Proceedings of the
2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Exoskeletons in the Workplace Assessing
Safety, Usability, and Productivity
October 1, 2018 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Cover Photo by The Boeing Company
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium:
Exoskeletons in the Workplace Assessing Safety,
Usability, and Productivity
October 1, 2018 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ergo-X Symposium Chairs
Christopher Reid, e Boeing Company
David Rempel, University of California, Berkeley
Kermit Davis, University of Cincinnati
Proceedings Editors
Brian Lowe, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
William Billotte, National Institute of Standards and Technology
George Brogmus, Liberty Mutual Insurance
omas McDowell, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Christopher Reid, e Boeing Company
David Rempel, University of California, Berkeley
Divya Srinivasan, Virginia Tech
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
This document is in the public domain and may be freely copied or
ese proceedings do not constitute endorsement of the views expressed or recom-
mendations by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)or the Human Factors and Ergo-
nomics Society (HFES). e opinions and conclusions expressed in the presentations
are those of the presenters and not necessarily those of NIOSH or HFES. Mention of
any specic company name or product does not constitute endorsement by NIOSH or
HFES. Summary content for the sessions was developed by the Editors and where con-
tent is attributed to a specic presenter the presenter was provided the opportunity to
review and edit the content. Recommendations are not statements of NIOSH or HFES
policy, or of any agency or individual involved. e information is intended to be used
in advancing the knowledge needed for improving the safety and health of workers
using exoskeletons.
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Suggested Citation
NIOSH [2019] Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium: Exoskeletons in the
Workplace — Assessing Safety, Usability, and Productivity. By Lowe B, Billotte W,
Brogmus G, McDowell T, Reid C, Rempel D, Srinivasan D (Editors). Cincinnati, OH:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH)
Publication No. 2020-102,
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2020-102
October 2019
iiiProceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Exoskeletons and Exosuits are wearable technologies designed to augment the hu-
man musculoskeletal system to improve physical performance. eir potential value
extends across disciplines, and includes improving industrial worker capabilities and
enhancing medical rehabilitation. e concept is not new; patent designs are traceable
to the 1800s. but they moved from science ction to reality in the 1970s with research
and development by the military to enhance warghter capabilities and have taken
o in the past decade in the industrial sector with improved designs and materials.
Now many manufacturers are investing heavily in the evaluation of exoskeletons for
assembly and warehouse jobs to reduce fatigue and injury and improve productivity.
In response to the rapid market growth, industrial users and researchers unied in
late 2017 to form the ASTM F48 Exoskeletons and Exosuits Standards Committee to
create guidelines on the safe design and adoption of this wearable technology.
For the past 3 years, Boeing, Ford, Toyota, and BMW on the private industry side,
Navy and Army on the military side, and a number of medical institutions, have been
conducting research on exoskeleton and exosuit technology. is work, including
user assessment and implementation ndings has been primarily internalized to each
institution, though some of their broader ndings have been shared publicly. During
discussions in early 2018 with ASTM F48 and the Human Factors & Ergonomics
Society (HFES) executive leaderships, it became apparent that there was an oppor-
tunity for both organizations and their members to leverage each other’s expertise to
help accelerate exoskeleton and exosuit design and standards using human factors and
ergonomics principles in user-centered design. ese principles were already being
actively explored in the ASTM F48.02 subcommittee task groups on exoskeleton and
exosuit anthropometric size and shape, usability, ergonomics, safety, and training.
is joint coordination and planning led to the rst national symposium, titled “ErgoX
Symposium: Exoskeletons in the Workplace – Assessing Safety, Usability, & Produc-
tivity,” which was held on October 1, 2018 prior to the Human Factors & Ergonomics
Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. e ErgoX symposium provided a forum for
designers, users and researchers to share insights and ndings in a public setting on
human factors issues related to exoskeleton and exosuit technology. e format in-
cluded TEDx style presentations with discussion panels and product interaction with
developers and vendors in the same oor space. Experts from the military, medical,
and industrial domains participated as users, developers, regulatory, or university
sector speakers and attendees.
e content of the symposium attracted support and participation from many com-
panies (e.g. Liberty Mutual, Boeing, Mawashi, Levitate), U.S. Federal agencies, (e.g.
NIST, FDA, NIOSH, VA, etc.), universities, international Federal agencies, and sci-
entic bodies (National Academy of Sciences). With a little over 130 attendees, this
initial symposium included both US (84%) and non-US (16%) attendees, with from the
latter comprising eight countries in Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean. e majority of
attendees were from private industry (34%), followed by academia (29%), government
(27%), and then exoskeleton developers (8%). Based on exoskeleton domain of inter-
est, attendees and their organizations were grouped into the industrial (61%), military
(27%), and medical (10%) representations.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
is report summarizes important points made by presenters and panelists. the suc-
cess of the exoskeleton and exosuit symposium and the rapid rate of development of
this technology and research has led the organizers to plan another Symposium prior
to the next HFES meeting in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 2019, continuing in
subsequent years. Lessons learned from this year will carry forward into the program
for 2019, with the intention to continue to demonstrate iterative progress for user-cen-
tered design and industry standards.
Christopher R. Reid, PhD
Secretary-Treasurer, Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society, Symposium Chair
David Rempel, MD
Symposium Co-Chair
Kermit Davis, PhD
President, Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society, Symposium Co-Chair
vProceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Executive Summary
e Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium: Exoskeletons in the Workplace have
been assembled to disseminate the speakers’ presentations and to summarize the
question and answer/discussion periods that followed the presentations within each
session. e proceedings appear by session and include summary points with links to
presentation slides from speakers who agreed to provide them. e Ergo-X Proceed-
ings Editors identied and documented the summary points and gave presenters of
specic content (such as keynote presentations) an opportunity to review, edit, and
approve the content.
Here are some of the key summary points from the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium:
Metabolic demand may be a predictor of fatigue onset; however, we need a bet-
ter understanding of how the positive or negative eect of an exoskeleton on
metabolic demand aects injury prevention/risk.
e t of the exoskeleton system is complex. Static assessments of t that do not
consider task dynamics are insucient; multivariate anthropometric data are
critical to t.
Simulation and digital human modeling technologies have potential use in (1)
assessing the interface between the user and exoskeleton and (2) reducing the
test and evaluation burden of using human subjects.
Existing exoskeleton systems require a period of adaptation by the end user. For
a new user, task performance is not likely to reach a steady state immediately. We
need to establish acceptable test durations for exoskeleton trials.
Cognitive and psychomotor eects of exoskeleton use have been observed and
are likely task dependent.
Industrial exoskeleton designs should be compatible with o-the-shelf tools,
equipment, and personal protective equipment, rather than relying on specialty
tools and custom interfaces.
Although industry speakers presented examples of wider-scale deployment of
overhead support exoskeletons, overhead work with tool support appears to be
the most mature industrial-use case at present.
e FDA oversees devices marketed/prescribed for medical use. Early adoption
of medical exoskeletons may be more promising among individuals who are less
adapted to other mobility-assistive technologies for their disabilities.
In the rehabilitation domain, clinics can utilize exoskeletons to assist therapists
in delivering appropriate therapeutic doses.
ASTM Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits and other standards
organizations oer a forum for sharing exoskeleton knowledge.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Feedback gathered from attendees and participants revealed 19 dierent topics (see
the word cloud) that were issues or concerns for exoskeleton developers, researchers,
and end users in 2018 and moving forward. e top four topics were (1) return on
investment (ROI) considerations; (2) size, shape, and t of exoskeletons on users; (3)
longitudinal eects of exoskeleton usage; and (4) “What metrics are right?” for mea-
suring safe, eective, or reliable system design and integration for users or patients.
Technology needs, gaps, and concerns of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium participants.
viiProceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Table of Contents
Preface .................................................................. iii
Executive Summary ....................................................... v
Acknowledgments ........................................................ viii
List of Speakers by Session ................................................. 1
Conference Sessions ....................................................... 3
Keynote 1, Wearable Robotic Systems: Global Landscape and Opportunities . 3
Opening, Update on ASTM Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits
and other Standards Eorts
............................................ 5
Keynote 2, Ergonomic Assessment of a Space Suit: From the Perspective of
Population Analysis, Fit, Accommodation, Comfort, and Performance
...... 6
Exoskeleton User Discussion Panel ..................................... 8
Research Methods 1—Design for Population Accommodation & Performance 13
Exoskeleton Developer Discussion Panel ................................ 16
Research Methods 2—Assessing System Usability ........................ 18
Research Methods 3—Assessing Safety Panel ............................ 23
Research Methods 4—Assessing Ergonomics ............................ 25
Closing Discussion Panel .............................................. 28
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Important contributors to the development of this document were Lois Smith and
Julie Freeman (former HFES administration); Steve Kemp, HFES; and Dawn Castillo,
Hongwei Hsiao, Kathleen Goedel, Seleen Collins, Elizabeth Clements, and
Vanessa Williams, NIOSH.
Ergo-X Symposium sponsorship was provided by the
Liberty Mutual Insurance
e Boeing Company
Mawashi Science & Technology
Levitate Technologies, Inc.
ASTM International
Northern Illinois University
National Academy of Sciences, Board on Human Systems Integration
1Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
List of Speakers by Session
Session Speakers
Keynote 1 (morning) Bruce Floersheim, GoXStudio
Opening Session William Billotte, NIST
Keynote 2 (afternoon) Sudhakar Rajulu, NASA Johnson Space Center
Exoskeleton User
Discussion Panel
Kendra Betz, U.S. Veterans Aairs
Robert Schram, Toyota
Ron Zmijewski, U.S. Navy Human Assistive
Moderator: Robert Fox, General Motors
Research Methods 1—
Design for Population
Accommodation &
Monica Jones, University of Michigan
Joseph Parham, U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research
Development & Engineering Center (NSRDEC)
Lei Stirling, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Moderator: Krystyna Gielo-Perczak, University of
Exoskeleton Developer
Discussion Panel
Brandon Frees, Ekso Bionics
Chris Beaufait, Sarcos Robotics
Marty Linn, General Motors
Ignacio Galiana, Harvard Wyss Institute
Moderator: Christopher Reid, e Boeing Company
Research Methods
2—Assessing System
Alix Dorfman, Underwriters Lab (UL), Wiklund
Kadon Kyte, e Boeing Company
Kevin Purcell, U.S. Army Public Health Center
Moderator: Carisa Harris-Adamson, University of
California, San Francisco/University of California,
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Session Speakers
Research Methods 3—
Assessing Safety
Ian Marcus, U.S. Food & Drug Administration
Roger Bostelman, NIST
Angela Boynton, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Moderator: Brian Lowe, NIOSH
Research Methods 4—
Assessing Ergonomics
Marty Smets, Ford Motor Company
Maury Nussbaum, Virginia Tech
Karen Nolan, Kessler Foundation
Moderator: Cathy White, Dow Chemical Company
Closing Discussion Panel Delia Treaster, Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation
Gerard Francisco, TIRR Memorial Hermann Hospital
Donald Peterson, Northern Illinois University/ASTM
Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits
Moderator: Cindy Whitehead, U.S. Navy–Naval Sea
System Command
Editors’ Note: e symposium organizers invited all speakers to submit their presentation content and to include
this content in session summaries. e presentation slides and summaries included here are for speakers who gave
permission to include their content.
3Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Conference Sessions
Session Title
Keynote 1, Wearable Robotic Systems: Global Landscape and Opportunities
View the slides:fbb4-
Bruce Floersheim, WearRAcon/GoXStudiom
Summary Points
A show of hands indicated the audience was a relatively equal mix of govern-
ment, industry, and academia.
e “wow factor” of exoskeleton technology helps from a marketing standpoint.
In addition, the movie industry has increased the technologys visibility.
Drivers of the industry include public curiosity and the fact that people are living
longer. As their bodies break down, they still want to be able to do the same
activities, and therefore the technology has advanced.
North America is playing a bit of a catch-up game in comparison with the rest
of the world in this arena. Europeans and Asians have been doing this work on a
scale that is more organized and integrated.
Insurance costs are increasing across the board. Insurance companies are
showing more interest in these technologies.
Many labs are focusing on “return function,” that is, trying to return some
function to users such as stroke survivors and patients with paraplegia.
is goal is common for lower-body systems.
An “enhance function” focus puts emphasis on fully functioning users and taking
them to increased capability.
e desire for enhanced quality of life is slowly trickling into this technology.
Getting access to the technology will be a factor in consumer adoption; industrial
users will be the rst and main adopters.
Large companies are procuring systems and testing them in warehousing and
manufacturing facilities.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Computing feedback and controlling the feedback loop are important factors for
fully optimizing and individualizing the technology for particular wearers.
At present, the power source is probably the Achilles heel (weak point).
We need to gure out better ways to provide power in order to shrink the size
and cost of systems.
Industry is leading the drive to promote development and adoption of these
One goal is to allow an aging workforce to continue to do physically demanding
jobs, as long as they desire to continue such work.
Exo-assist technologies are of interest to labor organizations as a means of im-
proving worker capability and quality of life, without fully replacing the worker.
Question: Can these technologies broaden the demographics for persons who
are capable of performing highly demanding jobs?
Stakeholders should seek involvement with standards development (ISO,
Traditional industrial robotics manufacturers may start making their presence
known in this technology area.
ere are many start-ups in the commercial market in the United States and
Europe, where there is more access to capital investment. In Asia, technologies
are primarily coming out of “old line” industrial companies.
e companies are developing the technologies for their own workforce but are
also starting to look for external sales opportunities.
Exo-system technologies are out there. Question: What can be done to make
them “seamless”?
Question: Does a decreased metabolic rate correlate with or conrm a reduction
in injury? We are still at the early end of understanding this relationship, and a
number of pilot programs are looking at this. Fatigue is an indicator of an in-
creased risk of injury. We are operating on the assumption that reducing met-
abolic cost increases the time to get to the fatigued state and therefore reduces
injury. We need more data to assess rates of injury.
5Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Session Title
Opening, Update on ASTM Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits
and other Standards Efforts
View the slides:fbb4-
William Billotte, NIST/ASTM Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits
Summary Points
We are the future” platform.
Exoskeletons will use quantum computing, articial intelligence, and
high-performance computing.
We need standards to ensure exoskeletons are safe, are reliable, and perform
as intended.
e ASTM Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits was established in
September 2017.
F48 subcommittees were formed around a life-cycle approach. e speaker gave
an overview of each subcommittee.
Terminology work is ongoing, such as dening an exoskeleton and determining
whether an exosuit is a type of exoskeleton.
Participants discussed the scope of ASTM F48. It likely excludes traditional
prosthetics, but new prosthetics that are more akin to wearable robotics would
fall under its scope.
Standards are meant to facilitate innovation. We need to investigate what
metrics are going to work best for the exoskeleton community.
Standards are living documents to revise and improve over time.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Session Title
Keynote 2, Ergonomic Assessment of a Space Suit: From the Perspective of
Population Analysis, Fit, Accommodation, Comfort, and Performance
View the slides:fbb4-
Sudhakar Rajulu, NASA Johnson Space Center
Summary Points
A spacesuit is a type of exosuit. NASA has been dealing with an ensemble system
in the spacesuit for many years.
e t of the suit in a static situation may not be the same as in a dynamic
We need to make donning and dong simpler.
In microgravity, the legs need little mobility. e arms—shoulders, elbows, and
wrists—need the most mobility. Joint bearings will be necessary for lower-limb
mobility for the Mars expedition.
e Russian Space Agency selects cosmonauts who have very similar, restrictive
anthropometric proles.
e Apollo program used a similar restrictive sizing approach, combined with
minor adjustments/alterations. Since the Shuttle program, NASA has t a wider
range (5th percentile female vs. 95th percentile male). NASA made its equip-
ment sizing inclusive of a wider anthropometric variation.
Each spacesuit costs several million dollars.
e Shuttle suit incorporated a Hard Upper Torso (HUT) instead of a soft suit
upper component.
For the Mars mission, the suits need to be modularized and highly adjustable
so that individual suit components can be interchanged and exchanged. It is
dicult to carry spare parts for individual crewmembers because of payload
e current approach to studying and improving suit t issues is merging full
body scans with CAD models of the hard suit components.
Shoulder topography changes with movement from static to dynamic poses.
Models under development will simulate what happens to the shoulder as the
user goes through a dynamic motion. We will be able to apply this to the entire
7Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Monte Carlo simulations represent variation across the entire body size and
shape range for a particular suit type, to determine who will t into it.
When designing a suit or exoskeleton, we need to understand how it restricts or
limits natural movement.
e goal is for an exoskeleton to t everyone, not a specic subpopulation.
Because testing everyone is too time consuming, we need to improve methods of
virtual simulation with the entire population.
Use of the hands is important in suited operations. Augmenting hand function
is a priority. Upper arm (shoulder) excursions and mobility are also under study.
e NASA exercise countermeasures group has considered looking at exoskele-
tons for rehabilitation purposes to counteract the muscle atrophy and bone loss
expected in a journey to Mars.
What should the next steps be for exoskeletons? We need to enable users to don
and do systems without assistance, and we need to make sure the active modes
don’t cause problems.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Session Title
Exoskeleton User Discussion Panel
Robert R. (Bob) Fox, General Motors
Robbie Schram, Toyota
Introducing Exoskeletons into the Toyota Manufacturing Environment
View the slides:fbb4-
Kendra Betz, U.S. Veterans Affairs
Exoskeletons as Assistive Technology for Rehabilitation: Clinical Perspectives
View the slides:fbb4-
Summary Points
In 2016, Toyota built 2 million vehicles and sold 2.5 million, involving 40,000
workers across 13 manufacturing locations.
e focus of Toyota exoskeletons has been on the shoulder, upper back, and arm.
Toyota has used passive upper-body exoskeletons for overhead work and for
under-chassis work.
e company conducted trials of exoskeletons in seven plants, with the most
deployment in Canada, Indiana, Kentucky, and Texas.
It has deployed 239 exoskeletons in the United States and Canada, which are in
use now in Paint and Assembly; it will deploy up to 440 in 2019.
Nearly all deployed exoskeletons are the Levitate device; an additional 15
Eksobionics Eksovests have also been deployed.
e Levitate AirFrame trial
Toyota has tested the Levitate AirFrame in 10 processes, of which more
than half involved “no good” shoulder postures.
e company used subjective team member feedback (rating perceived
exertion, discomfort, and equipment usefulness) at three of its motor
manufacturing plants (in Kentucky, Indiana, and Canada).
9Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Results showed that 70% to 80% of team members preferred using the
device. ey also showed a 73% average reduction in perceived exertion
and 44% reduction in discomfort ratings.
Iowa State also collected %MVC (maximum voluntary contraction)
measurements via electromyography (EMG) with use of the AirFrame at
the plant in Canada.
EMG results showed that with the AirFrame an overall reduction in
%MVC (that is, decreased fatigue) occurred for the shoulder (5.8%) and
the back (4.1%) but not for the biceps (for which %MVC increased for
certain tasks).
Strength tests showed no reductions and some increases over the course
of the study.
Toyota and Levitate co-developed “mutilation covers” to reduce damage (from
contact between the exoskeleton and the product—cars) and to increase user
A second EMG trial used %MVC, Toyotas internal ergo assessment tool (TEBA),
and ACGIH’s Upper Limb Localized Fatigue equation.
Researchers mapped TEBA to ACGIH’s Upper Limb Localized Fatigue
TLV (reshold Limit Value) in order to use TEBA to screen jobs that may
benet from exoskeleton use.
e plan for moving forward involves these actions:
Inventory all jobs using TEBA criteria or injury data and calculate TLV.
Use the Hierarchy of Controls before using an exoskeleton (which
Toyota considers a form of PPE); perform a risk assessment to ensure no
new hazards emerge with the exoskeleton.
Finalize standards (mandatory or voluntary); monitor long-term out-
comes; put dierent types/models to trial.
Exoskeletons are a form of assistive technology for use by individuals with
For these applications we use the HAAT model: a Human performing an Activity
with an Assistive Technology within a context.
Candidates for exoskeletons are often full-time wheelchair users, with little or
no ability to walk, or those who are regaining the ability to walk through
e FDA has cleared four exoskeleton devices: ReWalk, Indego, Ekso, and
Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) by Cyberdyne. HAL, the device most recently
cleared, requires an overhead harness support system and therefore is for
indoor use.
Clinical decisions incorporate research, professional experience, and especially
the client experience and perspective.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
A video showed the process for putting the exoskeleton on and the necessity of
assistance for the user to go from sitting to standing and walking.
Exoskeletons are useful for a subset of individuals with disabilities; they must
meet certain criteria. Individuals who have had more time to adapt to their
disability are more likely to be okay with use of a wheelchair but are interested in
advances in exoskeleton technology.
In some cases, there is a steep learning curve for clinicians and clients because of
the devices’ complexity.
It is critical for all device options to be available for trial, to match the candidate
to the optimal exoskeleton technology.
Current exoskeletons do not yet support the client to move at normal walking
speeds, but this feature will improve as the technology advances.
Exoskeleton users need a trained companion, a limitation for deployment to
certain environments and circumstances.
Skin injury and protection are signicant concerns for clients with neurologic
e VA has developed the VA National Clinical Protocol, with resources to help
clinicians with evaluation, training, and inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Being able to lease the exoskeleton for an extended trial before purchasing it has
been extremely helpful for successful implementation.
Many exoskeleton research projects continue, including a randomized control
trial (RCT) at 10 VA sites led by Drs. Spungen and Asselin.
Here are a few other points about exoskeletons and ethics:
Better technology is always on the horizon; limited competition = high
costs (in addition to care, repair, and maintenance costs).
Consider the “research while implementing” ethics of developing stan-
dards while implementation is taking place; we need responsible, experi-
enced participants in the standards-making process.
CLOUT (Clinical Limits of Use Tools) provides a matrix of application
functions/limitations for each device.
Here are some common threads among exoskeleton users:
Users must like the device to use it and benet from it.
End users and vendor/manufacturers must share feedback with each other.
e complexity of the workplace aects user adoption.
Embrace the technology and work to advance its adoption to increase its
11Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Advice to vendors/manufacturers included the following:
Listen to users about features, t, and design details: keep your ear to the
Interact with users in the worksite.
Tailor devices to applications.
Intuitive usability is currently a complexity and challenge to overcome.
Question: What is the minimum exposure the user will need to have with the
device to provide useful feedback?
Toyota uses a slow ramp-up, from 30 minutes to a full 2 hours and up to a
month for industrial use, and from a few days to a week for military.
In the medical domain, a functional minimum for “lease-to-own” users is
that they must be able to get in the device with minimal assistance, achieve
a sit-to-stand, and walk 10 meters with minimal supervision.
Question: How do you manage the program you have? And do you expect that
ramping up the same program will support it?
Internal standards provide guidelines on the lifecycle of the program.
A selection process helps identify potential users.
On the production oor, we have point people at the main plants, along
with medical, safety, and shop reps.
We are already out of the testing phase and are in the implementation
phase, so we are expecting this model to t.
Question: In terms of outcomes, how do exoskeletons compare to traditional
physical therapy?
Outcomes are dierent from those with traditional therapy and vary more.
Users have increased capabilities but not at a functional norm, so some
prefer the mobility they have achieved in their wheelchair.
Question: How are you selling these devices to leadership? In the medical do-
main, how can you make the economics more feasible?
Toyota has added a digital transformation and human mobility “pillar” to
the company; it is not just a car company but also a mobility provider. is
is a cultural priority, so it is now easier to get a “foot in the door.” e exo-
skeletons continue to provide ROI and are getting better. ere is a bit of
competition; when leadership sees a competitor’s video on their exoskele-
ton deployment, it is more likely to support adoption.
In the medical domain, we need more competition to drive innovation. We
have too few models to choose from, and this is driving up costs.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Question: Do you think you aect the lower extremities and change
posture with an exoskeleton?
We did not do any lower-extremity evaluation. We are looking at strength
testing and injuries. Short-term, we have not seen any strength decre-
ments, but long-term evaluation will be necessary.
Question: Do you actually see user dropout? If so, why?
Toyota: Yes, some dont want to use devices, but others use them full-time.
Fit and comfort are the usual reasons for rejection, and we wonder about
whether we should make device use mandatory.
13Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Session Title
Research Methods 1—Design for Population Accommodation & Performance
Krystyna Gielo-Perczak, University of Connecticut
Monica Jones, University of Michigan
Three-Dimensional Anthropometric Data for Exoskeleton and Exosuit Design
View the slides:fbb4-
Joseph Parham, U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research Development &
Engineering Center (NSRDEC)
Anthropometric Considerations in Exoskeleton Development
View the slides:fbb4-
Leia Stirling, MIT
Quantifying Physical and Cognitive Fit for Assessing Exoskeletons
View the slides:fbb4-
Summary Points
Human measurement and modeling methods are an opportunity to inform the
design and evaluation of exoskeletons.
No two people are the same size and shape.
e Anthropometric Survey of U.S. Army Personnel (ANSUR) and other data
sets are typically one-dimensional.
ree-dimensional (3D) scans give richness of size and shape.
Models and data are publicly available at ese data can
be exported for 3D shape in computer-aided design (CAD) systems.
Range-of-motion scans (dynamic) show what happens to the shape when the
joint moves through the range of motion.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
No actual person looks like a 5-percentile or 95-percentile body model. ere
are approaches for morphing body shape models from GHBMC (Global Human
Body Models Consortium) and Total Human Model for Safety (THUMS) onto
nite element models so they are more representative of a broader population.
We need dynamic, rapid-loading models for crash tests. We can use quasi-stat-
ic loading models for exoskeletons at a mechanical interface to quantify shape
deformation, esh deformation, and pressure points through nite element (FE)
A skeletal geometry model with CT and MRI produces a parametric representa-
tion of the skeletal system as a function of age, gender, and other variables.
ese models and data provide opportunities to develop quantitative measures
of t, to customize t, and, at a population level, to inform sizing requirements.
ANSUR is one of the largest anthropometric survey databases in the world. e
survey was conducted in 2011–2012 and collected data on 12,000 soldiers, in-
cluding 93 anthropometric measurements and 3D scans.
Typical exoskeleton testing involves small samples. We can reference anthropo-
metric databases to see where those subjects fall within a population.
Users of equivalent height and weight can vary substantially across other anthro-
pometric variables.
Common measurements obtained in a semi-nude condition are not reective of
the full gear and equipment required of a soldier. What is the delta between the
two conditions? We refer to this as “encumbered anthropometry.
Dynamic t and static t are dierent in terms of joint alignment with the
system. Statically determined alignment may not predict alignment in dynamic
Cognitive t is a consideration: Does use of the system aect ability to perform
other psychomotor tasks?
Users vary in the time they require to learn how to use systems. e design of
active controllers can be based on the individual user’s style of adaptation.
Spacesuit t is based on observations of the suit technician and subjective
feedback from the suit wearer. Methods have been developed to provide the suit
technician with quantitative information about what is not visible from outside
the suit. Technicians are interested in relative motion between the human and
the encasing suit.
Relative coordination measurements involve collecting inertial measurement
unit (IMU) data on the human and IMU data on the suit to evaluate relative
motion between the two.
An example from the gait cycle is at the point of heel o—hypothesized to be the
foot lifting out of the boot as the suited subject is walking. ese measurements
align with subjective response of the suit user.
15Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
An open question: How does t aect performance?
Exoskeletons may aect visual attention and reaction time performance of some
users, with wide variability. Some tests of exoskeleton use have shown an impact
on inherent cognitive capabilities.
Perceived increase in overall workload has been assessed with the NASA TLX
ere are a number of population-level descriptions for anthropometry, but we
also need population-level descriptions of biomechanics.
In a short-term (3-day) study, users may not achieve adaptation or steady-state
performance with the system, but the study may indicate immediate “intuitive-
ness” of use. e underlying t to the person aects the rate of adaptation, or of
achieving steady-state performance.
Customers ask vendors about the impact of exoskeleton use on quality of work.
is is likely task-specic. Ideal t may depend on the task. Dierent operational
performances may require dierent adjustments or alignments.
Question: What are specic variables to measure for addressing adaptation to
exoskeleton systems? Individuals have dierent responses to perturbations,
and this variability may be important to the design of control systems. ere are
examples of humans responding as both overdamped or underdamped systems
when subjected to perturbation.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Session Title
Exoskeleton Developer Discussion Panel
Christopher R. Reid, The Boeing Company
Chris Beaufait, Sarcos Robotics
Achieving Technical and Manufacturing Readiness for the
Commercialization of Powered Exoskeletons
View the slides:fbb4-
Marty Linn, General Motors
Roboglove—A Human Grasp-Assist Device
View the slides:fbb4-
Brandon Frees, Ekso Bionics
Exoskeletons—Ideas for Implementation and Change Management
View the slides:fbb4-
Summary Points
Developers of powered exoskeletons aim to combine human strong points such
as instinct, intelligence, and judgment with robotic attributes such as strength,
endurance, and precision.
Developers want to augment worker performance while keeping workers out of
harms way.
A major goal is to reduce occupational injuries and musculoskeletal disorders.
One way to achieve this is to reduce worker fatigue and fatigue-related injuries.
Developers also want to develop exoskeletons that can decrease times for users
to recover from injuries and musculoskeletal disorders.
17Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
One of the challenges of powered exoskeleton development is to increase
eciency in order to reduce power consumption. is will allow the use of
completely untethered units and the use of smaller, lighter battery packs.
Powered exoskeleton designs should ensure that the exoskeleton follows the
movements of the worker and not vice-versa.
Exoskeletons need to be adaptable to diverse environments.
Designs should be compatible with o-the-shelf tools and equipment; avoid spe-
cialty tools and custom interfaces when practical.
Another goal is to increase worker productivity.
Designs should allow the worker to operate at a normal pace and within the
existing work environment.
Designs should limit modications to normal work operations; exoskeleton use
should be integrated with existing work processes instead of forcing employers
to alter work operations to accommodate exoskeleton use.
One of the major challenges for developers is to create worker buy-in.
Eorts are underway to integrate wearable sensors into exoskeletons. Developers
and researchers are collecting data on muscle activity, motion, force, metabolic
metrics, and so on. New, exible electronics will facilitate such exoskeleton de-
signs. e use of instrumented under-suits is also being explored.
Exoskeleton designs and applications must evolve to ensure user buy-in.
Exoskeleton developers hope that exoskeletons will eventually become
mandatory PPE in certain work processes and environments.
Exoskeleton developers must create pathways to move designs from the research
and development realm into the user space. ere must be “pay points” that
demonstrate worker benets. Developers must identify and dene problems,
and exoskeleton use must yield solutions to those problems. At the same time,
exoskeletons must have realistic price points.
Developers must address psychosocial aspects of exoskeleton use. Interactions
among exoskeleton users and the social environment are important and should
be evaluated.
Exoskeleton aesthetics are important to some users. Sleek designs are typically
favored, but opinions are mixed.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Session Title
Research Methods 2—Assessing System Usability
Carisa Harris-Adamson, University of California
Kevin Purcell, U.S. Army Public Health Center
Exoskeleton Usability: Task Differences and Anthropomorphism
View the slides:fbb4-
Kadon Kyte, The Boeing Company
Perspectives on Exoskeleton Usability: Insight from Boeing Factory
View the slides:fbb4-
Alix Dorfman, Underwriters Lab (UL), Wiklund
Assessing System Usability: Research Methods and Special Considerations
for Rehabilitative Exoskeleton Evaluation
View the slides:fbb4-
Summary Points
e ISO 9241-11 denition of usability emphasizes achieving “…specied goals
with eectiveness, eciency and satisfaction in a specied context.
Exoskeletons have been scoring at a 4 or 5 on a 7-point Likert scale for usability.
Higher usability is critical to exoskeleton success.
If usability is poor, the exoskeleton will not be adopted.
ere is a strong connection between reduced metabolic cost and a higher
usability rating.
Methods to assess metabolic cost/energy expenditure include these:
Core temperature
19Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Augmentation factor—developed by Dr. Mooney and colleagues;
predictive measure of power transfer to the user from the exoskeleton.
PoLoTAE—Position and Load Test Apparatus for Exoskeletons (developed
by NIST)
For medical and therapeutic devices, usability should also consider the individual
assisting with the therapy.
In military applications, there is not much literature on usability yet.
Marketing classications adopted from usability practitioners include Features
vs. Benets:
Feature—a previously specied task that an exoskeleton can help the user
perform, which tends to be related to a xed task. is contrasts with Ben-
et—what the user wants in the rst place (solution to a users problem),
which tends to involve a dynamic task with unspecied subtasks.
An application example is the original Lockheed HULC, which was designed
to increase a warghter’s ability to carry a large load while minimizing fatigue.
e HULC accomplished that specic goal. However, the soldier/warghter has
other tasks beyond going from point A to point B, such as accomplishing many
One companys approach is to identify where the issues are in terms of
geographical location and with respect to the individual.
First, identify high-risk tasks by using safety data. Look at all safety in-
cidents and pinpoint by body part, various risk factors, and geographic
location to dene issues to address.
Second, strategically align with dierent programs.
ird, apply the best technology for the right application.
Industrial work types include these examples.
Postural assist activities: maintaining a static posture for extended periods,
such as when working with overhead wire bundles, using ne motor skills,
and working near the ground.
Hand tool usage: riveting/bucking, drilling, torqueing
Equipment relocation/moving: workstands, tool/equipment carts
Manual material handling: Lifting/lowering, pushing/pulling, carrying
Industrial use cases include these examples.
Systems installations: doors, seats, lavatories
Structures work: drilling, installing fasteners
Paint work: sanding, masking, painting
Move teams (hoping to get more into this application area): work stands,
carts, large-part moving and assembly
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
User-centered design goal: We need to embed the end user into the entire prod-
uct development process, to reduce injuries, maximize human performance and
product quality, and improve ease in implementation into production systems.
User-centered design approach: Start from the initial meeting with the supplier,
before the system is brought into the lab for testing. Have the perspectives of the
end user in mind through all aspects of the exoskeleton evaluation. When a com-
pany comes on site to demonstrate an exoskeleton system, two or three mechan-
ics will participate to give candid feedback, enabling initial down selection.
Specication of requirements
Prototype building
Human testing
Usability testing approach: Involve end-users throughout.
Site visit: supplier and end-user feedback; quick assessment
Lab assessment: simulated environments; end-user test pool
Field assessment: production shop trial
Testing over time, to address problems
Targeting workers who have a negative experience, to make them
One speaker described results of a 6-month trial of a shoulder vest system.
Usability metrics: primarily subjective (Likert Scale: 1–7)
Usefulness, adjustability, restriction, t, thermal, balance, comfort, overall
Metrics also included open-ended responses
Metrics vary over time in a consistent way. All items rated highest in the rst
month, with good initial feedback; then ratings all dipped in the second month.
As issues were identied and addressed, ratings increased again in the third
Other considerations impacting usability
Interaction of the exoskeleton with PPE: coveralls, fall harnesses, tool
belts, hard hats
Extent of integration: single vs. multi-user (shared)
Maintenance needs: end-user, tool cribs, exoskeleton vendors
21Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
One speaker highlighted the importance of social factors. e unwanted
attention of using systems aected usability most. Even if objective metrics
(time to task completion) improve, employees will not wear the systems if
they receive unwanted attention or comments.
Quality of life, employee engagement
Application of human factors engineering (HFE) of medical devices is helping
medical device manufacturers address the regulatory imperative (that devices are
safe and eective) and the commercial imperative (that devices are ecient and
HFE is important because people make mistakes. FDA wants manufacturers
to gure out the ways in which people can make mistakes with a device. is is
known as risk or hazard analysis.
Manufacturers should mitigate risks. is should be design-based mitigation or
instruction/information based (such as labeling). Residual risk should be brought
to a minimum, through testing; no product can be completely risk free.
Formative testing: identify all potential use-related hazards (risk analysis).
Identify all critical/high-risk tasks performed by users.
Identify the interface’s strengths and weaknesses.
Identify potential use errors that could result in serious harm.
Summative testing: perform a human factors validation study to demonstrate
that the device design supports safe, eective use.
To be representative of the intended users, include in the sample at least
15 users per distinct use group (that is, people who will use the device in
dierent ways, such as patients, caregivers, and therapists).
e FDA expects testing with a representative group of users (per age, gender,
occupation, and experience using the device). e user group may be distinct if
they use the device in a dierent way (for example, the physical therapist will use
the device dierently than a patient).
Validation testing should contain at least 15 participants per distinct user group.
User-group characteristics to consider include these:
Patient—level of paralysis, enrollment in a rehabilitation clinic, level of
independence/role of caregiver in their life, anthropometric prole
Caregiver—roles/responsibilities in patient’s life; recruit actual caregiver
or representative substitute
Physical therapist—methods and any other assistive equipment they use
with their patients
Representative use scenarios: e FDA expects that the tasks participants per-
form are representative critical, high-risk, dicult, frequent tasks. Tasks should
follow natural workow.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Consider the percentage of patients who can complete tasks on their own, their
reliance on caregiver, and other physical limitations and safety concerns prevent-
ing them from completing the task.
Representative environment: e FDA expects consideration of elements that
might aect use of the system, such as facility layout, accessories, furniture,
lighting level, sounds or distractions, who is present, and access to help. For
instance, is the system typically donned/doed in the home environment or
physical therapy clinic? Who is typically there to assist the user? e researcher
must include realistic performance-shaping factors.
Representative device—e FDA expects researchers to ensure that testing
is comprehensive and includes pre-use and post-use (product maintenance).
Validation testing requires that the device is comprehensive relative to the nal
product; all parts are product equivalent; and the eects of using prototypes in
early stage research are minimal. Usability testing is not ecacy testing.
In formative evaluation, aesthetic and comfort preferences are commercial
Outcome: No errors or problems with use should occur that could cause serious
Some users initially gravitate to exoskeletons because of a “coolness” or “new-
ness” factor. is initial enthusiasm can drop o in early use before increasing
again. In the military, the culture is dierent. When it denes a system as “mis-
sion critical,” personnel tend to adopt the technology even if they dislike it.
Eects on balance were dicult to assess in laboratory representations of tasks,
particularly those representative of ascending/descending work platforms.
A conference participant asked about perspectives on making devices mandatory
for certain jobs, on the basis of determined criteria. One opinion was that the
systems have not matured enough nor existed long enough to be treated similar-
ly to PPE.
Subjective approaches are prevalent in usability testing. A participant asked
about objective measures for assessing usability. e speaker mentioned that
metabolic cost has a direct relationship with usability and that a human factors
evaluation includes assessing risk and identifying high-severity risks with poten-
tial for harm. Evaluations should establish tasks in which risks can be confronted
for the purpose of identifying user mistakes. Error rates are a measurable way to
determine residual risk.
A participant asked about assessment of fall risks. Focus groups with physical
therapists have raised this issue. For industrial use, laboratory tests of fall risks
are challenging because of the need for overhead harness systems.
23Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Session Title
Research Methods 3—Assessing Safety Panel
Brian Lowe, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Ian Marcus, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Assuring the Safety of Medical Exoskeletons: An FDA Reviewer Perspective
View the slides:fbb4-
Roger Bostelman, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Toward Standard Test Methods for Exoskeletons
View the slides:fbb4-
Angela Boynton, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Assessing Safety of Physical Augmentation Technologies for the
Dismounted Soldier
View the slides:fbb4-
Summary Points
e FDA discussed how the U.S. medical exoskeleton regulatory framework is
focused on patient access to high-quality, safe, eective medical devices of public
health importance.
e FDA reviewed what the Agency considers a medical device and when FDA
requirements may apply. A medical device is dened by technology and intended
use. e current federal regulation for powered lower-extremity exoskeletons is
21 CFR 890.3480.
e FDA discussed the wide range of potential risks that aect the overall safety
of medical exoskeletons.
e FDA advocated that medical exoskeleton developers should feel free to
contact them with questions and/or concerns and to submit a pre-submission for
feedback prior to initiating timely and costly testing.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
NIST discussed the development of the Position and Load Test Apparatus for
Exoskeletons (PoLoTAE). Others can easily duplicate this wall-based set of tests
to do their own testing.
NIST discussed the development of artifacts for use in measuring the movement
of an exoskeleton with an optical tracking system.
NIST is developing six task-based tests and one knee test. Testing with volun-
teers (5th to 95th percentile) from NIST is ongoing.
e U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) has been working in the exoskeleton
space as an organization for over 20 years.
ARL was very involved in the DARPA Warrior Web program and evaluated all
the exoskeleton prototypes.
ARL is looking at dismounted-soldier applications for exoskeletons and is using
a safety-assessment approach in its testing methodology.
Soldier applications dier from industrial or medical applications of exoskel-
etons. e safety assessment must take into account dynamic environments,
dierent ranges of motion, high-paced activities, and challenging temperatures
and terrains.
Stability is a key measure for exoskeleton testing.
Panelists discussed stability as a measure and combining dierent metrics to
address specic stabilities, such as medio-lateral stability.
Panelists discussed future test methods for hip, shoulder, and elbow. Making the
data public could enable others to try dierent analytical techniques.
Panelists discussed the goal of taking the mentioned test methods and introduc-
ing them into the standards development process through the ASTM Committee
F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits.
Panelists discussed data sharing across the military, industrial, and medical
exoskeleton application areas. Data sharing would be facilitated by developing
generic test method standards that cover common tasks and requirements.
25Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Session Title
Research Methods 4—Assessing Ergonomics
Cathy White, Dow Chemical Company
Marty Smets, Ford Motor Company
Perspectives on Implementing an Exoskeleton Program in Automotive
View the slides:fbb4-
Maury Nussbaum, Virginia Tech
Lab-Based Assessments of Occupational Exoskeletons: Overview of
Methods and Results
View the slides:fbb4-
Summary Points
Assessing an exoskeletons eectiveness, in terms of reducing physical demands
in a laboratory setting, involves challenges:
Task context (simulated industrial work vs. basic motor tasks)
Relevant independent variables that can interfere with or inuence
user-exoskeleton interaction
Relevant and feasible dependent measures to monitor
Certain task-related factors can be manipulated in laboratory simulations:
external loads, tools, postures, workstation congurations, precision demands,
and work patterns (for example, pacing or duty cycles).
How do we account for familiarization and learning eects, and hence, what
are acceptable test durations? How do we account for adjustability in some
Does every device and every new iteration of a device need to be empirically
tested? Are there better approaches?
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Dependent variables currently under study are muscle activations, subjective
perceptions (such as discomfort), joint kinematics, kinetics, task performance,
usability, joint range of motion, metabolic demands, postural control and slip-
trip-fall risks, interface pressures, coordination, dynamic stability, endurance
time, fatigue, and model-derived estimates of strength and spine forces.
Which of these measures are most useful (and feasible) for guiding decision
making? How do we resolve inconsistencies between measures and/or studies?
Fatigue and performance may be the most important to consider, as we move
We need to understand both anticipated and unanticipated outcomes of
exoskeleton use.
What is the role of lab-based evaluations in this eld, given that industries have
embarked on their own eld trials based on their specic use cases?
An approach for eld implementation of exoskeletons is to treat use of passive
exoskeletons as solely for increasing endurance rather than augmenting strength
and not to use them for speeding up the return to work or assisting a restricted
Fit and functionality testing by actual industrial operators at Ford helped in rede-
signing early arm-support exoskeleton prototypes, in terms of increasing ROM
and device adjustability, regulating thermal comfort, etc.
A follow-up phase of exoskeleton eld-testing among workers performing over-
head assembly work showed high acceptance by operators and lower discomfort.
Ongoing work will assess eects of long-term exoskeleton use on reduction in
operator discomfort and shoulder injury risk.
Fatigue and performance were highlighted as important measures (for industry
decision makers), but metabolic cost was not highlighted. It was suggested that
metabolic demand may be an indirect indicator of fatigue but may not be related
to injury risk or performance.
Ergonomic assessment is dicult in the workplace. We need to perform pre-
dictive analysis. A participant asked whether exoskeleton technology should
be treated as PPE and rolled out as such, and when to go from voluntary use
to mandatory use. We need more research on these topics, not just to mitigate
risk factors but also to understand long-term and cumulative eects. We need
better data and standardization. We also must navigate the political landscape
in unionized workplaces with a focus on lowering injury claims and on lost-time
Because of complications with hygiene (due to sharing) and time spent in tting,
Ford’s approach is to use exoskeletons individually in the current trial.
27Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
When asked about psychological implications, the speaker responded that the
study data are too preliminary to determine whether users become emotionally
attached to exoskeletons and to comment on implications.
e Ford-VT study involves only North America and uses standardized
questionnaires. Some things are managed globally and others by the local plant.
A trained team instructs every site coming into the trial now. e focus is on
establishing and raising level of awareness of these tools and paving the way for
large-scale implementations as sensors and devices get better.
Many exoskeleton prototypes are being researched, but only shoulder
exoskeletons are currently under study for production implementation.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Session Title
Closing Discussion Panel
Cindy Whitehead, U.S. Navy—Naval Sea System Command
Ben Petro, U.S. Office of the Secretary of Defense (Presented by Cindy
DoD Views on Exoskeleton Development and Use
Delia Treaster, Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation
Some Thoughts on Industrial Exoskeletons from a Worker Compensation
Gerard Francisco, TIRR Memorial Hermann Hospital
Rehabilitation Application of Wearable Exoskeletons
View slides for B. Petro, D. Treaster, G. Francisco: https://higherlogicdownload.fbb4-31e1-4e52-bda6-1393762cbfcd/UploadedIm-
Donald Peterson, Northern Illinois University/ASTM Committee F48 on
Exoskeletons and Exosuits
Exosystems Testing, Validation, and Standardization
View the slides:fbb4-
Summary Points
Cindy Whitehead presented prepared comments from Dr. Petro, U.S. Oce of
the Secretary of Defense.
e insurance industry is numbers driven. e number and the cost of claims are
e State of Ohio is monopolistic for workers’ compensation. is means that
employers are insured by the state or are self-insured; there are no private insur-
ers for Ohio workers’ compensation.
e manufacturing environment and work tend to be more predictable than
other industries such as public employment and construction employment.
29Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
Postural demands are prevalent in construction work. Posture can be con-
strained by the nished environment and restrictions in how materials can be
carried/handled in nished environments. Technology assistance is necessary in
these applications.
e back and shoulder represent the #1 and #2 body part injuries in terms of
costs to workers’ compensation systems.
Manual patient handling in the health care industry is a problematic task and
signicant source of injuries. Handling of nursing home residents is a special
OSHA emphasis area because of high injury rates. Current patient lifting/han-
dling aids have shortcomings. ere is a need for exoskeletons designed speci-
cally to assist in patient handling/transfer.
Wearable robots improve the services that rehabilitation professionals provide to
patients and assist in delivering the appropriate therapeutic dose. ese profes-
sionals’ perspective on exoskeletons is that they provide assistance to therapists
but are not a substitute for them.
More frequent and longer therapy sessions may be more feasible and cost
eective to deliver with augmentation from wearable robots.
One hundred thirty-ve countries are represented on ASTM standards com-
mittees. Some countries put consensus standards, such as those developed by
ASTM, into law.
Companies are looking at automation of people and their interactions with
Strength-augmentation exoskeletons have been constructed from o-the-shelf
parts for just a few hundred dollars. e low cost is advantageous for
Performance thresholds for these low-cost devices are still unknown. is
suggests the need for standards.
Modular systems may have various congurations, depending on anthropom-
etries and accessories. We need to know how to match the standard(s) with
modular systems.
ASTM membership has benets to both faculty and students.
Panelists described the benets of participation in relevant organizations bring-
ing together end users, developers, and academics, such as the ASTM Commit-
tee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits and the WeaRAcon association.
A less expensively produced exoskeleton is in development for use in pediatric
and adult populations.
Proceedings of the 2018 Ergo-X Symposium
e Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation is sponsoring basic
exoskeleton research in industry environments, by universities in Ohio.
e Department of Defense will focus on close-combat military
applications with signicant ballistic protection.
WearRAcon, Wearable Robotics Association (Europe), and ASTM F48
committees are fertile grounds for collaboration on this topic.
is page intentionally blank.
Promoting productive workplaces through
safety and health research
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2020-102