allocation of the
excess Aggregate Reserve.
Aggregate Reserve 140
Allocation Basis for the excess of the
Aggregate Reserve over the Cash Surrender
Ai = Max(Ri-Ci, 0)
10 12 0 22
Allocation of the excess of the Aggregate
Reserve over the Cash Surrender Value
Li = (Ai)/ΣAi*[Aggregate Reserve - ΣCi]
9.09 10.91 0.00 20
Contract-level reserve Ci+ Li 37.09 50.91 52.00 140.00
Requirements for Principle-Based Reserves for Variable Annuities VM-21
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Table of Contents
Section 1. Purpose and Scope
................................................................................................... 22-1
Section 2. Definitions ................................................................................................................ 22-2
Section 3. Determination of the Statutory Maximum Valuation Interest Rate ......................... 22-3
Section 1: Purpose and Scope
A. These requirements define for single premium immediate annuity contracts and other similar contracts,
certificates and contract features the statutory maximum valuation interest rate that complies with Model
#820. These are the maximum interest rate assumption requirements to be used in the CARVM and for
certain contracts, the CRVM. These requirements do not preclude the use of a lower valuation interest
rate assumption by the company if such assumption produces statutory reserves at least as great as those
calculated using the maximum rate defined herein.
B. The following categories of contracts, certificates and contract features, whether group or individual,
including both life contingent and term certain only contracts, directly written or assumed through
reinsurance, with the exception of benefits arising from variable annuities, are covered by VM-22:
1. Immediate annuity contracts issued after Dec. 31, 2017;
2. Deferred income annuity contracts issued after Dec. 31, 2017;
3. Structured settlements in payout or deferred status issued after Dec. 31, 2017;
4. Fixed payout annuities resulting from the exercise of settlement options or annuitizations of host
contracts issued after Dec. 31, 2017;
5. Fixed payout annuities resulting from the exercise of settlement options or annuitizations of host
contracts issued during 2017, for fixed payouts commencing after Dec. 31, 2018, or, at the
option of the company, for fixed payouts commencing after Dec. 31, 2017;
6. Supplementary contracts, excluding contracts with no scheduled payments (such as retained
asset accounts and settlements at interest), issued after Dec. 31, 2017;
7. Fixed income payment streams, attributable to contingent deferred annuities (CDAs) issued
after Dec. 31, 2017, once the underlying contract funds are exhausted;
8. Fixed income payment streams attributable to guaranteed living benefits associated with
deferred annuity contracts issued after Dec. 31, 2017, once the contract funds are exhausted;
9. Certificates with premium determination dates after Dec. 31, 2017, emanating from non-
variable group annuity contracts specified in Model #820, Section 5.C.2, purchased for the
purpose of providing certificate holders benefits upon their retirement.
Guidance Note: For Section 1.B.4, Section 1.B.5, Section 1.B.6 and Section 1.B.8 above, there is no
restriction on the type of contract that may give rise to the benefit.
C. Exemptions:
Statutory Maximum Valuation Interest Rates for Income Annuities VM-22
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1. With the permission of the domiciliary commissioner, for the categories of annuity contracts,
certificates and/or contract features in scope as outlined in Section 1.B.4, Section 1.B.5, Section
1.B.6, Section 1.B.7 or Section 1.B.8, the company may use the same maximum valuation
interest rate used to value the payment stream in accordance with the guidance applicable to the
host contract. In order to obtain such permission, the company must demonstrate that its
investment policy and practices are consistent with this approach.
D. The maximum valuation interest rates for the contracts, certificates and contract features within the
scope of VM-22 supersede those described in Appendix VM-A and Appendix VM-C, but they do not
otherwise change how those appendices are to be interpreted. In particular, Actuarial Guideline IX-B—
Clarification of Methods Under Standard Valuation Law for Individual Single Premium Immediate
Annuities, Any Deferred Payments Associated Therewith, Some Deferred Annuities and Structured
Settlements Contracts (AG-9-B) (see VM-C) provides guidance on valuation interest rates and is,
therefore, superseded by these requirements for contracts, certificates and contract features in scope.
Likewise, any valuation interest rate references in Actuarial Guideline IX-CUse of Substandard
Annuity Mortality Tables in Valuing Impaired Lives Under Individual Single Premium Immediate
Annuities (AG-9-C) (see VM-C) are also superseded by these requirements.
Section 2: Definitions
A. The term “reference period” means the length of time used in assigning the Valuation Rate Bucket for
the purpose of determining the statutory maximum valuation interest rate and is determined as follows:
1. For contracts, certificates or contract features with life contingencies and substantially similar
payments, the reference period is the length of time, rounded to the nearest year, from the
premium determination date to the earlier of: i) the date of the last non-life-contingent payment
under the contract, certificate or contract feature; and ii) the date of the first life-contingent
payment under the contract, certificate or contract feature, or
2. For contracts, certificates or contract features with no life-contingent payments and substantially
similar payments, the reference period is the length of time, rounded to the nearest year, from
the premium determination date to the date of the last non-life-contingent payment under the
contract, certificate or contract feature, or
3. For contracts, certificates or contract features where the payments are not substantially similar,
the actuary should apply prudent judgment and select the Valuation Rate Bucket with Macaulay
duration that is a best fit to the Macaulay duration of the payments in question.
Guidance Note: Contracts with installment refunds or similar features should consider the length of the
installment period calculated from the premium determination date as the non-life contingent period for
the purpose of determining the reference period.
Guidance Note: The determination in Section 2.A.3 above shall be made based on the materiality of
the payments that are not substantially similar relative to the life-contingent payments.
B. The term “jumbo contract” means a contract with an initial consideration equal to or greater than
$250 million. Considerations for contracts issued by an insurer to the same contract holder within
90 days shall be combined for purposes of determining whether the contracts meet this threshold.
Guidance Note: If multiple contracts meet this criterion in aggregate, then each contract is a jumbo
Statutory Maximum Valuation Interest Rates for Income Annuities VM-22
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C. The term “non-jumbo contract” means a contract that does not meet the definition of a jumbo contract.
D. The term “premium determination date” means the date as of which the valuation interest rate for the
contract, certificate or contract feature being valued is determined.
E. The term “initial age” means the age of the annuitant as of his or her age last birthday relative to the
premium determination date. For joint life contracts, certificates or contract features, the “initial age”
means the initial age of the younger annuitant. If a contract, certificate or contract feature for an annuitant
is being valued on a standard mortality table as an impaired annuitant, “initial age” means the rated age.
If a contract, certificate or contract feature is being valued on a substandard mortality basis, “initial age”
means an equivalent rated age.
F. The term “Table X spreads” means the prescribed VM-22 current market benchmark spreads for the
quarter prior to the premium determination date, as published on the Industry tab of the NAIC website.
The process used to determine Table X spreads is the same as that specified in VM-20 Appendix 2.D
for Table F, except that JP Morgan and Bank of America bond spreads are averaged over the quarter
rather than the last business day of the month.
G. The term “expected default cost” means a vector of annual default costs by weighted average life. This
is calculated as a weighted average of the VM-20 Table A prescribed annual default costs published on
the Industry tab of the NAIC website in effect for the quarter prior to the premium determination date,
using the prescribed portfolio credit quality distribution as weights.
H. The term “expected spread” means a vector of spreads by weighted average life. This is calculated as a
weighted average of the Table X spreads, using the prescribed portfolio credit quality distribution as
I. The term “prescribed portfolio credit quality distribution” means the following credit rating distribution:
1. 5% Treasuries
2. 15% Aa bonds (5% Aa1, 5% Aa2, 5% Aa3)
3. 40% A bonds (13.33% A1, 13.33% A2, 13.33% A3)*
4. 40% Baa bonds (13.33% Baa1, 13.33% Baa2, 13.33% Baa3)*
*40%/3 is used unrounded in the calculations.
Section 3: Determination of the Statutory Maximum Valuation Interest Rate
A. Valuation Rate Buckets
1. For the purpose of determining the statutory maximum valuation interest rate, the contract, certificate
or contract feature being valued must be assigned to one of four Valuation Rate Buckets labeled A
through D.
2. If the contract, certificate or contract feature has no life contingencies, the Valuation Rate Bucket is
assigned based on the length of the reference period (RP), as follows:
Table 3-1: Assignment to Valuation Rate Bucket by Reference Period Only
Statutory Maximum Valuation Interest Rates for Income Annuities VM-22
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 22-4
RP ≤ 5 Years
5Y < RP ≤
10Y < RP ≤
RP > 15Y
3. If the contract, certificate or contract feature has life contingencies, the Valuation Rate Bucket is
assigned based on the length of the RP and the initial age of the annuitant, as follows:
Table 3-2: Assignment to Valuation Rate Bucket by Reference Period and Initial Age
Initial Age
RP ≤ 5Y
5Y < RP ≤
10Y < RP ≤
RP > 15Y
< 70
B. Premium Determination Dates
1. The following table specifies the decision rules for setting the premium determination date for
each of the contracts, certificates and contract features listed in Section 1:
Table 3-3: Premium Determination Dates
Item Description
Premium determination date
Immediate annuity
Date consideration is determined and
committed to by contract holder
Deferred income annuity
Date consideration is determined and
committed to by contract holder
Structured settlements
Date consideration is determined and
committed to by contract holder
1.B.4 and 1.B.5
Fixed payout annuities resulting from
settlement options or annuitizations
from host contracts
Date consideration for benefit is
determined and committed to by
contract holder
Supplementary contracts
Date of issue of supplementary contract
Fixed income payment streams from
CDAs, AV becomes 0
Date on which AV becomes 0
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Guidance Note: For the purposes of the items in the table above, the phrase “date consideration is
determined and committed to by the contract holder” should be interpreted by the company in a manner
that is consistent with its standard practices. For some products, that interpretation may be the issue date
or the date the premium is paid.
2. Immaterial Change in Consideration
If the premium determination date is based on the consideration, and if the consideration
changes by an immaterial amount (defined as a change in present value of less than 10% and
less than $1 million) subsequent to the original premium determination date, such as due to a
data correction, then the original premium determination date shall be retained. In the case of a
group annuity contract where a single premium is intended to cover multiple certificates,
certificates added to the contract after the premium determination date that do not trigger the
company’s right to reprice the contract shall be treated as if they were included in the contract
as of the premium determination date.
C. Statutory Maximum Valuation Interest Rate
1. For a given contract, certificate or contract feature, the statutory maximum valuation interest
rate is determined based on its assigned Valuation Rate Bucket (Section 3.A) and its Premium
Determination Date (Section 3.B) and whether the contract associated with it is a jumbo contract
or a non-jumbo contract.
2. Statutory maximum valuation interest rates for jumbo contracts are determined and published
daily by the NAIC on the Industry tab of the NAIC website. For a given premium determination
date, the statutory maximum valuation interest rate is the daily statutory maximum valuation
interest rate published for that premium determination date.
3. Statutory maximum valuation interest rates for non-jumbo contracts are determined and
published quarterly by the NAIC on the Industry tab of the NAIC website by the third business
day of the quarter. For a given premium determination date, the statutory maximum valuation
interest rate is the quarterly statutory maximum valuation interest rate published for the quarter
in which the premium determination date falls.
4. Quarterly Valuation Rate:
For each Valuation Rate Bucket, the quarterly valuation rate is defined as follows:
= R + S D E
Fixed income payment streams from
guaranteed living benefits, AV becomes
Date on which AV becomes 0
Group annuity and related certificates
Date consideration is determined and
committed to by contract holder
Statutory Maximum Valuation Interest Rates for Income Annuities VM-22
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a. R is the reference rate for that Valuation Rate Bucket (defined in Section 3.D);
b. S is the spread rate for that Valuation Rate Bucket defined in Section 3.E);
c. D is the default cost rate for that Valuation Rate Bucket (defined in Section 3.F);
d. E is the spread deduction defined as 0.25%.
For non-jumbo contracts, the quarterly statutory maximum valuation interest rate is the quarterly
valuation rate (Iq) rounded to the nearest one-fourth of one percent (1/4 of 1%).
5. Daily Valuation Rate:
For each Valuation Rate Bucket, the daily valuation rate is defined as follows:
= I
+ C
– C
a. I
is the quarterly valuation rate for the calendar quarter preceding the business day
immediately preceding the premium determination date;
b. C
is the daily corporate rate (defined in Section 3.G) for the business day
immediately preceding the premium determination date; and
c. C
is the average daily corporate rate (defined in Section 3.H) corresponding to the same
period used to develop I
For jumbo contracts, the daily statutory maximum valuation interest rate is the daily valuation rate (I
rounded to the nearest one-hundredth of one percent (1/100 of 1%).
D. Reference Rate
Reference rates are updated quarterly as described below:
1. The “quarterly Treasury rate” is the average of the daily Treasury rates for a given maturity
over the calendar quarter prior to the premium determination date. The quarterly Treasury rate
is downloaded from
, and is rounded to two decimal places.
2. Download the quarterly Treasury rates for two-year, five-year, 10-year and 30-year U.S.
3. The reference rate for each Valuation Rate Bucket is calculated as the weighted average of the
quarterly Treasury rates using Table 1 weights (defined in Section 3.I) effective for the calendar
year in which the premium determination date falls.
E. Spread
The spreads for each Valuation Rate Bucket are updated quarterly as described below:
1. Use the Table X spreads from the NAIC website for WALs two, five, 10 and 30 years only
to calculate the expected spread.
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2. Calculate the spread for each Valuation Rate Bucket, which is a weighted average of the
expected spreads for WALs two, five, 10 and 30 using Table 2 weights (defined in Section 3.I)
effective for the calendar year in which the premium determination date falls.
F. Default costs for each Valuation Rate Bucket are updated annually as described below:
1. Use the VM-20 prescribed annual default cost table (Table A) in effect for the quarter prior to
the premium determination date for WAL two, WAL five and WAL 10 years only to calculate
the expected default cost. Table A is updated and published annually on the Industry tab of
the NAIC website during the second calendar quarter and is used for premium determination
dates starting in the third calendar quarter.
2. Calculate the default cost for each Valuation Rate Bucket, which is a weighted average of
the expected default costs for WAL two, WAL five and WAL 10, using Table 3 weights
(defined in Section 3.I) effective for the calendar year in which the premium determination
date falls.
G. Daily Corporate Rate
Daily corporate rates for each valuation rate bucket are updated daily as described below:
1. Each day, download the Bank of America Merrill Lynch U.S. corporate effective yields as of
the previous business day’s close for each index series shown in the sample below from the
St. Louis Federal Reserve website:
To access a specific series, search the St. Louis Federal Reserve website for the series name
by inputting the name into the search box in the upper right corner, or input the following web
address:[replace with series name from the table
Table 3-4: Index Series Names
Maturity Series Name
7Y – 10Y BAMLC4A0C710YEY
10Y – 15Y BAMLC7A0C1015YEY
2. Calculate the daily corporate rate for each valuation rate bucket, which is a weighted average
of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch U.S. corporate effective yields, using Table 4 weights
(defined in Section 3.I) effective for the calendar year in which the business date immediately
preceding the premium determination date falls.
H. Average Daily Corporate Rate
Average daily corporate rates are updated quarterly as described below:
Statutory Maximum Valuation Interest Rates for Income Annuities VM-22
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1. Download the quarterly average Bank of America Merrill Lynch U.S. corporate effective yields
for each index series shown in Section 3.G.1 from the St. Louis Federal Reserve website:
8. To access a specific series, search the
St. Louis Federal Reserve website for the series name by inputting the name into the search box
in the upper right corner, or input the following web address:[replace with series name from Section 3.G.1].
2. Calculate the average daily corporate rate for each valuation rate bucket, which is a weighted
average of the quarterly average Bank of America Merrill Lynch U.S. corporate effective
yields, using Table 4 weights (defined in Section 3.I) for the same calendar year as the weight
tables (i.e. Tables 1, 2, and 3) used in calculating I
in Section 3.C.5.
I. Weight Tables 1 through 4
The system for calculating the statutory maximum valuation interest rates relies on a set of four tables
of weights that are based on duration and asset/liability cash-flow matching analysis for representative
annuities within each valuation rate bucket. A given set of weight tables is applicable to the calculations
for every day of the calendar year.
In the fourth quarter of each calendar year, the weights used within each valuation rate bucket for
determining the applicable valuation interest rates for the following calendar year will be updated using
the process described below. In each of the four tables of weights, the weights in a given row (valuation
rate bucket) must add to exactly 100%.
Weight Table 1
The process for determining Table 1 weights is described below:
1. Each valuation rate bucket has a set of representative annuity forms. These annuity forms are as
a. Bucket A:
i. Single Life Annuity age 91 with 0 and five-year certain periods.
ii. Five-year certain only.
b. Bucket B:
i. Single Life Annuity age 80 and 85 with 0, five-year and 10-year certain periods.
ii. 10-year certain only.
c. Bucket C:
i. Single Life Annuity age 70 with 0 and 15-year certain periods.
ii. Single Life Annuity age 75 with 0, 10-year and 15-year certain periods.
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iii. 15-year certain only.
d. Bucket D:
i. Single Life Annuity age 55, 60 and 65 with 0 and 15-year certain periods.
ii. 25-year certain only.
2. Annual cash flows are projected assuming annuity payments are made at the end of each year.
These cash flows are averaged for each valuation rate bucket across the annuity forms for that
bucket using the statutory valuation mortality table in effect for the following calendar year for
individual annuities for males (ANB).
3. The average daily rates in the third quarter for the two-year, five-year, 10-year and 30-year U.S.
Treasuries are downloaded from
as input to calculate the present
values in Step 4.
4. The average cash flows are summed into four time period groups: years 13, years 47, years
8–15 and years 1630. (Note: The present value of cash flows beyond year 30 are discounted
to the end of year 30 and included in the years 16–30 group. This present value is based on the
lower of 3% and the 30-year Treasury rate input in Step 3.)
5. The present value of each summed cash-flow group in Step 4 is then calculated by using the
Step 3 U.S. Treasury rates for the midpoint of that group (and using the linearly interpolated
U.S. Treasury rate when necessary).
6. The duration-weighted present value of the cash flows is determined by multiplying the present
value of the cash-flow groups by the midpoint of the time period for each applicable group.
7. Weightings for each cash-flow time period group within a valuation rate bucket are calculated
by dividing the duration weighted present value of the cash flow by the sum of the duration
weighted present value of cash flow for each valuation rate bucket.
Weight Tables 2 through 4
Weight Tables 2 through 4 are determined using the following process:
1. Table 2 is identical to Table 1.
2. Table 3 is based on the same set of underlying weights as Table 1, but the 10-year and 30-year
columns are combined since VM-20 default rates are only published for maturities of up to 10
3. Table 4 is derived from Table 1 as follows:
a. Column 1 of Table 4 is identical to column 1 of Table 1.
b. Column 2 of Table 4 is 50% of column 2 of Table 1.
c. Column 3 of Table 4 is identical to column 2 of Table 4.
d. Column 4 of Table 4 is 50% of column 3 of Table 1.
e. Column 5 of Table 4 is identical to column 4 of Table 4.
f. Column 6 of Table 4 is identical to column 4 of Table 1.
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J. Group Annuity Contracts
For a group annuity purchased under a retirement or deferred compensation plan (Section 1.B.9), the
following apply:
1. The statutory maximum valuation interest rate shall be determined separately for each
certificate, considering its premium determination date, the certificate holder’s initial age, the
reference period corresponding to its form of payout and whether the contract is a jumbo
contract or a non-jumbo contract.
Guidance Note: Under some group annuity contracts, certificates may be purchased on different dates.
2. In the case of a certificate whose form of payout has not been elected by the beneficiary at its
premium determination date, the statutory maximum valuation interest rate shall be based on
the reference period corresponding to the normal form of payout as defined in the contract or as
is evidenced by the underlying pension plan documents or census file. If the normal form of
payout cannot be determined, the maximum valuation interest rate shall be based on the
reference period corresponding to the annuity form available to the certificate holder that
produces the most conservative rate.
Guidance Note: The statutory maximum valuation interest rate will not change when the form of payout
is elected.
Statutory Maximum Valuation Interest Rates for Income Annuities VM-22
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Health Insurance Reserves Minimum Reserve Requirements VM-25
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A. Purpose
1. Reserve requirements for individual A&H insurance policies issued on and after the
Valuation Manual operative date and reserve requirements for group A&H insurance
certificates issued on and after the Valuation Manual operative date are applicable
requirements found in the AP&P Manual; Appendix A, which includes A-10; and
applicable requirements found in the AP&P Manual Appendix C, which includes Actuarial
Guideline XXVIIIStatutory Claim Reserves for Group Long-Term Disability Contracts
With a Survivor Income Benefit Provision (AG 28); Actuarial Guideline XLIV—Group
Term Life Waiver of Premium Disabled Life Reserves (AG 44); Actuarial Guideline
XLVIIThe Application of Company Experience in the Calculation of Claim Reserves
Under the 2012 Group Long-Term Disability Valuation Table (AG 47); and Actuarial
Guideline L—2013 Individual Disability Income Valuation Table (AG 50).
2. The following requirement in Exhibit 1 paragraph 5 of Appendix A-010 with respect to
claims incurred on or after Jan. 1, 2018:
For claim reserves on policies not requiring contract reserves, the maximum interest rate is
the maximum rate allowed by Appendix A-820 in the valuation of single premium
immediate annuities issued on the same date as the claim incurral date, reduced by 100 bps.
is replaced with:
For claim reserves on policies not requiring contract reserves, the maximum interest rate
(I) shall be the calendar year statutory valuation interest rates as defined by
I = .02 + .8 * (R - .03)
Where R is the average, over a period of 12 months, ending June 30 of the calendar
year of the claim incurral date, of the monthly average of the composite yield on
seasoned corporate bonds, as published by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. and the
results rounded to the nearer one-quarter of 1%.
3. Unless Appendix A-010, Subsection 7 and Subsection 8 of the Mortality section in Exhibit
1 – Specific Standards for Morbidity, Interest and Mortality of the AP&P Manual applies,
the mortality basis used in calculating contract reserves for all policies, except LTC
individual policies and group certificates, shall be as follows:
a. For policies issued on or after Jan. 1, 2019, but before Jan. 1, 2020, either the
ultimate form of the 2001 CSO Mortality Table with separate rates for male and
female lives, or the ultimate form of the 2017 CSO Mortality Table with separate
rates for male and female lives, shall be used.
b. For policies issued on or after Jan. 1, 2020, the ultimate form of the 2017 CSO
Mortality Table with separate rates for male and female lives shall be used.
c. When using the tables in (a) and (b), separation based on smoking status (or similar
tobacco-based status) is allowed (but not required) with the approval of the
domestic insurance commissioner and only if the premium rates are separated by
the same status.
Health Insurance Reserves Minimum Reserve Requirements VM-25
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Table of Contents
Section 1: Purpose ..........................................................................................................................
Section 2: Minimum Standard for Valuation of Credit Life Insurance .......................................... 26-1
Section 3: Minimum Standard for Valuation of Credit Disability Insurance ................................. 26-2
Section 4: Additional Reserves for Credit Insurance ..................................................................... 26-4
Section 5: Reinsurance ................................................................................................................... 26-4
Section 1: Purpose
A. The purpose of this section is to define the minimum valuation standard for credit life insurance
and credit disability insurance.
B. The method described in this section shall constitute the CRVM for contracts for which this section
is applicable.
Section 2: Minimum Standard for Valuation of Credit Life Insurance
A. Claim Reserves
1. A company shall hold claim reserves for all incurred but unpaid claims on all credit life
insurance policies as of the valuation date, and shall hold appropriate claim expense
reserves for the estimated expense of settlement of all incurred but unpaid claims.
2. A company shall test all claim reserves for prior valuation years for adequacy and
reasonableness, including consideration of any residual unpaid liability.
3. Assumptions used for setting credit life claim reserves shall be based on the company’s
experience, to the level such experience is credible, or upon other assumptions designed to
place a sound value on the liabilities. Assumptions should be adjusted regularly to maintain
reasonable margins.
4. A generally accepted actuarial reserving method or other reasonable method or a combination
of methods shall be used to estimate credit life insurance claim reserves. The methods used
for estimating liabilities generally may be aggregate methods, or various reserve items may
be separately valued. Approximations based on groupings and averages also may be
employed. Adequacy of the claim reserves must be determined in the aggregate.
B. Contract Reserves
1. If separate benefits are included in a credit life insurance contract, the reserve for each
benefit must comply with these requirements.
2. Reserves must be based on actuarial assumptions that produce reserves at least as great as
those called for in any contract provision as to reserve basis and method, and are in
accordance with all other contract provisions.
3. Reserves must be established for all unmatured contractual obligations, which have not
matured, of the company arising out of the provisions of the credit life insurance contract
and must be computed in accordance with presently accepted ASOPs.
Credit Life and Disability Reserve Requirements VM-26
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4. The reserve method for use in determining the minimum standard for valuation of credit
life insurance is the CRVM specified in Model #820. If benefits are guaranteed for less
than one year, the method produces a reserve equal to the mortality cost from the valuation
date to the end of the coverage period.
5. The interest rates for use in determining the minimum standard for valuation of credit life
insurance are the calendar year statutory valuation interest rates specified in Model #820.
6. The minimum mortality assumptions for use in determining the minimum standard for
valuation of credit life insurance:
a. For individual policies or certificates of insurance issued to be effective prior to Jan. 1,
2019, the minimum standard for both male and female insured individuals shall be the
2001 CSO Male Composite Ultimate Mortality Table. If a credit life insurance policy
or certificate insures two lives, the minimum standard shall be twice the mortality in
the 2001 CSO Male Composite Ultimate Mortality Table based on the age of the older
b. For individual policies or certificates of insurance issued to be effective Jan. 1, 2019,
and later:
i) For a credit life insurance policy or certificate insuring a single life, the minimum
standard shall be the 2001 CSO Ultimate Mortality Table using the applicable
gender and smoker, nonsmoker or composite table based on the gender and tobacco
usage criteria upon which premium rates are based. If the premium rates are not
segregated by gender, the minimum standard for both male and female insured
individuals shall be the 2001 CSO Male Ultimate Mortality Table.
ii) For a credit life insurance policy or certificate insuring two lives on a first to die
basis, the minimum standard shall be twice the mortality in the 2001 CSO Male
Ultimate Mortality Table based on the age of the older insured, using the
Composite table if premiums are not distinct based on tobacco usage; the
Nonsmoker table if premium rates for both insureds are based on nonsmoking
criteria; and the Smoker table if the premium rates for either insured is based on
being a tobacco user.
iii) For a credit life insurance policy or certificate insuring two lives on a last-to-die
basis, the minimum standard shall be the mortality in the 2001 CSO Male Ultimate
Mortality Table based on the age of the younger insured, using the Composite table
if premiums are not distinct based on tobacco usage; the Nonsmoker table if
premium rates for both insureds are based on nonsmoking criteria; and the Smoker
table if the premium rate for either insured is based on being a tobacco user.
7. Use of approximations is permitted, such as those involving age groupings; average
amounts of indemnity; grouping of similar contract forms; the computation of the reserve
for one contract benefit as a percentage of, or by other relation to, the aggregate contract
reserves exclusive of the benefit or benefits so valued; and the use of group methods and
approximate averages for fractions of a year or otherwise.
Section 3: Minimum Standard for Valuation of Credit Disability Insurance
A. Claim Reserves
1. A company shall hold claim reserves for all incurred but unpaid claims on all credit
disability insurance policies, which is measured as the present value of future benefits or
Credit Life and Disability Reserve Requirements VM-26
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 26-3
amounts not yet due as of the valuation date that are expected to arise under claims that
have been incurred as of the valuation date, and shall hold appropriate claim expense
reserves for the estimated expense of settlement of all incurred but unpaid claims.
2. A company shall test all claim reserves for prior valuation years for adequacy and
reasonableness using claim runoff schedules in accordance with the statutory financial
statement, including consideration of any residual unpaid liability.
3. The maximum interest rate for use in determining the minimum standard for valuation of
credit disability insurance claim reserves is the maximum rate allowed in Model #820 for the
valuation of whole life insurance issued on the date the credit disability claim was incurred.
4. The morbidity assumption for use in determining the minimum standard for valuation of
credit disability insurance shall be based on the company’s experience, if such experience
is credible, or upon other assumptions designed to place a sound value on the liabilities.
For claim reserves to reflect “sound values” and/or reasonable margins, valuation tables
based on credible experience should be adjusted regularly to maintain reasonable margins.
5. A generally accepted actuarial reserving method or other reasonable method or a
combination of methods shall be used to estimate credit disability insurance claim reserves.
The methods used for estimating liabilities generally may be aggregate methods, or various
reserve items may be separately valued. Approximations based on groupings and averages
also may be employed. Adequacy of the claim reserves must be determined in the
B. Contract Reserves
1. Contract reserves are required for all contractual obligations, which have not matured, of a
company arising out of the provisions of a credit disability insurance contract consistent
with claim reserves and unearned premium reserve, if any, held for their respective
2. The methods and procedures for determining contract reserves for credit disability
insurance must be consistent with the methods and procedures for claim reserves for any
contract, unless appropriate adjustment is made to assure provision for the aggregate
liability. The date of incurral must be the same in both determinations.
3. The morbidity assumptions for use in determining the minimum standard for valuation of
single premium credit disability insurance contract reserves are:
a. For plans having less than a 15-day elimination period, the 1985 Commissioners
Individual Disability Table A (85CIDA) with claim incidence rates increased by
b. For plans having greater than a 14-day elimination period, the 85CIDA for a
14-day elimination period with claim incidence rates increased by 12%.
4. The minimum contract reserve for credit disability insurance, other than single premium
credit disability insurance, is the gross pro-rata unearned premium reserve.
5. The maximum interest rate for use in determining the minimum standard for valuation of
single premium credit disability insurance contract reserves is the maximum rate allowed
in Model #820 for the valuation of whole life insurance issued on the same date as the
credit disability insurance contract.
Credit Life and Disability Reserve Requirements VM-26
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6. A company shall not use a separate mortality assumption for valuation of single premium
credit disability insurance contract reserves since premium is refunded upon death of the
7. Use of approximations is permitted, such as those involving age groupings, average
amounts of indemnity and grouping of similar contract forms; the computation of the
reserve for one contract benefit as a percentage of, or by other relation to, the aggregate
contract reserves exclusive of the benefit or benefits so valued; and the use of group
methods and approximate averages for fractions of a year or otherwise.
8. Annually, a company shall conduct a review of prospective contract liabilities on contracts
valued by tabular reserves to determine the continuing adequacy and reasonableness of the
tabular reserves. The company shall make appropriate increments to such tabular reserves
if such tests indicate that the basis of such reserves is not adequate.
Section 4: Additional Reserves for Credit Insurance
A. For all credit life and disability contracts in the aggregate, if the net premium refund liability
exceeds the aggregate recorded contract reserve, the company must establish an additional reserve
liability. This additional liability is equal to the excess of the net refund liability over the contract
reserve recorded. The net refund liability may include consideration of commission, premium tax
and other expenses recoverable. For example, the insurance company may recover amounts from
the state for premium taxes and from producers for prepaid commissions. In all cases, such amounts
shall be evaluated for probability of recovery.
Section 5: Reinsurance
A. Increases to, or credits against, reserves carried, arising because of reinsurance assumed or
reinsurance ceded, must be determined in a manner consistent with these minimum reserve
standards and with all applicable provisions of the reinsurance contracts that affect the company’s
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 30-1
Table of Contents
Section 1: Scope .............................................................................................................................
Section 2: General Requirements for Submission of Statement of a Life Actuarial Opinion ........ 30-2
Section 3: Requirements Specific to Life Actuarial Opinions ....................................................... 30-3
Section 1: Scope
A. General
1. The following provisions contain the requirements for the actuarial opinion of reserves and
for supporting actuarial memoranda in accordance with Section 3 of Model #820, and are
collectively referred to as Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum (AOM) requirements. For
purposes of these VM-30 requirements, the term “actuarial opinion” means the opinion of
an appointed actuary regarding the adequacy of reserves and related actuarial items
pursuant to these AOM requirements for companies that file the life, A&H annual
statement or the fraternal annual statement.
2. Actuarial opinion and supporting actuarial memoranda requirements are provided in VM-
30 for companies that file the life, A&H annual statement or the fraternal annual statement.
Companies that file the property/casualty (P/C) annual statement or the health annual
statement will follow the actuarial opinion and supporting actuarial memoranda
requirements pursuant to the instructions for those annual statements. Such companies are
not subject to actuarial opinion and supporting actuarial memoranda requirements in this
VM-30 unless the instructions for the P/C annual statement or the instructions for the health
annual statement provide for requirements in VM-30.
Guidance Note: It is the intent to allow the annual statement instructions to address all issues
relating to the actuarial opinion and memorandum for these two statements (P/C annual statement
and the health annual statement), but not preclude the use of requirements as appropriate in VM-
30 in the instructions for these two statements.
3. The AOM requirements shall be applied in a manner that allows the appointed actuary to
use his or her professional judgment in performing the actuarial analysis and developing
the actuarial opinion and supporting actuarial memoranda, conforming to relevant ASOPs.
However, a state commissioner has the authority to specify methods of analysis and
assumptions when, in the commissioner’s judgment, these specifications are necessary for
the actuary to render an acceptable opinion relative to the adequacy of reserves and related
actuarial items. For purposes of VM-30, the requirements of Actuarial Guideline XLVIII
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements for the Reinsurance of Policies
Required to be Valued Under Sections 6 and 7 of the NAIC Valuation of Life Insurance
Policies Model Regulation (AG 48), of the AP&P Manual, shall be applicable. For
purposes of VM-30, the requirements of Actuarial Guideline LIThe Application of Asset
Adequacy Testing to Long-Term Care Insurance Reserves (AG 51), of the AP&P Manual,
shall be applicable.
4. These AOM requirements are applicable to an annual statement with a year-ending date on
or after the operative date of the Valuation Manual. A statement of actuarial opinion on the
adequacy of the reserves and related actuarial items and a supporting actuarial
memorandum is required each year.
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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5. The requirements for an opinion apply to each company filing an annual statement, not to
the holding company or group of companies. A single opinion is required for the company.
B. Definitions
1. The term “adverse opinion” means an actuarial opinion in which the appointed actuary
determines that the reserves and liabilities are not adequate. (An adverse opinion does not
meet Section 3.A.7.e.)
2. The term “qualified opinion” means an actuarial opinion in which the appointed actuary
determines the reserves for a certain item(s) are in question because they cannot be
reasonably estimated or the actuary is unable to render an opinion on those items. Such
qualified opinion should state whether the stated reserve amount makes adequate provision
for the liabilities associated with the specified reserves, except for the item(s) to which the
qualification relates. The actuary is not required to issue a qualified opinion if the actuary
reasonably believes that the item(s) in question are not likely to be material. (A qualified
opinion does not meet one or more of the statements in Section 3.A.7.a through Section
3. The term “inconclusive opinion” means an actuarial opinion in which the appointed actuary
determines the actuary cannot reach a conclusion due to deficiencies or limitations in the
data, analyses, assumptions or related information. The actuary’s ability to give an opinion
is dependent upon data, analyses, assumptions and related information that are sufficient
to support a conclusion. An inconclusive opinion shall include a description of the reasons
why a conclusion could not be reached.
Section 2: General Requirements for Submission of Statement of a Life Actuarial Opinion
A. General
1. The statement of an appointed actuary, entitled “Statement of Actuarial Opinion,” setting
forth an opinion relating to reserves and related actuarial items held in support of policies
and contracts, in accordance with Section 3.A must be included with an annual statement.
2. Within five business days of the appointment of an appointed actuary, the company shall
notify the domiciliary commissioner of the name, title (and, in the case of a consulting
actuary, the name of the firm) and manner of appointment or retention of each person
appointed or retained by the company as an appointed actuary and shall state in the notice
that the person meets the requirements of an appointed actuary. Once these notices are
furnished, no further notice is required with respect to this person unless the actuary ceases
to be appointed or retained or ceases to meet the requirements of an appointed actuary.
3. If an actuary who was the appointed actuary for the immediately preceding filed actuarial
opinion is replaced by an action of the board of directors, the insurer shall within five
business days notify the insurance department of the state of domicile of this event. The
insurer shall also furnish the domiciliary commissioner with a separate letter within 10
business days of the above notification stating whether in the 24 months preceding such
event there were any material disagreements with the former appointed actuary regarding
the content of the opinion. The disagreements required to be reported in response to this
paragraph include both those resolved to the former actuary’s satisfaction and those not
resolved to the former actuary’s satisfaction. The insurer shall also in writing request such
former actuary to furnish a letter addressed to the insurer stating whether the actuary agrees
with the statements contained in the insurer’s letter and, if not, stating the reasons for which
he/she does not agree. Additionally, the insurer shall furnish such responsive letter from
the former actuary to the domiciliary commissioner together with its own.
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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B. Standards for Asset Adequacy Analysis
1. The asset adequacy analysis must conform to the Standards of Practice as promulgated
from time to time by the ASB and to any additional standards under these AOM
requirements, which standards are to form the basis of the statement of actuarial opinion in
accordance with these AOM requirements.
2. The asset adequacy analysis must be based on methods of analysis as are deemed
appropriate for such purposes by the ASB.
C. Liabilities to Be Covered
1. The statement of actuarial opinion must apply to all in-force business on the annual
statement date, whether directly issued or assumed, regardless of when or where issued.
2. If the appointed actuary determines as the result of asset adequacy analysis that a reserve
should be held in addition to the aggregate reserve held by the company and calculated in
accordance with the requirements set forth in the Valuation Manual, the company shall
establish the additional reserve.
3. Additional reserves established under Section 2.C.2 and determined not to be necessary by
the appointed actuary in subsequent years may be released. Any amounts released shall be
disclosed in the actuarial opinion for the applicable year. The release of such reserves
would not be deemed an adoption of a lower standard of valuation.
Section 3: Requirements Specific to Life Actuarial Opinions
A. Statement of Actuarial Opinion Based on an Asset Adequacy Analysis
1. The statement of actuarial opinion shall consist of:
a. A table of key indicators to alert the reader to any changes from the prescribed
language. (See Section 3.A.3.)
b. An identification section identifying the appointed actuary and his or her
qualifications. (See Section 3.A.4.)
c. A scope section identifying the subjects on which an opinion is to be expressed
and describing the scope of the appointed actuary’s work, including a tabulation
delineating the reserves and related actuarial items that have been analyzed for
asset adequacy and the method of analysis (see Section 3.A.5), and identifying the
reserves and related actuarial items covered by the opinion that have not been so
d. A reliance section (see Section 3.A.6) describing those areas, if any, where the
appointed actuary has relied upon other experts for data, assumptions, projections
or analysis (e.g., anticipated cash flows from currently owned assets, including
variation in cash flows according to economic scenarios), supported by a statement
of each such expert in the form prescribed by Section 3.A.12.
e. An opinion section expressing the appointed actuary’s opinion with respect to the
adequacy of the supporting assets to mature the liabilities. (See Section 3.A.7.)
f. A relevant comments section.
2. Each section must be clearly designated. For each section, there is prescribed wording
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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described in Section 3.A.3 through Section 3.A.7 for that section. If the appointed actuary
changes this wording or adds additional wording to clarify the prescribed wording, the
appropriate box in the table of key indicators must be checked, and the appointed actuary
shall provide the following information for that section in the relevant comments section
of the opinion:
a. A description of the additional or revised wording in the opinion.
b. The rationale for using the additional or revised wording.
c. An explanation of the impact, if any, that the additional or revised wording has on
the opinion.
The prescribed wording should be modified only if needed to meet the circumstances of a
particular case, and the appointed actuary should, in any case, use language that clearly
expresses the actuary’s professional judgment.
3. The table of key indicators is to be at the top of the opinion and is to be completed consistent
with the remainder of the opinion. The only options are those presented below:
Identification Section (Check one box only)
Prescribed Wording Only
Prescribed Wording with Additional Wording
Revised Wording
Scope Section (Check one box only)
Prescribed Wording Only
Prescribed Wording with Additional Wording
Revised Wording
Reliance Section (Check one box only)
Prescribed Wording Only
Prescribed Wording with Additional Wording
Revised Wording
Opinion Section (Check one box only)
Prescribed Wording Only
Prescribed Wording with Additional Wording
Revised Wording
Actuarial Memorandum Section (Check one box only)
The Actuarial Memorandum includes “Deviation from Standard” wording regarding conformity with an
Actuarial Standard of Practice
The Actuarial Memorandum does not include “Deviation from Standard” wording regarding conformity
with an Actuarial Standard of Practice
Relevant Comments Section (Check one box only)
Comments are included
Comments are not included
Category of Opinion
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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4. The identification section should specifically indicate the appointed actuary’s relationship
to the company, qualifications for acting as appointed actuary and date of appointment, as
well as specify that the appointment was made by the board of directors, or its equivalent,
or by a committee of the board.
This section should contain only one of the following:
For a member of the Academy who is an employee of the organization, the identification
section of the opinion should contain all of the following sentences if the appointed actuary
is using the prescribed wording:
“I, [name and title], am an employee of [insurance company name] and a member of the
American Academy of Actuaries. I was appointed on [date of appointment] in accordance
with the requirements of the Valuation Manual. I meet the Academy qualification standards
for rendering the opinion.”
For a consultant who is a member of the Academy, the identification section of the opinion
should contain all of the following sentences if the appointed actuary is using the prescribed
“I, [name and title of consultant], am associated with the firm of [name of consulting firm].
I am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries. I was appointed on [date of
appointment] in accordance with the requirements of the Valuation Manual. I meet the
Academy qualification standards for rendering the opinion.”
Guidance Note: It is not necessary for an appointed actuary to be reappointed under the
Valuation Manual. For purposes of the identification section, appointment in accordance
with the requirements of the Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Regulation (#822)
qualifies as being in accordance with the Valuation Manual.
5. The scope section should contain only the following statement (including all specified lines
even if the value is zero) if the appointed actuary is using the prescribed wording:
“I have examined the assumptions and methods used in determining reserves and related
actuarial items listed below, as shown in the annual statement of the company, as prepared
for filing with state regulatory officials, as of December 31, 20__. Tabulated below are
those reserves and related actuarial items which have been subjected to asset adequacy
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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Asset Adequacy Tested AmountsReserves and Related Actuarial Items
Statement Item
Total Amount =
Exhibit 5
A Life Insurance
B Annuities
C Supplementary
Contracts Involving
Life Contingencies
D Accidental Death
E Disability
F Disability
G Miscellaneous
Exhibit 6
A Active Life
B Claim Reserve
Exhibit 7
Guaranteed Interest
Annuities Certain
Accumulations or
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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Asset Adequacy Tested AmountsReserves and Related Actuarial Items
Statement Item
Total Amount =
Premium and Other
Deposit Funds
Total Exhibit 7
Exhibit 8 Part 1
1 Life
2 Health
Total Exhibit 8,
Part 1
Separate Accounts
(Page 3 of the
Annual Statement
of the Separate
Lines 1 and 2)
Other Reserves
and Related
Actuarial Items
<<include a
description and the
location of other
reserves and related
actuarial items
a. The additional reserves are the reserves established under Section 2.C.2.
b. The appointed actuary should indicate the method of analysis, determined in
accordance with the standards for asset adequacy analysis referred to in Section
2.B of these AOM requirements, by means of symbols that should be defined in
footnotes to the table. If more than one method of analysis is used for any single
annual statement line or line from the above table, an additional line for each
method of analysis shall be provided with the method of analysis identified for
IMR (General Account, Page____ Line____)
(Separate Accounts, Page____ Line____)
(Page____ Line____)
Net Deferred and Uncollected Premium
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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each line.
c. This is the allocated amount of AVR.
6. The reliance section should contain only one of the following if the appointed actuary is
using the prescribed wording:
If the appointed actuary has not relied upon other experts for data, assumptions, projections
or analysis, the reliance section should include only the following statement:
“My examination included a review of the data, assumptions, projections and analysis and
of the underlying basic asset and liability data, and such tests of the assumptions,
projections and analysis I considered necessary. I also reconciled the underlying basic asset
and liability data to the extent applicable to [exhibits and schedules listed as applicable] of
the company’s current annual statement.
If the appointed actuary has relied upon other experts for data, assumptions, projections or
analysis, the reliance section should include only the following statement:
“In forming my opinion on [specify types of reserves], I relied upon data, assumptions,
projections or analysis prepared by [name and title each expert providing the data,
assumptions, projections, or analysis] as certified in the attached statements. I evaluated
that data, assumptions, projections or analysis for reasonableness and consistency. I also
reconciled data to the extent applicable to [list applicable exhibits and schedules] of the
company’s current annual statement. In other respects, my examination included review of
the assumptions, projections, and analysis used and tests of the assumptions, projections
and analysis I considered necessary. I have received documentation from the experts listed
above that supports the data, assumptions, projections and analysis.”
The appointed actuary shall attach to his/her opinion a statement by each expert relied upon
in the form prescribed by Section 3.A.12.
7. The opinion section should include only the following statement if the actuary is using
prescribed wording:
“In my opinion, the reserves and related actuarial items concerning the statement items
identified above:
a. Are computed in accordance with presently accepted ASOPs consistently applied
and are fairly stated, in accordance with sound actuarial principles.
b. Are based on assumptions and methods that produce reserves at least as great as
those called for in any contract provision as to reserve basis and method, and are
in accordance with all other contract provisions.
c. Meet the requirements of the insurance laws and regulations of the state of [state
of domicile]; and
(Use one of the following phrases as appropriate)
“are at least as great as the minimum aggregate amounts required by any state
in which this company is licensed.
“are at least as great as the minimum aggregate amounts required by any state
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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in which this company is licensed, with the exception of the following states [list
states]. For each listed state, a separate statement of actuarial opinion was
submitted to that state that complies with the requirements of that state.
d. Are computed on the basis of assumptions and methods consistent with those used
in computing the corresponding items in the annual statement of the preceding
year-end (with any exceptions noted below).
e. Include provision for all reserves and related actuarial items that ought to be
The reserves and related actuarial items, when considered in light of the assets held
by the company with respect to such reserves and related actuarial items including,
but not limited to, the investment earnings on the assets, and the considerations
anticipated to be received and retained under the policies and contracts, make
adequate provision, according to presently accepted ASOPs, for the anticipated
cash flows required by the contractual obligations and related expenses of the
company. (At the discretion of the commissioner, this language may be omitted
for an opinion filed on behalf of a company doing business only in this state and
in no other state.)
The methods, considerations and analyses used in forming my opinion conform to
the appropriate ASOPs as promulgated by the Actuarial Standards Board, which
form the basis of this statement of opinion.
This opinion is updated annually as required by statute. To the best of my
knowledge, there have been no material changes from the applicable date of the
annual statement to the date of the rendering of this opinion that should be
considered in reviewing this opinion.
The impact of unanticipated events subsequent to the date of this opinion is beyond
the scope of this opinion. The analysis of the asset adequacy portion of this opinion
should be viewed recognizing that the company’s future experience may not follow
all the assumptions used in the analysis.”
8. The opinion may include a relevant comments section. The relevant comments section
should provide a brief description of each item. A detailed analysis of each item should be
included in the actuarial memorandum.
Guidance Note: An example of a relevant comment is if there has been any material change in the
assumptions or methods from those previously employed, a portion of the relevant comment section
can describe that change in the statement of opinion by including a description of the changes, such
as: “A material change in assumptions or methods was made during the past year, but such change
accords with accepted actuarial standards.” A brief description of the change would follow.
Other examples of items to include in the relevant comments section include topics of
regulatory importance, descriptions of the reason for qualifying an opinion or explanations
for an aspect of the annual statement that is not already sufficiently explained in the annual
9. The opinion should conclude with the signature of the appointed actuary responsible for
providing the actuarial opinion and the date when the opinion was rendered. The signature
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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and date should appear in the following format:
Signature of Appointed Actuary
Printed Name of Appointed Actuary
Address of Appointed Actuary
Telephone Number of Appointed Actuary
Email Address of Appointed Actuary
10. If the appointed actuary is able to form an opinion that is not qualified, adverse or
inconclusive as those terms are defined in Section 1.B, the actuary should issue a statement
of unqualified opinion. If the opinion is adverse, qualified or inconclusive, the appointed
actuary should issue an adverse, qualified or inconclusive opinion explicitly stating the
reason for such opinion. In all circumstances, the category of opinion should be accurately
identified in the TABLE of KEY INDICATORS section of the opinion.
11. The adoption for new issues or new claims or other new liabilities of an assumption that
differs from a corresponding assumption used for prior new issues or new claims or other
new liabilities is not a change in assumptions within the meaning of this section (i.e.,
Section 3.A).
12. If the appointed actuary relies on other experts for data, assumptions, projections or
analysis in forming the actuarial opinion, the actuarial opinion should identify the experts
the actuary is relying upon and a precise identification of the information provided by the
experts. In addition, the experts on whom the appointed actuary relies shall provide a
certification that identifies the specific information provided; states that supporting
documentation was provided; opines on the accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of
the information provided; and describes their qualifications. This certification shall include
the signature, name, title, company, address and telephone number of the person rendering
the certification, as well as the date on which it is signed.
B. Description of the Actuarial Memorandum, Including an Asset Adequacy Analysis and
Regulatory Asset Adequacy Issues Summary
1. The appointed actuary shall prepare a memorandum to the company describing the analysis
done in support of his or her opinion regarding the reserves. The memorandum shall be
made available for examination by an insurance commissioner upon request but shall be
returned to the company after such examination and shall not be considered a record of the
insurance department nor subject to automatic filing with an insurance commissioner.
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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2. In preparing the memorandum, the appointed actuary may rely on, and include as a part of
his/her own memorandum, memoranda prepared and signed by other actuaries, each of
whom is a qualified actuary within the meaning of the VM-01 definition thereof, with
respect to the areas covered in such memoranda, and so state in his/her memoranda.
3. Any actuary engaged by the insurance commissioner under [insert reference to Section 3
of the state’s Standard Valuation Law] shall have the same status as an examiner for
purposes of obtaining data from the company, and the work papers and documentation of
the actuary shall be retained by the insurance commissionerprovided, however, that any
information provided by the company to the actuary and included in the work papers shall
be considered as material provided by the company to the insurance commissioner and
shall be kept confidential to the same extent as is prescribed by law with respect to other
material provided by the company to the insurance commissioner pursuant to the statute
governing these AOM requirements. The actuary shall not be an employee of a consulting
firm involved with the preparation of any prior memorandum or opinion for the insurer
pursuant to these AOM requirements for any one of the current year or the preceding three
4. The memorandum shall include the following statement:
“Actuarial methods, considerations and analyses used in the preparation of this
memorandum conform to the appropriate standards of practice as promulgated by the
Actuarial Standards Board, which standards form the basis for this memorandum.”
5. An appropriate allocation of assets in the amount of the IMR, whether positive or negative,
shall be used in any asset adequacy analysis. Analysis of risks regarding asset default may
include an appropriate allocation of assets supporting the asset valuation reserve; these
AVR assets may not be applied for any other risks with respect to reserve adequacy.
Analysis of these and other risks may include assets supporting other mandatory or
voluntary reserves available to the extent not used for risk analysis and reserve support.
6. The amount of the assets used for the AVR shall be disclosed in the table of reserves and
liabilities of the opinion and in the memorandum. The method used for selecting particular
assets or allocated portions of assets shall be disclosed in the memorandum.
7. The appointed actuary shall retain on file, for at least seven years, sufficient documentation
so that it will be possible to determine the procedures followed, the analyses performed,
the bases for assumptions and the results obtained.
8. When an actuarial opinion is provided, the memorandum shall demonstrate that the
analysis has been done in accordance with the standards for asset adequacy referred to in
Section 2.B and any additional standards specified in these AOM requirements.
9. When an actuarial opinion is provided, the memorandum shall specify for reserves:
a. Product descriptions, including market description, underwriting and other aspects
of a risk profile and the specific risks the appointed actuary deems significant.
b. Source of liability in force.
c. Reserve method and basis.
d. Investment reserves.
e. Reinsurance arrangements.
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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f. Identification of any explicit or implied guarantees made by the general account in
support of benefits provided through a separate account or under a separate account
policy or contract and the methods used by the appointed actuary to provide for
the guarantees in the asset adequacy analysis.
g. Documentation of assumptions used for lapse rates (both base and excess), interest
crediting rate strategy, mortality (including base assumptions and future mortality
improvement or deterioration), policyholder dividend strategy, competitor or
market interest rate, annuitization rates, commissions and expenses, and morbidity.
The documentation of the assumptions shall be such that an actuary reviewing the
actuarial memorandum could form a conclusion as to the reasonableness of the
assumptions and whether the assumptions contribute to the conclusion that the
reserves make provision for “moderately adverse conditions.”
10. When an actuarial opinion is provided, the memorandum shall specify for assets:
a. Portfolio descriptions, including a risk profile disclosing the quality, distribution
and types of assets.
b. Investment and disinvestment assumptions.
c. Source of asset data.
d. Asset valuation bases.
e. Documentation of assumptions made for default costs, bond call function,
mortgage prepayment function, determining market value for assets sold due to
disinvestment strategy and determining yield on assets acquired through the
investment strategy. The documentation of the assumptions shall be such that an
actuary reviewing the actuarial memorandum could form a conclusion as to the
reasonableness of the assumptions.
11. When an actuarial opinion is provided, the memorandum shall specify for the analysis
a. Methodology.
b. Rationale for inclusion or exclusion of different blocks of business and how
pertinent risks were analyzed.
c. Rationale for degree of rigor in analyzing different blocks of business. (Include in
the rationale the level of “materiality” that was used in determining how rigorously
to analyze different blocks of business.)
d. Criteria for determining asset adequacy. (Include in the criteria the precise basis
for determining if assets are adequate to cover reserves under “moderately adverse
conditions” or other conditions as specified in relevant ASOPs.)
e. Whether the impact of federal income taxes was considered and the method of
treating reinsurance in the asset adequacy analysis.
12. When an actuarial opinion is provided, the memorandum shall contain:
a. Summary of material changes in methods, procedures or assumptions from the
prior year’s asset adequacy analysis.
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b. Summary of results.
c. Conclusions.
13. The appointed actuary shall prepare a regulatory asset adequacy issues summary, the
contents of which are specified below. The regulatory asset adequacy issues summary will
be submitted to the domiciliary commissioner no later than April 1 of the year following
the year for which a statement of actuarial opinion based on asset adequacy is required and
shall be available to any other insurance commissioners on request. An insurance
commissioner shall keep the regulatory asset adequacy issues summary confidential to the
same extent and under the same conditions as the actuarial memorandum.
a. The regulatory asset adequacy issues summary shall include:
i. The following key indicator. The only options are those presented below:
This opinion is unqualified: Yes No
If the response is “No,” the appointed actuary shall explain the reason(s)
why the opinion is not unqualified in a manner that is satisfactory to the
insurance commissioner.
ii. Descriptions of the scenarios tested (including whether those scenarios are
stochastic or deterministic) and the sensitivity testing done relative to
those scenarios. If negative ending surplus results under certain tests in the
aggregate, the actuary should describe those tests and the amount of
additional reserve as of the valuation date, which, if held, would eliminate
the negative aggregate surplus values. Ending surplus values shall be
determined by either extending the projection period until the in force and
associated assets and liabilities at the end of the projection period are
immaterial or by adjusting the surplus amount at the end of the projection
period by an amount that appropriately estimates the value that can
reasonably be expected to arise from the assets and liabilities remaining in
force. The actuary shall provide a summary of the testing results, tabular
or otherwise, sufficient to provide a clear understanding of the basis for
the actuarial opinion. This summary shall include clarifying explanations
of the results as needed.
iii. The extent to which the appointed actuary uses assumptions in the asset
adequacy analysis that are materially different from the assumptions used
in the previous asset adequacy analysis.
iv. The amount of reserves and the identity of the product lines that had been
subjected to asset adequacy analysis in the prior opinion but were not
subject to analysis for the current opinion.
v. Comments on any interim results that may be of significant concern to the
appointed actuary.
vi. The methods used by the actuary to recognize the impact of reinsurance on
the company’s cash flows, including both assets and liabilities, under each
of the scenarios tested.
vii. Whether the actuary has been satisfied that all options, whether explicit or
embedded, in any asset or liability (including, but not limited to, those
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements VM-30
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affecting cash flows embedded in fixed income securities) and equity-like
features in any investments have been appropriately considered in the asset
adequacy analysis.
b. The regulatory asset adequacy issues summary shall contain the name of the
company for which the regulatory asset adequacy issues summary is being
supplied and shall be signed and dated by the appointed actuary rendering the
actuarial opinion.
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PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
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VM-31: PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business
Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation
Table of Contents
Section 1: Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 31-1
Section 2: General Requirements ................................................................................................... 31-1
Section 3: PBR Actuarial Report Requirements ............................................................................ 31-2
Section 1: Purpose
The purpose of this section is to establish the minimum reporting requirements for policies or contracts
subject to a principle-based valuation according to the methods defined in VM-20 and VM-21.
Section 2: General Requirements
A. Each year a company shall prepare, under the direction of one or more qualified actuaries, as
assigned by the company under the provisions of VM-G, a PBR Actuarial Report if the company
computes a DR or a SR or performs an exclusion test for any policy as defined in VM-20, or
computes an aggregate reserve for any contract as defined in VM-21.
A company that does not compute any deterministic or SR under VM-20 for a group of policies as
a result of the policies in that group passing the exclusion tests as defined in VM20 Section 6 must
still develop a sub-report for that group of policies that addresses the relevant requirements of
Section 3.
A company that computes reserves under the Alternative Methodology defined in VM-21 must still
develop a sub-report with the applicable requirements to the Alternative Methodology for that
group of policies that addresses the relevant requirements of Section 3.
The PBR Actuarial Report shall consist of an Executive Summary, a Life Summary, a Life Report,
a VA Summary, and a VA Report, as applicable. The Life Report and the VA Report shall each
contain one or more sub-reports, with each such sub-report covering one or more groups of policies,
model segments or contracts. Each such sub-report shall be prepared by the qualified actuary
assigned responsibility for such groups of policies or contracts under the provisions of VM-G. The
PBR Actuarial Report must include documentation and disclosure sufficient for another actuary
qualified in the same practice area to evaluate the work.
B. The PBR Actuarial Report must include descriptions of all material decisions made and information
used by the company in complying with the minimum reserve requirements and must comply with
the minimum documentation and reporting requirements set forth in Section 3.
C. The Executive Summary, Life Summary and VA Summary of the PBR Actuarial Report, as
provided in Section 3.B, Section 3.C and Section 3.E, shall be submitted to the company’s
domiciliary commissioner no later than April 1 of the year following the year to which the PBR
Actuarial Report applies. The entire PBR Actuarial Report, as provided by the entirety of Section
3, shall be submitted upon request to the company’s domiciliary commissioner no later than April
1 of the year following the year to which the PBR Actuarial Report applies or within 30 days, if
requested after April 1. Similarly, the company shall submit the entire PBR Actuarial Report or the
Executive Summary, Life Summary and VA Summary upon request, to the commissioner of any
other jurisdiction in which the company is licensed.
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D. The company shall retain on file, for at least seven years from the date of filing, sufficient
documentation so that it will be possible to determine the procedures followed, the analyses
performed, the bases for assumptions and the results obtained in a principle-based valuation.
E. The PBR Actuarial Report shall be submitted in searchable portable document format (PDF) form,
in which the narrative uses a font size no smaller than 10 point. However:
1. This requirement shall in no way preclude the use of graphs and charts.
2. As needed, large arrays of data should be submitted alongside the PDF file in the
form of spreadsheets. The PDF document shall make specific reference to such
accompanying files. Such companion files shall be considered part of the PBR
Actuarial Report for regulatory review purposes.
Section 3: PBR Actuarial Report Requirements
A. The PBR Actuarial Report shall contain a table of contents with associated page numbers. The PBR
Actuarial Report shall retain and follow the order of the requirements listed herein. If only policies
valued under VM-20 are included, then Section 3.E and Section 3.F are not applicable. If only
contracts valued under VM-21 are included, then Section 3.C and Section 3.D are not applicable.
The PBR Actuarial Report shall keep the corresponding headers for each requirement and include
an explanatory statement for any requirement that is not applicable.
B. Executive Summary – The PBR Actuarial Report shall contain a single Executive Summary at the
beginning of the report which addresses all sub-reports. The Executive Summary shall include the
1. Q
ualified ActuaryAn opening paragraph identifying the qualified actuary that has been
assigned by the company to prepare each sub-report of the PBR Actuarial Report, the
qualifications of the qualified actuary and the relationship of the qualified actuary to the
2. G
roups of Policies and/or Contracts A listing of the groups of policies valued under
VM-20 and/or contracts valued under VM-21 covered by each sub-report.
3. P
oliciesA summary of the base policies within each VM-20 reserving category. Include
information necessary to fully describe the company’s distribution of business. For direct
business, use PBR Actuarial Report Template A located on the NAIC website
( to provide descriptions of each base policy
product type and underwriting process (including a description of the process, the time
period in which it was used, and the level of any additional margin), with a breakdown of
policy count and face amount by base policy product type and underwriting process. Also
include the target market, primary distribution system, and key product features that affect
risk, including conversion privileges.
4. C
ontracts – A description of the contracts valued under VM-21, including descriptions of
the target market, primary distribution system, and key product features that affect risk,
such as death benefit guarantees, living benefit guarantees, or any other guarantees.
5. Hi
gh-Level Results Summarized separately for business valued under VM-20 and
business valued under VM-21, for the current and prior year, and on both a pre- and post-
reinsurance-ceded basis, a table of the final reported reserve amounts, policy or contract
counts, face amounts (for policies under VM-20) or in-force account values (for contracts
under VM-21) and any other metrics helpful for the understanding of the company’s overall
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
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level of reserves under a principle-based valuation. A template is provided below for
Post-Reinsurance-Ceded Pre-Reinsurance-Ceded
Current Year
Prior Year
Current Year
Prior Year
Life Insurance valued under VM-20
- Total VM-20 Reserve
- Face Amount
- Policy Count
VA valued under VM-21
- Total VM-21 Reserve
- Account Value
- Contract Count
Guidance Note: Since AG 43 references the reserve requirements of VM-21, any contracts
within the scope of AG 43 are considered to be valued under VM-21, and they should be
documented as such within this PBR Actuarial Report.
C. Life SummaryThe PBR Actuarial Report shall contain a Life Summary of the critical elements
of all sub-reports of the Life Report as detailed in Section 3.D. In particular, this Life Summary
shall include:
1. VM-20 M
ateriality The standard established by the company pursuant to VM-20 Section
2. M
onitored Risks and Findings or Concerns – A summary of:
a. The material risks within the principle-based valuation under VM-20 and other
risks that are subject to close monitoring by the board, the company, the qualified
actuary, or any state insurance regulators in jurisdictions in which the company is
b. Any significant unresolved issues regarding the principle-based valuation under
VM-20 in accordance with VM-G Section 4.A.5.
Guidance Note: Risks that are subject to close monitoring include items pursuant to VM-G Section
3.A that necessitate a heightened degree of oversight for the implementation or ongoing operation
of the principle-based valuation function under VM-20. These may include risks relating to a
process, procedure, control or resource. An example might be that the company is closely
monitoring the adequacy of resources and level of knowledge for PBR.
3. Changes in Reserve AmountsA description of the changes in reserve amounts from the
prior year to the current year and why the changes are reasonable.
4. C
hanges in MethodsA description of any significant changes from the prior year in the
methods used to model cash flows or other risks, or used to determine assumptions and
margins, and the rationale for the changes.
5. A
ssets and Risk Management A brief description of the asset portfolio, and the approach
used to model risk management strategies, such as hedging, and other derivative programs,
including a description of any future hedging strategies supporting the policies and any
material changes to the hedging strategies from the prior year.
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6. Consistency between Life Sub-Reports A brief description of any material differences in
methods, assumptions or risk management practices between groups of policies covered in
separate Life sub-reports, to the extent that they are not explained by variations in product
features, and the rationale for such differences.
7. Governance – A statement indicating that governance documentation, including that
required by VM-G Section 2.A.5, VM-G Section 3.A.6 and VM-G Section 4.A.3, is
available upon request.
8. Closing Section A closing section with the signature, credentials, title, telephone number
and e-mail address of the qualified actuary (or qualified actuaries) responsible for the Life
Summary, the company name and address, and the date signed.
9. Supplement Part 1 A copy of Part 1 of the VM-20 Reserves Supplement from the annual
statement blank.
10. S
upplement Part 2 A copy of Part 2 of the VM-20 Reserves Supplement from the annual
statement blank.
11. R
econciliation of Reported Values A reconciliation of reported values and an explanation
of differences, if any, between reported values in Section 3.B.5 (High-Level Results), in
the VM-20 Reserves Supplement Part 1A and Part 1B, and in the Annual Statement
(Exhibit 3 for Separate Account values, Exhibit 5 for General Account values, and any
D. L
ife Report This subsection establishes the Life Report requirements for individual life insurance
policies valued under VM-20.
The company shall include in the Life Report and in any sub-report thereof:
1. Assumptions and MarginsDetails on the valuation assumptions and margins, including:
a. Tables For each material risk, the anticipated experience assumptions, margins,
and prudent estimate assumptions used in the model, provided in Excel format. A
complete table of reinsurance premiums is not required. If applicable, provide upon
request a sample calculation demonstrating the methodology used to determine
future reinsurance premiums reflecting non-guaranteed reinsurance features,
including margins and details of any simplifications and approximations used.
Guidance Note: See VM-20 Section 9.B.1 for a discussion on material risks.
There is a Sample Assumptions Summary for PBR Actuarial Report located on the NAIC website
(, which may be a useful reference document when
developing reporting in accordance with Section 3.D.1.a. For valuation dates prior to Dec. 31, 2022,
the company’s domiciliary commissioner may permit less than full compliance with the above
Section 3.D.1.a, provided that the commissioner determines that the company has made a good
faith attempt to comply.
b. Changes – A description of any changes in anticipated experience assumptions or
margins since the last PBR Actuarial Report.
c. Company Experience Studies The following information for each risk factor,
provided using PBR Actuarial Report Template C provided on the NAIC website
( the type(s) of policies included by
VM-20 reserving category, the year the most recent experience study was
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
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performed, along with the observation calendar years, the policy issue years
included, and the length of the lag time used to allow for events reported after the
study period.
d. Assumption and Margin Development The following information for each risk
factor: description of the methods used to determine anticipated experience
assumptions and margins, including the sources of experience (e.g., company
experience, industry experience, or other data); how changes in such experience
are monitored; any adjustments made to increase mortality margins above the
prescribed margin (such as to reflect increased uncertainty due to newer
underwriting approaches); and any other considerations, such as conversion
features, helpful in or necessary to understanding the rationale behind the
development of assumptions and margins, even if such considerations are not
explicitly mentioned in the Valuation Manual.
2. C
ash-Flow Models The following information regarding the cash-flow model(s) used by
the company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-20:
a. M
odeling Systems Description of the modeling system(s) used for both assets
and liabilities. Each description should include identification of the model vendor
when external, identification of the model version number, discussion of the degree
of customization in the model, and discussion of the extent and function of
supporting tools (e.g., pre-processing or post-processing in a spreadsheet or
database software). If more than one modeling system is used, a description of how
the modeling systems interact.
b. M
odel Segments Description and rationale for the organization of the policies
and assets into model segments, consistent with the guidance from VM-20 Section
7.A.1.b and VM-20 Section 7.D.2.
c. G
rouping within Model Segments (Deterministic) Description of the approach
and rationale used to group assets and policies for the DR calculation within each
model segment.
A clear indication shall be provided of how the company met the requirements of
Section 2.G of VM-20 with respect to the grouping of policies. It shall be
documented that, upon request, information may be obtained that is adequate to
permit the audit of any subgroup of policies to ensure that the reserve amount
calculated using a seriatim (policy-by-policy) liability model produces a reserve
amount not materially higher than the reserve amount calculated using the grouped
liability model.
d. Grouping within Model Segments (Stochastic)Description of the approach and
rationale used to group assets and policies for the SR calculation within each model
segment if different from the approach used in paragraph 2.c.
e. C
alculation and Model Validation Description of the approach used to validate
model calculations for NPR, DR and SR, including:
i. How the model was evaluated for appropriateness and applicability, including
a thorough explanation of how the company became comfortable with the
model (e.g., specific model controls, independent reviews performed, etc.).
ii. How the model results compare with actual historical experience.
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
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iii. Tables showing numerical static and dynamic validation results, and
commentary on these results.
iv. Which risks, if any, are not included in the model.
v. Any limitations of the model that could materially impact the NPR, DR or SR.
f. Projection Period Disclosure of the length of projection period and comments
addressing the conclusion that the projection of cash flows extends far enough into
the future that no obligations remain for both the deterministic and stochastic
g. R
einsurance Cash Flows Description of how reinsurance cash flows are modeled.
h. Deterministic Reserve MethodIdentification of the DR method applied for each
model segment, either the gross premium valuation method outlined in VM-20
Section 4.A or the direct iteration method outlined in VM-20 Section 4.B.
3. M
ortality The following information regarding the mortality assumptions used by the
company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-20:
a. Mo
rtality SegmentsDescription of each mortality segment and the rationale for
selecting the policies to include in each mortality segment.
b. C
ompany Experience If company experience is used, a description and summary
of the company experience mortality rates for each mortality segment, including a
summary of the company experience mortality rates for any aggregate class that
mortality rates are based on pursuant to VM-20 Section 9.C.2.d.
Industry Tables Description of the industry basic table used for each mortality
segment, including:
i. For mortality segments where industry basic tables are used in lieu of
company experience at all durations, a discussion of why company
experience data is limited or unavailable and the rationale for the choice
of industry basic table to the extent not covered in Section 3.D.3.e and
Section 3.D.3.f below.
ii. For mortality segments where company experience with margins is graded
to industry basic table with margins per VM-20 Section 9.C.7.b, the
rationale for the choice of industry basic table to the extent not covered in
Section 3.D.3.e and Section 3.D.3.f below.
d. Aggregate Company Experience If the company bases mortality rates on more
aggregate company experience pursuant to VM-20 Section 9.C.2.d:
i. Documentation that when the mortality segments are weighted together,
the total amount of expected claims is not less than the aggregate company
experience data for the group.
ii. If underwriting processes are treated similar pursuant to VM-20 Section
9.C.2.d.iii, a description, summary and citation of the third-party
proprietary experience studies or published medical, clinical or other
published studies used to support the expectations regarding mortality.
The full reports and analyses for any third-party proprietary experience
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 31-7
studies shall be submitted upon request, considered part of the PBR
Actuarial Report, and kept confidential to the same extent as is prescribed
by law with respect the rest of the PBR Actuarial Report.
iii. If underwriting processes are treated similar pursuant to VM-20 Section
9.C.2.d.iv, a description, explanation and summary of results for the most
recent retrospective demonstration.
e. Relative Risk Tool Description, rationale and results of applying the Relative
Risk Tool to select the industry basic table(s), and a summary of the analysis
performed to evaluate the relationship between the Relative Risk Tool and the
anticipated mortality established for mortality segments where the mortality
assumption is affected by the application of the Relative Risk Tool. If
underwriting-based justification not involving the Relative Risk Tool is being
applied, provide similar analysis applicable to the company's methods.
f. A
lternative Data Sources If company experience mortality rates for any mortality
segment are not based on the experience directly applicable to the mortality
segment (whether or not the data source is from the company), a summary
containing the following:
i. The source of data, including a detailed explanation of the appropriateness
of the data, and the underlying source of data, including how the company
experience mortality rates were developed, graduated and smoothed.
ii. Similarities or differences noted between policies in the mortality segment
and the policies from the data source (e.g., type of underwriting, marketing
channel, average policy size, etc.).
iii. Adjustments made to the experience mortality rates to account for
differences between the mortality segment and the data source.
iv. The number of deaths and death claim amounts by major grouping and
including: age, gender, risk class, policy duration and other relevant
g. Adjustments to Company Experience Mortality If the company makes
adjustments to company experience mortality rates:
i. Rationale for the adjustments.
ii. For adjustments due to changes in risk selection and/or underwriting
practices, a description, summary and citation of the published medical,
clinical or other published studies used to support the adjustments,
including rationale and support for use of the study (or studies).
iii. Documentation of the mathematics used to adjust the mortality.
iv. Summary of any other relevant information concerning adjustments to the
experience mortality, including the removal of policies insuring impaired
lives and those for which there is a reasonable expectation, due to
conditions such as changes in premiums or other policy provisions, that
policyholder behavior will lead to mortality results that vary significantly
from those that would otherwise be expected.
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h. CredibilityThe following items related to credibility:
i. Identification of the method used to determine credibility percentage(s) for
the company’s mortality exposure period, including a listing of the
credibility percentage that was used in VM-20 Section 9.C.7.b for each
mortality segment, and an indication of whether each such credibility
percentage was determined at the mortality segment level or at a higher
level using aggregate mortality experience.
ii. A statement confirming that the credibility level was calculated using the
data from the company’s mortality experience study, based on uncapped
amounts of insurance.
iii. For each credibility percentage that was used in VM-20 Section 9.C.6.b,
the numerical values of all credibility formula inputs, along with
calculation steps. For the Limited Fluctuation Method, this shall include r,
z, m, σ, and the resulting value of Z. For the Bühlmann Empirical Bayesian
Method, this shall include A, B, C, and the resulting value of Z.
i. Mortality Improvement Description of and rationale for the mortality
improvement assumptions applied up to the valuation date and the mortality
improvement assumptions applied beyond the valuation date.
Such a description
shall include the assumed start and end dates of the improvements and a table of
the annual improvement percentage(s) used, both without and with margin,
separately for company experience and the industry basic table(s), along with a
sample calculation of the adjustment (e.g., for a male preferred nonsmoker age 45).
j. Mortality for Converted Policies Description of the treatment of mortality for
policies issued under group or term conversion privileges including:
i. A description of the method(s) by which any excess conversion mortality
was taken into account in the development of company experience
mortality rates (e.g., through the use of separate mortality segments for
policies issued upon conversion, through aggregation of claim experience,
or through use of other methods), the rationale for the method(s) used, and
any changes in the method(s) from those used in previous years.
ii. The source(s) of the data used in the method(s) employed.
k. Mortality for Impaired Lives or Policyholder Behavior Disclosure of:
i. the percentage of business that is on impaired lives;
ii. whether impaired lives were included or excluded from the mortality study
upon which company experience mortality was based; and
iii. whether any adjustments to mortality assumptions for impaired lives or
policyholder behavior were found to be necessary and, if so, the rationale
for the adjustments that were used.
Item (iii) above is a required disclosure for post-level term mortality assumptions
even if the company uses a 100% shock lapse assumption, since it pertains to the
analysis demonstrating whether there are post-level term profits.
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l. Setting Prudent Estimate Assumptions for Mortality If company experience is
used, a summary of the approach used to determine the final set of prudent estimate
assumptions for mortality, including:
i. The start and ending period of time used to grade company experience to
the industry basic table, including the approach used to grade company
experience mortality rates to the industry table for advanced ages (attained
age 100 and up).
ii. Description and results of any smoothing technique used.
iii. Description of any adjustments that were made to ensure reasonable
relationships are maintained between mortality segments that reflect the
underwriting class or risk class of each mortality segment.
iv. Description and justification of the mortality rates the company actually
expects to emerge, and a demonstration that the anticipated experience
assumptions are no lower than the mortality rates that are actually expected
to emerge. The description and demonstration should include the level of
granularity at which the comparison is made (e.g., ordinary life, term only,
preferred term, etc.). For the mortality rates that are actually expected to
emerge, the description should include a forward-looking qualitative
analysis which includes, but is not limited to, the discussion of any
underwriting standard changes (or lack thereof), distribution channel
changes (or lack thereof), any pandemic adjustments (or lack thereof), and
the results of ongoing experience monitoring.
m. Actual to Expected Mortality Analysis Summary of the results of an actual to
expected (without margins) analysis at least once every three years, or, for
mortality segments for which mortality rates are based on more aggregate company
experience pursuant to VM-20 Section, at least annually for each
individual mortality segment separately until such a time as the estimated change
in expected mortality has been shown to be stable and unlikely to change based on
further review. For the purposes of this analysis, the expected mortality shall be
that last determined under VM-20 Section 9.C.2.e.
n. A
djustments to NPR Mortality Description and rationale of any adjustments
made to the CSO mortality rates used in the NPR calculation to reflect the
requirements of VM-20 Section 3.C.1.g.
 o.  A
djustments to Prescribed Margins - Description and rationale for any adjustments
made to prescribed mortality margins pursuant to VM-20, Section 9.C.6.d or
Section 9.C.6.e.
4. Policyholder BehaviorThe following information regarding each policyholder behavior
assumption used by the company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-20:
a. D
ata Reliability Discussion of the reliability of the data and an explanation of
why the data is reasonable and appropriate for this purpose.
b. S
parse Data Explanation of how assumptions were determined for periods that
were based on less than fully credible or relevant data.
Actual to Expected Policyholder Behavior Analysis The results of the most
recently available actual to expected (without margins) analysis, including:
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i. Definitions of the expected basis used in all actual-to-expected ratios
ii. Comments addressing the conclusions drawn from the analysis.
d. Margins and Sensitivity Tests Rationale for the particular margins used and a
description of testing performed to determine the size and direction of the margins
by duration, including how the results of sensitivity tests were used in connection
with setting the margins.
Impact of Non-guaranteed Elements How changes in NGE affect the
policyholder behavior assumptions.
f. S
cenario-Dependent Dynamic Formulas – Description of any scenario-dependent
dynamic formula.
g. C
hanges from Prior Year – Changes in anticipated experience assumptions and/or
margins since the last PBR Actuarial Report.
h. F
lexible Premiums For policies that give policyholders flexibility in timing and
amount of premium payments, the results of sensitivity tests related to the
following premium payment patterns: minimum premium payment, no further
premium payment, pre-payment of premium assuming a single premium and pre-
payment of premiums assuming level premiums.
i. An
ti-Selective Lapses Specific to lapses, a description of and rationale regarding
adjustments to lapse and mortality assumptions to account for potential anti-
j. C
ompetitor RatesCompetitor rate definition and usage.
k. Post-Level Term Testing – For products with a level term period:
i. Summary results of the seriatim comparison of the present value of post-
level term cash inflows and outflows for the DR as required by VM-20
Section 9.D.6.
ii. If this comparison showed that there were post-level term profits, describe
how anti-selection was handled in the post-level term period, including the
prudent estimate premium, mortality and lapse assumptions used.
iii. If the comparison showed that there were post-level term losses, confirm
that the prudent estimate premium, mortality and lapse assumptions for the
post-level period were addressed in Section 3.D.1.a and were used in the
reserve calculation.
l. Term Conversions – Description of how the company reflects the impact of any
term conversion privilege contained in the policy.
m. Lapse Rates for Converted Policies – Description of and rationale for lapse rates
used for policies issued under any group or term conversion privilege.
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5. Expenses The following information regarding the expense assumptions used by the
company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-20:
a. Allocating Expenses to PBR Policies – Methodology used to allocate expenses to
the individual life insurance policies subject to a principle-based valuation under
VM-20, and a statement confirming that expenses have been fully allocated in
accordance with VM-20 Section 9.E.1.i.
b. A
llocating Expenses to Model Segments Methodology used to apply the
allocated expenses to model segments or sub-segments within the cash-flow
c. C
ommissions and Acquisition Expenses One of the following statements, as
applicable, confirming the company’s treatment of commissions and acquisition
expenses pursuant to VM-20 Sections 7.B.1.e and 9.E.1.m:
i. There are no future commissions or acquisition expenses associated with
business in force as of the valuation date; therefore, none are included in
the model.
ii. There are future commissions and acquisition expenses associated with
business in force as of the valuation date, and these have been provided in
response to Section 3.D.1.a.
iii. There are future commissions associated with business in force as of the
valuation date, and these have been provided in response to Section
3.D.1.a. There are no future acquisition expenses associated with business
in force as of the valuation date; therefore, none are included in the model.
iv. There are future acquisition expenses associated with business in force as
of the valuation date, and these have been provided in response to Section
3.D.1.a. There are no future commissions associated with business in force
as of the valuation date; therefore, none are included in the model.
d. Spreading of Costs – Identification of types of costs that were spread, and for how
many years, if any cost spreading was done pursuant to VM-20 Section 9.E.1.b.
Expense Margins – Methodology used to determine margins.
f. Inflation Assumed rate(s) of inflation and the underlying rationale/derivation,
including any consideration given to making distinctions between short term and
long term inflation rates.
g. Actual to Expected Analysis The results of the most recently available actual to
expected (without margins) analysis, including:
i. Definitions of the expected basis used in all actual-to-expected ratios
ii. Comments addressing the conclusions drawn from the analysis.
6. Assets – The following information regarding the asset assumptions used by the company
in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-20:
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a. Starting Assets The amount of starting assets supporting the policies subject to a
principle-based valuation under VM-20, and the method and rationale for
determining such amount.
b. A
sset Selection Method used and rationale for selecting the starting assets and
apportioning the assets between the policies subject to a principle-based valuation
under VM-20, and those policies not subject to principle-based valuation under
c. A
sset Segmentation Method used and rationale for allocating the total asset
portfolio into multiple segments, if applicable.
d. Asset DescriptionDescription of the starting asset portfolio, including the types
of assets, duration and their associated quality ratings.
Market Values Method used to determine projected market value of assets (if
needed for assumed asset sales).
f. R
isk Management Detailed description of model risk management strategies,
such as hedging and other derivative programs, including any future hedging
strategies supporting the policies and any adjustments to the SR pursuant to VM-
20, Section 7.K3 and VM-20, Section 7.K.4, specific to the groups of policies
covered in this sub-report and not discussed in the Life Summary Section 3.C.5.
Documentation of any future hedging strategies should include documentation
addressing each of the CDHS documentation attributes. The following should be
included in the documentation:
i. Descriptions of basis risk, gap risk, price risk and assumption risk.
ii. Methods and criteria for estimating the a priori effectiveness of the
iii. Results of any reviews of actual historical hedging effectiveness.
iv. Strategy Changes Discussion of any changes to the hedging strategy
during the past 12 months, including identification of the change, reasons
for the change, and the implementation date of the change.
v. Hedge Modeling Description of how the hedge strategy was
incorporated into modeling, including:
Differences in timing between model and actual strategy
For a company that does not have a future hedging strategy
supporting the contracts, confirmation that currently held hedge
assets were included in the starting assets.
Evaluations of the appropriateness of the assumptions on future
trading, transaction costs, other elements of the model, the strategy,
and other items that are likely to result in materially adverse results.
Discussion of the projection horizon for the future hedging strategy
as modeled and a comparison to the timeline for any anticipated
future changes in the company’s hedging strategy.
If residual risks and frictional costs are assumed to have a value of
zero, a demonstration that a value of zero is an appropriate
Any discontinuous hedging strategies modeled, and where such
discontinuous hedging strategies contribute materially to a reduction
in the SR, any evaluations of the interaction of future trigger
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definitions and the discontinuous hedging strategy, including any
analyses of model assumptions that, when combined with the reliance
on the discontinuous hedging strategy, may result in adverse results
relative to those modeled.
The approach and rationale used to reflect the hedge modeling
g. Foreign Currency Exposure Analysis of exposure to foreign currency
h. Max
imum Net Spread Adjustment Factor Summary of the results of the steps for
determining the maximum net spread adjustment factor for each model segment,
including the method used to determine option adjusted spreads for each existing
i. Net
Asset Earned Rate For each model segment’s DR: If the gross premium
valuation method outlined in VM-20 Section 4.A was used, a listing or graph of
the path of calculated NAER for all years of the projection and an explanation of
any abnormally high or low NAER values or unusual patterns over time.
j. I
nvestment Expenses – Description of the investment expense assumptions.
k. Prepayment, Call and Put Functions Description of any prepayment, call and put
l. A
sset Collar If required under the criteria described in VM-20 Section 7.D.3,
documentation that supports the conclusion that the modeled reserve is not
materially understated as a result of the estimate of the amount of starting assets.
m. R
esidual Risks and Frictional Costs With respect to modeling of derivative
programs if a company assumes that residual risks and frictional costs have a value
of zero, a demonstration that a value of zero is an appropriate expectation.
n. P
olicy Loans Description of how policy loans are modeled, including
documentation that if the company substitutes assets that are a proxy for policy
loans, the modeled reserve produces reserves that are no less than those produced
by modeling existing loan balances explicitly.
o. G
eneral Account Equity Investments Description of an approach and rationale
used to group general account equity investments, including an analysis of the
proxy construction process that establishes the relationship between the investment
return on the proxy and the specific equity investment category.
p. S
eparate Account Funds Description of the approach and rationale used to group
separate account funds and subaccounts, including analysis of the proxy
construction process that establishes a firm relationship between the investment
return on the proxy and the specific variable funds.
q. M
apping Stochastic Economic Paths to Fund Performance Description of
method to translate stochastic economic paths into fund performance.
r. M
odeled Company Investment Strategy and Reinvestment Assumptions
Description of the modeled company investment strategy (before comparison to
the alternative investment strategy), including asset reinvestment and
disinvestment assumptions, and documentation supporting the appropriateness of
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the modeled company investment strategy compared to the actual investment
policy of the company.
s. Alternative Investment Strategy – Documentation demonstrating compliance with
VM-20 Section 7.E.1.g, showing that the modeled reserve is the higher of that
produced using the modeled company investment strategy and the alternative
investment strategy.
t. N
umber of ScenariosNumber of scenarios used for the SR and the rationale for
that number.
u. S
cenario Reduction Techniques If a scenario reduction technique is used, a
description of the technique and documentation of how the company determined
that the technique meets the requirements of Section 2.G of VM-20.
7. R
evenue-Sharing Assumptions The following information regarding the revenue-sharing
assumptions used by the company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-
a. A
greements and Guarantees – Description of revenue-sharing agreements and the
nature of any guarantees underlying the revenue-sharing income included in the
projections, including: the terms and limitations of the agreements; relationship
between the company and the entity providing the revenue-sharing income;
benefits and risk to the company and the entity providing the revenue-sharing
income of continuing the arrangement; the likelihood that the company will collect
the revenue-sharing income during the term of the agreement; the ability of the
company to replace the services provided by the entity providing the revenue-
sharing income; and the ability of the entity providing the revenue-sharing income
to replace the service provided by the company.
b. A
mounts IncludedThe amount of revenue-sharing income and a description of
the rationale for the amount of revenue-sharing income included in the projections,
including any reduction for expenses.
c. R
evenue-Sharing Margins The level of margin in the prudent estimate
assumptions for revenue-sharing income and description of the rationale for the
margin for uncertainty. Also, a demonstration that the amounts of net revenue-
sharing income, after reflecting margins, do not exceed the limits set forth in VM-
20, Section 9.G.8.
8. R
einsurance The following information regarding the reinsurance assumptions used by
the company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-20:
a. A
greementsFor those reinsurance agreements included in the calculation of the
minimum reserve as per VM-20 Section 8.A, a description of each reinsurance
agreement, including, but not limited to, the type of agreement, the counterparty,
the risks reinsured, any provisions related to converted policies, the portion of
business reinsured, identification of both affiliated and non-affiliated, as well as
captive and non-captive, or similar relationships, and whether the agreement
complies with the requirements of the credit for reinsurance under the terms of the
AP&P Manual.
b. A
ssumptions – Description of reinsurance assumptions used to determine the cash
flows included in the model.
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c. Separate Stochastic AnalysisTo the extent that a single deterministic valuation
assumption for risk factors associated with certain provisions of reinsurance
agreements will not adequately capture the risk of the company, a description of
the separate stochastic analysis that was used outside the cash-flow model to
quantify the impact on reinsurance cash flows to and from the company. The
description should include which variables are modeled stochastically.
d. M
ultiple Agreement Allocation MethodIf a policy is covered by more than one
reinsurance agreement, description of the method to allocate reinsurance cash
flows from each agreement.
e. C
ounterparty Assets Pursuant to VM-20 Section 8.C.14, if the company
concludes that modeling the assets supporting reserves held by a counterparty is
not necessary, documentation of the testing and logic leading to that conclusion.
f. Pr
e-Reinsurance-Ceded Minimum Reserve Description and rationale for
methods and assumptions used in determining the pre-reinsurance-ceded minimum
reserve that differ from methods and assumptions used in determining the
minimum reserve (post-reinsurance-ceded), including support that such methods
and assumptions are consistent with VM-20 Section 8.D.2.
g. Phase-In: If electing a phase-in period as described in VM-20 Section 8.C,
documentation of the length of the phase-in approved by the company’s
domiciliary commissioner, the result of the current and prior methodologies, the
weights applied to each result, and confirmation that reinsurance assumptions for
the calculation of the prior methodology are discussed in Section 3.D.8.b above.
9. Non
-guaranteed Elements The following information, where applicable, regarding the
NGE assumptions used by the company in performing a principle-based valuation under
a. M
odeling – Description of the approach used to model NGEs, including a
discussion of how future NGE amounts were adjusted in scenarios to reflect
changes in experience and including how lag in timing of any change in NGE
relative to date of recognition of change in experience was reflected in projected
NGE amounts.
b. NGE
Margins Description of the approach to establish a margin for
conservatism, if applicable.
c. P
ast Practices and Policies Description of how the companys past NGE practices
and established NGE policies were reflected in projected NGE amounts, including
a discussion of the impact of interest rates or other market factors on past and
projected premium scales, cost of insurance scales, and other NGEs.
d. C
onsistency Description of the following: (i) whether and how projected levels
of NGEs in the model are consistent with experience assumptions used in each
scenario; and (ii) whether and how policyholder behavior assumptions are
consistent with the NGE assumed in the model.
e. C
onditional Exclusion State if and how the provision in Section 7.C.5 of VM-20
allowing conditional exclusion of a portion of an NGE is used.
i. If used, discuss whether the provision is used for any purpose other than
recognition of subsidies for participating business.
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ii. If used, discuss how prevention of double counting of assets is ensured.
Guidance Note: Examples of considerations include: (1) if the subsidy is provided by a
downstream company, and the carrying value of the downstream company is reported as an asset
on the company’s books, where is the offsetting liability reported; or (2) if the subsidy is provided
by another block of business within the company, is the subsidy included in cash-flow testing of
the “other block.”
f. Interest Crediting Strategy Description of interest crediting strategy.
g. Interest Bonus – Description of any interest bonuses included in the model.
10. Exclusion Tests The following information regarding the deterministic and stochastic
exclusion tests, if calculated:
a. E
xclusion Test Policies Identification and description of each group of policies
using the deterministic and stochastic exclusion tests, including contract type and
risk profile, and rationale for each grouping of policies.
b. T
ype of Stochastic Exclusion Test Identification of each group of policies that
the company elects to exclude from SR requirements and the SET used (passing
the SERT or stochastic exclusion demonstration test, or certification that the group
of policies does not contain material interest, tail or asset risk). For any group of
policies for which a prior year’s result is being invoked as to the passing of the
stochastic exclusion demonstration test or the certification that policies are not
subject to material interest rate risk, a statement indicating which prior year’s result
it was.
c. St
ochastic Exclusion Ratio Test For groups of policies for which the SERT is
used, the following data on a post-reinsurance-ceded basis calculated in
accordance with VM-20 Section 6.A.2 and on a pre-reinsurance-ceded basis
calculated in accordance with VM-20 Section 8.D.2:
i. The adjusted DR for each of the 16 scenarios.
ii. The values of a, b and c.
iii. The value of the test ratio (b – a)/c.
d. Stochastic Exclusion Demonstration Test For groups of policies for which the
stochastic exclusion demonstration test is used, the rationale for using the
demonstration test, identification of which acceptable demonstration method listed
under VM-20 Section 6.A.3.b was applied or a statement that another method
acceptable to the commissioner was applied, and the details of the demonstration
supporting the exclusion in the initial exclusion year and at least once every three
calendar years subsequent to the initial exclusion year.
e. SET C
ertification Method For groups of policies for which the SET certification
method is used, support for the certification including supporting analysis and
f. F
allback Results If the stochastic exclusion demonstration test or the certification
method was successfully used for any group of policies for which the SERT was
initially attempted but failed, the company shall so indicate and show the
unsuccessful SERT results.
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Similarly, if the Stochastic Exclusion Ratio Test was successfully used for any
group of policies for which the stochastic exclusion demonstration test under the
method of VM-20 Section 6.A.3.b.iii or VM-20 Section 6.A.3.b.iv was initially
attempted but failed, the company shall so indicate and show the results of the
unsuccessful stochastic exclusion demonstration test.
g. Deterministic Net Premium Test For groups of policies for which the
Deterministic Net Premium Test is performed, the results of the Deterministic Net
Premium Test for each group of policies.
h. D
ET Certification Method For groups of policies for which the DET certification
method is used, support for the certification, including policy counts, reserve
amounts and their corresponding location in Exhibit 5 of the Annual Statement,
methodology, supporting analysis, and tests.
11. A
dditional Information – The following additional information:
a. Impact of Margins for Each Risk Factor For each group of policies for which a
separate DR is calculated, the impact of margins on the DR for each risk factor, or
group of risk factors, that has a material impact on the DR, determined by
subtracting (i) from (ii):
i. The DR for that group of policies, but with the reserve calculated based on
the anticipated experience assumption for the risk factor and prudent
estimate assumptions for all other risk factors.
ii. The DR for that group of policies as reported.
Guidance Note: Pursuant to VM-20, margins must increase the reserve, so the impact of each
margin, as calculated by subtracting (i) from (ii) above, must be positive.
b. Aggregate Impact of Margins For each group of policies for which a separate
DR is calculated, the aggregate impact of all margins on the DR for that group of
policies determined by subtracting (i) from (ii):
i. The DR for that group of policies, but with the reserve calculated based on
anticipated experience assumptions for all risk factors prior to the addition
of any margins.
ii. The DR for that group of policies as reported.
c. Impact of Implicit MarginsFor purposes of the disclosures required in 11.a and
11.b above:
i. If the company believes the method used to determine anticipated
experience mortality assumptions includes an implicit margin, the
company can adjust the anticipated experience assumptions to remove this
implicit margin for this reporting purpose only. If any such adjustment is
made, the company shall document the rationale and method used to
determine the anticipated experience assumption.
ii. Since the company is not required to determine an anticipated experience
assumption or a prudent estimate assumption for risk factors that are
prescribed for the DR (i.e., interest rates movements, equity performance,
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default costs and net spreads on reinvestment assets), when determining
the impact of margins, the prescribed assumption shall be deemed to be
the prudent estimate assumption for the risk factor, and the company can
elect to determine an anticipated experience assumption for the risk factor,
based on the company's anticipated experience for the risk factor. If this is
elected, the company shall document the rationale and method used to
determine the anticipated experience assumption.
d. Sensitivity Tests For each distinct product type for which margins were
i. List the specific sensitivity tests performed for each risk factor or
combination of risk factors.
ii. Indicate whether the reserve was calculated based on the anticipated
experience assumptions or prudent estimate assumptions for all other risk
factors while performing the tests.
iii. Provide the numerical results of the sensitivity tests.
iv. Explain how the results of sensitivity tests were used or considered in
developing assumptions.
Guidance Note: If a model segment contains multiple distinct product types (e.g., ART, Level
Term), (i) through (iv) should be done for each product type.
e. Material Risks Not Fully Reflected A description of material risks not fully
reflected in the cash-flow model used to calculate the SR, including:
i. A description of each element of the cash-flow model for which this
provision has been made in the SR (e.g., risk factors, policy benefits, asset
classes, investment strategies, risk mitigation strategies, etc.).
ii. A description of the approach used by the company to provide for these
risks in the SR outside the cash-flow model, a summary of the rationale
for selecting this approach and the key assumptions justifying the
underlying approach.
iii. If there is more than one model element included in this provision,
clarifying whether a separate provision was determined for each element,
or collectively for groups of two or more elements and explaining the
methodology, supporting rationale and key assumptions for how separate
provisions were combined.
f. Allocation for DR For each group of policies for which a DR is calculated and
an allocation is performed as described in VM-20 Section 4.C, disclosure of the
ratio (i) to (ii), in which the respective components are:
i. The DR for that group of policies as reported.
ii. The sum of the DR calculated separately for each VM-20 reserving
category within that group of policies.
g. Impact of Aggregation for SR For each group of policies for which a SR is
calculated, the impact of aggregation on the SR, including a discussion of material
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risk offsets across different product types within a VM-20 reserving category that
were modeled together.
h. Calculations as of the Valuation DateThe following information:
i. A statement confirming that the NPR was calculated based on policies in
force as of the valuation date.
ii. If the DR and/or SR were calculated as of the valuation date, a statement
confirming that the calculations were based on the following items:
policies in force, starting assets, and the starting yield curve as of the
valuation date, and the prescribed Table A and Tables F through J in effect
on the valuation date.
i. Calculations as of a Date Preceding the Valuation Date If the DR and/or SR were
calculated as of a date preceding the valuation date (i.e., if the dates of any of the
items listed in Section 3.D.11.h.ii preceded the valuation date):
i. The dates used for each item listed in Section 3.D.11.h.ii, separately for
the DR and/or SR.
ii. A description of the methodology used to determine the adjustment
required by VM-20 Section 2.E, along with the adjustment amount and an
explanation that justifies why it produces a reserve that is not materially
less than a reserve calculated as of the valuation date.
j. Approximations, Simplifications, and Modeling Efficiency Techniques A
description of each approximation, simplification or modeling efficiency
technique used in reserve calculations, and a statement that the required VM-20
Section 2.G demonstration is available upon request and shows that: 1) the use of
each approximation, simplification, or modeling efficiency technique does not
understate the reserve by a material amount; and 2) the expected value of the
reserve is not less than the expected value of the reserve calculated that does not
use the approximation, simplification, or modeling efficiency technique.
k. Aggregate Impact of Approximations, Simplifications and Modeling Efficiency
Techniques Support that the aggregate impact of approximations and
simplifications does not result in a material understatement of the reserve. This
should include consideration of not just the magnitude of the sum of the individual
impacts when considered in isolation, but also consideration of any potential
interaction of approximations, simplifications, and modeling efficiency
l. ULSG Detail Breakdown of ULSG reserve results (NPR, DR and SR) into Variable
UL, Indexed UL and regular UL components, both pre- and post-reinsurance,
along with case counts and face amounts.
Any given UL policy is to be classified in its entirety as either Variable UL,
Indexed UL or regular UL. If a ULSG policy satisfies the definition of a variable
life insurance policy (even if it contains options for indexed funds or fixed funds),
that policy should be classified as variable for this VM-31 reporting purpose. If it
does not, but it satisfies the definition of an Indexed UL policy, it should be
classified as Indexed.
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 31-20
m. PIMR Description of the methodology used to derive the PIMR balance on the
projection start date and allocate it among the model segments, and the dollar
amount of each such portion of PIMR.
12. R
iders and Supplemental Benefits The following information on the riders and
supplemental benefits attached to the base policies is subject to VM-20:
a. A brief description of the coverage provided and a list of the products to which the
rider or supplemental benefit is attached.
b. Whether the rider or supplemental benefit has a separate premium or charge.
c. For the NPR, DR, and SR separately, an indication of whether the rider or
supplemental benefit was valued with the base policy or separately, and a brief
description of the valuation methodology used.
d. For the NPR, DR, and SR separately, whether the rider or supplemental benefit
had a non-zero reserve and whether the reserve amount was included in the
respective column of Part 1 of the VM-20 Reserves Supplement.
e. Any other information necessary to fully describe the company’s riders and
supplemental benefits and the reserve methodology used.
13. Reliance Descriptions and Statements A description of those areas where the qualified
actuary relied on others for data, assumptions, projections or analysis in performing the
principle-based valuation under VM-20 and a reliance statement from each individual on
whom the qualified actuary relied that includes:
a. R
eliance Listing The name, title, telephone number, e-mail address and
qualifications of the individual, along with the individual’s company name and
address, and the information provided.
b. R
eliance Statements A statement as to the accuracy, completeness or
reasonableness, as applicable, of the information provided, along with a signature
and the date signed.
14. C
a. Investment Officer on InvestmentsA certification from a duly authorized
investment officer that the modeled company investment strategy, including any
future hedging strategies supporting the policies, is representative of and consistent
with the company’s investment policy and that documentation of the CDHS
attributes for any future hedging strategies supporting the policies are accurate.
b. Q
ualified Actuary on Investments A certification by a qualified actuary, not
necessarily the same qualified actuary that has been assigned responsibility for the
PBR Actuarial Report or this sub-report, that the modeling of any future hedging
strategies supporting the policies is consistent with the company’s actual future
hedging strategies and was performed in accordance with VM-20 and in
compliance with all applicable ASOPs, and the alternative investment strategy as
defined in VM-20 Section 7.E.1.g reflects the prescribed mix of assets with the
same WAL as the reinvestment assets in the company investment strategy.
Senior Management on Internal Controls A certification from senior
management, other than the qualified actuary, regarding the effectiveness of
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 31-21
internal controls with respect to the principle-based valuation under VM-20, as
provided in Section 12B(2) of Model #820.
d. Qualified Actuary on Interest Rate and Volatility Risks Certification, by the
qualified actuary assigned responsibility under VM-G for a group of policies that
qualifies for exclusion from the requirement to calculate a SR under the provisions
of VM-20, Section 6.A.1.a.iii, that this group of policies is not subject to material
interest rate risk or asset return volatility risk.
e. Q
ualified Actuary on Accordance with VM-20 and Model #820Certification by
the qualified actuary, for the groups of policies for which responsibility was
assigned, that the principle-based valuation was performed in accordance with the
requirements outlined in VM-20 and the relevant sections of Model #820.
f. Q
ualified Actuary on Assumptions and Margins Certification by the qualified
actuary, for the groups of policies for which responsibility was assigned, that the
assumptions used in the principle-based valuation under VM-20, other than
assumptions used for risk factors that are prescribed or stochastically modeled, are
prudent estimate assumptions and the margins applied therein are appropriate.
g. Qualified Actuary on Conservatism of Converted Policies Certification by the
qualified actuary assigned responsibility under VM-G for a group of policies that
qualifies for exclusion from the requirement to calculate a DR under the provisions
of VM-20 Section 6.B.2.b, that the total reserve for this group of policies includes
a prudent provision for the additional mortality associated with the conversion and
reasonably exceed the value of a DR which otherwise would have been calculated
for this group of policies.
15. Closing Paragraph A closing paragraph with the signature, credentials, title, telephone
number and e-mail address of the qualified actuary, the company name and address, and
the date signed.
VA SummaryThe PBR Actuarial Report shall contain a VA Summary of the critical elements of
all sub-reports of the VA Report as detailed in Section 3.F. In particular, this VA Summary shall
1. Mat
erialityThe Standard established by the company pursuant to VM-21 Section 1.E.
2. Material Risks A summary of the material risks within the principle-based valuation
under VM-21 subject to close monitoring by the board, the company, the qualified actuary,
or any state insurance regulators in jurisdictions in which the company is licensed. Include
any summary metrics used to monitor the risk, such as the level of ITM by benefit type as
of the valuation date. Also, include any significant information required to be provided to
the board pursuant to VM-G, such as elements materially inconsistent with the company’s
overall risk assessment processes.
3. C
hanges in Reserve AmountsA description of any material changes in reserve amounts
from the prior year and an explanation for the changes, including the results of any
supporting analysis such as an attribution analysis or waterfall chart. A table shall be
attached to the summary, listing the aggregate reserve amount, reserve component
amounts, and key statistics for the business valued under VM-21, including but not limited
to the SR, additional standard projection amount, alternative methodology reserve, account
values, cash surrender value, and contract count. A template is provided below for
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 31-22
Post-Reinsurance-Ceded Pre-Reinsurance-Ceded
Prior Year
Prior Year
Total VM-21 Reserve
Stochastic Reserve (SR)
- SR Amount
- CTE 70 (best efforts)
- CTE 70 (adjusted)
- E Factor
Standard Projections
- Additional Standard Projection Amount
- Prescribed Projections Amount
- Unbuffered Additional Standard Projection Amount
- Unfloored CTE 70 (adjusted)
- Unfloored CTE 65 (adjusted)
Alternative Methodology (AM)
- AM Reserve
- AM Reserve (without floor)
- Cash Surrender Value Floor
- Reserve Floor under AG 33
Phase-In Components
Summary Statistics
- Separate Account Value
- General Account Value
- Total Account Value
- Cash Surrender Value
- Contract Count
RBC Amount
- CTE 98 (pre-tax)
- CTE 98 (post-tax)
- Effect of Phase-In
- Effect of Smoothing
4. Changes in MethodsA description of any significant changes from the prior year in the
methods used to model cash flows or other risks, or used to determine assumptions and
margins, and the rationale for the changes.
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5. Assets and Risk Management A brief description of the general account asset portfolio,
and the approach used to model risk management strategies, such as hedging and other
derivative programs, including a description of any future hedging strategies supporting
the contracts and any material changes to the hedging strategies from the prior year.
6. C
onsistency between VA Sub-Reports – A brief description of any material differences in
methods, assumptions, or risk management practices between groups of contracts covered
in separate VA sub-reports, to the extent that they are not explained by variations in product
features, and the rationale for such differences.
7. C
losing Section A closing section with the signature, credentials, title, telephone number
and e-mail address of the qualified actuary (or qualified actuaries) responsible for the VA
Summary, the company name and address, and the date signed.
8. S
upplement Part 1 A copy of Part 1 of the VA Supplement from the annual statement
9. S
upplement Part 2 A copy of Part 2 of the VA Supplement from the annual statement
Report This subsection establishes the VA Report requirements for variable annuity contracts
valued under VM-21.
The company shall include in the VA Report and in any sub-report thereof:
1. LiabilitiesThe following information regarding the liabilities included in the principle-
based valuation under VM-21:
a. P
roduct Descriptions Description of key product features that impact risk,
including mortality and expense (M&E) charges, death benefit guarantees, living
benefit guarantees, and any premium or persistency bonuses, to the extent not
discussed in Section 3.B.4.
b. L
iability Data Source – Description of source(s) of liability data.
c. Alternative Methodology Scope Identification of products whose reserve was
determined using the Alternative Methodology, including description of their key
product features (e.g., whether they contain no guarantee living or death benefits,
or contain GMDBs only), total account value, and contract count.
2. C
ash-Flow Models The following information regarding the cash-flow model(s) used by
the company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-21:
a. M
odeling Systems Description of the modeling system(s) used for both assets
and liabilities. If more than one modeling system is used, a description of how the
modeling systems interact and how the results from different modeling systems are
combined to determine the aggregate reserve.
b. M
odel Segments Description and rationale for the organization of the contracts
and assets into model segments, if any, as referenced in VM-21 Section 3.D.
c. M
odel Validation Description of the approach used to validate model
calculations within each model segment for the models used to determine the SR,
including: how the models were evaluated for appropriateness and applicability;
how the model results compare with actual historical experience; what, if any, risks
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
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are not included in the models; the extent to which the correlation of different risks
is reflected in the margins; and any material limitations of the models.
d. Projection Period Disclosure of the length of projection period and comments
addressing the conclusion that no material amount of business remains at the end
of the projection period for the models used to determine the SR.
e. A
pproximations, Simplifications, and Modeling Efficiency Techniques A
description of each approximation, simplification or modeling efficiency
technique used in reserve or TAR calculations, and a statement that the required
VM-21 Section 3.H demonstration is available upon request and shows that: 1) the
use of each approximation, simplification, or modeling efficiency technique does
not understate TAR by a material amount; and 2) the expected value of TAR is not
less than the expected value of TAR calculated without using the approximation,
simplification, or modeling efficiency technique.
f. A
ggregate Impact of Approximations, Simplifications and Modeling Efficiency
Techniques Support that the aggregate impact of approximations and
simplifications does not result in a material understatement of TAR. This should
include consideration of not just the magnitude of the sum of the individual impacts
when considered in isolation, but also consideration of any potential interaction of
approximations, simplifications, and modeling efficiency techniques.
g. Model Cells If a compressed liability model is used, as allowed by VM-21
Section 4.A.3, a statement that the assignment of contracts to model cells was not
done in a manner that intentionally understates the resulting reserve. Also, upon
request by the domiciliary commissioner, include information to permit the audit
of any subgroup of contracts to ensure that the reserve amount calculated using a
seriatim (contract-by-contract) liability model produces a reserve amount not
materially higher than the reserve amount calculated using the compressed liability
h. S
cenario Reserve Method Identification of the method used to determine the
scenario reserve, either (1) the method described in VM-21 Section 4.B.2 and VM-
21 Section 4.B.3; or (2) the direct iteration method described in VM-21 Section
3. L
iability Assumptions and MarginsA listing of the assumptions and margins used in the
projections to determine the SR, including a discussion of the source(s) and the rationale
for each assumption:
a. P
remiums and Subsequent Deposits Description of premiums and subsequent
b. I
nterest Crediting StrategyDescription of the interest crediting strategy.
c. Commissions Description of commissions, including any commission
d. E
xpenses Other than Commissions Description and listing of insurance company
expenses other than commissions, such as overhead, including:
i. Method used to allocate expenses to the contracts included in a principle-
based valuation under VM-21 and a statement confirming that expenses
have been fully allocated in accordance with VM-21, Section 12.D.1.h.
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
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ii. Method used to apply the allocated expenses to model segments or sub-
segments within the cash-flow model.
iii. Identification of the types of costs that were spread, and for how many
years, if any cost spreading was done pursuant to VM-21, Section
iv. Method used to determine margins.
e. Partial Withdrawals Description and listing of partial withdrawal rates, including
treatment of dollar-for-dollar offsets on GMDBs and VAGLBs, and required
minimum distributions.
f. L
apses and Full Surrenders Description and listing of lapse or full surrender
rates, including:
i. For contracts with VAGLBs, two comparisons of actual to expected lapses
where “expected” equals (1) anticipated experience assumptions used in
the development of the SR; and (2) the assumptions used in the
development of the additional standard projection amount, and the
“actual” is separated by logical blocks of business, duration (e.g., during
and after surrender charge period), ITM (consistent with dynamic
assumptions), and age (to the extent that age affects the election of benefits
lapse). These data shall be separated by experience incurred in the past
year, the past three years, and all years.
ii. If experience for contracts without VAGLBs is used in setting lapse
assumptions for contracts with in-the-money or at-the-money VAGLBs,
then a detailed explanation of the appropriateness of the assumption and a
demonstration of the relevance of the experience to the business.
g. Annuitization Benefits Description of assumptions for the purposes of projecting
annuitization benefits (excluding annuitizations stemming from the election of a
GMIB and withdrawal amounts from GMWBs, which are addressed in Section
3.F.3.h below), including:
i. Description and listing of assumptions regarding rates of annuitization.
ii. Description and listing of income purchase assumptions.
iii. Disclosure of any parameters not determined in a formulaic fashion in the
projection of statutory reserve of payout annuity benefits in the future.
h. GMIB and GMWB Utilizations Description and listing of GMIB and GMWB
utilization assumptions (such as rates and withdrawal/income amounts), including:
i. Formulas used to set the assumptions.
ii. Key parameters affecting the level of the assumption (e.g., age, duration,
ITM, during and after the surrender charge period).
iii. Summary of utilization rates from various combinations of key
iv. Description of the experience data used to develop the assumptions,
including the source, relevance and credibility of the experience data used.
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v. If relevant and credible data were not available, a discussion of how the
assumption is consistent with the requirement that the assumption is to be
on the conservative end of the plausible range of expected experience.
vi. Discussion of the sensitivity tests performed to support the assumption.
vii. Description of the method or approach adopted to model the assumptions,
including a description of any simplifications applied to improve
computational tractability, such as discarding developed cohorts.
i. Mortality Description of the mortality assumptions and margins for all segments,
i. Rationale for the grouping of contracts into different segments for the
determination of mortality assumptions, and the type and quantity of
business that constitutes each segment.
ii. Description of how each segment was determined to be a plus or minus
segment, and results of sensitivity tests performed, if any.
iii. Summary of any mortality studies used to support mortality assumptions,
including quantification of the exposures and corresponding deaths,
description of the important characteristics of the exposures, and
discussion of any unusual data points or trends.
iv. Description of the age of the experience data used to determine expected
mortality curves and the relevance of the data.
v. Description of the credibility procedure, the statistical basis for the specific
elements of the credibility procedure, and any material changes from prior
credibility procedures.
vi. Description of the mathematics used to adjust mortality based on
credibility, and summary of the result of applying credibility to the
mortality segments.
vii. Discussion of any assumptions made on mortality improvements both for
applying up to and beyond the valuation date (if applicable), the support
for such assumptions, and how such assumptions adjusted the modeled
mortality. In a case where mortality improvement as discussed in VM-21
Section 11.C and Section 11.D has not been applied, confirmation that
applying such improvement would not result in an increase in the SR.
viii. Description of how the expected mortality curves compare to recent
historic experience, and discussion of any differences.
ix. Discussion of how the mortality assumptions are consistent with the goal
of achieving the required CTE level over the joint distribution of all future
outcomes, in keeping with Principle 3 of VM-21.
x. If the study was done on a similar business segment, description of the
differences in the business segment on which the data were gathered and
the business segment on which the data were used to determine mortality
assumptions for the principle-based valuation under VM-21, and how
these differences were reflected in the mortality used in modeling.
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xi. If mortality assumptions were based in part on reinsurance rates, description of
how the rates were used to set expected mortality (e.g., assumptions made on
loadings in the rates and/or whether the assuming company provided their expected
mortality and the rationale for their assumptions).
xii. For a plus segment, discussion of the examination of the mortality data for the
underreporting of deaths and experience by duration, and description of any
adjustments made as a result of the examination.
xiii. For a minus segment, discussion of how the mortality deviations on minus
segments compare to those on any plus segments. To the extent that the overall
margin is reduced, include support for this assumption.
j. Contract LoansDisclosure of whether contract loans are modeled, and if so, description
of how they are modeled, including documentation that if the company substitutes assets
that are a proxy for contract loans, the modeled reserve produces reserves that are no less
than those produced by modeling existing loan balances explicitly.
k. Actual to Expected Analysis Disclosure of the results of the most recently available
actual to expected (without margins) analysis for the assumptions including 3.F.3.d
Expenses Other than Commissions, 3.F.3.e Partial Withdrawals, 3.F.3.g Annuitization
Benefits and 3.F.3.h GMIB and GMWB Utilizations, including:
i. Definitions of the expected basis used in all actual-to-expected ratios shown.
ii. Comments addressing the conclusions drawn from the analysis.
l. Other Considerations Description of any considerations helpful in or necessary to
understanding the rationale behind the development of assumptions and margins, even if
such considerations are not explicitly mentioned in the Valuation Manual.
4. S
tarting Assets The following information regarding the starting assets used by the company in
performing a principle-based valuation under VM-21, as it applies to the calculation of post-
reinsurance-ceded amounts:
a. A
mount The amount of starting assets, listed separately as separate account assets and
general account assets, supporting the contracts valued under VM-21 at the start of the
projections, and the method and rationale for determining such amounts.
b. A
sset Description Description of the starting general account asset portfolio, including
the types of assets, terms to maturity, duration, and associated quality ratings for fixed
income assets.
c. H
edge Assets The value of hedge assets in the general account asset portfolio, and a
description of currently held hedge positions.
d. A
sset Selection Method used and rationale for selecting the starting assets and
apportioning the assets between the contracts valued under VM-21 and those contracts not
valued under VM-21.
e. A
sset Data SourceDescription of source(s) of asset data.
f. Asset Valuation Basis – Description of the asset valuation basis.
g. PIMR Discussion of the treatment of all PIMR considered for the purposes of the
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
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principle-based valuation under VM-21, whether included or excluded, and rationale for
the treatment.
5. Separate Account Assets The following information regarding the separate account asset
assumptions used by the company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-
a. I
nvestment / Fund Choice Description of investment and/or fund choices, as well
as fund fees.
b. A
sset Allocation Description of asset allocation, rebalancing and transfer
assumptions, including any dollar cost averaging arrangements.
c. G
rouping of Funds Description of the approach and rationale used to group
separate account funds and subaccounts.
6. G
eneral Account AssetsThe following information regarding the general account asset
assumptions used by the company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-
a. Mode
led Company Investment Strategy and Reinvestment Assumptions
Description of the modeled company investment strategy (before the comparison
to the alternative investment strategy), including asset reinvestment and
disinvestment assumptions, and documentation supporting the appropriateness of
the modeled company investment strategy compared to the actual investment
policy of the company.
b. A
lternative Investment Strategy – Documentation demonstrating compliance with
VM-21 Section 4.D.4.b showing that the SR is the higher of that produced using
the modeled company investment strategy and the alternative investment strategy.
c. G
rouping of Equity InvestmentsDescription of the approach and rationale used
to group general account equity investments.
d. P
repayment, Call and Put Functions Description of any prepayment, call and put
e. I
nvestment Expenses – Description of the investment expense assumptions.
f. Market Values Method used to determine projected market value of assets (if
needed for assumed asset sales).
g. F
oreign Currency Exposure Analysis of exposure to foreign currency
h. Max
imum Net Spread Adjustment Factor Summary of the results of the steps for
determining the maximum net spread adjustment factor, including the method used
to determine option adjusted spreads for each existing asset.
i. A
dditional AssetsIf the direct iteration method was not used, a summary of the
amounts of additional assets needed to fund the present value of the accumulated
deficiency, including a description of the calculation process and the types of assets
j. NAE
RIf the direct iteration method was not used, a description of the vectors of
NAER, including graphs or tables of summary statistics helpful to the
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 31-29
understanding of the NAER vectors produced for each scenario, with a statement
that a complete listing of NAER will be made available in electronic spreadsheet
format upon request.
k. Asset Risks ReflectedDiscussion of any other asset risks reflected in the
principle-based valuation under VM-21, as listed in VM-21 Section 1.C.2.a, not
otherwise discussed in the VA Report.
7. R
evenue-Sharing Assumptions The following information regarding the revenue-sharing
assumptions used by the company in performing a principle-based valuation under
a. A
greements and Guarantees – Description of revenue-sharing agreements and the
nature of any guarantees underlying the revenue-sharing income included in the
projections, including: the terms and limitations of the agreements; the relationship
between the company and the entity providing the revenue-sharing income; the
benefits and risk to the company and the entity providing the revenue-sharing
income of continuing the arrangement; the likelihood that the company will collect
the revenue-sharing income during the term of the agreement; the ability of the
company to replace the services provided by the entity providing the revenue-
sharing income; and the ability of the entity providing the revenue-sharing income
to replace the service provided by the company.
b. A
mounts IncludedThe amount of revenue-sharing income and a description of
the rationale for the amount of revenue-sharing income included in the projections,
including any reduction for expenses.
c. R
evenue-Sharing Margins The level of margin in the prudent estimate
assumptions for revenue-sharing income and a description of the rationale for the
margin for uncertainty. Also, a demonstration that the amounts of net revenue-
sharing income, after reflecting margins, do not exceed the limits set forth in VM-
21 Section 4.A.5.f.
8. H
edging and Risk Management The following information regarding the hedging and
risk management assumptions used by the company in performing a principle-based
valuation under VM-21:
a. S
trategies Detailed description of risk management strategies, such as hedging
and other derivative programs, including any future hedging strategies supporting
the contracts, specific to the groups of contracts covered in this sub-report.
i. Descriptions of basis risk, gap risk, price risk and assumption risk.
ii. Methods and criteria for estimating the a priori effectiveness of the
iii. Results of any reviews of actual historical hedging effectiveness.
b. CDHS Documentation addressing each of the CDHS documentation attributes
for any future hedging strategies supporting the contracts.
c. S
trategy Changes Discussion of any changes to the hedging strategy during the
past 12 months, including identification of the change, reasons for the change, and
the implementation date of the change.
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d. Hedge Modeling Description of how the hedge strategy was incorporated into
modeling, including:
i. Differences in timing between model and actual strategy implementation.
ii. For a company that does not have a future hedging strategy supporting the
contracts, confirmation that currently held hedge assets were included in
the starting assets.
iii. Evaluations of the appropriateness of the assumptions on future trading,
transaction costs, other elements of the model, the strategy, and other items
that are likely to result in materially adverse results.
iv. Discussion of the projection horizon for the future hedging strategy as
modeled and a comparison to the timeline for any anticipated future
changes in the company’s hedging strategy.
v. If residual risks and frictional costs are assumed to have a value of zero, a
demonstration that a value of zero is an appropriate expectation.
vi. Any discontinuous hedging strategies modeled, and where such
discontinuous hedging strategies contribute materially to a reduction in the
SR, any evaluations of the interaction of future trigger definitions and the
discontinuous hedging strategy, including any analyses of model
assumptions that, when combined with the reliance on the discontinuous
hedging strategy, may result in adverse results relative to those modeled.
vii. Disclosure of any situations where the modeled hedging strategies make
money in some scenarios without losing a reasonable amount in some
other scenarios, and an explanation of why the situations are not material
for determining the CTE 70 (best efforts).
viii. Results of any testing of the method used to determine prices of financial
instruments for trading in scenarios against actual initial market prices,
including how the testing considered historical relationships. If there are
substantial discrepancies, disclosure of the substantial discrepancies and
documentation as to why the model-based prices are appropriate for
determining the SR.
ix. Any model adjustments made when calculating CTE 70 (adjusted), in
particular, any liquidation or substitution of assets for currently held
hedges. If there is liquidation or a substitution of assets for currently held
hedges, disclosure of the impact on the adjusted run.
x. Justification for the margin for any future hedging strategy that offsets
interest index credits associated with index crediting strategies (index
credits), including relevant experience, other relevant analysis, and an
assessment of potential model error.
xi. Ten years of historical experience on hedge gains/losses as a percent of
index credited for hedge programs supporting index credits.
xii. If there is less than five years of historical experience of this hedging
program or a hedging program on similar products, an explanation of how
the company considered increases in the error factor to account for limited
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historical experience.
e. Error Factor (E) and Back-Testing Description of E, the error factor, and formal back-
tests performed, including:
i. The value of E, and the approach and rationale for the value of E used in the reserve
ii. For companies that model hedge cash flows using the explicit method, as described
in VM-21 Section 9.C.6.a, and have 12 months of experience, an analysis of at
least the most recent 12 months of experience and the results of a back-test showing
that the model is able to replicate the hedging results experienced in a way that
justifies the value used for E. Include at least a ratio of the actual change in market
value of the hedges to the modeled change in market value of the hedges at least
iii. For companies that model hedge cash flows using the implicit method, and have
12 months of experience, as described in VM-21 Section 9.C.6.b, the results of a
back-test in which (a) actual hedge asset gains and losses are compared against (b)
proportional fair value movements in hedged liability, including:
a) Delta, rho and vega coverage ratios in each month over the back-testing
period, which may be presented in a chart or graph.
b) The implied volatility level used to quantify the fair value of the hedged
item, as well as the methodology undertaken to determine the appropriate
level used.
iv. For companies that do not model hedge cash flows using either the explicit method
or the implicit method, as described in VM-21 Section 9.C.6.c, and have 12 months
of experience, the results of the formal back-test conducted to validate the
appropriateness of the selected method and value used for E.
v. For companies that do not have 12 months of experience, the basis for the value of
E that is chosen based on the guidance provided in VM-21 Section 9.C.7,
considering the actual history available, mock testing performed, and the degree
and nature of any changes made to the hedge strategy.
vi. The basis for the magnitude of adjustment or lack of adjustment for the value of E
chosen based on the robustness of the documentation outlining the future hedging
f. Safe Harbor for Future Hedging Strategies If electing the safe harbor approach for a
future hedging strategy supporting the contracts, as discussed in VM-21 Section 9.C.8, a
description of the linear instruments used to model the option portfolio.
g. H
edge Model Results Disclosure of whether the calculated CTE 70 (best efforts) is below
both the fair value and CTE 70 (adjusted), and if so, justification for why that result is
reasonable, as discussed in VM-21 Section 9.D.
9. S
cenario Generation The following information regarding the scenario generation for interest
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rates and equity returns used by the company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-
21 and in determining the C-3 RBC amount under LR027, as it applies to the calculation of the SR,
TAR and CTEPA (if used):
a. S
ources Identification of the sources or generators used to produce the scenarios.
Versions should be identified and parameters to the scenario generation shall be
available upon request.
b. N
umber of Scenarios Number of scenarios used, rationale for that number,
methods used to determine the sampling error of the CTE 70 and CTE 98 statistic
when using the selected number of scenarios, and documentation that any resulting
understatement in reserve or TAR, as compared with that resulting from running
additional scenarios, is not material, as discussed in VM-21 Section 4.F.1.
c. S
cenario Reduction Techniques If a scenario reduction technique is used, a
description of the technique and documentation of how the company determined
that the technique does not lead to a material understatement of results.
d. T
ime-Step Identification of the time-step of the model (e.g., monthly, quarterly,
annual), and results of testing performed to determine that use of a more frequent
time-step does not materially increase reserves, as discussed in VM-21 Section
e. P
roxy Construction Description of the proxy construction process that
establishes a firm relationship between the investment return on the proxy and the
grouped separate account funds or equity investments in the general account, as
discussed in VM-21 Section 4.A.2.
f. M
apping Stochastic Economic Paths to Fund Performance Description of
method to translate stochastic economic paths into fund performance.
g. P
roxy Funds Not Within Scope of Prescribed Scenario Generator – For any proxy
fund returns generated by a non-prescribed scenario generator (e.g., volatility
control funds and any funds projected dynamically in the liability model), a
description of:
i. The market price of risk implied in the projected fund returns.
ii. A correlation matrix that illustrates the average correlations across all
scenarios and all time periods of the projected fund returns with the fund
returns generated by the prescribed generator.
iii. Any other information that provides assurance that the returns for proxy
funds generated using a non-prescribed scenario generator do not
consistently outperform over the long term if the company believes that
the market price of risk and correlations described above are misleading
or not relevant.
h. Implied Volatility Whether using the prescribed scenario generator or a non-
prescribed scenario generator, a description of the implied volatility including:
i. Discussion of the modeling process used to generate implied volatility
surfaces and how they meet the requirements defined in VM-21 Section
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ii. Documentation that the implied volatility scenarios generated do not result
in a lower TAR than that obtained by assuming that the implied volatility
at all ITM levels at a given time step in a given scenario is equal to the
realized volatility of the underlying asset scenario over the same time
period as required by VM-21, Section 8.D.3.
i. Non-Prescribed Scenario GeneratorIf using non-prescribed scenario generators
in lieu of the prescribed generator, either in part or in full, a summary including:
i. Description of the models used for interest rates, fixed income returns,
equity returns, and/or volatility and discussion of model calibration.
Guidance Note: Examples of models include, but are not limited to: (1) Vasicek, Hull-White, Cox-
Ingersoll-Ross for interest rate models; (2) Merton, reduced-form, ratings-based for fixed income
models; or (3) Black-Scholes, Heston, Bates for equity and/or volatility models. Model calibration
refers to the process of reflecting the company’s view of future market dynamics into their risk-
modeling environment.
ii. If vendor software is used, identification of vendor, software name, and
version number.
iii. Identification of whether the scenario generators were developed for VM-
21 purposes, or adopted from another purpose such as pricing or asset
adequacy testing. If the latter, discussion of any adjustments made for VM-
21 purposes, and rationale for the adjustments.
iv. A statement that the interest rate, equity, and implied volatility scenarios
used to determine reserves are available upon request in an electronic
spreadsheet format to facilitate any regulatory review.
v. Documentation that scenarios generated do not result in a TAR that is
materially lower than the TAR resulting from scenarios generated from
the prescribed generator.
vi. Discussion of any correlation that exists in the development of interest rate
and equity scenarios.
10. Reinsurance The following information regarding the reinsurance assumptions used by
the company in performing a principle-based valuation under VM-21:
a. A
greementsFor those reinsurance agreements included in the calculation of the
aggregate reserve as per VM-21 Section 5, a description of each reinsurance
agreement, including, but not limited to, the type of agreement, the counterparty,
the risks reinsured, the portion of business reinsured, and whether the agreement
complies with the requirements of the credit for reinsurance under the terms of the
AP&P Manual. Include identification of both affiliated and non-affiliated, as well
as captive and non-captive, relationships.
b. A
ssumptions – Description of reinsurance assumptions used to determine the cash
flows included in the model.
c. M
odeling – Description of how post-reinsurance-ceded reserves are modeled.
d. Separate Stochastic Analysis Description of any separate stochastic analysis that
was used outside the cash-flow model to quantify the impact on reinsurance cash
PBR Actuarial Report Requirements for Business Subject to a Principle-Based Valuation VM-31
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flows to and from the company, include which variables are modeled
e. Multiple Agreements If contracts are covered by more than one reinsurance
agreement, a description of how reinsurance cash flows from the multiple
agreements interact and are reflected in the cash-flow model.
f. Pr
e-Reinsurance-Ceded Aggregate Reserve Description and rationale for
methods and assumptions (including liability assumptions, asset assumptions, and
starting asset amounts) used in determining the pre-reinsurance-ceded aggregate
reserve if they differ from methods and assumptions used in determining the
aggregate reserve post-reinsurance-ceded.
11. A
lternative Methodology The following information regarding the alternative
methodology used by the company:
a. G
rouping Statement that a seriatim approach was used, or a description of how
contracts were grouped, if a seriatim approach was not used.
b. A
ssumptions For contracts with GMDBs, disclosure of assumptions in the
alternative methodology using published factors, including:
i. For component CA, the mapping to prescribed asset categories, lapse rates
and withdrawal rates.
ii. For component FE, the determination of fixed dollar costs and revenues,
lapse rates, withdrawal rates, and inflation rates.
iii. For component GC:
a) Description of contract features and disclosure of mapping
contract-level attributes to alternative methodology factors,
including product definition, partial withdrawal provision, fund
class, attained age, contract duration, ratio of account value to
guaranteed value, and annualized account charge differential from
base assumption.
b) Derivation of equivalent account charges and margin offset.
c) Disclosure of interpolation procedures and confirmation of node
c. Reinsurance For contracts with GMDBs, disclosure, if applicable, of reinsurance
that exists and how it was handled in applying published factors (for some
reinsurance, creation of company-specific factors or stochastic modeling may be
required) and discussion of how reserves before reinsurance were determined.
d. C
ompany-Specific Factors For contracts with GMDBs, if company-specific
factors are used, documentation of the stochastic analysis supporting adjustments
to the published factors. Adjustments may include contract design, risk mitigation
strategy (excluding hedging), or reinsurance.
e. I
mpact of Floors For contracts with GMDBs, discussion of whether the
alternative methodology reserve was impacted by the floors described in VM-21
Section 7.A.1, and disclosure of the alternative methodology reserve without
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regard to any floor, the cash surrender value, and the reserve under AG 33 in VM-
12. Additional Standard Projection Amount The following information regarding the
calculations to determine the additional standard projection amount performed by the
a. Met
hod Disclosure of the method used for the additional standard scenario
projection amount, either the CSMP method or the CTEPA.
b. CS
MP – If using the CSMP method, a summary including:
i. Disclosure (in tabular form) of all scenario reserves in the Company
Standard Projection Set and the scenario reserves from Market Paths A
and B from the Prescribed Standard Projection Set, as described in VM-
21 Section 6.B.2. If available, include disclosure of all scenario reserves
from the Prescribed Standard Projection Set.
ii. Summary of results from a cumulative decrement projection along Path A
(where Path A is described in VM-21 Section 6.B.2.a), under the
assumptions outlined in VM-21 Section 6.C. Such a cumulative decrement
projection shall include, at the end of each projection year, the projected
proportion (expressed as a percent of the total projected account value) of
persisting contracts, as well as the allocation of projected decrements
across death, full surrender, account value depletion, elective
annuitization, and other benefit election.
iii. Summary of results from a cumulative decrement projection, identical to
(ii) above, but replacing all assumptions outlined in VM-21 Section 6.C
with the corresponding assumptions used in calculating Company Amount
iv. The data sources used to obtain the implied volatility term structure and
spot exchange rates in effect as of the valuation date in the prescribed
market paths defined in VM-21 Section 6.B.5.
c. CTEPA – If using the CTEPA method, a summary including:
i. Disclosure (in tabular form) of the scenario reserves using the same
method and assumptions as those used by the company to calculate CTE
70 (adjusted) as outlined in VM-21 Section 9.C (or the SR following VM-
21 Section 4.A.4.a for a company that does not have a future hedging
strategy supporting the contracts), as well as the corresponding scenarios
reserves substituting the assumptions prescribed by VM-21 Section 6.C.
ii. Summary of results from a cumulative decrement projection along the
scenario whose reserve value is closest to the CTE 70 (adjusted), as
outlined in VM-21 Section 9.C (or the SR following VM-21 Section
4.A.4.a for a company that does not have a future hedging strategy
supporting the contracts), under the assumptions outlined in VM-21
Section 6.C. Such a cumulative decrement projection shall include, at the
end of each projection year, the projected proportion (expressed as a
percent of the total projected account value) of persisting contracts as well
as the allocation of projected decrements across death, full surrender,
account value depletion, elective annuitization, and other benefit election.
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iii. Summary of results from a cumulative decrement projection, identical to
(ii) above, but replacing all assumptions outlined in VM-21 Section 6.C
with the corresponding assumptions used in calculating the SR.
d. Model Comparison Discussion of any differences between the cash-flow models
used to determine the additional standard projection amount and those used to
determine the SR, including any differences in the model validations performed
and how the models were evaluated for appropriateness and applicability.
Benefits Not Described Regarding the assumptions in VM-21 Section 6.C,
discussion of any benefit type proxy chosen, or other approximations applied for
benefit types not described in the aforementioned section, and the rationale for the
chosen proxy or approximations.
f. D
ata Limitations Regarding the partial withdrawal assumption in VM-21 Section
6.C.4, discussion of any proxy method used due to data limitations (e.g., with
respect to policies that are not enrolled in an automatic withdrawal program but
have exercised a non-excess withdrawal in the contract year immediately
preceding the valuation date), with documentation that supports the conclusion that
the proxy method does not result in a material understatement of the reserve.
g. D
iscarding Withdrawal AgesRegarding the withdrawal delay cohort method in
VM-21 Section 6.C.5, disclosure of whether certain withdrawal ages were
discarded, or others used as representative as described in VM-21 Section 6.C.5.k,
including discussion of the appropriateness of the chosen method.
h. M
odifications Discussion of any modifications in the application of the
requirements to produce the additional standard projection amount.
i. A
ssumptions Not Prescribed Discussion of any assumptions with judgments or
procedures used to produce the additional standard projection amount that are not
prescribed and not the same as used in the calculation of SR.
j. R
einsurance Description of any reinsurance treaties that have been excluded
from the calculation of the additional standard projection amount along with an
explanation of why the treaty was excluded, as well as a confirmation that none of
the reinsurance treaties included serve solely to reduce the calculated additional
standard projection amount without also reducing risk on scenarios similar to those
used to determine the SR.
k. O
ther Considerations – To the extent not discussed elsewhere in the VA Report, a
description of any material assumptions, margins, and other considerations helpful
in or necessary to understanding the rationale behind the development of
assumptions and margins used in the calculation of the additional standard
projection amount, as well as disclosure of any analysis that has been performed
to highlight the major drivers of the result.
l. I
mpact of Aggregation Disclosure of the impact of aggregation, and discussion
of the method used to determine the impact, pursuant to VM-21 Section 6.A.1.a.
13. A
dditional Information – The following additional information:
a. Per-Contract Amounts – Description of the basis for the allocation to per-contract
amounts, in accordance with VM-21 Section 12.
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b. Phase-In If electing a phase-in period, as described in VM-21 Section 2.B,
discussion of the phase-in calculation including:
i. Regarding the determination of R2i.e., the reserve as of Jan. 1, 2020,
following the VM-21 requirements in the 2019 NAIC Valuation
Manualdisclosure of all changes from the Dec. 31, 2019, reserve
reported and documented in the 2019 PBR Actuarial Report (or AG 43
actuarial memorandum). Such changes should include changes in
reinsurance agreements (e.g., recaptures) and other significant changes in
in-force policies.
ii. Regarding the determination of R1i.e., the reserve as of the valuation
date following the VM-21 requirements on or after Jan. 1, 2020
disclosure of deviations from R2 in areas such as in-force contracts,
scenario generation, or other aspects that should parallel the R2
calculation. Also include disclosure of deviations from the methods and
factors used for 2020 reserve and documented in the 2020 VA Summary
and VA Report for those areas that should parallel those used for the Dec.
31, 2020, reserves.
iii. Disclosure of any scaling factors applied to the phase-in amount due to
material changes in the book of business, as well as any other
modifications of the remaining phase-in amount.
c. Sensitivity Tests For each distinct product type for which margins were
i. List the specific sensitivity tests performed for each risk factor or combination
of risk factors, other than those discussed in Section and Section
ii. Indicate whether the reserve was calculated based on the anticipated
experience assumptions or prudent estimate assumptions for all other risk
factors while performing the tests.
iii. Provide the numerical results of the sensitivity tests for both reserves and
iv. Explain how the results of sensitivity tests were used or considered in
developing assumptions.
d. Impact of Margin
i. Company can perform the impact of margin analysis using off-cycle data. The
analysis can be done less frequently than annually unless there is change or
update in the margins, but not less frequently than every three years.
ii. Impact of Margins for Each Risk Factor The impact of margins on the SR
for each risk factor, or group of risk factors, that has a material impact on the
SR, determined by subtracting (i) from (ii), expressed in both dollar amounts
and percentages. For the purposes of this analysis, calculate the CTE without
requiring that the scenario reserve for any scenario be no less than the cash
surrender value:
1. The CTE70 (best efforts), as outlined in VM-21, Section 9.C, but with the
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reserve calculated based on the anticipated experience assumption for the
risk factor and prudent estimate assumptions for all other risk factors.
2. The CTE70 (best efforts), as outlined in VM-21, Section 9.C, for that
group of contracts as reported.
3. Repeat the impact analysis using the same method on CTE98 levels.
iii. Aggregate Impact of Margins – The aggregate impact of all margins on the SR
for that group of contracts determined by subtracting (1) from (2), expressed
in both dollar amounts and percentages. For the purposes of this analysis,
calculate the CTE without requiring that the scenario reserve for any scenario
be no less than the cash surrender value:
1. The CTE70 (best efforts), as outlined in VM-21, Section 9.C, for that
group of contracts, but with the reserve calculated based on anticipated
experience assumptions for all risk factors prior to the addition of any
2. The CTE70 (best efforts), as outlined in VM-21, Section 9.C, for that
group of contracts as reported.
3. Repeat the impact analysis using the same method on CTE98 levels.
iv. Impact of Implicit Margins For the purposes of the disclosures required in
Section 13.d.ii and Section 13.d.iii above:
1. If the company believes the method used to determine anticipated
experience assumptions includes an implicit margin, the company can
adjust the anticipated experience assumptions to remove this implicit
margin for this reporting purpose only. If any such adjustment is made, the
company shall document the rationale and method used to determine the
anticipated experience assumption.
2. Since the company is not required to determine an anticipated experience
assumption or a prudent estimate assumption for risk factors that are
prescribed (i.e., interest rates movements, equity performance, default
costs, and net spreads on reinvestment assets), when determining the
impact of margins, the prescribed assumption shall be deemed to be the
prudent estimate assumption for the risk factor, and the company can elect
to determine an anticipated experience assumption for the risk factor,
based on the company's anticipated experience for the risk factor. If this is
elected, the company shall document the rationale and method used to
determine the anticipated experience assumption.
e. Calculations as of a Date Preceding the Valuation Date If the SR and/or
the additional standard projection amount were developed as of a date
prior to the valuation date, disclosure of the prior date, the SR and the
additional standard projection amount of the in force on the prior date, and
an explanation of why the use of such a date will not produce a material
change in the results compared to if the results were based on the valuation
date. Such an explanation shall describe the process that the qualified
actuary used to determine the adjustment required by VM-21 Section 3.I,
the amount of the adjustment, and the rationale for why the adjustment is
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14. RBC If electing to include documentation of the RBC calculation in the PBR Actuarial
Report, the following information regarding the risk-based capital, as described in the Life
RBC instructions LR027:
a. Documentation and discussion of assumptions or methods that differ from those
used for the reserve calculations.
b. Description of the results of the modeling and analysis, including a table displaying
each of the seven steps of the RBC calculation.
c. Description of the process to split the resulting RBC into interest and market
components, and the results of that split.
d. If the alternative methodology was used, documentation of any non-prescribed
factors and the basis for those factors.
e. State the method that the company used to recognize the impact of federal income
tax. If the company used the specific tax recognition, disclosure of the result of the
macro tax adjustment method.
15. Reliance Descriptions and Statements A description of those areas where the qualified
actuary relied on others for data, assumptions, projections or analysis in performing the
principle-based valuation under VM-21 and a reliance statement from each individual on
whom the qualified actuary relied that includes:
a. R
eliance Listing The name, title, telephone number, e-mail address and
qualifications of the individual, along with the individual’s company name and
address, and the information provided.
b. R
eliance Statements A statement as to the accuracy, completeness or
reasonableness, as applicable, of the information provided, along with a signature
and the date signed.
16. C
ertifications – The following certifications:
a. Investment Officer on InvestmentsA certification from a duly authorized
investment officer that the modeled asset investment strategy, including any future
hedging strategies supporting the contracts, is consistent with the company’s
current investment strategy except where the modeled reinvestment strategy may
have been substituted with the alternative investment strategy, and that
documentation of the CDHS attributes for any future hedging strategies supporting
the contracts are accurate.
b. Q
ualified Actuary on Investments A certification by a qualified actuary, not
necessarily the same qualified actuary that has been assigned responsibility for the
PBR Actuarial Report or this sub-report, that the modeling of any future hedging
strategies supporting the contracts is consistent with the company’s actual future
hedging strategies and was performed in accordance with VM-21 and in
compliance with all applicable ASOPs.
c. S
enior Management on Internal Controls A certification from senior
management, other than the qualified actuary, regarding the effectiveness of
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internal controls with respect to the principle-based valuation under VM-21, as
provided in Section 12B(2) of Model #820.
d. Qualified Actuary on Accordance with VM-21 and Model #820Certification by
the qualified actuary, for the groups of contracts for which responsibility was
assigned, that the principle-based valuation was performed in accordance with the
principles and requirements outlined in VM-21 and the relevant sections of Model
e. Q
ualified Actuary on Assumptions and Margins Certification by the qualified
actuary, for the groups of contracts for which responsibility was assigned, that the
assumptions used in the principle-based valuation under VM-21 are prudent
estimate assumptions for the products, scenarios, and purpose being tested.
17. C
losing Paragraph A closing paragraph with the signature, credentials, title, telephone
number and e-mail address of the qualified actuary, the company name and address, and
the date signed.
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 50-1
VM-50: Experience Reporting Requirements
Table of Contents
Section 1: Overview ....................................................................................................................... 50-1
Section 2: Statutory Authority and Experience Reporting Agent .................................................. 50-2
Section 3: Experience Reporting Requirements ............................................................................. 50-2
Section 4: Data Quality and Ownership ......................................................................................... 50-5
Section 5: Experience Data ............................................................................................................ 50-8
Section 6: Confidentiality of Data .................................................................................................. 50-9
Section 1: Overview
A. Purpose of the Experience Reporting Requirements
The purpose of this section is to define the requirements pursuant to Section 13 of Model #820 for
the submission and analysis of company data. It includes consideration of the experience reporting
process, the roles of the relevant parties, and the intended use of and access to the data, and the
process to protect the confidentiality of the data as outlined in Model #820.
B. PBR and the Need for Experience Data
The need for experience data includes but is not limited to:
1. PBR may require development of assumptions and margins based on company experience,
industry experience or a blend of the two. The collection of experience data provides a
database to establish industry experience tables or factors, such as valuation tables or
factors as needed.
2. The development of industry experience tables provides a basis for assumptions when
company data is not available or appropriate and provides a comparison basis that allows
the state insurance regulator to perform reasonableness checks on the appropriateness of
assumptions as documented in the actuarial reports.
3. The collection of experience data may assist state insurance regulators, reviewing actuaries,
auditors and other parties with authorized access to the PBR actuarial reports to perform
reasonableness checks on the appropriateness of principle-based methods and assumptions,
including margins, documented in those reports.
4. The collection of experience data provides an independent check on the accuracy and
completeness of company experience studies, thereby encouraging companies to establish
a disciplined internal process for producing experience studies. Industry aggregate or sub-
industry aggregate experience studies may assist an individual company for use in setting
experience-based assumptions. As long as the confidentiality of each company's submitted
results is maintained, a company may obtain results of a study on companies' submitted
experience for use in formulating experience assumptions.
5. The collection of experience data will provide a basis for establishing and updating the
assumptions and margins prescribed by regulators in the Valuation Manual.
6. The reliability of assumptions based on company experience is founded on reliable
historical data from comparable characteristics of insurance policies including, but not
limited to, underwriting standards and insurance policy benefits and provisions. As with
all forms of experience data analysis, larger and more consistent statistical samples have a
greater probability of producing reliable analyses of historic experience than smaller or
Experience Reporting Requirements VM-50
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 50-2
inconsistent samples. To improve statistical credibility, it is necessary that experience data
from multiple companies be combined and aggregated.
7. The collection of experience data allows state insurance regulators to identify outliers and
monitor changes in company experience factors versus a common benchmark to provide a
basis for exploring issues related to those differences.
8. PBR is an emerging practice and will evolve over time. Research studies other than those
contemplated at inception may be useful to improvement of the PBR process, including
increasing the accuracy or efficiency of models. Because the collection of experience data
will facilitate these improvements, research studies of various types should be encouraged.
9. The collection of experience data is not intended as a substitute for a robust review of
companies’ methodologies or assumptions, including dialogue with companies’ actuaries.
Section 2: Statutory Authority and Experience Reporting Agent
A. Statutory Authority
1. Model #820 provides the legal authority for the Valuation Manual to prescribe experience
reporting requirements with respect to companies and lines of business within the scope of
the model.
2. The statutes and regulations requiring data submissions generally apply to all companies
licensed to sell life insurance, A&H insurance and deposit-type contracts. These companies
must submit experience data as prescribed by the Valuation Manual.
3. Section 4A(5) of Model #820 defines the data to be collected to be confidential.
B. Experience Reporting Agent
1. For the purposes of implementing the experience reporting required by state laws based on
Section 13 of Model #820, an Experience Reporting Agent will be used for the purpose of
collecting, pooling and aggregating data submitted by companies as prescribed by lines of
business included in VM-51.
2. The NAIC is designated as Experience Reporting Agent for the Statistical Plan for
Mortality beginning Jan. 1, 2020, and NAIC expertise in collecting and sorting data from
multiple sources into a cohesive database in a secure and efficient manner, but the
designation of the NAIC as Experience Reporting Agent does not preclude state insurance
regulators from independently engaging other entities for similar data required under this
Valuation Manual or other data purposes.
Section 3: Experience Reporting Requirements
A. Statistical Plans
1. Consistent with state laws based on Section 13 of Model #820, the Experience Reporting
Agent shall collect experience data based on statistical plans defined in the Valuation
2. Statistical plans are detailed instructions that define the type of experience data being
collected (e.g., mortality; elective policyholder behavior, such as surrenders, lapses,
premium payment patterns, etc.; and company expense data, such as commissions, policy
expenses, overhead expenses etc.). The state insurance regulators serving on the Life
Experience Reporting Requirements VM-50
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 50-3
Actuarial (A) Task Force and Health Actuarial (B) Task Force, or any successor body, will
be responsible for prescribing the requirements for any statistical plan by applicable line
of business. For each type of experience data being collected, the statistical plan will define
the data elements and format of each data element, as well as the frequency of the collection
of experience data. The statistical plan will define the process and the due dates for
submitting the experience data. The statistical plan will define criteria that will determine
which companies must submit the experience data. The statistical plan will also define the
scope of business that is to be included in the experience data collection, such as lines of
business, product types, types of underwriting, etc. Statistical plans are defined in VM-51
of the Valuation Manual. Statistical plans will be added to VM-51 of the Valuation Manual
when they are ready to be implemented. Additional data elements and formats to be
collected will be added as necessary, in subsequent revisions to the Valuation Manual.
3. Data must conform to common data definitions. Standard definitions provide for stable and
reliable databases and are the basis of meaningful aggregated insurance data. This will be
accomplished through a uniform set of suggested minimum experience reporting
requirements for all companies.
B. Role and Responsibilities of the Experience Reporting Agent
1. Based on requirements of VM-51, the Experience Reporting Agent may design its data
collection procedures to ensure it is able to meet these regulatory requirements. The
Experience Reporting Agent will provide sufficient notice to reporting companies of
changes, procedures and error tolerances to enable the companies to adequately prepare for
the data submission.
2. The Experience Reporting Agent will aggregate the experience of companies using a
common set of classifications and definitions to develop industry experience tables.
3. The Experience Reporting Agent will seek to enter into agreements with a group of state
insurance departments for the collection of information under statistical plans included in
VM-51. The number of states that contract with the Experience Reporting Agent will be
based on achieving a target level of industry experience prescribed by VM-51 for each line
of business in preparing an industry experience table.
a. The agreement between the state insurance department(s) and the Experience
Reporting Agent will be consistent with any data collection and confidentiality
requirements included within Model #820 and the Valuation Manual. Those state
insurance departments seeking to contract with the Experience Reporting Agent will
inform the Experience Reporting Agent of any other state law requirements, including
laws related to the procurement of services that will need to be considered as part of
the contracting process.
b. Use of the Experience Reporting Agent by the contracting state insurance departments
does not preclude those state insurance departments or any other state insurance
departments from contracting independently with another Experience Reporting Agent
for similar data required under this Valuation Manual or other data purposes.
4. The Life Actuarial (A) Task Force or Health Actuarial (B) Task Force will be responsible
for the content and maintenance of the experience reporting requirements. The Life
Actuarial (A) Task Force or Health Actuarial (B) Task Force or a working group will
monitor the data definitions, quality standards, appendices and reports described in the
experience reporting requirements to assure that they take advantage of changes in
technology and provide for new regulatory and company needs.
Experience Reporting Requirements VM-50
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 50-4
5. To ensure that the experience reporting requirements will continue to be useful, the Life
Actuarial (A) Task Force or Health Actuarial (B) Task Force will seek to review each
statistical plan on a periodic basis at least once every five years. The Life Actuarial (A)
Task Force or Health Actuarial (B) Task Force should have regular dialogue, feedback and
discussion of this topic. In seeking feedback and engaging in discussions, the Life
Actuarial (A) Task Force or Health Actuarial (B) Task Force shall include a broad range
of data users, including state insurance regulators, consumer representatives, members of
professional actuarial organizations, large and small companies, and insurance trade
6. The Experience Reporting Agent will obtain and undergo at least annual external audits to
validate that controls with respect to data security and related topics are consistent with
industry standards and best practices. The Experience Reporting Agent will provide a copy
of any report prepared in connection with such an audit, upon a company’s request. In the
event of a material deficiency identified in the external audit or in the event of an identified
security breach affecting the Experience Reporting Data, the Experience Reporting Agent
shall notify the NAIC, and the states that have directed the Experience Reporting Agent to
collect this information, of the nature and extent of such an issue. In the event of an
identified security breach affecting Experience Reporting Data, the Experience Reporting
Agent shall also notify any insurer whose data was affected. Upon good cause shown, the
Experience Reporting Agent will take reasonable actions to protect the data under its
control, including that the data submission process may be suspended until the security
issue has been remediated. If data submission is suspended under this section, the
Experience Reporting Agent will work with the states that have directed collection to issue
appropriate guidance modifying the requirements of VM 51, Section 2.D. The term “good
cause” shall mean that there is the chance of irreparable harm upon continuing the
transmission of the data to the Experience Reporting Agent. Once the security issue has
been remediated, the Experience Reporting Agent shall notify the NAIC and the states that
have directed the Experience Reporting Agent to collect this information. The Experience
Reporting Agent shall work in conjunction with the NAIC and the states that have directed
the Experience Reporting Agent to collect this information to develop a revised data
submission schedule for any deferred submissions. The revised schedule shall provide for
reasonable timing for companies to provide such data.
C. Role of Other Organizations
The Experience Reporting Agent may ask for other organizations to play a role for one or more of
the following items, including the execution of agreements and incorporation of confidentiality
requirements where appropriate:
1. Consult with the NAIC (as appropriate) in the design and implementation of the experience
retrieval process;
2. Assist with the data validation process for data intended to be forwarded to the SOA or
other actuarial professional organizations to develop industry experience tables;
3. Analyze data, including any summarized or aggregated data, produced by the Experience
Reporting Agent;
4. Create initial experience tables and any revised tables;
5. Provide feedback in the development and evaluation of requests for proposal for services
related to the reporting of experience requirement;
6. Create statutory valuation tables as appropriate and necessary;
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7. Determine and produce additional industry experience tables or reports that might be
suggested by the data collected;
8. Work with the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force or Health Actuarial (B) Task Force, in
accordance with the Valuation Manual governance process, in developing new reporting
formats and modifying current experience reporting formats;
9. Support a close working relationship among all parties having an interest in the success of
the experience reporting requirement.
Section 4: Data Quality and Ownership
A. General Requirements
1. The quality, accuracy and consistency of submitted data is key to developing industry
experience tables that are statistically credible and represent the underlying emerging
experience. Statistical procedures cannot easily detect certain types of errors in reporting
of data. For example, if an underwriter fails to evaluate the proper risk classification for an
insured, then the “statistical system” has little chance of detecting such an error unless the
risk classification is somehow implausible.
2. To ensure data quality, coding a policy, loss, transaction or other body of data as anything
other than what it is known as is prohibited. This does not preclude a company from coding
a transaction with incomplete detail and reporting such transactions to the Experience
Reporting Agent, but there can be nothing that is known to be inaccurate or deceptive in
the reporting. An audit of a company’s data submitted to the Experience Reporting Agent
under a statistical plan in VM-51 can include comparison of submitted data to other
company files.
3. When the Experience Reporting Agent determines that the cause of an edit exception could
produce systematic errors, the company must correct the error and respond in a timely
fashion, with priority given to errors that have the largest likelihood to affect a significant
amount of data. When an error is found that has affected data reported to the Experience
Reporting Agent, the company shall report the nature of the error and the nature of its likely
impact to the Experience Reporting Agent. Retrospective correction of data subject to
systematic errors shall be done when the error affects a significant amount of data that is
still being used for regulatory purposes and it is reasonably practical to make the correction
through the application of a computer program or a procedure applied to the entire data set
without the need to manually examine more than a small number of individual records.
B. Specific Requirements
1. Once the data file is submitted by the company, the Experience Reporting Agent will
perform a validity check of the data elements within each data record in the data file for
proper syntax and verify that required data elements are populated. The Experience
Reporting Agent will notify the company of all syntax errors and any missing data elements
that are required. Companies are required to respond to the Experience Reporting Agent
by submitting a corrected data file. The Experience Reporting Agent will provide sufficient
notice to reporting companies of changes, procedures and error tolerances to enable the
companies to adequately prepare for the data submission.
2. Each submission of data filed by a company with the Experience Reporting Agent shall be
balanced against a set of control totals provided by the company with the data submission.
At a minimum, these control totals shall include applicable record counts, claim counts,
amounts insured and claim amounts. Any submission that does not balance to the control
totals shall be referred to the company for review and resolution.
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3. Each company submitting experience data and each company on whose behalf data is being
submitted as required in VM-51 will perform a reconciliation between its submitted
experience data with its statistical and financial data, and provide an explanation of
differences, to the Experience Reporting Agent. The reconciliation must include policy
count and insurance amount.
a. If a third-party administrator (TPA) that is not an insurance company or an
insurance company not required to submit its direct data is submitting data on
behalf of an insurance company, the reconciliation will consist of separate lines
identifying each insurance company for whom this entity is submitting data.
b. If the TPA is an insurance company that is required to submit its direct data, the
reconciliation must include separate lines identifying each additional company
whose data is being submitted.
c. The reconciliation to company statistical and financial data for both the direct
writer and the reinsurer or TPA must include lines indicating the amount of
business that is being reported by the reinsurer or TPA. The NAIC will use this
information to confirm that all in-scope business is reported and that there is no
double counting of policies.
4. Validity checks are designed to identify:
a. Improper syntax or incomplete coding (e.g., a numeric field that is not numeric,
missing elements of a date field);
b. Data elements containing codes that are not contained within the set of possible
valid codes;
c. Data elements containing codes that are contained within the set of possible valid
codes but are not valid in conjunction with another data element code;
d. Required data elements that are not populated.
5. Where quality would not appear to be significantly compromised, the Experience
Reporting Agent may use records with missing or invalid data if such invalid or missing
data do not involve a field that is relevant or would affect the credibility of the report. For
companies with a body of data for a state, line of business, product type or observation
period that fails to meet these standards, the Experience Reporting Agent will use its
discretion, with regulatory disclosure of key decisions made, regarding the omission of the
entire body of data or only including records with valid data. Completeness of reports is
desirable, but not at the risk of including a body of data that appears to have an
unreasonably high chance of significant errors.
6. Errors of a consistent nature are referred to as “systematic.” Incorrect coding instructions
can introduce errors of a consistent nature. Programming errors within the data processing
system of insurer company can also produce systematic miscoding as the system converts
data to the required formats for experience reporting. Most systematic errors will produce
data that, when reviewed using tests designed to reveal various types of systematic errors,
will appear unreasonable and likely to be in error. In addition, some individual coding
errors may produce erroneous results that show up when exposures and losses are
compared in a systematic fashion. Such checking often cannot, however, provide a
conclusive indication that data with unusual patterns is incorrect. The Experience
Reporting Agent will perform tests and look at trends using previously reported data to
determine if systematic errors or unusual patterns are occurring.
7. The Experience Reporting Agent will undertake reasonability checks that include the
comparison of aggregate and company experience for underwriting class and type of
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coverage data elements for the current reporting period to company and aggregate
experience from prior periods for the purpose of identifying potential coding or reporting
errors. When reporting instructions are changed, newly reported data elements shall be
examined to see that they correlate reasonably with data elements reported under the old
8. At a minimum, reasonability checks by the Experience Reporting Agent will include:
a. An unusually large percentage of company data reported under a single or very
limited number of categories;
b. Unusual or unlikely reporting patterns in a company’s data;
c. Claim amounts that appear unusually high or low for the corresponding exposures;
d. Reported claims without corresponding policy values and exposures;
e. Unreasonable loss frequencies or amounts in comparison to ranges of expectation
that recognize statistical fluctuation;
f. Unusual shifts in the distribution of business from one reporting period to the next.
9. If a company’s unusual pattern under Section 4.B.8.a, Section 4.B.8.b or Section 4.B.8.c is
verified as accurate (that is, the reason for the apparent anomaly is an unusual mix of
business), then it is not necessary that a similar pattern for the same company be
reconfirmed year after year.
10. The Experience Reporting Agent will keep track of the results of the validity and
reasonability checks and may adjust thresholds in successive reporting years to maintain a
reasonable balance between the magnitude of errors being found and the cost to companies.
11. Results that may indicate a likelihood of critical indications, as defined below, will be
reported to the company with an explanation of the unusual findings and their possible
significance. When the possible or probable errors appear to be of a significant nature, the
Experience Reporting Agent will indicate to the company that this is a “critical indication.”
“Critical indications” are those that, if not corrected or confirmed, would leave a significant
degree of doubt whether the affected data should be used in reports to the state insurance
regulator and included in industry databases. It is intended that Experience Reporting
Agents will have reasonable flexibility to implement this under the direction of the state
insurance regulators. Also, under the direction of the state insurance regulators, the
Experience Reporting Agent may grade the severity of indications, or it may simply
identify certain indications as critical. While companies are expected to undertake a
reasonable examination of all indications provided to them, they are not required to respond
to every indication except for those labeled by the Experience Reporting Agent as
12. The Experience Reporting Agent will use its discretion regarding the omission of data from
reports owing to the failure of an insurer company to respond adequately to unusual
reasonability indications. Completeness of reports is desirable, but not at the risk of
including data that appears to have an unreasonably high chance of containing significant
13. Companies shall acknowledge and respond to reasonability queries from the Experience
Reporting Agent. This shall include specific responses to all critical indications provided
by the Experience Reporting Agent. Other indications shall be studied for apparent errors,
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as well as for indications of systematic errors. Corrections for critical indications shall be
provided to the Experience Reporting Agent or, when a correction is not feasible, the extent
and nature of the error shall be reported to the Experience Reporting Agent.
C. Ownership of Data
1. Experience data submitted by companies to the Experience Reporting Agent will be
considered the property of the companies submitting such data, but the recognition of such
ownership will not affect the ability of state insurance regulators or the NAIC to use such
information as authorized by state laws based on Model #820 or the Valuation Manual, or,
in case of state insurance regulators, for solvency oversight, financial examinations and
financial analysis.
2. The Experience Reporting Agent will be responsible for maintaining data, error reports,
logs and other intermediate work products, and reports for use in processing,
documentation, production and reproduction of reports provided to state insurance
regulators in accordance with the Valuation Manual. The Experience Reporting Agent will
be responsible for demonstrating such reproducibility at the request of state insurance
regulators or an auditor designated by state insurance regulators.
Section 5: Experience Data
A. Introduction
1. Using the data collected under statistical plans, as defined in the Valuation Manual, the
Experience Reporting Agent produces aggregate databases as defined by this Valuation
Manual. The Experience Reporting Agent, and/or other persons assisting the Experience
Reporting Agent, will utilize those databases to produce industry experience tables and
reports as defined in the Valuation Manual. In order to ensure continued relevance of
reports, each defined data collection and resulting report structure shall be reviewed for
usefulness at least once every five years since initial adoption or prior review.
2. Data compilations are evaluated according to four distinct, and often competing, standards:
quality, completeness, timeliness and cost. In general, quality is a primary goal in
developing any statistical data report. The priorities of the other three standards vary
according to the purpose of the report.
3. The Experience Reporting Agent may modify or enlarge the requirements of the Valuation
Manual, through recommendation to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force or Health Actuarial
(B) Task Force and in accordance with the Valuation Manual governance process for
information to accommodate changing needs and environments. However, in most cases,
changes to existing data reporting systems will be feasible only to provide information on
future transactions. Requirements to submit new information may require that companies
change their systems. Also, the Experience Reporting Agent may need several years before
it can generate meaningful data meeting the new requirements with matching claims and
insured amounts. The exact time frames for implementing new data requirements and
producing reports will vary depending on the type of reports.
B. Design of Reports Linked to Purpose
Fundamental to the design of each report is an evaluation of its purpose and use. The Life Actuarial
(A) Task Force and Health Actuarial (B) Task Force shall specify model reports responding to
general regulatory needs. These model reports will serve the basic informational needs of state
insurance regulators. To address a particular issue or problem, a state insurance regulator may have
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to request to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force or Health Actuarial (B) Task Force that additional
reports be developed.
C. Basic Report Designs
1. The Life Actuarial (A) Task Force or Health Actuarial (A) Task Force will designate basic
types of reports to meet differing needs and time frames. Each statistical plan defined in
VM-51 of the Valuation Manual will provide a detailed description of the reports, the
frequency and time frame for the reports. Statistical compilations are anticipated to be the
primary reports.
2. Statistical compilations are aggregate reports that generally match appropriate exposure
amounts and transaction event amounts to evaluate the recent experience for a line of
business. For example, a statistical compilation of mortality experience would match
insurance face amounts exposed to death with actual death claims paid. Here the exposure
amount is the total insurance face amount exposed to death, and the transaction event
amounts would be the death claims paid. As another example, a statistical compilation of
surrender experience would match total cash surrender amounts exposed to surrender with
actual surrender amounts paid. Here the exposure amount is the total cash surrender
amounts that could be surrendered, and the transaction event amounts would be the total
surrender amounts actually paid. Statistical compilations can be performed for the industry
or for the state of domicile.
3. In addition to statistical compilations, state insurance regulators can specify additional
reports based on elements in the statistical plans in VM-51. State insurance regulators can
also use statistical compilations and additional reports to evaluate non-formulaic
4. The Life Actuarial (A) Task Force or Health Actuarial (B) Task Force will specify the
reports to be provided to the professional actuarial associations to fulfill their roles as
specified in Section 3.C of this VM-50. In general, the reports are expected to include
statistical compilation at the industry level.
5. State insurance regulators can use the reports to review long-term trends. Aggregate
experience results may indicate areas warranting additional investigation.
D. Supplemental Reports
1. For specific lines of business and types of experience data, state insurance regulators may
request additional reports from the Experience Reporting Agent. State insurance regulators
also may request custom reports, which may contain specific data or experience not
regularly produced in other reports.
2. The regulator and the Experience Reporting Agent must negotiate time schedules for
producing supplemental reports. The information in these reports is limited by the amount
of data actually available and the manner in which it has been reported.
E. Reports to State Insurance Departments
The Experience Reporting Agent will periodically provide the following reports to state insurance
1. A list of companies whose data is included in the compilation.
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2. A list of companies whose data was excluded from the compilation because it fell outside
of the tolerances set for missing or invalid data, or for any other reason.
Section 6: Confidentiality of Data
A. Confidentiality of Experience Data
1. The confidentiality of the experience data, experience materials and related information
collected pursuant to the Valuation Manual is governed by state laws based on Section
14.A.(5) of Model #820. The following information is considered “confidential
information” by state laws based on Section 14A(5) of the Model #820:
Any documents, materials, data and other information submitted by a company under
Section 13 of [the Standard Valuation Law] (collectively, “experience data”) and any
other documents, materials, data and other information, including, but not limited to,
all working papers, and copies thereof, created or produced in connection with such
experience data, in each case that include any potentially company-identifying or
personally identifiable information, that is provided to or obtained by the commissioner
(together with any “experience data,” the “experience materials”) and any other
documents, materials, data and other information, including, but not limited to, all
working papers, and copies thereof, created, produced or obtained by or disclosed to
the commissioner or any other person in connection with such experience materials.
2. Nothing in the experience reporting requirements or elsewhere within the Valuation
Manual is intended to, or should be construed to, amend or supersede any applicable
statutory requirements, or otherwise require any disclosure of confidential data or materials
that may violate any applicable federal or state laws, rules, regulations, privileges or court
orders applicable to such data or materials.
B. Treatment of Confidential Information
1. Confidential information may be shared only with those individuals and entities specified
in state laws based on Section 14B(3) of Model #820. Any agreement between a state
insurance department and the Experience Reporting Agent will address the extent to which
the Experience Reporting Agent is authorized to share confidential information consistent
with state law.
2. The Experience Reporting Agent may be required to use confidential information in order
to prepare compilations of aggregated experience data that do not permit identification of
individual company experience or personally identifiable information. These reports of
aggregated information, including those reports referenced in Section 5 of VM-50, are not
considered confidential information, and the Experience Reporting Agent may make
publicly available such reports. Reports using aggregate experience data will have
sufficient diversification of data contributors to avoid identification of individual
3. Consistent with state laws based on Section 14B(3) of the Model #820 and any agreements
between a state insurance department and the Experience Reporting Agent, access to the
confidential information will be limited to:
a. State, federal or international regulatory agencies;
b. The company with respect to confidential information it has submitted, and any reports
prepared by the Experience Reporting Agent based on such confidential information;
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c. The NAIC, and its affiliates and subsidiaries;
d. Auditor(s) of the Experience Reporting Agent for purposes of the experience reporting
function outlined in this VM-50; and
e. Other individuals or entities, including contractors or subcontractors of the Experience
Reporting Agent, otherwise assisting the Experience Reporting Agent or state
insurance regulators in fulfilling the purposes of VM-50. These other individuals or
entities may provide services related to a variety of areas of expertise, such as assisting
with performing industry experience studies, developing valuation mortality tables,
data editing and data quality review. These other individuals and entities shall be
subject to the same standards as the Experience Reporting Agent with respect to the
maintenance of confidential information.
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-1
VM-51: Experience Reporting Formats
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................... 51-1
Section 2: Statistical Plan for Mortality ......................................................................................... 51-1
Appendix 1: Preferred Class Structure Questionnaire ....................................................................... 51-5
Appendix 2: Mortality Claims Questionnaire .................................................................................... 51-8
Appendix 3: Additional Plan Code Form ......................................................................................... 51-10
Appendix 4: Mortality Data Elements and Format .......................................................................... 51-12
Section 1: Introduction
A. The experience reporting requirements are defined in Section 3 of VM-50. The experience
reporting requirements state that the Experience Reporting Agent will collect experience data based
on statistical plans that are defined in VM-51 of the Valuation Manual. Statistical plans are to be
added to VM-51 of the Valuation Manual when they are ready to be implemented.
B. Each statistical plan shall contain the following information:
1. The type of experience data to be collected (e.g., mortality experience; policy behavior
experience, such as surrenders, lapses, conversions, premium payment patterns, etc.; and
company expense experience, such as commission expense, policy issue and maintenance
expense, company overhead expenses etc.);
2. The scope of business to be included in the experience data to be collected (e.g., line(s) of
business, such as individual or group, life, annuity or health; product type(s), such as term,
whole life, universal life, indexed life, variable life, fixed annuity, indexed annuity, variable
annuity, LTC or disability income; and type of underwriting, such as medically underwritten,
simplified issue (SI), GI, accelerated, etc.);
3. The criteria for determining which companies or legal entities must submit the experience data
to be collected;
4. The process for submitting the experience data to be collected, which will include the frequency
of the data collection, the due dates for data collection and how the data is to be submitted to
the Experience Reporting Agent;
5. The individual data elements and format for each data element that will be contained in each
experience data record, along with detailed instructions defining each data element or how to
code each data element. Additional information may be required, such as questionnaires and
plan code forms that will assist in defining the individual data elements that may be unique to
each company or legal entity submitting such experience data elements;
6. The experience data reports to be produced.
Section 2: Statistical Plan for Mortality
A. Type of Experience Collected Under This Statistical Plan
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The type of experience to be collected under this statistical plan is mortality experience.
B. Scope of Business Collected Under This Statistical Plan
1. The data for this statistical plan is the individual ordinary life line of business. Such
business is to include direct written business issued in the U.S. All values should be prior
to any reinsurance ceded except for the situation defined in VM-51 Section 2.B.2.
Assumption reinsurance of an individual ordinary life line of business, where the
assuming company is legally responsible for all benefits and claims paid, shall be
included within the scope of this statistical plan. The ordinary life line of business does
not include separate lines of business, such as SI/GI, worksite, individually solicited
group life, direct response, final expense, preneed, home service, credit life, and
corporate-owned life insurance (COLI)/bank-owned life insurance (BOLI)/charity-
owned life insurance (CHOLI).
2. In the event a reinsurer or TPA is responsible for administering a block of business, the
reinsurer or TPA may submit that block of business on behalf of the direct writer. In this
case, the reinsurer or TPA must be identified in Appendix 4 Item 1 - Submitting
Company ID, and the direct writer must be identified in Appendix 4 Item 2 - NAIC
Company Code of Direct Writer.
a. As defined in VM-50 Section 4.B.3, the reconciliation to company statistical and
financial data for both the direct writing company and all reinsurers and/or TPAs
must include lines indicating the amount of business that is being reported by
the reinsurers and/or TPAs. The Experience Reporting Agent will compare the
reconciliations for all business submitted by the direct writer and any reinsurers
and/or TPAs to ensure that all business is included and that there is no double
counting of policies.
b. If an insurance company is required to submit its direct written business and it
also has reinsurance assumed business, it should only submit the assumed
business if asked to do so by the ceding company since some ceding companies
may not have been selected for data submission.
3. The direct writing company is ultimately responsible for all the data submitted for its
C. Criteria to Determine Companies That Are Required to Submit Experience Data
Companies with less than $50 million of direct individual life premium shall be exempted from
reporting experience data required under this statistical plan. This threshold for exemption shall be
measured based on aggregate premium volume of all affiliated companies and shall be reviewed
annually and be subject to change by the Experience Reporting Agent. At its option, a group of
nonexempt affiliated companies may exclude from these requirements affiliated companies with
less than $10 million direct individual life premium provided that the affiliated group remains
Additional exemptions may be granted by the Experience Reporting Agent where appropriate,
following consultation with the domestic insurance regulator, based on achieving a target level of
approximately 85% of industry experience for the type of experience data being collected under
this statistical plan.
D. Process for Submitting Experience Data Under This Statistical Plan
Data for this statistical plan for mortality shall be submitted on an annual basis. Each company
required to submit this data shall submit the data using the Regulatory Data Collection (RDC)
online software submission application developed by the Experience Reporting Agent. For each
data file submitted by a company, the Experience Reporting Agent will perform reasonability and
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completeness checks, as defined in Section 4 of VM-50, on the data. The Experience Reporting
Agent will notify the company within 30 days following the data submission of any possible errors
that need to be corrected. The Experience Reporting Agent will compile and send a report listing
potential errors that need correction to the company.
Data for this statistical plan for mortality will be compiled using a calendar year method. The
reporting calendar year is the calendar year that the company submits the experience data. The
observation calendar year is the calendar year of the experience data that is reported. The
observation calendar year will be one year prior to the reporting calendar year. For example, if the
current calendar year is 2024 and that is the reporting calendar year, the company is to report the
experience data that was in-force or issued in calendar year 2023, which is the observation calendar
year. For the 2024 reporting calendar year, companies who are required to submit data for this
statistical plan for mortality will be required to submit two observation calendar years of data,
namely observation calendar year 2022 and observation calendar year 2023. For reporting calendar
years after 2024, companies who are required to submit data for this statistical plan for mortality
will be required to submit one observation calendar year of data.
Given an observation calendar year of 20XX, the calendar year method requires reporting of
experience data as follows:
i. Report policies in force during or issued during calendar year 20XX.
ii. Report terminations that were incurred in calendar year 20XX and reported before
April 1, 20XX+1. Companies may report terminations reported after April 1,
20XX+1 if they choose to do so. However, exclude rescinded policies (e.g., 10-
day free look exercises) from the data submission.
For any reporting calendar year, the data call will occur during the second quarter, and data is to be
submitted according to the requirements of the Valuation Manual in effect during that calendar
year. Data submissions must be made by Sept. 30 of the reporting calendar year. Corrections of
data submissions must be completed by Feb. 28 of the year following the reporting calendar year.
The NAIC may extend either of these deadlines if it is deemed necessary.
E. Experience Data Elements and Formats Required by This Statistical Plan
Companies subject to reporting pursuant to the criteria stated in Section 2.C are required
to complete the data forms in Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 as appropriate, and
also complete the Experience Data Elements and Formats as defined in Appendix 4.
The data should include policies issued as standard, substandard (optional) or sold within
a preferred class structure. Preferred class structure means that, depending on the
underwriting results, a policy could be issued in classes ranging from a best preferred class
to a residual standard class. Policies issued as part of a preferred class structure are not to
be classified as substandard.
Policies issued as conversions from term or group contracts should be included. For these
converted policies, the issue date should be the issue date of the converted policy, and the
underwriting field will identify them as issues resulting from conversion.
Generally, each policy number represents a policy issued as a result of ordinary
underwriting. If a single life policy, the base policy on a single life has the policy number
and a segment number of 1. On a joint life policy, each life has separate records with the
same policy number. The base policy on the first life has a segment number of 1, and the
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base policy on the second life has a segment number of 2. Policies that cover more than
two lives are not to be submitted.
Term/paid up riders or additional amounts of insurance purchased through dividend options
on a policy issued as a result of ordinary underwriting are to be submitted. Each rider is on
a separate record with the same policy number as the base policy and has a unique segment
number. The details on the rider record may differ from the corresponding details on the
base policy record. If underwriting in addition to the base policy underwriting is done, the
coverage is given its own policy number.
Terminations (both death and non-death) are to be submitted. Terminations are to include
those that occurred in the observation year and were reported by June 30 of the year after
the observation year.
Plans of insurance should be carefully matched with the three-digit codes in item 19, Plan.
These plans of insurance are important because they will be used not only for mortality
experience data collection, but also for policyholder behavior experience data collection.
It is expected that most policies will be matched to three-digit codes that specify a particular
policy type rather than select a code that indicates a general plan type.
Each company is to submit data for in-force and terminated life insurance policies that are
within the scope defined in Section 2.B except:
i. For policies issued before Jan. 1, 1990, companies may certify that
submitting data presents a hardship due to fields not readily available in
their systems/databases or legacy computer systems that continue to be
used for older issued policies and differ from computer systems for
newer issued policies.
ii. For policies issued on or after Jan. 1, 1990, companies must:
a) Document the percentage that the face amount of policies
excluded are relative to the face amount of submitted policies
issued on or after Jan. 1, 1990; and
b) Certify that this requirement presents a hardship due to fields not
readily available in their systems/databases or legacy computer
systems that continue to be used for older issued policies and
differ from computer systems for newer issued policies.
F. Experience Data Reports Required by This Statistical Plan
1. Using the data collected under this statistical plan, the Experience Reporting Agent
will produce an experience data report that aggregates the experience data of all
companies whose data have passed all of the validity and reasonableness checks
outlined in Section 4 of VM-50 and has been determined by the Experience
Reporting Agent to be acceptable to be used in the development of industry
mortality experience.
2. The Experience Reporting Agent will provide to the SOA or other actuarial
professional organizations an experience data report of aggregated experience that
does not disclose a company’s identity, which will be used to develop industry
mortality experience and valuation mortality tables.
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3. As long as a company is licensed in a state, that state insurance regulator will be
given access to a company’s experience data that is stored on a confidential
database at the Experience Reporting Agent. Access by the state insurance
regulator will be controlled by security credentials issued to the state insurance
regulator by the Experience Reporting Agent.
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-6
Appendix 1: Preferred Class Structure Questionnaire
Fill out this preferred class structure questionnaire based on companywide summaries, such as
underwriting guideline manuals, compilations of issue instructions or other documentation.
The purpose of this preferred class structure questionnaire is to gather information on different preferred
class structures. This questionnaire varies between nonsmoker/non-tobacco and smoker/tobacco users and
provides for variations by issue year, face amount and plan. If the company has the standard Relative Risk
Score (RR Score) information available, the company should map its set of preferred class structure to sets
of RR Scores. Except for new preferred class structures or new sets of RR Scores applied to existing
preferred class structure(s), the response to the questionnaire should remain the same from year to year.
If a company has determined sets of RR Scores for its preferred class structures, it should provide separate
preferred class structure responses for each set of RR Scores applied to a preferred class structure. If a
company has not determined sets of RR Scores for its preferred class structures, it should fill out this
questionnaire with its preferred class structures and update the preferred class structure questionnaire at
such future time that sets of RR Scores for the preferred class structures are determined. When sets of RR
Scores are used, there is to be a one-to-one correspondence between a preferred class structure and a set
of RR Scores.
The information given in this questionnaire will be used both to map a set of RR Scores to policy level data
and as a check on the policy-level data submission. Submit this questionnaire along with the initial data
submission to the Experience Reporting Agent.
Each preferred class structure must include at least two classes (e.g., one preferred class and one
standard class). Make as many copies of this preferred class structure questionnaire as necessary for
your individual life business and submit in addition to policy-level detail information.
Company NAIC Company Code
Name Date
PREFERRED CLASS STRUCTURE – Part 1 Nonsmokers/Non-Tobacco Users
Preferred class structure must have at least one preferred and one standard class. Use multiple copies of this
page if needed for nonsmokers/non-tobacco users
Number of Nonsmoker/Non-Tobacco User Risk Classes
a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
Number of Nonsmoker/Non-Tobacco User Risk Classes
a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
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Number of Nonsmoker/Non-Tobacco User Risk Classes
a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
Number of Nonsmoker/Non-Tobacco User Risk Classes
a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
Number of Nonsmoker/Non-Tobacco User Risk Classes
a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
PREFERRED CLASS STRUCTURE Part 2 Smokers/Tobacco Users
Preferred class structure must have at least one preferred and one standard class. Use multiple copies of this
page if needed for smokers/tobacco users
Number of Smoker/Tobacco User Risk Classes
a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
Number of Smoker/Tobacco User Risk Classes
a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
Number of Smoker/Tobacco User Risk Classes
a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
Number of Smoker/Tobacco User Risk Classes
a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
Number of Smoker/Tobacco User Risk Classes
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a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
Number of Smoker/Tobacco User Risk Classes
a) Issue Date Range
b) Issue Age Range
c) Face Amount Range
d) Plan Types (use three-digit codes from item 19, Plan)
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Appendix 2: Mortality Claims Questionnaire
The purpose of this mortality claims questionnaire is for a company to respond to the questions whether or
not it is submitting death claim data as specified. If the company is not submitting death claim data as
specified, provide the additional detail requested.
Fill out this questionnaire for your individual life business and submit in addition to policy-level
Company NAIC Company Code
Name Date
1. If the data is provided using a reporting run-out that is other than six months, what run-out period
was used? mm/dd/yyyy
2. The death claim amounts are to be for the total face amount and on a gross basis (before
reinsurance). The data is based on:
a. Total face amount (for policies that include the cash value in addition to the face amount
as a death benefit, use only the face amount) as specified OR
Other (describe):
If not as specified, indicate time period for which this occurred ___________ - ________
b. Gross basis (before reinsurance) as specified OR  Other (describe):
If not as specified, indicate time period for which this occurred:
___________ - _______
Is this the same basis used for face amounts included in the study data?  Yes  No
3. The date that the termination is reported is to be used for the termination reported date. The date
that the termination actually occurred is to be used for the actual termination date. What dates are
used for death claims in the study data with respect to?
a) Termination reported date
If not reported date, indicate
basis for dates provided
 Reported date
 Other (describe):
b) Actual termination date for death
 Date of death
 Other (describe):
If not date of death, indicate
basis for dates provided
4. Death claims pending at the end of the observation period but paid during the subsequent six months
following the observation year are to be included in the data submission. Claims that are still
pending at the end of the six-month run out are to be included.
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Are such pending claims included in the study data?  Yes  No
If no indicate time period for which this occurred: __________________
5. The face amounts and death claim amounts are to be included without capping by amount. Are the
face amounts and death claims/exposures included without capping by amount?
 Yes No
If No, describe how face amounts and death claims are capped and at what amount the capping is
being done.
6. For death claims on policies issued before 1990:
Are death claims matched up to a corresponding in-force policy?  Yes  No
If no, indicate approach used:
7. Please briefly describe any other unique aspects of the death claims data that are not covered
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Appendix 3: Additional Plan Code Form
If you need an additional plan code(s) for a product(s) in addition to those plan codes in Item 19, Plan, of
the statistical plan for life insurance mortality, fill in this form using plan codes in the range 300 to 999.
Your data submission should reflect the plan codes in this form. Make as many copies as necessary for your
individual life business and submit in addition to policy-level information. When this form is used, it must
be sent to the Experience Reporting Agent at the time that data is submitted.
Completed by: ______________________ Title: _______________________________
NAIC Company Code: _________________
Date: ______
Phone Number: _____________________ Email:_______________________________
Add comments or attachments where necessary.
Enter unique three-digit plan codes for each product.
Plan Code For Product I
Plan Code for Product II
Plan Code for Product III
Enter specific plan names for each product.
A. General Product Information
Product I Product II Product III
1. In what year was each
product introduced?
2. Briefly describe the product.
3. Enter three-digit plan code in
the range 300 to 999.
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-12
B. For the products listed, please fit each product into one of the categories below.
Categories for Product I Categories for Product II Categories for Product III
1 Traditional Whole Life Plans 1 Traditional Whole Life Plans 1 Traditional Whole Life Plans
2 Term Insurance Plans 2 Term Insurance Plans 2 Term Insurance Plans
Universal Life Plans (excl.
Variable and excl. Secondary
Universal Life Plans (excl.
Variable and excl. Secondary
Universal Life Plans (excl.
Variable and excl. Secondary
Universal Life Plans with
Secondary Guarantees (excl.
Universal Life Plans with
Secondary Guarantees (excl.
Universal Life Plans with
Secondary Guarantees (excl.
Variable Life Plans (without
Secondary Guarantees)
Variable Life Plans (without
Secondary Guarantees)
Variable Life Plans (without
Secondary Guarantees)
Variable Life Plans with
Secondary Guarantees
Variable Life Plans with
Secondary Guarantees
Variable Life Plans with
Secondary Guarantees
7 Nonforfeiture 7 Nonforfeiture 7 Nonforfeiture
8 Other 8 Other 8 Other
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Appendix 4: Mortality Data Elements and Format
1 9 Submitting Company
ID number representing the company submitting this
If the company has an NAIC Company Code, then that
code must be used.
If the company does not have an NAIC Company
Code, the company’s Federal Employer Identification
Number (FEIN) must be used.
If the direct writer is the company submitting the data,
items 1 and 2 must contain the same value.
2 5 NAIC Company Code
of the Direct Writer
of Business
The NAIC Company Code of the company that wrote
the business being reported.
In the case of assumption reinsurance where the
assuming company is legally responsible for all
benefits and claims paid, the assuming company is
considered to be the direct writer.
If the direct writer is the company submitting the data
file, items 1 and 2 must contain the same value.
3 4 Observation Year Enter Calendar Year of Observation
4 20 Policy Number Enter Policy Number. For Policy Numbers with length
less than 20, left justify the number, and blank fill the
empty columns. Any other unique identifying number
can be used instead of a Policy Number for privacy
5 3 Segment Number If only one policy segment exists, enter segment
number ‘1.’ For a single life policy, the base policy is
to be put in the record with segment number ‘1.’
Subsequent policy segments are in separate records
with information about that coverage and differing
segment numbers.
For joint life policies, the base policy of the first life is
to be put in a record with segment number ‘1,’ and the
base policy of the second life is to be put in a separate
record with segment number ‘2.’ Joint life policies
with more than two lives are not to be submitted.
Subsequent policy segments are in separate records
with information about that coverage and differing
segment numbers.
Policy segments with the same policy number are to be
submitted for:
a) Single life policies;
b) Joint life policies;
c) Term/paid up riders; or
d) Additional amounts of insurance including
purchase through dividend options.
6 2 State of Issue Use standard, two-letter state abbreviation codes (e.g.,
NY for New York)
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7 1 Gender 0 = Unknown or unable to subdivide
1 = Male
2 = Female
3 = Unisex Unknown or unable to identify
4 = Unisex Male
5 = Unisex Female
8 8 Date of Birth Enter the numeric date of birth in YYYYMMDD
9 1 Age Basis 0 = Age Nearest Birthday
1 = Age Last Birthday
2 = Age Next birthday
Drafting Note: Professional actuarial organization
will need to develop either age next birthday mortality
tables or procedure to adapt existing mortality tables to
age next birthday basis.
10 3 Issue Age Enter the insurance Issue Age
11 8 Issue Date Enter the numeric calendar year in YYYYMMDD
12 1 Smoker Status Smoker status should be submitted where reliable.
0 = Unknown
1 = No tobacco usage
2 = Nonsmoker
3 = Cigarette smoker
4 = Tobacco user
13 1 Preferred Class
Structure Indicator
0 = If no reliable information on multiple preferred
and standard classes is available or if the policy
segment was issued substandard or if there were no
multiple preferred and standard classes available for
this policy segment
or if preferred information is
1 = If this policy was issued in one of the available
multiple preferred and standard classes for this policy
Note: If Preferred Class Structure Indicator is 0, or if
preferred information is unknown, leave next four
items blank.
14 1 Number of Classes in
Nonsmoker Preferred
Class Structure
If Preferred Class Structure Indicator is 0 or if Smoker
Status is 0, 3 or 4, or if preferred information is
unknown, leave blank. For nonsmoker or no tobacco
usage policies that could have been issued as one of
multiple preferred and standard classes, enter the
number of nonsmoker preferred and standard classes
available at time of issue.
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15 1 Nonsmoker Preferred
If Preferred Class Structure Indicator is 0 or if Smoker
Status is 0, 3 or 4, or if preferred information is
unknown, leave blank.
For nonsmoker policy segments that could have been
issued as one of multiple preferred and standard
1 = Best preferred class
2 = Next Best preferred class after 1
3 = Next Best preferred class after 2
4 = Next Best preferred class after 3
5 = Next Best preferred class after 4
6 = Next Best preferred class after 5
7 = Next Best preferred class after 6
8 = Next Best preferred class after 7
9 = Next Best preferred class after 8
Note: The policy segment with the highest nonsmoker
Preferred Class number should have that number equal
to the Number of Classes in Nonsmoker Preferred
Class Structure.
16 1 Number of Classes in
Smoker Preferred
Class Structure
If Preferred Class Structure Indicator is 0 or if Smoker
Status is 0, 1 or 2, or if preferred information is
unknown, leave blank.
For smoker or tobacco user policies that could have
been issued as one of multiple preferred and standard
classes, enter the number of smoker preferred and
standard classes available at time of issue.
17 1 Smoker Preferred
If Preferred Class Structure Indicator is 0 or if Smoker
Status is 0, 1 or 2, or if preferred information is
unknown, leave blank.
For smoker policy segments that could have been
issued as one of multiple preferred and standard
1 = Best preferred class
2 = Next Best preferred class after 1
3 = Next Best preferred class after 2
4 = Next Best preferred class after 3
5 = Next Best preferred class after 4
6 = Next Best preferred class after 5
7 = Next Best preferred class after 6
8 = Next Best preferred class after 7
9 = Next Best preferred class after 8
Note: The policy segment with the highest Smoker
Preferred Class number should have that number equal
to the Number of Classes in Smoker Preferred Class
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-16
18 2 Type of Underwriting
If underwriting requirement of ordinary business is
reliably known, use code other than “99.” Ordinary
business does not include separate lines of business,
such as simplified issue/guaranteed issue, worksite,
individually solicited group life, direct response, final
expense, preneed, home service and
01 = Underwritten, but unknown whether fluid was
02 = Underwritten with no fluid collection
03 = Underwritten with fluid collected
06 = Term Conversion
07 = Group Conversion
09 = Not Underwritten
99 = For issues where underwriting requirement
unknown or unable to subdivide
19 1 Substandard Indicator 0 = Policy segment is not substandard
1 = Policy segment is substandard
2 = Policy segment is uninsurable
a. All policy segments that are
substandard need to be identified
as substandard or uninsurable.
b. Submission of substandard
policies is optional.
c. If feasible, identify substandard
policy segments where temporary
flat extra has ceased as
20 3 Plan Exclude from contribution: spouse and children under
family policies or riders. If Form for Additional Plan
Codes was submitted for this policy, enter unique
three-digit plan number(s) that differ from the plan
numbers below:
000 = If unable to distinguish among plan types listed
100 = Joint life plan unable to distinguish among joint
life plan types listed below
Permanent Plans:
010 = Traditional fixed premium fixed benefit
permanent plan
011 = Permanent life (traditional) with term
012 = Single premium whole life
013 = Econolife (permanent life with lower premiums
in the early durations)
014 = Excess interest whole life
015 = First to die whole life plan (submit separate
records for each life)
016 = Second to die whole life plan (submit separate
records for each life)
017 = Joint whole life plan unknown whether 015 or
016 (submit separate records for each life)
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-17
018 = Permanent products with non-level death
019 = Permanent plans 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015,
016, 017, 018 combined (i.e. unable to separate)
Term Insurance Plans:
020 = Term (traditional level benefit and attained age
021 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for five years and anticipated level
term period for five years)
211 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for five years and anticipated level
term period for 10 years)
212 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for five years and anticipated level
term period for 15 years)
213 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for five years and anticipated level
term period for 20 years)
214 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for five years and anticipated level
term period for 25 years)
215 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for five years and anticipated level
term period for 30 years)
022 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 10 years and anticipated level term
period for 10 years)
221 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 10 years and anticipated level term
period for 15 years)
222 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 10 years and anticipated level term
period for 20 years)
223 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 10 years and anticipated level term
period for 25 years)
224 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 10 years and anticipated level term
period for 30 years)
023 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 15 years and anticipated level term
period for 15 years)
231 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 15 years and anticipated level term
period for 20 years)
232 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 15 years and anticipated level term
period for 25 years)
233 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 15 years and anticipated level term
period for 30 years)
024 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 20 years and anticipated level term
period for 20 years)
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-18
241 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 20 years and anticipated level term
period for 25 years)
242 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 20 years and anticipated level term
period for 30 year)
025 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 25 years and anticipated level term
period for 25 years)
251 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 25 years and anticipated level term
period for 30 year)
026 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium for 30 years and anticipated level term
period for 30 years)
027 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium period equal to anticipated level term
period where the period is other than five, 10,
15, 20, 25 or 30 years)
271 = Term (level death benefit with guaranteed level
premium period not equal to anticipated level
term period, where the periods are other than
five, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years)
028 = Term (decreasing benefit)
040 = Select ultimate term (premium depends on issue
age and duration)
041 = Return of Premium Term (level death benefit
with guaranteed level premium for 15 years)
042 = Return of Premium Term (level death benefit
with guaranteed level premium for 20 years)
043 = Return of Premium Term (level death benefit
with guaranteed level premium for 25 years)
044 = Return of Premium Term (level death benefit
with guaranteed level premium for 30 years)
045 = Return of Premium Term (level death benefit
with guaranteed level premium for period other
than 15, 20, 25 or 30 years)
046 = Economatic term
059 = Term plan, unable to classify
101 = First to die term plan (submit separate records
for each life)
102 = Second to die term plan (submit separate records
for each life)
103 = Joint term plan unknown whether 101 or 102
(submit separate records for each life)
Universal Life Plans (Other than Variable), issued
without a Secondary Guarantee:
061 = Single premium universal life
062 = Universal life (decreasing risk amount)
063 = Universal life (level risk amount)
064 = Universal life unknown whether code 062 or
065 = First to die universal life plan (submit separate
records for each life)
066 = Second to die universal life plan (submit
separate records for each life)
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-19
067 = Joint life universal life plan unknown whether
code 065 or 066 (submit separate records for
each life)
068 = Indexed universal life
Universal Life Plans (Other than Variable) with
Secondary Guarantees:
071 = Single premium universal life with secondary
072 = Universal life with secondary guarantees
(decreasing risk amount)
073 = Universal life with secondary guarantees (level
risk amount)
074 = Universal life with secondary guarantees
unknown whether code 072 or 073
075 = First to die universal life plan with secondary
guarantees (submit separate records for each
076 = Second to die universal life plan with secondary
guarantees (submit separate records for each
077 = Joint life universal life plan with secondary
guarantees unknown whether code 075 or 076
(submit separate records for each life)
078 = Indexed universal life with secondary
Variable Life Plans issued without a Secondary
080 = Variable life
081 = Variable universal life (decreasing risk amount)
082 = Variable universal life (level risk amount)
083 = Variable universal life unknown whether code
081 or 082
084 = First to die variable universal life plan (submit
separate records for each life)
085 = Second to die variable universal life plan
(submit separate records for each life)
086 = Joint life variable universal life plan unknown
whether 084 or 085 (submit separate records for
each life)
Variable Life Plans with Secondary Guarantees:
090 = Variable life with secondary guarantees
091 = Variable universal life with secondary
guarantees (decreasing risk amount)
092 = Variable universal life with secondary
guarantees (level risk amount)
093 = Variable universal life with secondary
guarantees unknown whether code 091 or 092
094 = First to die variable universal life plan with
secondary guarantees (submit separate records
for each life)
095 = Second to die variable universal life plan with
secondary guarantees (submit separate records
for each life)
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-20
096 = Joint life variable universal life plan with
secondary guarantees unknown whether code
094 or 095 (submit separate records for each
Coverage purchased with dividends:
196 = Paid Up Additions
197 = One-Year Term
098 = Extended term
099 = Reduced paid-up
198 = Extended term for joint life (submit separate
records for each life)
199 = Reduced paid-up for joint life (submit separate
records for each life)
21 1 In-force Indicator 0 = If the policy segment was not in force at the end of
the calendar year of observation
1 = If the policy segment was in force at the end of the
calendar year of observation
22 12 Face Amount of
Insurance at Issue
Face amount of the policy segment at its issue date
rounded to nearest dollar. If policy provides payment
of cash value in addition to face amount, include face
amount and do not include cash value. If the policy
was issued during the observation year, the Face
Amount of Insurance at the Beginning of the
Observation Year should be blank.
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-21
23 12 Face Amount of
Insurance at the
Beginning of the
Observation Year
Face amount of the policy segment at the beginning of
the calendar year of observation rounded to nearest
dollar. If policy provides payment of cash value in
addition to face amount, include face amount and do
not include cash value. Exclude extra amounts
attributable to 7702 corridors. If the policy was issued
during the observation year, the Face Amount at the
Beginning of the Observation Year should be blank.
24 12 Face Amount of
Insurance at the End
of the Observation
Face amount of the policy segment at the end of the
calendar year of observation rounded to nearest dollar.
If policy provides payment of cash value in addition to
face amount, include face amount, and do not include
cash value.
Exclude extra amounts attributable to 7702
If In-force Indicator is 0, enter face amount of the
policy segment at the time of termination, if available;
otherwise, leave blank.
25 12 Death Claim Amount
If In-force Indicator is 1, leave blank.
Death claim amount rounded to the nearest dollar.
If In-force Indicator is 0 and Cause of Termination is
04, then enter the face amount.
If In-force Indicator is 0 and Cause of Termination is
not 04, then leave blank.
If the policy provides payment of cash value in
addition to face amount, report face amount, and do
not include cash value.
26 8 Termination Reported
If In-force Indicator is 1, leave blank.
Enter in the format YYYYMMDD the eight-digit
calendar date that the termination was reported.
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27 8 Actual Termination
If In-force Indicator is 1, leave blank.
Enter in the format YYYYMMDD the eight-digit
calendar date when the termination occurred.
If termination is due to death (Cause of Termination is
04), enter actual date of death.
If termination is lapse due to non-payment of premium
(Cause of Termination is 01 or 02 or 14), enter the last
day the premium was paid to.
28 2 Cause of Termination If Inforce Indicator is 1, leave blank.
00 = Termination type unknown or unable to
01 = Reduced paid-up
02 = Extended term
03 = Voluntary; unable to subdivide among 01, 02, 07,
09, 10, 11 or 13
04 = Death
05 = Death due to COVID-19
07 = 1035 exchange
09 = Term conversion unknown whether attained
age or original age
10 = Attained age term conversion
11 = Original age term conversion
12 = Coverage expired or contract reached end of the
mortality table
13 = Surrendered for full cash value
14 = Lapse (other than to Reduced Paid Up or
Extended Term)
15 = Termination via payment of a discounted face
amount while still alive, pursuant to an accelerated
death benefit provision
Annualized Premium
at Issue
For level term segments with plan codes 021 through
027, 041 through 045 or 211 through 271 of Item 19,
Plan, enter the annualized premium set at issue.
Except for level term segments specified above, leave
blank for non-base segments.
For the base segments for ULSG, and Variable Life
with Secondary Guarantees (VLSG) with plan codes
071 through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan,
enter the annualized billed premium set at issue.
Round to the nearest dollar.
If unknown, leave blank.
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Annualized Premium
at the Beginning of
Observation Year
For level term segments with plan codes 021 through
027, 041 through 045 or 211 through 271 of Item 19,
Plan, enter the annualized premium for the policy year
that includes the beginning of the observation year.
Except for level term segments specified above, leave
blank for non-base segments.
For the base segments for ULSG and VLSG with plan
codes 071 through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19,
Plan, enter the annualized billed premium for
the policy year that includes the beginning of the
observation year.
Round to the nearest dollar.
For policies issued in the observation year, leave
If unknown, leave blank.
Annualized Premium
at the End of
Observation, if
available. Otherwise
Annualized Premium
as of Year/Actual
Termination Date
For level term segments with plan codes 021 through
027, 041 through 045 or 211 through 271 of Item 19,
Plan, for each segment that has Item 20, with the In-
force Indicator = 1, enter the annualized premium for
the policy year that includes the end of the observation
year. Otherwise, enter the annualized premium that
would have been paid at the end of the observation
year. If end of year premium is not available, enter the
annualized premium as of the Actual Termination Date
(Item 26).
Except for level term segments specified above, leave
blank for non-base segments.
For the base segments for ULSG and VLSG with plan
codes 071 through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19,
Plan, use the annualized billed premium. For base
segments that have Item 20, with the Inforce Indicator
enter the annualized billed premium for the policy
year that includes the end of the observation year.
Otherwise, enter the annualized billed premium that
would have been paid at the end of the observation
year. If end of
year premium is not available, enter the annualized
premium as of the Actual Termination Date (Item 26).
Round to the nearest dollar.
If unknown, leave blank.
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-24
Premium Mode
01 = Annual
02 = Semiannual
03 = Quarterly
04 = Monthly Bill Sent
05 = Monthly Automatic Payment
06 = Semimonthly
07 = Biweekly
08 = Weekly
09 = Single Premium
10 = Other / Unknown
Collected as of the
Beginning of
Observation Year
If not ULSG or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG, and VLSG policies with plan codes
071 through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19,
1) For non-base segments, leave blank.
2) For base segments, enter the cumulative
premium collected since issue, as of
beginning of the observation year. Round to the
nearest dollar.
For policies issued in the observation year, leave
blank. If unknown, leave blank.
Collected as of the
End of Observation
Year if available.
Premium Collected
as of Actual
Termination Date
If not ULSG or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG, and VLSG policies with plan codes
071 through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19,
For non-base segments, leave blank.
For base segments inforce at the end of the
observation year, enter the cumulative premium
collected as of
the end of the observation year.
For base segments terminated during the
observation year, enter the cumulative premium
collected since issue, as of the Actual
Termination Date (Item 26).
Round to the nearest dollar.
If unknown, leave blank.
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-25
Premium Type
For non-base segments, leave blank.
If not ULSG or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG and VLSG policies with plan codes 071
through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan:
00 = Unknown
01 = Single premium
02 = ULSG/VLSG Whole life level
03 = Lower premium (term like)
04 = Other
Type of Secondary
For non-base segments, leave blank.
If not ULSG or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG and VLSG policies with plan codes 071
through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan:
00 = Unknown
01 = Cumulative Premium without Interest (Single
02 = Cumulative Premium without Interest
(Multiple Tier)
03 = Cumulative Premium without Interest (Other)
04 = Cumulative Premium with Interest (Single
05 = Cumulative Premium with Interest (Multiple
06 = Cumulative Premium with Interest (Other)
11 = Shadow Account (Single Tier)
12 = Shadow Account (Multiple Tier)
13 = Shadow Account (Other)
21 = Both Cumulative Premium without Interest
and Shadow Account
22 = Both Cumulative Premium with Interest and
Shadow Account
23= Other, not involving either Cumulative
Premium or Shadow Account
Premium as of the
Beginning of
Observation Year
If not ULSG or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG and VLSG policies with plan codes 071
through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan:
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is blank,
00, 11, 12, 13 or 23, leave blank.
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is 01, 02,
03, 04, 05, 06, 21 or 22:
1) Leave non-base segments, blank.
2) For base segments:
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-26
Enter the cumulative minimum premiums,
including applicable interest, for all policy
years up to the beginning of the observation
Round to the nearest dollar.
For policies issued in the observation year, leave
If unknown, leave blank.
Premium as of the
End of Observation
Year/ Actual
Termination Date
If not ULSG or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG and VLSG policies with plan codes 071
through 078 and 090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan:
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is blank,
00, 11, 12, 13 or 23, leave blank.
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is 01, 02,
03, 04, 05, 06, 21 or 22:
For non-base segments, leave blank.
For base segments inforce at the end of the
observation year, enter the cumulative
premiums, including applicable
interest, up to the end of the observation year.
For base segments terminated during the
observation year, enter the cumulative
minimum premiums, including applicable
interest, up to the Actual Termination Date
(Item 26)
Round to the nearest dollar.
If unknown, leave blank.
Shadow Account
Amount at the
Beginning of
Observation Year
If not ULSG, or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG and VLSG policies with plan codes 071
through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan:
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is blank,
00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, or 23 leave blank.
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is 11, 12,
13, 21 or 22:
1) Leave non-base segments blank.
2) For base segments:
Enter total amount of the Shadow Account at the
beginning of the observation year. The Shadow
Account can be positive, zero or negative.
Round to the nearest dollar.
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-27
For policies issued in the observation year, leave
If unknown, leave blank.
Shadow Account
Amount at the End
of Observation
Year/ Actual
Termination Date
If not ULSG, or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG and VLSG policies with plan codes 071
through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan:
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is blank,
00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, or 23 leave blank.
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is 11, 12,
13, 21 or 22:
For non-base segments, leave blank.
For base segments inforce at the end of the
observation year, enter the total amount of the
Shadow Account at the end of the observation
year. The Shadow Account can be positive, zero
or negative.
For base segments terminated during the
observation year, enter the total amount of the
Shadow Account as of the Actual Termination
Date (Item 26). The Shadow Account can be
positive, zero or negative.
Round to the nearest dollar.
If unknown, leave blank.
Account Value at
Beginning of
Observation Year
For non-base segments, leave blank.
If not ULSG or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG and VLSG policies with plan codes 071
through 078 or090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan, the
policy Account Value (gross of any loan) at the
Beginning of the Observation Year. The policy
Account Value can be positive, zero or negative.
Round to the nearest dollar.
For policies issued in the observation year, leave
If unknown, leave blank.
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-28
Account Value at
the End of
Termination Date
For non-base segments, leave blank.
If not ULSG or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG and VLSG policies with plan codes 071
through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan:
If policy is in force at the end of observation
year, enter the policy Account Value (gross of
any loan) at the end of the Observation Year.
The policy Account Value can be positive, zero
or negative.
If policy terminated during the observation year,
enter the policy Account Value (gross of any
loan) as of the Actual Termination Date (Item
26). The policy Account Value can be positive,
zero or negative.
Round to the nearest dollar.
If unknown, leave blank.
Amount of
Charge at the
Beginning of
Observation Year
For non-base segments, leave blank.
If not ULSG or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG and VLSG policies with plan codes 071
through 078 and 090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan,
enter the dollar Amount of the Surrender Charge as
of the Beginning of the Observation Year.
Round to the nearest dollar.
For policies issued in the observation year, leave
If unknown, leave blank.
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-29
Amount of
Surrender Charge at
the End of
Termination Date
For non-base segments, leave blank.
If not ULSG or VLSG, leave blank.
For ULSG and VLSG policies with plan codes 071
through 078 or 090 through 096 of Item 19, Plan:
If policy is in force at the end of observation
enter the dollar amount of the Surrender Charge
at the end of the Observation Year.
2) If policy terminated during the observation year,
enter the dollar amount of the Surrender Charge
as of the Actual Termination Date (Item 26).
Round to the nearest dollar.
If unknown, leave blank.
Guarantee at the
Beginning of
Observation Year
The company defines whether a secondary
guarantee is in effect for a policy with a secondary
guarantee at the beginning of the Observation Year.
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is blank,
leave blank.
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is 00
through 23:
1) For non-base segments, leave blank.
2) For base segments:
00 = If unknown whether the secondary guarantee
is in effect
01 = If secondary guarantee is not in effect
02 = If secondary guarantee is in effect
03 = If all secondary guarantees have expired
Guarantee at the
End of Observation
Termination Date
The company defines whether a secondary
guarantee is in effect for a policy with a secondary
guarantee at the end of the Observation Year/Actual
Termination Date.
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is blank,
leave blank.
If Item 35, Type of Secondary Guarantee is 00
through 23:
1) For non-base segments, leave blank.
For base segments in force at the end of
observation year, enter the appropriate value
below as of the end of observation year:
00 = If unknown whether the secondary
guarantee is in effect
01 = If secondary guarantee is not in effect
02 = If secondary guarantee is in effect
03 = If all secondary guarantees have expired
For base segments terminated during the
observation year, enter the appropriate value
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-30
below as of the Actual Termination Date (Item
00 = If unknown whether the secondary
guarantee is in effect
01 = If secondary guarantee is not in effect
02 = If secondary guarantee is in effect
03 = If all secondary guarantees have expired
Owner’s State of
Use standard, two-letter state abbreviations codes
(e.g., FL for Florida) for the policy owner’s state of
If unknown or outside of the U.S., leave blank.
Experience Reporting Formats VM-51
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51-31
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners A-1
VM-A: Appendix A Requirements
Unless otherwise noted, this appendix references the following requirements from Appendix A of the AP&P
Reference TITLE
A-200 Separate Accounts Funding Guaranteed Minimum Benefits Under Group Contracts
A-235 Interest-Indexed Annuity Contracts
A-250 Variable Annuities
A-255 Modified Guaranteed Annuities
A-270 Variable Life Insurance
A-585 Universal Life Insurance
A-588 Modified Guaranteed Life Insurance
A-620 Accelerated Benefits
A-641 Long-Term Care Insurance
A-695 Synthetic Guaranteed Investment Contracts
A-785 Credit for Reinsurance
A-791 Life and Health Reinsurance Agreements
Smoker/Nonsmoker Mortality Tables for Use in Determining Minimum
Reserve Liabilities
Recognition of the 2001 CSO Mortality Table for Use in Determining Minimum Reserve
Liabilities and Nonforfeiture Benefits Model Regulation (Model #814, NAIC adoption
Model Regulation Permitting the Recognition of Preferred Mortality Tables for Use in
Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities
A-817 Preneed Life Insurance Minimum Standards
A-820 Minimum Life and Annuities Reserve Standards
A-821 Annuity Mortality Table for Use in Determining Reserve Liabilities for Annuities
Valuation of Life Insurance Policies (Including the Introduction and Use of New Select
Mortality Factors)
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners A-2
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners C-1
VM-C: Appendix C Actuarial Guidelines
Guidance Note: This appendix references the following requirements from Appendix C of the AP&P
Guideline No. TITLE
Interpretation of the Standard Valuation Law With Respect to the Valuation of Policies Whose
Valuation Net Premiums Exceed the Actual Gross Premium Collected
Reserve Requirements With Respect to Interest Rate Guidelines on Active Life Funds Held
Relative to Group Annuity Contracts
Actuarial Interpretation Regarding Minimum Reserves for Certain Forms of Term Life
Interpretation Regarding Acceptable Approximations for Continuous Functions
Interpretation Regarding Use of Single Life or Joint Life Mortality Tables Draft 20 June 1983
VII Interpretation Regarding Calculations of Equivalent Level Amounts
VIII The Valuation of Individual Single Premium Deferred Annuities
Form Classification of Individual Single Premium Immediate Annuities for Application of the
Valuation and Nonforfeiture Laws
Use of Substandard Annuity Mortality Tables in Valuing Impaired Lives Under Structured
Clarification of Methods Under Standard Valuation Law for Individual Single Premium
Immediate Annuities, Any Deferred Payments Associated Therewith, Some Deferred Annuities
and Structured Settlements Contracts
Use of Substandard Annuity Mortality Tables in Valuing Impaired Lives Under Individual
Single Premium Immediate Annuities
XIII Guideline Concerning the Commissioners’ Annuity Reserve Valuation Method
XIV Surveillance Procedure for Review of the Actuarial Opinion for Life and Health Insurers
XVI Calculation of CRVM Reserves on Select Mortality and/or Split Interest
XVII Calculation of CRVM Reserves When Death Benefits are not Level
Calculation of CRVM Reserves on Semi-Continuous, Fully Continuous or Discounted
Continuous Basis
1980 CSO Mortality Table With Ten-Year Select Mortality Factors
Joint Life Functions for 1980 CSO Mortality Table
Calculation of CRVM Reserves When (b) is Greater Than (a) and Some Rules for
Determination of (a)
Guideline Concerning Variable Life Insurance Separate Account Investments
Calculation of Minimum Reserves and Minimum Nonforfeiture Values for Policies With
Guaranteed Increasing Death Benefits Based on an Index
Election of Operative Dates Under Standard Valuation Law and Standard Nonforfeiture Law
Accelerated Benefits
Statutory Claim Reserves For Group Long-Term Disability Contracts With a Survivor Income
Benefit Provision
Guideline Concerning Reserves of Companies in Rehabilitation
Guideline for the Application of Plan Type to Guaranteed Interest Contracts (GICS) With
Benefit Responsive Payment Provisions Used to Fund Employee Benefit Plans
Valuation Issues vs. Policy Form Approval
Reserve for Immediate Payment of Claims
Determining CARVM Reserves for Annuity Contracts With Elective Benefits
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners C-2
Guideline No. TITLE
The Application of the Commissioners Annuity Reserve Method to Equity Indexed
The Application of the Commissioners Reserve Valuation Method to Equity Indexed Life
Insurance Policies
XXXVII Variable Life Insurance Reserves for Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefits
XXXVIII The Application of the Valuation of Life Insurance Policies Model Regulation (“Model”)
Guideline for Valuation Rate of Interest for Funding Agreements and Guaranteed Interest
Contracts (GICS) With Bail-Out Provisions
XLI Projection of Guaranteed Nonforfeiture Benefits under CARVM
The Application of the Model Regulation Permitting the Recognition of Preferred Mortality
Tables for Use in Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities
XLIV Group Term Life Waiver of Premium Disabled Life Reserves
Interpretation of the Calculation of the Segment Length With Respect to the Life Insurance
Policies Model Regulation upon a Change in the Valuation Mortality Rates Subsequent to
AG App
Appendix to Guidelines New York State Insurance Department Maximum Reserve
Valuation and Maximum Life Policy Nonforfeiture Interest Rates
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners C-3
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners G-1
VM-G: Appendix G Corporate Governance Guidance for Principle-Based Reserves
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction, Definition and Scope ................................................................................ G-1
Section 2: Guidance for the Board .................................................................................................. G-2
Section 3: Guidance for Senior Management .................................................................................. G-2
Section 4: Responsibilities of Qualified Actuaries .......................................................................... G-4
Section 1: Introduction, Definition and Scope
A. A principle-based approach to the calculation of reserves places the responsibility for actuarial and
financial assumptions with respect to the determination of sufficient reserves on individual
companies, as compared with reserves determined strictly according to formulas prescribed by
regulators. This responsibility requires that sufficient measures are established for oversight of the
function related to principle-based reserves.
The corporate governance guidance provided in VM-G is applicable only to a principle-based
valuation calculated according to methods defined in VM-20 and VM-21, except for the following
For a company that does not compute any deterministic or SR under VM-20 as a result of passing
the exclusion tests as defined in VM20 Section 6, and all contracts subject to reserves under VM-
21 are determined by application of the Alternative Methodology, VM-G Sections 2 and 3 below
are generally not applicable; the requirements of Section 4 are still applicable. However, if the
company calculated the SERT using the DR method outlined in VM-20 Section 6.A.2.b.i.a, or the
Stochastic Exclusion Demonstration Test outlined in VM-20 Section 6.A.3, then VM-G Sections 2
and 3 are applicable.
Guidance Note: Given requirements in AG 43 are intended to be the same as those in VM-21, if a
company chooses to aggregate business subject to AG 43 with business subject to VM-21 in
calculating the reserve, then the provisions in VM-G apply to this aggregate principle-based
B. In carrying out the responsibility described in Section 1.A for each group of policies and contracts
subject to Section 12 of Model #820, the company shall assign to one or more qualified actuaries
the responsibilities indicated in Section 4.A.
C. For the purposes of VM-G:
1. The term “group of insurance companies” means a set of insurance companies in a holding
company system (for purposes of applicable insurance holding company system acts) that
is designated as a group of insurance companies by the senior management of any holding
company that is a holding company of all the insurance companies in such set of insurance
2. The terms “board” and “board of directors” mean: (a) the board of an insurance company
that has not been designated to be part of a group of insurance companies; or (b) the board
of a single company within a group of insurance companies that is designated by the senior
management of any holding company of all the insurance companies in such group of
insurance companies, or a committee of such board, consisting of members of such board,
duly appointed by such board and authorized by such board to perform functions
substantially similar to those described in this section.
Appendix G Corporate Governance Guidance for Principle-Based Reserves VM-G
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners G-2
Guidance Note: The group of companies is a group of life insurers designated by senior
management for purposes of managing the PBR process, and the board is the appropriate board
responsible for those companies.
3. The term “senior management” includes the highest ranking officers of an insurance
company or group of insurance companies with responsibilities for operating results, risk
assessment and financial reporting (e.g., the chief executive officer [CEO], chief financial
officer [CFO], chief actuary and chief risk officer [CRO]) and such other senior officers as
may be designated by the insurance company or group of insurance companies.
D. Section 2 and Section 3 below, while not expanding the existing legal duties of a company’s board
of directors and senior management, provide guidance that focuses on their roles in the context of
principle-based valuations. Section 2 and Section 3 are not applicable for companies meeting the
requirements to be exempt from Section 2 and Section 3 as outlined in Section 1.A above.
While existing governance standards encompass adequate and appropriate standards for oversight
of PBR, Section 2 and Section 3 below describe guidance for the roles of the board of directors and
senior management, in light of their existing duties as applied in the context of PBR. It is not
intended to create new duties but rather to emphasize and clarify how their duties apply to the PBR
actuarial valuation function of an insurance company or group of insurance companies. To the
extent that any law or regulation conflicts with the guidance described herein, such other law or
regulation shall prevail, and the conflicting parts of this section VM-G shall not apply.
E. The company shall retain governance documentation on file for at least seven years from the
valuation date, including that required by VM-G Section 2.A.5, Section 3.A.6 and Section
4.A.3. This documentation shall be available upon request.
Section 2: Guidance for the Board
A. Commensurate with the materiality of PBR in relationship to the overall risks borne by the
insurance company and consistent with its oversight role, the board is responsible for:
1. Overseeing the process undertaken by senior management to identify, and correct where
needed, any material weakness in the internal controls of the insurance company or group
of insurance companies with respect to a principle-based valuation.
2. Overseeing the infrastructure (consisting of policies, procedures, controls and resources)
in place to implement principle-based valuation processes.
3. Receiving and reviewing the reports and certifications referenced in Section 3.A.6.
4. Interacting with senior management to resolve questions and collect additional information
as the board requests.
5. Documenting the review and actions undertaken by the board, relating to the principle-
based valuation function, in the minutes of all board meetings where such function is
Section 3: Guidance for Senior Management
A. Senior management is responsible for directing the implementation and ongoing operation of the
principle-based valuation function. This includes:
Appendix G Corporate Governance Guidance for Principle-Based Reserves VM-G
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners G-3
1. Ensuring that an adequate infrastructure (consisting of the policies, procedures, controls,
and resources) has been established to implement the principle-based valuation function.
2. Reviewing the elements of the principle-based valuation (consisting of the assumptions,
methods and models used to determine PBR of the insurance company or group of
insurance companies) that have been put in place, and whether these elements of the
principle-based valuation appear to be consistent with, but not necessarily identical to,
those for other company risk assessment processes, while recognizing potential differences
in financial reporting structures and any prescribed assumptions or methods.
3. Reviewing and addressing any significant and unusual issues and/or findings in light of the
results of the principle-based valuation processes and applicable sensitivity tests of the
insurance company or group of insurance companies.
4. Ensuring the adoption of internal controls with respect to the principle-based valuations of
the insurance company or group of insurance companies that are designed to provide
reasonable assurance that all material risks inherent in the liabilities and assets subject to
such valuations are included, and that such valuations are made in accordance with the
Valuation Manual and regulatory requirements and actuarial standards. Senior
management is responsible for ensuring that an annual evaluation is made of such internal
controls and for communicating the results of that evaluation to the board of directors.
5. Determining that:
a. Resources are adequate to carry out the modeling function with skill and
b. A process exists that ensures that models and procedures produce the intended
results relative to the principle-based valuation objectives as outlined in Section
12.A of Model #820.
c. A process exists that validates data for determination of model input assumptions,
other than input assumptions that are prescribed in law, regulation or the Valuation
Manual for use in determining PBR.
d. A process exists that is appropriately designed to ensure that model input is
appropriate given the experience of the insurance company or group of insurance
companies, other than model inputs that are prescribed in law, regulation or the
Valuation Manual for use in determining PBR.
e. A process exists that reviews principle-based valuations to find and limit material
errors and material weaknesses (such process (a) to provide a credible ongoing
effort to improve model performance where material errors and weaknesses exist,
and (b) to include a regular cycle of model validation that includes monitoring of
model performance and stability, review of model relationships, and testing of
model outputs against outcomes).
f. A review procedure and basis for reliance on principle-based valuation processes
has been established that includes consideration of reporting on the adequacy of
PBR, the implementation of policies, reporting and internal controls, and the work
of the appointed actuary.
6. Facilitating the board’s oversight role by reporting to the board, no less frequently than
annually, regarding such matters as:
Appendix G Corporate Governance Guidance for Principle-Based Reserves VM-G
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners G-4
a. The infrastructure (consisting of the policies, procedures, controls and resources)
that senior management has established to support the PBR actuarial valuation
b. The critical risk elements of the valuation as applicablerelated to the
assumptions, methods and modelsand their relationship to those for other risk
assessment processes, noting differences in financial reporting structures and any
prescribed assumptions or methods.
c. The level of knowledge and experience of senior management personnel
responsible for monitoring, controlling and auditing PBR.
d. Reports related to governance of PBR, including:
i. The certification of the effectiveness of internal controls with respect to
the PBR, as provided in Section 12.B.(2) of Model #820.
ii. The certifications from the Investment Officer on Investments and
Qualified Actuary on Investments, as provided in VM-31 Sections
3.D.14.a and 3.D.14.b, and VM-31 Sections 3.F.16.a and 3.F.16.b.
Section 4: Responsibilities of Qualified Actuaries
A. The responsibilities assigned by the company to one or more qualified actuaries with respect to a
group of policies or contracts under Section 1.B are:
1. The responsibility for overseeing the calculation of PBR for that group of policies or
2. The responsibility for verifying that:
a. The assumptions, methods and models that are used in determining PBR; and
b. The company’s documented internal standards used in the principle-based
valuation processes, the company’s documented internal controls and
documentation used for such reserves,
appropriately reflect the requirements of the Valuation Manual for that group of policies
or contracts. In particular, the qualified actuaries are required to certify that the assumptions
used in the principle-based valuation, other than assumptions that are prescribed in the
Valuation Manual or by law or regulation, or that pertain to risk factors that are modeled
stochastically, are prudent estimates, as defined in VM-01, with appropriate margins. The
qualified actuaries are not required to verify the appropriateness of any prescribed
assumptions, methods or models but are required to verify that they are being used as
3. The responsibility for providing a summary report to the board and to senior management
on the valuation processes used to determine and test PBR, the principle-based valuation
results, the general level of conservatism incorporated into the company’s PBR, the
materiality of PBR in relationship to the overall liabilities of the company, and significant
and unusual issues and/or findings.
If Sections 2 and 3 are not applicable because the company met the requirements to be
exempt from Section 2 and Section 3 as outlined in Section 1.A, this particular reporting
to board and senior management is limited to:
Appendix G Corporate Governance Guidance for Principle-Based Reserves VM-G
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners G-5
a. For VM-20, notifying senior management if the company is at risk of failing either
exclusion test, and if so, reporting on the company’s readiness to calculate
deterministic and SR; and
b. For VM-21, notifying senior management if the company may not be able to use
the Alternative Methodology for all business subject to VM-21, and if so, reporting
on the company’s readiness to calculate a SR.
4. The responsibility for preparing the PBR Actuarial Report with respect to that group of
policies or contracts, as described in VM-31.
5. The responsibility for disclosing to the company’s external auditors and regulators any
significant unresolved issues regarding the company’s PBR held with respect to that group
of policies or contracts.
B. A qualified actuary assigned responsibilities under Section 1.B with respect to a group of policies
or contracts may be required to make any certification required by the Valuation Manual, but is not
required, except in regard to any responsibilities he or she may have as the appointed actuary under
VM-30, to opine upon or certify the adequacy of the aggregate reserve for that group of policies or
contracts, the company’s surplus or the company’s future financial condition.
C. The responsibilities of the appointed actuary are described in VM-30.
Appendix G Corporate Governance Guidance for Principle-Based Reserves VM-G
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners G-6
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© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners M-1
Table of Contents
Section 1: Valuation and Nonforfeiture Mortality Tables ...............................................................
Section 2: Industry Experience Valuation Basic Tables ................................................................. M-4
A. “Composite mortality table” means a mortality table with rates of mortality that do not distinguish
between smokers and nonsmokers.
B. “Smoker and nonsmoker mortality table” means a mortality table with separate rates of mortality
for smokers and nonsmokers.
Section 1: Valuation and Nonforfeiture Mortality Tables
A. 1959 Accidental Death Benefits Table
B. 1961 Commissioners Standard Industrial Mortality Table
Composite Table (1961 CSI)
Proceedings of the NAIC, 1961 Volume II: pages 538–540
C. 1961 Commissioners Industrial Extended Term Insurance Table
Composite Table (1961 CIET)
Proceedings of the NAIC, 1961 Volume II: pages 541–543
D. 1980 CSO Mortality Tables
1. Composite tables (with optional 10-Year Select Mortality Factors) (1980 CSO)
Proceedings of the NAIC, 1980 Volume I: page 598
2. Smoker/Nonsmoker tables (1980 CSO NS and 1980 CSO SM)
Proceedings of the NAIC, 1984: pages 406413
3. Blended tables (1980 CSO B, 1980 CSO C, 1980 CSO D, 1980 CSO E, 1980 CSO F)
Proceedings of the NAIC, 1984: pages 396400
E. 1980 Commissioners Extended Term Insurance Tables
1. Composite Tables (1980 CET)
Proceedings of the NAIC, 1980 Volume I: page 619
2. Smoker/Nonsmoker tables (1980 CET NS and 1980 CET SM)
Proceedings of the NAIC, 1984: pages 406413
3. Blended tables (1980 CET B, 1980 CET C, 1980 CET D, 1980 CET E, 1980 CET F)
Proceedings of the NAIC, 1984: pages 396400
F. 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Table Without Projection
G. 2001 Commissioners Standard Ordinary Mortality Tables (2001 CSO)
1. “2001 CSO Mortality Table” means that mortality table, consisting of separate rates of
mortality for male and female lives, developed by the Academy CSO Task Force from the
Valuation Basic Mortality Table developed by the SOA Individual Life Insurance
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners M-2
Valuation Mortality Task Force, and adopted by the NAIC in December 2002. The 2001
CSO Mortality Table is included in the Proceedings of the NAIC (2nd Quarter 2002).
Unless the context indicates otherwise, the “2001 CSO Mortality Table” includes both the
ultimate form of that table and the select and ultimate form of that table and includes both
the smoker and nonsmoker mortality tables and the composite mortality tables. It also
includes both the age-nearest-birthday and age-last-birthday bases of the mortality tables.
2. “2001 CSO (F)” means that mortality table consisting of the rates of mortality for female
lives from the 2001 CSO Mortality Table.
3. “2001 CSO (M)” means that mortality table consisting of the rates of mortality for male
lives from the 2001 CSO Mortality Table.
4. “2001 CSO Preferred Class Structure Mortality Table” means mortality tables with
separate rates of mortality for super preferred nonsmokers, preferred nonsmokers, residual
standard nonsmokers, preferred smokers and residual standard smoker splits of the 2001
CSO Nonsmoker and Smoker Tables, as adopted by the NAIC at the September 2006
national meeting and published in the NAIC Proceedings (third-quarter 2006). Unless the
context indicates otherwise, the “2001 CSO Preferred Class Structure Mortality Table”
includes both the ultimate form of that table and the select and ultimate form of that table.
It includes both the smoker and nonsmoker mortality tables. It includes both the male and
female mortality tables and the gender composite mortality tables. It also includes both the
age-nearest-birthday and age-last-birthday bases of the mortality table.
H. 2017 CSO Mortality Tables
1. “2017 CSO Mortality Table” means that mortality table, consisting of separate rates of
mortality for male and female lives, developed by the CSO Subgroup of the Joint Academy
Life Experience Committee and SOA Preferred Mortality Oversight Group from the 2015
Valuation Basic Mortality Table developed by the joint group’s Valuation Basic Mortality
Subgroup, and adopted by the NAIC in April 2016. The 2017 CSO Mortality Table is
included in the Proceedings of the NAIC (1
Quarter 2016). Unless the context indicates
otherwise, the “2017 CSO Mortality Table” includes both the ultimate form of that table
and the select and ultimate form of that table and includes both the smoker and nonsmoker
mortality tables and the composite mortality tables. It also includes both the age-nearest-
birthday and age-last-birthday bases of the mortality tables.
2. “2017 CSO (F)” means that mortality table consisting of the rates of mortality for female
lives from the 2017 CSO Mortality Table.
3. “2017 CSO (M)” means that mortality table consisting of the rates of mortality for male
lives from the 2017 CSO Mortality Table.
4. “2017 CSO Preferred Class Structure Mortality Table” means those mortality tables with
separate rates of mortality for super preferred nonsmokers, preferred nonsmokers, residual
standard nonsmokers, preferred smokers and residual standard smoker splits of the 2017
CSO Nonsmoker and Smoker Tables as adopted by the NAIC at the 2016 Spring National
Meeting and published in the NAIC Proceedings (first-quarter 2016). Unless the context
indicates otherwise, the “2017 CSO Preferred Class Structure Mortality Table includes
both the ultimate form of that table and the select and ultimate form of that table. It includes
both the smoker and nonsmoker mortality tables. It includes both the male and female
mortality tables. It also includes both the age-nearest-birthday and age-last-birthday bases
of the mortality table.
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners M-3
5. The term “2001 CSO Male Composite Ultimate Mortality Table” means a specific
mortality table, included in the 2001 CSO Mortality Table, that contains mortality rates
that are composites of smokers and nonsmokers on male lives after the select period,
including both the age-nearest-birthday and age-last-birthday bases of the mortality tables.
I. Annuity 2000 Mortality Table
J. 2012 Individual Annuity Reserve Valuation Table
1. Definitions
a. “2012 IAR Table” means that generational mortality table developed by the Joint
Academy/SOA Payout Annuity Table Team and containing rates, q
, derived
from a combination of the 2012 IAM Period Table and Projection Scale G2, using
the methodology stated in the “Application of the 2012 IAR Mortality Table”
paragraph of Appendix A-821 of the AP&P Manual.
b. “2012 Individual Annuity Mortality Period Life (2012 IAM Period) Table” means
the Period Table containing loaded mortality rates for calendar year 2012. This
table contains rates, q
, developed by the Joint Academy/SOA Payout Annuity
Table Team and is shown in Appendices 12 of Appendix A-821 of the AP&P
c. “Projection Scale G2 (Scale G2)” is a table of annual rates, G2
, of mortality
improvement by age for projecting future mortality rates beyond calendar year
2012. This table was developed by the Joint Academy/SOA Payout Annuity Table
Team and is shown in Appendices 3–4 of Appendix A-821 of the AP&P Manual.
2. Application of the 2012 IAR Mortality Table
In using the 2012 IAR Mortality Table, the mortality rate for a person age x in year (2012
+ n) is calculated as follows:
1 2
The resulting q
shall be rounded to three decimal places per 1,000, e.g., 0.741 deaths
per 1,000. Also, the rounding shall occur according to the formula above, starting at the
2012 period table rate.
For example, for a male age 30, q
= 0.741.
= 0.741 * (1 – 0.010) ^ 1 = 0.73359, which is rounded to 0.734.
= 0.741 * (1 – 0.010) ^ 2 = 0.7262541, which is rounded to 0.726.
A method leading to incorrect rounding would be to calculate q
as q
* (1 – 0.010),
or 0.734 * 0.99 = 0.727. It is incorrect to use the already rounded q
to calculate q
K. 2017 Commissioners Standard Guaranteed Issue Mortality Tables
1. “2017 Commissioners Standard Guaranteed Issue Mortality Table” (2017 CSGI) means
that 2017 Guaranteed Issue basic ultimate mortality table with 75% loading, consisting of
separate rates of mortality for male and female lives, as well as combined unisex rates,
developed from the experience of 20052009 collected by the SOA. This table was adopted
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners M-4
by the NAIC on Aug. 7, 2018 and is included in the NAIC Proceedings of the 2018 Summer
National Meeting.
Section 2: Industry Experience Valuation Basic Tables
A. 2008 Valuation Basic Table (2008 VBT)
B. 2015 Valuation Basic Table (2015 VBT)
The 2015 Valuation Basic Table is a valuation table without loads jointly developed by the
Academy and SOA for use in determining a company’s prudent estimate mortality assumption for
valuations of Dec. 31, 2015, and later. The table consists of the Primary table (Male, Female,
Smoker, Nonsmoker and Composite), 10 Relative Risk tables for nonsmokers (Male and Female)
and four Relative Risk tables for smokers (Male and Female). Rates for juvenile ages are included
in the composite tables. The tables are on a select and ultimate and ultimate-only basis and are
available on an age nearest and an age last birthday basis.