North Texas Soccer
Referee Program
Updated February 2022
1. North Texas State Soccer Association (NTSSA) shall be governed by its members, which
shall consist of the Executive Officers of the Association and the recognized delegate from
each Member Association in good standing according to the NTSSA Administrative Rule
2. The chair of the Referee Committee is an elected member of the NTSSA Executive
Committee. The chair shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and may succeed oneself
in office. The chair is elected in even years. The chair shall be a registered USSF Referee
and shall report the activities of the State Referee Committee, in writing, at each regular
monthly meeting of the NTSSA Executive Committee.
1. In compliance with USSF Rules, all referees serving NTSSA and its affiliated Member
Associations shall be registered with the USSF and NTSSA in accordance with current
rules and regulations of the USSF National Referee Committee and the State Referee
2. All USSF referee training for certification will be under the direct supervision and direction
of the State Referee Committee and SDI. No referee instructors other than those
specifically trained and certified by USSF or the SDI are approved as instructors for basic
referee clinics.
3. In accordance with current rules and regulations of the USSF National Referee Committee
and the NTSSA State Referee Committee all referee assignors (or schedulers) must have
satisfactorily completed the approved assignor clinic and be registered with USSF and
NTSSA. The use of unregistered referee assignors is approved only in an emergency
situation and is limited to the balance of the current season.
1. Every person over the age of 17, who at any time could be expected in the performance of
their duties to be alone with any registered youth player, must in the manner prescribed by
the current NTSSA procedures, annually provide the necessary information required by
NTSSA so that a criminal background check may be obtained.
2. For purposes of this procedure, at a minimum, all coaches, assistant coaches, managers,
trainers, referees, volunteer administrators, board members, and staff/employees are
included. Others may be included if they may be alone with registered youth players.
3. This process will take place annually at the time of referee registration and in accordance
with the NTSSA Administrative Rule Book.
North Texas Soccer is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free from all forms of
discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of any legally protected status. Accordingly,
North Texas Soccer does not permit any form of unlawful harassment, discrimination or
intimidation against its employees by anyone, including managers, supervisors, coworkers,
executives, directors, officers, other employees, vendors, clients, customers or third parties.
Protected status includes race, color, age, religion, marital status, sex, ancestry, national origin,
citizenship, veteran’s status, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, protected activity, or any
other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law. The policy also prohibits harassment
on the basis of the protected status of an individual’s relatives, friends or associates.
1. The only approved referee system for all NTSSA competitions (both State and affiliated
members) shall be the International Three-Referee system (a referee and two neutral
assistant referee) employing FIFA Laws of the Game (as modified herein), officiating
techniques, and mechanics. The order of preference when three registered referees are not
available is as follows:
a. One Federation referee and two Federation referees as assistant referees (the
standard ALL organizations should strive to meet).
b. One Federation referee, one Federation referee as an assistant referee and one club
linesman** who is unrelated to either team and not registered as a referee (only if
there are not enough Federation referees as stated in a, above).
c. One Federation referee, and two club linesmen** who are unrelated to either team
and not registered as referees, acting as club linesmen, (only if there are not enough
Federation referees as stated in a or b, above).
d. One Federation referee and two club linesmen** who are not registered Federation
referees and who are affiliated with the participating teams, (only if there are not
enough Federation referees as stated in a, b or c above).
e. One Federation referee, only if there are not enough federation referees or if the
club linesmen are unavailable as stated in a, b, c, or d above and one referee is
appropriate for the level of competition.
** Club linesmen (not registered as Federation Referees) are limited to signaling in
and out of touch only.
2. Under no circumstances will the dual referee system of officiating be utilized for any
NTSSA sanctioned games (which include all Member Associations league games, cup
matches, and tournaments). Member Associations of NTSSA who attempt to employ this
system of officiating will be declared not in good standing upon thirty (30) days written
notice by the State Executive Committee. If they do not take immediate, positive steps to
comply with this rule, the Member Association will be held to be not in good standing.
3. Coaches of NTSSA registered and affiliated teams shall not play a competitive league, cup,
or tournament match under the dual system of officiating, nor can their teams be forced to
forfeit said game(s) for refusing to play under the dual system.
4. USSF Registered referees who employ the dual system on matches involving Member or
Affiliated league games or tournaments may be subject to disciplinary action by the
NTSSA Appeals and Disciplinary Committee.
5. USSF Registered referees who employ the dual system on matches involving Member or
Affiliated league games or tournaments may be subject to disciplinary action by the North
Texas State Soccer Association Appeals and Disciplinary Committee.
6. The use of unregistered referees is approved only in emergency situations; then, the captain
or coaches of two competing teams may decide on someone agreeable to both of them to
officiate. In these circumstances, the decisions of that person serving as an emergency
referee are just as binding as if he were a registered referee. A Member Association of
NTSSA who attempts to circumvent the spirit of this rule by continually relying on this
rule, or the excuse of referee unavailability as a reason not to insist upon the proper training
and registration of all their referees, will be put on thirty (30) days written notice by the
State Executive Committee that it is not in good standing with NTSSA. If it does not take
immediate, positive steps to completely comply with this rule, the Association will be held
not to be in good standing. Member Associations that desire to free registered referees for
higher level competition may require coaches or adults of their Under 6, Under 8, and
Under 10 teams to each officiate one-half of their own games.
1. All indoor play shall be played in accordance with the current NTSSA - Rules for Indoor
2. Indoor facilities may only use registered NTSSA Indoor Referees.
a. Two officials will be required for U-16, U-19 and amateurs.
b. Only one official shall be required for all play below U-16.
a. Any NTSSA referee traveling outside his or her home state to work games must
first inform the SRA or SYRA. This can be done by email to the SRA or SYRA
b. Any referee traveling into NTSSA must provide proper credentials before being
assigned to any games within NTSSA. These credentials may be provided by letter,
email or voice contact from his/her home State SRA to the North Texas Soccer
a. USSF policies and procedures specifically prohibit referee coaches from traveling
to another state to conduct assessments without the specific approval of the referee
coach's home state SDA and the SDA in the state where the assessment will occur.
Any assessment given by a referee coach without these permissions could be
considered to be invalid.
1. The Policy Manual will be reviewed at least once yearly by the State Referee Committee.
2. The Policy Manual will be posted on the NTSSA website and updated as changes are made
and approved.
1. Carry out the National Referee Development Program of the USSF.
2. Develop the quality and quantity of Federation referees, referee coaches, instructors, and
assignors, and register those referees, referee coaches, instructors and assignors required
to serve NTSSA in achieving excellence in officiating, governance, education, and
3. The NTRC shall adopt the regulations and programs for instruction, examination, grading,
registration, and administration of all USSF referees within the NTSSA in compliance with
the programs and policies of NTSSA and the USSF National Referee Committee.
1. The North Texas Referee Committee shall consist of the State Referee Chair (SRC),
Program Directors, State Administrators and Coordinators, and one member representing
each administrative district as outlined in Part II. All members shall be appointed by the
Chair and approved by the NTSSA Executive Committee.
2. Upon recommendation by the Chair, the State Referee Administrator (SRA) shall be
appointed yearly by the NTSSA Executive Committee and may succeed himself in office.
3. Each program director and area administrator is appointed by the SRC, with approval by
the NTSSA Executive Board, and serves a two-year term.
4. Terms automatically expire upon the election of a new SRC to enable the newly elected
SRC to make appointments.
5. Any five (5) members of the State Referee Directors Committee shall constitute a quorum
and may set policy.
6. The State Referee Directors Committee shall meet at times, dates, and places determined
by the Directors, but at least six (6) times per year.
a. Meetings will be held in conjunction with the NTSSA Annual General Meeting.
7. Meetings may be held in person, by teleconference, or electronically.
8. Proceedings of the NTRC shall be conducted in accordance with the latest authorized
version of Robert's Rules of Order. A meeting of the NTRC shall be called upon the request
of any three (3) members of the NTRC. Each voting member of the NTRC shall have only
one vote at a meeting.
9. The Chair shall preside at all meetings. In the absence of the Chair, the SRA shall preside.
1. Each NTSSA Referee Administrative Area will have its own Area Referee Committee
comprised of that Area's State Referee Committee representative as Chair, and the elected
local referee's unit President (or playing association's director of officials or referee
coordinator if there is no local referee association) from each local association in the Area.
2. Each Area Referee Committee is to promptly disseminate all USSF National Referee
Committee and NTSSA State Referee Committee policies, procedures, and programs to
their respective local referee units, individual referees, and playing associations; and to act
as advisors to the State Referee Committee forming a liaison between the playing
associations, the local referees unit administration, and the individual referee in the field
with NTSSA.
1. State Referee Chair (SRC)
2. State Referee Administrator (SRA)
3. State Youth Referee Administrator (SYRA)
4. State Director of Assessment (SDA)
5. State Director of Instruction (SDI)
6. State Assignor Coordinator (SAC)
7. Administrative Assistant (non-voting member)
Each program director and area administrator is responsible for his/her area of expertise under the
direction of the SRC.
1. State Referee Chair (SRC):
The SRC is elected by the member associations and sits on the Executive Board of North
Texas Soccer. This term is for two years and there is no limit to the number of terms he
may serve. As chair of the Referee Committee, he oversees all referee programs, is
responsible for the budget, attends hearings, talks to member referee associations, and
attends workshops. The chair has the duty of maintaining open lines of communication
with the U.S. Soccer Referee Department. The chair has only one vote on the promotion
committee and in other elections only has the deciding vote in case of a tie. Other duties
include, but are not limited to: coordinating the duties and efforts of the State Director of
Instructions, State Director of Assessment, and State Director of Assignment and State
Assignor Coordinator. The chair is helped with assigned duties by an administrative
assistant who is a paid employee of North Texas Soccer.
2. State Referee Administrator (SRA):
The State Referee Administrator is responsible for overseeing the administrative and
technical needs of the State Referee Association.
This includes, but is not limited to: verifying and processing registration records, upgrading
and downgrading officials as needed, recruiting and retaining officials to ensure coverage
on all affiliate games, maintaining open lines of communication with the U.S. Soccer
Referee Department. The SRA, in coordination with the Administrative Assistant, is
responsible for ensuring all registrations of all officials are submitted in a timely manner
and before June 30 of each registration year. For those referees wanting to advance, the
SRA review the records and presents them to the Promotion Committee. Nominations for
referees to attend Southern Youth Regionals originate with the SRA. The SRA also attends
workshops in North Texas as well as outside the area.
3. State Youth Referee Administrator (SYRA):
The SYRA is responsible for overseeing the administrative and technical needs of the State
Referee Association specific to Grassroots as designated by U.S. Soccer.
This includes, but is not limited to: verifying and processing registration records,
organizing and instructing courses and clinics for officials, and supporting the Grassroots
needs of the State Referee Association. The SYRA attends workshops in North Texas as
well as outside the area.
4. State Director of Assessment (SDA):
The SDA approves the registrations of all referee coaches after they have completed their
annual requirements. The SDA makes recommendations for those seeking promotion as
referee coaches to attend advanced training and submits the recommendation to the
committee for approval. The SDA is responsible for the assessment of referees in North
Texas. This may include: developmental, upgrade and maintenance assessments for
Grassroots, Regional, and National Referees. The SDA’s duty may require requesting
referee coaches from outside the North Texas area for our National officials and candidates.
The SDA is also responsible for Referee Mentor Clinics as well as Regional Referee Coach
clinics. The North Texas SDA will serve as trainer for upper level referee coaches. The
SDA will identify referee coaches to send out-of-town tournaments for both youth and
adults and submit those nominations to the Committee for approval. The SDA works
closely with the Director of Instruction to determine in what areas referees need training
and how to provide training for those wanting to advance.
5. State Director of Instruction (SDI):
The SDI is responsible for all training in North Texas. The SDI is also responsible for
approving the registration of all instructors once they have completed their annual
requirements. The SDI makes recommendations for those seeking promotion as
instructors to attend advanced training and submits the recommendation to the committee
for approval.
Training provided includes: Grassroots entry-level referee clinics (as requested by North
Texas Soccer Member Associations), training directed for specific officials (female, etc.)
and advanced training for upper level referees. The SDI is responsible for establishing and
hosting clinics for new instructors, assisting the SDA with referee coach clinics and the
SAC with assignor clinics. The SDI may be required to assist USSF efforts in hosting
Regional Training Seminars from time to time. The SDI must also keep abreast of all law
changes and memorandums in order to make sure that instructors are teaching the most
current information and ensure that the entry level and recertification tests are the most
current. The SDI may be required to travel outside of North Texas for advanced training.
The SDI must evaluate the number and quality of instructors to make a recommendation
to continue to use the services of certain instructors or whether additional instructor
candidates should be invited into the instruction program. The SDI will submit the
recommendation list to committee for approval.
6. State Assignor Coordinator (SAC):
The SAC is responsible for approving the registrations of NTSSA assignors after they have
completed their annual requirements. The SAC must make sure each assignor is registered
and uses only registered referees for game assignments. The SAC coordinates with the
SDI to organize assignor clinics for those wanting to become assignors. The SAC must
ensure that only registered assignors assign State Tournaments (North Texas State Cup,
Tournament of Champions, Presidents Cup).
7. Administrative Assistant
The Administrative Assistant is a paid employee of NTSSA working closely with the
Referee Chair. The administrative assistant answers questions, provides information on
referees, instructors, assignors, and referee coaches. The person works with each program
director to make sure he has whatever is necessary to make his programs work. The
administrative assistant puts together all clinic packets and sends them to the Instructor in
Charge before each clinic and will audit each on return. The administrative assistant also
distributes information to all registered assignors, associations, and the referee committee.
The Promotion Committee is made up of the SRC, SRA, SYRA, SDA, SDI, and SAC. This
committee approves all promotions as initiated by the SRA.
1. If a referee is deemed not to be in good standing by the NTSSA Appeals and Disciplinary
Committee for referee misconduct, the Promotion Committee may defer consideration of
that referee's promotion for a period of twelve months after the referee's suspension ends.
2. The Promotion Committee will consider only those assessments submitted by either
National Referee Coaches or by those referee coaches appointed or approved by North
Texas Soccer SDA. If assessments from National Referee Coaches outside North Texas
Soccer are to be considered, they must be submitted online through and must recommend promotion with a score consistent with
the recommendation.
All members of the Federation Referee Program are expected to:
1. Consider it a privilege to be part of the Federation Referee Program and use actions that
will reflect credit upon that organization and its affiliates
2. Maintain the dignity of the position
3. Conduct themselves ethically and honorably
4. Treat themselves and others respectfully and honestly
5. Perform duties knowledgably and in accordance with the Laws of the Game
6. Adhere to all policies and requirements of the Federation Referee Program
7. Safeguard confidential registration and performance information
8. Give priority to all Federation affiliated assignments and programs
9. Honor all Federation affiliated assignments and obligations
10. Not discriminate against or take advantage of any individual or group on the basis of race,
color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Failure to follow this Code may result in disciplinary sanctions or decertification.
1. I will maintain the utmost respect for the game of soccer.
2. I pledge that I will faithfully enforce the Laws of the Game and any special Rule of the
Competition of the League(s) I am officiating for without prejudice or favoritism to any
player, team, or coach.
3. I recognize that it is my professional duty to constantly keep abreast of any changes in the
Laws or Rules of Play and to keep myself physically fit and my training refreshed.
4. I will constantly strive to improve my own refereeing techniques and always accept sincere,
constructive criticism from fellow referees or official referee coaches without malice.
5. I pledge that I will make myself available, whenever possible, for game assignments for
which I am qualified.
6. If I am a Regional or National USSF referee, I acknowledge that my first responsibility is
to State or USSF assigned games and that I will make myself available for these
assignments regardless of conflicts with local playing associations or with leagues that I
may be active in as a player or as a coach.
7. I do hereby acknowledge my fellow referees' total authority over any matches over which
they are duly assigned to officiate, and I pledge that I will never interfere with the carrying
out of their prescribed duties, before, during, or after a match.
8. I understand that any criticism of fellow referees should be limited to constructive criticism
in quiet, private referee-to-referee discussions, and then never within hearing distance of
players, coaches, or spectators.
9. As a registered USSF/NTSSA referee, I will always strive to conduct myself in the highest
professional manner possible, including refraining from indulging in arguments or name-
calling with coaches and/or spectators.
10. I also acknowledge that if I am also a coach, player, or spectator, that my conduct towards,
and my respect for, my fellow referee doing my game is more closely noticed by all
concerned. I will, therefore, strive to set a very high standard of personal conduct under
these circumstances to serve as an example to all.
11. I understand that I should wear only the approved USSF referee uniform with the current
badge of the highest grade I am qualified for, and that my uniform be clean, neat, and in a
good state of repair. I also understand that if I am a coach, I am not to wear my uniform
while coaching my team.
12. I further understand that I should not partake of any type of alcoholic beverage before any
game assignment, and that I should never smoke, eat, or drink while actually officiating.
13. I hereby pledge that I will always faithfully carry out my duties and obligations as a USSF
referee registered with the North Texas State Soccer Association; and that I do hereby
acknowledge and accept the jurisdiction of the local NTSSA- affiliated playing association
I may be refereeing for, the NTSSA, and USSF, and their respective Referee Committees,
where applicable, over my actions, conduct, and performance as a registered USSF referee.
14. I furthermore understand that I may be disciplined, to include being placed on probation,
suspended, or refused referee registration, for significant or repetitive breaches of this Code
of Conduct or any of its articles or provisions.
1. I will maintain the utmost respect for referees and other officials of the game and I will
conduct myself honorably at all times.
2. I will make the assignments based on what is good for the game and what is good for the
3. As a member of the United States Soccer Federation, my actions will reflect credit upon
the organization.
4. I will contribute to the continuous development of referees in the National Referee
Development Program.
5. I will conduct myself ethically and professionally in the assignment process.
6. I will respect the rights and dignity of all the referees and I will not criticize them unless it
is in private, constructive, and for their benefit.
7. I will offer equal opportunity to all qualified referees and I will not discriminate against or
take undue advantage of any individual or group on the basis of race, color, religion, sex
or national origin.
8. I will cooperate fully in the timely resolution of any grievance hearing or complaint.
9. I consider it a privilege to be a part of the United States Soccer Federation and my actions
will reflect credit upon that organization or its affiliates.
1. Consider social media communications as public at all times even if created with private
intentions. If you are going to use social media in any form, consider your communication
may be read by anyone at any time.
2. You represent all soccer referees, North Texas Soccer, the North Texas Soccer Referee
Program, your local playing associations, your assignors and your assigned crews. Act
3. Promote soccer referees in a positive light and with a general feeling of pride and
professionalism. You are an ambassador for the North Texas Soccer Referee Program. An
official’s online presence must remain professional, non-partisan and unbiased.
4. Do not wear logos of teams on apparel or gear.
5. You have a unique access to information. The same ethical restrictions that apply to any
form of public speech also apply to social media. It is inappropriate to communicate
specifics about your assignments, other officials, playing associations, clubs, teams,
coaches, players or any related personnel.
6. Do not engage in specific play and or ruling evaluation/commentary, whether it be of a
game you worked, one that you witnessed or in general about the impact of officials in any
sporting event.
7. Do not utilize social media to criticize or question referees that you see on television.
8. Do not utilize social media to complain or talk about other referees at any level.
9. Communications among officials for learning purposes should be done privately and not
through the use of social media.
10. Please remember: pictures taken by others can also be posted, so be sensitive to the
situations in which you put yourself and how pictures can be construed. Be smart.
11. Be very sparing in the sharing of your personal information, including photos. Adjust
security settings accordingly. Report fake profiles or posts to the appropriate
authorities/governing bodies in a timely fashion.
12. Do not utilize social media to communicate political, religious or otherwise provocative
13. Follow specific US Soccer, league or governing body social media policies.
1. Each official is required to a unique email address to register and use
2. Be mindful that email and other forms of direct communication can be made public
3. Officials should consider having a professional email address that includes their full name
in the email address (ex. [email protected]).
4. Officials need to check their email regularly and provide timely responses to assignors,
administrators and match officials when necessary.
5. Officials must maintain a professional tone in all email communication with assignors,
administrators and match officials.
1. Expenses for Attendance at Referee Training (subject to approval by the SRC):
a. Regional Referee In-Service Clinic (intended for Regional and Emeritus referees
to get advanced training and to satisfy annual renewal training requirement for
Regional referees). Regional, National, and Emeritus referees traveling from over
120 miles one way may receive the following:
i. Travel: No mileage or airfare will be reimbursed.
ii. Meals: No reimbursement for meals.
iii. Lodging: Upon approval of the SRC, lodging may be arranged at least two
weeks in advance through the North Texas Soccer Referee Program for referees
who are not reasonably able to return home the same evening based on double
occupancy when possible. No lodging expenses will be reimbursed for lodging
arrangements made independent of North Texas Soccer.
b. Regional Referee Advancement Clinic (intended for Grassroots Advanced referees
to satisfy training requirement for promotion to Regional Referees). Referees
traveling from over 60 miles away may receive partial reimbursement under the
same policies described in IV.A.1.a.iii.
c. All Referee Clinics (intended for Grassroots, Regional, and Emeritus Referees).
No reimbursement of expenses.
2. Expenses for Attendance at Instructor and/or Referee Coach Clinics within North Texas
(subject to approval by the SRC): Instructors and Referee Coaches traveling from over 120
miles one way may receive partial reimbursement for the following expenses.
a. Travel: No mileage or airfare will be reimbursed.
b. Meals: No reimbursement for meals.
c. Lodging: Upon approval of the SRC, lodging may be arranged at least two weeks
in advance through the North Texas Soccer Referee Program for referees who are
not reasonably able to return home the same evening based on double occupancy
when possible. No lodging expenses will be reimbursed for lodging arrangements
made independent of North Texas Soccer.
3. Expenses of Guest Speakers: Payment for speakers fees and expenses is generally
considered to be optional and the discretion of the host association. Referees and
instructors acting as guest speakers for local associations and referee groups will not be
reimbursed by the Referee Program unless approved in advance by the SRC.
4. Expenses for State Scheduled Fitness Tests: Those who are assigned as Instructor in Charge
for a state fitness may submit an expense for conducting the fitness test. The fee will be
$30.00 per hour for the fitness session, $30 for responsibilities planning and setting up the
event, and standard mileage.
5. Expenses for Travel to Selected Events: Referees, referee coaches and instructors selected
to attend events outside North Texas (Youth and Adult Regionals and/or Nationals, etc.)
will be provided travel to the event (airfare or mileage equivalent to airfare), per diem
(when appropriate), and other expenses incurred while at the event (gas for delegation
transportation, etc.). Expenses to and from the airport and airport parking will not be
1. Vouchers must be correctly completed and submitted to the North Texas Soccer program
director for review and approval.
2. Upon receipt, vouchers are approved by the appropriate program director and chair before
being sent to accounting for processing.
3. Vouchers for instruction and assessments must be submitted within 30 days of completion.
The SRC may withhold payment for violations of reimbursement procedures.
1. Grassroots Advanced and above referees, who are in good standing with the state and are
traveling to out-of-state events to develop their skills and advance their level, may apply
for reimbursement of expenses incurred for attending an approved event up to $250 per
event for two events maximum per twelve-month period based on contributions to the state
and member associations.
2. The approved events may not interfere with any North Texas Soccer tournaments or USYS
tournaments which the North Texas Soccer Referee Program participates.
3. The expectation is that formal assessments and feedback will be provided by Regional
and/or National Referee Coaches at these events.
4. Referees wishing to apply for an allowance must complete the “Referee Travel Allowance
Request Form” on the North Texas Soccer website under Referee Forms – Forms.
The request form must be submitted to the State Referee Chair at least 30 days prior to
travel and a decision whether the event will qualify for the allowance will be made within
1 week.
5. At the completion of the event, the referee must complete the “North Texas Soccer
Referee Development Incentive” form to determine the amount the allowance based on
involvement with North Texas Soccer.
6. Once the amount of the allowance is determined, the referee will complete and submit a
“North Texas Soccer Stipend Request” form to the State Referee Chair.
a. Forms must be correctly completed and submitted to the State Referee Chair for
review and approval.
b. Approved forms are sent to accounting for processing.
c. Travel Allowance Forms must be submitted within 30 days of completion of the
approved event. The SRC may withhold payment for violations of reimbursement
1. Age Requirement: The minimum age requirement to referee at the Grassroots level is 13.
2. Registration is for the calendar year January 1 through December 31. A referee is
considered registered once the license requirements have been met and the online
registration is approved by the SRA or SYRA as appropriate.
3. Partial year Registration: Any new referee registering after July 1 will be registered for the
balance of the current year as well as the next calendar year. This does not apply to re-
registration (section V.A.4.c).
4. Recertification and re-registration:
a. Online recertification will normally begin after the July All-Referee Clinic, but no
later than September 1st each year.
b. Any referee recertifying after December 31 will be required to pay a $10.00
administration fee in addition to the appropriate registration fee for his/her license.
c. Re-registrations will not be accepted by USSF after June 30; therefore, NTSSA will
close online registration on June 15th of each year in order to meet the USSF
deadline. Any referee wishing to re-register after June 30 must register for the next
calendar year and may not be assigned games until January 1.
5. Referees Not Registered in Previous Years:
a. A previously certified and registered referee not registered the preceding year may
be certified at the license previously held after completing the requirements for that
grade. Grassroots Advanced and Regional Referees will be required to re-register
as a Grassroots Referee until they meet the previously attained license
b. Grassroots Referees who miss up to three consecutive years of registration can be
re-registered at the same license after completing the current online referee re-
certification training and/or test.
c. Grassroots Referees who miss four or more consecutive years of registration can
be re-registered after taking the entire Entry Level Referee Training Course for their
respective license.
6. Downgrading: A referee may be downgraded if the referee fails to meet any of the license
standards. A referee can only be registered at the level for which the standards have been
met. The referee's license may be restored as soon as the standards for that level have been
7. Indoor: Registration of indoor referees must be done through the SRA. To recertify to
referee indoor games, the referee must complete the annual online registration through
1. Becoming an instructor:
a. To become an instructor, individuals must submit a resume to the SDI and be
approved by the State Referee Committee in order to attend an instructor clinic.
b. Candidates must demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter and
display effective practical skills as evaluated and determined by the course
instructor(s) assigned by the State Referee Committee.
c. The candidate must instruct one clinic and field session assigned by the State
Referee Committee.
2. Registration is for the calendar year January 1 through December 31. An instructor is
considered registered once the license requirements have been met and the online
registration is approved by the SDI as appropriate.
3. Partial year Registration: Any new instructor registering after July 1 will be registered for
the balance of the current year as well as the next calendar year. This does not apply to re-
registration (section V.B.4.c).
4. Recertification and re-registration:
a. Online recertification will normally begin after the July All-Referee Clinic, but no
later than September 1st each year.
b. Any instructor recertifying after December 31 will be required to pay a $10.00
administration fee in addition to the appropriate registration fee for his/her license.
c. Re-registrations will not be accepted by USSF after June 30; therefore, NTSSA will
close online registration on June 15th of each year in order to meet the USSF
deadline. Any instructor wishing to re-register after June 30 must register for the
next calendar year and may not be assigned clinics until January 1.
5. Instructors Not Registered in Previous Years:
a. A previously certified and registered instructor not registered the preceding year
may be certified at the license previously held after completing the requirements
for that grade. Grassroots and Regional Instructors will be required to re-register
as a Grassroots Instructor until they meet the previously attained license
b. Instructors who miss up to three consecutive years of registration can be re-
registered at the Grassroots license after completing the current online Grassroots
Instructor’s re-certification training and/or test.
c. Instructors who miss four or more consecutive years of registration will be required
to take the entire Grassroots 5Instructor course again.
1. Becoming an referee coach:
a. To become a referee coach, individuals must submit a resume to the SDA and be
approved by the State Referee Committee in order to attend a referee coach clinic.
b. Candidates must demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter and
display effective practical skills as evaluated and determined by the course
instructor(s) assigned by the State Referee Committee.
c. The candidate must conduct one assessment under the supervision of a Regional or
National Referee Coach.
2. Registration is for the calendar year January 1 through December 31. A referee coach is
considered registered once the license requirements have been met and the online
registration is approved by the SDA as appropriate.
3. Partial year Registration: Any new referee coach registering after July 1 will be registered
for the balance of the current year as well as the next calendar year. This does not apply
to re-registration (section V.C.4.c).
4. Recertification and re-registration:
a. Online recertification will normally begin after the July All-Referee Clinic, but no
later than September 1st each year.
b. Any referee coach recertifying after December 31 will be required to pay a $10.00
administration fee in addition to the appropriate registration fee for his/her license.
c. Re-registrations will not be accepted by USSF after June 30; therefore, NTSSA will
close online registration on June 15th of each year in order to meet the USSF
deadline. Any referee coach wishing to re-register after June 30 must register for
the next calendar year and may not be assigned assessments until January 1.
5. Referee Coaches Not Registered in Previous Years:
a. A previously certified and registered referee coach not registered the preceding year
may be certified at the license previously held after completing the requirements
for that grade. Grassroots and Regional Referee Coaches will be required to re-
register as a Grassroots Referee Coaches until they meet the previously attained
license requirements.
b. Referee Coaches who miss up to three consecutive years of registration can be re-
registered at the Grassroots Referee Coach license after completing the current
online Grassroots Referee coach’s re-certification training and/or test.
c. Referee Coaches who miss four or more consecutive years of registration will be
required to take the entire Grassroots Referee coach course again.
1. Becoming an assignor:
a. To become an assignor, individuals must successfully complete an assignor clinic.
2. Registration is for the calendar year January 1 through December 31. An assignor is
considered registered once the license requirements have been met and the online
registration is approved by the SAC as appropriate.
3. Partial year Registration: Any new assignor registering after July 1 will be registered for
the balance of the current year as well as the next calendar year. This does not apply to re-
registration (section V.D.4.c).
4. Recertification and re-registration:
a. Online recertification will normally begin after the July All-Referee Clinic, but no
later than September 1st each year.
b. Any assignor recertifying after December 31 will be required to pay a $10.00
administration fee in addition to the appropriate registration fee for the license.
c. Re-registrations will not be accepted by USSF after June 30; therefore, NTSSA will
close on-line registration on June 15th of each year in order to meet the USSF
deadline. Any assignor wishing to re-register after June 30 must register for the
next calendar year and may not assign any officials until January 1.
5. Assignors Not Registered in Previous Years:
a. A previously certified and registered assignor not registered the preceding year may
be certified after completing the requirements.
b. Assignors who miss up to three consecutive years of registration can be re-
registered completing the current online assignor requirements.
c. Assignors who miss four or more consecutive years of registration will be required
to take the entire assignor course again.
1. Grassroots Referee
Qualified to officiate competitive, small-sided or recreational youth matches and amateur
adult matches
a. Registration requirements:
i. Minimum Age: 13
ii. Training: Online and in-person component
iii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Grassroots Quiz
iv. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Ages 18 and older
v. Background Check: Ages 17 and older
vi. Fees:
(a) Clinic fee: $20.00
(b) USSF registration: $40.00
(c) Insurance: $5.00
(d) Online & background check fee: $15.00
b. Recertification requirements:
i. Training: Online component
ii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Grassroots Quiz
iii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Ages 18 and older
iv. Background Check: Ages 17 and older
v. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $40.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $15.00
c. Upgrade requirements to Grassroots Advanced (see Grassroots Advanced
Referee requirements VI.B.2)
2. Grassroots Advanced Referee
Qualified to officiate competitive, small-sided or recreational youth matches and amateur
adult matches and will be eligible for regional and national events
a. Registration requirements:
i. Minimum Age: 17
ii. Experience: 100 games any level
iii. Training
(a) In-Person Component: 3 hours
(b) Online component addressing issues faced in amateur adult matches
iv. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Grassroots Quiz
v. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Ages 18 and older
vi. Background Check: Ages 17 and older
vii. Physical fitness test: FIFA Sprint & Interval Tests (see section VII.A for
viii. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $40.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $15.00
(d) Assessment fee: $60.00 (non-refundable)
(e) Fitness test fee: $10.00 (non-refundable)
ix. Assessment: One assessment (see section VIII.A for criteria)
b. Recertification requirements:
i. Training
(a) In-Person Component: 3 hours
(b) Online component addressing issues faced in amateur adult matches
ii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Grassroots Quiz
iii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Ages 17 and older
iv. Background Check: Ages 17 and older
v. Assessment: One assessment annually (see section VIII.A for criteria)
vi. Physical fitness test: FIFA Sprint & Interval Tests (see section VII.A for
vii. Recertification fees:
(a) USSF registration: $40.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $15.00
(d) Assessment fee: $60.00 (non-refundable)
(e) Fitness test fee: $10.00 (non-refundable)
viii. Assessment: One assessment annually (section VIII.A for criteria)
c. Upgrade requirements to Regional Referee: Upgrade only at the recommendation
of the State Referee Committee after all requirements have been met for Grassroots
Advanced. The Regional Referee upgrade cycle will officially begin with the
successful completion of the Regional Referee Advancement Clinic in January (see
also Regional Referee requirements VI.A.3)
3. Regional Referee
Qualified to officiate competitive state competitions, regional events and professional
leagues including NPSL and USL League Two
a. Registration requirements:
i. Minimum age: 18
ii. Experience: 50 games as Referee and 25 as Assistant Referee at amateur
iii. Time at Grassroots Advanced level: 1 year
(a) Candidates may begin completing their upgrade requirements prior
to a complete year as Grassroots Advanced but may not be promoted
until year at that level.
iv. Training: Online and in-person component
(a) Must submit application to SRA by July 1 and be approved to attend
v. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Regional Quiz
vi. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
vii. Background Check: Required
viii. Fees:
(a) Clinic fee: $25
(b) USSF registration: $75.00
(c) Insurance: $5.00
(d) Online & background check fee: $15.00
(e) Assessment fees: $60.00 per assessment (non-refundable)
(f) Fitness test fee: $10.00 (non-refundable)
ix. Physical fitness test: FIFA Sprint & Interval Tests (see section VII.B)
x. Assessments: Three assessments (see section VIII.B for criteria)
Before the assessment for upgrade is requested, all fitness, training, and
testing requirements must be completed at the same clinic.
One of the required assessments must be completed in the spring season
b. Recertification Requirements:
i. Training: Online and in-person component
ii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Regional Quiz
iii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
iv. Background Check: Required
v. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $75.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $15.00
(d) Assessment fee: $60.00 per assessment (non-refundable)
(e) Fitness test fee: $10.00 (non-refundable)
vi. Physical fitness test: FIFA Sprint & Interval Tests (see section VII.B)
vii. Assessments: Two assessments (see section VIII.B for criteria)
One of the required assessments must be completed in the spring season
c. Upgrade requirements to National Referee and Assistant Referee: Upgrade only
at the recommendation of the State Referee Committee after all requirements have
been met for Regional Referee. (see also National Referee and Assistant Referee
requirements section IV.A.4)
4. National Referee & Assistant Referee
Qualified to officiate national and professional matches in any league except MLS,
including the USL Championship and NWSL
a. Registration requirements:
i. Minimum age: 20
ii. Experience: 100 games at the Adult Amateur Level
(a) Referee: 50 games
(b) Assistant Referee: 50 games
iii. Time at Regional Referee level: 2 years
iv. Training: U. S. Soccer National Camp
v. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online National Test
vi. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
vii. Background Check: National Background Check
viii. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: Determined by and paid to U. S. Soccer
(b) Insurance: $5.00 to North Texas Soccer
(c) Assessment fee: $100 per assessment (non-refundable)
ix. Physical fitness test: FIFA Fitness Test (see section VII.C)
x. Assessments: Three assessments (see section VIII.C for criteria)
*For additional information and standards, refer to U. S. Soccer.
5. Emeritus Referee
Qualified to officiate ONLY at the level in which requirements have been met (refer to
Grassroots Referee above)
Emeritus referees must:
have held the corresponding Regional or National license for at least three (3) years
prior to requesting Emeritus status.
be 45 years or older to declare Emeritus status
meet all registration and recertification requirements of the level they want to officiate.
a. Registration & recertification requirements:
i. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Regional Quiz
ii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
iii. Background Check: Required
v. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $75.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $15.00
6. Indoor Referee
Qualified to officiate grassroots indoor games
a. Registration requirements: Currently registered with USSF through NTSSA
i. Minimum Age: 13
ii. Training: In-person component
iii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Indoor Quiz
iv. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Ages 18 and older
v. Background Check: Ages 17 and older
vi. Fees:
(a) Clinic fee: $15.00
(b) USSF registration: $45.00
(c) Insurance: $5.00
(d) Online & background check fee: $15.00
b. Recertification requirements:
i. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Indoor Quiz
ii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Ages 18 and older
iii. Background Check: Ages 17 and older
iv. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $45.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $15.00
7. Futsal
Qualified to officiate grassroots futsal games
a. Registration requirements: Currently registered with USSF through NTSSA
i. Training: Online & in-person component
ii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online U. S. Soccer Futsal Quiz
iii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Ages 18 and older
iv. Background Check: Ages 17 and older
v. Fees:
(a) Clinic fee: $15.00
(b) USSF Registration: $45.00
(c) Insurance: $5.00
(d) Online & background check fee: $15.00
b. Recertification requirements:
i. Online U. S. Soccer Futsal Quiz
ii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Ages 18 and older
iii. Background Check: Ages 17 and older
iv. Fees:
(a) USSF Registration: $45.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $15.00
8. Terry Vaughn Lifetime Membership
The Terry Vaughn Lifetime membership is bestowed at the discretion of U. S. Soccer upon
individuals who have displayed a thorough dedication to the program. In addition to their
contributions, nominees must also meet the following criteria:
a. Requirements
i. 25 or more consecutive years of registration
ii. Age 60 or older
iii. Provided U. S. Soccer-related service to the local or state playing
iv. Submit intent to State Referee Administrator for review and consideration
v. State Referee Committee will submit approved nominations to U. S.
Soccer for consideration.
b. Registration:
i. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Regional Referee Quiz
ii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
iii. Background Check: Required
iv. Fees:
(a) Insurance & background fee: $5.00
1. Grassroots Instructor
Qualified to teach courses, lead field sessions and clinics for Grassroots Referees
a. Registration requirements:
i. Minimum Age: 18
ii. Training: Online and in-person component
iii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Grassroots Instructor Quiz (80% or above)
iv. Practical Assessment: Instruct one clinic and field session assigned by State
Referee Committee
v. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
vi. Background Check: Required
vii. Fees:
(a) Clinic fee: $25.00
(b) USSF registration: $45.00
(c) Insurance: $5.00
(d) Online & background check fee: $10.00
c. Recertification requirements:
i. Training: Online component
ii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Grassroots Instructor Quiz (80% or above)
iii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
iv. Background Check: Required
v. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $45.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $10.00
d. Upgrade requirements to Regional Referee Coach: Upgrade only at the
recommendation of the State Referee Committee after all requirements have been
met for Grassroots Instructor level. The Regional Referee Coach upgrade cycle
will officially begin with the successful completion of the Regional Referee Coach
clinic offered by US Soccer.
2. Regional Referee Instructor
Qualified to teach instructors, referee coaches and assignors as needed by the State Referee
a. Registration requirements:
i. Minimum age: 20
ii. Experience: Regional Referee experience
iii. Training: Complete the US Soccer Regional Referee Coach course
iv. Laws of the Game Quiz: Regional Coach course test (80% or above)
v. Practical Assessment: Instruct one clinic and field session assigned by State
Referee Committee
vi. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
vii. Background Check: Required
viii. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $75.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $10.00
b. Recertification Requirements:
i. Training: Online and in-person component
ii. Annual Service Requirement: Instruct one clinic and field session assigned
by State Referee Committee
iii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Regional Referee Coach Quiz (80% or
iv. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
v. Background Check: Required
vi. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $75.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $10.00
3. Terry Vaughn Lifetime Membership
The Terry Vaughn Lifetime membership is bestowed at the discretion of U. S. Soccer upon
individuals who have displayed a thorough dedication to the program. In addition to their
contributions, nominees must also meet the following criteria:
a. Requirements
i. 25 or more consecutive years of registration
ii. Age 60 or older
iii. Provided U. S. Soccer-related service to the local or state playing
iv. Submit intent to State Referee Administrator for review and consideration
v. State Referee Committee will submit approved nominations to U. S.
Soccer for consideration.
b. Registration:
i. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Regional Referee Quiz
ii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
iii. Background Check: Required
iv. Fees:
(a) Insurance & background fee: $5.00
1. Grassroots Referee Mentor
Qualified to provide development and guidance assessments for Grassroots Referees.
a. Registration requirements:
i. Minimum Age: 20
ii. Training: Online and in-person component
iii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Grassroots Referee Mentor Quiz (80% or above)
iv. Practical Assessment: Conduct one assessment under the supervision of a
Regional or National Referee Coach assigned by State Referee Committee
v. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
vi. Background Check: Required
b. Fees:
i. Clinic fee: $25.00
ii. USSF registration: $45.00
(a) Insurance: $5.00
(b) Online & background check fee: $10.00
c. Recertification requirements:
i. Training: Online component
ii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Grassroots Instructor Quiz (80% or above)
iii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
iv. Background Check: Required
v. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $45.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $10.00
d. Upgrade requirements to Regional Referee Coach: Upgrade only at the
recommendation of the State Referee Committee after all requirements have been
met for Grassroots Instructor level. The Regional Referee Coach upgrade cycle
will officially begin with the successful completion of the Regional Referee Coach
clinic offered by US Soccer.
2. Regional Referee Coach
Qualified to provide formal assessments for Grassroots and Regional Referes.
a. Registration requirements:
i. Minimum age: 20
ii. Experience: Regional Referee experience
iii. Training: Complete the US Soccer Regional Referee Coach course
iv. Laws of the Game Quiz: Regional Coach course test (80% or above)
v. Practical Assessment: Conduct a minimum of 2 assessments under the
supervision of US Soccer
vi. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
vii. Background Check: Required
viii. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $75.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $10.00
b. Recertification Requirements:
i. Training: Online and in-person component
ii. Annual Service Requirement: Conduct a minimum of 5 assessments
assigned by State Referee Committee
iii. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Regional Referee Coach Quiz (80% or
iv. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
v. Background Check: Required
vi. Fees:
(a) USSF registration: $75.00
(b) Insurance: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $10.00
3. Terry Vaughn Lifetime Membership
The Terry Vaughn Lifetime membership is bestowed at the discretion of U. S. Soccer upon
individuals who have displayed a thorough dedication to the program. In addition to their
contributions, nominees must also meet the following criteria:
a. Requirements
i. 25 or more consecutive years of registration
ii. Age 60 or older
iii. Provided U. S. Soccer-related service to the local or state playing
iv. Submit intent to State Referee Administrator for review and consideration
v. State Referee Committee will submit approved nominations to U. S.
Soccer for consideration.
b. Registration:
i. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Regional Referee Quiz
ii. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
iii. Background Check: Required
iv. Fees:
(b) Insurance fee: $5.00
(c) Online & background check fee: $10.00
1. Registration requirements
a. Minimum Age: 18
b. Training: Online and in-person component
c. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Grassroots Assignor Quiz
d. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
e. Background Check: Required
f. Fees:
i. Clinic fee: $20.00
ii. USSF registration: $10.00
2. Recertification requirements:
a. Training: Online component
b. Laws of the Game Quiz: Online Grassroots Assignor Quiz
c. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Required
d. Background Check: Required
e. Fees:
i. USSF registration: $10.00
The Grassroots Advanced fitness test for consists of two tests:
The Grassroots Advanced Referee test consists of two tests:
The time between the end of Test 1 and the start of Test 2 is 6 to 8 minutes maximum
Referees must pass the Regional physical fitness test at least once a year.
Fitness standards may change based on minimum requirements set forth by US Soccer.
1. Test 1: Repeated Sprint Ability (RSA) - measures the referee's ability to perform six repeated
sprints over 40m using the standards of the FIFA Women's Referee Test (Category 3).
The referee is given a maximum of 60 seconds between sprints. A referee who fails
one sprint test is given one additional try.
FIFA Women's Referee Test Category 3: six repeated sprints over 40m in 6.6 seconds
2. Test 2: Interval Test - evaluates the referee's capacity to perform a series of ten (10) laps of
high-speed runs consisting of 40 x 75m and 25m walking intervals.
If a referee fails to place a foot inside the walking area on time, they should receive a
clear warning from the test leader.
If a referee fails to place a foot inside the walking area on time for a second occasion,
they should be stopped by the test leader and informed that they have failed the test.
Maximum of 17 seconds per 75m run and 24 seconds per 25m walk
The Regional Referee test consists of two tests:
The time between the end of Test 1 and the start of Test 2 is 6 to 8 minutes maximum
Referees must pass the Regional physical fitness test at least once a year.
Fitness standards may change based on minimum requirements set forth by US Soccer.
1. Test 1: Repeated Sprint Ability (RSA) measures the referee’s ability to perform six
repeated sprints over 40m using the standards of the FIFA Women’s Referee Test.
The referee is given a maximum of 60 seconds between sprints.
A referee who fails one sprint test is given one additional try.
a. Male Referees
FIFA Women’s Referee Test Category 1: six repeated sprints over 40m in 6.4
b. Female Referees
FIFA Women’s Referee Test Category 3: six repeated sprints over 40m in 6.6
2. Test 2: Interval Test evaluates the referee’s capacity to perform a series of ten (10) laps
of high-speed runs consisting of 40 x 75m and 25m walking intervals.
If a referee fails to place a foot inside the walking area on time, they should receive a
clear warning from the test leader.
If a referee fails to place a foot inside the walking area on time for a second occasion,
they should be stopped by the test leader and informed that they have failed the test.
a. Male Referees
Maximum of 17 seconds per 75m run and 20 seconds per 25m walk
b. Female Referees
Maximum of 17 seconds per 75m run and 24 seconds per 25m walk
The National Referee and National Assistant Test are track and gender specific.
National Referees and National Assistant Referees must pass fitness standards at least once a
Fitness standards may change based on minimum requirements set forth by US Soccer.
1. The National Referee fitness test for consists of two tests:
The time between the end of Test 1 and the start of Test 2 is 6 to 8 minutes maximum
a. Test 1: Repeated Sprint Ability (RSA) measures the referee’s ability to perform
six repeated sprints over 40m.
Referees run six consecutive 40 meter sprints followed by a recovery period
after each sprint (while walking back to the start line)
Referees receive a maximum of 60 seconds recovery between each of the 6 x
40m sprints. During recovery, referees must walk back to the start.
If a referee falls or trips, they should be given an additional trial (one trial = 1
x 40 m).
If a referee fails one trial out of the six, they should be given a seventh trial
immediately after the sixth trial.
If they fail two trials out of seven, the match official has failed the test.
i. Male Referees: Six repeated sprints over 40m in 6.0 seconds
ii. Female Referees: Six repeated sprints over 40m in 6.4 seconds
b. Test 2: Interval Test evaluates the referee’s capacity to perform a series of ten
(10) laps of high-speed runs consisting of 40 x 75m and 25m walking intervals.
Referees must complete 40 x 75m run / 25m walk intervals. This equates to 10
laps of a 400m athletics track. A lap consists of four 75 meter runs with four
25 meter recovery walks.
The pace is dictated by the audio file and reference times are set in accordance
with the referee’s category.
Referees must start from a standing position. They must not start before the
whistle. On the whistle, referees are allowed to start running.
At the end of each run, each referee must enter the ‘walking area’ before the
whistle. The walking area is marked out with a line 1.5m before and 1.5m
behind the 75m line.
If a referee fails to place a foot inside the walking area on time, they should
receive a clear warning from the test leader.
If a referee fails to place a foot inside the walking area on time for a second
occasion, they should be stopped by the test leader and informed that they
have failed the test.
i. Male Referees: Maximum of 15 seconds per 75m run and 18 seconds per
25m walk
ii. Female Referees: Maximum of 17 seconds per 75m run and 20 seconds
per 25m walk
2. The National Assistant Referee fitness test consists of three tests:
The time between the end of Test 1 and the start of Test 2 is 2 to 4 minutes maximum
The time between the end of Test 2 and the start of Test 3 is 6 to 8 minutes maximum.
a. Test 1: Change of Direction Ability (CODA) assesses the assistant referee’s
ability to change direction.
Assistant referees run one 10m (forward) x 8m (sideways left) x 8m (sideways
right) x 10m (forward) sprint
The distance between A and B is 2 meters. The distance between B and C is 8
The ‘start line’ is marked out 0.5m before the timing gate (A).
Assistant referees line up at the start with their front foot touching the ‘start
line’. Once the test leader signals ready, the assistant referee is free to start.
Assistant referees sprint 10m forward (A to C), 8m sideways left (C to B), 8m
sideways right (B to C) and 10 m forward (C to A).
If an assistant referee falls or trips, he/she should be given an additional trial.
If an assistant referee fails the trial, he/she should be given an additional trial.
If assistant referee fails two trials, he/she has failed the test.
i. Male Assistant Referees: 10 seconds
ii. Female Assistant Referees: 11 seconds
b. Test 2: Repeated Sprint Ability (RSA) measures the assistant referee’s ability
to perform five repeated sprints over 30m.
Assistant referees run five consecutive 30 meter sprints followed by a
recovery period after each sprint (while walking back to the start line)
The ‘start’ gate is placed at 0m and the ‘finish’ gate at 30m. The ‘start line’ is
marked out 1.5m before the ‘start’ gate.
Assistant referees line up at the start with their front foot touching the ‘start
line’. Once the test leader signals ready, the assistant referee is free to start.
Assistant referees receive a maximum of 30 seconds recovery between each of
the 5 x 30m sprints. During recovery, assistant referees must walk back to the
If an assistant referee falls or trips, they should be given an extra trial (one
trial = 1 x 30 m).
If an assistant referee fails one trial out of the five, they should be given a
sixth trial immediately after the fifth trial. If they fail two trials out of six, the
match official has failed the test.
i. Male Assistant Referees: 4.7 seconds
ii. Female Assistant Referees: 5.10 seconds
c. Test 3: Interval Test evaluates the assistant referee’s capacity to perform a
series of high-speed runs over 75m interspersed in 17 seconds with 25m walking
intervals in 22 seconds.
Assistant referees must complete 40 x 75m run / 25m walk intervals. This
equates to 10 laps of a 400m athletics track. A lap consists of four 75 meter
runs with four 25 meter recovery walks
The pace is dictated by the audio file and reference times are set in accordance
with the assistant referee’s category.
Assistant referees must start from a standing position. They must not start
before the whistle. On the whistle, assistant referees are allowed to start
At the end of each run, each assistant referee must enter the ‘walking area’
before the whistle. The walking area is marked out with a line 1.5m before
and 1.5m behind the 75m line.
If an assistant referee fails to place a foot inside the walking area on time, they
should receive a clear warning from the test leader. If an assistant referee fails
to place a foot inside the walking area on time for a second occasion, they
should be stopped by the test leader and informed that they have failed the
i. Male Assistant Referees: Maximum of 15 seconds per 75m run and 20
seconds per 25m walk
ii. Female Assistant Referees: Maximum of 17 seconds per 75m run and 22
seconds per 25m walk
1. For promotion to Grassroots Advanced, referees must have one passing middle assessment
on a match that constitutes a sufficient test. The assessment must be conducted on a
Division 1 or 2 17U competitive or higher full-length match utilizing standard IFAB Laws
of the Game OR a full-length amateur Division 2 or higher match utilizing standard IFAB
Laws of the Game.
a. The referee must have more passing assessments than non-passing.
b. Two failing assessments in an upgrade cycle stops the process for the remainder of
the upgrade cycle.
2. For recertification, Grassroots Advanced Referees must have one passing middle
assessment on a match that constitutes a sufficient test. The assessment must be conducted
on a Division 1 or 2 17U competitive or higher full-length match utilizing standard IFAB
Laws of the Game OR a full-length amateur Division 2 or higher match utilizing standard
IFAB Laws of the Game.
a. Two failing assessments in a recertification cycle stops the process for the
remainder of the recertification cycle.
1. For promotion to Regional Referee, referees must have three passing middle assessments
on matches that constitute a sufficient test: one assessment must be conducted on a Division
1 or 2 18U or higher competitive youth AND two assessments on a Division 2 or higher
amateur matches.
a. The three middle assessments must be completed by three different Regional
Referee Coaches.
b. The referee must have more passing assessments than non-passing. Two failing
assessments in an upgrade cycle stops the process for the remainder of the upgrade
2. For recertification, Regional Referee must have two passing assessments as middle on
matches that constitute a sufficient test: one assessment must be conducted on a Division
1 or 2 18U or higher competitive youth AND one assessment on a Division 2 or higher
amateur matches.
a. The two middle assessments must be completed by two different Regional
Referee Coaches.
b. Two failing assessments in a recertification cycle stops the process for the
remainder of the recertification cycle.
1. Referees seeking promotion to National Referee or National Assistant Referee must meet
the minimum requirements between July 1 and June 30 as a referee or assistant referee
when submitting an application to U. S. Soccer for consideration to selection. (Refer to U.
S. Soccer for additional information.)
a. Officials must have three passing National assessments on adult matches that
constitute a sufficient test in the respective track being sought.
b. The assessments must be completed by three different National Coaches.
c. Two failing assessments in an upgrade cycle stops the process for the remainder of
the upgrade cycle.
Note: National Referee Candidates who are not selected by U. S. Soccer must complete the
requirements of Regional Referee within the January 1 to December 31 timeframe.
It is the policy of USSF and the North Texas Soccer Referee Program that all activities conducted for the
purpose of referee, referee coaches, or instructor training or which may be used to satisfy referee,
instructor, referee coach, and assignor training requirements be done in coordination with the State
Director of Instruction. This policy is consistent with the policies and procedures of USSF and is proper
protocol. This policy pertains to all classes, clinics, and any other form of instruction provided to referee,
instructors, or referee coaches within NTSSA. The purpose of this policy is not to restrict such training,
but rather ensure that all such training is coordinated, that the SDI is aware of what is being presented,
and that proper publicity is given to all appropriate referees.
1. Member Associations may request entry level clinics by completing the online clinic
request available online. These requests are considered pending and generally must
provide three week notice for approval and instructor assignment.
2. Exclusions: No clinics may be conducted from June 1 through the North Texas Soccer All-
Referee Clinic (generally held the weekend after the AGM in July). In addition, no clinics
may be held on the weekends that would conflict with:
a. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
b. Youth State Cup
c. Tournament of Champions
3. Clinic Fees
a. A host association must meet a minimum number of students based upon North
Texas Soccer votes allotted to the association. 15 students is the minimum required
for associations with 3 or more votes, 10 is the minimum number required for all
other associations. While the clinic may be conducted with any number of students,
the host Association may be responsible for payment of clinic fees for the minimum
b. All clinic and registration fees are paid online when the student registers for the
clinic. No fees will be made payable to or collected by the Association or the
c. Full payment of clinic fee is required before a student may participate. This applies
to associations as well as individuals.
4. Combined clinics are not allowed due to format differences.
5. Students must have reached 13 years of age to register for a Grassroots clinic.
6. Association Clinic Coordinators: The host association is required to provide clinic
coordinators before, during and immediately following each clinic.
a. Pre-Clinic Coordinator
i. Confirm dates, times, location, facilities.
ii. Help facilitate resources, tables, chairs, electricity, etc.
b. On-site Coordinator: Acts as representative of the host Association
i. Should be on-site to the maximum extent possible. Short absences
coordinated with the instructor are possible. Coordinator must be on-site
and opening and closing of each day’s clinic session
ii. The clinic site must be set up classroom style with seating at desks or tables
available for all students.
iii. Ensure security of facility and equipment for the duration of the clinic.
iv. Responsible for all minors before, during and after the clinic schedule.
v. Lock, unlock and have access to equipment, facilities, electricity, etc.
vi. Clean and restore facility as needed after the conclusion of the clinic.
7. Clinic Cancellation
a. The IIC/Instructors cannot cancel a clinic.
b. Only the host association OR the State Director of Instruction may cancel a clinic.
c. If clinic is canceled less than 72 hours before clinic start time and date, the
association may be assessed a $200.00 penalty.
d. If a clinic is canceled at the start of the clinic, the association will be assessed a
$200.00 penalty and the fees and expenses for the instructor(s) who were present
when the clinic was canceled.
8. Participant Responsibilities
a. Any specified online sessions must be completed prior to attending the in-person
b. All online and in-person sessions and test must be completed in order to register
and receive a badge.
c. No credit for attendance will be given unless the instructor completes the course
information for each session using the online registration system.
b. Students should:
i. bring paper, pen or pencil
ii. wear comfortable shoes and clothing
iii. expect to participate in multiple field sessions that require physical activity
9. Pass/Fail: Students must successfully complete the online modules and pass the Grassroots
Quiz prior to attending the in-person component. Students retaking the online component
must complete it within the same registration year as the original attempt.
10. Maximums and Minimums:
a. 30 student maximum Exceptions to the maximum may be coordinated with the
SDI in advance at the time the clinic is requested. The SDI will review both the
facility and instructor availability prior to approval of more than 30 students.
b. There is no minimum number of students. The host association will be billed for
the number under the minimum based on their North Texas Soccer votes.
11. Instructor-in-charge (IIC):
An Instructor-in-charge shall:
a. Establish and maintain contact with host association clinic coordinators.
b. Establish and maintain contact with clinic instructors.
c. Obtain and return clinic materials from/to the NTSSA office.
d. Provide materials to students.
e. Monitor student registration and insure completion of on-line prerequisite sessions.
f. Conduct and grade clinic exam and review missed questions with the students.
g. Complete clinic attendance records and scores within 72 hours of clinic
12. Clinics must be open to referee candidates from all NTSSA associations and leagues.
Clinic reservations must be properly managed to prevent last minute clinic cancellations or
undersized clinics that result in a “loss” to the host association.
13. Host associations may reserve up to 25 of the clinic spaces for referee candidates who will
register with their home association(s). This limit applies even when two or more
associations join to host a clinic. Reservation is done by requiring an override code for the
online registration system and keeping a roster of members who have been provided the
code. Seven (7) days prior to the clinic start date all remaining (unreserved) clinic seats
are to open to anyone. Override codes will be removed by the NTSSA referee staff.
Anyone registering for the course who obtains the override code from someone other than
the designated source may be removed from the clinic.
14. Clinic seats may not be reserved for the makeup of a session or for the re-take of a test.
However, a seat may be reserved for a makeup of an entire clinic. Session make-ups may
be done on a space available basis where the total clinic size will not exceed 30. Re-testing
will be done online unless there is some need for special assistance for the student (i.e.
reading difficultly).
1. Grassroots Advanced candidates must request to attend and be accepted by the State
Referee Committee to attend the Regional Referee Advancement Clinic. Candidates will
obtain three letters of recommendations to submit with their application to attend no later
than January 1.
2. Candidates must be registered for the year in which the Regional Referee Advancement
Clinic is held.
3. No part of the Regional Referee Advancement Clinic may be used for recertification.
4. The number of candidates will depend on how many officials the State Referee Committee
determine can be successfully evaluated during the year.
5. All upgrade requirements (training, fitness, and Regional Laws of the Game quiz), except
assessments, must be met at the Regional Referee Advancement Clinic.
a. Current requirements include: online and in-person component, fitness test, online
Regional Referee test, and assessment fees.
6. Requirements failed during the clinic cannot be made up.
The following qualifications must be met to attend an Instructor Clinic:
1. Must be recommended by the State Director of Assessment
2. A resume from the candidate is required to register for new instructor clinic.
3. Must be an effective communicator
4. Must have a positive reputation on and off the field
5. Must be approved by the State Referee Committee
The following qualifications must be met to attend a Referee coach Clinic:
1. Must have been a minimum Grassroots Advanced
2. Must be recommended by the State Director of Assessment
3. A resume from the candidate is required to register for new Referee Coach clinic.
4. Must be an effective communicator
5. Must have a positive reputation on and off the field
6. Must have or had match management skills, foul recognition and a “read” of the game at
the competitive 17U competitive or higher level
All individuals who make referee scheduling decisions must complete the Assignor Clinic
provided by NTSSA and be properly registered with NTSSA and USSF.
1. Individuals who must attend an Assignor Clinic and register include:
a. Assignors
b. Field Coordinators
2. Registration Requirements:
a. Training: In-person component
b. Law of the Game Quiz: Online Grassroots Quiz
c. SafeSport & Safe Soccer Training: Ages 17 and older
d. Background Check: Ages 17 and older
e. Fees:
(i) Clinic fee: $20.00
(ii) USSF registration: $10.00
Referee assignors shall adhere to the USSF Assignor Code of Ethics and ensure that all referees
receive equal consideration for match assignments consistent with the minimum game
requirements and the referee’s ability and desire for advancement.
A referee, assistant referee or fourth official in any NTSSA match may not be assigned or
appointed by anyone who is not registered as a Referee Assignor with U. S. Soccer for the current
year. NTSSA may allow an association to appoint an unregistered assignor in an emergency who
may not serve past the end of the current seasonal year without becoming registered.
While each U.S. Soccer match official is expected to keep the assignments they accept, there are
certain occasions where a individual should be released from a lower level assignment to officiate
in a higher level competition.
To this end, the following games are listed by priority for assignment:
1. International and National Team games assigned by U.S. Soccer
2. Games assigned by the Professional Referee Organization (PRO)
3. Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup assigned by U.S. Soccer
4. Youth National Team games assigned by U.S. Soccer
5. Regional and National competitions assigned directly by U.S. Soccer's Affiliate Members.
Includes, but is not limited to:
2. US Youth Soccer
3. US Club Soccer
4. U.S. Soccer Affiliate Members
6. State level competitions assigned directly by U.S. Soccer and U.S. Soccer's Affiliate
Includes, but is not limited to:
a. State Adult Associations
b. State Youth Associations
c. League games assigned by U.S. Soccer
d. U.S. Soccer Affiliate Members
Please note that this policy does not apply:
Within 72 hours of the scheduled game time unless an emergency situation exists
When a substantial financial commitment has been made for the assignment (e.g., non-
refundable airline tickets)
Responsibility of officials:
Keep the lines of communication open about upcoming national and international
appointments as far in advance as possible
Communicate the receipt of a higher priority appointment to their assignor, State Referee
Administrator, and U.S. Soccer (if applicable) as soon as possible
Report an assignor that refuses to release the official for a higher priority assignment to
their State Referee Administrator and the U.S. Soccer Referee Department
Responsibility of assignors:
Identify the highly experienced officials on your assignment roster who are likely to be
assigned to a higher priority assignment and always be prepared to fill these slots on an
emergency basis
Cooperate with officials and other assignors on those rare occasions when the game priority
policy is invoked
Report any concerns regarding officials to the State Referee Administrator
1. Referee coaches perform assessments within the State Referee Program to assist referees
at all levels of the game to improve and sharpen their officiating skills.
2. Referee coaches should approach each match as an objective observer of the officiating
team's performance in executing its duties and responsibilities. A referee coach translates
his/her observations into constructive feedback to reinforce areas of high proficiency and
to identify areas of weakness with suggested changes that will help the officials improve
and sharpen their officiating skills.
3. At the same time, the referee coach is serving the State Referee Committee by providing
feedback on the referee's ability to effectively officiate at the level of competition
consistent with his referee grade (or requested upgrade).
1. The assessment of all game officials for promotion and maintenance must be submitted
online through
2. Reports of delinquent written feedback to the officials or delinquent report of assessments
to the SDA will be reviewed and where appropriate, penalties initiated.
1. Associations will pay $100 per referee coach scheduled per 8-hour session. The playing
association shall go to the North Texas Soccer website and download the Referee Mentor
Day Request form, fill out the form, and submit to North Texas Soccer office with payment.
The request and payment must be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the date requested.
2. Referee coaches scheduled to work referee mentor day will be compensated at the current
rate for half or full day shift plus current mileage if appropriate.
An appointment by the State Director of Assessment or designee to assess at a referee mentor day
or to conduct an assessment for promotion to or recertification as a Grassroots Advanced or
Regional Referee or by the State Director of Instruction or designee to conduct any instruction at
any referee clinic shall have priority over any assignment to act as referee or assistant referee at
any match except those listed in the Policy Statement of the United States National Referee
Committee entitled "Game Priority in Referee Appointments", provided there shall be no such
priority if the appointment is:
1. Within 7 days of the scheduled match time
2. When a substantial financial commitment has been made for the referee appointment (i.e.
Non-refundable airline tickets)
3. Unless the existing assignment is a high school or college playoff assignment.
4. If the appointment involves travel and the existing assignment does not involve travel.
1. Any referee wanting an assessment, either for upgrade or for maintenance, is required to
pay for the assessments in advance through the online registration system. The cost is for
Grassroots Advanced and Regional Referee is $50 for each assessment as referee and $100
for National Assessments. The referee must also submit his assessable game information
online at
a. Assessment Fees:
i. Grassroots Advanced (1 middle assessment): $60 per assessment
ii. Grassroots Advanced to Regional Referee (3 middle assessments): $60 per
iii. Maintenance assessments (2 assessments): $60 per assessment
iv. Assessments requiring a National Referee Coach: $100 each assessment
2. Referee coaches, officially appointed by the SDA are to be compensated using the
following schedule:
a. Grassroots Advanced: $60.00 per assessed game plus standard mileage
b. Regional: $75 per assessed game plus mileage
c. National: $125 per assessed game plus mileage
1. Referee Mentor
a. Recommended Level: Grassroots Advanced
b. Minimum referee level attained: Grassroots Advanced
c. Successfully complete the Referee Mentor Course
d. Pass the Referee Mentor Test with 80% or higher
e. Recommendation by the SDA and approval by the State Referee Committee
f. Minimum Age: 22
g. Recertification requirements:
i. Training: In-person Component
ii. Pass the Referee Mentor Test
iii. Minimum of 2 full assessments at 17U within the preceding 12 months
iv. Formal assessments shall be submitted on and
reviewed by the SDA as necessary.
2. Regional Referee Coach
a. Recommended Levels: Regional Referee
b. Minimum referee level attained: Regional Referee
c. Pass the Regional Referee Coach Test with 80% or higher
d. Minimum number games assessed: 10 affiliated games as a Referee Mentor
e. One year in grade as Referee Mentor
f. Successfully complete Regional Referee Coach Training Course.
g. Recommendation by the SDA and approved by U. S. Soccer
h. U.S. Soccer will utilize selected National Referee Coaches to supervise the
fulfillment of the practical assessment for new Regional Referee Coach candidates
i. Minimum Age: 25
j. Recertification requirements:
i. Training: In-person Component
ii. Pass the Regional Referee Coach Test
iii. Perform 5 full assessments within the past 12 months
iv. Assessments must be submitted on and will
be reviewed as necessary by the SDA.
The Elite Referee Program is a highly-intensive training program provided by the North Texas
Soccer Referee Program for referees who are interested in, and show the potential for, eventually
officiating at higher levels of competition.
The Elite Referee Program is a direct function of the North Texas Soccer Referee Program who
assigns mentors to provide different forms of training. Mentors who serve at the discretion of the
North Texas Referee Committee may be current and former FIFA, National, and State officials
along with other invited guests relevant to officiating issues.
The program is designed to develop the skill set and professionalism required to officiate higher
level local, state and national competition, as well as develop positive working relationships
between the match officials participating in the program.
1. take part in monthly web-based, training exercises, and other in-person training sessions.
2. will register for each monthly session on
3. are required to participate in at least 75% of all training sessions.
4. receive annual training hours for each session attended.
5. have higher fitness standards that are measured annually.
6. are expected to be available for specific North Texas Soccer sanctioned events: State Cup,
Presidents Cup, Frontier League, and Tournament of Champions.
7. must comply with all program expectations on a regular basis or are subject to removal
from the program.
8. are eligible for the North Texas Travel Allowance to assist them with expenses incurred in
traveling to events outside North Texas that provide opportunities to be assessed or
identified for further advancement.
The Junior Elite Referee Program is an advanced training program provided by the North Texas
Soccer Referee Program for referees who are interested in, and show the potential for, eventually
being invited into the Elite Referee Program and officiating at higher levels of competition.
The Junior Elite Referee Program is a direct function of the North Texas Soccer Referee Program
who assigns mentors to provide different forms of training. Mentors who serve at the discretion
of the North Texas Referee Committee may be current and former FIFA, National, State
officialsalong with other identified mentors, referee coaches, or instructors or invited guests
relevant to officiating issues.
The program is designed to develop the skill set and professionalism required to officiate higher
level local competition, as well as develop positive working relationships between the match
officials participating in the program.
1. take part in monthly web-based, training exercises, and other in-person training sessions.
2. will register for each monthly session on
3. are required to participate in at least 75% of all training sessions.
4. receive annual training hours for each session attended.
5. have higher fitness standards that are measured annually.
6. are expected to be available for specific North Texas Soccer sanctioned events: State Cup,
Presidents Cup, Frontier League, and Tournament of Champions.
7. must comply with all program expectations on a regular basis or are subject to removal
from the program.
8. are eligible for the North Texas Travel Allowance to assist them with expenses incurred in
traveling to events within and outside North Texas that provide opportunities to be assessed
or identified for further advancement.